RITF :: Volume #3

#271: Counter-attacks certainly!

Nan Tianxing is resisting Ye Xiao fully kills a move of attack, fully resistance at the same time is still avoiding, backlash. 南天星在全力抵御叶笑的杀招来袭,全力抵御的同时还在躲避,后退。 Facing so sees what one never saw before killing that hears something never heard of before to incur, do not say that anything kills the enemy to win, maintains life is the first important matter! 面对如此见所未见闻所未闻的杀招,不要说什么杀敌致胜,保命已经是第一要务! Of bang! 轰的一声! Blood light fly. 血光一道道飞起。 My Qian mountain hangs upside down. 我意千山倒悬。 The sword incurs the prestige to be able the limit eruption! 剑招威能极限爆发! Even if this Nan Tianxing cultivation level tall Jue, shows disdain for Cold Sun, but, has Sky Origin Stage high level throughout, even if resists fully, what can contend with Qian mountain to hang upside down also falls! 纵然这南天星修为高绝,傲视寒阳,但,却始终只得天元境高阶,纵然全力抵御,何能抗衡千山倒悬同时落下! This was once able to move unhindered killing of Blue Clouds Heaven Territory incurred! 这可是曾经纵横青云天域的杀招! Until Nan Tianxing has fallen back on near the wall time, sword light vanishes finally, however the body of Nan Tianxing, actually also increased dozens wounds in this moment, although the wound is not deep, but, each wound is shooting the blood line in outward whirlwind. 及至南天星退到了墙边的时候,剑光终告消失,然而南天星的身上,在这一刻却也已经是增加了数十道伤口,伤口虽然不深,但,每一道伤口都在往外飚射着血线。 Ye Xiao this sword, least increased 70 scars to him. 叶笑这一剑,最少是给他增加了70多道伤痕。 When Ye Xiao last sword take action, actually also exudes one stuffily. 叶笑最后一剑出手之余,却亦发出一声闷哼。 Strives to send out last Ye Xiao of sword, itself several near oil lamps are completely dry, the Essence Qi failure, Nan Tianxing at the final moment full resistance, the tyrannical palm strength is the no small matter, the Ye Xiao whole person is also shaken to fly by its palm strength, is actually the real strength of both sides throughout missed too \; Monarch Sword method no doubt prestige can vast and incomparable not right, has formed the potential of absolute suppression, but at the final moment, the sword incurs that flickers, Ye Xiao that the prestige can perform was unable to withstand the load finally, encounters the opposite party to hold the strength backlash. 勉力发出最后一剑的叶笑,本身几近油尽灯枯,元气衰竭,南天星在最后时刻的全力抗拒,强横的掌力亦是非同小可,叶笑整个人被其掌力震得飞起,却原来是双方的真实实力始终差得太远\;君主剑法固然威能浩瀚、无匹无对,形成了绝对的压制之势,但在最后时刻,剑招威能尽去的那一瞬,叶笑终是不堪重负,遭到了对方掌力的反噬 Although only flickers backlash, but already was mad spatial strength Ye Xiao completely to feel urgently laborious, the whole body physique wants, was a strength does not have seriously. 虽只一瞬反噬,但已然气空力尽的叶笑倍感辛苦,浑身筋骨欲断,当真是一丝力量也没有了。 Although in the dantian still in crazy centralism spiritual energy, the intention again poly strength of the striking, defeats Nan Tianxing thoroughly, but in the Ye Xiao heart is sighs one, mostly was without enough time. 丹田中虽然还在疯狂的集中灵力,意图再聚一击之力,彻底击败南天星,但叶笑心中却是叹息一声,多半是来不及了。 Monarch Sword altogether has nine moves, this time does not hesitate to transfer the soul and Soul Force, still only reluctantly used three moves, after already , the strength was weak, is difficult to sustain. 君主剑共有九招,这次不惜调动灵魂、神魂之力,仍是只勉强用出来三招,就已经后力不支,难以为继了。 Even, this is Ye Xiao cheats on labor and materials wantonly the later result, to play the Monarch Sword might seriously completely, most at least is also...... Dao Origin Stage strength! 甚至,这还是叶笑大肆偷工减料之后的结果,若是想要当真完全发挥君主剑的威力,最起码也得是……道元境实力! Ye Xiao cannot continue, was shaken flies at the scene, but the Nan Tianxing that side has not stopped, the sword incurred the prestige to finish, Nan Tianxing has not even transported Restore Cultivation, set up Shi Qiangli to counter-attack. 叶笑无以为继,被震飞当场,南天星那边可是没有停止,剑招威能普一结束,南天星甚至没有运功疗伤,立施强力反扑。 When the person's shadow extremely fast flashes, the whole body was Nan Tianxing of blood arrived front, Ye Xiao even without enough time made any instance of response. Was patted by a Nan Tianxing palm in his chest, 人影极速闪动之际,浑身是血的南天星已经到了面前,叶笑甚至都来不及做出任何反应的瞬间。就被南天星一掌拍在他胸口, The Nan Tianxing heart at this moment, Ye Xiao no longer is strange Huo who anything may occupy, but is one kills own sharp sword sufficiently, a moment ago lucky undying, was really lucky, how dares to have again neglects slightly, if not still saved the idea of holding to Ye Xiao, under the palm kept the discretion, this moment Ye Xiao undying, wanted the severe wound! 此刻的南天星心中,叶笑已经不再是什么可居的奇货,而是一口足以杀死自己的利剑,刚才侥幸不死,实属万幸,如何敢再有丝毫怠慢,若非仍对叶笑存了占有的想法,掌下留了分寸,此刻叶笑就算不死,也要重伤! Even if so, Ye Xiao was still „” spouted a blood, entire flying upside down, but also the decline place, Nan Tianxing arrived at sky over him, Bang, a numerous foot stepped in the Ye Xiao chest, stepped on him directly on the ground, cursed wickedly in a low voice: Damn! The father must butcher you! Your this chop suey, gives old man to create so many injuries unexpectedly!” 即便如此,叶笑仍是“哇”的一声喷出一口鲜血,整个倒飞而出,还没落地,南天星又已经到了他上空,“砰”地一声,重重的一脚踩在叶笑胸膛上,直接将他踩在了地上,恶狠狠低声咒骂:“该死的!老子要宰了你!你这杂碎,居然给老夫造成如此多的伤势!” Ye Xiao was stepped by his foot, the body was similar to is pressed a mountain, could not move slightly, actually visits him by the taunt look, the mute sound said: You kill. Haven't you begun? A that fist foot, you had used several points of strength a moment ago, there are three points?” 叶笑被他一脚踩住,身上如同被压上了一座大山,丝毫也动弹不得,却是以嘲讽的眼神看着他,哑声说道:“那你杀啊。你怎地还不动手啊?刚才那一拳一脚,你用了几分力道,有三分么?” Nan Tianxing air/Qi flies into a rage, but actually does not give up kills Ye Xiao. 南天星气得暴跳如雷,但却还是不舍得真的杀死叶笑 Living Feng Zhiling, finally is the ratio died the function is much bigger. 活着的风之凌,终是比死了的作用要大得多。 Living, is a mountain of gold treasure house, died, the least bit function does not have. 活着,就是一座金山宝库,死了,半点作用也没有。 Is only not any a corpse of function! 就只是一具没有任何作用的尸体! Although Nan Tianxing now the anger sends to want crazily, hates to the marrow of the bones to Ye Xiao, but actually absolutely does not want to kill him really! 南天星现在虽然怒发欲狂,对叶笑恨之入骨,但却绝对不想真的杀死他! Kills Feng Zhiling, no doubt can release temporary indignant, was actually equal to completely cut off the Supreme Pill Beads source, this choice, how chose the law to be already doomed! 杀死风之凌,固然能泄一时之愤,却也等同彻底断绝了丹云神丹的源头,这个选择,如何选法早已注定! The anger in the heart thriving is actually the leeway that has not divulged again, Nan Tianxing towering raising hand, „”, a resounding ear and area around it hits maliciously on the Ye Xiao face, said with a smile ferociously: Father, although did not hate to kill you, but the father can give your inexhaustible suffering, played with and devastates, making you know that in this world, was somewhat painful, dying was more uncomfortable than! Uncomfortable many!” 只是心中勃发的怒气却是再也没有宣泄的余地,南天星突兀的一扬手,“啪”的一声,一记响亮的耳光狠狠打在叶笑脸上,狞笑道:“老子虽然不舍得杀了你,但老子可以给予你无穷无尽的折磨,玩弄、蹂躏,让你知道,在这个世界上,有些痛苦,比死还要难受!难受的多!” Ye Xiao vision calm light clear visits him, said lightly: This point does not need you to remind, I know only, definitely are more than you!” 叶笑目光冷静轻澈地看着他,淡淡道:“这一点不需要你提醒,单我知道的,就肯定比你多!” Nan Tianxing is an ear and area around it hits on his face, sneers: Your boy whole person fell into my hand, unexpectedly also dares to be so rampant, hēi hēi, you said one again, I hit your! And look at me to consume you, you consume me!” 南天星又是一个耳光打在他脸上,冷笑:“你小子整个人已经落入我的手中,居然还敢如此嚣张,嘿嘿,你再多说一句,我就打你一下!且看我耗得过你,还是你耗得过我!” Ye Xiao snort|hum, suddenly „”, in the mouth spouts a big blood, dark red eye-catching, alarmed. 叶笑哼了一声,突然“哇”的一声,口中喷出一大口鲜血,殷红夺目,触目惊心。 Nan Tianxing sees that is one startled, although he kept the hand desirably, but did not know about the Ye Xiao current physical condition really that for fear that did not pay attention to stamp him in light of this, the complete painstaking care put to the running water, the under foot subconscious restraining strength slightly \; Then at this time, in the space of Ye Xiao within the body, that egg suddenly fluttered, the egg brother as if felt Ye Xiao from placing in the danger, immediately airborne swayed in one suddenly. 南天星见状就是一惊,虽然他已经刻意留手,但对叶笑目前的身体状况不甚了解,生怕一个不注意就此踩死了他,全部心血付诸流水,脚下下意识的微微收敛力道\;便在这时,叶笑体内的空间之中,那颗蛋突然飘了起来,蛋兄似乎感受到了叶笑正自身处危险之中,顿时在一阵空中急剧摇晃。 Along with the egg brother's movement, floods bound­less Purple Qi in space, does not have the indication rebellion to get up. 随着蛋兄的动作,充斥于空间之中的无边紫气,亦随之全无征兆的暴动起来。 Next flickers, along with bang, huge Purple Qi by extrusion style of mountain flooding, entered in the Ye Xiao dantian forcefully. 下一瞬,随着“轰”的一声,庞然紫气以一种山洪暴发的挤压方式,强行进入到了叶笑的丹田之中。 In the extremely feeble, to have a mind to kill the thief, being powerless Ye Xiao only felt that was extremely void the deficient dantian to be unexpectedly full in the flash limit, that strength that instills into suddenly, had been full by own dantian approximately, close explosion edge, if cannot vent early, perhaps momentarily will explode the body dead. 正处于极度虚弱、有心杀贼,无力回天的叶笑只感觉原本极度空虚匮乏的丹田竟在一瞬间极限爆满,突如其来灌输的那股力量,让自己的丹田已经大致充盈,接近爆炸的边缘,若是不能及早发泄出去,恐怕随时会爆体身亡。 But at this moment collects the vigor to lift the foot just when Nan Tianxing, does not have alert subtle during, where will have a mind powerful Ye Xiao to be polite once again, bellows, the body very gets up suddenly, the double palm will be swift and violent, if the wind and thunder will strike generally on the Nan Tianxing chest. 而此刻正值南天星敛劲抬脚,全无戒备的微妙当口,再度有心有力的叶笑哪会客气,大吼一声,身子猛然挺起,双掌迅猛若风雷一般地击在南天星胸膛上。 Nan Tianxing has a dream cannot think that unexpectedly some people in this case can also counter-attack certainly. 南天星做梦也想不到,居然有人在这种情况下还能够绝地反击。 That that this strokes called firm, solid, certainly blossomless vacation! 这一击打的那叫一个瓷实,结结实实,绝无花假! A pitiful yell, as well as somewhere „”, successively resounds, Ye Xiao backlash strikes, rumbled directly two ribs of Nan Tianxing, the whole person is also raised to fly, but Nan Tianxing, although was hit hard suddenly, the injury was heavy, still had the strength of counter-attack, furthermore wild with rage, hitting that a abundantly palm spared no effort will come out, the power and influence of this palm, has surpassed unexpectedly beforehand any one struck! 一声惨叫,以及某处“咔嚓”一声,先后响起,叶笑反噬一击,直接轰断了南天星的两根肋骨,整个人也被掀飞出去,只是南天星虽然骤遭重击,伤势不轻,却仍有回击之力,更兼狂怒之下,沛然一掌不遗余力的打将出来,这一掌的威势,竟超过了之前的任何一击! Ye Xiao strikes to go well, the waist catches up, a whole person somersault turned, actually still felt that within the body spiritual energy such as boils, boils the common ebullition, has gone beyond oneself Sky Origin Stage level 1 withstanding range, a moment ago that vigorously to strike, has not improved many spiritual energy full Ying conditions, sees with own eyes the Nan Tianxing counter-attack attack, when will meet the approaching enemy, in the heart moves suddenly, does not dodge unexpectedly does not evade, facing a palm of Nan Tianxing as powerful as a thunderbolt, moved forward to meet somebody with own chest vital point impressively. 叶笑一击得手,腰部发力,整个人一个筋斗翻了起来,却仍感觉体内灵气如沸,开锅一般的沸腾,已经超出了自己天元境一品的承受范围,刚才那倾力一击,并没有改善多少灵气满盈的状况,眼见南天星反击来袭,正要迎击之际,突然间心中一动,竟是不闪不避,面对南天星雷霆万钧的一掌,赫然用自己的胸膛要害迎了上去。 ............ ………… <\; yesterday was tired...... Snort, today this is the first chapter. >\; <\;昨天累着了……哼,今天这是第一章。>\;
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