RITF :: Volume #3

#278: Knows to cut down?

Even if originally has new accumulated fresh Purple Qi is to direct, there is Supreme Pill Beads and deep blue water drop formidable efficacy to cure the duplicate injury, the injury recovery speed will not be fast, after all Ye Xiao this time injures is really heavy, overdrew Divine Soul, soul and life several times, does not have the recuperation of considerable time, all difficulties restoration! 本来纵然有新蕴生的紫气为引,又有丹云神丹、湛蓝水珠强大药力疗复伤势,伤势复元速度仍不会太快,毕竟叶笑这次伤得实在太重,还有数度透支神魂、灵魂、生命,没有相当时间的调养,万难恢复! However Ye Xiao just experienced breakthrough promotion throughout, reaches has almost not erupted to the Sky Origin Stage level 2 strength for new life with enough time, was spent freely cleanly. 然而叶笑始终刚刚经历突破提升,臻至天元境二品的新生力量几乎没有来得及爆发,就被挥霍得干干净净。 Now once were transferred, Essence Qi of multiplying new student continuously, shortly will then flood in whole body meridians \; The true meaning of breakthrough, the book is the broken cocoon rebirth, but at this moment takes this as to restore the method, makes the best use of things, successful. 如今一经调动,新生之元气源源不绝的滋生,顷刻间便充斥于周身经脉之中\;突破之真意,本就是破茧重生,而此刻以此为恢复手段,更是物尽其用,水到渠成。 The result of this therapy, comes well compared with the normal condition, is more rapid, but among the moments, on Ye Xiao then braves the rich blue light, light Purple Qi, lingering whole body, by outside, but, is raising the damage mortal body warm, originally pale such as paper complexion, is also ruddy in little recovery. 这次疗伤的成效,远比正常情况来得更好,也更加迅速,不过片刻之间,叶笑身上便冒出来浓郁的蓝光,淡淡的紫气,萦绕周身,由外而内,温养着受损的肉身,原本惨白如纸的脸色,也在一点点的回复红润。 But at this moment, outside sunlight also in the sprinkling earth bit by bit. 而此刻,外面的阳光也在一点一点的洒满大地。 Time little in the past. 时间一点点过去。 The before Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion gate of this meeting, early is head wells up \; Everywhere completely is dense piece of head. 这会的灵宝阁门前,早已经是人头涌涌\;满目尽是黑压压的一片人头 Although the population is numerous, but actually anybody sends out not to have the least bit noise sound, performing is the silencing. 只是人数虽然众多,但却任何人发出没有半点喧嚣声响,尽是静寂。 But stands in forefront part, is six people, these six people divide to make two camps. 而站在最前面的一部分,乃是六个人,这六个人又分作两个阵营。 Everyone is the complexion is quiet, completely was concerned with all around all, during is calm is disclosing the infinite energy, as well as faintly proudly. 每个人都是脸色平静,对周遭一切全然不闻不问,沉稳之中透露着无限的底气,以及一份隐隐傲然。 Two Great Sects. 两大宗门 Several big School people in addition, is calmly is standing, although their position after Xing Chen / stars and Shining Sun Two Great Sects, but completely neither arrogant nor servile, manner benefit. 此外的几个大宗门中人,也都是静静地站着,虽然他们的站位在星辰照日两大宗门之后,但尽都不卑不亢,举止得益。 Although everybody presses together, but, among each influences, actually distinguishes right from wrong, becomes a department. 虽然大家都挤在一起,但,每一个势力之间,却都是泾渭分明,自成一系。 Eight Great Families comes the person to arrange at the third sequence, on the face is an indifference, but, that faint disturbance and anxiety, are actually not able to hide. 八大家族的来人则是排在第三序列,脸上似是一片淡然,但,那一股隐隐的忐忑、紧张,却根本无法隐藏。 If possible, they rather now go back, simply did not participate this time auctions. So as to avoid also offends these true big School. 若是有可能,他们宁可现在就回去,干脆不参与这次拍卖了。也免得得罪这些真正的大宗门 But, thing of this auction, the family actually wins. 但,这次拍卖的东西,家族却又是志在必得。 Because this relates to the future of family in the future, clearly knows participates in the auction is the tigers mouth seizes the food, still has to be. 因为这关系到家族的前途未来,明知道参与拍卖就是虎口夺食,仍是不得不为。 Therefore, is worried, is expecting, two types of mentality each other rubber of nearly oppositions...... 所以,一个个都在担心着,都在期望着,两种近乎对立的心态彼此胶着…… All people are waiting, enters the stadium a moment arrival. 所有人都在等待着,入场一刻的到来。 The distant place, on a tree, likes the empty shade common character together there static standing erect, the eye just likes does not have not to have the least bit to gaze here honored, the complexion is to the utmost callous, indifferent. 远方,一棵树上,一道有如虚影一般的人物在那里静静的屹立,眼睛恍如全无没有半点光彩地注视着这边,脸色极尽冷酷,冷漠。 In Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion. 灵宝阁中。 Wan Zenghao already was at this moment anxious is similar to is the ant on hot pot, roves, rare idle time. 万正豪此刻已然焦急得如同是热锅上的蚂蚁,转来转去,一刻也难得停歇。 How Great Monarch has not arrived to the present, this play his town field, how do not sing......” the Wan Zenghao sweat tick-tock to fall. A mind of face is restless. 君座怎么到现在还没到来,这出戏没有他镇场,要怎么唱下去……”万正豪的汗水滴滴答答的落下来。一脸的心神不安。 Arrives until the scheduled auction time, if Great Monarch does not come, facing the unreasonable demand of Two Great Sects time, how should oneself deal? 及至预定的拍卖时刻到来,若是君座就是不来,面对两大宗门的无理要求的时候,自己又该如何应对? Soft will have been profited, the opposite party eats wipes dry only, makes chewing motions greatly quickly, the advantage completely, anything advantage does not fall, but if the manner were hard, will queer inevitably, fatal disaster and disaster of anything's extermination arrival momentarily. 软了就会被人占了便宜,对方吃干抹净,大快朵颐,好处尽得,己方什么好处都落不下,但若是态度硬了,势必会得罪人,杀身之祸、灭门之灾什么的随时到来。 This is one is really hard to choose cannot control unable to ascertain no weight the matter. 这实在是一件难以抉择不可控制无法捉摸没的衡量的事情。 If once became enemies, then, later Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion results in the day, will be definitely sad. 一旦若是真的结了仇,那么,以后灵宝阁得日子,必然会非常难过。 Is acted to deal with by oneself? 由自己出面应付? The people who participates in the auction naturally cannot say anything, but component radically insufficient, oneself already cannot that person of words matter! 参与拍卖的众人自然不会说什么,可自己分量根本就不够啊,自己早已不是能够话事的那个人了! Wan Zenghao almost worried dozens jin (0.5 kg) thinly. 万正豪几乎愁得瘦了数十斤。 Another side, permanent coffin face ice-cold Liu Changjun actually throughout calmly sits generally, on the face the expression is entirely still. Before one such as chilling, stiff, does not have the change. 另一边,恒久棺材脸一般冰冷的柳长君却始终静静地坐着,脸上表情纹丝不动。一如之前的冷硬,僵硬,全无变化。 As if the meat mountain of front that pile migration, with outside dense crowd, does not have the least bit to relate with him. 似乎面前那堆移动的肉山,与外面黑压压的人群,与他没有半点关系。 Present one should be urgent, completely has not placed on his heart. 眼前的一应急迫,也全然没有放在其心上。 Even, sometimes his brow also in tight is wrinkling, thinking: My Assassin team, lacks anything at present...... How should make up? Collects some high-quality Assassin to where? 甚至,有时候他的眉头还在紧紧的皱着,思索着:我的杀手队伍,眼下还缺一些什么呢……应该如何弥补呢?到哪里去搜罗一些高质量的杀手呢? After all present progress, but cannot achieve picks up speed that’ by far young master requests limit! 毕竟现在的进度,可是远远达不到公子爷所要求的‘加快速度’限度呢! Wan Zenghao anxious wiping away sweat, muttered unceasingly repeatedly said: in the end? How hasn't Great Monarch come? Right now may be awful...... Isn't will have an accident? How to have come? This in the end what's the matter?” 万正豪焦急的擦着汗,不断喃喃重复道:“到底怎么了?怎地君座还不来?这下子可糟糕了……不会是出了什么事吧?怎么还没来呢?这到底是怎么回事呢?” Liu Changjun flipped the eyelid, some loathings stared his one eyes, has turned very much simply away. 柳长君翻了翻眼皮,有些厌恶的瞪了他一眼,很干脆转过脸去。 This fatty is really repugnant! 这胖子真讨厌! Talked endlessly, your this will say many spread...... Is bothersome. 喋喋不休的,你这会都说了多少遍了……烦不烦啊。 Useful? 有用么? Wan Zenghao closely frowns, paces back and forth, finally turns the head: Old Liu, you said this, what to do should? If Great Monarch does not come accidentally, what to do I should...... This, but uncomfortable, what to do not to be very right.” 万正豪紧紧皱着眉头,踱来踱去,终于转头:“老柳,你说这个,该怎么办?若是君座万一真个不来,我该怎么办呢……这个,可难受的很,怎么办都不对啊。” The Liu Changjun eyelid does not lift, vague coldly light saying: That is your matter, does not need to tell me.” 柳长君眼皮也不抬,不阴不阳冷冷淡淡的说道:“那是你的事,不用告诉我。” Wan Zenghao hears this saying, immediately felt one had been filled lump of bowel movement hardly, wants to get angry, has you such to speak? Or little must look like deceased person on the words, occasionally spoke words, does not have the constructive nature, is hard the choking deceased person! 万正豪听到这话,顿时就感觉自己被人硬塞了一坨大便,就想要发火,有你这么说话的么?要不就话少得像死人,偶尔说句话,也全无建设性,硬得噎死人! His! Now we are the colleagues! 丫的!现在咱俩可是同事! If had really troublesome, we are in a string is tying up two grasshoppers, no doubt cannot jump I, can could it be that be inescapable you?! 万一真有了麻烦,咱俩就是一根绳子上拴着的两个蚂蚱,固然蹦不了我,难道就跑得了你么?! Thanks to you can also such old god. 亏你还能这么老神在在的。 But sees that expression outside Liu Changjun patrolling thing, shouting abuse that Wan Zenghao is going to export swallowed back. He knows that this fellow really has not cared about auction here development. 可是看到柳长君神游物外的那副表情,万正豪又将原本将要出口的破口大骂咽了回去。他知道,这家伙还真是不在乎拍卖会这边的发展。 This kills the embryo! 这个杀胚! He cares only then his Assassin group! 他在乎的就只有他的杀手集团! Other, are all unimportant! 其他的,全都不重要! thing! 混账东西! May however...... If I scolded him, what to do he does jump to punch me? 可但是……要是我真骂了他,他跳起来揍我怎么办? Ten thousand big bosses lower the head to take a look at the great body, has not seen the foot, felt not only one cannot hit others, runs continually also runs, but, others feet under the leg, their foot must look quite a while...... 万大老板低头瞅了瞅自己伟岸的身躯,还是没看到脚,感觉自己不但打不过人家,连跑也跑不过,人家的脚就在腿底下,自己的脚得找半天呢…… Therefore, do not scold him. 所以,还是不要骂他了。 Endures to be uneventful for a while, draws back one step...... Dry seas and crumbling rocks! 忍一时风平浪静,退一步……海枯石烂! Saying that depressed sighing extremely, Wan Zenghao still does best to convince: Old Liu, you said that you somewhat should also worry for our auction room, you said you not importantly daily this, anything...... Good uncomfortable good cutting down?” 郁闷万分的叹口气,万正豪兀自苦口婆心的说道:“老柳,你说你多多少少也该为我们拍卖行操操心了,你说你天天这样子,什么都不重要……让人好难受好的伐?” Liu Changjun flipped the eyelid , to continue beyond patrolling thing, still old god. 柳长君翻了翻眼皮,继续神游物外,仍旧老神在在。 Wan Zenghao air/Qi even more does not hit one, roared in a low voice: If this matter processing is not good, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion ended...... Knows to cut down? If Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion ended, your Assassin group also ended! Knows to cut down? Your intelligence organization must play, knows that cuts down?” 万正豪愈发的气不打一处来,低声咆哮:“若是这次的事情一个处理不好,灵宝阁就完了……知道伐?若是灵宝阁完了,你的杀手集团也完了!知道伐?还有你的情报组织也得玩完了,知道伐?” ............ ………… <\; consecutively for more than three days, knows to cut down? Read to vote the ticket, knows to cut down? Do I, know to cut down very much dashing? >\; <\;连续三天多更啦,知道伐?看完书要投票票,知道伐?我很英俊潇洒的,知道伐?>\;
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