RITF :: Volume #3

#269: to turn Void into a Sword!

During that the determination just, wants to act once more, opposite Nan Tianxing jumped, the ferocious sound said with a smile: Great Monarch Feng, each other strength is disparate, the victory and defeat is distinct, obedient follows me! Is my slave, total ratio makes corpse!” 决心刚下,才想再次动作的当口,对面的南天星已经纵身而起,狞声笑道:“风君座,彼此实力悬殊,胜负分明,还是乖乖的跟我走吧!做我的奴隶,总比做一具尸体强!” Ye Xiao snort|hum, this time actually rare has not spoken the response. 叶笑哼了一声,这次却罕见的没有说话回应。 Nan Tianxing whole person this occasion flying ice midair, the whole body blue light twinkle, the sea was already rising tide is corroding this narrow and small space generally one after another. 南天星整个人此际已然飞凌半空,周身蓝光闪烁,大海涨潮一般一波一波侵蚀着这狭小的空间。 The sleeves turn lightly, the right hand flies high to eject. 衣袖轻翻之间,右手凌空击出。 A abundantly palm strength, has blocked Ye Xiao all spaces in an instant. 一股沛然掌力,刹那间封锁了叶笑身前身后的所有空间。 Prestige of the palm, actually goes so far as in this way! 一掌之威,竟至如斯! In other words, this palm, is can only meet unexpectedly hardly! 换言之,这一掌,竟是只能硬接! Very obviously, Nan Tianxing had realized Ye Xiao biggest superiority, is by far own place, that is flexible, if the dogfight has gotten down, perhaps oneself must spend the spirit to be able him to hold greatly. 很显然,南天星已经察觉了叶笑的最大优势,亦是远胜自己的地方,那就是灵活,若是一直缠斗下去,自己恐怕要大费精神才能将他抓住。 But, now the weather was bright. 但,现在天色已经明亮。 But here sends out such big sound, sooner or later some people will come. 而这里发出这么大的动静,迟早都会有人前来。 After all now the Chen Empire imperial capital, group lies in wait from all sides, any slightest sign of trouble, will bring in countless people with high aspirations! 毕竟现在辰皇帝都,群强环伺,任何一点风吹草动,都会引来无数的有心人! Can be said as the character of priceless treasure facing Feng Zhiling such one, oneself it, no doubt hoard as a rare commodity \; If made others know, regardless of the Feng Zhiling original status, oneself were also is why absolutely impossible to have sole possession. Two, the auction also immediately must start. 面对风之凌这么一个可说是无价之宝的人物,自己得之,固然奇货可居\;若是让别人知道了,无论风之凌的本来身份为何,自己亦是绝无可能独吞。二来,拍卖会也马上就要开始。 One must hurry to participate. 自己还要赶去参加。 The auction carries on has settled, even if Feng Zhiling is Ye Xiao is also good, is Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch is also good, died also well, cannot prevent this auction! 拍卖会进行已是定局,就算风之凌叶笑也好,是灵宝阁君座也好,死了也好,也不能阻止这场拍卖会进行! Therefore, at present can only fight a battle to force a quick decision, needs in the shortest time, takes this Feng Zhiling, integrates in oneself pouch, then completely can pretend calm concocting calmly! 所以,眼下就只能速战速决,务求在最短的时间里,将这个风之凌拿下,纳入自己囊中,然后尽可以装作若无其事的从容炮制! So long as he during oneself grasp, did not fear that he does not obey. 只要他在自己掌握之中,不怕他不就范。 So long as thinks one grasped the infinite advantage after Feng Zhiling, the Nan Tianxing heart is fiery incomparable. 只要一想到自己掌握了风之凌之后的无限好处,南天星心头便是火热无比。 Therefore has immediately adopted all -around non- difference attack of hard bridge hard horse, compelling Ye Xiao to spell with it hardly, your cultivation level is well below me in any case, if only puts together cultivation level, I can hold steadily offensive, is in the upper hand steadily. 所以立即采取了硬桥硬马的全方位无差别攻击,逼叶笑与之硬拼,反正你修为远远的不如我,若是只拼修为,我可以稳持先手,稳占上风。 So long as I compel you hardly to spell with me, you do not have any space of avoidance, your movement technique is good, that has not affected, you only powerfully use up to be defeated a way. 而且只要我逼得你跟我硬拼,那你就没有任何躲避的空间,你身法再好,那也是没有丝毫作用,你只有力竭落败一途。 Strives to defeat ten meetings! 一力胜十会! Then is this truth. 便是这个道理。 Has to acknowledge that Nan Tianxing the method, own consumption is no doubt large, actually in view of the Ye Xiao best fighting method, is most effective to fighting strategy! 不得不承认,南天星的这个手段,自身消耗固然颇大,却是针对叶笑的最佳打法,亦是最有效的对战策略! Nan Tianxing is having the potential of mountain capping, falls outrageously. 南天星带着大山压顶之势,悍然落下。 The crisis before, has should, Ye Xiao, although knew perfectly well that spells hardly uselessly, but this occasion be forced, must wield the palm to meet the approaching enemy with every effort. 危机在前,不得不应,叶笑虽然明知硬拼无益,但此际迫于无奈,只得尽力挥掌迎击。 Bang, the Ye Xiao whole person staggering draws back 78 steps, the body sways, almost falls down, the defeat completely reveals likely, an honor such as the spirit money, is to the utmost listless! “轰”的一声,叶笑整个人踉踉跄跄退出去78步,身子摇晃,差一点就摔倒在地,败象尽显,一张脸面如金纸、极尽萎顿! So blossomless false hard spells, the strength is strong , then the victory, the strength weak one defeats, high under stands sentences, the victory and defeat is obvious! 这般毫无花假的硬拼,力强则胜,力弱者败,高下立判,胜负显然! Even this palm, Nan Tianxing, lest strives oversized, a move kills Feng Zhiling, already kept the hand several points, but Ye Xiao still felt that the five main internal organs (entrails) receives the exceptionally fierce shake, a pair of arm, almost breaks off at the scene. 甚至于这一掌,南天星唯恐出力过大,一招击毙风之凌,已然留手数分,可是叶笑仍旧感觉到五脏六腑都受到异常剧烈的震荡,一双手臂,也几乎当场折断。 Nan Tianxing snort|hum, fell on the ground, shoulders both hands, coldly said: Great Monarch Feng, this held me only to use 30% strength.” 南天星哼了一声,落在地上,背负双手,冷冷道:“风君座,这一掌我只用了三成力。” Ye Xiao hēi hēi smiles, said: Yes? It seems like is my life, very valuable?” 叶笑嘿嘿一笑,说道:“是么?看来我的命,还是挺值钱的?” In Nan Tianxing vision ominous glittering: „The Great Monarch Feng life, is certainly valuable, simply is priceless, but after you have become my slave, you will discover your life, compared with your imagination must valuable!” 南天星目光中凶光闪烁:“风君座的命,当然值钱,简直就是价值连城,不过等你成了我的奴隶之后,你会发现你自己的命,比你的想象还要更加的值钱!” He stretches out the tongue, moistens one's lips with the tongue, hēi hēi smiles: Told you again a secret, really very much person who I liked the unyielding person \; When an unyielding person, suffering becomes a spineless person, turns into one to act servilely, appointed I prey, appointed I play with, making him be any him to make anything, that lackey who the execution that will not sell at a discount I will order...... That sense of achievement, is really incomparably charming, that comfort, is not inferior in Jiang coldly, if the ice frost saintess turns into the immoral woman on bed! What what a pity is, Great Monarch Feng actually cannot enjoy that charming feeling.” 他伸出舌头,舔舔嘴唇,嘿嘿一笑:“再多告诉你一个秘密,我真的很喜欢硬骨头的人了\;当把一个硬骨头,生生的折磨成一个软骨头,变成一个卑躬屈膝,任我鱼肉,任我玩弄,让他做什么他就会做什么,丝毫不打折扣的执行我命令的那种奴才……那份成就感,真是无比迷人,那种舒爽,丝毫不次于将一个冷若冰霜的圣女变成床上的荡妇!可惜的是,风君座却是享受不到那份迷人的感觉的。” Because you can only provide to me enjoy!” Nan Tianxing cloudy and cold saying: This, is you scolds me, you scolded the penalty of my father! With price!” “因为你只能提供给我享受!”南天星阴冷的说道:“这,就是你骂我,你骂我爹的惩罚!与代价!” The Ye Xiao whole face completely is ridiculing color smiles: You think that you can certainly prevail? Ha Ha, after such long time, you have lowered the sound intentionally, is controlling all sounds of this piece space, thinks that doesn't want to make others know? Wants a person to have sole possession? That palm, you no doubt only had used a moment ago three success strength, but is you must divert attention to control this piece of space, did not have the redundant force display! hēi hēi, this piece of space no doubt suppresses for you, but this moment Dragon Star City expert converges, so long as I concentrate the strength to attack a point, casual shouts spreads, can make your wishful thinking fail. Thanks to you here is also having the daytime big dream, dream of a fool.” 叶笑满脸尽是揶揄之色的一笑:“你以为,你一定能得逞么?哈哈,经过这么长的时间,你故意压低了声音,更控制着这一下片空间的一切动静,想必就是不想让别人知道吧?想要一个人独吞,是不是?刚才那一掌,你固然只动用了三成功力,只不过是你要分心控制这片空间,没有更多余力发挥吧!嘿嘿,这片空间固然为你压制,但此刻辰星城高手云集,只要我集中力道攻击一点,随便一声呼喊传出,就能让你的如意算盘落空。亏你还在这里做着白日大梦,痴人说梦。” Nan Tianxing by him was said put on heart to think, cannot help but the complexion once again transferred gloomy, a character character said: You can try greatly, old man can guarantee, a character that you said that will unable to pass on, by your fine powder cultivation level, what can break through the space blockade that the old man supposes. Moreover, takes today as the beginning, you always enrage my point, later, your day is sadder!” 南天星被他道穿了心中所想,不由得脸色再度转为阴沉,一字字说道:“你大可以试试,老夫可以保证,你说的一个字都不会传得出去,以你的微末修为,何能打破老夫设下的空间封锁。而且,以今日为始,你每多触怒我一分,以后,你的日子就更加难过一点!” Yes? That must try actually.” “是么?那倒是真的要试试了。” Ye Xiao slowly long body, eye like lightning flash. 叶笑缓缓长身而起,眼如电闪。 Puts out a hand to forward slowly. Two are similar to Dragon Claw, ka ka makes noise. 缓缓伸手向前。两手如同龙爪,咔咔作响。 The head of Ye Xiao sends the silk, calm automatic, flutters! Obviously, spiritual energy in within the body has urged to send to the limit! 叶笑的头上发丝,无风自动,飘飘扬扬!显然,体内的灵力已经催发到了极限! Water vapor that in the air the yin cold condensed, suddenly becomes severely cold exceptionally. 空气之中本已经阴寒凝聚的水汽,突然变得更加严寒异常。 the next moment, hand fierce closing up of Ye Xiao! 下一刻,叶笑的手猛的合拢! Ka! 咔! A joint resounding. 骨节一声脆响。 Only heard clang, a long sword of cold brightness twinkle, by Ye Xiao from a nihility thing airborne has grasped stiffly. The clear glittering looked that sword glow is radiant. 只闻“锵”的一声,一把寒光闪烁的长剑,就被叶笑从虚无一物的空中硬生生抓了出来。清光闪烁看,剑芒璀璨。 The water vapor congealing ice, congealing ices to become sword. 水汽凝冰,凝冰成剑。 The air/Qi of yin cold is getting more and more thick, the material quality of this sword, is more and more splendid. 阴寒之气越来越浓密,这把剑的材质,也是越来越出色。 However the moment time, one like the long sword of millennium profound ice general material quality, has taken shape. 不过片刻功夫,一把有如千年玄冰一般材质的长剑,已经成型。 Ye Xiao still unceasingly urged the strength of round of yin cold, nourishes in the hand the ice sword. 叶笑仍自不断催发阴寒之力,滋养手中冰剑。 He transferred all Extreme Cold Qi that oneself can transfer! 他已经调动了自己所能够调动的所有极寒之气 Can pose the threat to Nan Tianxing sword, knows by Ye Xiao, no doubt are many, but can take at this moment, actually only then this type, moreover can in complete extremely in a short time. 能够对南天星造成威胁的剑,以叶笑所知,固然不少,但此时此刻能够拿得出来的,却就只有这一种,而且还是能够在极短时间内完成的。 Ices the soul sword! 冰魄剑! Although the essence of this sword ices, but, quality of material actually already big difference. 此剑的本质虽然还是冰,但,质地却已然大大的不同。 Moreover, under this sword is also Ye Xiao arranges truly kills the enemy to plan the first step! 而且,这口剑亦是叶笑铺排下的真正杀敌计划第一步! He consumes the energy greatly, mobilizes all strengths, Soul Force Soul Force...... 他大耗精力,调动所有的力量,神魂之力灵魂之力…… At this moment, went to the final moment. 此刻,已经去到了最后关头。 In other words, being defeated, said that is real also good, actually also not necessarily is not the false appearance! 换言之,刚才的落败,说是真实也行,却也未必不是假象! ...... …… <\; today sixth, makes up owes the fourth chapter! Also! >\; <\;今天第六更,补欠第四章!还有!>\; Where <\; did the recommendation ticket go to? >\; <\;推荐票去哪里了?>\;
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