RITF :: Volume #3

#270: Smiles the whole wide World, Monarch Sword!

The view that Nan Tianxing interestings is regarding the Ye Xiao movement, reveals the thick taunt to mean that said unguardedly: Movement is natural, airborne grasps sword, good good, was only a pity that is only the flower trellis, can deceive the layman, in my this person eye of cultivation level above you , was also considered as anything.” 南天星饶有兴趣的观视着叶笑的动作,流露出浓浓的嘲讽意味,信口说道:“动作潇洒,空中抓剑,不错不错,只可惜,只是花架子,也就能骗骗外行人,在我这个修为远在你之上的人眼中,又算得了什么。” Is the flower trellis, was considered as anything, you know immediately.” Ye Xiao school of indifferent saying. In the heart relaxed. “是不是花架子,算不算得了什么,你马上就会知道。”叶笑一派冷漠的说道。心中松了一口气。 This fellow relies on cultivation level to be much higher, can wait for unexpectedly one have grasped the sword. 这家伙自恃修为比自己高得多,居然能够等待自己将剑抓了出来。 This grasps the sword, perhaps this fellow does not know that what the true meaning is? If he knows that can perhaps be blue the intestines regret instantaneously. 这把剑抓出来,或许这家伙并不知道,真正的含义是什么吧?若是他知道,恐怕瞬间就能将肠子都悔青了。 Ye Xiao within the body spiritual energy sudden reversal, from top to bottom, besides emerging a blue boundless aura, actually also dopes to have light golden light to be radiant. 叶笑体内灵力突然一阵逆转,浑身上下,除了涌现出一股蓝茫茫的气息之外,却还掺杂有一股淡淡的金光璀璨。 Similar to the brilliant starry sky, in this moment, arrives at the world suddenly. 如同绚烂星空,在这一刻,突然降临人间。 Great Monarch Feng, follows me!” Nan Tianxing meets for first time the mutation, in the heart begins to have suspicions, under does not dare to neglect, the body impulse, one grasps, obviously does not want to tow again. 风君座,跟我走吧!”南天星乍见异变,心中起疑,不敢怠慢之下,身子瞬动,一把抓来,显然不想再拖。 Ye Xiao under foot one wrong, but also moves, whole person actually from volatilizing one natural outstanding, able to move unhindered world astonishing imposing manner. 叶笑脚下一错,还只是一动,整个人却已自挥发出一股潇洒不群,纵横天下的惊人气势。 That is natural that a difficult word to explain. 那是一种难言言喻的潇洒。 Also is one type, even if in thousands of people, elegant demeanor that can also focus attention on immediately. 亦是一种纵然在千万人之中,也能被人立即瞩目的风采。 Monarch Xiao unique movement technique. 笑君主独门身法 Smiles the whole wide World. 笑八荒 Under foot like passing clouds and flowing water general suddenly moves, during clothes sleeve is floating, the whole person has strolled general cross will exit, is similar to the mountain stream natural flow, is similar to the big ocean current wave, is similar to the wind Bamboo Forest, is similar to clouds strolls. 脚下有如行云流水一般的蓦然一动,衣袂飘飘之中,整个人已经闲庭信步一般的跨将出去,如同山涧流泉,如同大海流波,如同风过竹林,如同云端漫步。 In this move of start beginning, in the Ye Xiao eye passed over gently and swiftly missing. 在这一招启动的伊始,叶笑眼中掠过一阵思念。 In the heart as if made a sound initially the evaluation of Jun Yinglian to this movement technique. 心中似乎响起来当初君应怜对这门身法的一句评语。 Is this move, is magnificent radiant, making the person body and mind ups and downs ripple. Ye Xiao, your sword originally incurs the name, was not the suitable this move too to be really many.” “就是这一招,最是瑰丽璀璨,让人身心沉浮荡漾。叶笑,你原本的剑招名字,实在是不适合这一招太多了。” „Should that how name?” At that time Ye Xiao asked. “那,应该怎么命名呢?”当时叶笑问道。 On the Jun Yinglian beautiful face the ponder, said in a soft voice: „ No matter what my youth is young, world belongs to smiles \; 君应怜绝美的脸上一片沉思,轻声道:“任我青春年少,天地归于一笑\; Make my clothes sleeve floating, actually smiles the whole wide world arrogantly! ” 让我衣袂飘飘,却将八荒笑傲!” At this moment, in the Ye Xiao eye full is sincere missing, the long sword wields, recited in a drawn-out voice: „ No matter what my youth is young \; 此刻,叶笑眼中满是深切的思念,长剑挥动,曼声吟道:“任我青春年少\; The world belongs to smiles \; 天地归于一笑\; Make my clothes sleeve floating, 让我衣袂飘飘, Actually smiles the whole wide world arrogantly! ” 却将八荒笑傲!” In the hand the sword, instant becomes deep cold, azurite. 手中剑,瞬时变得深寒,碧青。 Ices the soul sword, has formed. 冰魄剑,已经形成。 The sword edge woods are cold. 剑锋森寒。 A sword punctures, is carrying endless majestic dignified solemn and respectful. 一剑刺出,携带着无尽的堂皇威严肃穆。 Monarch Xiao Monarch Sword! 笑君主君主剑 Monarch Sword I for monarchy. 君主剑之我为君主。 Suddenly, Nan Tianxing gives birth has a strange feeling, as if the king of Ruler world, is having the irresistible tyrannical imposing manner, stands in front of oneself, is gazing at itself by a vision of looking disdainfully world, came from that sword of this king, seemed already doomed to be going Ruler own life and death! 一刹那间,南天星生出有一种古怪至极的感觉,似乎有一位主宰天下的帝王,带着不可抗拒的强横气势,站在自己面前,以一种睥睨天下的目光注视着自己,来自于这位帝王的那一剑,似乎已然注定将要主宰自己的生死! Own cultivation level name is by far more formidable than the present person, is much more formidable, but at this moment, own complete mind completely was actually attracted by the opposite party, control! 自己的修为命名远远比眼前之人要强大,强大得多,但是这一刻,自己的全部心神却尽都被对方吸引,掌控! One know perfectly well improper, does not have the thought of least bit revolt to rise unexpectedly! 自己明知不妥,竟没有半点反抗的念头升起来! Instead thought one are the punishment is deserved, then deserves to be damned, should stretch out the neck unites, directs the blade quickly one! 反而觉得自己便是罪有应得,便是死有余辜,就应该引颈就戮,引刀一快! The Nan Tianxing moral nature knows faintly own this feeling is incorrect, is extremely dangerous, but actually could not control itself. Anxious, bites own tongue fiercely, in the mouth the blood wells up crazily, will spurt will exit, actually will be instant restores clear and bright, the body retrocedes fiercely. 南天星心底隐隐知道自己这种感觉是不对的,更是极度危险的,但却偏偏就是控制不了自己。急切之间,猛地一咬自己的舌头,咔嚓一声,口中鲜血狂涌,一口喷将出去,却是瞬时恢复清明,身子猛地后退。 Actually sees front cold brightness twinkle, that ices the sword edge glow imposingly, is away from own eye, only misses half inch, one such as the glacier falls in torrents falls generally with amazement. 却见面前寒光闪烁,那凛然冰剑锋芒,就距离自己的眼睛,就只差半寸,一如冰河倾泻一般骇然落下。 Nan Tianxing had immediately, the perspiration passed the heavy clothes. 南天星顿时出了一身冷汗,汗透重衣。 If own response slightly late so is little a faint trace one slightly, own eye will be punctured mostly blindly. Even if the whole body invulnerability, but, eye actually not such strong. 若是自己的反应再稍微晚那么一点点一丝丝一微微,自己的眼睛多半就会被刺瞎。纵然自己浑身刀枪不入,但,眼睛却是没有那样坚强的。 Even also incessantly eye, once eye were finished, the opposite party ices the sword to take advantage of opportunity to prick the brain, how could it not be do oneself play in light of this? 甚至还不止眼睛,一旦眼睛完蛋,对方冰剑顺势刺入脑部,自己岂不就此玩完? Seriously was the danger to extreme! 当真是险到了极处! Narrow squeak! 好险! What Swordsmanship is this? 这是什么剑法 During his cold sweat streamings, after the fear, is uses up the violent anger in bottom but actually: What Swordsmanship is this?” 他冷汗涔涔之中,后怕之后,就是竭斯底里的暴怒倒:“这是什么剑法?” Opposite Ye Xiao did not reply, under foot was one wrong, seemed like only took one step, but was actually gazing before, attending to after \; If on as follows, resembles Zuo Siyou, as if the whole person at the end of pink clouds, leisurely strolls, has is omnipresent, stops at nothing. 对面叶笑并不答话,脚下又是一错,看似只迈出了一步,但却是瞻之在前,顾之在后\;如上如下,似左似右,又似乎整个人就在彩云之端,悠悠漫步,却有是无所不在,无所不至。 Even if by the Nan Tianxing old way strength, suddenly does not see clearly the Ye Xiao concrete position. 纵然是以南天星的老道眼力,一时间也看不清楚叶笑具体的方位。 Could not lock his position. 更加锁定不了他的位置。 To block him to organize the plan of space, naturally again did not work. 想要封死他腾挪空间的打算,自然也就再也行不通了。 During the brilliant cold brightness glitters, is a sword raids outrageously, ices ice cold air/Qi that the sword overflows, almost made all around the air also ice up. The incomparable woods of long sword are cold, at this moment, is bringing general like the divine intervention endless broad, making the person unable to give birth to the heart of least bit resistance. 绚烂寒光闪烁之中,又是一剑悍然袭来,冰剑流溢的冰寒之气,几乎令周遭空气也结了冰。长剑的无匹森寒,在此刻,带着有如天意一般的无尽恢弘,让人生不出半点抗拒之心。 Nan Tianxing does not have to resist on own initiative, must withdraw once again two steps, in the eye the miraculous glow dodges, calls out in alarm one: This, is could it be that the legend sword of soul? With the soul imperial sword, Divine Soul is to direct, world only I?” 南天星自觉无可抵御,只得再度退后两步,眼中灵光一闪,惊呼一声:“这,难道就是传说之中的灵魂之剑?以灵魂御剑,神魂为引,天下唯我?” Ye Xiao still did not answer, the look is indifferent, is indifferently heartless, the long sword twinkle, sword flowers, falls slowly, just like is give an exaggerated account of things, profusion of fallen petals. 叶笑仍旧不答,眼神淡然不动,漠然无情,长剑闪烁,剑花朵朵,徐徐落下,正如是天花乱坠,落英缤纷。 The divine intervention of Monarch Sword! 君主剑之天意! Nan Tianxing knows for sure well, strongly does not fend, but, brushes two, his body, is the scar jumps presently, the blood jumps flies. When the Ye Xiao monarchy gives up study reckless attacks fully, finally has broken the human body defense of Nan Tianxing! 南天星情知不好,竭力闪避,但,刷刷两声,他的身上,已是伤痕迸现,鲜血迸飞。在叶笑君主绝学不顾一切全力进攻的时候,终于破开了南天星的肉体防御! Finally, first time makes this tyrannical enemy be damaged under the Ye Xiao sword truly! 终于,第一次让这个强横敌人真正受创于叶笑剑下! When a Ye Xiao sword goes well, sword light becomes the twinkle, the sword edge sharp bend downward, obviously imposing heavy. 叶笑一剑得手之余,剑光更趋闪烁,剑锋突转向下,倍显凛然沉重。 Similar to surely the mountain, suddenly in the same time hangs upside down airborne, mountain peak downward, falls loudly. 如同千万大山,突然同一时间里倒悬空中,山尖向下,轰然落下。 Monarch Sword it... My Qian mountain hangs upside down! 君主剑之…我意千山倒悬! Faint trace purple spiritual energy, in airborne partly visible. 丝丝紫色灵力,在空中若隐若现。 By my soul, entrusts with ice soul, making the ice have mystical powers, listening to my verbal command, the heart sword to unite, body and sword unite, harmony of nature and man! 以我灵魂,赋予冰魄,让冰有灵,听我号令,心剑合一,身剑合一,天人合一! The Smiles the whole wide World step, coordinates the sword of monarchy, by the East-Rising Purple Qi cultivation technique powerful stimulation of movement, supplements with the soul imperial sword, attaches the sword by Divine Soul, by Divine Sense locking, by wholeheartedly limit irrigation! 笑八荒步法,配合君主之剑,以紫气东来功法强势催动,辅以灵魂御剑,以神魂附剑,以神念锁定,以全心全意极限灌注! At this moment, the Ye Xiao strength, were least compared with the normal state has promoted ten times, even, were more, more were more! 这一刻,叶笑的战力,较之正常状态最少是提升了十倍,甚至,更多,更多更多! The instance that but this move of comes out, Ye Xiao then keenly felt that oneself spiritual energy, were many a feeling of depletion. By the existing strength, is not enough to support displays the Monarch Sword move continuously! 但这一招普一出来的瞬间,叶笑便已敏锐感觉到,自己地灵力,多了一种枯竭的感觉。以自己现有实力,根本就不足以支撑连续施展君主剑招! Even if not hesitate the price expedited shipment forcefully Soul Force and Soul Force is the auxiliary, superficial foundation was still difficult to sustain! 就算是不惜代价的强行催运灵魂之力神魂之力为辅,浅薄根基仍是难以为继! Fortunately, the sword potential of this sword already scattered. 所幸,这一剑的剑势已然撒了出去。 Kills the potential has become! 杀势已成! Nan Tianxing shouted one miserably, does not dare to meet to incur completely, only the knowledge went all out to run away outward, Sky Origin high level cultivation level blue light Qi Strength welled up not awfully crazily, double palm reckless laying out one after another. 南天星惨呼一声,完全不敢接招,只知拼命向外逃窜,一身天元高阶修为的蓝光气劲不要命的狂涌,双掌不顾一切的接连拍出。 ............ ………… <\; today seventh! Makes up owes the fifth chapter! <\;今日第七更!补欠第五章! Tired paralysis...... Tomorrow will write again. 累瘫了……明天再写吧。 …… ……
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