RITF :: Volume #3

#260: Dependence of Bing'er

After sending in many Heaven and Earth Treasure various resources, after the moment, Ye Xiao then felt that surging forward of spiritual energy, actually the space continues some time the slightly vacant later spiritual energy cross tide, this actually accidental change, immediately understanding smiles, returns to own room, at once hears a timid sound saying: Big Brother Ye, did you come back?” 送入许多天材地宝各类资源之后,片刻后叶笑便感觉到灵气的汹涌澎湃,却空间持续一段时间略显空置之后的灵气逆潮,这倒是个意外的变化,当下会心的一笑,回到自个的房间,旋即听到一个怯怯的声音说道:“叶大哥,你回来了么?” In the room a young girl, visits him timidly. 房中一个少女,正怯怯地看着他。 The Ye Xiao slightly perspiration, this generally ascends to one of the Bing'er limited malpractices, these days later, young girl Bing'er was used to live in the Ye Xiao room, took advantage of opportunity has wrested away the Young Master Ye bed. 叶笑略汗,这大抵是拾到冰儿的有限弊端之一吧,这一段时间下来,少女冰儿习惯了住在叶笑的房间里,顺势就霸占了叶大少的床。 Ye Xiao looks to the young girl, the complexion instant is unattractive, sees only on the young girl is the sweat, including the hair is one wisp of one wisp. 叶笑看向少女,脸色却瞬时不好看了起来,只见少女身上全是汗水,连头发都是一缕一缕的。 How you are not obedient, the wound did not have, is bent on having to move heedlessly.” Ye Xiao blame looked at one: Today is what kind of?” “你怎地就是不听话呢,伤还没好,偏要乱动。”叶笑责怪的看了一眼:“今天怎么样?” All right, is all right.” On the Bing'er tranquil face is satisfied smiling: I have not moved really casually, I in continue exercise martial arts, exercises martial arts, Essence Qi floods, naturally must stretch a little bit, although the time body from the beginning will be very painful, the pain results in the whole body perspiration, but...... After every time moves, would feeling one restored many many, this absolutely is not the misconception, is real.” “没事,真的没事。”冰儿恬静的脸上是一片满足的笑:“我真的没有随便活动了,我只是在持续练功而已,练功完毕,元气充斥,自然要活动一下身体,虽然一开始的时候身体会很痛,痛得浑身流汗,但是……每一次活动完之后,总会感觉自己恢复了许多许多,这绝对不是错觉,是真实的。” Ye Xiao sighed, actually does not dare to treat it lightly, goes forward to examine. 叶笑叹了口气,却仍是不敢掉以轻心,上前查看。 The Bing'er physical condition indeed restored, not only has been separated from the critically-ill condition, even has been able to move slightly, is as for can handle the personal matter independently \; Most important also lies, she breaks broken besides two legs fully has not restored beside, each other places of break, restored almost, so long as sometime convalescing, the complete recovery is a cinch. 冰儿的身体状况的确已经恢复了很多,非但已脱离了垂危状态,甚至已经可以略微活动,乃至于可以自主地处理一下私人事情\;最重要的还在于,她除了两条腿断碎还没有完全恢复之外,其他的各个断裂之处,已经都恢复了7788,只要再有一段时间的疗养,完全康复不在话下。 In the injury is most difficult to process is actually the lumbar vertebra, the break condition of lumbar vertebra is thorny, but the Ye Xiao these period of time main treatment direction is also here, magnanimous Heaven and Earth Treasure, Divine Pill Wonderful Medicine, was centralized to this place, did not spare no expense the treatment repair. 伤势中最难处理的却是腰椎,腰椎的断裂状况可谓最是棘手,但叶笑这段时间里主要的治疗方向亦是这里,海量天材地宝,神丹妙药,都是集中到了这个地方,不惜血本的治疗修复。 Originally by the judgment of Ye Xiao, although already the treatment that does not spare no expense to leave to try, but wants to repair the break lumbar vertebra, must continue some time, but Bing'er itself has given a Ye Xiao pleasant surprise, under some Bing'er unintentional coordinating role, these efficacies, all centralized in waist, has avoided the waste of efficacy as far as possible \; This condition caused the lumbar vertebra to compare other place to be good to be quick unexpectedly. 本来以叶笑的判断,虽然自己已经不惜血本出尽全力的治疗,但想要修复断裂腰椎,仍要持续相当长的一段时间,可是冰儿本身又给了叶笑一个惊喜,在冰儿有意无意的某种配合作用下,那些药力,悉数都集中在腰部,尽可能地避免了药力的浪费\;这个状况导致了腰椎居然比别的地方好得还要快。 To be honest, this accidental coordination, making Ye Xiao be puzzling. 说实话,这种意外的配合,让叶笑百思不得其解。 Even if good medical technique, splendid Heaven and Earth Treasure, if treats the repair efficacy, cannot affect to the contracting place, still idle work, but in the treatment process, the outflow of efficacy is actually one had decided that the unavoidable condition, is inducted by outside, can affect in Huanchu the efficacy, occupies the complete efficacy half, is very highly efficiency, other outflow parts efficacies, or quiet in within the body, either overflows in outside the body finally, the body obtains benefits few. 就算是再好的医疗手法,再出色的天材地宝,若是治疗修复药力,不能作用到患处,仍旧无功,而在治疗过程中,药力的流失却是一项决计无法避免的状况,由外导入,能够真实作用于患处的药力,占到全部药力的一半,就已经是非常高效率,其他流失部分的药力,或者沉寂于体内,或者最终溢于体外,身体获益极少。 In fact, this is also in Way of Medicine, using poison to combat poison the biggest malpractice of therapy appears, is unable to attack toxin the outflow toxicity, will then cause the damage of another 1-layer to the body, actually the efficacy is also so, is unable to form the beneficial help to the body the efficacy, not necessarily is not in another significance toxicity, is a medicine three points of poisonous significance then fulfills here. 事实上,这亦是医道中,“以毒攻毒”疗法的最大弊端显现,无法“攻毒”而流失的毒力,便会对身体造成另一层的伤害,其实药力也是如此,无法对身体形成有益帮助的药力,未必不是另一种意义上的“毒力”,是药三分毒的意义便应验在此处。 But coordination of Bing'er, actually by nearly unthinkable style, certainly big limit has avoided the outflow of efficacy, affects in Huanchu almost all efficacies completely, cures the duplicate process greatly to be naturally short in Ye Xiao sentences in advance! 冰儿的配合,却是以一种近乎匪夷所思的方式,绝大限度的避免了药力的流失,将几乎所有的药力全部作用于患处,疗复过程自然大大短于叶笑的预判! Reason that with unthinkable described that coordination of Bing'er, how the process is actually unexpected, in fact, if Bing'er itself has the strength of considerable top level, this coordination was not worth surprisedly, but, even if were general Dream Origin Stage expert, could not achieve this point mostly \; But Bing'er is only an ordinary young girl, moreover lost recalls \; Actually can achieve this point! 之所以用“匪夷所思”来形容冰儿的配合,倒不是过程如何出人意料,事实上,如果冰儿本身拥有相当高层次的实力,这个配合也就不值得惊讶了,可是,就算是一般的梦元境高手,多半也是做不到这一点\;但冰儿只是一个普通的少女,而且失忆了\;却能够做到这一点! Therefore this present situation, is unthinkable! 所以这个现况,就是匪夷所思! Person and person cannot the comparison...... Ye Xiao face upward really the deep sigh. “人和人真的是不能比较啊……”叶笑仰天长叹。 Has to acknowledge that in this world, has the talent drop. 不得不承认,这世上,真的是有天才滴。 When exclamation in the Bing'er talent, Bing'er toughness and enduring patiently, makes Ye Xiao praise to the heavens similarly. 惊叹于冰儿的天赋之余,冰儿的韧性与忍耐性,也同样让叶笑叹为观止。 Her wound, so long as few years move the pain to enter the marrow \; But she is always insisting, every day can the active movement \; Exercises oneself body function, hoping to accelerate recovery process. 她的伤,只要少岁动一动就会痛入骨髓\;但她始终坚持着,每一天都会自己主动活动\;锻炼自己身体机能,以期加速复元过程。 Because only Ye Xiao had said that stretches a little bit, then can let the place of better absorption efficacy body sick and wounded, earlier is good. 就只因为叶笑曾经说过,多活动一下身体,便能让身体伤患之处更好的吸收药力,更早的好起来。 Therefore Bing'er remembered firmly. 所以冰儿牢牢地记住了。 This only because of Ye Xiao these words, although the pain results in the eye tearful to cry each time, but actually stubborn act, hopes by own wound can morning a point is good. 这只因为叶笑的这一句话,虽然每次都痛得眼泪汪汪哇哇大哭,但却还是倔强的自己动作,期许让自己的伤能够更早一点的好起来。 I must be early good, is good to serve the elder brother......” Bing'er to bite the lip, extends the arm to kick the leg while the pain results in the eye tearful to look at Ye Xiao, in the look has filled for hope of that day. “我一定要早一点好起来,只有好起来才能伺候哥哥啊……”冰儿咬着嘴唇,一边伸胳膊踢腿一边痛得眼泪汪汪地望着叶笑,眼神中充满了为那一日的希冀。 The Ye Xiao moral nature flood heartfelt loving dearly, said: Bing'er own is healthy is proper, other matters are not anxious.” 叶笑心底泛起一阵由衷的心疼,道:“冰儿自己的身体好起来才是正经,其他的事情不急。” Bing'er mild-mannered nod, actually was still lamely slowly walked, two small hands grasped the arm of Ye Xiao, lifted the eye to visit him, finally relaxed, said: Elder brother does not come back, Bing'er cannot fall asleep.” 冰儿柔顺的点点头,却仍是一瘸一拐的慢慢走过来,两只小手抱住叶笑的胳膊,抬起眼睛看着他,才终于松了一口气,道:“哥哥不回来,冰儿睡不着。” Ye Xiao sighed, said: Good, come, I wash to you, earlier rested.” 叶笑叹了口气,道:“好了好了,来,我给你洗洗,早点睡了吧。” On Bing'er face one red, said: Um... Bing'er washes.” 冰儿脸上一红,道:“嗯…冰儿还是自己洗吧。” Ye Xiao feels relieved , helping Bing'er take a bath to scratch the body each time, simply is unequalled romantic suffering. 叶笑如释重负,每次帮冰儿洗澡擦身体,简直就是一场无与伦比的香艳折磨。 True visual, human body and mentally suffering of one after another, absolute miserable receiving punishment! 真正的视觉、肉体、心理的轮番折磨,绝对的惨过受刑! Floats facing one exquisite raised, the infinite graceful mature body, anything is undoable, to think continually must scold itself the bastard, particularly faces big beautiful woman that pair of pure look time. 面对一个玲珑浮凸,无限曼妙的成熟身体,偏偏自己什么都不能做,连想一想都要骂自己畜生,尤其是面对大美女那一对纯净眼神的时候。 Often at that time, making Ye Xiao feel, oneself no matter make anything, is the sin is grave, is animal that gadget. 每每在那个时候,让叶笑感觉,自己不管是做什么,都是罪孽深重,都是禽兽那玩意。 Washes one time, oneself wanted almost to be uncomfortable must explode. 洗一次,自己都要难受得几乎要爆炸了。 Then must hold small girl to sleep, pure sleeping, any unnecessary movement cannot have...... 然后还得抱着小丫头睡觉,单纯的睡觉,啥多余的动作都不能有…… Is that what kind suffering? 那是一种何等的折磨啊? First scolded itself at heart is animal, then must say one were inferior including the animal, sincerity multiple suffered! 先是心里骂自己是禽兽,然后还要说自己连禽兽都不如,真心的多重折磨啊! Now small girl can wash, that simply was good, gospel! 现在小丫头能自己洗了,那简直是太好了,福音哪! Ye Xiao sits on the bed, listens respectfully crash-bang the sound that in inside bathroom is transmitting, in the mind instant appears an infinite graceful beautiful dressed carcass, cannot bear is the nostril gives off heat, almost wants the nosebleed to spurt crazily. 叶笑坐在床上,聆听着里面浴室里传来的哗啦啦声响,脑海中瞬时显现出一副无限曼妙美丽的胴体,忍不住就是鼻孔发热,差点就要鼻血狂喷而出。
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