RITF :: Volume #3

#281: Suppression!

But the House of the Chaotic Storm person does not pay attention obviously, such leisurely however dignified solemn and respectful walked, even nobody turns head. 翻云覆雨楼的人显然并不理会,就这么施施然威严肃穆的走了进去,甚至没有人回头。 Long time, the old man loosened youth, the youth has suppressed showed the whites of the eyes, gasped for breath again and again. 良久,老者才松开了少年,少年已经憋得翻了白眼,连连喘气。 „The matter that does not know, do not speak at a venture!” The old men said these words time, sound is shivering. “不知道的事,不要乱说话!”老者说这句话的时候,声音都在颤抖。 Surroundings, the vision of countless person look that is similar to looks at the fool. 周围,无数人的目光看过来,如同看傻逼。 In this family has the role that this type does not enlarge ones vision unexpectedly...... It seems like, must spread out some...... 这个家族之中居然有这种不开眼的角色……看来以后要拉开些距离…… ...... …… The welcome team under Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion preparation has not walked, the House of the Chaotic Storm person has gone. 灵宝阁预备下的迎宾队伍还没有走出来,翻云覆雨楼的人就已经进去了。 Others this qualifications, this treatment, has not resulted in seriously quite! 人家这资格,这待遇,当真是没得比较! Wan Zenghao at the right moment appearance in the entrance, puts out a hand directly, bends the waist saluting that Ha Ha smiles: Distinguished guest please enter......” 万正豪适时的出现在门口,直接伸手,弯腰哈哈笑的行礼:“诸位贵宾请进……” This can also only be able like this. 这会也只能这样了。 Delayed next time the idea to go bankrupt with the welcome team in light of this! 用迎宾队伍拖延一下时间的想法就此破产了! Some person of meetings are not willing to have the welcome personnel to receive! 不会有人会愿意有迎宾人员接待了! Because...... Don't the House of the Chaotic Storm people with the welcome team, then, who other people dare to use? 因为……翻云覆雨楼的人都没有用迎宾队伍,那么,其他人还有谁敢用? If dares to use, that has eaten the great ambition leopard balls, do look for trouble to oneself intentionally? 要是敢用,那就是吃了雄心豹子胆,存心自己给自己找不自在? If House of the Chaotic Storm asked one: Was greeted crisply?” 万一翻云覆雨楼问一句:“被人迎接爽吧?” God knows this replied? That is really **** the heart had...... 天知道该怎么回答?那才真是****的心都有了…… Therefore ten thousand big boss carefully planned welcome lineups, have confidence to delay certain time the car(riage) slightly, a little also on useless...... 所以万大老板精心策划的迎宾阵容,蛮有把握可以拖延一定时间的车略,就这么一点也没用上…… All people file. 所有人鱼贯而进。 Is all people completely does not say a word, its silent degree, in the elementary student compared with school saw simply the mister must be obedient! 却是所有人尽都一言不发,其静默程度,简直比学堂里的小学生看到了先生还要听话! Accurate, should be many of being obedient! 准确一点,应该是听话的多! Well-mannered, seems like atmospheric also nobody dares to breathe heavily. 规规矩矩,貌似大气也没人敢多喘一口。 Everybody regretted in the heart: The mother, early knows that House of the Chaotic Storm such takes seriously this auction, I do not come...... Right now was really is uncomfortable...... 人人都在心中后悔:妈的,早知道翻云覆雨楼这么重视这场拍卖会,我就不来了……这下子真是难受死了…… Because the powerful of House of the Chaotic Storm people arrives, making the entire auction market fall into a relative awkward silence condition. 因为翻云覆雨楼众人的强势到来,令整个拍卖场陷入了一个相对的冷场状态。 In the ordinary bidding block, the person of getting to know each other well each other greeted common the situation of regards, today has all abbreviated, almost by one type ****** the situation, went forward to the official auction fast. 常见于普通拍卖会场,相熟之人彼此打招呼问候的情形,今天悉数省略了,几乎以一种******的态势,快速向正式拍卖前进。 However the moment, participates in the relevant personnel of this auction all entering the stadium, takes a seat all. 不过片刻,参与这次拍卖会的相关人员已经全部入场,尽数落座。 This moment Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion bidding block, the only sound, Guan Wanshan Guan Da who manages on the stage to carry on the warm field is consecrating the tongue Can lotus flower, an introduction \; But the following person sits respectfully, completely unmanned makes noise, abbreviated including the minimum question and hearing the news process. 此刻灵宝阁拍卖会场,唯一的声音,正在主持台上进行暖场的关万山关大供奉舌灿莲花,一番介绍\;而下面的人一个个正襟危坐,全然无人出声,连起码的质疑、闻讯过程都省略了。 In the building three theater boxes, his culmination character room left eight white clothing people, right eight person in black, are placed the two sides. Regardless of white clothing person in black, performs unemotionally, vision chilling. 楼上三个包厢,其中天字一号房左边八个白衣人,右面八个黑衣人,分列两边。无论白衣黑衣人,尽都面无表情,目光冷硬。 But outside of day character room, has early coated 1-layer Bai Sha, flutters gently. 而在天字一号房的外面,早早罩上了一层白纱,轻轻飘动。 However together dim Bai Sha, actually just likes the day character No. 1 side independence outside the entire auction market. 不过一道朦胧的白纱,却恍如将天字一号方独立于整个拍卖场之外。 The auction that half quarters, the people hope for again must formally start. 再有半刻钟,众人期盼的拍卖会就要正式开始。 The final half quarter, is the final time limit that Wan Zenghao can delay! 最后的半刻钟,已经是万正豪能够拖延的最后时限! But, Great Monarch Feng has not arrived. 可是,风君座还是没有到来。 Wan Zenghao become very anxious, actually to know perfectly well that the arrow in the string, has had to send. 万正豪急得满头冒汗,却又明知箭已在弦,不得不发。 The auction because of the arrival of House of the Chaotic Storm, belongs to the rare peaceful atmosphere, in the gathering place does not get up absolutely randomly. 拍卖会因为翻云覆雨楼的到来,归于难得的安静氛围,场子里面是绝对乱不起来了。 In other words, in this auction process, is very likely smooth! 换言之,在这次拍卖过程中,很可能很顺利! Because is Two Great Sects cannot stir up House of the Chaotic Storm, 因为就算是两大宗门也是惹不起翻云覆雨楼的, But Two Great Sects actually absolutely can stir up Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion. 两大宗门却绝对惹得起灵宝阁 If after auction, Two Great Sects, because cannot result in recompenses to hope, becomes angry out of shame, looks the trouble of Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion...... 若是在拍卖会后,两大宗门因为没能得偿所愿,恼羞成怒,来找灵宝阁的麻烦…… Can that not know what to do? 那可如何是好? House of the Chaotic Storm, cannot be the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion permanent bodyguard after all. 翻云覆雨楼,毕竟不能为灵宝阁的永久保镖啊。 In fact, obtains the present aspect, oneself must receive the House of the Chaotic Storm favour! 事实上,得到现在的局面,自己这边就已经要承翻云覆雨楼的人情了! Wan Zenghao sits there, during frequently feel, another two reserve a room, several vision, stubbornly is staring, then locks itself on, such as cold Dianxi the body, is afraid unexpectedly, trembles. 万正豪坐在那里,时时刻刻的感到,另外两座包房之中,数道目光,死死的盯着自己这边,进而锁定到自己身上,竟如冷电袭身,不寒而栗,瑟瑟发抖。 This feeling, real not empty. 这种感觉,真实不虚。 The feeling of Wan Zenghao is complete right, other end, Two Great Sects person, indeed is gazing at Wan Zenghao, even, they are know radically Wan Zenghao can feel their vision. But must draw support from this speechless pressure, launches silent forcing to Wan Zenghao, this already enough establishing a capital city a lot. 万正豪的感觉完全没错,彼端,两大宗门的人,也的确正在注视着万正豪,甚至于,他们根本就是知道万正豪能够感觉得到他们的目光。而就是要借助这种无言的威压,对万正豪展开无声的胁迫,这已经足够定鼎很多事情。 Two big super School pressure, on this piece of Cold Sun Continent, besides unfathomable and mysterious House of the Chaotic Storm, only feared that did not have anybody any influence to resist again. 两大超级宗门的威压,在这片寒阳大陆上,除了神秘莫测翻云覆雨楼之外,只怕已经再没有任何人任何势力能够抗拒得了。 Even if the object is Cold Sun Continent first God of Wealth Wan Zenghao, is no exception! 就算对象是寒阳大陆第一财神万正豪,也不会例外! Enough strength has not been the dependence, gathers the excessive wealth, will only cause coveting of big influence, before your Wan Zenghao, has the station of guts that high-sounding talk, must take the following consequence! 没有足够的实力为依靠,集聚过度的财富,只会引起大势力的觊觎,既然你万正豪之前有胆量那么高调的站出来,就要承担接踵而来的后果! One such as Two Great Sects expected that this moment Wan Zenghao is restless. 一如两大宗门预料,此刻万正豪如坐针毡。 But in another side remote corner. 而在另一侧的偏僻角落里。 Liu Changjun is standing like the javelin generally, appearance chilling, does not have the expression. 柳长君有如标枪一般站着,面目冷硬,全无表情。 His vision concentrates on Wan Zenghao similarly, under sees on the Wan Zenghao face the drop to drop the cold sweat, in the Liu Changjun eye the cold light twinkle, clean and dry hand, grasping slowly sword hilt. Instant, in the hand is angry. 他的目光同样专注于万正豪这边,眼看着万正豪脸上滴滴落下的冷汗,柳长君的眼中冷光闪烁,干净而干燥的手,缓缓的握上了剑柄。瞬时,手上青筋暴露。 This movement, looks like a signal, all Liu Changjun under the hand/subordinate Assassin, nearly in simultaneously, induced the signal of leader, the next moment, all people simultaneously the hand grasped sword hilt, in auction great hall that suddenly, this silent, unexpectedly gave birth to rich killing intent, the evacuation has surged. 这个动作,就像是一个信号,所有的柳长君手下杀手,近乎在同时,都感应到了首领的信号,下一刻,所有人同时手握剑柄,一时间,这座寂静无声的拍卖会大堂中,居然生出了浓郁之极杀机,排空激荡。 Totals 200 Assassin, disperses in each corner, at the same time releases kills intent. 合共200位杀手,分散在各个角落,在同一时间释出杀意。 It looks like leopard that 200 waiting look for food. 就像是200头等待觅食的豹子。 Only waits to issue an order, can run out immediately, the blood splashes five steps. 只等一声令下,就能即时冲出,血溅五步。 No matter opposite party in the end is a wolf, is the coordinated process, or is only a pig. 不管对方到底是一匹狼,还是一条龙,又或者只是一头猪。 Is victorious, One Blade slaughters it, cannot hit, was slaughtered it by others! 打得过,一刀宰杀之,打不过,被别人宰杀之! The enemy dies, either oneself perishes, just like this! 或敌死,或己亡,如此而已! Actually, does not have anything at the worst. 其实,也没什么大不了的。 The look in Liu Changjun vision sees more and more deeply cold, will concentrate on the Wan Zenghao vision changes in a big way in that two reserves a room, in the look that Two Great Sects is at has revealed the situation of somewhat not being able to contain. 柳长君目光中的神色越来越见深寒,更将原本专注于万正豪的目光转向于两大宗门所在的那两大包房,眼神中已经流露出有些遏制不住的态势。 In this ice-cold person heart, one group to the Heavenly Fire flame, in flaming burns at this moment, possibly erupts at any time. 这个冰冷的人心中,此刻正有一团冲天火焰,在熊熊燃烧,随时可能爆发出来。 The pressure that Wan Zenghao bears now, Liu Changjun fully understood that is clearer, that feeling has how uncomfortably, is hard to shoulder. 万正豪现在承受的压力,柳长君完全了解,更加清楚,那份感觉有多么的难受,难以负荷。 Liu Changjun can punch Wan Zenghao casually, teaches, obloquies. 柳长君自己可以随便将万正豪揍一顿,教训一顿,大骂一顿。 But, facing others pressure Wan Zenghao, Liu Changjun is absolutely is so unsupportable. 但,面对别人如此威压万正豪,柳长君却是绝对不能忍受。 The sentiment of fellow officer, exists throughout! 同袍之情,始终是存在的! Two big reserve a room, the Two Great Sects people felt keenly murderous aura that the following rebound, the evacuation has surged, lets on each of them's face, reveals one type to be full of the tyrannical smiling face. 两大包房中,两大宗门众人敏锐地感觉到了下面的反弹,排空激荡的杀气,让他们每个人的脸上,都露出来一种充满残虐的笑容。 Really, couldn't the opposite party endure? 果然,对方已经忍受不住了么? ............ ………… <\; third! Asked the ticket, one...... I try hard! >\; <\;第三更!求票呢,还有一更……我努力!>\;
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