RITF :: Volume #3

#279: The wind and cloud gathers, this gate opens!

Liu Changjun has lifted the head finally, some response, actually is still one level as simple as the extreme words: „Is that also what kind of?” 柳长君终于抬起了头,有了反应,却仍是一句平实简单到极点的话:“那又怎样?” Wan Zenghao hears this reply, suddenly has not responded that can taste understood, almost faints, shivers is pointing at Liu Changjun saying: Your this...... Your this...... In your this head does not have the person of half trace...... Do you want me to speak you to be able to understand? Unexpectedly also...... Is that also what kind of? You said that is also what kind of? This is unimportant, that is unimportant, is your in the end what important?” 万正豪听到这个回答,一时间楞没反应过来,能回味明白了,更加的差点背过气去,颤抖着指着柳长君说道:“你这个……你这个……你这个脑袋里没有半条纹路的人……你要我怎么说话你才能听得懂?居然还……那又怎样?你说又怎样?这个不重要,那个不重要,你心里到底什么才重要?” His breathless saying: Two big super School, that is our Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion can stir up? Is this reality important?” 他气急败坏的说道:“两大超级宗门,那是我们灵宝阁能够惹得起的么?这个现实重要不重要?” Cannot stir up, is that also what kind of?” Liu Changjun is very some impatient is looking at Wan Zenghao, said: What do you fear?” “惹不起,那又怎样?”柳长君很是有些不耐烦的望着万正豪,又道:“你怕什么?” What do I fear?!” Wan Zenghao erupted finally: You know, once has provoked Two Great Sects, what we will face? That is thousand li(500 km) beacon-fire, the ten thousand li (5.000 km) rocket, the life and death time follows, the naked sword will shortly add the body to quarrel! Understands? This is important?” “我怕什么?!”万正豪终于爆发了:“你知道一旦惹恼了两大宗门,我们将会面临什么?那是千里烽火,万里狼烟,生死时刻相随,白刃顷刻加身相向!懂么?这个重要不重要?” Liu Changjun impatient saying: You said is idle talk! Does could it be that have other result? Matter that everyone knows, important?” 柳长君不耐烦的说道:“你说的都是废话!难道还有别的结果?谁都知道的事情,重要么?” Wan Zenghao stares the eye is similar to whale eye equally big looks at Liu Changjun, long time could not speak, in the throat has held in the one breath unexpectedly, long time has spat, breathless saying: Important? How to be unimportant? Your being victorious others? We hit others? This is not only important, most important!” 万正豪瞪得眼睛如同鲸鱼眼睛一样大的看着柳长君,半晌说不出话来,喉咙里居然憋住了一口气,良久才吐了出来,气急败坏的说道:“重要么?怎么不重要?你打得过人家么?咱们打的过人家么?这岂止是重要,重中之重!” Cannot hit.” Liu Changjun these time said one finally honestly normally words. “打不过。”柳长君这一次终于老老实实的说了一句“正常”话。 Wan Zenghao relaxed, this icicle admitted defeat finally, your this fellow also has admitting defeat time? I do best to convince do not waste that many saliva in vain, the matter that I then explained again so will not be difficult, wiped away sweat saying: You, since also knows that hits......” 万正豪松了一口气,这个冰棍终于服软了,你这家伙也有服软的时候么?不枉我苦口婆心的浪费那么多的唾沫,我接下来解释的事情不会再这么困难了,擦了擦汗说道:“你既然也知道打不过……” But his words have not said that hears the Liu Changjun old god in saying: Cannot hit, can be what kind of?” 但他话还没有说完,就听到柳长君老神在在的说道:“打不过,又能怎样?” Will die! Meeting deceased person, dying many people!” Wan Zenghao is also again driven beyond the limits of forbearance, the limit erupted, is pointing at the nose of Liu Changjun, gives a loud shout. “会死!会死人,会死很多人!”万正豪再也忍无可忍,极限爆发了,指着柳长君的鼻子,大喝一声。 Liu Changjun static gaining ground, gazes is referring to the ultra plump finger before own nose, the look sees the ice to be cold. 柳长君静静的抬起头,注视着指在自己鼻子之前的超肥硕手指头,眼神更见冰寒。 He such is gazing, did not say a word. 他就这么注视着,一言不发。 Wan Zenghao felt on the vest immediately is similar to crawls a poisonous snake, absolutely terrified. 万正豪登时感觉到背心上如同爬上来了一条毒蛇,一阵毛骨悚然。 Received the finger hurriedly, said resentfully: Really dying many people! Understands?” 急忙将手指头收了回去,悻悻道:“真的会死很多人的!懂么?” Tone actually in unknowingly medium-soft, the imposing manner was already nothing left, especially does not have the energy. 口气却在不知不觉中软了很多,刚才的气势早已荡然无存,格外的没有底气。 Liu Changjun coldly stares the finger that he is receiving, coldly light saying: Naturally will die, but, how?” 柳长君冷冷地瞪着他收回去的手指头,冷冷淡淡的说道:“当然会死,但,那又如何?” Wan Zenghao stares dumbfounded finally. 万正豪终于瞠目结舌。 A few words could not say. 一句话也说不出来。 I went, was unimportant, now had one how that? Is this fellow the plan must irritate me while still alive? 我了个去,原本就一个“不重要”,现在有多了一个“那又如何”?这家伙是打算要活活的气死我么? But with such 250 youth, the truth radically said does not pass, the truth could not convince, what can that say? 可是跟这样的250愣头青,道理是根本就讲不通的,道理说不通,那又能说什么? Assassin could it be that is this exercise nature?!” In the Wan Zenghao heart cursed maliciously: I was really am more than a liveliness the ice-cold coffin board to treat the deceased person with this together have sufficed......” 杀手难道都是这个操性的么?!”万正豪心中狠狠咒骂:“我真是跟这个就比死人多一口活气的冰冷棺材板在一起待得够了……” Cultivates the behavior do not fear death!” Liu Changjun despises looked at Wan Zenghao one, however stands up leisurely, said: Moreover told you a few words!” “做人不要怕死!”柳长君鄙夷的看了万正豪一眼,施施然站起身来,说道:“另外多告诉你一句话!” What words?” Wan Zenghao this meeting had been mad seven meat eight elements by him. “什么话?”万正豪这会已经被他气得七荤八素。 Later do not point at me with your pig's feet same finger, that will let my gastric disorder. Knows that cuts down?” Liu Changjun however walks leisurely outward, walks while speaks: Has again the next time, I without hesitation cuts to you. Knows that cuts down?” “以后不要用你的猪蹄一样的手指头指着我,那会让我反胃。知道伐?”柳长君施施然往外走去,一边走一边说话:“再有下一次,我会毫不犹豫的给你切下来。知道伐?” His form disappears in out of the door, actually especially since transmits his last few words: Fat pig ten thousand! Knows that cuts down?” 他的身影消失在门外,却尤自传来他的最后一句话:“肥猪万!知道伐?” Wan Zenghao stares to open mouth to visit him to be increasingly estranged, the back dissipates, suddenly was mad unable to speak. 万正豪瞪着眼睛张着嘴看着他渐行渐远,背影消逝,一时间气得已经说不出话来了。 After long time, has gotten back one's composure. 半晌之后才回过神。 Bang! 砰! Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Ten thousand big bosses the chair fall Liu Changjun just had sat crush, shout abuse: This...... This corpse coffin board! Damn damn, why does not die......” 万大老板将柳长君刚刚坐过的椅子摔得粉碎,破口大骂:“这个……这个僵尸棺材板!该死的该死的,为什么不去死呢……” In the mouth muttered curses: Your he do not fear death, actually thinks to become others...... Grass! Any gadget, any theory and any thought...... The soul pale soul pale soul dares to scold me the fat pig pale unexpectedly ten thousand...... My ten thousand your heads! Where my was fat, I obviously thin many......” 口中喃喃咒骂:“你他么的自己不怕死,却将别人都想成烈士……草!什么玩意儿、什么理论、什么思想……魂淡魂淡魂淡竟然敢骂我肥猪万……我万你个头!我哪里肥了,我明明都瘦了好多……” The person's shadow dodged, Liu Changjun that left suddenly has circled, the ice-cold look died to stare at Wan Zenghao: „If did really with Two Great Sects, if you want to work as the rebel, my first killing was you, will not have second! Knows that cuts down!?” 人影骤然一闪,离开的柳长君又绕了回来,冰冷的眼神死盯着万正豪:“万一要是真的跟两大宗门干起来了,你要是想当叛徒,我第一个杀的就是你,不会有第二个!知道伐!?” Whiz, the head of Liu Changjun shrank, without a trace. “嗖”的一声,柳长君的脑袋又缩了回去,无影无踪。 Rebel...... Rebels?” Wan Zenghao erupted, carried an entire chair to pound: I revolt your ancestor!” “叛徒……叛徒?”万正豪爆发了,拎起一整椅子就砸了过去:“我叛你个老祖宗!” Panting. 气喘吁吁。 But Liu Changjun this time is actually the true trace does not see. 柳长君这次却是真正的踪影不见的。 Ten thousand big bosses are mad result in whole body fat to shiver all over, the heart jumps madly, unexpectedly somewhat is suddenly dizzy, actually in consternation discovered that dead coffin walked, the people who oneself discussed did not have, even if Liu Changjun will not give the bone, can always listen to itself to grumble, now, walked including such a person, the Wan Zenghao surging emotions fluctuated, pent-up anger full Ying, saying maliciously: He! Your Assassin did not fear that the father has these much money I to fear anything, the father is the God of Wealth, the first God of Wealth, the wealth can the service ghost , the passable god, dare to annoy the father, father draws cash to be battered to death he, when father has worked as several thousand years of God of Wealth, is Bai Guo, the father is not willing to annoy troublesome, but there are troublesome has not actually feared troublesome...... Bird!” 万大老板气得浑身肥肉乱颤,心脏乱跳,一时间居然有些晕眩,却愕然发现,那死棺材走了,自己连个商量的人都没有了,就算柳长君不会给出建设性意见,总能听自己发发牢骚,现在,连这么一个人都走了,万正豪心潮起伏,心火满盈,狠狠的说道:“他么的!你一个杀手都不怕,老子有这么多钱我怕什么,老子是财神,第一财神,财能役鬼,亦可通神,敢惹老子,老子拿钱砸死他,当老子当了数千年的财神,是白过的,老子不愿意惹麻烦,但有了麻烦却也不怕麻烦……鸟!” Scolded one maliciously, shouted to clear the way loudly: Opens the door to! I must have a look but actually, getting down that on this day can collapse! Grass!” 狠狠骂一句,大声喝道:“到点就开门!我倒要看看,这天能不能塌的下来!草!” Obviously, ten thousand big bosses had been wild with rage! 显然,万大老板已经被气疯了! Has separated outside five rooms, sits cross-legged on Liu Changjun ice-cold face that sits, reveals a smile. 隔了五个房间之外,盘膝坐着的柳长君冰冷的脸上,露出来一丝久违的微笑。 Eyeground deep place, actually also quietly flood an anxiety...... 只是,眼底深处,却还悄然泛起来一丝忧虑…… Obviously, this cold Bing Bing Assassin, does not ice actually however, is a little popularity! 显然,这个冷冰冰杀手,其实也不是那么冰然,还是有点人气的! The sunlight has perfused the earth, golden yellow bright. 阳光洒遍了大地,金黄灿烂。 But front door that Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion shut tightly, in opens finally at this moment slowly...... 灵宝阁原本紧闭的大门,也终于在此刻缓缓打开…… A Two Great Sects people takes for granted must work as enters first. 两大宗门中人想当然的就要当先进入。 Then at this time, sudden lightly drank to transmit: Slow!” 便在这时候,突然一声轻喝传来:“慢着!” The people in consternation, turn head following the sound to look for a while that one side sees only on the long street, calmly walks one team of troops. 众人一时愕然,纷纷回头循声看去,只见一边的长街上,静静地走过来一队人马。 The left first team, snow white clothing, the snow white shoes, the snow white hat, the snow white waistband, the snow white scabbard scabbard, from head to foot, is gonorrhea, everywhere completely is the white clothing silver makeup. 左边一队,雪白的衣衫,雪白的鞋子,雪白的帽子,雪白的腰带,雪白的刀鞘剑鞘,从头到脚,全是一片白,满目尽是素裹银妆。 ............ ………… <\; first =...... >\; <\;第一更呃=哦……>\;
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