RITF :: Volume #3

#265: Nantian evil star!

I do not need your such friend.” Ye Xiao coldly said: Your?” “我可不需要你这样的朋友。”叶笑冷冷说道:“就你自己一人?” person in black laughs, said: Great Monarch Feng eyesight story is extraordinary, can see the old man himself cultivation cultivation technique origin, actually cannot guess correctly the old man name. If Great Monarch Feng knows that who I am, knows, no matter the old man handles any matter, comes and goes freely, always nobody keeps company. Therefore if Great Monarch Feng felt that can kill me...... Although starts is, so long as can kill the old man, the Great Monarch Feng secret will then not reveal. Em, yes Young Master Ye?” 黑衣人哈哈一笑,说道:“风君座眼力阅历非凡,看得出老夫本身修行功法来历,却还是未能猜到老夫姓甚名谁。若是风君座知道我是谁,就会知道,老夫不管做什么事情,都是独来独往,从来无人做伴。所以风君座若是感觉能够杀死我……尽管下手就是,只要能杀得了老夫,风君座的秘密便不会泄露。恩,是吧叶公子?” Ye Xiao hearing this stares, along tastes: „? Who may I ask your excellency is? lofty name given name?” 叶笑闻言一愣,顺口道:“哦?敢问阁下是谁?高姓大名?” person in black said proudly: Xing Chen / stars ten thousand li (5.000 km), the south hangs day, the century hegemony, hundred years of lonely. The old men are Nan Tianxing! You already can look through cultivation technique background of old man, thinks that also has heard the name of old man!” 黑衣人傲然说道:“星辰万里,南面垂天,千秋霸业,百年孤独。老夫就是南天星!你既能看破老夫的功法底蕴,想必也听说过老夫的名字吧!” Listens to this person in black tone tone, Ye Xiao certainly to own to report the words only, did not say that immediately bows the head to profess allegiance, at least the whole face is also amazed, shocks intensely, even/including [say / way] likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, bright moon in the sky and so on exclamation! 单听这黑衣人的口气口吻,叶笑一定到自己报字号,不说立刻俯首称臣,起码也得满脸惊诧,强烈震撼,连道如雷贯耳、皓月当空之类的惊叹词! Ye Xiao concentrates unexpectedly an eye of [say / way]: Nan Tianxing? Has not heard, really very famous? Although your narcissism appearance very proud and lovable, but was sorry that I have not heard really!” 不意叶笑凝目道:“南天星?没听说过,真的很有名气么?虽然你自恋的样子很傲娇,但抱歉,我真的没听说过!” person in black hearing this immediately for it illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, to being angry saying: You dare saying that you haven't heard the old man?” 黑衣人闻言立时为之气结,冲冲大怒说道:“你敢说你没有听说过老夫?” Ye Xiao shakes the head: Indeed does not have, Nan Tianxing...... This name has not heard. Your that four poem numbers, although sounds as if a little a few tricks, but regulations...... Radically is the incomprehensible nonsense \; Especially back two century hegemonies, hundred years of lonely, is the least bit writing coherence does not pass \; You think that you are an emperor? Unexpectedly also crying out century hegemony? Said that you radically is a court eunuch? Unexpectedly also hundred years lonely...... Living so moves collects hardly, really does not have the culture, does not have the knowledge......” 叶笑摇头:“的确没有,南天星……这名字真没听说过。你那四句诗号,虽然听起来似乎很有点两下子,但实则……根本就是狗屁不通\;尤其是后边两句千秋霸业,百年孤独,更是半点儿文理也是不通\;你以为你是皇帝?居然还叫唤千秋霸业?还是说你根本就是太监?居然还百年孤独……这般的生搬硬凑,真真是没文化,没知识啊……” Ye Xiao said that while shakes the head, sobbed. 叶笑一边说,一边摇头,唏嘘。 As if can also have regarding in society unexpectedly such does not have the hick of culture, but reporting by huge surprise. 似乎对于世间居然还能有这么没文化的土包子,而报之以天大的惊奇。 { Does not have the knowledge, is very fearful!” The Ye Xiao sympathy asked: You...... Has gone to the school?” {“没知识,真的很可怕啊!”叶笑同情地问道:“你……上过学堂么?” Nan Tianxing coldly said: I asked finally again your one time, you do not know seriously, if really doesn't know?” 南天星冷冷道:“我最后再问你一次,你当真不知,果真不知?” „Are you very famous? Does not know seriously that really does not know, truly does not know, does not know in any case!” Ye Xiao curls the lip, saying of not sparing a glance. “你很有名吗?当真不知,果然不知,确实不知,反正就是不知!”叶笑撇撇嘴,不屑一顾的说道。 Nan Tianxing cloudy saying: It seems like beforehand commended that your story uncommon view I have to take back! But how you should also know, initially Chen Emperor Empire 10,000 soldiers at the Black Pine Forest mystically killed matter! Should know, matter that Eight Great Families Shi and dummy in originally, suddenly overnight razed? If your this said does not know that I can only give you another four character evaluation ignorant and inexperienced ! The truth told you, that two matters, were the old man do!” 南天星阴沉沉的说道:“看来之前称赞你阅历不凡的说法我只好收回了!但你怎地也应该知道,当初辰皇帝国10000士兵在黑松林神秘被杀的事情吧!更应该知道,原本的八大家族之中的石家和明家,突然一夜之间被人夷为平地的事情吧?如果你连这个都说不知道,我只能给你另外四个字评语孤陋寡闻!实话告诉你,那两件事,都是老夫做下的!” In all fairness, Nan Tianxing these three characters, truly once overawed Cold Sun, the stir mainland. 平心而论,“南天星”这三个字,确实曾经威震寒阳,轰动大陆。 Many matters that initially Nan Tianxing handled, making many people until now mention this name, will unable to bear the face whiten, nonchalant shivering. 当初南天星做下的许多事情,让许多人直到现在说起这个名字,都会忍不住脸色苍白,不经意的颤抖。 Seriously can be said as ominous outstanding. 当真可说是凶名卓著。 Beside that two big event that except that he said a moment ago, he did not to know many dishonorable despicable mean matter, but actually nobody can make, can only to his wreaking havoc common people, the rampant world. 除了他刚才说出的那两宗大事件之外,他更做下了不知道多少伤天害理的卑劣下作事情,但却始终无人能制,只能任由其肆虐苍生,猖獗尘寰。 When Nantian/Southern Heaven line of this person also customs, each time conduct always likes first with own prestige deters others, then kills. This type by feeling that the reputation oppresses others, making him crispest. 偏偏南天行此人还有一个习惯,每次行事之时总喜欢先用自己的“威名”来震慑别人,然后再杀死。这种以名声压人的感觉,让他最爽。 Naturally, this is also his youth nameless, became famous to 50-60 years old „the wound of” staying behind repercussions. 当然,这也是他少年无名,一直到了五六十岁才成名才留下的“创伤”后遗症。 To „the prestige of” him thinking, to other people are only ominous name and evil reputation! 只是,对他而言自以为的“威名”,对其他人而言只是“凶名”、“恶名”! What a pity, Ye Xiao actually really does not know to this name, regardless of the prestige evil reputation ominous name, totally does not know entirely. 可惜,叶笑偏偏对这个名字却是真的一点也不知道,无论威名恶名凶名,统统一概不知。 Your Nantian/Southern Heaven line of how prestige elements, notorious and ominous is frightening, throughout only aims at limits to Cold Sun Continent, said that in the end is only a character of Sky Origin Stage level, how can enter the ear of Monarch Xiao, true not worth mentioning! 南天行再如何的威名素著、恶名昭彰、凶名震慑,始终只针对局限于寒阳大陆,说到底就只是一个天元境层次的人物,如何能入笑君主之耳,真正的何足道哉! Naturally, even if before is, accidentally knew that person fame, Ye Xiao absolutely will also say does not know, because Ye Xiao discovered that this Nan Tianxing as if regarding others knows does not know own name cares extremely. 当然了,就算是之前偶然知道了其人的“名气”,叶笑也绝对会说不知道的,因为叶笑发现,这个南天星似乎对于别人知道还是不知道自己的名字极为在意。 Will Ye Xiao let be doomed with be comfortable for the person of enemy? 叶笑又怎么会让注定与自己为敌的人舒服起来? However, Nan Tianxing mentioned a moment ago with emphasis a symbolic big event, Ye Xiao actually knows. 不过,南天星刚才重点提到其中一件标志性大事件,叶笑却是知道的。 Because 20 years ago that war, not only the shock world, affects the significance to be profound to Chen Emperor Empire. 因为20年前那一战,非但震惊天下,更对辰皇帝国影响意义深远。 At that time was Chen Emperor Empire and prairie clan and tribe battles, engages in fierce battle Black Pine Forest. 彼时正值辰皇帝国与草原部族交战,鏖战黑松林 But, overnight, the Chen Empire military 10,000 officers suddenly all die a violent death, the war presents the fatal gaps and omissions, causing Chen Emperor Empire to rout finally \; Hundreds of thousands of common people common people were slaughtered to kill. 但,就在一夜之间,辰皇军方10000将士突然悉数死于非命,战局出现致命缺漏,导致辰皇帝国最终大败\;数十万黎民百姓惨遭屠戮杀害。 To afterward knew the basic reason, unexpectedly was that military officer offends one it is said is the father of great person, but when that father gave vent to indignation incompetently voluntarily, called own son, to vent anger, defied overwhelming opinion to slaughter that with the enemy unexpectedly General with his 10,000 subordinates, killed in the dirty trick completely cleanly! 到后来才知道根本原因,居然是那位将领得罪了一个据说是大人物的父亲,而那个父亲无能自行泄愤之余,叫来自己的儿子,为了出气,竟然冒大不讳将那位正在与敌人厮杀之中的将军与他的10000部下,以卑劣手段全部都杀得干干净净! Reason that Ye Xiao will give special attention to this matter, is actually because Ye Nantian once had said to Ye Xiao this matter, with the calm of Ye Nantian, actually also to the instigator of this matter, hates to the marrow of the bones, but the real status as well as the whereabouts of that murderer finally become fans, does not know the trace! 叶笑之所以会对这件事情特别关注,却是因为叶天南曾向叶笑说过这件事情,以叶天南的沉稳,却也对这件事的始作俑者,恨之入骨,只是那凶手的真实身份以及下落最终成迷,不知所踪! Now the accident knew that the past chief criminal, unexpectedly is present Nan Tianxing! 现在意外得知,当年的罪魁祸首,居然就是眼前的南天星 Looks at the Nan Tianxing pale face, Ye Xiao light asking: „The person in which country's are you?” 看着南天星铁青的脸,叶笑轻飘飘的问道:“你是哪一国的人?” The Nan Tianxing complexion is uglier immediately. 南天星的脸色顿时更加难看。 Ye Xiao instant then guessed correctly conclusion, taunted: Has not thought really that unexpectedly Chen Emperor Empire the person of native place, actually massacres the Chen Emperor Empire army! Nan Tianxing, thanks to you also has the cheek to hang this matter on the mouth daily...... I told you, your this person, was a bastard! Commits treason! Is number standard forgets the sect! Do you know?” 叶笑瞬时便已经猜出了结论,嘲讽道:“真没想到,居然辰皇帝国的本土之人,却残杀辰皇帝国的军队!南天星,亏你还有面皮将这件事天天挂在嘴上……我告诉你,你这种人,就是王八蛋!就是叛国!就是数典忘宗!你知道么?” Nan Tianxing sneers: I am cultivator, the cultivator non- country boundary! what Laishu the standard forgot the sect to say!” 南天星冷笑:“我是修者,修者无国家界限!何来数典忘宗之说!” These words said seriously are not concerned about face.” Ye Xiao nods slowly: cultivator can not have the country, could say that cultivator can also not have the family|home? Also can say that cultivator can also not have the parents, doesn't have the wife and children? All, doesn't care? Others butchered your father, can you also watch critically to be indifferent?” “这句话说得当真不要脸。”叶笑缓缓点头:“修者可以没有国,是不是可以说,修者也可以没有家?是不是也可以说,修者也可以没有父母,没有妻儿?所有的一切,都不在乎了?别人就算是宰了你的父亲,你也可以冷眼旁观漠不关心?” Nan Tianxing gets angry: You are not understanding! Because that military officer was just air/Qi my father, I played completely him and his 10,000 subordinates! What wrong do I have? If cultivator does not protect including own family member well, what also cultivates to cultivate?” 南天星怒道:“你懂个屁!那个将领正因为气到了我的父亲,我才将他和他的10000属下全部玩死!我有什么错?若是修者连自己的家人都守护不好,还修什么修?” In his sound, is unexpectedly plausible. As if under this matter regarding doing, is very reasonable, the justice stands on the side of him general. 他的声音中,竟然振振有词。似乎对于做下这件事情,乃是很有道理,正义站在他自己一边一般。 ...... …… <\; this is second. >\; <\;这是第二更哦。>\;
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