RITF :: Volume #3

#268: Only goes all out

The Ye Xiao right hand raises, golden light Sheng, the air/Qi of left hand yin cold, the prompt explosion, corrodes him suddenly greatly rapidly already the palm that wraps up, by saying of extremely irritable expression: Um? Will this type of toxin, how be effective to you?” 叶笑右手一扬,金光陡然间大盛,左手阴寒之气,瞬时爆发,迅速侵蚀他已经包扎起来的手掌,更以一种极其别扭的语气的说道:“嗯?这种毒,怎么会对你有效呢?” Nonsense, is ineffective to me, what effectiveness should that to?” Nan Tianxing gets angry: „Was your eye blind?” “胡说八道,不对我有效,那该对什么有效?”南天星怒道:“你眼睛瞎了?” To the animal, to the bastard, is effective! Is invalid to the person!” Ye Xiao laughs, the body, changed to a series of afterimage in a flash, lingers in the Nan Tianxing body week, presented innumerable Ye Xiao all of a sudden, all opens up rumble the offensive around him. “对禽兽,对王八蛋,都有效!就是对人无效!”叶笑哈哈一笑,身子一晃之间,化作了一连串的残影,萦绕在南天星身周,一下子出现了无数的叶笑,全都绕着他展开隆隆攻势。 Golden light and perfect coordination of extremely frozen cold air. 金色光影与极冻寒气的完美配合。 Also after is the flash, simply did not have including afterimage, all around on only remaining a route. 又是一瞬间之后,干脆连残影都没有了,四周就只剩下了一道线。 Together light. 一道光影。 He dares to scold me is not person......! 他敢骂我不是人……! Nan Tianxing does not open the mouth, refrains from speaking not to utter a word, transports Restore Cultivation, while attack of careful interception protection Ye Xiao. At this moment, under his heart, although hates to clench jaws, but was actually a few words does not dare to say. 南天星再不开口,闷着头一声不吭,一边运功疗伤,一边小心拦截抗御叶笑的攻击。此刻,他心下虽然恨得咬牙切齿,但却是一句话也不敢说了。 Because he knows, opposite this Great Monarch Feng dental cusp mouth advantage, oneself how, regardless of also to say. 因为他知道,对面这个风君座的牙尖嘴利,自己无论如何也是说不过的。 Argued with him, verbal battle, but brought contempt upon oneself, will further only be ridiculed by it! 与他争辩,舌战,只是自取其辱,只会进一步被其揶揄! Ye Xiao launches the offensive again and again, the left hand cloudy cold air, right hand gold, the offensive is continuous, straight such as the passing clouds and flowing water are common, the vision looks at fixedly, throughout is unhurriedly, not anxiously not slow. 叶笑连连发动攻势,左手阴寒气,右手黄金手,攻势绵绵不绝,直如行云流水一般,目光凝注,始终不慌不忙、不急不缓。 In the surface friendly, in the regulations heart is also really somewhat is accidental. 面上蔼然,实则心中却也是着实有些意外。 That did not have shade a moment ago invisible, moreover Ye Xiao entered the marking needle method of Heaven Realm non- shade needle, in this Cold Sun Continent world, Ye Xiao had confidence, no matter the opposite party were any cultivation level, so long as has not surpassed Sky Origin level 9 peak, certainly could not hide. 刚才那一针可谓无影无形,而且叶笑更加入了天域无影针的行针法门,在这个寒阳大陆世界里面,叶笑有把握,不管对方是什么修为,只要还没有超过天元九品巅峰,就一定躲不过去。 Only two solutions \; first, suffers hardly \; second, the standard keeps off. 仅有的两种解决方法,一是硬挨,二是格挡。 However this trend is treacherous, traceless such as hidden, until you have realized time, went, if before , guarding alert that has not concentrated on, does not have the weapon in the hand, then takes the weapon to resist temporarily is absolutely without enough time. 然而这针走势诡谲,无痕如隐,及至你有所察觉的时候,就已经去了跟前,若是之前没有全神贯注的提防戒备,也没有兵器在手,那么临时取兵器抵挡是绝对来不及的。 Therefore, can only use the quickest speed, own body some part carries on the resistance, but is most commonly used, is the palm. 所以,只能采用最快捷的速度,自己的身体某部分进行抵御,而最常用的,莫过于手掌,。 Nan Tianxing really resists with the palm! 南天星果然是用手掌抵御! Basically agrees with the tentative plan of Ye Xiao, only accident, only then Nan Tianxing battle-trained, the strain is amazingly quick, a needle, the strain, pays attention to Essence Qi immediately in the palm, to making palm instant firm over iron stone, that needle not with enough time thorough \; Has wounded by stabbing the epidermis. 叶笑的设想基本一致,唯一的意外,就只有南天星久经战阵,应变神速,普一中针,即时应变,关注元气于手掌,致令手掌瞬时坚逾铁石,那根针没有来得及深入\;就只是戳伤了表皮而已。 Through this wave of offensive, Ye Xiao can confirm, although Nan Tianxing has not displayed the real strength completely, at first in advance but its real cultivation level, sentences must be higher. 通过这一波的攻势,叶笑能够确认,南天星虽然还没有完全发挥出真实的实力,但其真实修为,比自己最初预判的还要更高。 Most conservative estimate, there is a Sky Origin level 8 peak standard. 最保守估计,也有天元八品巅峰水准。 Only misses one step, is Sky Origin level 9, the Sky Origin Stage limit strength. 只差一步,就是天元九品,天元境的极限实力。 Ye Xiao is only one, tries the real level of strength of opposite party, but also makes the opposite party to be in an extremely difficult situation, gets the winning side temporarily, but the regulations moral nature actually sinks. 叶笑只是一针,就试出来对方的真实实力水平,还弄得对方狼狈不堪,更暂时占据上风,但实则心底却是一沉。 Such expert, resists by current absolutely. 这样的高手,以目前的自己万万抵挡不过。 Do not look one resemble has completely the superiority, attacks heartily crazily, the regulations are the opposite party do not know own background, furthermore that danger before, does not dare to act rashly, once the opposite party injury completely goes, understands clearly oneself actual situation, counter-attacks wantonly, was one's turn itself to have bad luck! 别看自己似是占尽优势,尽情狂攻,实则不过是对方不知自己底蕴,更兼那一针的危险在前,不敢轻举妄动,一旦对方伤势尽去,洞悉自己虚实,大肆反扑,就轮到自己倒霉了! Although knows perfectly well so, Ye Xiao does not have the good pointed strategy, after all that had full acting that does mental arithmetic to have no interest in a moment ago, actually can only puncture the body outer layer of opposite party, has not gripped including the blood, can this weaponry hit? 尽管明知如此,叶笑却没有太好的针对性策略,毕竟刚才那一针,已经是有心算无心的全力施为,却只能戳破对方的皮肉外层,连鲜血都没有扎出来,这一仗又要怎么打? Ye Xiao intention phonograph, attacks, while the unconscious under foot treads out to pursue the soul not to have the shade step, color of gold, actually in gloom slowly. 叶笑心念电转,一边进攻,一边不自觉的脚下踩出追魂无影步,黄金手的颜色,却是在慢慢的暗淡。 The air/Qi of yin cold, is getting more and more abundant. 还有阴寒之气,越来越盛。 The entire space, is similar to the ice hole. 整个空间,如同冰窟。 Nan Tianxing itself cultivation level cultivation level high more than planned compared with Ye Xiao, but, attacks facing the Ye Xiao strange incomparable craziness, although can defend, unavoidably is actually dazzled, in a short time cannot overtake the Ye Xiao rhythm. 南天星的本身修为修为比起叶笑高了不止一筹,但,面对叶笑诡异无比的狂攻,虽然守得住,却不免眼花缭乱,短时间内根本就追不上叶笑的节奏。 Because the palm is injured, the poison, has not known that now the toxicity also does have to remain, naturally does not dare to act boldly fully take action, only leaves one to meet the enemy, the heart has under the scruples, has the feeling of accepting more and more. 更因为手掌受伤,中毒,现在还不知道毒性还有没有残留,自然也就不敢放胆全力出手,就只出一手迎敌,心有顾忌之下,越来越有应接不暇的感觉。 Passes the moment again, finally felt that a palm severe pain, pulls out the feeling of pain to transmit. Immediately in the heart a loosen, knows has not obstructed greatly, if the palm does not have the consciousness constantly, is the poison is not clear, even the toxicity is quite strange, the wound can feel that the pain instead is the symbol that the toxicity performs. 再过片刻,终于感觉到掌心一阵剧痛,抽痛的感觉传来。顿时心中一松,知道已经没有大碍,若是手掌一味没有知觉,才是中毒未清,甚至毒性颇为古怪,伤口能够感觉到痛楚反而是毒性尽去的标志。 The remaining bodies are damaged, regarding Sky Origin high level powerhouse, at is not anything, however finally felt relieved in it, during that the plan counter-attacks, actually the accident hears at present sigh, all around afterimage aperture also dissipates unexpectedly. 剩下的皮肉受损,对于天元高阶强者,根本不算什么,然而就在其终于放下心来,筹谋反扑的当口,却意外听到眼前“呼”的一声,四周残影光圈竟同时消散。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Does not have the indication, the Nan Tianxing nape of the neck, back of the body, the chest, the dantian, the top of the head...... Simultaneously holds! 全无征兆,南天星脖颈,后心,前胸,丹田,头顶……同时中掌! One after another 18 palms, all solid fall on Nan Tianxing. 前后接连18掌,悉数结结实实地落在南天星身上。 Intense yin cold Death Qi, brings to freeze bitter cold of world, performs to scold on Nan Tianxing, head. 强烈的阴寒死气,带着冰冻天地的酷寒,尽数落在南天星身上,头上。 The palm place, performs is the vital point spot! 中掌处,尽都是要害部位! Ye Xiao body brushing pulls out together afterimage, withdraws three zhang (3.33 m), concentrates the eye to gaze at Nan Tianxing. 叶笑身子“刷”的一声拉出一道残影,退后三丈,凝目注视南天星 The eye of Nan Tianxing is staring Ye Xiao stubbornly, that suddenly big mouth, shouted, put out together the exceptionally rich white clouds \; In the top of the head, the nape of the neck spot steaming hot, one such as the smog is dense. 南天星的眼睛死死地瞪着叶笑,突然大口一张,呼的一声,吐出一道异常浓郁的白气\;紧接着,头顶上,脖颈部位热气腾腾、一如烟雾氤氲。 Before the back of the body, heart dantian is a ice frost edge, the clothing freezes, 78 are in charge the shape the cloth block to fall on the ground, falls crushes. 后心前心丹田都是一阵冰霜棱子,衣衫冰冻,啪啪啪,78个掌印形状的布块掉在地上,摔得粉碎。 The Nan Tianxing whole body, instant glitters the blue tearful aura! 南天星的周身,瞬时闪烁起来蓝汪汪的气息! Hence, his Sky Origin level 8 limit strength, thorough complete stimulation. 至此,他的天元八品极限实力,彻底的全部激发了。 Good Palm Technique! The old men travele across the world, was still first time sees this and other exquisite profound wonderful moves, the Palm Technique movement technique perfect coordination, let the old man unexpectedly this compared with the person who you were higher than seven Sky Origin levels, resisted, has taken seriously! Your cultivation level is not far inferior to mistakenly, before said that must the words that the old man stays behind, perhaps on to become true!” “好掌法!老夫踏遍天下,尚是第一次见到这等精妙玄奇的招数,掌法身法完美配合,竟然让老夫这等比你高出七个天元层次的人,也招架不及,当真了得!错非你修为远逊,之前说要将老夫留下的话,说不定就成真了!” Nan Tianxing grins fiendishly: Was a pity, throughout is your strength is insufficient! Before absolute strength disparity, Palm Technique, even if good, could not injure me.” 南天星狞笑一声:“真可惜啊,始终是你实力不够!在绝对的实力差距之前,掌法纵然再好,也伤不了我。” Ye Xiao does not utter a word, but is gazing at the clothing fragment of under foot with rapt attention, after eight is in charge to fall, Nan Tianxing becomes some flesh of turning green, is actually braving the dense steam, the color to transform the normal skin color gradually. 叶笑一声不吭,只是凝神注视着脚下的衣衫碎片,八个掌印掉落下来之后,南天星变得有些发青的肌肤,却正在冒着氤氲热气,颜色渐次转变成正常的肤色。 The air/Qi of yin cold is useless to him! 阴寒之气对他无用! Gold is similarly useless to him! 黄金手同样对他无用! In the Ye Xiao heart gently sighed, the fight, oneself have used completely spiritual energy, although goes well, although center vital point, actually unexpectedly does not touch others, cannot break through its guard prestige energy. Sky Origin Stage level 1, with Sky Origin Stage level 8, the strength really differed is too disparate. 叶笑心中不禁轻轻叹息了一下,刚才的战斗,自己已经动用了全部灵力,虽然得手,虽然正中要害,却竟是打不动人家,攻不破其护身威能。天元境一品,与天元境八品,实力相差得实在是太悬殊了。 Ye Xiao make a prompt decision, decides to change strategy immediately, must take this person at one fell swoop, only feared that has to use Soul Force as well as that genuine card in a hand! 叶笑当机立断,即时决定改变策略,要将此人一举拿下,只怕是不得不使用灵魂之力以及那张真正的底牌了! Only goes all out! 唯有拼命! ............ ………… <\; today before down, makes up owes the third chapter! Still is writing! Also! >\; <\;今天第五更,补欠第三章!还在写!还有!>\;
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