RITF :: Volume #3

#264: The secret, the murderous intention buds!

Ye Xiao found a covert place, evades the bystander informer, transformed the Feng Zhiling shape once again. 叶笑找了个隐蔽的地方,避过外人耳目,再度转换成了风之凌的形态。 This shelter, him had come repeatedly, completely is the dead angles, will not be discovered by the bystander absolutely, here changes the appearance multiple, may guarantee absolutely safe. 这个隐蔽所在,他已经来过多次,四下里尽都是死角,绝对不会被外人发现,在这里改变形貌多次,可保万无一失。 After all these time is important, does not may expose the status safely, Ye Xiao naturally also on choice one is, transforms the status, the best choice without doubt is here. 毕竟这一次事关重大,万万不可暴露身份,叶笑自然也就挑选一个最最稳妥的所在,转换身份,最佳的选择无疑就是这里。 However in this world, truly nothing is absolutely! 然而这个世界里,真正就没有什么事情是“绝对”的! Just changed image in Ye Xiao, suddenly, sound of the wind makes a sound for the first time, a sneering sound of person resounds suddenly. 就在叶笑刚刚改换过来形象,正要走出去的时候,突然间,风声乍响,一个人的冷笑声骤然响起。 Cannot think cannot think that true thought that the famous town Capital City Great General Ye only son, the heads of Capital City three big playboy, unexpectedly are the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion big storekeepers, he he, I should call your Young Master Ye, called your Great Monarch Feng?” “想不到啊想不到,真正的想不到,名镇京城叶大将军独子,京城三大纨绔之首,居然就是灵宝阁的大掌柜,呵呵,我是该称呼您叶公子,还是称呼您风君座?” This sound measures cloudy, has been full of virulent meaning. 这声音阴测测的,充满了恶毒的意味。 As if a person is having no intention, had discovered a huge wealth, in a small and weak manpower, that type chuckles to oneself pleasantly surprised with the virulence of killing a person and taking his possessions immediately sprouting, is such cannot conceal! 似乎是一个人在无意之中,发现了一笔巨大的财富,在一个弱小的人手上,那种惊喜窃喜与立即萌发的杀人越货的恶毒,都是那样的不可掩饰! In the Ye Xiao heart sinks, body instantaneously stiff. 叶笑心中一沉,身子瞬间僵硬了一下。 Cannot think one are so careful, unexpectedly was discovered? 想不到自己这么小心,居然还是被人发现了? Turns around slowly, goes following the prestige, gazes at the acoustic source. 缓缓转身,循声望去,注视声源。 Simultaneously Divine Sense also starts, covers in all directions. 同时神念亦随之启动,笼罩四面八方。 person in black, shouldered both hands however to walk from outside leisurely, with a smile looks at Ye Xiao, a confidence, confident appearance. 一个黑衣人,背负着双手从外面施施然地走了进来,笑吟吟的看着叶笑,一副成竹在胸,把握十足的样子。 As if Ye Xiao in his eyes, is his dishes, in the mouth the dish, dreads slightly insufficient. 似乎叶笑在他眼中,已经是他的盘中餐,口中菜,丝毫不足畏惧。 So long as puts out a hand, can be easy, that easy. 只要一伸手,就能手到擒来,就是那么的轻而易举。 Single that welldoing, is individual wants to punch his simply, standard villains holding sway! 单只那副德行,简直是个人就想揍他一顿,标准的小人得志! Ye Xiao said lightly: Who is your excellency?” 叶笑淡淡道:“阁下是谁?” person in black hēi hēi smiles, still unceasingly sized up Ye Xiao by the interestinging look, in the mouth is praising: Really worthily is Young Master Ye, really worthily is Great Monarch Feng, places so the environment, but can also be so calm, really makes me hold in high esteem, Ha Ha.” 黑衣人嘿嘿一笑,仍旧是以饶有兴趣的眼神不断打量着叶笑,口中啧啧称赞:“果然不愧是叶公子,果然不愧是风君座,身处如此环境,还能这般镇定,真真是让我刮目相看,哈哈。” Ye Xiao does not take offense slightly, still light [say / way]: Asked your words.” 叶笑丝毫也不动气,仍旧淡淡的道:“问你话呢。” Tone indifferent Wubo . Moreover, although he now at inferiority, arrogance that but in the tone, is still keeping aloof. 口气淡然无波,而且,他现在虽然是处在劣势,但口气之中,依然是一副高高在上的倨傲。 As if a king of keeping aloof, in the official of interrogation crime, has been full of the inviolable dignity! 似乎是一个高高在上的帝王,在审问犯罪的臣子,充满了不可侵犯的尊严! Under the Ye Xiao heart furthermore relaxed, because the opposite party has a person. 叶笑心下更兼松了一口气,因为对方就只得一个人。 More important also lies, this fellow walks, on the face clearly also has the tired look that eliminates without enough time, as if just just the sleep, all these had been liberal to explain that this person can discover own status, unexpectedly is only the pure coincidence! 更重要的还在于,这家伙走进来的时候,脸上分明还有来不及消除的倦色,似乎刚刚刚睡眠过,这一切不吝说明此人能够发现自己的身份,竟只是单纯的巧合! This person is asked by tone that Ye Xiao occupies a commanding position, immediately some hearts are angry: You fell now in my hands, dare to speak to me with this tone unexpectedly! 这人被叶笑居高临下的口气一问,顿时有些心头愤怒:你现在已经落在我的手中,居然还敢用这种口气跟我说话! Acts recklessly simply! 简直是不知死活! Thinks that unexpectedly forgets to answer, will open the mouth, only listens to opposite Ye Xiao once more to open the mouth. 这么一想,居然忘记回话,正要开口的时候,只听对面的叶笑已经又再次开口。 The Ye Xiao vision flashes, suddenly opens the mouth saying: Turtle Breath Great Art! Is your excellency the Stars Sect person?” 叶笑目光闪动,突然开口道:“龟息大法!阁下是星辰门的人?” This person finally surprised: Good good, can reveal the aura to judge my transiting the discipling from origin depending on me unexpectedly, has taken seriously, was only a pity, even if you have recognized me, today you cannot be inescapable, drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if you could be inescapable the person, could be inescapable the temple? Regardless of Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion or is Ye Residence, can't always be inescapable?” 这人终于惊讶:“不错不错,竟能凭我流露之气息就判断出我的师承来历,当真了得,只可惜,就算你认出了我,今天你也是跑不了的,退10000步说,就算你跑得了人,跑得了庙么?无论灵宝阁又或者是叶府,总跑不了吧?” Ye Xiao nods the head slowly, said lightly: Told the sentence truth to you, I do not want to run, because does not need.” 叶笑慢慢颔首,淡淡道:“跟你说句实话,我就没想跑,因为没必要。” Moral nature killing intent, clashes loudly. 心底杀机,轰然冲起。 Since this person of this occasion has discovered itself, moreover harbors evil intentions, furthermore has the status of Stars Sect person, the consideration in which aspect regardless of stems from, is takes to be correct! 这人此际既然发现了自己,而且还不怀好意,更兼有星辰门人的身份,无论出自哪个方面的考量,都是取死有道! Such being the case, if not kill this person, can I such leave? 既然如此,若是不杀此人,我又怎么能够就这么离开? In the heart actually also therefore feels relaxed: Originally is Stars Sect Turtle Breath Great Art, thinks that this person accidentally yesterday evening transported the turtle breath to send here the rest greatly, but Divine Sense under oneself cloth can realize all around all life signs, but Turtle Breath Great Art, once operates, the whole person is similar to the deceased person not different, no wonder cannot realize. 心中却也因此释然:原来是星辰门龟息大法,想必这个人是偶然昨晚上运起龟息大发在这里休息,而自己布下的神识虽然能够察觉周遭一切生命迹象,但龟息大法一旦运行,整个人就如同死人无异,难怪自己察觉不到。 In his heart had left undecided, a moment ago the goal of those words was the probe, but the opposite party was secure, readily agreed unexpectedly, remove a suspicion in Ye Xiao heart. 他心中本已存疑,刚才那句话的目的便为试探,但对方有恃无恐,竟是一口承认,解掉叶笑心中的一个疑窦。 One had sufficed to be careful, how to discover some people here? 自己已经本来够小心了,怎么会发现不了有人在这里? Originally the truth unexpectedly is so. 原来真相竟是如此。 Stars Sect Turtle Breath Great Art, oneself present realm has an oversight, pours not the too strange matter. 星辰门龟息大法,自己现在的境界有所疏漏,倒也不算太稀奇的事情。 In the Ye Xiao heart actually also therefore increased several points of vigilance, it seems like later must pay attention to Stars Sect that side sound. 只是叶笑心中却也因此更增加了几分警惕,看来以后要多注意星辰门那边的动静。 Does not fear 10,000, fears eventuality, throughout drives ten thousand years of ship carefully! 不怕10000,就怕万一,始终是小心驶得万年船! Ha Ha Ha? What words did I hear a moment ago? You said that you don't want to run?...... Ha Ha Ha......” this person to the utmost ridicules one of the strong point to laugh: I whether can understand into Young Master Ye was saying, must forever keep here me...... Great Monarch Feng, do you also want to kill me to eliminate a potential informant unexpectedly? So-called dream of a fool, indulges in fantasy also to be generally mediocre!” 哈哈哈?我刚才听到了什么话?你说你没想跑?……哈哈哈……”这人极尽揶揄能事的一阵大笑:“我是否可以理解成为叶公子是在说,要将我永远的留在这里呢……风君座,你居然还想要杀我灭口?所谓的痴人说梦,异想天开大抵也就不过如此吧!” He meets Young Master Ye, Great Monarch Feng, is reminding frequently: I had knowledge of you biggest secret! 他一会一个叶公子,一口一个风君座,时时刻刻在提醒:我已经掌握了你最大的秘密! Smiling of Ye Xiao coldly, has not spoken. 叶笑冷冷的笑了笑,没有说话。 The look became extreme is sharp. 只是眼神却已经变得极端锋利。 In this moment, Ye Xiao vigor by unprecedented condition extremely fast condensation. 在这一刻,叶笑的精气神以前所未有的状态极速凝聚。 The whole body, with heart and soul, the entire intent, the entire soul, the entire gods, the unprecedented limit transfers. 全身,全心,全意,全魂,全神,前所未有的极限调动。 Who no matter front this person is, but this time, he certainly will not allow this person to continue to survive, life that own secret, relates to too many too many family member friends, this person , if living returning, will leak inevitably own secret, finally will be no end of trouble for the future, will leave a legacy of trouble profoundly! 不管面前这个人是谁,但这一次,他都一定不会允许这个人继续存活,自己的秘密,关系到太多太多亲人朋友的生命,这个人若是活着归去,势必会将自己的秘密泄露出去,结果将是后患无穷,遗祸深远! But since the opposite party can such natural walks, obviously is secure, has greatly the card in a hand in the hand. 而对方既然能这么大大方方的走出来,显然是有恃无恐,有大把底牌在手。 Did not say other, looked only this person of pupil disperses the blue color unclearly, explained that cultivation level of this person at least reached to Sky Origin Stage extremely high realm. Very obviously, the opposite party had also discovered own strength, believes firmly one absolutely are not his match, dares to be so long-drawn-out comes, four fearless sends the fainting word greatly. 不说别的,单看此人瞳孔隐隐然发散出蓝色,就已说明此人的修为至少已臻至了天元境极高境界。很显然,对方也已经发现了自己的实力,确信自己绝对不是他的对手,才敢这么悠哉的现身出来,更肆无忌惮的大发厥词。 Today a war can only be able to announce the end by a side destruction, all called your manpower, when at that time hopeless situation sighed not to have the prompt summon manpower.”, “今日一战只能以一方覆灭才能宣告终结,把你的人手全叫出来,免得彼时绝境之时才来叹息没有及时召唤人手。”、 murderous aura in Ye Xiao look more and more is rich, has probed one once more. 叶笑眼神之中的杀气越来越是浓郁,再次试探了一句。 If can determine that the concrete status origin of this person, is as for also has the helper, many helpers, are the good choices. 若是能够确定此人的具体身份来历,乃至于还有没有帮手,有多少帮手,自是上佳的选择。 It seems like Great Monarch Feng to moved really obsolete has killed the heart.” person in black artificial sighing, wrinkled the face, said: Actually some everybody words can discuss greatly, but also is insufficient dead I to perish the situation to you, can definitely become friends , helping supply each other, offers mutual benefit and achieves common progress.” “看来风君座真的对老朽动了杀心。”黑衣人做作的叹了口气,皱起了脸,说道:“其实大家有话大可以商量,还不至于去到你死我亡地地步,完全可以交个朋友,互通有无,互利互惠嘛。” ............ ………… <\; guesses, how many today will have? >\; <\;猜一猜,今天会有几更?>\;
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