RITF :: Volume #3

#274: Bamboo fence Pingyang?

Sees only picking of this fellow face to greatly cheaply heartfelt pleasantly surprised, sees turned into the corpse Nan Tianxing, Ye Xiao that not been able to move, is a self-satisfaction of face. 只见这家伙一脸的捡到大便宜的由衷惊喜,看到已经变成尸体的南天星,还有已经动弹不得的叶笑,更加是一脸的志得意满。 This person is not very as if old, on 40 over appearances. 此人的年龄似乎并不很大,也就40出头的样子。 cultivation level is lower, most is the Earth Origin Stage five level 6 appearances, if ordinary, even if has not broken through beforehand Ye Xiao, may taking in graces, be at this moment, that graces take actually must change into Ye Xiao! 一身修为更低,最多不过是地元境六品的样子,若是平常,就算是没突破之前的叶笑,也可在举手投足之间将之拿下,可是此刻,被举手投足拿下的那个却得换成叶笑自己了! The Ye Xiao difficult extreme start to talk said: Who are you?” 叶笑艰难万状的开口道:“你是谁?” Hears the Ye Xiao start to talk suddenly, that person of complexion transient, transfers extremely vigilantly is staring him, obviously the alert heart is very thick, Ha Ha said with a smile: You are not will want to tempt me to pass, with killed the Nan Tianxing method to kill me again a moment ago? Ha Ha, if the father has not seen, or had been deceived by you, but was a pity very much that your kills the trick certainly, I saw.” 骤然听到叶笑开口,那人脸色瞬变,转为极之警惕的瞪着他,显然戒备心很浓,哈哈笑道:“你不会是想要引诱我过去,再用刚才杀死南天星的手段杀我是吗?哈哈,若是老子没有看到的话,或者真就被你骗了过去,但是很可惜,你的那手绝杀伎俩,我都看到了。” Ridiculing of his face: Was open about the facts Great Monarch Feng you saying that had many hidden weapon including you, which position even was you returning, I knew clear.” 他一脸的揶揄:“不瞒风君座你说,包括您有多少枚暗器,甚至是您都将之放回到了哪个位置,我都知道得一清二楚。” He stretches out a finger: Great Monarch Feng, your head has, in the hand has, the arm has, the ankle has, in the neck also has, Great Monarch Feng, you may really be farsighted, dresses up to be similar to anytime and anywhere the hedgehog is ordinary. Admire, was right, in the pants crotch has the extra, where is less secret.” 他伸出一根手指头:“风君座,您头上有,手上有,手臂有,脚腕有,脖子里面还有,风君座,您可真是深谋远虑,将自己随时随地打扮得如同刺猬一般。佩服佩服,对了,裤裆里有没有富余的,哪里不是更隐秘。” The expression is dreadful, evidently is aware all completely is grasping unexpectedly, the expression is full of meaning of four fearless. 语气竟是猥琐至极,显然是自觉一切尽在掌握,言词充满肆无忌惮的意味。 Ye Xiao coughs, has spat a blood, said lightly: Should say what admires is I am, your excellency observes enough may be really careful, I am Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch, how should also some maintaining life methods be reasonable.” 叶笑咳嗽一声,又吐了一口血,淡淡道:“该说佩服的是我才是,阁下观察得可真够仔细啊,我身为灵宝阁君座,怎么着身上也该有一些个保命手段才合理。” This person of laughing, said: Great Monarch Feng, your why boast shamelessly, could it be that also wants to threaten in me, does the intention get by under false pretences? In such a case, life hangs the manpower, if you have other subsequent parties, that is not farsighted, but was stupid.” 这人哈哈一笑,道:“风君座,你何必大言不惭,难道还想要威胁于我,意图蒙混过关么?在这样的情况下,命悬人手,您若是还有其他的后手,那就不是深谋远虑,而是愚蠢了。” Then, he clang pulls out a sword, dense [say / way]: Great Monarch Feng, now, at this moment, the hemp will request you these fragmentary to relieve, otherwise, I stand now here, on according to this long sword attack, still to you in doom. I will not take risk, Great Monarch Feng, although you are very valuable, but, I, if died, your value is big, is also useless to me. Um, gave you again many points of attendances, the pants does not need to escape, these needles the blade, believes you not toward that place conceal!” 说完,他“锵”的一声抽出一口剑,森然道:“风君座,现在,此刻,麻烦请您将身上这些零零碎碎都解除下来,否则,我现在站在这里,就以这长剑攻击,仍是致您于死命。我不会冒险的,风君座,虽然您很有价值,但,我若是死了,您价值再大,对我也是无用的。嗯,再多给您多点照顾,裤子不用脱了,那些针啊刀啊,相信您也不会往那个地方藏!” His hēi hēi smiles unexpectedly: I want to make you escape the pants, you can kill including the Stars Sect Nantian/Southern Heaven evil stars, my this small role has naturally been a cinch, opportunity that therefore, I to not pant for breath to you, so long as my several three integers, you have not relieved these fragmentarily, I will begin to kill you immediately! Will not hesitate!” 他竟然嘿嘿一笑:“我本来真想让您把裤子都脱了的,您可是连星辰门南天凶星都能弄死,我这种小角色自然更加不在话下了,所以,我是不会给您以喘息的机会,只要我数三个数,您还没有解除那些零碎,我将立即动手杀死您!不会犹豫!” His static smiles: Now I start to count, Great Monarch Feng, you listened carefully, the consideration was clear...... One!” 他静静的一笑:“现在我开始数数,风君座,您听仔细了,考虑清楚了……一!” A Ye Xiao forced smile: You may be really discrete enough, could it be that...... Is the Shining Sun School disciple, so discrete?” 叶笑一阵苦笑:“你可真够谨慎的,难道……照日宗的弟子,都这么谨慎么?” In the heart also finally relaxed. 心中也终于松了一口气。 This person obviously was afterward, does not know that his true status, he knows some truth, or saw the final scene has to associate \; Regarding beforehand knowing nothing. 这个人显然是后来的,并不知道自己的真正身份,他知道部分真相,或者只是看到了最后的场景而有所联想\;对于之前的一无所知。 Then reasonable. 这才合理。 Otherwise, before then, the Nan Tianxing injury did not have such seriously, Divine Sense proliferates all around, will inevitably discover the trail of this person, if has discovered that, Nan Tianxing rather puts to pay no attention, will have processed this fellow first. 否则,在此之前,南天星的伤势还没有那样严重,神识遍布周遭,势必会发现此人的踪迹,若是发现了,那么,南天星宁可放着自己不理,也会先处理了这个家伙。 Because he will hinder the Nan Tianxing unshared victory. 因为他会妨碍到南天星的独享战果。 This and Ye Xiao, lest others discovered that own secret, the truth is actually same. 这点与叶笑唯恐别人发现自己的秘密,道理其实是一样的。 But Nan Tianxing must cope with this to have the fellows of Earth Origin five 6-layer standards, raised hand also to finish up! 南天星要对付这个只得地元六层水准的家伙,一举手也完事了! A face forced smile of Ye Xiao is actually because, these fragmentary, oneself just spent the big vigor to install, finally the time of a blink, must be compelled to solve unexpectedly, even must rejoice that has not laid aside in the pants position, otherwise to this person of discrete temper, only fear at present will compel itself to take off the pants. 叶笑的一脸苦笑却是因为,这些零零碎碎,自己刚刚可是花了好大的劲儿才装回去,结果一眨眼的功夫,居然又要被人逼着解下来,甚至还要庆幸,没有在裤子位置放置,否则以眼前这人的谨慎性子,只怕真会逼自己脱裤子的。 Great Monarch Feng......” that person smiles lightly, shakes the hand of sword hilt to be getting more and more tight: I count...... Two!” 风君座……”那人淡淡笑着,握着剑柄的手已经越来越紧:“我数到……二了!” Ye Xiao sighed, is not scruple, starts to disarm, downward solves from hair inside, the movement is quick. 叶笑叹了一口气,再不迟疑,开始解除身上的武装,从头发里面一根根往下解,动作很快。 This fellow no doubt feared that the time grew Ye Xiao to restore, that must be one's turn him to meet with a disaster, as everyone knows Ye Xiao was fearing a long delay usually means many problems: If clashes one group? 这家伙固然怕时间长了叶笑有所恢复,那就要轮到他自己遭殃了,殊不知叶笑何尝不是在怕夜长梦多:万一又冲进来一伙呢? In this world does not have any absolutely covert place really!” In Ye Xiao heart depressed: Such secret place, today with going to the market...... Really is dies really depressed!” “这世界上真没有什么绝对隐蔽的地方!”叶笑心中郁闷之极:“这么隐秘的地方,今天跟赶集似的……真真是郁闷死!” That person is sharp-eyed, Ye Xiao loosens one, his several one time \; To Fly­ing Nee­dles of position including the ankle also solved, Ye Xiao was tired whistling gasps for breath, this fellow also finally relaxed, said: Great Monarch Feng is really a sensible person, the one who understands the times for outstanding.” 那人目光锐利,叶笑解下一枚,他就数一次\;一直到连脚腕上位置的飞针也都解了下来,叶笑已经累得呼呼喘气,这家伙也终于松了一口气,道:“风君座果然是个明白人,识时务者是为俊杰。” Ye Xiao difficult smiling, this fellow is unexpectedly impossible to proceed, the present range is really somewhat far, strikes kills certainly extremely uncertainly. 叶笑艰难的笑了笑,这家伙居然还不可能往前走,现在距离实在是有些远,一击绝杀殊无把握。 Own present is injured this, if cannot hit, only feared that at once will be killed in the hand of this fellow, at the discrete degree of this fellow, the life wealth two chooses one, takes the life as inevitably first. 自己现在受伤成这样,若是一击不中,只怕旋即就会丧命在这家伙的手里,以这家伙的谨慎程度,生命财富二选一,必然以生命为先。 Ye Xiao seemingly really could not insist, gently lying down lower part of the body, weary [say / way]: Who are you? Shining Sun School what person? Cannot think, Shining Sun School, has your this grade of character unexpectedly.” 叶笑貌似实在是坚持不住了,轻轻躺下身来,疲倦的道:“你是谁?照日宗的什么人么?想不到,照日宗,居然还有你这等人物。” That person of hēi hēi smiles, is somewhat self-satisfied: Reported Great Monarch Feng, below name, was called Chen Yuanfeng, peon, was nothing to speak.” 那人嘿嘿一笑,有些得意:“禀告风君座,在下的名字,叫做陈元峰,无名小卒一个,不值一提。” Ye Xiao closes one's eyes to nod, said: Good, indeed is peon. My Feng Zhiling able to move unhindered world life, has not thought to fall when your peon hand today unexpectedly, seriously is also assigns also transports also......” 叶笑闭着眼睛点点头,道:“不错,的确是无名小卒。我风之凌纵横天下一生,不曾想今天竟落在你一个无名小卒手里,当真是时也命也运也……” The Chen Yuanfeng sound is incisive immediately: Good, even if your cultivation level is unparalleled, shows disdain for many colleagues, but you at this moment are also don't hit a person when he's down one! Great Monarch Feng, I advised your a few words finally, when did not have ability, this mouth, are many of pleasant to hear some had the advantage.” 陈元峰声音顿时尖锐起来:“不错,就算你修为盖世,傲视群伦,但你此时此刻也不过就是落水狗一条!风君座,我最后多忠告您一句话,在没有能力的时候,这张嘴巴,还是多一些好听的更有好处。” Ye Xiao closes one's eyes, said lightly: Good that this saying said that the so-called Longyou shallow water, bamboo fence Pingyang, generally is so.” 叶笑闭着眼睛,淡淡道:“这话说的不错,所谓龙游浅水,虎落平阳,大抵就是如此。” This person cannot bear again, sharp sound track: „Do you dare to satirize me? To this and other times, have you dared unexpectedly also to satirize me?” 这人再也忍不住,尖声道:“你敢讽刺我?到了这等时候,你居然还敢讽刺我?” Saying, walks up. 说着,就走上前来。 Although he is angry, is actually maintaining enough vigilant, the sword in hand, has not put throughout, because he deeply knows, facing opposite this can the pit dead Nan Tianxing fellow, so long as the opposite party also a little strength, oneself have the considerable crisis, is not careful, momentarily loses one's life. 他虽然愤怒,却还是保持着足够警惕,手中的剑,也始终没有放下来,因为他深深知道,面对对面这个能够坑死南天星的家伙,只要对方还有一点力气,自己就有相当的危机,一个不小心,随时送命。 ...... …… <\; today fourth! >\; <\;今天第四更!>\; <\; asked several monthly tickets, recommended the ticket. >\; <\;求几张月票,推荐票。>\;
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