RITF :: Volume #3

#261: Suffering

In the vast majority of cases, conjectures impulses compared with the it real contact, really! 在绝大多数情况下,臆想比之真实接触更让人冲动,真的! Young Master Ye hurries the congealing heart healthy tendency, with heart and soul transports Bing Xin jue, making best effort returns to normal by own mood. 叶大少赶紧凝心正气,全心运起冰心诀,尽最大努力让自己心情平复下来。 In this quite subtle time, when hears the underwater sound crash-bang makes noise, saying of Bing'er doubts: Elder Brother Xiao......” 正在这个相当微妙的时候,就听见水声哗啦作响之余,冰儿疑惑的说道:“笑哥哥……” Elder Brother Xiao...... 笑哥哥…… This sound is cancels the person heart and soul simply, the Ye Xiao mind almost in light of this falls into enemy hands, strives to cough one saying: What matter?” 这声音简直就是勾人心魄,叶笑心神差点就此失守,勉力咳嗽一声才道:“什么事?” I am very strange......” the Bing'er sound, is clearly puzzling: „Does my chest swell these two big group meat meat, in the end what's the matter? Before like this had not crossed, thought because of being injured swelling, but, but these did not see to return to normal, but also was wishy-washy, was......” “我很奇怪啊……”冰儿的声音,分明是百思不得其解:“我的胸口肿起来这两大团肉肉,到底是怎么回事呢?以前可没这样过,原本以为是因为受伤肿胀而至,可是这么些也不见平复,还不疼不痒,可是……” ! 噗! Thinks two big group meat meat that swells the shape, the pitiful Young Master Ye nosebleed cannot suppress again, wells up crazily, straight such as the blood spring is common. 只是想了想那‘肿起来的两大团肉肉’的形状,可怜的叶公子鼻血再也抑制不住,狂涌而出,直如血泉一般。 Some falls into the anemia condition temporarily Young Master, has scratched bloodstain somewhere difficultly, saying of wanting to cry but have no tears: „, That is not injures, that is Bing'er has grown up the symbol.” 某个暂时陷入贫血状况的大少爷,艰难地擦了擦某处的血渍,欲哭无泪的说道:“咳,那不是伤来着,那是冰儿长大了的标志。” Sound doubts of Bing'er: Yes? Actually Bing'er also thought one were not quite same as before, beforehand I truly so am not high!” 冰儿的声音疑惑:“是么?其实冰儿也觉得自己和之前不太一样,以前的我也确实没有这么高!” My appearance was also different...... This face looks like, did not look like me......” Bing'er to continue to have doubts greatly. “还有我的样子也不同了……这脸看起来,也不大像我自己了……”冰儿继续疑惑。 Ye Xiao: This was Bing'er changes attractive.” 叶笑:“这是冰儿变漂亮了呀。” Bing'er feeling pleased sound: Real?” 冰儿喜孜孜的声音:“真的哟?” Naturally real, definitely real.” Ye Xiao affirmative nod. “当然是真的,肯定是真的。”叶笑肯定的点头。 But these two big group meat meat...... Quite repugnant, according to cannot press \; Such is supporting......” Bing'er worried saying: Has any means to make it hang...... Too big, walks is not convenient, is really the burden!” “可是这两大团肉肉……好讨厌啊,按也按不下去\;就这么挺着……”冰儿苦恼的说道:“有没有什么办法让它垂下去……太大了,走路都不方便了,真是累赘啊!” Bing'er in complaint of whisper. 冰儿在嘀嘀咕咕的抱怨。 Nosebleed that Ye Xiao just with great difficulty stopped, once again puff blowout. 叶笑刚刚好容易止住的鼻血,又再度噗噗噗的喷出。 My God that! 我的天那! Many young woman want such perfect chest to be unavailable, this small girl wants to hang unexpectedly...... 多少女人想要拥有这样完美的胸部却不可得,这小丫头居然想要垂下去…… Ye Xiao scratches the nosebleed, while shows the whites of the eyes. 叶笑一边擦鼻血,一边翻白眼。 Above also...... Bing'er continues to read but actually broken: But under......” “上面倒也罢了……”冰儿继续碎碎念:“但是下面……” Oh......” Ye Xiao cannot bear finally, plaintive calls out in grief, pulled the quilt to cover the head, Oh, making me die, my sincerity does not want to live...... This is the what kind suffering...... “天哪……”叶笑终于忍不住,哀怨的悲鸣一声,扯过被子捂住了脑袋,天哪,让我死了吧,我真心的不想活了……这是何等的煎熬啊…… Finally, crash-bang the taking a bath sound had ended, broken sound of footsteps light 1-layer resounding of gradually, has arrived at the bedside, such as Lan Sishe the fragrance, such sneaked in the nostril of Ye Xiao. 终于中,哗啦啦啦的洗澡声音结束了,碎碎的脚步声一轻一重的渐次响起,走到了床边,一股如兰似麝的香味,就这么钻进了叶笑的鼻孔里。 Unexpectedly is completely relaxed of not being able to say. 竟是说不出的心旷神怡。 Elder Brother Xiao...... How were you?” Bing'er saw that on the towel of bedside was stained with completely the blood, underground seemingly also had bloodstain slightly, had a scare, threw all of a sudden, being panic-stricken has lifted the Ye Xiao quilt: Elder Brother Xiao, how you were...... How to bleed...... Were you injured?” 笑哥哥……你这是怎么了?”冰儿一眼看到床边的毛巾上沾满了鲜血,地下貌似也有些微的血迹,不禁吓了一大跳,一下子扑上来,惊慌失措的掀开了叶笑的被子:“笑哥哥,你这是怎么了……怎地流血了……你受伤了?” Saw that in the Ye Xiao nostril still outward was still flowing the blood, Bing'er has scared, grasped him all of a sudden, cried saying: Elder Brother Xiao...... You how, do not die...... Hum......” 一眼看到叶笑鼻孔里兀自还在往外流鲜血,冰儿可是吓坏了,一下子就抱住了他,哭道:“笑哥哥……你怎么了,你不要死……呜呜……” Ye Xiao felt immediately during own face buried piece of mighty waves to be turbulent very much fortunately, slid soft and smooth tenderly, comfortable \; The fragrance that an intermittent command will of the people ancient banner vacillates, sneaks in the nostril, the nosebleed of just returning to normal crazily spurts again...... 叶笑顿时感觉自己的脸很凑巧地埋进了一片波涛汹涌之中,柔腻滑嫩,舒服之极\;一阵阵令人心旌动摇的香味,直钻进鼻孔,刚刚才平复下来的鼻血再一次狂喷而出…… Person who Bing'er has not run into for a lifetime to me is good, Elder Brother Xiao...... If you died, Bing'er does not live......” the Bing'er tears downward to fall. 冰儿一辈子从来没有遇到对我好的人,笑哥哥……你要是死了,冰儿也不活了……”冰儿的眼泪啪嗒啪嗒的往下掉。 Ye Xiao extremely and has pulled out from the Bing'er bosom own head difficultly reluctant to part, saying of mumbling: Silly Bing'er do not cry, your Elder Brother Xiao is all right, a little gets angry, the flow point nosebleed reduces internal heat. Don't worry, you look at me now are not well?” 叶笑艰难万分、恋恋不舍地将自己的脑袋从冰儿怀中拔了出来,哼哼唧唧的说道:“傻冰儿不要哭啊,你笑哥哥没事,就是有点上火,流点鼻血败火。不用担心哦,你看我现在不是好好的么?” Bing'er still shaken is still gazing at him, inspection, has put the dessert finally, the worries of some doubt said as before: „Doesn't real drop have the matter? But you a moment ago flowed many blood!” 冰儿兀自惊魂未定地注视着他,上上下下的检查,终于放了点心,却依旧有些狐疑的担心道:“真滴没有事情么?可是你刚才流了好多血啊!” Real drop does not have the matter, occasionally the flow point blood is actually not the misdemeanor.” Ye Xiao affirmative nod. Yeah, facing an adult body six -year-old IQ big beautiful woman, Ye Xiao quick was insane. “真滴没有事情,偶尔流点血其实不是什么坏事。”叶笑肯定的点头。哎,面对一个成人身体六岁智商的大美女,叶笑快疯了。 First successive nosebleed three degrees spring welled up a moment ago, sincerity wanting anemia! 刚才一连鼻血三度泉涌,真心的要贫血了! In view of the Ye Xiao credit, Bing'er felt relieved finally that has patted the chest, immediately causes mighty waves to be turbulent: I have felt relieved......” 有鉴于叶笑的信用,冰儿终于放下心来,拍了拍胸口,顿时引起一阵波涛汹涌:“那我就放心了……” Ye Xiao glimpses the so magnificent view, almost must spurt the blood, after difficult strove circulate cultivation to stop. 叶笑一眼瞥见如此壮观的景致,差点又要喷血,几经艰难的勉力运功止住了。 the next moment, the quilt was raised, Bing'er only wears a small bellyband unexpectedly, such gently moves own body, little got into Ye Xiao bed, does not bump the pain cautiously her sores, then finally the whole body entered the bedding, satisfied sighing, muttered: This has a dream simply the general happy day, even if the body has the wound to have the pain, still so......” 下一刻,被子被掀了起来,冰儿居然只穿着一个小小的肚兜,就这么轻轻地挪动自己的身体,一点点的钻进了叶笑的被窝,小心翼翼地不碰痛她自己的伤处,然后终于全身都进入了被窝,满足的叹了口气,喃喃道:“这简直是做梦一般幸福的日子,就算身体有伤有痛,仍旧如此……” Immediately, a pair of tender arm, ripe but extremely flowed grasped the body of Ye Xiao, a creamy body, instant tight post on the body of Ye Xiao. 随即,一双嫩嫩的胳膊,熟极而流地抱住了叶笑的身子,一具滑腻的身体,也瞬时紧紧的贴在了叶笑的身上。 Also by more satisfied sighing, said once again: If can such hold Elder Brother Xiao for a lifetime, Bing'er really anything did not fear that anything does not want...... Elder Brother Xiao, Bing'er is good to like liking you......” 又再度以更加满足的叹口气,道:“要是一辈子都能这么抱着笑哥哥,冰儿就真的什么也都不怕了,什么也都不要了……笑哥哥,冰儿好喜欢好喜欢你……” In Ye Xiao heart instant flood the meaning of feeling attached, is caressing her hair gently, said: Bing'er has been happy, Elder Brother Xiao guaranteed!” 叶笑心中瞬时泛起爱怜之意,轻轻抚着她的头发,道:“冰儿会一直幸福下去的,笑哥哥保证!” Above Bing'er happy expression completely obviously elegant face, joyful nod, the small lip has kissed on the Ye Xiao face two, said: I know that Elder Brother Xiao was best!” Finally comfortable lying down, closes right up against Ye Xiao, the breath is even, must rest shortly, [say / way] that muttered: Too happy......” has had a drowsy look. 冰儿欢愉表情尽显俏脸之上,快乐的点点头,小嘴唇在叶笑脸上啪啪的亲了两下,道:“我就知道笑哥哥最好了!”终于舒舒服服的躺下,靠着叶笑,呼吸均匀,眼看就要睡了过去,喃喃的道:“太幸福了……”睡眼惺忪。 Another side Ye Xiao pain extreme shouted loudly in the heart: Came, here we go again, was really too painful...... Oh, I was too painful, the God, making me die......” 另一边的叶笑却痛苦万状地在心中高喊:“又来了,又来了,真是太痛苦了……天哪,我太痛苦了,老天爷,让我死了吧……” ...... …… In the bosom is holding one group of women, Ye Xiao is also painful for night not to fall asleep, to afterward has simply circulate cultivation, to practice East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art. 怀中抱着一团软玉温香,叶笑又是痛苦得一夜没睡着,到后来只好干脆运功,练起了紫气东来神功 While convenient, in has fallen asleep on Bing'er, the air/Qi of revolution East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art Yin-Yang Dualities, further combs her meridians, treats her injury, expedites her skeleton...... 顺便的,在已经睡着了的冰儿身上,运转紫气东来神功阴阳两极之气,进一步的梳理她的经脉,治疗她的伤势,催生她的骨骼…… The bead of that supple water also again appears on her breaks the most serious place, each place dropped several drops. In the mouth has also fed three drops, fortunately, small girl can the initiative unconsciousness swallow now, if must by mouth feeding, Young Master Ye today definitely fourth time nosebleed Quan Yongdi. 还有那柔水之珠也再一次出现在她身上断裂最严重的地方,每处都滴了几滴。口中也喂了三滴,所幸,现在小丫头可以主动的无意识吞咽,如果还要以嘴喂食的话,叶大少今天肯定会第四度鼻血泉涌滴。 .......................................... …………………………………… <\; this chapter belongs is revised, belongs is revised, belongs is revised ............ This chapter belongs is revised, belongs is revised, belongs is revised ............ This chapter belongs is revised, belongs is revised, belongs is revised ............ This chapter belongs is revised, belongs is revised, belongs is revised ............ This chapter belongs is revised, belongs is revised, belongs is revised ............ >\;>\;>\;>\;>\; <\;本章属于被修改,吗属于被修改,属于被修改…………本章属于被修改,吗属于被修改,属于被修改…………本章属于被修改,吗属于被修改,属于被修改…………本章属于被修改,吗属于被修改,属于被修改…………本章属于被修改,吗属于被修改,属于被修改…………>\;>\;>\;>\;>\;
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