RITF :: Volume #3

#267: Who strikes the first blow has the advantage!

Praised you...... Feng Zhiling, you are courting death! Moreover, gains the fate that lives to might as well die!” “夸你……风之凌,你这是自己在找死!而且,更是获取一个生不如死的下场!” Nan Tianxing said maliciously. 南天星狠狠说道。 Ye Xiao hēi hēi sneers: Yes? this majesty does not know actually that a no sense of shame like you, the ferocious, crazed bastard, what skill can be able to make me live to might as well die!? Your line?” 叶笑嘿嘿冷笑:“是么?本座倒是不知道,像你这样一个寡廉鲜耻,穷凶极恶,丧心病狂的王八蛋,能有什么本事能让我生不如死!?你行么?” He laughs suddenly: I estimated that you are incorrect! At least father's bone, compared with your hard! At least in father xin, family|home country world! Most at least, how the father cannot do your and other animal deals of bastard!” 他突然大笑一声:“我估计你是不行的!起码老子的骨头,比你的硬!起码老子心中,还有家国天下!最最起码,老子怎地也干不出你那等王八蛋的禽兽勾当!” Nan Tianxing bellows. 南天星大吼一声。 The entire ground, vibrated suddenly. 整个地面,突然为之震动了一下。 But after he bellows, the anger that actually soon must erupt, has divulged quietly. 但他大吼一声之后,却将即将要爆发出来的怒气,悄然宣泄了一些。 Ye Xiao snort|hum, knew fairly well: This bastard, the vital interests before, really does not hate to kill me at present! However, soon bordered on to collapse. 叶笑哼了一声,心中有数:这混蛋,眼前重大利益在前,果然还是不舍得杀死我!不过,也快要濒临崩溃了。 The Nan Tianxing facial features are indifferent exceptionally, on the face muscle has not moved, but baseless were many several fierceness: Great Monarch Feng, your so procedure actually proposed a toast does not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit!” 南天星面容冷漠异常,脸上肌肉一丝未动,但却凭空多了几份狰狞:“风君座,你这般作法却是敬酒不吃吃罚酒了!” Is made to drink as a forfeit is also not liquor.” The Ye Xiao eight winds are motionless: Same can intoxicant not be! What your father drinks is what liquor?” “罚酒还不也是酒。”叶笑八风不动:“一样可以醉人不是!你爹喝的是什么酒?” Do not raise my father!” Nan Tianxing is driven beyond the limits of forbearance. “不要提我爹!”南天星忍无可忍。 Ha Ha Ha......” Ye Xiao has filled saying of evil intention: What's wrong? Afraid? Does wish make me drink to be made to drink as a forfeit? Does not raise does not raise, doesn't your son drink? Um, I forgot to ask that you did have the son? Bastard like you, if there are son, that is the heaven does not have the eye!” 哈哈哈……”叶笑充满了恶意的说道:“怎么?心虚了?想要让我喝罚酒?不提就不提,那你儿子喝酒不?嗯,我都忘了问,你有儿子么?像你这样的王八蛋,若是有儿子,那才是老天没眼呢!” disciple flaunts the advantage of argument, is made to drink as a forfeit is not that tasty.” Nan Tianxing treads the previous step, vision is ferocious: Feng Zhiling, your succeeded made me lose the patience to you.” “徒逞口舌之利,罚酒不是那么好喝的。”南天星踏前一步,目光狞恶:“风之凌,你已经成功的让我对你失去了耐心。” I told you, you two choices, the first choice, the blind alley not turns over to now, the second choice, then obedient was my slave, provided to my Supreme Pill Beads specially! Later, all Supreme Pill Beads, entirely only belong to me!” “我告诉你,你现在有两个选择,第一个选择,死路无归,第二个选择,便是乖乖的做我的奴隶,专门提供给我丹云神丹!以后,所有的丹云神丹,全部都只归我一个人所有!” He grins fiendishly, has been full of the evil intention: Originally, beginning me initially hits the plan to want with you to discuss the cooperation, even, but also wish makes you retain the suitable freedom, can enjoy the life, but you actually destroyed oneself latter half of one's life to be able the comfortable opportunity.” 他狞笑一声,充满了恶意:“本来,我初初打打算是想要与你谈合作的,甚至,还想要让你保留相当的自由,可以享受人生,但是你自己却破坏了自己后半生可以舒服一些的机会。” Ye Xiao sneers, saying of taunt: Yes? Because said the father of your old bastard, has your not to know bastard son who has? Yes? The tortoise are how unfortunate, the first successive three generations were tarnished by your three generations of grandparent and grandchild!” 叶笑冷笑一声,嘲讽的说道:“是么?就因为说了你那个老王八蛋的爹、还有你那个不知道是不是存在的王八蛋儿子?是么?王八何其不幸,一连三代都被你们三代祖孙玷污!” His manner, light tone, makes the Nan Tianxing pent-up anger brave all. 他的神态,轻飘飘的口气,无不让南天星心火直冒。 You are court death, with person what You!” In Nan Tianxing gap between teeth a few words. “你这是自己找死,与人何尤!”南天星牙缝里嘣出一句话。 What bird gadget does your father calculate? Why can't I say him? Your son, but I think that he is not necessarily willing to have your such father!” Ye Xiao incisive saying: Actually the person like your fathers and sons, to be honest, said from my mouth, I felt my bad breath! Why are you such angry? You and your father, can make me say from the mouth, could it be that is not your greatest honorable! Shouldn't you be wild with joy, dance with joy?” “你爹算个什么鸟玩意儿?我为何不能说他?还有你儿子,不过我想他未必愿意有你这样的爹!”叶笑尖锐至极的说道:“其实像你们父子这样的人,说实话,从我嘴里说出来,我都感觉到自己的嘴臭了!你为什么这么生气呢?你和你爹,能让我从口中说出来,难道不是你们莫大的光荣么!你不该欣喜若狂,欢欣鼓舞吗?” Nan Tianxing roars, finally take action! 南天星怒吼一声,终于出手 The body dodged, changed to one group of shadows. 身子一闪,化作了一团黑影。 Actually does not think that Ye Xiao before his take action, one step began first! 却不想,叶笑在他出手之前,已经先一步动手了! The cold brightness, invisible does not have the shade together! 一道寒光,无形无影! A pair of palm, golden light twinkle, cold air Mi empty/sky! 一双手掌,金光闪烁,寒气弥空! Nan Tianxing is driven beyond the limits of forbearance finally, indignant, but take action. 南天星终于忍无可忍,愤而出手 As everyone knows Ye Xiao could not bear similarly! 殊不知叶笑也同样忍不住了! Because. 因为。 In his heart already passed through is filled with righteous indignation, is not restrainable! 他的心中早已经义愤填膺,无可抑制! Facing the virulent bastard, Ye Xiao felt like this does not eliminate it, was really unfair to own conscience. 面对这样的恶毒混蛋,叶笑感觉不除之,实在是太对不起自己的良心了。 Even if that General offended your father, but, is opposing the enemy the combat to protect the critical moment of common people world country territory, can you begin? Even that 10,000 innocent officers, the blood and iron man who 10,000 do protect our homes and defend our country slaughters together all? 就算那位将军得罪了你的父亲,但,在对敌作战保护黎民天下国家疆土的关键时刻,你又怎么能够动手?甚至将那10000无辜将士,10000保家卫国的铁血汉子一道尽数屠杀? Your Nan Tianxing...... Seriously is not individual! 南天星……当真就不是个人! Are your fathers and sons, actually how the evil and cruel feelings? 你们父子,究竟是如何歹毒的心肠? Ye Xiao take action, seizes life one! 叶笑出手,就是夺命一针! Nan Tianxing just take action, fainted from fear front cold brightness to dodge on the accident, kills intent densely near the body! 南天星这边才刚刚出手,就意外惊觉面前寒光一闪,森然杀意临身! He is also generation of the battle-trained, although the accident comes at present towering, how not to be flurried, the body takes advantage of a situation in a flash, raises hand to welcome, wants to come in Nan Tianxing, although Ye Xiao reaches Sky Origin Stage, has the considerable talent, but its age such small, the practice year will not be how many, mostly using the achievement that the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion resources pile up forcefully, so the dependence external force pieces together the strength that counts, what Kan strikes, only waits itself to counter-attack, deciding must be easy! 他亦是久经战阵之辈,虽然眼前变故来得突兀,却也并不如何慌乱,身子就势一晃,举手相迎,在南天星想来,叶笑虽臻天元境,自有相当的天赋,但其年岁如此之小,修炼年头怎地也不会太多,多半是利用灵宝阁的资源强行堆积出来的成就,这般依靠外力拼凑数来的战力,何堪一击,只待自己反扑,定必手到擒来! The both sides offensive connection, only listens to scoffing a light sound, Nan Tianxing only felt that the palm is unexpectedly faint a pain, this accident truly made him be startled, when extremely fast backlash, the circulate cultivation palm, instant will then put in order a palm to change to the steel and iron to be common, so handling, the offensive of opposite party had the strangeness, can harm degree reducing lowest. 双方攻势交接,只听“嗤”的一声轻响,南天星只感觉掌心竟然隐隐一痛,这个变故才真正令其吃了一惊,极速后退之余,运功手掌,瞬时便将整支手掌化作了钢铁一般,这般处置,就算对方的攻势有古怪,也能将危害程度减之最低。 Nan Tianxing after setting at this changes, has not opened up an offensive once again, the body took advantage of opportunity to draw back several feet, lowered the head looks, sees only on oneself palm, unexpectedly many a careful needle, this needle black, has gripped to break the animal skin all over the body, was only poor, will see the blood. 南天星经置此变,没有再度展开攻势,身躯顺势退出去了十几丈,低头一看,只见自己手掌上,竟然多了一根细细的针,此针通体黑色,已经扎破了肉皮,只差一点,就将见血。 Air/Qi to the utmost gloomy Underworld, in a steady stream sends out from the needle on, is glittering black spookily the brilliance of hell. 一股极尽阴森的幽冥之气,自针上源源发出,黑幽幽地闪烁着地狱的光彩。 Scoundrel!” Nan Tianxing is fear. Only felt vest absolutely terrified had goose fleshes. “混账!”南天星就是一阵后怕。只感觉背心毛骨悚然的起了一片鸡皮疙瘩。 This needle clearly is certainly the thing of toxin . Moreover, but also is mixing with unusually intense Death Qi. 这根针分明就是绝毒之物,而且,还夹杂着异常强烈的死气 If sees the blood seriously, perhaps own hand immediately has abandoned, can preserve including this poor life, was very difficult to say. 若是当真见血,恐怕自己的这只手就即时废了,连这条小命能不能保得住,都很难说。 Nan Tianxing bellows, immediately expedites the strength to this needle ruin thoroughly, does not want to send out along with own strength, immediately then felt the palm hemp is itchy, one startled, discards that hurriedly, when until focusing attention on to look, actually sees own palm central place one group of light black, are spreading in the intravenous drip unexpectedly, slowly on. 南天星大吼一声,即时催生劲气要将这根针彻底毁掉,不想随着自身劲气发出,即时便感觉到掌心麻痒难当,一惊之下,急忙将那针扔掉,及至注目看时,却见到自己手掌中心位置竟然有一团淡淡的黑色,正在点滴蔓延,徐徐而上。 Nan Tianxing sees that to be startled, but he finally is the experienced generation, make a prompt decision, blade light dodges, had been cut by the body of black attack that neatly. 南天星见状吃惊更甚,不过他终是见多识广之辈,当机立断,刀光一闪,已经将那块被黑色侵袭的皮肉整齐地切了下来。 The blood is the current craze wells up, initially beginning when is actually bringing the air/Qi of stench, passed the moment to restore the common bright red luster. 鲜血即时狂涌而出,初初之时竟然带着腥臭之气,过了片刻才恢复成寻常的鲜红色泽。 The Nan Tianxing moral nature is amazed, instant startled had spirit. 南天星心底惊诧莫名,瞬时激灵灵地出了一身冷汗。 What thing this is in the end? How so overbearing? 这针到底是什么东西?怎地如此霸道? Has not clearly seen the blood, unexpectedly nearly was also passed away by oneself. 分明没有见血,居然也险些让自己一命呜呼。 He clenches teeth, is avoiding the following attack of Ye Xiao carefully, even spells is suffering hardly several, along with scoffing, tears down the sleeves, brushed to wrap up the palm sores. Wields with the right hand, bang, compels to draw back three steps Ye Xiao, gloomy asking: What toxin is this?” 他咬着牙,小心躲避着叶笑的后续攻击,甚至拼着硬挨几下,随着“嗤”的一声,将衣袖撕下一条,刷刷刷将手掌伤处包扎了起来。跟着右手一挥,“轰”的一声,将叶笑逼退三步,阴沉的问道:“这是什么毒?” Nan Tianxing complexion, already gloomy soon drops the water leakage to come! 南天星的脸色,已经阴沉的快要滴出水来! ............ ………… <\; the today's fourth chapter, makes up owes the second chapter, but also is writing! Also! >\; <\;今天第四章,补欠第二章,还在写!还有!>\;
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