RITF :: Volume #3

#285: Meets once more

Because has scruples House of the Chaotic Storm, they had not intercepted the speech of Ye Xiao a moment ago, in fact, outside a House of the Chaotic Storm day character room, is equipped with quite tall Duan the ban, they have a mind to listen unable to hear. 由于顾忌翻云覆雨楼,他们刚才并没有窃听叶笑的说话,事实上,翻云覆雨楼的天字一号房之外,设有相当高段的禁制,他们就算是有心想要听也是听不到的。 Saw only, was only Feng Zhiling has stood in the entrance the station, said anything, then leisurely however walked. 唯一看到的,就只是风之凌在门口站了站,说了一句什么,接着就施施然的走了进去。 Bai Sha flutters, the whole person already did not see. 白纱一阵飘扬,整个人已然不见。 In this moment, the Two Great Sects people have some vacant of feeling helpless: This...... in the end what's the matter? Why this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion does Great Monarch Feng, look like the appearance that with House of the Chaotic Storm such ripe winds? 在这一刻,两大宗门的人都是有一些不知所措的茫然:这……到底是怎么回事?为什么这灵宝阁风君座,与翻云覆雨楼看起来这么熟络的样子? ...... …… Ye Xiao enters in the gate, saw a white clothing person, is just static, indifferent to fame or gain is facing a modeling strange graceful zheng, lays aside in the stage case of zheng, but also is putting a furnace agalloch eaglewood, the cigarette curls, the entire room, as if thoroughly isolates with the outside. 叶笑一进入门内,一眼就看到了一个白衣人,正静静的,恬淡的面对着一具造型奇异优雅的古筝,放置古筝的台案上,还放着一炉沉香,香烟袅袅,整个房间,似乎与外界彻底隔绝。 Even if outside makes noise the auction atmosphere that is similar to must overturn the heavens, inside actually was still since silent, falling the needle may hear. 外面纵然喧闹得如同要翻天的拍卖氛围,里面却仍是既然无声,落针可闻。 Is only separation. 就只是一门之隔。 Actually was similar to instantaneously entered the remote mountain static forest general strange feeling from the bustling streets. 却如同瞬间从闹市进入了深山静林一般的奇异感受。 Ye Xiao had discovered immediately matter that another does not suit, that is...... This white clothing person as if very much looks familiar. 叶笑在第一时间发现了另一件不对劲的事情,那就是……这个白衣人似乎很面熟。 As if, where before has seen? But, no matter how he thinks that actually also can only think a light white shade, regarding the practical thing, completely is a fuzziness. 似乎,之前在什么地方见过?但,不管他怎么想,却也只能够想起来一个淡淡的白影,对于具体事情,完全就是一片模糊。 What situation is this? 这是什么情况? Seemingly said very much strangely! 貌似很诡异的说! Although Ye Xiao itself impression not further induction to the white clothing young master, is that fuzzy, 虽然叶笑本身对白衣公子的印象并无进一步的感应,就是那么模糊, But he actually thinks another matter. 但他却想起来另一件事。 That is sees like the dream!” 那就是“一见如梦!” In that legend super weird strange cultivation technique. 那门传说中超级邪门的诡异功法 Then, he also thought that some fuzzy matters that fuzzy one night, had. Although is fuzzy, concrete anything does not record completely clearly, but, definitely has the matter to occur, is certain. 然后,他还想起来了,那模模糊糊的一夜之间,发生的一些模模糊糊的事情。虽然完全都是模糊,具体的什么都记不清楚,但,肯定有事发生过,却是一定的。 Again then, Ye Xiao looks at this white clothing young master’s look, actually finally understood a point anything. 再然后,叶笑看着这位白衣公子的眼神,却又终于多明白了一点什么。 The matter that night had, until now basically could not record. 那一夜所发生的事情,到如今基本上已经记不起来。 Including the same day also calculates that has the dialog of clear and bright impression, until now, all does not remember that obviously, creates all these, some strange cultivation technique that the opposite party uses, East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art, although wonderful incomparable, which cultivation technique to has the energy of considerable protection, but Ye Xiao itself cultivation level was still superficial, under retained that some dialogs to remember reluctantly, obliterated along with the passage of date and time gradually. 连当日还算有清明印象的对话,时至今日,也悉数不记得了,显然,造成这一切的,正是对方采用的某种诡异功法,紫气东来神功虽然神妙无比,对哪门功法有相当的抗御之能,但叶笑本身修为仍是浅薄,勉强保留下的那部分对话记忆,也随着时日的推移而渐次磨灭。 But this does not hinder, this time again, Ye Xiao moral nature that once the tightened string, was tightened again, much worse before , that time. 但这并不妨碍,这次再遇之后,叶笑心底那一根曾经被拉紧的弦,再一次被绷紧,尤甚之前那次。 Although to the white clothing young master’s biographic sketch, the memory was already thorough fuzzily, but, Ye Xiao can still affirm, that night, oneself had run perhaps into that person, at present this sits the white clothing young master on chair, has certain human relations. 虽然对白衣公子的其人其事,记忆已然彻底模糊,但,叶笑仍然可以肯定,那一夜,自己曾经或许遇到过的那个人,就是眼前这位坐在椅子上的白衣公子,有过一定的交际。 This, is 10,000% determinations! 这点,已经是10000的确定! The white clothing young master looks at Ye Xiao to walk, usually the quiet pupil unexpectedly could not bear pass over gently and swiftly together the slight doubts, smiles was saying: Great Monarch Feng?” 白衣公子看着叶笑走进来,素来沉静的眸子竟也忍不住掠过一道轻微的疑惑,微笑着说道:“风君座?” He has not stood, still that sitting naturally, had not changed including the posture tiny bit, but actually gives the person to feel: He greeted you, expressed the suitable respect to you. 他并没有站起来,仍旧那么自然而然的坐着,连姿势都没有改变一丝一毫,但却给人已经感觉:他已经迎接了你,对你表达了相当的尊重。 One types such as wash the feeling of spring breeze, such arises spontaneously. 更有一种如沐春风的感觉,就这么油然而生。 He in the speech, look is static, actually profound looks at Ye Xiao, volume first several wisps of careful sending silk hangs, flutters in his at present, is similar to the smog of agalloch eaglewood is ordinary, in fluttering that may not look up slightly. 他在说话的时候,眼神静静的,却是深邃的看着叶笑,额前几缕细细的发丝垂下来,飘在他的眼前,如同沉香的烟雾一般,在微微不可查的飘动。 The Ye Xiao similarly quiet gaze he, was passing the moment, smiles was saying: Young Master Bai?” 叶笑同样沉静的注视着他,过了片刻,才微笑着说道:“白公子?” The white clothing young master still maintained light happy expression, but the look also had the change finally, from liked deep limpid profound lake water at first, as if turned into the rivers and lakes of galloping suddenly, the water glare has shot up to the sky, overturned. 白衣公子仍旧保持淡淡的笑意,只是眼神却终于又有了变化,从最初有如一泓清澈深邃的湖水,似乎骤然间变成了奔腾的江湖,水光冲天而起,一阵翻覆。 The wave light is billowing. 波光潋滟。 The eye of Ye Xiao was similar to by the needle is gripped, shrank slightly, making the looking at each other of both sides come to the end. 叶笑的眼睛如同被针扎了一下,微微一缩,令双方的这次对视告一段落。 Young Master Bai shows the light smile once again, greeted on own initiative: Great Monarch Feng please sit down.” 白公子再度露出淡淡的微笑,主动招呼道:“风君座请坐。” Along with his speech, Ye Xiao, suddenly presented a chair. 随着他的说话,叶笑的身后,蓦然出现了一张椅子。 Silent that this chair presents, furthermore towering, even if by the Ye Xiao eyesight story, did not determine that in the end makes in what method. 这张椅子出现的无声无息,更兼突兀至极,即便以叶笑的眼力阅历,也不确定到底是以何种法门弄出来的。 However this is unimportant, Ye Xiao early knows Young Master Bai and even the entire House of the Chaotic Storm strength, is hard to resist with all one's strength, early has the advance plan, on present stage, the House of the Chaotic Storm strength is more tyrannical, is more mystical, instead to the current situation, is more advantageous. 不过这点不重要,叶笑早知白公子乃至整个翻云覆雨楼的实力,难以力敌,早有腹案,就现阶段的而言,翻云覆雨楼的实力越强横,越神秘,反而对当前局势,越有利。 Showing a faint smile that Ye Xiao thinks little of slightly, said: Isn't everyone can have this to be able in the great honor in front of Young Master Bai sitting down? The wind some should say one, feels extremely flattered?” 叶笑丝毫不以为意的微微一笑,道:“可不是每个人都可以拥有这可以在白公子面前坐下的殊荣吧?风某是不是该说一句,受宠若惊?” Then, then leisurely however sat, school of unflustered, affable easy and comfortable. 说罢,便即施施然的坐了下来,一派从容不迫,舒缓安逸。 The Young Master Bai vision was still indifferent, as if completely does not care, but in fact, Ye Xiao all expressions, the movement, including the sleeves, hair the slight spots, has not actually let off. 白公子目光仍旧淡然,似乎全然不在意,但实际上,却是将叶笑所有的表情,动作,包括衣袖、头发等细微部位,都不曾放过。 To the shape of the mouth of Ye Xiao speech time, the tonality, the expression, pays attention to care. 叶笑说话时候的口型,音调,语气,更加留心在意。 Pays attention to all these, only to determine a matter, what a pity, cannot determine! 关注这一切,只为确定一件事,可惜,仍是未能确定! When continuously Ye Xiao sits, Young Master Bai also said with a smile: Indeed, is really not everyone has the qualifications to take a seat, the unusual person before me can so calm free, spoke with confidence.” 一直等到叶笑坐下来,白公子才又笑道:“诚然,确实不是每个人都有资格落座,更加少有人在我面前能够如此从容自若,侃侃而谈的。” Ye Xiao hearing this mute laughs in spite of trying not to immediately: I should thank broadminded of young master, forgives my this bold person \; After all, is facing control world wind and cloud Young Master Bai, this pressure, made anybody go crazy sufficiently.” 叶笑闻言顿时哑然失笑:“那我更该感谢公子的宽宏大量,包涵我这个胆大包天之人\;毕竟,面对着一手掌控天下风云的白公子,这份压力,足以令任何人发疯。” Young Master Bai has smiled, is only this time smiling face, actually reveals a weary flavor. 白公子又笑了,只是这一次的笑容,却流露出一种疲倦的味道。 Ye Xiao discovered that Young Master Bai is one likes smiling unexpectedly very much, the person but who can also smile very much, his each smiling face, seems having the different meanings. 叶笑发现,白公子竟是一个很爱笑,还很会笑的人,他的每一个笑容,似乎都带着不同的含义。 The thoughts of this person, or are anybody are not fully correct, he will not make anybody be able to guess him. 这个人的心思,或者是任何人也猜不透的,他也不会让任何人能够猜得透他。 Young Master Bai smiles wearily, opens the mouth to say once again: „Did Great Monarch Feng, seem like had seen me before?” 白公子疲倦一笑,再度开口道:“风君座,貌似之前见过我?” Ye Xiao has gawked staring: „, Hasn't Young Master Bai this saying mentioned from where?” 叶笑愣了愣:“不曾,白公子这话却是从何说起?” Young Master Bai said lightly: You have seen me!” 白公子淡淡道:“你见过我!” The tone of these words exceptionally affirmed, or is assured, unquestionable. 这句话的口气异常肯定,又或者说是笃定,不容置疑。 In the look, has faint sharp to disclose. 眼神中,亦有隐隐的犀利透露出来。 At this moment, in the legend control world wind and cloud, belongs to Young Master Bai individual impressive and dignified manner, has revealed slightly! 这一刻,传说中一手掌控天下风云,属于白公子的个人威仪,才有稍稍显露! Ye Xiao frowned: Was open about the facts Young Master Bai saying that wind some regarding young master indeed feelings of seeming to have met before, but, actually where to have seen, was a point cannot think unexpectedly, if under this condition, the beautiful mouth said knows Young Master Bai, was actually...... Somewhat takes the liberty.” 叶笑皱起了眉头:“不瞒白公子说,风某对于公子的确有一种似曾相识的感觉,但,究竟是在什么地方见过,竟是一点也想不起来了,若是在这种状况下,红口白牙的说识得白公子,却是……有些冒昧。” ...... 6 ……6 <\; third! >\; <\;第三更!>\;
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