RITF :: Volume #3

#259: The happiness of egg

Although this stance is very awkward, although spiritual energy enters style also very specially awkwardly, but Ye Xiao also just sat down, immediately knew sits the greatest advantage here. 虽然这个姿态很尴尬,虽然灵气的进入方式也非常特别的尴尬,但叶笑还只是刚刚坐下,就立即知道了坐在这里的莫大好处。 That is...... Almost does not need your circulate cultivation, spiritual energy will still be similar to mountain cry out and sea howl general, emerged toward the body in crazily. You must do, only matter that also or can handle, only then digests! Induction! 那就是……几乎不需要你运功,灵气仍会如同山呼海啸一般,疯狂地向着身体里面涌入。你所要做的,又或者说所能做的唯一事情,就只有消化!归纳! Depuration! 提纯! Just like this! 如此而已! Frequency that because, spiritual energy emerges, is almost one type without enough time feeling \; As if so long as deals slightly slow little, may be exploded to the brace by abundantly spiritual energy. Under so the abundantly spiritual energy unceasing washout meridians atmosphere, even does not care about the effect, washes out one to wash out again, the repeat in cycles, continuous, ceaseless. 因为,灵气涌入的频率,几乎就是一种“来不及”的感觉\;似乎只要应对的稍稍慢一点点,就可能会被沛然灵气给撑爆炸掉。在如此沛然灵气不断的冲刷经脉的氛围之下,甚至根本就不在乎效果,冲刷过一遍再冲刷一遍,循环往复,绵绵不绝,无休无止。 Really is the good place.” Ye Xiao this time truly has shocked, although Ye Xiao already knows that this tray by egg brother so long-term occupying, the inevitable no small matter, actually has not thought of so mystical, until will be looking unexpectedly to the egg brother's look, the feeling somewhat was blazing. “果然是好地方。”叶笑这次可是真正的震惊了一下,虽然叶笑早就知道这个“盘子”会被蛋兄如此长时间的盘踞,必然非同小可,却也没想到竟会如此神异,及至在看向蛋兄的眼神,就感觉有些炽热了。 Did this bastard, sit motionlessly, how many spiritual energy from all sides in the end every day has absorbed here? 这个混蛋,每天都坐在这里一动不动,前前后后到底吸取了多少灵气啊? That absolutely is a terrifying digit. 那绝对是一个恐怖的数字。 Only feared that said is the astronomical figures, countless and Wuliang large number is not overrated! 只怕说是天文数字、恒河沙数、无量大数也不为过吧! Even if previous life Monarch Xiao, absorption spiritual energy absolutely does not have this egg that many. 就算是前世笑君主,吸收的灵气也绝对没有这颗蛋那么多。 If refining, deputes the later share. 而且还要是炼化、提纯之后的份。 But others egg brother actually does not need the process of refining depuration, no matter many spiritual energy, are direct buying in altogether, does not fear many, only fears few. 而人家蛋兄却是不需要炼化提纯的过程,不管多少灵气,都是一股脑儿的直接吸纳,不怕多,只怕少。 Is inclusive, all comes are welcome. 兼容并蓄,来者不拒。 What is more excessive, when these many days later, have absorbed these many spiritual energy, unexpectedly have not hatched! 更过分的是,这么多日子下来,吸收了这么多的灵气之余,居然还没有孵化! Even has not appeared including the indication and sign of hatching. 甚至是连孵化的征兆、迹象都没有出现。 Really is really strange egg one!” “真真是怪蛋一枚!” When Ye Xiao heartfelt feeling, deals with the magnanimous spiritual energy washout where that is pouring into fully, even if with heart and soul deals, still gradually felt that somewhat deals with difficultly, because basic on without enough time refining, the spiritual energy quantity were too many! 叶笑由衷感慨之余,全力应付着那哪里灌入的海量灵气冲刷,纵然是全心应对,仍旧渐渐感觉有些应付艰难,因为根本就来不及炼化,灵气的数量实在太多了! Furthermore, oneself present appearance , is really somewhat ungraceful. 再者,自己现在的样子,也着实是有些不雅的。 One sit, in specifically is used to put the egg in the tray, how could it not be equal to another egg? 自己坐在一只专门用来放蛋的盘子里,岂不就等于是另一颗蛋? Own such awkward sitting, under the buttocks also howls is blowing the strong winds, fills toward that anything li (0.5km), what is true is very that anything. 自己就这么尴尬的坐着,屁股底下还呼啸着刮狂风,一个劲的往那啥里灌,真正的是很那啥的。 What is odder, in own pants crotch position, calmly is lying unexpectedly also down an egg, that position, but was three eggs...... 更离谱的是,在自己的裤裆位置,居然还静静地躺着一颗蛋,那个位置,可就是三蛋了…… Ye Xiao thinks that somewhat was absolutely terrified, hurries rolling to stand. 叶笑这么一想,不禁有些毛骨悚然,赶紧一骨碌的站了起来。 To be honest, does not stand not to be good, sits again, own meridians could not hold many spiritual energy, perhaps was really supported to explode, hurries the refining induction to take back oneself body all, changes into itself is proper. 说实话,真不站起来也不行了,再坐下去,自己的经脉已经容纳不了更多的灵气,没准真的就被撑爆了,还是赶紧炼化归纳尽数收归己身,化为自己所有才是正经。 Finished this awkward actually very nimble and efficient spiritual energy filling the body experience, Ye Xiao somewhat astonishedly looked at this tray very much. 结束了这场尴尬却很爽利的灵气灌体经历,叶笑很是有些惊异地看了看这只盘子。 In the heart has calculated silently, at this channel output spiritual energy frequency, what cultivation level oneself needs to sit continues to exercise martial arts on this tray, under a research calculates with concentration, the result makes Monarch Xiao shock directly once again inexplicably. 心中默默地计算了一下,以这个通道刚才的输出灵气频率,自己需要拥有什么样修为才能够坐在这个盘子上持续练功,潜心一研究盘算之下,结果直接再度让笑君主震惊莫名。 The conclusion that according to the careful appraisal of Ye Xiao, final coming out is, even if reach to the Sky Origin Stage peak level, cannot withstand such continuous spiritual energy to fill crazily. 根据叶笑的仔细评估,最终的出来的结论就是,就算自己臻至天元境巅峰层次,也是承受不起这样持续不断的灵气狂灌。 For a short time can explode the body dead. 一时半刻就能够爆体而死。 Wants calm and steady sitting to continue to exercise martial arts in this above, is most minimum, reaches to Spirit Origin Stage peak has the possibility! Moreover duration, cannot be a double-hour absolutely! 真想要安安稳稳的坐在这上面持续练功,最起码的,也得是臻至灵元境巅峰才有可能!而且持续时间,也绝对达不到一个时辰! Saw that Ye Xiao stayed one to get down, that egg clearly felt that the surprise, flew to flutter immediately in front of Ye Xiao, meaning of the light question spontaneously and presently, seemingly also follows suffering from injustice meaning. 看到叶笑呆了一会就下来,那颗蛋分明感觉到了诧异,当下飞了起来飘在叶笑面前,有一股淡淡的疑问之意油然而现,貌似还伴随着委屈的意味。 I the best place will have given you...... Did you stand? 我都已经将最好的地方都让给你了……你咋站起来了? could it be that you now also in vitality? 难道你现在还在生气么? You...... Your this is insincere! 你……你这也太不厚道了吧! Ye Xiao has understood clearly egg brother's mood, coughs very much awkwardly, uses some not very popular method to cope with the egg feeling that has not realized somewhat regarding oneself to blush unexpectedly, said: This is your place, is you here, your regard I led.” 叶笑洞悉了蛋兄的情绪,很是尴尬咳嗽一声,对于自己居然使用一些不算很入流的手段对付一只没有意识的蛋感觉有些脸红,道:“这是你的地方,还是你在这里,你的心意我领了。” That egg retroceded, obviously is very unusual is not clear. 那颗蛋后退了些,显然是很非常的不明白。 Ye Xiao simply hugs the egg brother, has placed among the trays carefully. 叶笑干脆将蛋兄抱起来,小心的放在了盘子中间。 Immediately, oneself sat in one side corner position, then nods, said: I sat here on the line!” 随即,自己坐在了一侧的角落位置,然后点点头,说:“我坐这里就行了!” That egg jumped jumping in the tray, voices a fuzzy joy, as well as mood of dependence \; Seemingly somewhat was moved: Good people, best position, left me...... 那颗蛋在盘子里跳了跳,发出一阵模糊的喜悦,以及依赖的情绪\;貌似有些被感动了:好人啊,最好的位置,还是留给了我…… Truly is a big good person. 真正是个大好人啊。 He actually such thinks of me, is good to me so, I also once drove out him \; Now wants to come, I really am not right...... No wonder he is mad that big. 他竟然这么为我着想,对我这么好,我还将他曾经赶了出去\;现在想来,我真是太不对了……难怪他生那么大的气。 This egg is moved, fluttered, has flown into the Ye Xiao bosom, rubs gently. 这颗蛋一感动,就飘了起来,飞进了叶笑的怀里,一阵磨蹭。 Looks like is to very like the small kitty of master, is acting like a spoiled brat to the master. 就像是一只很是喜欢主人的小猫咪,在对主人撒娇。 Ye Xiao is somewhat stunned. 叶笑有些愕然。 Young Master Ye at this moment felt very much clearly own approval and dependence of this egg, that degree increased over dozens times suddenly! 此刻的叶大少很清晰地感觉到这颗蛋对自己的认可与依恋,那程度突然间增加了数十倍以上! What's all this about? 这是咋回事呢? Did I do? 我干啥呢了? Haven't I done? 我也没干啥啊? Ye Xiao sincerity somewhat ignorant: I was your thing to give back to you, moreover because I am unable long time to use give back to you...... Were you moved unexpectedly become this? 叶笑真心的有些懵:我就是把原来就属于你的东西还给你而已,而且还是因为我自己根本无法长时间利用才还给你……你居然就感动成这样子了? The egg is the egg...... 蛋就是蛋啊…… In the Ye Xiao heart sighs deeply. 叶笑心中长叹。 But, this may the egg, since admitted defeat, Ye Xiao does not plan to continue to shoulder again hardly, can my solemn grown man, why set at the air/Qi with an egg? 但,这可蛋既然已经服软,叶笑也不打算再继续硬扛下去,我堂堂大男人,何必要和一个蛋置气呢? Ye Xiao broadminded is thinking, decision silently, later is good to the egg brother...... 叶笑宽宏大量的想着,默默的决定,以后对蛋兄更好一点…… Ye Xiao goes out of the space time, the egg brother is reluctant to part unexpectedly: The good people must walk...... 叶笑走出空间的时候,蛋兄居然依依不舍:好人要走了…… Has delivered to the space entrance, almost must jump in the Ye Xiao bosom to come out. 一直送到空间门口,差点就要跳进叶笑怀里跟着出来。 Facing such pure egg brother, Ye Xiao somewhat blushed with shame: Bullies it simply is the victory not the military. 面对这么单纯的蛋兄,叶笑有些汗颜了:欺负它简直就是胜之不武。 Therefore after Ye Xiao comes out, immediately all has put outside thing the space \; these period of time, the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion huge financial resource acquired, simply are the magnanimous resources, 于是叶笑出来之后,立即就将外面的东西全都放到了空间里\;这段时间里,灵宝阁庞大的财力收集到的,简直就是海量的资源、 The Ye Residence storehouse, almost could not put down. 叶府的库房,几乎已经放不下了。 Ye Xiao brings in the space one time, immediately, Wood Spirit Space expanded one time directly once more \; Gold Spirit Space is instantaneous, then after some time, completely withdraws the essence of [gold/metal] iron, other changing dust. 叶笑一次性搬进空间,顿时,木灵空间直接再次扩充了一倍\;金灵空间瞬间爆满,然后在一段时间后,才将金铁之精华全部提取,其他的化作粉尘。 But, increased over a thousand jin (0.5 kg) essence. 但,也增加了上千斤的精华。 Turned into a scrap, calmly piles up in the central location. 变成了一小块,在中央位置静静地堆积。 The space once again becomes empty. 空间再度变得空空落落。 Several other spaces, has the harvest, this has directly caused spiritual energy suddenly suddenly to increase in space! 其他几个空间,也都有收获,这直接导致了空间之内的灵气突然间暴增! The several fold in beforehand spiritual energy, howls round trip. 数倍于之前的灵气,呼啸来去。 The egg brother almost will pound excitedly in the stone breaks, from the sky tumbles to turn a somersault again and again, if can speak, must shout loudly surely long live. 蛋兄兴奋地几乎将自己砸在石头上砸碎,连连在空中翻滚翻跟头,若是能够说话的话,定要高呼万岁。 Too happy! 太幸福了! ............ ………… <\; in Beijing, lived a lot of sulks \; Lu Yuan had finished, the wife mentioned plays, I said that you came, accompanied you to play for several days. Then, was frightened to urinate by Beijing Regent Hotel service attitude directly \; The five-star hotel, the brother may unable to stir up...... The liver of air/Qi hurt. <\;在北京,生了一肚子闷气\;鲁院结束了,媳妇说来玩,我说你来吧,陪你玩几天。然后,被北京丽晶酒店服务态度直接吓尿了\;五星级酒店啊,哥可惹不起哟……气的肝都疼了。 The details asked everybody to pay attention to me newly, wave, micro, abundant. Search „the author wind ice world, saw. Do not forget a convenient additional attention. >\; 详情请大家关注我新、浪、微、博。搜索“作者风凌天下”,就看到了。别忘了顺手加个关注哟。>\;
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