RITF :: Volume #3

#288: How do you touch me?

So long as Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion is willing to give a School suitable benefit, can break out of this crisis, because cannot get the interests that School, naturally has another School to deal with. Just, House of the Chaotic Storm, actually inevitably henceforth becomes the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion unpopular guest.” “只要灵宝阁肯给予其中一个宗门相当的利益,就可以摆脱这个危机,因为未能获得利益的那个宗门,自然有另一个宗门去应付。只不过,翻云覆雨楼,却必然从此成为灵宝阁不受欢迎的客人。” Young Master Bai somewhat accidental has smiled: „Are you are threatening me?” 白公子有些意外的笑了起来:“你这是在威胁我?” Ye Xiao laughs: Reality is very brutal, since Two Great Sects were already inevitable to, then, even if are many House of the Chaotic Storm, again? The young master also said a moment ago, the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion strength only then ends to defeat a way, even if that the enemy is stronger, there is any difference!” 叶笑哈哈一笑:“现实很残酷,既然对上了两大宗门已然无可避免,那么,就算是再多一个翻云覆雨楼,又如何?公子刚才也说,灵宝阁的战力只有完败一途,那么纵然敌人更强,又有什么差别!” Young Master Bai gentle has smiled: This saying but actually also good...... Wasn't the louse are many itchy? Is...... Offended Two Great Sects already being doomed dead end, even if added on House of the Chaotic Storm again, result still dead end? The dead pig did not fear that the boiling water does burn?” 白公子温柔的笑了起来:“这话倒也不错……虱子多了不痒是么?或者是……得罪两大宗门早已注定死路一条,就算再加上翻云覆雨楼,结局仍还是死路一条?死猪不怕开水烫么?” At the same time, Wan'er looks at Ye Xiao, in look, is full is the meaning of pondering. 一边,婉儿看着叶笑,眼神中,也是满是玩味之意。 Today but the accident follows on somebody's heels, one after another! 今天可是意外接踵而来,一个接着一个! Also is only amazed in some people unexpectedly can deciding soul one that escapes by luck the young master never to let slip, at this moment 原本还只是惊诧于有人竟能幸免公子从来不曾失手的定魂一眼,此刻 Has not seen seriously, comes to look for House of the Chaotic Storm to seek the cooperation protection, unexpectedly also uses this not mincing matter threat style...... Even if these is not seeks for the protection, under this sky, at least several thousand years of nobody has dared to threaten House of the Chaotic Storm. 当真从来没有见过,前来找翻云覆雨楼寻求合作保护的,居然还采用这种毫不掩饰的威胁方式……哪怕是那些不是来寻找保护,在这片天空之下,也已经至少几千年没有人敢威胁翻云覆雨楼的。 This Feng Zhiling, but also is really bold, his achievement, did not determine whether neverly recurring, already was unprecedented. 这个风之凌,还真是胆大包天,他之作为,不确定是否绝后,却已然是空前的。 Young Master Bai said is very right.” Ye Xiao smiles lightly: By the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion strength, to Two Great Sects, if not willing to submit, that then really has the dead end. If House of the Chaotic Storm cannot give us to help, then, even if in this grade of time, offends House of the Chaotic Storm, what also there is at the worst? This is the reality!” 白公子说的很对。”叶笑淡淡一笑:“以灵宝阁的实力,对上两大宗门,若是不肯屈从,那便真的只有死路一条。若是翻云覆雨楼不能给与我们帮助,那么,纵然在这等时刻,多得罪一个翻云覆雨楼,又有什么大不了?这是现实!” He smiles with great confidence: If in the common time, we naturally must be so unwise, even if there is this heart , not being at all scope points out frankly. However the present to this grade of aspect, only has actually fought to win or die, wrestles furiously, all mild complications, instead are waste each other time.” 他从容一笑:“若是在寻常时刻,我们自然不会如此不明智,就算有此心,也不敢当面道破。但是现在到了这等局面,却是唯有背水一战,奋力一搏,一切委婉曲折,反而是浪费彼此的时间。” Young Master Bai again lightly has smiled, his sharp pupil, changed to the spring water general temperateness instantaneously, said: Fights to win or die, often suffers a defeat and flees! Wrestles furiously, is the foolhardiness. Does not waste each other time actually, somewhat meaning!” 白公子又再淡淡的笑了,他犀利的眸子,瞬间化作了春水一般的温和,道:“背水一战,往往就是败亡!奋力一搏,也不过是匹夫之勇。倒是不浪费彼此时间这句,才有几分意思!” Ye Xiao said lightly: Matter has been imminent, can not be not so, make a prompt decision, for wise.” 叶笑淡淡道:“事已临头,不得不然,当机立断,才为明智。” In Young Master Bai pupil were many a brilliance of interestinging, saying in a soft voice: But arrived at this and other dangerous important passes, you are still not actually willing to explain, your real status, could it be that said that your real status, compared with a it Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion success and failure, is more critical?!” 白公子眸子中多了一份饶有兴趣的光彩,轻声的说道:“但已经到了这等险恶关口,你却依然不肯说明白,你的真实身份,难道说你的真实身份,比之一个灵宝阁的得失,更为紧要?!” Ye Xiao silent, said: „The difficulties of really having having no other choice.” 叶笑沉默了一下,道:“实在是有不得已的苦衷。” Young Master Bai understands clearly, nod slowly, said: „, Your real status, is really compares Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion to be much more important. Em, according to this logic, you have the escape route. Even if Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion vanished, but you, so long as restores your original status, can continue free and unrestrained going on living, but nobody can see through you.” 白公子了然,慢慢的点头,道:“如此说来,你的真实身份,果然是比一个灵宝阁重要得多。恩,这样说来,你是有退路的。哪怕灵宝阁真的消失了,但你只要恢复你的本来身份,就能够继续逍遥自在的活下去,而没有人能够识破你。” But to you, by your ability, but can also begin Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion anytime and anywhere.” “但对你来说,以你的能力,还能够随时随地再起一个灵宝阁。” Then, you are competent, moreover there is background . Moreover, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion has the official backgrounds, but you, should be in Chen Emperor Empire, a man of considerable weight...... Or is this person of descendant?” “这么说来,你是有实力,而且有底蕴,而且,灵宝阁有官方背景,而你,应该是辰皇帝国之中,一个举足轻重的人……或者说是这人的后人?” Ye Xiao smiles lightly, did not speak. 叶笑淡淡笑着,并不说话。 The fearfulness of Young Master Bai ability and wisdom, has made Ye Xiao have an alarmed feeling. 白公子才智的可怕,已经让叶笑有一种触目惊心的感觉。 Anything, so long as gives him an end, he can draws completely all, clear thorough, definitely will not have the least bit omission! 任何事情,只要给他一个线头,他就能够的将一切全部拉出来,清晰彻底,绝对不会有半点遗漏! Before such person, really said the character that not needing, much will expose a oneself point. 在这样的人面前,实在是多说一个没必要的字,就会多暴露自己一分。 The Young Master Bai two hands have patted the racket on their knee gently, then his dangling head, the eye no longer looks at Ye Xiao, but looks own fair slender both hands, in the mouth is speaking to Ye Xiao \; Said slowly: Your agree did not explain your status, but also wish made me help you, since you said that was the cooperation...... Then, in your hand, decides however has me to be urgently needed, actually unavailable thing.” 白公子两只手在自己膝盖上轻轻拍了拍,然后他垂下头,眼睛不再看叶笑,而是看着自己白皙修长的双手,口中却是在对叶笑说话\;缓缓道:“你不肯说明你的身份,但却还想要让我帮助你,既然你说是合作……那么,你的手中,定然是有我急需,却不可得的东西。” Therefore you such barbarian will have confidence, such not caring at all, a school of confidence.” “所以你才会如此的蛮有把握,如此的满不在乎,一派胸有成竹。” Because you know, so long as you put forward your condition, I will comply finally certainly. This is you arrived here today, biggest taking advantage, or is your card in a hand. Is not?” “因为你知道,只要你提出来你的条件,我最终一定会答应。这是你今天来到我这里,最大的依仗,又或者说是你的底牌。是也不是?” Because you are not willing to expose your status, retained the sufficient escape route for oneself, but actually still dares to come here...... Explained your assurance, full!” “因为你不肯暴露自己的身份,为自己保留了充足的后路,但却依然敢来到我这里……说明你的把握,十足!” Young Master Bai smiles is focusing the vision in Ye Xiao once again. 白公子微笑着将目光再度聚焦于叶笑 Ye Xiao is the whole face happily has smiled. 叶笑已是满脸欣慰的笑了起来。 This legend the master in House of the Chaotic Storm, was really the earliest possible time speculates all matters and beginning to end reasons. 这位传说之中的翻云覆雨楼的主人,果然是第一时间就推测出来了所有事情、始末因由。 Deals with such smart person, is very convenient. 跟这样的聪明人打交道,真的很省事。 But , is very dangerous. 但,同时也很危险。 So long as presents any negligence careless mistake, under the both sides real strength not coordinated premise, a strength weak side, has the danger of tilting extremely anytime! 只要出现任何一点疏忽纰漏,在双方真实实力极端不对等的前提下,实力弱的一方,随时有倾覆之危! Is this.” Ye Xiao said: Is open about the facts the young master, I generally 50% assurances, our cooperation can achieve.” “就是这样。”叶笑说道:“不瞒公子,我大抵有五成的把握,我们的合作可以达成。” 50% assurances...... In your mouth said 50%, but in the heart decides however has grasps. These many, more than 50% success probabilities, truly are worth tried......” Young Master Bai to be full of the interest visit Ye Xiao: I had conceived a plan a moment ago, immediately ended this talk, drives out you, but actually has cancelled this thought now, is very curious.” “五成把握……你口中说五成,但心中定然有更多把握。这么多,有一半以上的成功几率,确实值得尝试……”白公子充满了兴趣的看着叶笑:“我刚才本已起意,马上结束这场谈话,将你赶出去,但现在却已经打消了这个念头,实在很好奇。” Actually do you from where obtain self-confidently like this?” Young Master Bai crooked tilting the head, the sending silk of his head gently has also fluttered, the profound vision dodges, is similar to the mighty waves of sea, suddenly surged. “你究竟是从什么地方得出这样的自信?”白公子歪了歪头,他头上的发丝也轻轻飘动了一下,深邃的目光一闪,如同大海的波涛,突然涌动了一下。 What thing your in the end has, actually assuredly can touch me?” “你到底有什么东西,竟然笃定能够打动我?” Moreover, who your clearly knows I am! clearly knows, in this world, absolutely does not have the thing that I cannot obtain!” “而且,你明知道我是谁!明知道,在这世上,绝对没有我得不到的东西!” This point, Young Master Bai really somewhat was curious. 这一点,白公子是真的有些好奇了。 Actually also is not only he. 其实还不光是他。 Is standing in side Wan'er, in this moment heart has also been full of curious and question. 就连在旁边站着的婉儿,此刻心中也是充满了好奇与疑问。 This Feng Zhiling, did in the end have confidence to say the young master? 这个风之凌,到底有什么把握能够说得动公子呢? All over the world, young master no matter wants any thing, demands everything. Any thing, has not been young master wants unable to attain. 普天之下,公子爷不管是想要什么东西,都是予取予求。从来就没有什么东西,是公子爷想要而拿不到的。 Does not have what matter, can entice young master! 更加没有什么物事,能够诱惑得了公子爷 This, already was the House of Chaotic Storm high and low mutual recognition, not shakable cognition! 这点,早已是翻雨覆雨楼上下的共识,无可动摇的认知! However this Feng Zhiling so is confident, must break this mutual recognition unexpectedly, then, his relies on in the end from where? 然而这个风之凌却是如此的信心满满,竟要打破这个共识,那么,他的凭恃到底从何而来? ............ ………… <\; third! >\; <\;第三更!>\;
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