RITF :: Volume #3

#263: Is the illusion?

Under Endless Space all space limit revolutions, was still beyond one's reach, saw with own eyes that this temporary equilibrium momentarily did not guarantee, actually after another instantaneous, fell into the cultivation condition Ye Xiao some response, this occasion whole body ballooning wanted to crack finally, several nearly are going to explode, awoke terrified, East-Rising Purple Qi cultivation technique of extremely fast revolution, stopped suddenly. 无尽空间所有空间极限运转之下,仍是力有未逮,眼见这个暂时平衡随时不保,却在又一个瞬间之后,陷入修行状态之中叶笑终于有了反应,此际浑身鼓胀欲裂,几近将要爆炸,悚然而醒,原本极速运转的紫气东来功法,亦戛然而止。 Because in this moment, Ye Xiao discovered impressively that in own dantian, was empty, now suddenly neared the demolition edge, spiritual energy has been full the situation that the next moment must explode. 因为在这一刻,叶笑赫然发现,自己的丹田之中,原本空荡荡的,现在突然已经接近了爆破的边缘,灵力充盈到了下一刻就要爆炸的地步。 Cannot help but greatly strange. 不由得大奇。 Will evening's time, how have such unthinkable change? 只是一晚上的时间,怎么会发生这么匪夷所思的变化? Hurries to stop the revolution of East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art, emerging of world Purple Qi also in light of this terminates! 赶紧停止紫气东来神功的运转,天地紫气的涌入亦就此终止! The conclusion of disaster, unexpectedly was such simple! 灾难的结束,竟是这么简单! Actually the accident hears Bing'er to send out a groan, seems very painful appearance, tight frowning. 却意外听到身边的冰儿发出一声呻吟,似乎是很痛苦的样子,紧紧的皱起了眉头。 However the next moment, did not have did not have the sound, aspirated gently, transfers a contented appearance. 然而下一刻,却又没了没动静了,轻轻吐了一口气,转为一副怡然自得的样子。 Ye Xiao asked: Bing'er, you how?” 叶笑问道:“冰儿,你怎么了?” Saying of Bing'er doubts: Suddenly was very a moment ago uncomfortable, body wanted the bulge to break half probably, but was now good, did not have the difference, probably also very comfortable as, was really strange......” 冰儿疑惑的说道:“刚才突然很难受,身体好像要胀破了一半,不过现在已经好了,全无异样,好像还很舒服似的,真是古怪……” Ye Xiao knows one exercise martial arts possibly makes Bing'er be attacked, but defers to the present condition should not to have big obstructing, relaxed. 叶笑知道自己练功可能让冰儿受到了冲击,但依照现在的状况应该没有大碍,也松了口气。 But he cannot think absolutely that the sources of all these accidents, come from his East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art, before East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art has revolved in Bing'er within the body, world Purple Qi that the attraction presents all submits , the limit full in Ye Xiao oneself as well as Endless Space, stopped the revolution of East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art a moment ago suddenly, magnanimous Purple Qi stopped emerging, but Ye Xiao does not know that last part of spiritual energy that in the world Ben Yong comes cannot enter Ye Xiao meridians through the body of Bing'er, still the inertia, altogether had actually been crashing in Bing'er meridians. 但他绝对想不到,这一切变故的源头,正是源自他的紫气东来神功,之前紫气东来神功一直在冰儿体内运转,吸引出现的天地紫气悉数来归,极限充盈于叶笑自身以及无尽空间,刚才骤然停止紫气东来神功的运转,海量紫气才停止了涌入,而叶笑更加不知道的,天地之间奔涌而来的最后一部分灵气没能通过冰儿的身体进入叶笑经脉,却仍就着惯性,一股脑儿冲进了冰儿经脉之中。 Reason that Bing'er uncomfortable, the body full wants broken, because of this point. 冰儿之所以难受、身体充盈欲破,就是因为这一点。 But, is only the next moment, that part that was temporarily stopped still relatively huge extremely spiritual energy Purple Qi vanished in the body of Bing'er, and instant then returned to normal. Although Bing'er is a litigant, in puzzled the mystery, naturally very much has doubts. 但,只是下一刻,被截留下来的那部分仍旧相对极其庞大的灵力紫气就消失在了冰儿的身体之中,且瞬时便恢复了正常。冰儿虽然是当事人,却不解个中玄虚,自然是很疑惑的。 This point, Ye Xiao is the least bit does not know the circumstances of the matter. 偏偏这一点,叶笑也是半点也不知情的。 Does not know completely, change unexpectedly such greatness of spiritual energy \; Cannot think, if Bing'er seriously is only a life ordinary young girl, at this moment early exploded into everywhere hashed meat...... 完全不知道,灵气的变化居然如此之巨\;更加想不到,冰儿若当真只是一命普通少女,此刻早已经爆炸成为漫天碎肉…… As for Bing'er said that probably very comfortable view, pours the non- pass/test misconception, was very comfortable, magnanimous spiritual energy waters the dry for a long time meridians, whole body obtained nearly unlimited nourishing, the body uncomfortable, feeling was not good is the genuine strange event! 至于冰儿说好像很舒服的说法,倒非关错觉,真的就是很舒服,海量灵气浇灌干涸许久的经络,全身上下都得到了近乎无限制的滋养,身体不舒服、感觉不好才是真正的怪事呢! Before Ye Xiao, although also once repeatedly scrubbed the Bing'er whole body meridians by own spiritual energy, but in the judgment of Ye Xiao, Bing'er is one does not have the ordinary young girl of cultivation level foundation, input spiritual energy only to be able by gentlest style duplicate to carry on several times, although East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art itself mystical not measured, mysterious incomparable, but Ye Xiao was in itself the skill is extremely superficial, his multiple spiritual energy scrubbing regarding the body of Bing'er can only say that is the point, futile attempt. 叶笑之前虽然也曾经多次以自身灵气洗刷冰儿全身经络,但在叶笑的判断中,冰儿乃是一个全无修为根基的普通少女,输入灵气只能以最平缓的方式复数次进行,虽然紫气东来神功本身神异莫测,玄妙无比,但叶笑本身却是功力太过浅薄,他的多次灵气洗刷对于冰儿的身体而言只能说是点到为止,杯水车薪。 Although can also restore the Bing'er body, but the treatment course is relatively long, this is also Bing'er to another factor that at present has not convalesced, but this accidental magnanimous spiritual energy pours into, made Bing'er near dry meridians obtain unprecedented moistening, the consequence was very naturally good! 虽然也能恢复冰儿身体,但疗程相对冗长,这也是冰儿一直到目前还是没痊愈的另一项因素,而这次意外的海量灵气灌入,却令冰儿已近干涸的经络得到了一次空前的滋润,后果自然是好得很! Confirmed Bing'er is well, Ye Xiao turns the head to inspect the space, under looks, had a scare fiercely. 确认了冰儿无恙,叶笑又转过头来检查空间,一看之下,又是猛地吓了一跳。 Sees only in the space, the Purple Qi space fills the air, the rich degree just like forming the essence was ordinary \; Nine large spaces to go all out the general condition limit absorption, transforms unceasingly, changes into the respective space nutrient, even if so, melts by the limit consumption, existing spiritual energy in space does not see the reduction unexpectedly. 只见空间之内,紫气空间弥漫,浓郁程度宛如形成了实质一般\;九大空间以拼命一般的状态极限吸收,不断地转换,化为各自空间养分,可纵然是以这般的极限消耗、化纳,空间之中的现有灵气竟是丝毫不见减少。 I depend!” Ye Xiao is dumbfounded. “我靠!”叶笑目瞪口呆。 This he what situation? 这他么的什么情况? Was this too also terrorist and goes against heaven's will?! 这也太恐怖、逆天了吧?! The bonus is Monarch Xiao is experienced, actually really does not understand that actually that night what happened. 饶是笑君主见多识广,却也真正不明白这一夜究竟发生了什么事。 Overnight, to have how the so huge change. 一夜之间,怎么就会出现如此巨大的变化。 Not only own cultivation level after was just breaking through Sky Origin level 1, immediately arrived at the Sky Origin level 2 breakthrough edge, but also spiritual energy in space, suddenly becomes the full full house...... 不仅仅自己的修为在刚刚突破天元一品之后,立即到了天元二品突破的边缘,而且空间内的灵气,也突然间变得充盈爆棚…… If can like this, a day broken first-order...... Ye Xiao feel the chin daily, muttered: Ten days can rush to Blue Clouds Heaven Territory.” “若是天天都能这样,一天破一阶……”叶笑摸着下巴,喃喃道:“岂不是十天就能冲上青云天域了。” Thinks that cannot help but has smiled. 想着想着,不由得笑了一下。 Where he actually knows that he at this moment is indulging in fantasy radically, exercising martial arts, he no doubt was a good intention, was Bing'er combs meridians, when in Bing'er meridians operated, itself actually entered the harmony of nature and man. 他却哪里知道,此刻的他根本就是在异想天开,刚才的练功,他固然是一番好意,为冰儿梳理经脉,但,在冰儿经脉之中运行的时候,本身却是进入了天人合一。 During exercises martial arts enters the harmony of nature and man condition, no doubt is the good deed, making oneself enter in the depth cultivation condition, this kind of day practice achievement, complemented the merit of ordinary hundred days, however was at depth cultivation condition he, will make also oneself fall into own state of mind chaos in the condition, all depending on conscience independent revolution itself cultivation technique, was because of this condition, can best cultivation cultivation technique! 练功之中进入天人合一状态,固然是好事,令自身进入深度修行状态之中,这样一日的修炼成果,足抵平常百日之功,然而处在深度修行状态的他,却也会令自身陷入自身神志混沌的状态之中,全凭本心自主运转本身功法,正是因为这种状态,才能最好的修行功法 But Bing'er meridians looks like average not wonderful, one like average man, but the regulations as if are containing the Xing Chen / stars sea general vastness. 冰儿经脉看起来平平无奇,一如常人,但实则却似乎是蕴藏着星辰大海一般的浩瀚。 When Ye Xiao enters the harmony of nature and man condition, has no intention some strengths that transferred the Bing'er main body to hide, because of this chance, but formed one to connect the Heaven and Earth funnel vortex, drew support from the East-Rising Purple Qi characteristics, the world spurted thin Purple Qi in the wink of an eye to clear off in! 叶笑进入天人合一状态之余,无意调动出了冰儿本体隐藏的部分力量,亦是因为这个机缘,而形成了一个连接天与地的漏斗漩涡,更借助紫气东来的特性,将天地之间喷薄的紫气瞬息之间一扫而光! This accidental accident is in the situation that in they have not realized carries on, no doubt obtained the huge advantage, actually also follows the greatest crisis, if Ye Xiao does not have Endless Space to be to hold the world Purple Qi backing, Bing'er temporarily stopped last part of Purple Qi fortunately, it is estimated that they because of this accident, but cannot withstand this abundantly Purple Qi, but explodes the body to perish! 这个意外变故乃在两人都没有意识的情况下进行的,固然得到了天大的好处,却也伴随着莫大危机,若叶笑没有无尽空间为容纳天地紫气的后盾,还有冰儿凑巧截留了最后一部分紫气,估计两人都会因为这场意外,而承受不了这股沛然紫气,而爆体而亡! To have such situation again, then non- chance, luck, realm and time...... Waits for various factors to unite, indispensable, therefore the conjecture of Ye Xiao, is certainly difficult to reappear. 只是,想要再次出现这样的情况,则非机缘、运气、境界、时间……等各种因素合一,缺一不可,所以叶笑的臆想,绝难再现。 This accident is no doubt crisis-ridden, but the result was still Ye Xiao obtained the huge advantage, Bing'er also benefitted greatly similarly. Most at least, Bing'er injury, in following within several day can fully restore! 此次变故固然危机四伏,但结果仍是叶笑得到了天大的好处,冰儿同样也是受益匪浅。最起码,,冰儿的伤势,在接下来的几天之内就能全面恢复! This is in world, purest vitality! 这可是天地之间,最最纯粹的生机! Ye Xiao was feeling spiritual energy in within the body, the confidence increases, mutters: „After today auction, the attempt immediately breaks through Sky Origin 2-layer!” 叶笑感觉着体内的灵气,信心大增,喃喃道:“今天拍卖会后,就尝试立即突破天元二层!” Has combed the hair and wash the face simply, urged Bing'er several, goes out to go. 简单的梳洗了一下,叮嘱了冰儿几声,就出门而去。 Bing'er looks Ye Xiao goes out, the beautiful big eye winked winking, as to select to say anything, actually starts to speak but hesitates. 冰儿看着叶笑出门的时候,明媚的大眼睛眨了眨,似乎想点说什么,却又欲言又止。 The Ye Xiao shadow could not see. 叶笑的影子已经看不到了。 Bing'er frowns to mutter: Today felt that on Elder Brother Xiao is very strange? As if...... Has filled the blood, has been full of one type...... Terrifying thing, what's all this about? Is the misconception? Um, certainly is the misconception!” 冰儿皱着眉头喃喃自语:“今天怎么感觉笑哥哥身上很奇怪呢?似乎是……充满了鲜血,充满了一种……恐怖的东西,这是怎么回事呢?是错觉么?嗯,一定是错觉!” ...... …… ............ ………… <\; looks in a mirror, was led to cry by oneself...... <\;照照镜子,被自己帅哭了…… Therefore decided that tomorrow restores to renew normally, the recreation body, dies of exhaustion while convenient these days. Then, makes up renewal that owes, these days owes three chapters, should make up six chapters. 于是决定,明天恢复正常更新,顺便休养身体,这段时间累死。然后,补欠的更新,这段时间欠更三章,应补六章。 I make up first owe, then erupt. 我先补欠更,然后爆发。 Makes up owes will not ask the ticket, but I make up the eruption time, is certain request ticket...... >\; 补欠更是不会求票的,但我补完爆发的时候,是一定要求票的哟……>\;
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