RITF :: Volume #3

#287: Your goal?

Moreover, after these words, the strongest influence dynasty of entire world dismisses, doesn't the back of these words, how have the profound meaning?! 而且,亦是在这句话之后,整个世界的最强势力一朝解散,这句话的背后,岂无深意?! If can understand behind these words profound meaning, whether can obtain some type or is certain secrets? 若是能够了解这句话背后的“深意”,是否可以得到某种又或者是某些秘密呢? Even if cannot become such as young master general existence, actually at least can enter 1-layer by own itself strength?! 就算自己不能成为如公子一般的存在,却至少能够让自己的本身实力更进一层吧?! By in Young Master Bai sinks in that days of diving, these words really became a buried treasure synonym, what a pity, always nobody can actually obtain anything, has many many people, in the process of profound meaning fallen in excavation these words! 是以,在白公子沉潜的那段日子里,这句话真的就成为了一个宝藏的代名词,可惜,始终无人能够从中真正得到什么,却有许多许多的人,在发掘这句话个中深意的过程中陨落 Long time long time, the Young Master Bai long vision turns around from the agalloch eaglewood smog, looks at Ye Xiao, light saying: Shizhang Hong...... Where do you see his?” 良久良久,白公子悠悠的目光从沉香烟雾上面转过来,看着叶笑,淡淡的说道:“十丈红……你是在什么地方见到他的?” Then, he thought aloud gently said: That should not in Cold Sun Continent, but should in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory?” 然后,他轻轻地自言自语说道:“那不应该是在寒阳大陆,而是应该是在青云天域?” In the Ye Xiao heart shakes. 叶笑心中一震。 One meet Shizhang Hong time, indeed in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory. Moreover, at that time have not become Monarch Xiao. 自己遇到十丈红的时候,的确是在青云天域。而且,那时候自己还没有成为笑君主 Young Master Bai is pondering, static saying: Past Shizhang Hong...... cultivation level approached peak \; Should in a short time be able to rush.” 白公子沉思着,静静的说道:“当年的十丈红……修为已经接近巅峰\;应该在很短时间内就能冲上去的。” Then, Young Master Bai looks at Ye Xiao, went to pursue one gently: Actually, are you Heaven Realm person?” 然后,白公子看着叶笑,又去轻轻的追了一句:“其实,你本身就是天域的人吧?” Immediately also said: But your present cultivation level is so low...... Got down by Knocked out ?” 随即又说道:“但你现在修为这么低……是被打落下来了?” In the Ye Xiao heart shakes immediately. 叶笑心中顿时一震。 This Young Master Bai was really the thoughts prudent and meticulous to the extreme. 这个白公子果然是心思慎密到了极点。 From this matter, speculates these many . Moreover, obviously has not said completely, but has hit the mark own vital point, the coincidence, the thoughts wisdom of this person, seriously is whether or not fearful. 只是从这一件事上,就推测出来这么多,而且,显然并没有完全说完,但已经点中了自己的要害,无论是不是巧合,此人的心思智慧,当真可怕。 However, the Young Master Bai thoughts have not seen the bottom from afar 然而,白公子的心思还远远不曾见底 You initially saw Shizhang Hong, should dozens years ago, even hundred years ago...... Then, that time you absolutely are not the appearance of present. Therefore, your present appearance, should be disguise.” Young Master Bai was saying lightly, lifts the eye, looks at Ye Xiao, asked in a soft voice: “你当初见到十丈红,应该是在数十年之前,甚至百年之前……那么,那时的你绝对不会是现在的这副容貌。所以,你现在的容貌,应该是易容的。”白公子淡淡的说着,抬起眼睛,看着叶笑,轻声问道: According to this logic, I looked that feeling is strange, does not have the impression, could convince, believes that you see me to look familiar, should also be long ago? Em, had you seen me?” “这样说来,我看起感觉古怪,却全无印象,也说得通了,相信你见我面熟,应该也是在很久之前?恩,你曾经见过我?” That, who your is in the end? I am held responsible, who you are the dozens years ago status?” “那么,你到底是谁?我是问,你数十年前的身份是谁?” Asked already leaves, Ye Xiao felt immediately that the present Young Master Bai look is sharp exceptionally, is similar to the thunder bang lightning flash is ordinary, stubbornly was staring at own eye. 一问既出,叶笑立时感觉到,现在的白公子眼神犀利异常,就如同雷轰电闪一般,死死的盯着自己的眼睛。 In this moment, he has a very strange feeling. 在这一刻,他生出一种很怪异的感觉。 That is...... The Young Master Bai look, looks like the lightning that drops from the clouds together, can the direct radiation own at heart, understands clearly oneself moral nature all secrets! Anybody, cannot under such look gaze, but can also continue to keep cool. 那就是……白公子的眼神,就像是一道从天而降的闪电,能够直接照射进自己的心里,洞悉自己心底所有的秘密!没有任何人,能够在这样的眼神注视之下,还能够继续保持镇定。 Ye Xiao gently leaning leaning head, has avoided the Young Master Bai look, two degrees initiative has avoided occurring together of their line of sight. 叶笑轻轻的偏了偏头,避开了白公子的眼神,二度主动的避开了两人视线的交集。 Actually regarding this action, Ye Xiao wants to look at each other very much. 其实对于这个举动,叶笑很想要对视下去。 Because he does not want to show weakness. 因为他不想示弱。 But, facing Young Master Bai this profound such as starry sky general, Ye Xiao actually felt that now somewhat cannot withstand. 但,面对白公子现在这深邃如星空一般的一眼,叶笑却感觉有些承受不住。 Own mental state absolutely does not have the issue. 自己的心境完全没有问题。 But, in spiritual practice, now is actually absolutely is not the Young Master Bai match. 但,在精神修炼方面,现在却是绝对不是白公子的对手。 Looks at each other, perhaps will be searched to learn own secret by him really \; Even if in the heart has the unwillingness, immediately has actually chosen the circumvention., 对视下去,恐怕真的会被他探悉自己的秘密\;所以纵然心中有不甘,却也立即选择了规避。, As everyone knows also reveals the heartfelt astonished color in the Wan'er eye. 殊不知就在婉儿的眼中亦流露出由衷的惊异之色。 Although the present young master is also far from restoring his powerful strength, but, young master’s look wants staring a person, has not appeared such by the past situation. 现在的公子虽然还远远没有恢复自己的强大实力,但,公子的眼神只要盯上一个人,却还从来没有出现过就这么被偏过去的情况。 Young master’s look, is called, decides soul one! 公子的这个眼神,叫做,定魂一眼! If young master cultivation level restores, even can a soul of anchorage person, unable to move, completely learns all secrets of opposite party instantaneously. 若是公子修为恢复,甚至可以一眼定住人的魂魄,再也不能动弹,瞬间尽悉对方的一切秘密。 But now cultivation level has not restored, cannot decide the person soul directly, understands opposite party background, but that type the strength that frightens the will of the people was still the least bit was not weak. 但就算现在修为没有恢复,不能直接定人魂魄,了解对方底蕴,但那种震慑人心的力量却仍是半点不弱的。 Under such look intently watch, no person can retain own secret! 在这样的眼神逼视之下,从来没有人能够保留自己的秘密! However at present this Feng Zhiling, is actually such a leaning head, has evaded young master’s look. 然而眼前这个风之凌,却是就这么一偏头,避过了公子的眼神。 Although can be said as makes concessions on own initiative, it can be said that evades, but can evade so just right, does not see slightly clumsy, so superficial, easy, is really commendable, impressive. 虽然可说是主动退让,亦可说是逃避,但能避得如此恰到好处,不见丝毫支拙,如此的轻描淡写,轻而易举,实在是难能可贵,令人刮目相看。 Young Master Bai to this change, is very somewhat astonished looked at Ye Xiao one, said lightly: Great Monarch Feng is really uncommon.” 白公子对这个变化,也是很有些惊异的看了叶笑一眼,淡淡道:“风君座果然不凡。” Ye Xiao said: „The Young Master Bai erroneous approved \; But below regarding spiritual cultivation level, but also is has a dessert.” 叶笑道:“白公子谬赞了\;只不过是在下对于精神修为,还算是有一点心得。” Young Master Bai light smiles: But, cultivates with this point spirit, before me, but also is insufficient.” 白公子淡淡的笑起来:“不过,就凭着这一点精神修炼,在我面前,还不够。” The Young Master Bai expression is light, however the meaning in words, actually aggressively overflows, does not see to cover up. 白公子语气平淡,然而话语中的含义,却是霸气四溢,丝毫不见遮掩。 This is natural, the Young Master Bai beauty is common, can it be that our generation can compare.” The Ye Xiao smile nods the head, although the words said that but is actually calm free. “这是自然,白公子天人一般,岂是我辈可以比拟的。”叶笑微笑颔首,话虽然这么说,但却是从容自若。 Obviously, the subtext is: Although your beauty is common, but I not necessarily was also weak. 显然,潜台词便是:虽然你天人一般,但我也未必就弱了。 Young Master Bai understands obviously his meaning, in the eye flashes through a happy expression, immediately changes to cold intent, said: You come to look for me today, first had said with these two me words, as the stepping-stone, the goal achieves, has come. However your coming, believes that is only the gradual goal, what will not be pure is only wants to tell me this matter.” 白公子显然明白他的意思,眼中闪过一丝笑意,随即化作冷意,说道:“你今日前来找我,先是用这两句我说过的话,作为敲门砖,目的达到,已经进来了。不过你的进来,相信只是阶段性目的,绝不会单纯的只是想要告诉我这件事吧。” Young Master wisdom.” Ye Xiao nods. “公子睿智。”叶笑点头。 A moment ago two Sect in pressure Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion.” Young Master Bai light saying. “刚才两个门派在威压灵宝阁。”白公子淡淡的说道。 Ye Xiao said: Yes.” 叶笑道:“是。” Young Master Bai sharp look cold Dian looks at his face generally, said lightly: Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, even if has certain strength, possibly is not the Two Great Sects match, even if one-to-one also only then ends to defeat a way.” 白公子锋锐的眼神冷电一般看着他的脸,淡淡道:“灵宝阁纵然有一定战力,却怎么也不可能是两大宗门的对手,就算一对一也只有完败一途。” Ye Xiao nod acknowledgment. 叶笑点头承认。 Young Master Bai long smiling, said: Ultimate goal that therefore you come, nothing more than is wish makes me help. Because, simultaneously faces Two Great Sects, among the whole world, besides me, nobody can give you to help again effectively.” 白公子悠悠的笑了笑,道:“所以你进来的最终目的,不外就是想要让我帮忙。因为,同时面对两大宗门,举世之间,除了我之外,再没有人能够给你们有效的帮助。” Is the empire that you are at fully helps one another, cannot be able to preserve you.” “就算是你所在的帝国全力相助,也不能保得住你们。” Ye Xiao nods: „Those words, the young master wisdom, I am this meaning.” 叶笑点头:“还是那句话,公子睿智,我正是这个意思。” The Young Master Bai posture is invariable, but the look are many for several points to mock, long looks at present the curling smog leaps, said: „But why do I want to help you? I cannot find out any to help your reason really! This question actually me of wisdom, baffled!” 白公子姿势不变,但眼神却是多了几分讥诮,悠悠的看着眼前袅袅烟雾腾起,说道:“但我为何要帮你?我真的想不出任何一个帮你的理由!这个疑问却是把睿智的我,难倒了!” Ye Xiao was still unflustered, said with a smile lightly: My request is not unilateral payout, but is a cooperation beginning \; If Young Master Bai did not agree, then, our Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion no doubt wants the independence facing this time difficulty, but not necessarily certainly cannot pass.” 叶笑仍旧从容不迫,淡淡笑道:“我的要求不是单方面的付出,而是彼此之间的一个合作起点\;若是白公子不同意,那么,我们灵宝阁固然要独立面对这一次的难关,但未必就一定不能度过。” ............ …………
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