RITF :: Volume #3

#273: Benefits as the third party in a dispute?

That Essence Qi that Nan Tianxing destroys in airborne cannot connect again, the kite with broken string is common sigh falls, distressed throwing down on the ground. 南天星强摧的那口元气在空中再也连接不上,断线风筝一般“呼”的一声掉落下来,狼狈至极的摔倒在地上。 Then felt that the whole body started stiffly, strives the circulate cultivation activity mortal body, does not affect unexpectedly. 然后就感觉到浑身已经开始僵硬,勉力运功活动肉身,竟毫无作用。 Also there is „a bang transmits, is actually the body of Ye Xiao by the similarly distressed posture, pounding maliciously on the ground, the physique wants to crack, good long while still crawled not to set out. 又有“轰”的一声传来,却是叶笑的身子以同样狼狈的姿势,狠狠的砸在地上,筋骨欲裂,好半天仍是爬不起身来。 At this moment, the body of Nan Tianxing falls nearby Ye Xiao, almost the tentacle may, but Nan Tianxing moved cannot move. 此刻,南天星的身子就落在叶笑跟前,几乎触手可及,但南天星已经一动也不能动。 Yin Cold Death Qi that his within the body that type belongs to Underworld, already fully erupted. 他体内那种属于幽冥的阴寒死气,已然全面爆发。 Demon Edge Divine Blade! 魔刃神刀 The critical moment, strikes the accomplishment! 关键时刻,一击建功! His wound, even has no longer bled, but in a short time turned into the purple green, the whole body bloodlines, in also gradually freeze, breakage, but moment, has corrupted more than ten 67. 他的伤口,甚至已经不再流血,而是在极短的时间里变成了紫青色,浑身的血脉,在亦渐次冻结,破损,不过片刻光景,就腐烂了不下十之67。 He stares, stubbornly is staring at Ye Xiao, in the look, full is desperate and is not willingly, is incredible. 他瞪着眼睛,死死的盯着叶笑,眼神中,满是绝望与不甘心,还有不可置信。 As if until now, is still not willing to believe that this does not know small and weakly many kid, can kill itself unexpectedly really! 似乎直到现在,仍旧不肯相信,这个比自己弱小不知道多少的小家伙,居然能够真的杀死自己! In the previous quarter, obviously has the superiority, obviously all in grasping! 就在上一刻,明明还是自己占据优势,明明一切都在掌握之中啊! He stares, looks at Ye Xiao face-to-face, difficult asking: This...... What is this?......” 他瞪着眼睛,看着面对面的叶笑,艰难的问道:“这……这是什么?……” Ye Xiao has panted for breath, strove to support to sit, the finger extended, having one to sneer, searched to pull out Fly­ing Nee­dles from the Nan Tianxing chest position. 叶笑喘息了一下,勉力支撑着自己坐了起来,手指头伸出去,带着一丝冷笑,从南天星的胸口位置搜的拔出来一颗飞针 Careful Fly­ing Nee­dles. 细细的飞针 Then, he has inserted in this Fly­ing Nee­dles oneself hair. 然后,他就将这一枚飞针插入了自己头发里。 Then is another, again...... 然后是又一枚,再一枚…… Has taken back to seventh, Ye Xiao pulls the sleeves, reveals oneself wrist|skill, opened skin that 1-layer spreads, places inside Fly­ing Nee­dles, then buckles the animal skin, the entire process is clear, does not have to cover up, but that matter animal skin covers on flickers, is actually returns flawlessly, cannot look at any clue. 一直收回至第七枚,叶笑挽起自己衣袖,露出自己手腕,揭开那一层敷上去的皮肤,将飞针放在里面,然后又将肉皮扣下去,整个过程清晰明朗,全无遮掩,但那层肉皮重新覆盖上的一瞬,却是重归天衣无缝,根本就看不出来任何端倪。 When completes all these, Ye Xiao once again catches the eye to look to Nan Tianxing, said lightly: Understood?” 等到完成这一切,叶笑才再度抬眼看向南天星,淡淡道:“明白了么?” In the Nan Tianxing eye is the surprise, is all incredible, but actually nods with the final strength, said: Understood......” 南天星眼中全是诧异,全是不可置信,但却是用最后的力量点点头,道:“明白了……” First one crooked, died in light of this. 头一歪,就此死去。 Nantian/Southern Heaven evil star who this able to move unhindered world nobody can make, finally in today's fallen in Ye Xiao. 这位纵横天下无人能制的南天凶星,终于在今日陨落叶笑手里。 But in this moment, including his face, turned into the purple green, purple black. 而在这一刻,连他的脸,也都变成了紫青色,紫黑色。 His time at the point of death, true understanding, oneself died there finally, was does understood the ghost. 只是他临死的时候,也终于真正的明白,自己死在了那里,算是做了明白鬼。 Although this Great Monarch Feng goes all out with oneself from the beginning, the style of use is getting stronger and stronger, by oneself is thought he has done utmost, intention Bi Gong in a service, but all are only the layouts, all arranges, to be only treated it lightly by oneself, in fact, his true trump card, has used unexpectedly until the last minute. 虽然这位风君座一开始就和自己拼命,使用的招式越来越强,让自己以为他已经竭尽全力,意图毕功于一役,但一切都只是布局,全都是铺排,只为让自己掉以轻心,实际上,他的真正杀手锏,竟是直到最后一刻才用了出来。 But once this trump card has used, own life, such discarded. 但这杀手锏一旦用了出来,自己的命,也就这么丢掉了。 He looks helplessly Ye Xiao brings back Fly­ing Nee­dles from own body, places in the hair, hair edge, above ear, in wrist|skill...... Also understands finally that the opposite party at the final moment, under the severe wound, swayed from side to side the movement of body strangely makes anything. 他眼睁睁的看着叶笑从自己的身上取回飞针,放在头发里,头发边缘,耳朵上方,手腕里……也终于明白,对方在最后时刻,重伤之下、古怪扭动身体的动作是做什么了。 That is when the enemy felt one are sure of success absolutely safe, sends out fatal strikes! 那就是在敌人已经感觉自己万无一失稳操胜券的时候,发出的致命一击! The life and death strike! 决死一击! Originally on this fellow, even if at the final moment, even if in all people think impossible make a comeback in the hopeless situation, can send out such seizing life to strike! 原来这家伙身上,纵然是在最后时刻,纵然是在所有人都认为不可能翻盘的绝境之中,也可以发出这样的夺命一击! Strikes the establishing a capital city situation, strikes the rewriting victory! 一击定鼎局势,一击改写战果! If the Ye Xiao card in a hand is slightly earlier comes out, absolutely does not have any function! But in this final time, can strike to be successful, kills this formidable too many enemies. 若是叶笑的底牌稍微早一些出来,那么,绝对没有任何作用!但就是在这最后时刻,才能够一击奏功,杀死这个比自己强大了太多的敌人。 Nan Tianxing thinks one die is very undeserved \; But, compares in the opposite party the continually layout of preparation, actually also dies is not injust. 南天星认为自己死的很冤枉\;但,相比较于对方的这等连番筹划的布局来说,却也死的不冤。 Actually you all have not understood.” Ye Xiao sneers, was saying to the body of Nan Tianxing in a soft voice, this will insert that several Flying Knives on Nan Tianxing also one by one takes back, inserting cautiously in own hair...... “其实你还是没有全明白。”叶笑冷笑一声,对着南天星的身体轻声说了一句,这才将插在南天星身上的那几口飞刀也逐一收回,小心翼翼的插在自己的头发之中…… About shook the head, confirmed that cannot be looked by anybody, other remaining hits spatial Fly­ing Nee­dles, has picked. 左右摇了摇头,确认不会被任何人看出来,才将其他剩下的打空的飞针,都捡了回来。 One after another, puts back. 一枚一枚,放回原处。 When processes these hand tails, Ye Xiao relaxed finally, the instance that the mind relaxes, felt immediately own entire has the body almost to split general. Whole body bone, as if during the same period of time breaks \; The gearing does not want to move again much. 处理完这些手尾之余,叶笑终于松了一口气,心神放松的瞬间,即时感觉到自己的整具身体几乎要裂开一般。浑身的骨头,也似乎在同一时间里破碎\;连动都不想再多动一下了。 Finally passed crisis later relaxation, has initiated all negative conditions of body, making his whole body not have, even if a strength. 终于度过危机之后的放松,引发了身体的所有负面状态,让他全身都没有了哪怕一点力气。 At this moment, a drowsy feeling powerful raids, as if the next moment can lose the consciousness the lethargic sleep in the past. Although Ye Xiao is battling, broke through Sky Origin level 2 forcefully, but the meridians injured degree is quite serious, making him unable to feel the least bit breakthrough the pleasant sensation. 这一刻,有一种昏昏欲睡的感觉强势袭来,似乎下一刻就能够失去意识的昏睡过去。虽然叶笑在激战中,强行突破了天元二品,但经脉的受伤程度相当严重,让他感觉不到半点突破的快感。 But also luckily broke through at that critical moment, although the breakthrough strength was scattered in the flash, actually throughout also residual, supports itself to send out final killing to incur, rewrites the victory. 但也幸亏是在那关键时刻突破了,突破的力量虽然被在一瞬间就被打散,却始终也残留了一些,支撑自己发出最后的杀招,改写战果。 Otherwise, by the heaviness of injury, was not necessarily able to support to send out really strikes finally, the whole person will fall mostly into the comatose condition in airborne that was the true being finished extraordinarily good luck! 否则,以刚才的伤势之沉重,真的未必能够撑到发出最后一击,整个人多半在空中那会就陷入昏迷状态,那才是真正的完蛋大吉! Really dangerous!” Ye Xiao muttered said that actually does not dare to have laxly, scatters the sleepiness slightly forcefully, reassignment space storage spiritual energy, restores own injury rapidly. “真悬!”叶笑喃喃地说了一句,却仍是不敢有丝毫松懈,强行驱散睡意,急速调动空间储存的灵力,来恢复自己的伤势。 That side also has the auction to wait for itself, here cannot delay too, is not the opportunity that the rest sleeps. 那边还有拍卖会在等着自己,这里可不能耽搁太多,更加不是休息睡觉的时机。 Although, a sleep is current most effective cures the duplicate method. 虽然,一场睡眠才是当前最有效的疗复手段。 Although egg brother transferred massive world Purple Qi to flow in backward a moment ago to Ye Xiao, instant restores the strength, but before , the world Purple Qi quantity of that Endless Space absorption was too huge, to still have massive wealthy spiritual energy at this moment, so long as to Ye Xiao certain time, quickly restores Essence Qi, and even the recovery is not the too major problem. 尽管刚才蛋兄调动了大量的天地紫气倒灌给叶笑,瞬时恢复战力,但之前那次无尽空间吸收的天地紫气数量实在太庞大了,是以此刻仍有大量的富裕灵气,只要给叶笑一定时间,迅速恢复元气,乃至复元都不是太大问题。 However in the delicate moment, together the person's shadow towering dodged, hēi hēi sneers: Great Monarch Feng in legend unexpectedly is this grade of expert, unexpectedly can kill Stars Sect Elder, what a pity the snipe freshwater mussel contended, making my this benefit as the third party in a dispute...... Ha Ha, this day fell unexpected wealth is actually cheap the father.” 然而就在微妙时刻,一道人影突兀地闪了进来,嘿嘿冷笑:“传说中的风君座竟是这等高手,居然能够杀死星辰门长老,可惜鹬蚌相争,让我这个渔翁得利了……哈哈,这场天降横财却是便宜了老子。” This person of smiles strangely, is similar to the night owlet general coarse grating. 这人一声怪笑,如同夜枭一般难听刺耳。 Ye Xiao shut closing one's eyes difficultly, in the heart sighed, fighting sound, alarmed should not the person of alarming come. 叶笑艰难的闭了闭眼,心中叹了口气,刚才的打斗动静,还是惊动了不该惊动的人前来。 One had planned instantly to leave a moment ago, really does not have the strength. 自己刚才本已打算即刻离开,却又实在是没有力气。 Is this sudden person, who actually? 只是,这个突然出现的人,却又是谁呢? One concentrated on during the fight a moment ago, seeks the chance, absolutely again does not have any energy mind to examine all around the sound. When actually has not noted this person to arrive. 自己刚才全神贯注于战斗之中,谋求胜机,根本再没有任何的精力心神去查看周遭动静。竟然没有注意到这个人是什么时候到来的。 Opens eyes to look that actually sees person azure robe tall Guan, is the appearance of Shining Sun School. 睁眼看去,却见来人青袍高冠,正是照日宗的打扮。 ............ ………… <\; today third. Makes up owes the sixth chapter, makes up to owe! >\; <\;今日第三更。补欠第六章,补欠完毕!>\; <\; I also in symbol...... >\; <\;我还在码字哦……>\;
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