RITF :: Volume #3

#286: Shizhang Hong?

The Ye Xiao words said without doubt ingeniously, his such view not only explained categorically denied a moment ago knew the Young Master Bai excuse, has from the potential of high status, although your Young Master Bai keeps aloof, the strength is tyrannical, but the heart of my actually not social climbing, not because a point will inundate the feeling that the bound­less border will be unintelligible to be suitable for the pole crawling, will annoy the person to be repugnant in vain! 叶笑的话说得无疑巧妙,他这么说法不但解释了刚才断然否认认识白公子的说词,更有自高身份之势,你白公子虽然高高在上,实力强横,但我却并无攀附之心,不会因为一点漫无边际不知所云的感觉就顺杆爬,徒然惹人反感! With another face worried smiling, also said: Said that does not fear the Young Master Bai joke, some wind memory, always bragged the unparalleled in the world \; The ordinary circumstances see a person, even if not remember desirably that easily will not forget, do not say the impression blurs anything \; Especially such as in Young Master Bai so person dragon and phoenix...... If there is seen seriously, will not forget absolutely.” 跟着又一脸苦恼的笑了笑,又道:“说起来不怕白公子笑话,风某的记性,一向自诩天下无双\;一般情况见到一个人,就算不是刻意记忆,都不会轻易忘记,更不要说印象模糊什么\;尤其是如白公子这般人中龙凤……若是当真见过,绝对不会忘记。” But, my impression actually only stays in the degree of seeming to have met before, cannot think where in the end has seen. Seriously strange, the young master asserted a moment ago my they had the casual acquaintance, whether can prompt 12, making the wind some have the thinking direction.” Ye Xiao knits the brows, intertwining of face, pondering diligently of over the face. “但,我的印象却只停留在似曾相识的程度,死活想不起来到底在哪里见过。当真古怪,公子刚才断言我两人曾经有过一面之缘,是否能提示12,让风某有个思索的方向。”叶笑皱着眉,一脸的纠结,满面的冥思苦想。 Young Master Bai complexion immediately relaxing slightly, heart is then reasonable. Person who generally has seen my, will forget in a short time with my human relations. 白公子脸色顿时稍稍的缓和一点,心道这才合乎情理。一般见过我的人,都会在很短的时间内忘记与我的交际。 But the following issue came: I who where this goods in the end sees? He does not have the impression, that should be, in reason. But why don't I have the impression? This may not be unusual on the matter! 但接下来的问题又来了:这货到底在什么地方见到的我?他没有印象,那是应该的,情理之中。但我为什么也没有印象呢?这可就事不寻常了! A Young Master Bai thought revolution, has not actually continued to entangle on this matter pocket, said lightly: Great Monarch Feng, you mentioned a moment ago turn the cloud not necessarily duplicate rain, the rivers and lakes not necessarily world...... These two words, do not know that you do hear from there? You may know that these two words, what are representing? What also means?” 白公子念头一转,却也就没有继续就这件事兜缠,淡淡道:“风君座,你刚才言及翻云未必覆雨,江湖未必天下……这两句话,不知道您是从那里听说的?你可知道,这两句话,代表着什么?又意味着什么?” A word hence, how Ye Xiao did not know this already to the critical moment. 一言至此,叶笑如何不知道这已经是到了关键时刻。 If these words a reply is not good, even if drove out by this Young Master Bai at the scene, or kills at the scene, is not the rare matter. 这句话若是一个回答不好,就算是被这位白公子当场赶出去,或者当场杀死,都不是多稀罕的事情。 The hesitation moment, this considers word usage saying: Initially, I had run into a person.” 沉吟片刻,这才斟酌用词道:“当初,我曾经遇到过一个人。” He, but Young Master Bai and Wan'er have not built this thread of conversation. 他顿了顿,但白公子婉儿都没有搭这个话头。 Silent is listening, is waiting for Ye Xiao as follows. 只是静默的听着,等待着叶笑的下文。 The dialog actually fell into a relative awkward silence! 对话却陷入了一个相对的冷场! The Ye Xiao original intention, anticipates Young Master Bai, or Wan Of The Clouds closely examines one, oneself when taking advantage of opportunity to narrate, probably told the story time, said the person of story talked about the key, the person who the stop, listened to the story slightly closely examined how then, to encourage to say the interest of person of story, but in front of Ye Xiao these two audience, seemingly did not show due respect for the feelings very much, has not closely examined. 叶笑的本意,是期待白公子,或者云端之婉追问一句,自己在顺势讲述下去,就好像讲故事的时候,说故事的人讲到关键之时,稍稍停顿,听故事的人追问“接下来如何”,以助长说故事之人的兴致,可叶笑面前的这两位听众,貌似很不给面子,没一个追问的。 But Ye Xiao actually must say, has to continue voluntarily: His name is Shizhang Hong.” 可是叶笑却又不能真个不讲下去,只好自行继续说下去:“他的名字叫做十丈红。” Shizhang Hong......” the Young Master Bai look fluctuated once again, muttered to duplicate these three characters. 十丈红……”白公子眼神再度变幻了一下,喃喃自语重复了这三个字。 Wan'er at the same time also gently gained ground, looked at Ye Xiao one. 一边的婉儿也是轻轻抬了抬头,看了叶笑一眼。 Initially this Shizhang Hong once mutually supported with me, passes through days, my they intersect the sworn friend, the sentiment is really sincere \; But, some day his was killed, being defeated body dies. At the point of death before, finally the one breath told me......” “当初这位十丈红曾经与我互相扶持,走过一段日子,我两人可谓相交莫逆,感情甚笃\;但,有一天他受人狙杀,落败身死。临死之前,最后一口气跟我说……” Ye Xiao said is very heavy, at least on the surface, is this. 叶笑说的很沉重,至少就表面上而言,是这样的。 The Young Master Bai brow tip has selected selecting slightly. 白公子眉梢微微的挑了挑。 The Wan'er complexion sank, a character character asked: What did he say?” 婉儿脸色沉了下来,一字字问道:“他说什么?” Finally some people pursued the article! 终于有人追文了! Ye Xiao sighed, said: At that time he said...... ‚, if one day sees my family young master, must tell him that I understood, turns the cloud not necessarily duplicate rain, the rivers and lakes not necessarily world...... Was only a pity that I understood late......’ 叶笑叹了口气,道:“当时他说……‘若是有一天见到我家公子,一定要跟他说,我明白了,翻云未必覆雨,江湖未必天下……只可惜,我明白得太晚了……’” Ye Xiao said. 叶笑说完。 The Wan'er surface sinks like the water, no longer before indifference, Young Master Bai no doubt facial color as ever, but the brow tip could not bear gently the earth movement throughout. 婉儿面沉如水,不复之前的淡然,白公子固然面色如恒,但眉梢始终忍不住轻轻地动了一下。 Shizhang Hong. 十丈红 Ye Xiao continues saying: At that time I was not clear, what meaning these words are, does not know that who his young master is? Hears to be confused, is difficult the follow-up movement, but until today, sees House of the Chaotic Storm, I faintly am clear...... The Shizhang Hong young master, the general idea, is shocking below Young Master Bai your excellency you.” 叶笑继续说道:“当时我并不明白,这句话是什么意思,也不知道,他的公子是谁?听得一头雾水,也就难有后续动作,但直到今日,看到翻云覆雨楼,我才隐隐明白……十丈红的公子,大概,就是名震天下的白公子阁下您吧。” The Young Master Bai complexion transfers desolately, keeps silent. 白公子脸色转为冷淡,不言不语。 But, the look in pupil, actually also more and more sees profoundly, the dense chill in the air is piercing. The long vision, looks at the curling agalloch eaglewood that leaps, did not say motionless, not making a sound. 但,眸子中的神色,却也是越来越见深邃,森然寒意刺骨。悠悠的目光,看着腾起的袅袅沉香,不言不动,不声不响。 But the Wan'er complexion also becomes somewhat distant. 婉儿的脸色也变得有些悠远。 As if, before remembering was remote somebody, something...... 似乎是,想起了久远前的某个人,某件事…… Shizhang Hong...... 十丈红…… Actually this name, has been short of a character. 其实这个名字,少了一个字。 That person of true name, should be Shizhang Hongchen is...... 那人真正的名字,应该是十丈红尘才是…… That person is several hundred years ago, in a chieftain who the Young Master Bai subordinates devote life, initially, once worked in Xiu Of The Heavens under the hand/subordinate, only on authority, on being considered as was the past House of the Chaotic Storm backbone character. 那人是数百年前,在白公子麾下效命的一个头目,当初,曾经在天上之秀手下做事,单就职权而言,也算得上是当年的翻云覆雨楼中坚人物。 Just, after past House of the Chaotic Storm that mission is completed, as usual has carried on dismissal, these people also drift of stars Yun San in 1st, drifted apart. 只不过,在当年的翻云覆雨楼的那一次使命完成之后,照例进行了解散,那些人也就在一日间星流云散,各奔东西。 This time, Young Master Bai returns to Human World once again, once planned to convene the former subordinates once again, but actually discovered that the time passed was too long-time, long ago, everybody already not. 这一次,白公子再度回到人世间,也曾打算再度召集旧部,但却无奈发现,时光已经过去太长久了,久远到,大家都已经不在了。 This accident heard past the under the hand/subordinate Shizhang Hongchen matter, unexpectedly was a death news \; But said this death news, unexpectedly was Great Monarch of this auction room. 这一次意外地听到昔日手下十丈红尘的事情,居然是一件死讯\;而说出来这件死讯的,居然是这个拍卖行的君座 Feng Zhiling! 风之凌 Naturally, most essential said that a few words from his mouth. 当然,最关键的还是从他口中说出来那一句话。 Initially, Young Master Bai once after subversion, facing the star light that Secret Treasure of Heavenly Dao creakied, was very disappointed saying: Turns the cloud not necessarily duplicate rain...... Rivers and lakes not necessarily world!” 当初,白公子曾经在颠覆之后,面对天道秘宝摇摇欲坠的星光,很是怅然的说道:“翻云未必覆雨……江湖未必天下!” Actually that time subverts, Young Master Bai once recognized is...... One do, last time subverts. 其实那一次颠覆,白公子原本曾经认定为……自己所做的,最后一次颠覆。 Therefore, on the same day these words say, the Young Master Bai original intention is only, House of the Chaotic Storm, has been able to become past tense. But subversion in rivers and lakes, not necessarily is the world end point. 所以,当日这句话说出来的时候,白公子的本意只是,翻云覆雨楼,已经可以成为过去式。而江湖之中的颠覆,未必就是天下的终点。 Own future, must return to above nine days throughout, begins the wind and cloud. 自己的未来,始终是要回到九天之上,再起风云的。 So long as Secret Treasure of Heavenly Dao obtains the hand, then, henceforth is the world wind and cloud, grasps in my hands \; Rivers and lakes not necessarily world \; This rivers and lakes for me, are too small. 只要天道秘宝得到手,那么,从此就是天下风云,握在我手中\;江湖未必天下\;这个江湖对我来说,还是太小。 On the same day, Young Master Bai spoke these words, has dismissed House of the Chaotic Storm. 当日,白公子说完这句话,就解散了翻云覆雨楼 On some degree, has realized these words, only treats obtains Secret Treasure of Heavenly Dao, merit Perfect, must rotate that place that oneself come. 就某种程度而言,已经实现了这句话,只待取得天道秘宝,功德圆满,就要回转自己来的那个地方。 Afterward the trouble starting near at hand, the Secret Treasure of Heavenly Dao accident lost, Young Master Bai has to gather again House of the Chaotic Storm, begins this round subversion! 只是后来变生肘腋,天道秘宝意外失落,白公子不得不再聚翻云覆雨楼,再起这一轮的颠覆! Person who however at that time heard these words, was actually the House of the Chaotic Storm past nuclei. 然而当时听到这句话的人,却都是翻云覆雨楼当年的中坚力量。 Although after these words, immediately drift of stars Yun San, various minute of things, but everyone firmly has remembered these words. 虽然这句话之后立即星流云散,各分东西,但每一个人都牢牢的记住了这一句话。 Also on therefore extended the innumerable explanations of these words. 也就因此而延伸出来了这句话的无数解释。 After all, this is similar to the last few words that god general young master leaves behind. 毕竟,这是如同神祗一般的公子爷留下的最后一句话。 «first 《第一更!》
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