RITF :: Volume #3

#284: Turns the cloud not necessarily duplicate rain, the rivers and lakes not necessarily world!

Here so-called lower-level martial artist, includes really broadly, not only refers to common martial artist, personnel martial artist, Earth Origin martial artist, including Sky Origin martial artist, and even such as Crown Prince under the hand/subordinate that Guan Zhengwen and Imperial Palace seat of honor consecrates Sun to consecrate, must including, they, although strength outstanding, reached the Cold Sun Continent cultivator peak, actually must be restricted in the imperial authority, exists gather possibly with pricetag. 这里所谓的下层武者,包罗甚广,不光是指寻常武者,人员武者,地元武者,连天元武者,乃至如太子手下的那个关正文皇宫首席供奉孙老供奉,都要包括在内,他们虽然实力高强,已臻寒阳大陆修者顶端,却仍要受限于皇权,存在着被招揽的可能与价码。 However today several Prince see rivers and lakes people, actually with a self- cognition rivers and lakes people, completely different. 然而几个皇子今日见到的“江湖”中人,却与自我认知的江湖中人,完全两样。 The participants who today can arrive at this place, besides major School and hidden world Sect and eight big aristocratic families, or are Hero , a place overlord the side, how with common. 今日能够来到此地的与会人员,除了各大宗门、隐世门派、八大世家之外,余者亦或者是一方之雄、一地霸主,岂同寻常。 Despises World of Mortals, the ants common people, to them, is only the everyday event! 藐视红尘,蝼蚁苍生,对他们而言,只是平常事! As for speaking of does not have the view that the culture, has not experienced, does not pull with these people above! 至于说到没文化、没见识的说法,更加跟这些人扯不上边! Did not say these super powerhouse, even if the common disciple disciple of major School and big influence, so long as competent profession rivers and lakes, which also there is not civil and military minoring in? Do not say super School, is various respected families, has the respective school, everyone since childhood civil and military minored. 不说那些超级强者,纵然是各大宗门、大势力的寻常门人弟子,只要够资格行道江湖的,又有哪一个不是文武兼修?不要说超级宗门,就是各大家族,也都拥有各自的学堂,每一个人都是自幼文武兼修。 Is more different as for super School. If no deep writing foundation of basic skills, how to understand these complex mysterious Divine Art rare books? That is a character comprehends mistake, will cause matter of the matter of life and death overstated. 至于超级宗门更是不一样。若是没有深厚的文字功底,如何去理解那些复杂玄奥的神功秘籍?那可是一个字领会错误,就会导致走火入魔的生死攸关之事。 The person who in the legend these large characters do not know obtained a rare book to change immediately, became peerless expert...... 传说中那些一个大字不识的人获得了一本秘籍立即就能够摇身一变,成为绝世高手的…… The legend, generally is also only legend. 传说,大抵也就只是传说而已。 Today this special day, special place, Prince facing rivers and lakes person, very awkward discovery, oneself, therefore for the arrogant imperial imposing manner, the Chengtian bloodlines, in others eyes, cannot withstand raises, worthless. 今天这个特殊的日子,特殊的地点,皇子们面对一个个的“江湖”人,很尴尬的发现,自己所以之为傲的皇家气势,承天血脉,在人家眼中,根本就是不堪一提,一钱不值。 Even if some worthless person martial artist, or in mortal world were inferior that the official influence is influential, but, you, if annoyed me, I dare to kill you without hesitation, made you die without the burial ground instantaneously! 纵然有些散人武者,或者在世俗界不如官方势力有影响,但,你若是惹到了我,我就敢毫不犹豫的干掉你,瞬间让你死无葬身之地! Arrives at the character in this auction market competently, few will look at so-called imperial authority really in the eye. 够资格来到这个拍卖场之中的人物,真没有几个会将所谓“皇权”看在眼中。 That of several Prince moral nature loses, indescribable. 几个皇子心底的那份失落,难以言喻。 Actually also wants certainly to be boosted, has not thought that since oneself spontaneity, thinks the Imperial Family status of taking advantage, at this time, this place such bad matter, must know at this time unexpectedly might as well does not come! 原本其实也想就一定能得到助力,却怎么也没想到,自己自生以来,以为依仗的皇族身份,在今时今日,此时此地竟是这么的不济事,要知道还不如不来呢! With its understands, might as well continues hugged me to be a cut above other people in the past inborn the thought that continued to immerse! 与其明了真实,还不如继续抱着往昔“我天生就高人一等”的思想,继续沉醉呢! However is not all person that sad in addition is but actually depressed, in the corner, ten -year-old children, is very out of the ordinary, interestinging looks to have all these that as if has been full of the interest. This child is now the His Majesty the Emperor youngest son. 不过倒也不是所有人都那么沉闷加郁闷,在角落里,有一个十来岁的小孩子,很是与众不同,饶有兴趣的看着发生的这一切,似乎充满了兴趣。此子正是当今皇帝陛下的最小的儿子。 Actually is also most unvalued that son. 却也是最不受重视的那个儿子。 Because, he is Chen Emperor Empire only one does not have to wrangle over the imperial throne Prince! 因为,他是辰皇帝国唯一一个不具备争竞帝位的皇子 Chen Zhi. 辰志 Small Prince the name, has represented the His Majesty the Emperor will: On you have three elder brothers, you have to soar to the heavens the determination, must sink to me. I do not hope to see the brothers the remnant aspect. 皇子的这个名字,正是也代表了皇帝陛下的意志:你上面有三个哥哥,你就算有冲天壮志,也要给我沉下去。我不希望看到兄弟相残的局面。 But at this moment, this small Prince, a enthusiasm of face, already was not familiar with paid attention him, has not had the appearance of any complaint to the arrangement that the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion aspect gives. After all, he is only ten years old, sees today in this way the lively scene, has broadened the outlook. 而此刻,这位小皇子,一脸的兴致勃勃,早已习惯不受关注的他,并没有对灵宝阁方面给予的安排有什么怨言的样子。毕竟,他才只有十岁,看到今日如斯热闹的场面,已经是大开眼界了。 ...... …… The auction opens officially. 拍卖会正式拉开帷幕。 The first auction that Guan Wanshan takes, is previous time causes Supreme Pill Beads of stir, Cultivating Yuan Pill! 关万山拿出来的第一件拍品,就是上一次引起轰动的丹云神丹,培元丹 In the field the atmosphere, is almost exciting instantaneously, again no longer silencing. 场中气氛,几乎瞬间就火爆起来,再不复刚才的静寂。 20 million!” “20000000!” 30 million......” “30000000……” Shouting out the price the sound of so forth continuously, surges wave upon wave, usually in so-called astronomical figures, in the present are the most common interlude, sets new high repeatedly, above, because the atmosphere is exciting, but promote entered specialized auctioneer realm Guan Wanshan Guan Da to consecrate, threw actually the scruples completely, the instigation words were also more and more are the raging fire boil the oil to be ordinary, cause the extraordinary scene to escalate, although was also only the first auction, but the lively degree rose an upscale auction most to have the altitude that the value auction auction was also hard to compare! 诸如此类的叫价的声音此起彼伏,一浪高过一浪,平日里所谓的“天文数字”,今朝不过就是最普通的过场,屡创新高,上面,因为气氛火爆,而晋入专业拍卖师境界关万山关大供奉,完全抛却了顾忌,煽动的话也是越来越是烈火烹油一般,令到火爆场面愈演愈厉,虽然还只是第一件拍品,但热闹程度已经上升到了一个高档拍卖会最有价值拍品拍卖也难以比拟的高度! Does not know quite the same as that in oneself boss Wan Zenghao this moment heart also more and more beats a drum, is getting more and more restless. 浑然不知,自家老板万正豪此刻心中也越来越是打鼓,越来越不安。 Fortunately, when second Supreme Pill Beads begins shooting, Ye Xiao finally rushed to Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion.. 所幸,就在第二颗丹云神丹开拍的时候,叶笑终于赶到了灵宝阁。。 Today's Great Monarch Feng, enters the stage sees the high-sounding talk, a white clothing, spotless, the body is tall and straight, in the surface is having the light smile, unflustered of face, leisurely and carefree enjoyable, from the red carpet of nearby distinguished guest staircase, ascends the step step by step on. 今天的风君座,出场更见高调,一身白衣,一尘不染,身躯挺拔,面上带着淡淡的微笑,一脸的从容不迫,一身的悠闲写意,从旁边贵宾楼梯的红地毯上,一步步拾阶而上。 Two vision have both glittered. 两道目光都是闪烁了一下。 Wenren Chuchu, Bing Xinyue. 闻人楚楚,冰心月 Two females look at a that white clothing and elegant bearing, but slowly on that person, in the eye reveals a complex and strange look. 两女看着那个一身白衣、风度翩翩,徐徐而上的那人,眼中都流露出一股复杂、古怪的神色。 Constraining that Wenren Chuchu strives, restrains, the surging emotions fluctuating was still uncertain \; Bing Xinyue is actually instant then constrains to restrain own state of mind. 闻人楚楚勉力的压抑、克制,心潮仍旧起伏不定\;冰心月却是瞬时便压抑克制自己的心绪。 Dangles to go, attention will shift on the stage once again the body of Guan Wanshan, concentrates on these super auction. 垂下头去,将注意力再度转移到了台上关万山的身上,专注于那些超级拍品。 The present auction atmosphere is really intense, besides Bing Xinyue Master and Disciple these two people with high aspirations, suddenly unexpectedly few people the big live person who notes Ye Xiao this high-sounding talk to enter the stage! 眼下的拍卖气氛实在激烈,除了冰心月师徒这俩有心人之外,一时间竟没几人注意到叶笑这个高调出场的大活人! The Supreme Pill Beads charm, actually which is person can compare! 丹云神丹的魅力,却是不是哪个人可以比拟的! Out a Ye Xiao such splendid arriving day character room, finally two black clothed guys come to stop: Comes the person to halt!” 叶笑就这么一路堂而皇之的走到天字一号房门外,终于两个黑衣大汉前来阻拦:“来人止步!” This drinks to stop, volume is actually not big, but acoustic source direction actually from a day character room, but this institute is , is actually today's bidding block another attention focus position, many people with high aspirations in abundance following the sound look like. 这一声喝止,音量其实不大,可声源方向却是来自天字一号房这边,而这个所在,却是今日拍卖会场另一个注意力焦点位置,许多有心人纷纷循声看来。 The Ye Xiao light speaker said with a smile: „Below is Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch, the vulgar surname wind, something, must discuss with the expensive master.” 叶笑淡淡的扬声笑道:“在下乃是灵宝阁君座,鄙姓风,有些事情,要与贵主人洽谈一下。” Sound expression school of light of Ye Xiao, neither arrogant nor servile, is very unflustered. 叶笑的声音语气一派平淡,不卑不亢,很是从容不迫。 Inside resembled is silent, a chilly sound said: What matter?” 里面似是沉默了一下,一个清冷的声音说道:“什么事情?” Ye Xiao quiet stopping, a character character said: Turns the cloud not necessarily duplicate rain, the rivers and lakes not necessarily world.” 叶笑沉静的停了停,一字字说道:“翻云未必覆雨,江湖未必天下。” Inside, the Young Master Bai hearing this brow tip raises, look obviously quite somewhat accidental out looks, said in a soft voice: Who is this?” 里面,白公子闻言眉梢一扬,眼神显然颇有些意外的看着门外,轻声道:“这是谁?” Wan'er at the same time understood immediately his meaning, said in a soft voice: Great Monarch Feng come.” 一边的婉儿立即明白了他的意思,轻声道:“风君座请进。” ...... …… During glare of the public eye attention that in some people believe that Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion the Great Monarch Feng spoke a few words outside a day character room, does not know anything that the dao item body said that but, that person entered in the room on. 就在有人信的众目睽睽关注之中,灵宝阁的这位风君座在天字一号房之外只是说了一句话,都不知道具体说的什么,但,其人就真个走进了房间之内。 All sees this person completely is stunned. 所有见到这一幕的人尽都是一阵错愕。 This Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch Feng, what background is in the end? 灵宝阁风君座,到底是什么来头? Has such big face?! 怎么有这么大的面子?! could it be that this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion and Great Monarch Feng, other unknown background status? 难道灵宝阁风君座,还有其他不为人知的背景身份? Stars Sect, the Shining Sun School Two Great Sects person, saw that this is also one stares dumbfounded. 就连星辰门,照日宗两大宗门的人,见到这一幕也是一阵瞠目结舌。 ............ ………… <\; second! >\; <\;第二更!>\;
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