RITF :: Volume #3

#282: Rebound? Complete suppression!

In the person heart of Two Great Sects is sneering. 两大宗门的人心中都在冷笑。 You think that was we have trampled your self-respect? 你们认为是我们践踏了你们的自尊是么? Finally wanted the limit to rebound? 终于要极限反弹了么? As everyone knows, this is we anticipates! 殊不知,这正是我们期待的! If you first take action, is the super School dignity that provokes we to represent, we give the disciplinary punishment, even if House of the Chaotic Storm could not say anything! 若是你们先出手,便是挑衅我们代表的超级宗门尊严,我们予以惩戒,就算翻云覆雨楼也说不出什么! On the faces of six people, simultaneously the dew comes out the taunt happy expression that unexpectedly does not have two to send. 六个人的脸上,竟同时露出来全无二致的嘲讽笑意。 Self-respect? 自尊? In front of powerhouse, a weak one also wants to retain the self-respect, uses the life to trade! 强者面前,一个弱者还想要保留自尊,那么,就用命来换吧! You fight vigorously dead, we or can praise a real man. 你力战而死,咱们或者会夸一句好汉子。 But also that is all. 但也仅此而已。 Bestows you so-called self-respect. 施舍你一点所谓的自尊。 Your self-respect, in our eyes, is actually a corpse! 你的自尊,在我们眼中,其实就是一具尸体! Worthless! 一钱不值! Six people also turn head, the vision woods cold meaning is more abundant, the bound­less pressure, a intenser pressure will get down. 六个人同时扭头,目光森寒之意更盛,将无边压力,更加变本加厉的压将下去。 Since you could not endure, then, we again add a fire, making you erupt thoroughly! So long as is you erupts first, first take action, then, even if the House of the Chaotic Storm person here, we can also cut to kill you justifiablily! 既然你们已经忍受不住,那么,我们就再多加一把火,让你们彻底爆发出来!只要是你们先爆发吗,先出手的,那么,纵然翻云覆雨楼的人就在这里,我们也可以名正言顺斩杀你们! In a day character room. 天字一号房之中。 Four sides the agalloch eaglewood curls to raise, a piece of silencing. 四面沉香袅袅升起,一片静寂。 Originally, in their group after day character No. 1 passenger compartment, but moment, inside all ornaments, completely have traded. 原来,就在他们一行人进入天字一号包间之后,不过片刻光景,里面所有的摆设,都已经全部换了。 Originally Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion does the facility, including the wall color, was replaced, the wall was camouflaged by Bai Sha. The chair table also changes into Bai Yu carves on the appliance. 原本灵宝阁的一干设施,包括墙壁的颜色在内,都被换掉了,墙壁被白纱遮蔽。椅子桌子也都换成白玉雕就的器具。 When most the middle position, decorates this amethyst chair, is actually half lying down appearance modeling, is out of the ordinary, obviously majestic atmosphere. 在最中间位置,摆设这一张紫玉椅,却是半躺造型设计,与众不同之余,更显堂皇大气。 A white clothing young master calmly sits above, the appearance is polite, the elegant bearing, the corners of the mouth hold gently light smiling, the pitch-black hair, the White Jade common face, the long eyebrow enters the temple, the look is profound. 一位白衣公子就静静地坐在上面,面相温文,风度翩翩,嘴角含着一丝轻轻地淡淡的笑,乌黑的头发,白玉一般的脸庞,长眉入鬓,眼神深邃。 The pupil deep place, as if deeply is hiding an interest, as well as a wisp of Qing worried. 眸子深处,似乎深藏着一丝趣味,以及一缕清愁。 He calmly sits, the static gaze the sandalwood in front table, the look is limpid, is in sharp contrast. White clothing light robe, although such sits, the whole person was appears was still elegant the dust, did not stagnate in Wu. 他就那么静静地坐着,静静的注视着面前桌上的檀香,眼神清澈,黑白分明。白衣轻袍,虽然就这么坐着,整个人仍是显得飘逸出尘,不滞于物。 The agalloch eaglewood smog curls, from the sky sways the rise, forms a straight line gradually, until raising above three chi (0.33 m), gradually disperses, adscription nihility slowly. 沉香烟雾袅袅而起,在空中飘摇上升,渐次形成一条直线,直到升起三尺之上,才逐渐分散,慢慢的归于虚无。 The white clothing young master vision becomes in smog of swaying even more dim. 白衣公子目光在飘摇的烟雾之中变得愈发的朦胧。 However at this time, the airborne agalloch eaglewood smog suddenly somewhat was then scattered in disorder, the agalloch eaglewood smog of straight rise, started to deviate unexpectedly, incline, scattered in disorder, floated toward the white clothing young master in front, again non- beforehand rule. 然而便在这时,空中的沉香烟雾突然有些散乱,原本直直上升的沉香烟雾,竟然开始偏离,倾斜,散乱,向着白衣公子面前飘来,再无之前的规则可言。 The white clothing young master’s quiet look appears finally slightly changes, on lifts slightly, the corners of the mouth also reveal a light faint smile. 白衣公子沉静的眼神终于出现些微变化,微微上抬,嘴角亦露出一丝淡淡的浅笑。 This smiling face, quite some are meaningful. 只是这笑容,却颇有些意味深长。 In him behind, a simple and beautiful refined white clothing young girl stands in side, sees the white clothing young master’s change, immediately lifts the eye gently, light said toward out of the door: Big murderous aura, the big power and prestige, does not know that is that unparalleled expert here? Our House of the Chaotic Storm most does not like, is this type of vicious tendencies.” 在他身后,一位清丽脱俗的白衣少女侍立在旁,见到白衣公子的变化,随即轻轻抬起眼睛,淡淡的向着门外说道:“好大的杀气,好大的威风,不知道是那位盖世高手在这里?我们翻云覆雨楼最不喜欢的,就是这种戾气。” These words said is very gently light, to the utmost superficial strong point. 这句话说的很是轻轻淡淡,极尽轻描淡写之能事。 She has not even moved the least bit including the footsteps, sound that long passed on, actually rippling back and forth outside auction hall. 她甚至连脚步都没有挪动半点,声音就那么悠悠的传了出去,却是在外面的拍卖会大厅之中来回的荡漾。 A few words, actually cause to present obviously gently everyone, hears perfectly clear. 明明只是轻轻一句话,却令到在场每个人,都是听得清清楚楚 This valley oriole common voice of pleasant to hear, making everyone listen is in the heart heartfelt comfortable. 这出谷黄莺一般好听的声音,让每个人听了都是心中由衷的舒服了起来。 However, Two Great Sects six people actually because of these words, as if by prior agreement lowered the head fiercely. 然而,两大宗门的六个人却因为这一句话,不约而同的猛地低下了头。 In the eye has revealed the heartfelt meaning with amazement. 眼中露出了由衷骇然之意。 The voice of female. 女子的声音。 That sound is no doubt delightful interestingly to listen, actually also represents another 1-layer meaning, is full of bloody meaning the meaning! 那声音固然悦耳动听,却还代表另一层含义,充满血腥意味的含义! It is well known, House of the Chaotic Storm altogether has two females, one is Wan Of The Clouds, one is Xiu Of The Heavens. 众所周知,翻云覆雨楼一共就只得两名女子,一个是云端之婉,一个是天上之秀 But now can speak in inside, inevitably is these two person one. 而现在能够在里面说话的,必然是这两个人其中一个。 It is not Wan Of The Clouds, is Xiu Of The Heavens. 不是云端之婉,就是天上之秀 No wonder a moment ago came time, ostentation so is unexpectedly big. 怪不得刚才来的时候,排场竟然那么大。 All people when sighing this corrupt world voiceless sound, in the heart is also suddenly enlighted. When looks at a day character room passenger compartment vision again, getting up cautiously. 所有人在感叹这一声浊世清音之余,心中亦都是恍然大悟。再看天字一号房包间之时的目光,也都更加的小心翼翼起来。 Obviously, this sound, although is gently light, superficial, in the bone is actually sporty. 显然,这声音虽然轻轻淡淡,轻描淡写,骨子里却是底气十足的。 The tone is not no doubt heavy, concealed threat meaning is not strong, but, makes people feel in the heart suddenly to sink, obvious feeling: Since the opposite party said. 口气固然不重,其中隐含的威胁意味也不浓厚,但,却让人感觉到心中蓦然一沉,明显的感觉到:对方既然已经这么的说了。 If then, makes that pressure and murderous aura again continually, is equal to enraging House of the Chaotic Storm, will encounter the retaliation of it momentarily as powerful as a thunderbolt! 那么,若是再持续制造出那种威压与杀气,就等于是触怒翻云覆雨楼,亦将遭到其随时雷霆万钧的报复! Wan Of The Clouds and Xiu Of The Heavens aloof authority, under this sky, seemingly did not have the live person to dare to affront. 云端之婉天上之秀的超然权威,在这片天空下,貌似还没有活人敢冒犯。 As long as because dares to affront, has nothing the exception, died completely! 因为但凡是敢冒犯的,无有例外,全部都死了! A Two Great Sects people knows that he exerted pressure in the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion achievement a moment ago desirably, has made the House of the Chaotic Storm person somewhat discontented. 两大宗门中人知道,自己刚才刻意施压于灵宝阁的作为,已经让翻云覆雨楼的人有些不满了。 Even possibly by attack. 甚至可能遭到打击。 Therefore make a prompt decision, receives the hand immediately. 所以当机立断,立即收手。 Their that side pressures receive, Liu Changjun and other hundred Assassin murderous aura also lost the suppression, fully when resistance, the pressure loses suddenly, suddenly is caught off guard, loses the suppressed inevitably murderous aura erupts loudly, the entire hall shortly, will become the cold wind whiz whiz, chill in the air biting cold. 他们那边的压力一收,柳长君等两百杀手杀气也就失去了压制,全力对抗之际,压力突失,一时间措手不及,失去压制的己方杀气不可避免的轰然爆发出来,整个大厅在顷刻之间,变得冷风嗖嗖,寒意彻骨。 So feels the non- pass/test temperature change, but woods cold murderous aura influence. 如此感觉非关温度变化,而森寒杀气影响而至。 The attending people, perform today fortunately are martial artist cultivator, performs understands clearly in the mystery, pours has not presented too many in an uproar! 凑巧今日与会众人,尽都是武者修者,尽都了然个中玄虚,倒也没有出现太多的哗然! Liu Changjun deeply inspired, breaks shouts to clear the way: Calm!” 柳长君深深吸了一口气,断喝道:“冷静!” In this piece of silent space, this seriously is similar to the thunderclap generally loudly explosive, shocks the audience. 在这片寂静的空间之中,这一声当真如同炸雷一般轰然爆响,震动全场。 Liu Changjun subordinates does Assassin completely to shout at because of this, but the brains awake, the intelligence restores clear and bright, leak murderous aura takes back slowly, after long time, returns casts down one's eyes, in the tranquil condition of nose view heart. 柳长君麾下的一干杀手尽都因这声断喝而头脑一醒,神智恢复清明,外泄的杀气缓缓收回,半晌之后,才重归眼观鼻、鼻观心的平静状态之中。 That only dry hand, loosened gripping tightly sword hilt finally. 那一只只干燥的手,也终于松开了紧握的剑柄 In sharp opposition, momentarily greatly hits the take action condition to relieve! 针锋相对,随时大打出手的状态解除! Hence, Wan Zenghao can finally the long Shu one breath. 至此,万正豪总算是得以长长地舒一口气。 That damn pressure vanished finally, looks subconsciously to the Liu Changjun that side. 那股该死的压力终于消失了,下意识地望向柳长君的那边。 Because Liu Changjun is remote in the position, the stealth in the shadow, Wan Zenghao anything cannot see, but in Wan Zenghao heart at this moment, suddenly has actually filled a warmth. 由于柳长君所在位置偏僻,更隐身于暗影之中,万正豪根本就什么都看不到,但万正豪此刻的心中,却是蓦然间充满了一阵温暖。 This coffin board, cares actually my, in other words, he has treated as the person on one's own side me, ordinary day manner, but is the bad expression, just like this. 这个棺材板,其实还是关心我的,换言之,他是将我当做了自己人,平日的态度,不过就是不善表达,如此而已。 So, my heart foot! 如此,我心足矣! People, if sets quite lowly the goal, is very easy to achieve the wish, Liu Changjun is a Tokinosuke, has actually traded the heartfelt gratitude of Wan Zenghao, seemingly probably was too that anything a point! 人哪,若是将目标定得比较低,便很容易达成心愿,柳长君不过是一时之助,却已经换来了万正豪的由衷感激,貌似好像是太那啥了一点! The Wan Of The Clouds lonely vision surrounds in the hall, finally received. 云端之婉的冷清目光在大厅中环绕一圈,终于收了回去。 ............ ………… <\; fourth!...... I can say the sentence...... Am I very tired? Although is that graceful! >\; <\;第四更!……我能说句……我很累么?虽然还是那么帅!>\; <\; consecutively four days of crazy renewals, to the ticket...... Good to cut down? >\; <\;连续四天的疯狂更新,给点票……好伐?>\;
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