RITF :: Volume #3

#262: Terror spirit energy

Again then, naturally was exercising martial arts of real mind in the right way non- getting off one's main subject. 再然后,自然就是真正心无旁骛的练功了。 These time exercises martial arts, the Ye Xiao clear feeling, as if also strength of the Merit Tribulation, in own within the body, faintly reveals the trend that is going to increase...... 只是这一次练功,叶笑清晰的感觉到,似乎还有一股功劫之力,就在自己体内,隐隐流露出将要增加的趋势…… In the Ye Xiao heart commended: Bing Xinyue cultivation level, was really too fierce. Under own fully circulate cultivation, but melted the strength of she less than 1/10 Merit Tribulation, but oneself under refining such a long time, had the remnant remaining prestige to be able comprehensive to disappear unexpectedly. 叶笑心中不禁称赞:冰心月修为,果然是太厉害了。自己全力运功之下,不过只是化解了她不到1的功劫之力,而自己已经之下炼化了这么长时间,居然还有残余威能未能全面化消。 Even, the air/Qi of that some remaining Merit Tribulation, still disclosed the unequalled great strength, as well as trend of backlash...... 甚至于,那部分残余的功劫之气,仍自透露出无与伦比的强大,以及反噬的趋向…… Really worthily is the Misty Cloud Palace direct subordinate successor, really makes Lian Lian such esteem to like worthily, Bing Xinyue is really in a talent the talent . Moreover, cultivation level can reach to such situation , is really surprising lamentable.” “果然不愧是缥缈云宫嫡系传人,果然不愧让怜怜这么推崇喜欢,冰心月果然是一个天才中天才,而且,修为能够臻至这样的地步,也真是令人可惊可叹。” During Ye Xiao entered the thing I two to forget slowly. 叶笑慢慢的进入了物我两忘之中。 Continues the strength of refining Merit Tribulation, needs to be able the unexpectedly entire merit, while cultivates East-Rising Purple Qi, unmanned altruism, harmony of nature and man...... 一边继续炼化功劫之力,务求能竟全功,一边修炼紫气东来,无人无我,天人合一…… Ye Xiao had not realized obviously, own hand, but also on Bing'er \; But own cultivation level spiritual energy, not when terminates to Bing'er meridians scrubs comprehensively wears off, but has revolved in Bing'er within the body continually, every time revolves several circulatory cycle, faint trace slight to the extreme, but was actually pure to the terror yin cold strength, was attracted...... Being quietly enters the Ye Xiao dantian...... 叶笑显然没有察觉,自己的手,还在冰儿身上\;而自己的修为灵力,没有因为终止对冰儿经脉洗刷之余就全面退消,而是一直在冰儿的体内持续运转,每运转十几个周天,就会有一丝丝细微到了极点,但却是精纯到了恐怖的阴寒力量,被吸了出来……悄无声息的进入叶笑的丹田…… In other words, the following powerful Merit Tribulation prestige energy, does not come from Bing Xinyue, but is...... 换言之,后续的强悍功劫威能,根本就不是源自于冰心月,而是…… This point, Ye Xiao is completely ignorant however does not know. 只是这一点,叶笑完全懵然不知。 Until daybreak, is during one day, Pure Yang Purple Qi is the powerful time, Ye Xiao was still sitting in meditation. 及至了黎明时分,正是一天之中,纯阳紫气最是强盛的时候,叶笑仍旧在入定之中。 Bing'er this occasion already woke up, has not actually acted, that beautiful big eye gazes at lost is at Ye Xiao in exercising martial arts condition, the indistinct feeling, Elder Brother Xiao at this moment was really too graceful. 冰儿此际已然醒来,却没有丝毫动作,那双明媚的大眼睛出神地注视着正处在练功状态之中的叶笑,隐隐约约感觉,此刻的笑哥哥真是太帅了。 Too was really charming...... 真是太迷人了…… Too attractive. 太好看了。 How can be so attractive?! 怎么能这么漂亮呢?! Bing'er is biting the lip, the shy gaze extremely Elder Brother Xiao, in the heart suddenly is thinking: Heard that the girl grew up must marry the man to become the wife...... The men grew up must also look for the wife...... That I had grown up, can give Elder Brother Xiao to become the wife?” 冰儿咬着嘴唇,羞涩万分的注视着笑哥哥,心中突然想起来:“听说女孩子长大了都是要嫁给男人当老婆的……男人长大了也是要找老婆的……那等我长大了,可不可以给笑哥哥当老婆?” When this thought flood, in the Bing'er heart has been shy immediately, the small face was red, shrinks moves in the Ye Xiao bosom does not dare to move, actually feeling own heart in ping jumped...... 这个念头泛起之余,冰儿心中顿时害羞了起来,小脸通红,缩在叶笑怀里一动也不敢动了,却感觉自己的心在砰砰的跳起来…… Everywhere Purple Qi with a crash. 漫天紫气砰然而出。 In this moment, continually revolved true night of East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art, originally because in within the body outside the body two circulations, but has formed a giant vortex. 就在这一刻,已经持续运转了真正一夜的紫气东来神功,本来就因为体内体外两个循环,而形成了一个巨大的漩涡。 Moreover, because operates in Bing'er meridians, as if produced anything to respond again that this vortex does not know when has been getting bigger and bigger. 而且,因为在冰儿经脉中运行,似乎再一次产生了什么反应,这种漩涡不知道何时已经在越变越大。 In airborne, static revolving, turned into a giant funnel shape slowly, exceedingly high penetrating place! 在空中,静静的旋转,慢慢的变成了一个巨大的漏斗形状,通天彻地! If Ye Xiao receives the merit at this time, pours, but during he completely arrives at the thing I two to forget now, is the mind is greatly comfortable, the greatly happy condition, how can remember that receives the merit? 若是叶笑此时收功,倒也罢了,但他现在完全到了物我两忘之中,正是心神大自在,大欢喜的状态,如何能够记得收功? Now, that huge East-Rising Purple Qi vortex, as if induced in the world Pure Yang Purple Qi increase of suddenly, suddenly fierce revolving, has formed exceptionally powerful energy field. 如今,那巨大的紫气东来的漩涡,似乎感应到了天地之间纯阳紫气的骤然增多,蓦然猛的旋转,形成了一个异常强盛的气场 All rivers run into sea! 海纳百川! Along with suddenly, everywhere Purple Qi is similar to the tide turns toward here to concentrate to come generally. 随着“忽”的一声,漫天紫气如同潮水一般向着这边集中过来。 Similar to continuously slight long dragon, came from remote horizon galloping, sneaked in Ye Xiao meridians altogether, Ye Xiao without enough time refining, abundantly Purple Qi already filled the entire dantian radically, the full wanted broken. 如同一缕缕细微的长龙,自遥远的天际奔腾而来,一股脑地钻进了叶笑经脉之中,叶笑根本都来不及炼化,沛然紫气已然充满了整个丹田,充盈欲破。 Fortunately that abundantly Purple Qi after dantian one revolution, then entered in Endless Space. 所幸那沛然紫气只是在丹田一转之后,便进入了无尽空间之中。 In other words, the dantian is also only a temporary stopover station! 换言之,丹田也不过只是一个暂时的中转站而已! Also luckily is this, not so, it is estimated that the dantian already had been exploded to the drum by in this way huge Purple Qi mistakenly, even if promotes the later dantian, still not bigger significance. 也幸亏是这样,错非如此,估计丹田早就被如斯庞大的紫气给鼓爆了,就算是晋升之后的丹田,仍旧没有更大意义。 Purple Qi that as emerges are getting more and more, from starting faint trace continuously, is turbulent to final galloping. 随着涌入的紫气越来越多,从开始的丝丝缕缕,到最后的奔腾汹涌。 Ye Xiao dantian, or is entire has the body, as if turned into the bridge link of a space and outside world, through him, the Purple Qi flash flood is ordinary, such gallops the entry space that rushes. 叶笑的丹田,又或者说是整具身体,似乎变成了一个空间与外界天地的桥梁纽带,通过他,紫气山洪爆发一般,就这么奔腾澎湃的进入空间。 Even if in volume huge Endless Space, still had the time of half quarter, completely was filled by Purple Qi, similarly fell into a moment ago the dantian full awkward position. 然而纵然是容积庞大的无尽空间中,仍不过只得半刻钟的时间,就被紫气完全充满,同样陷入了刚才丹田充盈的尴尬境地。 After the dantian, has the space, but after Endless Space, has nine big attribute spaces. 丹田之后有空间,而无尽空间之后,却也有九大属性空间。 Nine large spaces start instantaneously together, absorbs, Purple Qi that carves up crazily, solves Endless Space Purple Qi to flood the crisis \; While nine large space all rivers run into sea, absorb Purple Qi crazily, has many Purple Qi to clash, continuously. 九大空间瞬间一起启动,疯狂地吸收,瓜分进来的紫气,一解无尽空间紫气充斥危机\;然而在九大空间海纳百川、疯狂吸收紫气的同时,却还有更多的紫气冲进来,源源不断。 Even if nine large spaces attacks hand in hand, buys in external huge Purple Qi together, still can only maintain balanced revenues and expenditures temporarily the aspect, Endless Space is putting in order in a condition of time extremely full, nine large space beyond one's reach that once this just formed, Endless Space then must faced with be roused the dangerous situation of exploding, seriously is the terrifying balance. 纵然是九大空间联袂出击,一同吸纳外来的庞大紫气,仍旧只能暂时维持一个收支平衡的局面,无尽空间正整处在一个时刻极度充盈的状态之中,一旦这刚形成的九大空间力有未逮,无尽空间便要面临被鼓爆的险境,当真可谓是恐怖的平衡。 But, how to have such Purple Qi, crashes in the dantian at so crazy speed frequency, crashes in the space? 可是,怎地会有如此的紫气,以如此疯狂的速度频率冲进丹田,冲进空间呢? Actually the reason is very simple, even is very pure! 其实原因很简单,甚至是很单纯! In a moment ago, entire world in pure Purple Qi, suddenly completely vanished in the flash without a trace. 就在刚才,整个天地之间的精纯紫气,突然间在一瞬间全部消失得无影无踪了。 Has flash the time of that among the world all profound martial artist during the same period of time feel, no matter how revolve own cultivation technique, cannot induce in the world unexpectedly the least bit spiritual energy aura. 有那么一瞬间的时间,天下间所有的高深武者都在同一时间里感觉到,不管自己怎么运转自身功法,竟也感应不到天地之间半点灵气的气息。 All people certainly without exception completely with amazement in great surprise, shocks inexplicably. 所有人绝无例外的尽都骇然大惊,震撼莫名。 When people revolution cultivation technique, actually discovered once more all returned to normal, although was the doubts was still puzzled, actually cannot help but simultaneously relaxed, most people flood a same thought: Did could it be that have misconception a moment ago unexpectedly? 只是,在众人再次运转功法的时候,却又发现一切又都恢复了正常,虽然仍是疑惑不解,却都不由得齐齐松了一口气,绝大多数人都泛起一个相同的念头:难道刚才竟是出现了错觉? Shakes the head to continue to exercise martial arts, a moment ago strange of that flash, had only regarded own misconception. 摇摇头继续练功,只把刚才那一瞬间的奇怪,当成了自己的错觉。 Or can regard the misconception in Cold Sun Continent most martial artist that flash's accident, but as the instigator of this accident, or Great Young Master Ye of unconsciousness troublemaker, actually beset with a crisis in unprecedented. 寒阳大陆的绝大多数武者或者可以将那一瞬间的变故可以当成错觉,但作为这次变故的始作俑者,又或者说无意识肇事者的叶大公子,却陷入了前所未有的危机之中。 Although other people induce spiritual energy to vanish instantaneous, even if is only spiritual energy of flash, actually throughout is spiritual energy of entire world all compresses at 1 : 00, emerges crazily, even if lasted extremely temporarily, but the total quantity was still a quite terrifying digit. 其他人虽然只是感应灵气消失瞬间,但纵然只是一瞬间的灵气,却始终是整个世界的灵气悉数压缩于一点,疯狂涌入,纵然历时极暂,但总量仍是一个相当恐怖的数字。 Has not been able to describe with the digital two characters! 或者已经根本不能用数字二字来形容! Even if East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art Ling Jin, wonderful incomparable, but Ye Xiao was still the skill was nowadays superficial, even if Endless Space profound different not measured, comprehensive, but is actually at the embryonic form condition at present, the role that can play or went against heaven's will sufficiently, was still actually not necessarily able to hold this beyond example huge spiritual energy. 紫气东来神功纵然盖古凌今,神妙无比,但叶笑现今仍是功力浅薄,无尽空间纵然玄异莫测,包罗万有,但眼下却处于雏形状态,能够发挥的作用或者足以逆天,却仍未必就能容纳这股空前庞大的灵气 Pork pie that this Heavens drops, is impressively big sufficiently supports dead Ye Xiao! 这个天上掉线来的大馅饼,赫然大得足以撑死叶笑 ............ …………
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