RITF :: Volume #3

#276: The rivers and lakes who has the needle?

In this two corpses, that Shining Sun School Chen Yuanfeng, is only an unknown unimportant person, died also died \; But...... Stars Sect Nan Tianxing also died here unexpectedly. 这里面的两具尸体,那照日宗陈元峰也就罢了,只是一个名不见经传的小人物,死了也就死了\;但……星辰门南天星竟然也死在了这里。 This condition was makes the people on the scene have to suck in an cold air/Qi! 这个状况就是让在场众人不得不倒抽了一口冷气! In this Dragon Star City, can kill the dead Nan Tianxing person, how many altogether has? 在这座辰星城,能够杀得死南天星的人,一共才有几个? This answer, everybody knows in heart. 这个答案,大家心里都有数。 If Nan Tianxing were so easy to cope, these years already do not know that were stressed to behead many times by Chen Emperor Empire. 若是南天星这么容易就能对付得了,这些年来早就不知道被辰皇帝国抓起来砍头多少次了。 Is because its strength is tyrannical, battle-trained, Chen Emperor Empire Monet his what, appointed it gets off scot-free! 就是因为其实力强横,久经战阵,辰皇帝国莫奈他何,才任其逍遥法外! If is not absolutely self-confident to own strength, dares so splendid enters the Chen Empire imperial capital!? 若非对自己实力绝对自信,又怎么敢如此堂而皇之的进入辰皇帝都!? However is such a man of the hour, this silent dynasty life mourning, how could it not be made the people on the scene with amazement! 然而就是这么一个风云人物,就这无声无息的一朝命丧,岂不令在场众人骇然! But a more essential point also lies, even if Chen Empire imperial capital wind tiger Yunlong at this moment gathers here, but, several all people, all becoming famous characters, can kill Nan Tianxing person, and goes to calmly...... Considering everything, not over ten people! 而更为关键的一点还在于,就算是此刻的辰皇帝都风虎云龙汇聚在这里,但,数遍了所有人,所有的成名人物,能够杀死南天星并且从容而去的人……满打满算,也不会超过十个人! Even these ten people, but also has included the Stars Sect person on one's own side. 甚至这十个人,还包括了星辰门的自己人在内。 The people on the scene are divided into two groups, one group inspects the Chen Yuanfeng corpse, another group inspects the Nan Tianxing corpse, everybody are the surface sink such as the water, appear worried. 在场众人分成两伙,一伙检查陈元峰的尸体,另一伙检查南天星的尸体,人人都是面沉如水、显得心事重重。 „The final expression on Yuan peak face is flooding intensely surprised, thick incredible and also to have the meaning of alert has not abated \; The fatal wound must, be on the throat a slight wound. His saber falls in side, it is estimated that before is at the point of death, was still tight is grasping, but fatal has struck in, lets go to put the sword, all these explained...... Explained that he clearly had the entire gods to alert at that time, was actually struck to kill by the opposite party, by being filled with unbelievable and surprised. The opposite party is expert, least must have the Sky Origin Stage standard!” “元峰脸上的最后表情充斥着强烈惊讶,浓浓的不可置信、还有未曾消退的戒备之意\;致命伤口只得一点,就是咽喉上一个细微的伤口。他的佩剑就掉落在身旁,估计是临死之前仍是紧紧在握,只是在中了致命一击之时,才脱手放剑,这一切都说明……说明他当时分明有全神戒备,却还是被对方一击而杀,是以满心的难以置信与惊讶。对方乃是高手,最少也得有天元境水准!” Moreover in beginning suddenly!” “而且是在冷不防的动手!” A Shining Sun School old man frowns, said slowly: Such expert, copes with Yuan peak Earth Origin mirror martial artist, needs to use the toxin unexpectedly, moreover extreme weird deadly poison, but can create like that wound hidden weapon...... Around that hidden weapon consistent, has a peak \; Thin such as needle...... Needle!” 一个照日宗的老者皱着眉头,缓缓道:“这样的高手,对付元峰这样一个地元武者,竟然还需要用毒,而且还是极端邪门的剧毒,而能造成那般伤口的暗器……那暗器前后一致,只得一个尖峰\;细如针……针!” He stands up suddenly: Now on the rivers and lakes, who is takes quenching poisonous Fly­ing Nee­dles as the weapon?” 他霍然站起:“如今江湖上,有谁是以淬毒飞针为武器的?” Meanwhile, the opposite Stars Sect person also drew the conclusion: Nan Tianxing entire cloth sword mark, cut and bruised, but not a sword cut wound and skeleton, explanation sword cut basic on insufficient, so that he in doom, scar, although are many, but flesh wound \; But made him die truly, was on his body these slight pinholes, inflow fierce cold poisonous......” 与此同时,对面星辰门的人也得出了结论:“南天星身上全布剑痕,遍体鳞伤,但并无一处剑伤伤及骨骼,说明剑伤根本就不足以致他于死命,伤痕虽多,不过皮肉之伤\;而真正让他死去的,乃是他身体上这些细微的针孔,流入的强猛寒毒……” This person, should be is mutually wounded with Nan Tianxing first, after killing Nan Tianxing, oneself also lost the strength \; Then Chen Yuanfeng comes out to profit, at this time, was actually killed by him. Therefore on that Chen Yuanfeng face so will be accidental.” “这个人,应该是先与南天星两败俱伤,杀死南天星之后,自己也失去了力量\;然后陈元峰出来想要占便宜,却在这个时候,被他杀死。所以那陈元峰脸上才会如此意外。” Now on the rivers and lakes, who is uses cold poisonous Fly­ing Nee­dles as the weapon?” “如今江湖上,有谁是以寒毒飞针为武器的?” Two mostly the same except for minor differences issues, raise at the same time. 两个大同小异的问题,同一时间提出来。 The entire scene instant fell into an unprecedented silence. 整个场面瞬时陷入了一片空前的寂静之中。 People some think with hardship, consideration meets the condition the goal, some look at each other in dismay, are relatively speechless, but also some raise the head to the day, is actually indifferent to the dead. 众人有的苦苦思索,思量符合条件的目标,有的面面相觑,相对无言,还有的仰首向天,却是对死者漠不关心。 Some people asked suddenly: They, belong to Two Great Sects, simultaneously dead how here?” 有人突然发问:“他们两个人,分属两大宗门,怎么会同时死在这里?” This sudden issue, making all people be startled. 这个突如其来的问题,让所有人都为之一怔。 Good, Sky Origin Stage level 8, Earth Origin Stage level 6 \; Between both the cultivation level difference day altogether, Nan Tianxing is absolutely will unable to have a liking for Chen Yuanfeng, do not say that Nan Tianxing early has been familiar with act freely, in turn, Chen Yuanfeng does not dare to provoke the notorious and ominous famous element absolutely Nan Tianxing, did not fear that was played...... 不错,一个天元境八品,一个地元境六品\;两者之间修为差天共地,南天星是绝对不会看得上陈元峰的,更不要说南天星早已经习惯独往独来,反过来,陈元峰也绝对不敢招惹恶名昭彰、凶名素著的南天星,不怕被玩死么…… But is so obviously strange. 但就是如此才更显奇怪。 Their gathering same place, will die together? Moreover, dies in under the hand/subordinate of same person very much obviously? 他们两个怎么会凑到一起,死在一起?而且,很明显是死在同一个人的手下 The expression of Chen Yuanfeng dying time, is too strange, was too beyond comprehension! 还有陈元峰死去时候的表情,实在太诡异,也太让人费解了! All these all, seem zhang (3.33 m) two monks cannot feel the brains to be ordinary seriously, wondered. 这一切的一切,当真好似丈二和尚摸不着头脑一般,真真的纳了闷了。 „Speaking of on the rivers and lakes to take as expert of weapon, seemed like...... Had a person......” at this time, person weak saying. “说到江湖上以针为武器的高手,貌似……只有一个人……”这时候,一个人弱弱的说道。 Who?” All people turn around neatly, look at this person. “谁?”所有人整齐转身,看着这个人。 This person two cast aside the mouse to, skinny and shriveled-up looking, was thought so by the big expert eyes of several peak level, has almost fainted at the scene, two legs played the pipa immediately, not talking clearly words that stuttered directly. 这个人两撇鼠须,瘦小枯干,被几位巅峰级数的大高手这么眼睛一看,几乎当场晕了过去,两条腿顿时弹起了琵琶,直接结结巴巴的说不清楚话了。 Several expert then discovered that during oneself several people had no intention to send out own imposing manner completely, discussed at that person of not high cultivation level level, how not to be terrified, has not scared to death luckily, hurriedly restrains, the congealing sound asked: What you said is who? Is which becomes famous expert to take as the weapon?” 几位高手这才发现,自己几人无意之中将自身气势完全散发了出去,以那人并不甚高的修为层次而论,如何不惊恐万状,没吓死就万幸,急忙收敛了一下,凝声问道:“你说的是谁?是哪一位成名高手以针为武器?” Yes...... In legend, Boundless Lake bound­less Holy Lord...... His becoming famous weapon is a needle.” Man of skinny and shriveled-up looking is trembling, said: And...... Ever changing, does not have the shade invisible......” “是……传说中,无边湖无边圣主……他的成名兵器就是针。”瘦小枯干的汉子哆嗦着,说道:“而且……千变万化,无影无形……” Is impossible! Possibly is not he!” Several people shake the head together, simultaneously denied that person of view. “不可能!不可能是他!”几个人一起摇头,齐齐否定了那人的说法。 This place, the beach blood, judges according to the position, the several person bloodstain colors are the bases, certainly not possibly is the blood of Chen Yuanfeng or Nan Tianxing, but is that murderer leaves behind! This point, can determine without doubt.” “这个地方,有一滩鲜血,按照位置来判断,还有,几个人身边的血迹颜色为依据,绝无可能是陈元峰或者南天星的血,而是那个凶手遗留!这一点,可以确定无疑。” If bound­less Holy Lord take action, had decided that a blood will not spit, his strength, can kill Nan Tianxing very much with ease, as for Chen Yuanfeng, is a cinch! Is absolutely impossible injured to spit blood!” “若是无边圣主出手,那么,决计连一口血都不会吐,他之实力,可以很轻松就能将南天星杀死,至于陈元峰,更加不在话下!绝无可能会受伤吐血!” white bearded old man dignified saying of Stars Sect. 星辰门的一位白须老者凝重的说道。 The people nod in abundance, indicated the approval. 众人纷纷点头,表示认同。 In that legend Divine Dragon sees not to see bound­less Holy Lord of tail, the strength reached the boundary of transcending the mortal world, with Nan Tianxing radically is not existence of level, each other simply does not have any occurring together, Chen Yuanfeng, the one breath also blew, how must use to a prestige. 那位传说之中神龙见首而不见尾的无边圣主,实力已臻超凡入圣之境,跟南天星根本就不是一个级数的存在,彼此根本没有任何交集,还有陈元峰,一口气也吹死了,如何还要用到一针之威。 Hand that but, this bound­less Holy Lord moves, who is actually? 可是,这要不是无边圣主动的手,却又是谁呢? Seemingly takes as becoming famous expert of weapon, could not think really really! 貌似以针为武器的成名高手,真真想不到了! Here!” Some people were called one towering: On Nan Tianxing, other wounds.” “这里!”有人突兀地叫了一声:“南天星身上,还有其他的伤口。” The people gather up to go, under looks, performs speechless. 众人凑上前去,一看之下,尽都无言。 Inspected a moment ago sketchily, paid attention to the sword mark, the pinhole, but also has not noted that several exceptionally slight wound, that several only tall and slender wound, the wound trace and pinhole were actually basic identically, but actually certainly was not Fly­ing Nee­dles can create, 刚才粗略检查,更多注意剑痕,针孔,还真没注意到那几处异常细微伤口,那几处仅有的细长伤口,创伤痕迹与针孔倒是基本雷同,但却一定不是飞针能够造成的, Such wound, should be... Extremely tiny Flying Knives created......” has an old man to gesticulate with two fingers: Estimate does not surpass is so long.” “这样的伤口,应该是…极细小的飞刀造成……”有个老者用两根手指比划了一下:“估计也就不超过这么长。” This judges one, people had doubts. 这个判断一出,众人不禁更加疑惑了。 Who in the end is...... It is not only uses the needle, and uses Flying Knives? 到底是谁……是既用针,又用飞刀 ............ ………… <\; second, asked the bill, must give me...... I am graceful...... >\; <\;第二更哦,还有哦,求票票哦,一定要给我哦……我多帅啊……>\;
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