RITF :: Volume #3

#258: Egg position

Ye Xiao at present cultivation level, although contrasts previous life, no doubt frail, but on Cold Sun Continent, is actually Peak powerhouse, the real strength even can be said as this Plane summit powerhouse certainly, even if this occasion fills with the concern, insufficient so bewildered attack? 叶笑目前修为虽然对比前世而言,固然孱弱,但就寒阳大陆而言,却已是顶峰强者,真实实力甚至可说是这个位面的绝巅强者,纵然此际满怀心事,也不至于这般莫名其妙的遇袭吧? Decides the mind, looks up, front sees only unexpectedly only then...... An egg! 强定心神,抬头看去,只见面前居然就只有……一颗蛋! But this egg as if is also received anything to frighten, was hit three chi (0.33 m), sways, from the sky flies round. 而这颗蛋似乎也是受到了什么惊吓,被撞出去三尺,摇摇晃晃,在空中飞来飞去。 Unexpectedly is it? 竟然是它? Ye Xiao sees that immediately in the heart more intermittent fear. 叶笑见状顿时心中更一阵阵后怕。 Because a moment ago the accident was attacked to be surprised, now is to actually proceed from the moral nature fear! 刚才还是因为意外遇袭而惊讶,现在却是发自心底的后怕! The matter that can let the bold Monarch Xiao frightened fear, only fears also really not necessarily several, but with some egg collision actually absolutely is in the first choice. 能让胆大包天的笑君主恐惧后怕的事情,只怕还真未必有几件,但和某蛋碰撞却绝对是个中首选。 This egg can be battered to death the Dao Origin Stage expert Gu Jinlong super egg, that day, the head that Dao Origin Stage expert invulnerability, pounded situation of one pile of mud to respond at times in the Young Master Ye mind! 这颗蛋可是能够砸死道元境高手古今龙的超级蛋,那日,将一个道元境高手刀枪不入的脑袋,生生砸成了一堆烂泥的情形时时回应在叶大少的脑海中! At this moment, unexpectedly pounded on oneself. 此刻,居然砸在了自己头上。 Ye Xiao shakes the head, touches oneself head, unexpectedly the discovery really swells a large package. 叶笑摇摇头,摸了摸自己脑袋,居然发现果然肿起来一个大包。 Luckily luckily, was pounded to be swollen! 幸好幸好,就只是被砸肿了而已! fuck!” When Ye Xiao rejoices, depressed, knits the brows to look at this egg, shouted angrily: „One side get lost!” 卧槽!”叶笑庆幸之余,更加的郁闷,皱着眉看着这颗蛋,怒喝一声:“滚一边去!” That egg accordingly has not actually retreated, instead from the sky roves, comes up, around Ye Xiao head all around chaotic revolutions, seemingly is sorry the meaning in the expression comfort?! 那颗蛋却未应声退去,反而是在空中转来转去,上来下去,绕着叶笑的脑袋四周乱转,貌似在表达安慰抱歉之意?! Ye Xiao this moment mood extremely, really did not have the mood to respond some egg badly, puts out a hand one group, is black the face to walk outward. 叶笑此刻心情恶劣已极,实在没心情搭理某蛋,伸手一拨,黑着脸往外走。 Whiz! 嗖! That egg arrived at his front unexpectedly, the movement is amazingly quick. 那颗蛋居然又到了他的面前,动作神速。 What your does in the end want to make?” Ye Xiao knits the brows, shouts to clear the way: Father does not have now free time responds you, some innumerable matters are waiting for the father! Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if father had free time not to respond similarly your! In my domain, dares to pursue me unexpectedly...... Since you are so flamboyant, what may not be, we everyone leave alone anyone, falls a purity!” “你丫的到底想要做什么?”叶笑皱眉,喝道:“老子现在可没闲工夫搭理你,有无数事情等着老子呢!退10000步说,就算老子有空了同样不会搭理你丫的!在我的地盘,居然敢将我驱逐了……你既然这么牛逼,何事不可为,咱们谁也别管谁,落个清净!” Along with even if walks in big strides outward, even/including Duo looked that a some egg manner owes to present. 随即便是大踏步往外走,连多看某蛋一眼的态度都欠奉。 That egg has actually flown in front of him, this time was actually very much simply pastes with the head of Young Master Ye in one, was going against him without consulting anybody, clarifies meaning that has not made him exit. 那颗蛋却是又飞到了他面前,这次却是很干脆地与叶大少的脑袋贴在了一起,径自顶着他,摆明了不让他出去的意思。 Ye Xiao was not happier that is the attempt breaks through, actually discovered one go against completely motionless, besides top painful the head, the least bit effectiveness does not have, some egg does not have the least bit movement again, only does not yield an inch. 叶笑更不高兴,自是尝试突破,却发现自己完全顶不动,除了将自己脑袋顶得生疼之外,半点效用也无,某蛋再无半点动作,就只寸步不让。 What your does in the end want to make?” Ye Xiao got angry. “你到底想要做什么?”叶笑怒了。 Does not arrive at Young Master Ye not to get angry , the pure violent of some egg made every effort operative attitude too that anything, that was can be battered to death all of a sudden the Dao Origin Stage super powerhouse super egg, the head had pulled out a moment ago, unexpectedly was refuting the advance, how can not have a headache, the head rotten was not lucky, but had a headache about one time is very enough, continued to come again hardly, that was the brain is remnant. 真不到叶大少不发火,某蛋的纯暴力求合作态度太那啥了,那可是能一下子砸死道元境超级强者的超级蛋,刚才脑袋抽了,居然硬顶着前进,怎么能不头疼,脑袋没烂就万幸了,不过头疼一次就很足够了,再继续硬来,那就是脑残了。 Sees Young Master Ye to shout angrily, that egg starts to jump up and down, jumps in Ye Xiao at present, jumps, then jumps \; Then stays in him at present, was gorgeously motionless. 叶大少怒喝,那颗蛋开始上下跳,在叶笑眼前跳一跳,又跳一跳,然后再跳一跳\;然后就停留在他眼前,巍然不动了。 Actually the faint anticipations felt that was not very clear transmission. 却是有一股隐隐的期待感觉,不是很清晰的传达了出来。 Ye Xiao was faintly clear, said: „Is your this is apologizing to me?” 叶笑隐隐明白了一些,道:“你丫的这是在向我赔不是?” That egg jumped jumping, seems nodding. 那颗蛋跳了跳,似乎在点头。 Father is not rare!” A Ye Xiao first pendulum, leans the body to want. “老子不稀罕!”叶笑头一摆,侧着身子就想要走。 That egg seemingly was anxious, went against the forehead of Young Master Ye not to make him leave once again. 那颗蛋貌似是急了,再度顶着叶大少的脑门不让他离开。 A Ye Xiao palm of the hand claps once again, actually shakes own hand painful, some egg mark silk has not moved. 叶笑再度一巴掌拍出去,却是将自己的手震得生疼,某蛋纹丝未动。 In the Ye Xiao heart the anger flamings, is angry saying: Makes way to the father! You are only an egg, is not a dog! Let alone, the good dog not to have been in the way.” 叶笑心中怒火更炽,大怒道:“给老子让开!你丫只是一颗蛋,又不是一条狗!更何况,好狗还不挡路呢。” That egg did not care about Ye Xiao to say anything, but constantly was keeping off the road, said that anything did not make him exit. 那颗蛋根本就不在意叶笑说什么,只是一味的挡着路,说啥也不让他出去。 Clarified is you have thousand views, my only one egg anti- road! 摆明了就是你有千般说法,我只一蛋阻路! So refuses to compromise the long time, each other does not have the idea. 如此僵持半晌,却是彼此无计。 Ye Xiao rubbed temples worriedly: You said that you are an egg, seems like even/including Dian consciousness does not have \; Do not say that anything felt...... Your such blocks my road, wants to do? Your words cannot put in order, what can I have to exchange with you?” 叶笑苦恼地揉起了太阳穴:“你说你就是一颗蛋,貌似连点意识都没有呢\;更不要说什么感觉……你丫的就这么拦住我的路,想要干什么?你连个话都整不出来,我还能跟你有什么交流呢?” That egg moved finally, flew around him, one after another. 那颗蛋终于又动了,绕着他飞了起来,一圈又一圈。 A Ye Xiao deep sigh. 叶笑一声长叹。 I went! 我了个去! Your this movement is also you understands that I can understand? 你这动作也就是你自己明白,我能明白么? What good did you make me say? 你让我说啥好? Saw that the situation once again the awkward silence, unexpectedly that egg from the sky will shake shaking, suddenly as if understood any general. Unexpectedly circled behind him, this time actually pushed him to proceed. 眼看局势又将再度冷场,不意那颗蛋在空中晃了晃,突然似乎是明白了什么一般。居然绕到了他背后,这次却是推着他往前走。 Once the going astray direction, that egg prevents on flying in front, then again goes to continue to push to the back \; Ye Xiao understands finally that originally the goal of this fellow, is wish arrives in its private channel by oneself unexpectedly. 一旦走错方向,那蛋就飞到前面来阻止,然后又再去到背后继续推\;叶笑终于明白,原来这家伙的目的,竟是想要让自己走到它的专用通道里去。 spiritual energy most crowded that place. 灵气最密集的那个地方。 In view of tyrannical and rigid of some egg, Ye Xiao has to walk step by step, until sees that plateau again time, that egg extremely fast drifting in the past, had circled on the tray, then arrived in front of Ye Xiao to shake shaking up and down, then arrived at him to carry to boost he to proceed, had advanced in front of Young Master Ye the tray, still kept, but also was continue push. 有鉴于某蛋的强横与执着,叶笑只好一步步走过去,及至再看到那个大盘子的时候,那颗蛋极速漂移过去,在盘子上绕了一圈,然后又来到叶笑面前上下晃了晃,然后又到他背后推着他往前走,一直将叶大少推到了盘子前面,仍是不停,还在继续推。 You think...... Let me come up?” Ye Xiao looks at this tray, in heart the miraculous glow dodges, very somewhat speechless saying. “你是想……让我上去?”叶笑看着这个盘子,心中灵光一闪,很有些无语的说道。 Actually this tray, it can be said that in the entire space, the most precious place, before was this egg wrested away, now unexpectedly does agree make himself come up? 其实这个盘子,可说是整个空间里,最最珍贵的地方,以前都是这颗蛋自己一屁股霸占,现在居然肯让自己上去? Although this is very standard showing good will action, but I am not really rare, this also too that anything! 这虽然是个很标准的示好举动,但我真不稀罕,这也太那啥了吧! But others egg brother is still continue push, the method that Young Master Ye can resist is really deficient, does not resist unexpectedly. 可是人家蛋兄还在继续推,叶大少能够对抗的手段实在匮乏,竟是抗拒不得。 But why Ye Xiao, must hold for the time being a trial mood, is bearing the temper, the half believing and half doubting floating body, sat in that tray. 叶笑无奈何之下,只得抱着姑且一试的心情,耐着性子,将信将疑的飘身而起,坐到了那盘子里。 That egg really again has not then driven away him, but flew happily several, then also with the whereabouts, fell before his body, fell in his pants crotch...... 那颗蛋接下来果然就没有再驱赶他,而是高兴地飞了好几圈,然后也跟着落了下来,落在他身前,落在了他裤裆里…… Then changes static was motionless. 然后变静静的不动了。 Facing the final movement of that egg, Ye Xiao is completely muddled in an instant, seven meat eight elements, does not know how to reflect again. 面对那蛋的最后动作,叶笑刹那间晕头转向、七荤八素,不知再如何反映了。 This...... Does this swell a matter? 这……这肿么回事? Was this too also ridiculous? 这也太雷人了吧? I planned here corner position cultivates a meeting, the egg did not agree, often forcefully drives away, now unexpectedly is willing automatic will press sits here...... 原本我只是打算在这里角落位置修炼一会,蛋都不同意,每每强行驱赶,现在居然肯自动的将自己按在这里坐着…… But...... Here seems like the sincerity does not suit the place that I sit. 但……这里貌似真心的不是适合我坐下来的地方呀。 This tray, looked that is used to put an egg. 这个盘子,一看就是用来放一颗蛋的。 All around turns upwards, the middle position also has the sharp sharp hollowness \; Lays aside an egg the acme to be just right, fits together perfectly, perfect match \; But if a person sat here, how can be appropriate...... Pours not necessarily is inappropriate, because under the buttocks also has a seam...... 四周翘起,中间位置还有个尖尖的凹窝\;放置一颗蛋的尖端可谓正好,严丝合缝、珠联璧合\;但若是一个人坐在了这里,怎么能合适呢……倒也未必不合适,因为屁股底下也是有一道缝的…… Whistling abundantly spiritual energy from there turbulently, Young Master Ye only felt really the chrysanthemum one sends intermittently coolly, who can have that type...... Strange feeling that in the buttocks seam the strong winds howl? 呼呼的沛然灵气真的就从那里汹涌而出,叶大少只感觉菊花一阵阵发凉,谁能够有那种……屁股缝里狂风呼啸的古怪感觉? I have! In the Ye Xiao heart did not know whether to laugh or cry said. 我有!叶笑心中哭笑不得地说。 It is estimated that saves fart for a lifetime to put one time will come out, absolutely does not have this moment sound of the wind to be fierce! 估计积攒一辈子的屁一次性放将出来,也绝对没有这一刻的风声剧烈! ............ ………… <\; late, sorry. >\; <\;晚了,抱歉。>\;
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