RITF :: Volume #3

#277: Bound­less Holy Lord!

The people were discussing the research, heard a person to call out in alarm one, fierce jumping to one side, the whole body trembled. 众人正在商量研究,又听到一个人惊叫一声,猛的跳到了一边,浑身哆嗦起来。 How?” The people had a scare, closely examines. “怎么了?”众人吓了一跳,纷纷追问。 „This this...... The corpse is moving, in...... Is melting...... Rotten......” that person looks deathly pale, almost must unable to bear the appearance that vomits. “这这这……尸体在动,是在……在融化……腐烂……”那人脸色惨白,一副差点就要忍不住呕吐出来的样子。 People completely one startled, simultaneously turns head to look that sees only two corpses indeed to twitch, truly in rotten . Moreover the rotten speed is much faster...... Unceasingly is twitching in that the wound place not only falls apart rottenly, odor smell anxious illness diverge...... 众人尽都一惊,齐齐回头看去,只见两具尸体的确在抽动,也确实是在腐烂,而且腐烂速度快得惊人……就在那不断抽动着,伤口处不但腐烂朽坏,一股股恶臭气味急疾发散出来…… Along with intensifying of rotten degree, corpse also along with it getting smaller. 随着腐烂程度的加剧,尸体亦随之越来越小。 People look at each other in dismay, the complexion completely ugly extremely, only thought that cold air goes straight up from the vest, to top of the head. 众人面面相觑,脸色尽都难看已极,只觉得一股寒气从背心直升上来,一直到了头顶。 Does not know that is who first sends one to shout, rushed \; Following close on, other people completely one after another is also leaving, everyone, including that several Sky Origin expert, is a paleness of face, has to fear intent to reappear faintly. 不知道是谁首先发一声喊,就奔了出去\;紧跟着,其他的人也尽都相继离开,每个人,包括那几位天元高手,全都是一脸的苍白,隐隐有惧意浮现。 Among the world, has such strange overbearing cold toxin unexpectedly? 天下间,竟有这么诡异霸道的寒毒? But is the person of this starting, actually who? 而这个下手之人,究竟是谁呢? Too terrifying! 太恐怖了! Is frightened when the people undecidedly, a piece is flustered, the accident regenerates. 就在众人惊惶未定,一片慌张之际,变故再生。 Actually was the Shu Xu Hanzi proleg of that skinny and shriveled-up looking just ran, suddenly called out pitifully, the entire body bone rolled common falls to the ground, in his throat position, were many silver bright Fly­ing Nee­dles, from rustle was shivering, drags. 却是那个瘦小枯干的鼠须汉子前脚刚刚跑出去,突然惨叫一声,整个身子骨碌碌滚倒在地,在他的咽喉位置,多了一枚银光闪闪的飞针,正自簌簌颤抖,摇曳。 Immediately, measured cloudy the sound that resounds: Ignorant junior, dares to slander this Holy Lord unexpectedly, today then makes you experience this Holy Lord Fly­ing Nee­dles, the next generation may probably remember! On this Holy Lord needle will never quench the toxin, is the silver needle!” 随即,一个阴测测的声音响起:“无知小辈,竟然敢污蔑本圣主,今日便让你见识见识本圣主飞针,下辈子可要记住了!本圣主针上从来不会淬毒,是银针!” What a pity, that Shu Xu Hanzi was actually doomed unable to hear these words. 可惜,那鼠须汉子却是注定听不到这句话了。 At the beginning of needle, he died. 中针伊始,他就已经死了。 That silver needle, does not know that flies from where, had claimed in an instant already a Earth Origin Stage martial artist life. 那根银针,不知道从何处飞出来,刹那间已然夺走了一个地元境武者的性命。 All people are startled to see the accident, performs has a big shock. 所有人惊见变故,尽都是大惊失色。 That white bearded old man sinking sound said: bound­less Holy Lord? Since came, why not comes out to see?” 白须老者沉声说道:“无边圣主?既然来了,何妨出来一见?” Outside, in pride of the morning misty, that measured cloudy the sound that said: „The Two Great Sects right and wrong, I may unable to stir up \; Since you do not have to be unjustly discredited to buckle forcefully on this Holy Lord, why can also see with you? The people annoy troublesome! Meets to struggle , if not see!” 外面,晨雾飘渺中,那阴测测的声音说道:“两大宗门的是非,我可惹不起\;既然你们没有强行将黑锅扣在本圣主头上,为何还要与你一见?徒惹麻烦!相见争如不见!” Measured cloudy the sound that more goes to be farther obviously, finally simply completely vanishes in the wind. 阴测测的声音显见越去越远,最后干脆在风中完全消失。 People look at each other in dismay. 众人面面相觑 This Shu Xu Hanzi, strength, although is only the last stage in this group of people, is actually in Eight Great Families the Long Family person, however this moment Long Family other people, although completely one face grief and indignation, did not have any person saying that but dull was standing, moved unexpectedly does not dare to move. 这个鼠须汉子,实力虽然在这群人中只属末流,却是八大家族之中龙家的人,然而此刻龙家的其他人虽然尽都一脸悲愤,却没有任何一人开口说点,只是就那么呆呆站着,竟然一动也不敢动。 bound­less Holy Lord is also good, two big sects, are formidable existences that they cannot stir up. 无边圣主也好,两大宗派也罢,都是他们惹不起的强大存在。 Don't must say that has killed a person, even if has killed several again, several, share that also only then the Knocked out tooth and blood swallowed! Half a word words do not dare to say much. Because, if said that words, or not only delivered itself a poor life to settle, perhaps implicated the entire family completely to vanish! 莫要说只是杀了一个人,就算是再多杀了几个,十几个,也只有打落牙齿和血吞的份!半句话也是不敢多说。因为,若是说多了话,或者都不仅仅是送了自己一条小命可以了事的,也许就是连累得整个家族完全消失! People look at each other in dismay, in the heart has another very important matter to well up. 众人面面相觑,心中有另一件很重要的事情涌上心头。 At this moment, in all person hearts thinks that unexpectedly is the same of being without change. 这一刻,所有人心中所想,竟是一般无二的相同。 bound­less Holy Lord, arrived at Dragon Star City!” 无边圣主,也来到了辰星城!” Has not had for a long time steps in World of Mortals him, reappears the world, definitely also for this auction. Then, this time auction, may even more live it up really......” “久未涉足红尘的他,再现尘寰,肯定也是为了这场拍卖会而来。那么,这一次的拍卖会,可真的愈发热闹了……” „...... In the auction, must careful, if has not provoked bound­less Holy Lord carefully, only feared that will henceforth face the death of Boundless Lake to chase down, that is the undying continuous aspect......” “不过……在拍卖的时候,要更加的小心,若是一个不小心惹恼了无边圣主,只怕就将从此面对无边湖的死亡追杀,那可是不死不休的局面啊……” All people were a face worried walked, even if Stars Sect and a Shining Sun School Two Great Sects people were no exception. 所有人都是一脸心事重重的走了,纵然星辰门照日宗两大宗门中人也不例外。 ...... …… The stealth in hidden place Ye Xiao saw with own eyes that the people completely go, this gently breathed a sigh of relief. 隐身在暗处叶笑眼见众人尽去,这才轻轻舒了一口气。 His time is not damaged lightly, the whole body is scarred, furthermore inside and outside entirely Shang, the air/Qi spatial strength completely, could not support him to walk is very far, altogether only went out from a spot 40-50 zhang (3.33 m) distance, hurried to turn a private residence. 他这次受创非轻,浑身伤痕累累,更兼内外俱伤,气空力尽,根本支撑不了他走很远,一共就只走出距离事发地点四五十丈的距离,就赶紧拐进了一家民房。 Because the matter gets up suddenly, only then acts according to the special circumstances, to risk danger method, first all trigs the whole family, then explained several slightly, threw two paper money, was really the wealth passable god, but comforted in a minute the family. 因为事起突然,也只有事急从权,以行险手段,先将一家人悉数制住,然后略略解释几句,又扔出两张银票,果然是财可通神,不过片刻间就将这一家人安抚住了。 Until he unties whole family's ban time, the family simply probably was served the ancestor warmly generally to him. 及至他解开一家人的禁制的时候,这一家人简直就好像是伺候祖宗一般热情的对他了。 It is not each whole family can see these many silver, let alone this kind of unexpected wealth drops from the clouds, oneself have not needed to pay anything, only needs to shut up and maintain peaceful good. 并不是每一家人都能见到这么多银子的,更别说这样一笔横财从天而降,自家还不需要付出什么,就只需要闭上嘴、保持安静就好。 That two paper money that Ye Xiao gives, the currency value regulations are on Young Master Ye the smallest paper money, but 12,000. Altogether two ten thousand tael of silver! 叶笑给出的那两张银票,面额实则是叶大少爷身上最小的银票,不过一张12000。一共才两万两银子而已! These two ten thousand tael of silver in present Young Master Ye, or wind big Great Monarch, will not care, cannot say a drop in the bucket, but regarding the ordinary families, has what Yi is the wealth of astronomical figures! 这两万两银子于如今的叶大少爷,又或者风大君座,根本不会在意,连九牛一毛都说不上,但对于普通人家,却有何异是天文数字的财富! Even if most ordinary households do not eat and drink for a lifetime, not necessarily gains to these much money, must know that now maintains a livelihood of family, one month five tael of silver, have been able to cross very abundantly...... 绝大多数的普通家庭纵然一辈子不吃不喝,也未必赚到这么多钱,要知道,现在维持一个家庭的生计,一个月五两银子,就已经可以过得很富足了…… Handles the whole family smoothly, the matter that Ye Xiao then does, was one has swallowed five Supreme Pill Beads, has swallowed ten drops of space water drops again, the life water source, stabilized the injury, recovery certain Essence Qi. 顺利搞定一家人,叶笑接着做的事,就是一口吞下了五颗丹云神丹,再吞下了十滴空间水珠,生命水源,稳定一下伤势,回复一定元气 Also strives to support the body, has changed clothes, this starts with single-hearted devotion therapy. 又勉力撑着身体,换过一身衣服,这才开始专心疗伤。 Reason that does not have to start therapy immediately, actually to avoid these people are unexpectedly crazed to searching here...... 之所以没有即时开始疗伤,却是为了避免那些人居然丧心病狂到搜查到这里…… After just that service of termination, Ye Xiao does not dare to sincerely believe in this world has anything absolutely the matter! 经过刚刚完结的那一役,叶笑再不敢笃信这世上有什么“绝对”的事情了! Any matter may occurrence, any accident can appear! 任何事都是有可能发生的,任何意外都可以出现! To extinguish thoroughly eliminates the trace, Ye Xiao even again changed own appearance, spiritual energy that although the change facial features consume will make the treatment course of self- restoration lengthen much. 为了彻底灭除痕迹,叶笑甚至再一次改变了自己的容貌,尽管改变面容所消耗掉的灵气会让自我复原的疗程加长不少。 Repeatedly confirmed own current condition, even if some people of accidents discovered themselves , after being hard to understand clearly the real status, Ye Xiao finally started therapy of total involvement! 再次确认自身当前状况,就算有人意外发现自己,也难以洞悉自己真实身份之后,叶笑终于开始全身心的疗伤了! The mind sinks, Divine Sense rapid walks the whole body, confirmed that inside and outside mortal body damage degree, is actually the sores all over the eye, cut and bruised, the five internal organs shift, the bone broke more than 78, the whole body meridians almost everywhere all was damaged, whole body high and low, almost could not find the quite whole place. 心神一沉之间,神识迅速遍走周身,确认肉身内外受损程度,却是满目疮痍,遍体鳞伤,五脏移位,骨头断折了不下78处,周身经络几乎处处皆有受损,满身上下,几乎都找不到比较囫囵的地方。 The condition only good, instead is the dry dantian, this occasion unexpectedly does not know when accumulated lived several points of Purple Qi, has this foundation following matter to be easier to do, Ye Xiao once were transferred, takes this as the power zero point, the rushing prestige of Supreme Pill Beads embodiment can erupt instantaneously, that deep blue water drop is mad Life Essence, starts innumerable meridians that repairs the Ye Xiao whole body to crack. 状况唯一好点,反而是原本干涸的丹田,此际竟不知道何时蕴生了几分紫气,有这点根基后面的事情就好办许多,叶笑一经调动,以此为动力原点,丹云神丹内蕴的澎湃威能瞬间爆发,还有那湛蓝水珠的生命元气,也开始修复叶笑周身崩裂的无数经脉 ............ ………… <\; third! Also...... Ticket? >\; <\;第三更!还有哦……票呢?>\;
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