RITF :: Volume #3

#280: The prestige of First Under Heaven building!

This team of people, hair that only then reveals slightly, eye inside pupil, is black. In addition, does not have the second color again. 这一队人,只有稍稍露出的头发,眼睛里面的瞳仁,是黑的。除此之外,再也没有第二种颜色。 The right first team, all black clothing, all black shoes, all black hat, all black waistband, all black scabbard scabbard, from head to foot, is a black, eyeful completely is the long night black color. 右面一队,纯黑的衣衫,纯黑的鞋子,纯黑的帽子,纯黑的腰带,纯黑的刀鞘剑鞘,从头到脚,全是一片黑,满眼尽是永夜墨色。 Except that eye inside sclera is white, in addition, does not have second varicolored unexpectedly again! 除了眼睛里面的眼白是白色的,除此之外,居然也是再没有第二种杂色! These two teams of attire clothing as strange as the extreme troops, comes slowly, everyone is the casting down one's eyes nose view heart, acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, stride vanguard. 这两队衣着服饰怪异到极点的人马,缓缓开来,每个人都是眼观鼻鼻观心,旁若无人,大步前行。 Regarding the front avenue on, innumerable present age expert, just like does not see unexpectedly, turns a blind eye. 对于前面大街上,无数的当世高手,竟然恍如不见,视若无睹。 Stamps the feet in mortal world these directly can cause the N multi- great people of earthquake, has treated as the air completely. 直接将这些在世俗界跺跺脚就能够引起地震的N多大人物,完全当做了空气。 But among these two teams of troops, still sedan chair. 而在这两队人马中间,尚有一顶轿子。 Carrying a sedan chair altogether has eight people, left four people, white clothing, right four people, black clothed. 抬轿子的共有八个人,左面四个人,白衣,右面四个人,黑衣。 The person pupil of Two Great Sects shrinks, when a person smiles one first strangely, said: What person? Unexpectedly dares, when my Shining Sun School will soon enter auctions hall, but can also say that is slow? Seriously good balls!” 两大宗门的人瞳孔一缩,当先一人怪笑一声,说道:“什么人?居然敢在我照日宗即将进入拍卖堂的时候,还能够说一声慢着?当真好胆!” That team of troops approach slowly, is full of provocative meaning to this words, is similar to has not heard, completely does not have the least bit to respond. 那一队人马缓缓走近,对这句充满挑衅意味的话语,如同没有听到,全然没有半点反应。 Some Elder ridicules of Stars Sect looked at Shining Sun School that person of one, the meaning is: You spoke, others paid no attention to you! Obviously your Shining Sun School influence is not good! Sees the father! 一名星辰门长老有些讥笑地望了照日宗那人一眼,意思是:你说话,别人都不理你!可见你照日宗影响力不行!看老子的! Therefore his speaker said: Comes the person to halt! Stars Sect Li Wanchun in this!” 于是他扬声说道:“来人止步!星辰门李万春在此!” His influence also is very what a pity limited! 可惜他的影响力也有限得很! That two teams of troops still the footsteps kept, continue forcefully, has not had the least bit change including the step frequency!. 那两队人马仍旧脚步不停,持续强行,连步履频率都没有发生半点变化!。 Turning a deaf ear. 听而不闻。 Li Wanchun sees that is angry, will start talking, angrily rebukes the person, actually sees in the sedan chair leisure flies together the token, a chilly sound said: „One side flashes through!” 李万春见状不禁大怒,正要开口说话,怒斥来人,却见轿子中慢悠悠的飞出来一块令牌,一个清冷的声音说道:“闪过一边!” That token leisure from the sky flies, as if has a pair of invisible hand to hold to deliver general under. 那块令牌慢悠悠的在空中飞来,似乎在下面有一双无形的手托着送过来一般。 The dawn of initial rise happen to fell on the token. 初升的曙光正好落在了令牌上。 The token by very inconceivable style, sends out ten thousand multi-colored sunlight towering, immediately, four characters complemented Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion to auction hall are divided into on the two sides front doors, a majestic military might, ruled the world the abundantly imposing manner, magnificent endless sent out in light of this. 令牌以一种很不可思议的方式,突兀地散发出万道霞光,随即,四个字映衬到了灵宝阁拍卖堂分成两边的大门上,一股堂皇威武,君临天下的沛然气势,就此辉煌无尽地散发出来。 Was becoming all people at the same time feels this world incomparable astonishing imposing manner! 在成所有人都在同一时间感受到了这股天下无匹的惊人气势! This imposing manner, just likes crushes all matters in this world sufficiently! 这份气势,恍如足以压倒这世上的一切物事! In all person eyes simultaneously the dew comes out to shock the inexplicable look, until seeing that four characters, full house lonesome however, complete silence. 所有人眼中同时露出来震惊莫名的神色,及至看到那四个字,满场寂然,鸦雀无声。 That four characters 那四个字 The left two characters, are turn cloud two characters. Right two characters, are duplicate rain two characters. But about two lines of characters, another small and exquisite pavilion, in airborne quietly takes shape, stands erect. 左面两个字,乃是‘翻云’两个字。右面两个字,便是‘覆雨’两个字。而在左右两行字中间,另有一座小巧玲珑的楼阁,就在空中悄然成型,矗立。 Although the pavilion is exquisite, but the style is the unusual atmosphere is dignified, has one situation that facing the people shows disdain for many colleagues to keep aloof. 楼阁虽然小巧,但格调却是异常大气威严,面对众人直有一股傲视群伦高高在上的态势。 House of the Chaotic Storm! 翻云覆雨楼 First Under Heaven building! 天下第一楼! Is shocked to learn person origin, Two Great Sects person, completely in abundance shuts up, does not dare to spit half character again. 惊悉来人来历,就连两大宗门的人,也尽都纷纷闭嘴,不敢再吐半字。 Looks at these four characters, looks that airborne illusory has to be full of the real feeling the building, looks the token that side from the sky stays, looks at that two teams of troops, looks at that middle sedan chair, in the look, has been full of the awe. 看着这四个字,看着那空中的虚幻却有充满真实感觉的楼,看着那一面在空中停留的令牌,看着那两队人马,看着那中间的轿子,眼神中,充满了敬畏。 That token in airborne only stayed the moment, then round trip slowly flies. 那面令牌在空中就只停留了片刻,便又徐徐的往回飞。 That four characters immediately have not actually vanished, instead flies along with the token round trip, the dawn draws that four characters is getting more and more long, has flooded the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion entire gate tower unexpectedly gradually, then surpasses...... 只是那四个字却没有立时消失,反而是随着令牌往回飞,曙光将那四个字拉得越来越长,竟然渐渐充斥了灵宝阁的整个门楼,进而超出…… Until the token has flown back to the sedan chair, the light considers vanishes thoroughly. 直至令牌飞回了轿子之中,光影才告彻底消失。 All around is silent, falling the needle may hear. 四周寂静,落针可闻。 Some sedan chair inside people have coughed gently, said: Today the weather is good. Who was made us halt a moment ago?” 轿子里面有人轻轻地咳嗽了一声,说道:“今天天气不错。咳,刚才是谁让我们止步?” This sound is clear, is actually the voice of female. 这声音清脆,却是个女子的声音。 Vision focus Li Wanchun of people as if by prior agreement. 众人的目光不约而同的聚焦李万春 At this moment, the Li Wanchun ruddy dignified face, turned into the color of eggplant, said with a smile forcefully dry: Ha Ha...... This is a misunderstanding, the misunderstanding, Li does not know that is the expensive building comes this place...... But does not know that what inside is that girl jade harnesses to arrive?” 此刻,李万春原本红润威严的脸庞,已经变成了紫茄子的颜色,强行干笑道:“哈哈……这是个误会,误会,李某不知道是贵楼前来此地……但不知,里面的乃是那位姑娘玉驾亲临?” Sedan chair inside person static maintaining total silence, is only light snort|hum, indifferent saying: Goes in!” 轿子里面的人静静的不发一语,就只是淡淡的哼了一声,冷漠的说道:“进去!” The sedan chair lifts slowly, two teams of troops are in sharp contrast, do not say a word, unexpectedly such lines up , to continue strives to, eight people of carrying a sedan chair do not look askance, unexpectedly such carries a sedan chair...... 轿子徐徐抬起,两队人马黑白分明,一言不发,居然就这么排着队,继续向里精进,抬着轿子的八个人目不斜视,居然就这么抬着轿子…… Entered Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion with the sedan together! 连人带轿一道进入了灵宝阁 Regarding the speech of Li Wanchun, completely ignores unexpectedly. 对于李万春的说话,竟是全然置之不理。 Simply had not replied. 根本没有回答。 Actually does not know that in the end does not want to reply, disdains to reply! 却不知到底是不想回答,还是不屑回答! Under the Cold Sun Continent innumerable expert eyes, is in the glare of the public eye, Li Wanchun probably maliciously had been hit several ear and area around it. That humiliations, almost made his heart probably explode. 寒阳大陆无数高手眼中,众目睽睽之下,李万春就好像是被人狠狠的打了几个耳光。那种羞辱感,几乎让他一颗心都要爆炸了。 But actually cannot manifest suddenly, does not dare to manifest suddenly, even also wants the hollow laugh, making the House of the Chaotic Storm respective people go advanced, bows to express best wishes slightly. 但却偏偏又不能发作、不敢发作,甚至还要干笑着,让翻云覆雨楼所属众人先进去,微微躬身致意。 The look of Li Wanchun this occasion dies to stare at the tread attentively, other place does not look. 李万春此际的眼神全神贯注地死盯着地面,别的地方都不去看。 Because the hatred in this moment look, no matter looked that will be discovered to where. 因为此刻眼神之中的怨毒,不管看向哪里都会被人发现。 Actually does not dare to close eye, can only look down, does not dare to look at each other with anybody. 却又偏偏不敢闭上眼睛,只能低头看地,不敢与任何人对视。 Nearby Shining Sun School person visits him, in the look all proceeds from taking pleasure in others'misfortunes of moral nature. 旁边的照日宗的人看着他,眼神中全是发自心底的幸灾乐祸。 Let you install to compel! 让你装逼! Let your aloof! 让你高冷! Let you probably with our other symptoms! 让你非要和我们别苗头! Now was good? Did a foot kick on the heat big sheet iron? Looks at the welldoing of your this fool...... Really crisp Ha Ha Ha...... Although the father does not have face very much, but compared with your strong, so is not always miserable like you, not only need pretend the mute to eat the Chinese goldthread rhizome, but must make the Chinese goldthread rhizome to be very sweet intentionally very delicious appearance, I...... 现在好了吧?一脚踢到了烧红的大铁板上了吧?看你这傻逼的德行……真是爽哈哈哈……虽然老子这边也很没脸,但总比你丫的强许多,怎么也不像你这么惨,不但要装作哑巴吃黄连,还要故意做出黄连很甜很好吃的样子,我呸…… The Li Wanchun image is not most pitiful, 只是,李万春的形象还不算最凄惨的, In behind, in Eight Great Families team. 在后面,八大家族的队伍之中。 Several people one such as Li Wanchun general lowering the head, in the nape of the neck, is the sweat, soaks the heavy clothes, the horridness that the whole face is filled with, does not have to conceal. 有几个人一如李万春一般的低着头,脖颈里面,全是汗水,湿透重裳,满脸满心的惶恐,全无掩饰。 These people of Mu Clan people. 这几人正是慕氏家族中人。 Previous time, Mu Clan, when the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion auction has encountered House of the Chaotic Storm Xiu Of The Heavens \; In having no intention to offend, then, the Mu more than 100 people were killed cleanly...... 上一次,慕氏家族灵宝阁拍卖会的时候遭遇了翻云覆雨楼天上之秀\;更于无意之中得罪,然后,慕氏100多人被杀得干干净净…… Mu Clan has wanted to apologize, is fruitless throughout, non- kept them out, but simply could not find the front door. 慕氏家族一直想要赔不是,却始终无果,非是被拒之门外,而是干脆就找不到大门。 Now is an auction. 如今又是一场拍卖会。 Also has run into the House of the Chaotic Storm person...... 又遇到了翻云覆雨楼的人…… The Mu Clan three people who comes to participate in the auction only felt own calf was soft...... 前来参加拍卖的慕氏家族三个人只感觉自己腿肚子都软了…… This luck, was really unable to cope. 这运气,真是没治了。 In another family, person of young people whole face doubts asked in a low voice: House of the Chaotic Storm...... Is what?” 另外一个家族中,一人年轻人满脸疑惑的低声问道:“翻云覆雨楼……是什么?” The words just said that nearby old man doom has covered his mouth, the head of old man, is sweating profusely to streaming under. The whole body almost shivers. 话刚说出口,旁边的老者已经死命的一把捂住了他的嘴,老者的头上,满头大汗涔涔而下。浑身都几乎颤抖起来。 This covers mouth, big of effort, nearly feels stifled the youth. 这一捂嘴,用力之大,险些将少年憋死。 My little ancestor...... Your these words are really...... 我的小祖宗……你这句话真是…… ............ ………… <\; second \; For these days was somewhat weak, I rested a meeting first, in the evening symbol, will also have the renewal. Everybody has hoped for a long time eruption, I erupt as far as possible several times. <\;第二更啊\;这几天有些虚弱,我先睡一会,晚上码字,还会有更新。大家盼望了好久的爆发,我尽量的多爆发几次。 A matter, welcome everybody to turn on the cell phone, pays attention to my public micro letter \; In the micro letter public number search wind ice world, can find me...... Thanks. >\; 呃,还有件事,欢迎大家打开手机,关注我的公众微信\;在微信公众号搜索风凌天下,就能找到我啦……谢谢。>\;
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