RITF :: Volume #3

#272: The card in a hand, kills to incur!

Even goes a step further, will include to protect oneself Essence Qi all strengths, all takes back, by being assigned away from the capital is transferred good merit style buys. 甚至更进一步,将包括护身元气在内的所有力量,悉数收回,将行功方式由外放转为吸纳。 Unexpectedly before to fighting Wenren Chuchu, forcefully the condition of breakthrough completely is identical. 竟与之前对战闻人楚楚,临阵强行突破的状态完全雷同。 Similar to heavy drinker absorbing water, ten thousand classes return to the birth family! 如同长鲸吸水,万流归宗! In other words, Ye Xiao is in this hopeless situation, chose broke through forcefully. Because...... If not break through, oneself did not have the least bit opportunity. 换言之,叶笑乃是在这种绝境之中,选择了强行突破。因为……若是不突破,自己已经没有半点机会。 Even if socializes a meeting, but the final result, is still the result of suffering a defeat and fleeing. 哪怕是多周旋一会,但最终的结果,依然是败亡的结局。 A crazy fierce prestige energy of Nan Tianxing fully palm, is similar to after the limit extrusion general tidal has crashed in the Ye Xiao dantian altogether! 南天星全力一掌的狂猛威能,如同经过极限挤压一般的潮水般一股脑冲进了叶笑的丹田! Of bang, suffered firmly chapter of Ye Xiao unable to bear call out pitifully similarly finally, the whole person will depart like the fallen leaf common anxious illness in the future, actually nobody knew its within the body also to transmit almost at the same time shakes loudly. Then close is still breaking through to this morning, did not have the indication Sky Origin level 2 barrier, in light of this loudly shatter. 轰的一声,同样挨了“瓷实”一章的叶笑终于忍不住惨叫一声,整个人有如落叶一般急疾往后飞出,却无人知晓其体内几乎在同时亦传来轰然一震。那到今早还在接近突破,却还没有征兆的天元二品的障碍,就此轰然破碎。 Ye Xiao seriously is bold, when so everybody lose in war, a life and death round, was still the choice most renounces is also not most sane dealing style, still Shi Qianfa, with the aid of an enemy fully palm, as well as own spiritual energy of impact accident full, the impact cultivated the way barrier with joint forces, but also was succeeded by him! 叶笑当真是胆大包天,在如此兵凶战危之时,生死一发之际,仍是选择最决绝亦是最不理智的应对方式,仍施前法,借助敌人全力一掌,以及自身意外充盈之灵气冲击,合力冲击修途屏障,还又被他成功了! This at one fell swoop, is seeks means of livelihood seriously in the middle of the dead boundary, advances vigorously the vanguard taking advantage of the blind alley! 这一举,当真是觅活路于死境当中,借死路猛进前行! Once the Sky Origin level 2 barrier was shattered, abundantly bound­less spiritual energy, crashed in like the torrential tide generally reached to Sky Origin level 2 meridians. 天元二品屏障一旦破碎,一股沛然无边灵气,有如滔滔潮水一般冲进了臻至天元二品经脉之中。 Although Ye Xiao the success breaks through the Sky Origin level 2 barrier, the breakthrough promotion, itself actually non- does not need to pay the price, even pays quite not the price of poor 只是,叶笑虽然成功突破天元二品屏障,突破提升,本身却非是不用付出代价,甚至是付出相当不菲之代价 Forcefully impact own barrier at the same time, the Ye Xiao three blood spurt one after another crazily, meridians instant then received suitable injuring. Even the meridians, the five main internal organs (entrails) also receives incessantly attacks greatest, Nan Tianxing strikes fully, how when with slightly may, spits blood, on the face in the seven orifices, simultaneously overflows the blood, serious of injury, it can be imagined! 强行冲击自身屏障的同时,叶笑接连三口血狂喷而出,经脉瞬时便受了相当的伤损。甚至不止经络,五脏六腑亦受莫大冲击,南天星全力一击,岂同小可,吐血之余,脸上七窍之中,亦同时溢出鲜血,伤势之严重,可想而知! Nan Tianxing sees with own eyes the trouble starting near at hand, stares suddenly, is actually the anger , the corners of the mouth blood natural flow wells up, the whole body is bloody, actually once again fully attacks: Good balls! The meat of block also attempts to struggle, I must kill your this chop suey......” 南天星眼见变生肘腋,陡然一愣,却是怒火更甚,口角血流泉涌,浑身更是血流如注,却是再度全力出击:“好胆!砧板之肉还妄图挣扎,我一定要杀了你这个杂碎啊啊啊……” In the Ye Xiao eye the ray dodges, gazes at Nan Tianxing to proliferate the wound of whole body now, particularly his chest position the collapse place of slightly, the vision fiercely has shone. 叶笑眼中光芒一闪,注视着南天星现在已经遍布全身的伤口,尤其是他胸口位置的微微塌陷处,目光不禁猛地亮了一下。 All efforts, have not been in vain, can arrive at this moment, is worth finally. 所有的一切努力,没有白费,能够来到此刻,终是值得的。 After poisonous needle attack unfavorable situation, Ye Xiao confirmed the cultivation level level of opposite party is extremely high, the skill is pure, by far Cold Sun Continent same step expert, then sharp cold poisonous cannot cause the big damage. 毒针攻击失利之后,叶笑确认了对方的修为层次极高,功力更是精纯,远胜寒阳大陆的同阶高手,那么犀利的寒毒都没能对其造成多大的损伤。 Taking this into consideration, Ye Xiao has made a series of pointed offensive. 有鉴于此,叶笑做出了一系列的针对性攻势。 First, in cold toxin with the aid of the opposite party before, there is scruples, launches the attack consumption, nearly does not hesitate the powerful consumptions at all costs, compelling the opposite party to defend fully, delays the time, prepares Divine Soul and soul offensive, then starts the Monarch Sword move, if can take it at one fell swoop, naturally is ideal, even if cannot become, at least can also do the opposite party chicken feather duck blood, weak and sickly, makes the wound on the opposite party, buckle its strength, increases the odds of success for the following fight...... 首先,借助对方中寒毒在前,有所顾忌,展开对攻消耗,近乎不惜一切代价的强势消耗,逼对方全力防守,拖延时间,预备神魂、灵魂攻势,然后发动君主剑招,若是能够将之一举拿下,自然最是理想,就算不能成,起码也能搞得对方鸡毛鸭血,五劳七伤,在对方身上制造出伤口,折损其实力,为接下来的战斗增加胜算…… This is the first two plans of Ye Xiao, during this plan, has not struck off Nan Tianxing rib but actually. 这便是叶笑的前两步打算,这打算之中,倒没有击断南天星的肋骨这一节。 After all both sides real strength differs too in a big way, can have the suitable superiority to be good, Ye Xiao had not expected that are more. 毕竟双方真实实力相差太大,能够取得相当的优势就好,叶笑并没有奢望更多。 What a pity, the opposite party strength, as well as the strain has surpassed Ye Xiao anticipated originally, in the budget of Ye Xiao, so long as Monarch Sword move , the tactical situation will fall inevitably at the same time, has not actually thought that Nan Tianxing battle-trained, deals appropriately, sees extremely wonderfully, all does not take the defensive immediately, to the utmost hastens out of the way the strong point, three moves of Monarch Sword moves have not received the anticipated effect, cannot cause heavy losses to the match truly. 可惜,对方的实力,以及应变超出了叶笑原本的预期,在叶笑的预算中,只要君主剑招一出,战况势必一边倾倒,却没有想到南天星久经战阵,应对极为得当,一见不妙,即时全取守势,极尽趋避之能事,三招君主剑招并没有收到预期的效果,未能真正重创对手。 But a bigger miscount, was Ye Xiao has actually overestimated own condition, although itself cultivation level broke through, reached to Sky Origin Stage, although greatly reduced a Monarch Sword move of consumption, however the first successive three moves of Monarch Sword moves, almost pressed out to empty Ye Xiao complete spiritual energy, if not so, were insufficient to be flown by a Nan Tianxing palm bang, even sank into is stepped on the bad situation of under foot. 而更大的误算,却是叶笑高估了自己的状态,虽然本身修为突破,臻至天元境界,虽然已经大幅度的减少君主剑招的消耗,然而一连三招的君主剑招,几乎榨空了叶笑的全部灵力,若非如此,怎么也不至于被南天星一掌轰飞,甚至陷于被踩脚下的恶劣局势。 Fortunately in the space spiritual energy accident erupts under help, turned around the situation at one stoke. 所幸在空间灵气意外爆发帮助之下,一举扭转了战局。 This completely can be said as the unexpected change. 这完全可以说是意料之外的变化。 Although space spiritual energy does not erupt, Ye Xiao still had the qualification that maintains life to kill the enemy, but were many this accident, is ideal! 虽说就算空间灵气不爆发,叶笑仍有保命毙敌的本钱,但多了这层变故,更是理想! At this moment, Nan Tianxing was attacked suddenly, the anger fills in the breast, the entire flying ice midair, has been giving the Ye Xiao hope for a long time for a long time golden opportunity. But Sky Origin level 2 that just broke through, has given him the greatest qualification and assurance! 此刻,南天星骤遭冲击,愤怒填膺,整个飞凌半空,正给了叶笑渴望许久许久的大好机会。而刚刚突破的天元二品,更给了他莫大本钱与把握! Luck! 还有幸运! In the Nan Tianxing eye, body of opposite this Great Monarch Feng, just like the faded and fallen yellow leaf falls toward falling down generally, obviously did not have the strength of revolt again. 南天星的眼中,对面这位风君座的身子正如飘零黄叶一般往下坠落,显然是再也没有了反抗之力。 He does not think, even if thinks that cannot believe that the opposite party in this grade of crisis time, takes own life as the gambling stake unexpectedly, broke through realm forcefully! If he knows, even if Ye Xiao looked like did not have least bit motion ability now, he carefully will also observe. 他万万不会想到,就算想到也不敢相信,对方竟然在这等危机时刻,以自身性命为赌注,强行突破了一个境界!若是他知道的话,纵然叶笑现在看起来已经没有了半点行动能力,他也会仔细的观察一下。 But, from ancient to present, breaks through in such severe wound, Nan Tianxing continually listens not to hear radically. 但,自古至今,在这样重伤之中突破的,南天星根本就是连听都没有听说过。 In legend no example! 传说中都没有的例子! Therefore he although a moment ago felt in air to fluctuate the somewhat unusual atmosphere, had not actually cared., 所以他刚才虽然感觉到空气中波动很有些异常的氛围,却仍是没有多在意。、 His complete mind, after all centralized to held this fellow, how to suffer, how to retaliate, how to devastate, how to make him be in deep sorrow and live to might as well die, how to make him regret to arrive in this world, regretted why must offend this future master! 他的全部心神,全都集中到了抓住这家伙之后,如何折磨,如何报复,如何蹂躏,如何让他痛不欲生、生不如死,如何让他后悔来到这个世界上,更加后悔为何要得罪他这位未来的主人! In his eye, only then tyrannical, excitement that as well as soon will go well. 他的眼中,就只有残虐,以及即将得手的兴奋。 These time catches him in hand, first his four limbs interruption, after being great , helping him join again, then breaks, then joins, this decides as into the first game of my slave to wreak havoc the game! 这一次抓他在手中,先将他四肢打断,了不起之后再帮他接上,然后再打断,再接上,这就定为成为我奴隶的第一局肆虐游戏吧! I thought how you also struggle! 我看你还如何挣扎! Also dares to struggle! 还敢不敢挣扎! Is thinking self-satisfied during, actually saw Ye Xiao in the body very strange distortion of airborne faded and fallen tumbling. 正在想得得意的当口,却见叶笑在空中飘零翻滚的身子很古怪的扭曲了一下。 Nan Tianxing had not cared. 南天星仍没有多在意。 Because, experiences personally the appearance that the severe wound from the sky tumbles to be similar, has such strange body movement, mostly is the unconsciousness, and thinks strange insufficient, even there is a such anomalous body movement, is more normal. 因为,身受重伤在空中翻滚的样子都差不多,有这样古怪的肢体动作,大都属于无意识,并不足以为奇,甚至有这样不规则的肢体动作,才更正常一点。 The turbulence that airborne air cannot be perceived, Black Qi dodges to pass! 空中空气一阵不可觉察的动荡,黑气一闪而逝! Ye Xiao kills to incur truly, finally take action! 叶笑的真正杀招,终于出手 In the next moment, Nan Tianxing does not have the indication rending pitiful yell. 就在下一刻,南天星全无征兆地撕心裂肺的惨叫起来。 Because, in the flash, various wounds of his whole body, at least several simultaneously sends out the severe pain . Moreover, but also follows yin cold **** feeling! 因为,在一瞬之间,他全身上下的各处伤口,起码有十几处同时发出剧痛,而且,还伴随着一种阴寒的****感觉! As if has many hidden weapon, simultaneously entered own body in this moment. 似乎有许多的暗器,在这一刻同时进入了自己的身体。 Along with the airborne black ray twinkle, three handle Flying Knives, inserted his chest, 12 Fly­ing Nee­dles, have inserted his whole body various places! 随着空中黑色的光芒闪烁,三柄飞刀,插进了他的胸口,12根飞针,插入了他的全身各处! Deeply inserts! 深深地插入! ............ ………… <\; second! >\; <\;第二更!>\;
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