RITF :: Volume #3

#275: Card in a hand endless!

Chen Yuanfeng so proceeds , the meanings of many probe, decide, once there is an accident to appear, immediately the take action long sword, then turns around to make a getaway, does not show off power. Makes the observation to the distant place again. 陈元峰这般往前走来,也不乏试探之意,更打定主意,一旦有变故出现,立即出手长剑,然后转身逃之夭夭,绝不逞强。到远处再做观察。 Ye Xiao chokes to cough towering, is a blood spurts, is a blood. 叶笑突兀地呛咳一声,又是一口血喷出来,跟着又是一口血。 It seems like the finger somewhat shivers, no longer stabilizes, long sighed: „......”, 貌似手指头都有些颤抖,不复稳定,不禁长长叹息:“罢了罢了……”、 In the sound, reveals infinite dejected. 声音中,流露出无限的心灰意冷。 Chen Yuanfeng sees that is actually one's hearth is happy, forwarded several steps, has almost been able to contact the body of Ye Xiao, but was actually discrete standing in the direction of foot, a foot has kicked kicking on the Ye Xiao thigh gently, then used some strengths to kick kicking, Ye Xiao groaned, was angry: Petty people! The giving grandfather happiness of having planting. So insulted powerhouse, didn't you think mean?” 陈元峰见状却是心中一喜,又向前走了几步,几乎已经可以接触到叶笑的身体,但却还是谨慎的站在脚的方向,一脚在叶笑大腿上轻轻踢了踢,然后又用了些力量踢了踢,叶笑呻吟一声,愤怒道:“鼠辈!有种的给爷爷一个痛快。这般侮辱一位强者,你不觉得下作么?” In Chen Yuanfeng heart certain, finally determined that this is considered as in oneself eye on is the peak expert fellow, the strength that now moves really a little did not have. 陈元峰心中一定,终于确定,这位在自己眼中算得上是巅峰高手的家伙,现在真的是一点儿动弹的力量也没有了。 But he only has allocated Fly­ing Nee­dles Flying Knives that Ye Xiao solved with the foot one side, a sinister smile sound track: Where words that Great Monarch Feng your this spoke, I have not bumped your thigh, has not peeled your pants, where some that saying how, did I where give up to kill you?” 但他还是只用脚将叶笑解下来的飞针飞刀拨到了一边,阴笑一声道:“风君座您这说的哪里话来,我不就是碰了碰你的大腿么,又没剥你裤子,哪里有那多么的说道,我哪里舍得杀了您呢?” Ye Xiao snort|hum, weak saying: You should better now kill me! Otherwise, you understood!” 叶笑哼了一声,无力的说道:“你最好还是现在就杀了我!否则,你懂得!” Chen Yuanfeng laughs, finally feels relieved puts greatly, arrives in front of Ye Xiao, squats, looks at the eye of Ye Xiao, said in a soft voice: I not......” 陈元峰哈哈大笑,终于宽心大放,走到叶笑面前,蹲下来,看着叶笑的眼睛,轻声道:“我偏不……” However this time, Ye Xiao suddenly fiercely was then opening the eye, shouted to clear the way: Bah!” 然而便在这时候,叶笑突然间猛地睁开眼睛,喝道:“呸!” Wisp of imposing cold brightness, from the Ye Xiao mouth **** however leaves! 一缕凛然寒光,从叶笑口中****而出! Vigorously like lightning! 疾如闪电! This is he keeps itself on, true last murder maintaining life method. 这是他留在自己身上的,真正的最后一道杀人保命手段。 In tooth. 在牙齿之中。 Fly­ing Nee­dles! 一枚飞针 Even if the whole body cannot move, the four limbs were discounted, so long as the one breath still, this Fly­ing Nee­dles, can kill the enemy! 哪怕全身都不能动,四肢都被打折了,但只要一口气还在,这枚飞针,就能将敌人杀死! This Chen Yuanfeng this occasion with enough time has not even squatted, the word of last ridiculing has not said with enough time, this Fly­ing Nee­dles already with one bah, whiz sneaked in his throat! 这个陈元峰此际甚至还没有来得及蹲下来,最后一个揶揄之词还没来得及说完,这枚飞针已经随着一声‘呸’,“嗖”的一声钻进了他的咽喉! Red seal, slowly spreads on his neck. 一点红印,在他的脖子上缓缓扩散。 Works as lang, the long sword falls to the ground. “当啷”一声,长剑落地。 Chen Yuanfeng all movements, in this moment, frame completely! 陈元峰的所有动作,在这一刻,全部定格! In his eye, even is also at a loss. 他的眼中,甚至还有迷惘。 Cannot think through, this in the end what's the matter. 想不通,这到底是怎么回事。 The Chen Yuanfeng two hands grip the throat, makes ‚’ the sound, two incredible look at Ye Xiao, on the face full is the surprised accident, the body actually in slowly soft but actually! 陈元峰两只手握住喉咙,发出‘嗬嗬’的声音,两眼不可置信的看着叶笑,脸上满是惊讶意外,身体却是在慢慢的软倒! He arrives, has not thought that Ye Xiao also retained such one unexpectedly, last, most fatal, is facing Nan Tianxing just now that and other super powerful enemy life and death round of moment, has not used, was actually used to cope with itself at the present this time! 他到死,也没有想到,叶笑居然还保留了这么一手,最后一手,最致命的一手,在适才面对南天星那等超级强敌生死一发的关头,都没有使用,却在眼下这个时候用来对付自己! Really is unexpected! 委实是出人意料之外! But since this accident especially in the reason, Ye Xiao person who live two lifes, this life, the time has not actually forgotten to prepare last, to prepare emergency requirement, but this last, entire dropped the final curtain of this event! 但这个变故却尤在情理之中,叶笑两世为人,今世以来,时刻不忘备下最后一手,以备不时之需,而这一最后一手,正整落下了这次事件的最终帷幕! When Ye Xiao strikes take action finally, um, when should be the last exit / to speak, coughs, the whole person almost falls down, strove circulate cultivation a moment ago, and even overdraws life Divine Soul, some spiritual energy of gathering, the complete discharge in this bah above, went to air/Qi spatial strength situation completely once again. 叶笑最后一击出手之余,嗯,应该是最后一针出口之余,咳嗽一声,整个人几乎瘫倒在地,刚才勉力运功,乃至透支生命神魂,集聚的部分灵气,全部施放在这一“呸”之上了,再度去到了气空力尽的地步。 This moment weak, unprecedented! 这一刻的虚弱,前所未有! However Ye Xiao actually was still strove to support swaying to stand, Fly­ing Nee­dles Flying Knives that underground just will solve held in own bosom, this time, did not have routinely the needle blade homing, really did not have the strength. 然而叶笑却仍是勉力支撑着自己摇摇晃晃站了起来,将地下刚刚解下来的飞针飞刀揣在自己怀里,这次,却没有按部就班将针刀归位,实在是没力气了。 Puts out a hand, turned into azure purple corpse general Fly­ing Nee­dles to extract downward from Chen Yuanfeng, said in a soft voice: You do not know, regardless at any time...... I will retain the last card in a hand in the hand...... But you do not have such card in a hand, therefore you died.” 跟着一伸手,从陈元峰已经变成青紫色的尸体上将飞针拔了下来,轻声道:“你不会知道,无论在任何时候……我都会保留最后一张底牌在手的……而你却没有这样的底牌,所以你死了。” The crisis goes finally, Ye Xiao revolved forcefully spiritual energy, supports at this moment to dropping down, degree that although at this moment have been exhaustedly able to faint to perhaps the next moment, but, actually limped was going out of here. 危机终去,叶笑强行运转了一口灵气,支撑着此刻自己不至倒下,虽然此刻的自己已经疲累到也许下一刻就会昏过去的程度,但,却还是蹒跚着走出了这里。 Here, is the place is apt to get into trouble that cannot stay for a long time absolutely. 这里,已经是绝对不能久留的是非之地。 Even if only goes out of dozens zhang (3.33 m), compared with keeping here. 就算是只走出几十丈,也要比留在这里强。 Stays behind again, delaying moment, only feared again slightly was not 12 individual arrivals so is simple...... 再留下,再稍稍耽搁片刻,只怕就不是12个人到来那么简单了…… One such as Ye Xiao expected, after Ye Xiao just walked also less than the time of half quarter, whiz whiz whiz, two forms fell on here. 一如叶笑预料,就在叶笑刚刚走出去还不到半刻钟的时间之后,嗖嗖嗖,又有两条身影落在了这里。 sound, should from here round, although the distance is farther, somewhat fuzzy...... But the acoustic source position was here, absolutely mistakenly.” “刚才的动静,应该就是从这里发出来,虽然距离远些,有些模糊……但声源位置就是在此,绝对错不了。” Here position is very covert......” “这里的位置挺隐蔽啊……” Really is the good place that suits kills a person and takes his possessions......” “果然是适合杀人越货的好地方……” Good, goes to have a look.” “不错,进去看看。” Perhaps also has opportunity of picking up a bargain......” “说不定还有捡便宜的机会……” Here has the bloodstain, the trace of fighting, good intense fights......” “这里有血迹,打斗的痕迹,好激烈的一战……” This is...... Unexpectedly is Nan Tianxing?!” “这是……竟是南天星?!” I depend! Really is he...... This this how possible......” “我靠!真的是他……这这这怎么可能……” These two people who comes, very fortunately is the Shining Sun School disciple disciples, this can see the Nan Tianxing corpse, they are felt that shocks extremely. 来的这两个人,很凑巧都是照日宗的门人弟子,这会一看到南天星的尸体,两人都是感觉极为震撼。 Nan Tianxing cultivation level in this world, or is not top, but his method, cruel and merciless, actually absolutely can be among the best. 南天星修为在这世上,或者不算顶尖,但他的手段,心狠手辣,却绝对可以名列前茅。 By in Stars Sect, can be considered as on is the role that cannot provoke easily! 是以在星辰门之中,也可以算得上是一个轻易招惹不得的角色! But, role that this is not good to provoke, unexpectedly strange dying an untimely death here...... 但,这个不好招惹的角色,竟然诡异的横死在了这里…… This accident came too accidentally! 这个变故来得太意外了! Two people are shocked absolutely terrifiedly, long time is speechless, suddenly unexpectedly had not discovered that here is also lying down another corpse. 两个人震惊得毛骨悚然,半晌无语,一时间竟没发现这里还躺着另外一具尸体。 Passes the moment again, when their fright decides slightly, looks over a wide area to look in all directions the massive all around environment, this discovered that unexpectedly also has another corpse in slightly the distant place...... 再过片刻,两人惊魂稍定之余,游目四顾大量周遭环境,这才发现居然还有另外一具尸体在稍远处…… Here also has......” “这里还有……” Well? This person...... This person is not...... Chen Yuanfeng?” “咦?这人……这人不是……陈元峰?” Yes! It is not he, but how he can...... Dies here? Under two Elder did not make him come out to inform a moment ago? How such to meet the scene dead?” “是!可不就是他么,但他怎么会……死在这里?刚才二长老不是让他出来下通知的么?怎地这么一会光景就死了?” „Under could it be that comes out to inform, to walk turned round in the halfway, then died here?” 难道出来下通知,走在半路拐了弯,然后就死在了这里?” Generally should be so......” “大抵应该就是如此了……” These two simultaneously has sucked in an cold air/Qi. 这两人齐齐倒抽了一口冷气。 At this time...... 就在这时候…… Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Also there are continuous several person's shadows, the anxious rapid flight entered this place. 又有接连不断的十几条人影,急疾飞进了这个地方。 The attires of these people have difference respectively, obviously origin non- only one school. 这些人的衣着各有不同,显然来历非只一门一派。 Person who comes the person to have Stars Sect, person who also there is Shining Sun School, those who are more is other Sect people, as well as the person in Eight Great Families...... 来人有星辰门的人,也有照日宗的人,更多的还是其他门派的人,以及八大家族之中的人…… Everyone is movement technique is quick, various is charming, obviously, these person of each that at this moment comes is expert, has the origin respectively. 每一个人都是身法快捷,各具风采,显然,此刻前来的这些人每一个都是高手,各有来历。 After these several people come, sees with own eyes here one, the complexions of all people completely were instant change! 及至这十几人进来之后,眼见这里的一幕,所有人的脸色尽都是瞬时都变了! ............ ………… <\; first >\; <\;第一更哦>\;
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