RITF :: Volume #15

#1483: Didn't have really?

Zong Xingyu calmly stands in same place, chest fluctuating is fiercely uncertain, reddens all over the face, the blue vein on forehead roused, his numerous gasping for breath, gasping for breath in gulps, look unexpectedly obviously infinite fierce. 宗星宇静静地站立在原地,胸膛剧烈地起伏不定,满脸通红,额头上的青筋都鼓了出来,他重重的喘气,大口大口的喘气,神色竟显无限狰狞。 He calmly has stood a meeting, suddenly seems goes crazy fires into that side the altar generally, fires into these person's shadows that calmly sits. 他静静地站了一会,突然好似发疯一般冲向祭坛那边,冲向那静静地坐着的那些人影。 King Third Uncle! King Third Uncle! You have a look at me, you have a look at me, I am Xingyu, I am Xingyu......” “王三叔!王三叔!您看看我,您看看我,我是星宇,我是星宇啊……” Zong Xingyu to speech goal person's shadow still from sitting of machinery, an eyeball grayish white, moved motionless, just likes cannot hear general aloof completely. 宗星宇所向说话的目标人影仍自机械的坐着,眼珠子一片灰白,动都不动,恍如完全听不到一般的无动于衷。 Uncle Li! Uncle Li......” 李叔叔李叔叔……” Uncle Dao, Uncle Dao......” 刀叔,刀叔……” Uncle Qian, Uncle Qian......” 钱伯伯,钱伯伯……” Zong Xingyu summons one by one in the past, could not get the least bit response throughout. 宗星宇一个个的逐一呼唤过去,却始终得不到半点回应。 His desperate is looking at these such as the copper sculpture general person's shadow, in the past kissed the thick elder to the infinite concern, in the heart the dilutedness raises suddenly, suddenly grief and indignation face upwards to bellow: This in the end what's the matter!” 他绝望的望着这些如铜雕塑一般的人影,往昔对自己无限关爱亲厚的长辈,心中突然有一股无力感升起,突然悲愤至极的仰天大吼:“这到底是怎么回事呀!” What's all this about! Why this is!” “这是怎么回事啊!这是为什么啊!” You spoke actually! You spoke, said casually anything was good, speaks a few words......” “你们倒是说话啊!你们说话啊,随便说什么都行,说一句话啊……” You have a look at me! I am Xingyu, Zong Xingyu......” “你们看看我啊!我是星宇,宗星宇啊……” He starts running bullies the body after grasps a person to sway forcefully violently: Uncle Wu, Uncle Wu, you have a look at me, you have a look at me...... I am Xingyu, I am Xingyu that you most loved in the past......” 他抢步欺身从后强行抱住一个人猛烈地摇晃:“吴伯伯,吴伯伯,你看看我,你看看我……我是星宇啊,我是你当年最疼爱的星宇啊……” This person was still aloof, does not have the response. 这人仍是无动于衷,全无反应。 Zong Xingyu circles, circles to that person of front, the hissing exclaims: Uncle Wu...... could it be that you......” 宗星宇绕过去,绕到那人的面前,嘶声吼道:“吴伯伯……难道你们……” He forgave the frontage, actually blocked this person to input the Essence Qi way toward the altar, this person turned the head finally slowly, the grayish white pupil was staring him, the eyeball that did not understand completely moved actually, the Zong Xingyu seeing that heart next one happily, the cheers called out: Uncle Wu...... Is I......” 他饶到了正面,却是挡住了这人向着祭坛里面输入元气途径,这人终于缓慢转头,灰白的眸子瞪着他,原本完全不懂的眼珠子竟而动了一下,宗星宇见状心下一喜,欢声叫道:“吴伯伯……是我……” What a pity a few words with enough time have not said that this person suddenly take action, a palm, layer on layer pats in his chest. 可惜一句话还没来得及说完,这人蓦然出手,一掌,重重地拍在他的前胸。 ! 噗! These attacks trouble starting near at hand, unexpected under Zong Xingyu, was so hit hard, the five internal organs were almost all destroyed, a blood has spurted, the body flew by far. 这一下突袭来得变生肘腋,猝不及防之下的宗星宇,遭受如此重击,五脏几乎被悉数打碎,一口鲜血喷了出来,身子远远的飞了出去。 Wrong non- Zong Xingyu also has present age certainly summit powerhouse cultivation level, when the mind is not steady, there is greatly strengthened whole body Qi Strength to defend the last defense line, this Western Temple Young Master, only feared that wanted inexplicable being killed in this! 错非宗星宇亦有当世绝巅强者修为,纵然心神不稳之时,也有极强的浑身气劲守住最后一道防线,这位西殿少主,只怕就要不明不白的丧命于此! However the body still in the midair under the Zong Xingyu heart did not have the enmity, only then has mind filled with incredible, looks to this Uncle Wu look, has been full of the deep heart pain. 然而身子犹在半空之中宗星宇心下仍无怨怼,只有满腹的不可置信的,看向这位吴伯伯眼神中,充满了深深的心痛。 This Uncle Wu after a palm hits Zong Xingyu flies, school of turning the head calmly, once again restored posture originally, together True Spirit Essence Qi, continuous shoots from palm of the hand, pours into the altar. 这位吴伯伯在一掌将宗星宇打飞之后,一派若无其事的转过头,再度恢复了原本的姿势,一道真灵元气,源源不断的从手心里射出来,注入祭坛之中。 Whole person, restored that type of putty to carve in the condition that the wood modelled. 整个人,又重新恢复了那种泥雕木塑的状态之中。 Mistakenly not so, by the astonishing strength that this Uncle Wu shows, the injury that as well as Zong Xingyu withstands, again adds a palm at most, Zong Xingyu must die without doubt! 错非如此,以这位吴伯伯所展现出来的惊人实力,以及宗星宇所承受的伤势,顶多就再加一掌,宗星宇必死无疑! But blood that Zong Xingyu vomits in gulps spurts on the ground, bright blood red, in the altar the black smoke ascends suddenly, the blood of ground changed to the mist rapidly, suddenly has flown into the altar, the ground originally by the incarnadine position, does not see the least bit red. 宗星宇大口大口呕出的鲜血喷在地上,鲜艳血红,祭坛中忽而黑烟升腾,地上的鲜血迅速化作了雾气,“忽”的一声飞进了祭坛,地上原本被染红的位置,再不见半点赤色。 „......” Zong Xingyu chokes to cough unceasingly, strives to support the body to crawl from the ground, among the looks is the grey defeat. Not is only because carries the heavy losses, the human body physical strength is hard to maintain the load, because of the attack of mentally, is truly the pain in the extreme! “咳咳咳咳……”宗星宇不断呛咳着,勉力支撑着身体从地上爬起来,神色间全是灰败。不光是因为身负重创,肉体体力难以维系负荷,更因为心理的打击,才是真正无以复加的痛楚! Suddenly, he who looks at dumbly is looking at these people. 一时间,呆立的他怔怔地望着这些人。 Long time exercised, resembles called one that cried to resemble to smile: Why this is......” 良久练就,似哭似笑的叫了一声:“这是为什么啊……” Actually does not know that whom these words are held responsible! 却不知道这句话是问谁! Asked the person? Asked oneself? Asked the father? Asked the demon? 问人?问己?问父?还是问魔? Also or is held responsible...... Day? 又或者是问……天? The so-called divine intervention makes the person, the good fortune makes the person, nothing more than such as is! 所谓天意弄人,造化弄人,不外如是! The Zong Xingyu sound is sad and shrill, attitude chang suddenly. 宗星宇声音凄厉,意态惝恍。 He limps to back up, gradually, walking outward staggering, almost walks every time one step, feels nauseated a blood. But his look, actually still stubbornly stared on the bodies of these people. 他蹒跚倒退着,一步一步,踉踉跄跄的向外走去,几乎是每走一步,就要吐一口鲜血。但他的眼神,却仍旧死死地盯在这些人的身上。 Even if these person of look expressions moves slightly, the eyeball rotates slightly, displays to be so little, a concern of faint trace. One can also feel the past tender feeling. 哪怕是这些人神色表情稍微动一动,眼珠子稍微转动一下,表现出那么一点点,一丝丝的关怀。自己也能感受到当年的温情。 In the past, if oneself such spat blood, let alone has spat blood, even if damages by abrasion a skin, these uncle uncles can be much grieved, was now, how again nobody cares about itself to be able what is done...... 当年,自己若是这么吐血,也别说是吐血了,就算是擦破一点皮,这些叔叔伯伯都能心痛得疯了,可是现在,再没有人在乎自己会如何如之何了…… He has fallen back on could not see that side form the position, has fallen back on that side the exit / to speak. 他一直退到了看不到那边身影的位置,一直退到了出口那边。 These 63 people, still did not have anybody to move tiny bit, without any change. 这63个人,仍旧没有任何人动弹一分一毫,没有任何的变化。 Has not turned the head, the look has not changed, even has not rotated including the eyeball. 没有转头,神色没有变化,甚至连眼珠都没有转动一下。 Many blood that in the ground, puts out such as were still common a moment ago, changed to the mist to fly into the altar. 地面上,一路吐出的许多鲜血仍如刚才一般,化作雾气飞入了祭坛。 The entire space, was still that gloomy ghost legendary creature. 整个空间,仍旧是那么阴森鬼蜮。 Hence, Zong Xingyu finally thorough desperate, his mirthless smile, turns the head sad and shrill suddenly, staggers along, does not return rushed. 至此,宗星宇终于彻底绝望,他凄厉地惨笑一声,突然转头,跌跌撞撞的,头也不回的奔了出去。 This occasion, Ye Xiao and the others arrived in the Western Temple surrounding now. 此际,叶笑等人现在已经抵达了西殿外围。 This time, Ye Xiao felt extreme is not normal, that is a dysaesthesia goes to the feeling of extreme. 这一次,叶笑感觉到了极度的不正常,那是一种感觉不良去到极点的感受。 Range some are not quite as if right.” First starts talking is actually Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor. “范围似乎有些不大对。”首先开口说话的却是琼华月皇 All cultivator, established profound cultivation, always cultivation level is inferior to Ye Xiao particularly, but they to own feeling condition, are especially keen, a little in the legend the matter is not very right, that view of being prompted by a sudden impulse, 举凡修者,尤其是老牌高深修行者,总是修为不及叶笑,但他们对自身感觉状况,尤其敏锐,很有点传说中事情不对,心血来潮的那种说法, This all the way, Ye Xiao can definitely feel that Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor is getting more and more temperate to own manner, even can say that is unintentional desirably follows in own side, the view regards itself. 这一路上,叶笑完全能够感觉到琼华月皇对自己的态度越来越温和,甚至可以说,就是有意无意刻意地跟在自己身边,观视自己。 Regardless of any joyful and sad occasions, will insert one basically, regarding anything, so long as can have the relations with Ye Xiao, will care very much that is very positive, is very initiative. 基本无论什么大事小情,都会插上一口,对于任何事情,只要是能跟叶笑扯上关系的,都会很关心,很积极,很主动。 In this regard, Lei Dadi and other old are eating the taste. 关于这一点,连带着雷大地等三老都很吃味。 That young woman yes what's the matter, how she can such entire...... Chongxiao that is our brother three apprentices! She so is always driving the positive care, what's the matter...... could it be that is looked unexpectedly that child person appearance was good, has been in a stew, wanting Old Ox to eat the tender grass......” “那女人是咋回事,她咋能这么整呢……冲霄那可是咱们哥仨的徒弟!她老是这么主动积极关心,算怎么回事……难道竟是看那孩子人样子好,着迷了,想要老牛吃嫩草……” Is insufficient, Chongxiao that boy person appearance is truly outstanding, but Yue Emperor that woman pays back greatly is insufficient so, said again that I think her to look at the Chongxiao look, was more like mother -in-law sees the son-in-law......” “不至于不至于,冲霄那小子人样子确实出众,不过月皇那娘们大抵还不至于这般,再说,我看她看冲霄的眼神,更像是丈母娘看女婿了……” That also harbors evil intentions, the wives of our apprentice, may not have their Beautiful Flower Moon Palace person, why she thought so that she has any qualifications to think so!” Lei Dadi foaming with rage eyeball, under the heart is not feeling well secretly obviously very much. “那也是不怀好意,咱们徒弟的媳妇,可没有他们琼华月宫的人啊,她凭什么这么看,她有什么资格这么看!”雷大地暗地里吹胡子瞪眼睛,心下显然很是不爽。 Feng Wuying is not feeling well very much: „Is, that old young woman is really...... Minds others'business, snatched our work unexpectedly...... I ponder over her am not the plan want to ration Chongxiao direct disciple someone, therefore shows good will ahead of time, this matter cannot manage......” 风无影也是很不爽:“就是就是,那老女人真是……多管闲事,竟然把咱们的活儿都抢了……我琢磨她不是打算想把门下弟子谁谁配给冲霄吧,所以提前示好,这事可不能办……” Right, this matter cannot manage absolutely......” “对对,这事绝对不能办……” Them suspects carelessly, Ye Xiao was talking with Yue Emperor. 他们这边胡乱猜想间,叶笑正在与月皇谈话。 Ye Xiao frowns, said: All around the atmosphere indeed very much does not suit, as if has certain variables.” 叶笑皱着眉头,道:“周遭氛围的确很不对劲,似乎是发生某些变数。” Yue Emperor nods, said: Good good, is atmosphere some are not truly right.” 月皇点点头,道:“不错不错,确实是气氛有些不对。” Ye Xiao said: Em, actually since our group enters the Western Temple boundary category, I felt, proceeded basically every time one step, that murderous aura also had the air/Qi of ominous offense, was stronger a point.” 叶笑道:“恩,其实自从咱们一行普一进入西殿地界范畴,我就感觉到了,基本每往前走一步,那份杀气还有凶戾之气,就更浓重一分。” His profound vision, looks at the front dense wooded mountain, inspired saying: I obtain one to sentence faintly in advance, as if that side Western Temple...... The plan must cross the rubicon with us.” 他深邃的目光,看着前方密密的山林,吸了一口气说道:“我隐隐得到一个预判,似乎西殿那边……打算要跟我们破釜沉舟了。” But during we estimate at first, the information that as well as has comes to see...... Demon Revered should such not do, so will not be at least anxious, because he also needs us to help the homicide person, kills more people...... Otherwise, collects radically completes life Spirit Origin of that nine altar insufficient.” “但是在我们最初的预计之中,以及掌握的情报来看……魔尊应该不会这么做,至少不会这么急,因为他还需要我们帮他杀人,杀更多的人……要不然,根本就凑不足完成那九个祭坛的性命灵元。” But now, presents this and other depressing atmosphere......” Ye Xiao to wrinkle the brow: Certainly presented some us to know variable that did not understand? But this condition, is not only disadvantageous to us, does not tally with the Demon Revered preinstall, this variable, simultaneously affected the two sides, I was very interested, was who has such energy, made this variable!” “但是现在,却又出现了这等压抑的气氛……”叶笑皱紧了眉头:“一定是出现了某种我们知道不了解的变数?而这种状况,不但对我们不利,与魔尊的预设也不相符,这个变数,同时影响到了两边,我真的很有兴趣,是谁有这样的能量,制造出这个变数!” Yue Emperor has narrowed the eye, said: Since is not Demon Revered, that issue can leave in the Western Temple No. 2 character...... On Zong Xingyu?” 月皇眯了眯眼睛,道:“既然不会是魔尊,那问题会不会出在西殿的第二号人物……宗星宇身上?” Ye Xiao silent, said: This also treats the observation, the present stage is not suitable comes up with any hypothesis.” 叶笑沉默了一下,道:“这点还待观察,现阶段不宜做任何的假设。” Another possibility...... Was the energy that their altars needed was enough, in this case, possibly had the current condition!” Frowning of Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor doubt. “还有另一个可能……就是他们的祭坛所需要的能量已经足够了,若是这样的话,也可能出现当前的状况!”琼华月皇狐疑的皱着眉头。 This absolutely not possibly!” Ye Xiao shakes the head decidedly: „If there is sufficed, then Western Temple definitely already did not save in Shi now...... Was already filled to enter the altar, with complete Demon Fire.” “这个绝对没有可能!”叶笑断然摇头:“若是真的够了,那么现在西殿肯定早就不存于世了……早就被填充进入祭坛,用以完成魔火了。” The Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor facial color changes, incredible saying: This is how possible. Zong Xingyu was the Zong Yuankai biological son, Zong Yuankai can firmly decide to sacrifice anybody throughout immediately, was actually insufficient to sacrifice own own son.” 琼华月皇面色一变,不可置信的说道:“这怎么可能。宗星宇始终是宗元凯的亲儿子,宗元凯即时能够下狠心牺牲任何人,却也不至于牺牲自己的亲身儿子吧。” Ye Xiao said lightly: Acts according to the special circumstances, in certain extreme conditions, son, can not recognize, compares in Geng to pay great attention to individual prestige energy, touch of humanity heavier Blue Clouds Heaven Territory. I travelled for pleasure before Cold Sun Lower Realm that really witnessed too many too many father to kill the child, the human relations tragedy that child murdered the father, the so-called fierce and ambitious method, most refused to acknowledge family. Person You Ru is, let alone nowadays Zong Yuankai, already was Demon, but can also hold several points of human nature?!” 叶笑淡淡道:“事急从权,在某些极端情况下,儿子,也是可以不认的,相较于更注重个人威能,人情味更重的青云天域。我之前游历寒阳下界的那一遭,实在见证了太多太多的父杀子,子弑父的人伦惨剧,所谓枭雄手段,最是六亲不认。人尤如是,更何况现如今的宗元凯,早已是一头魔物,还能保有几分人性?!” Learns suddenly these words, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor is shocked suddenly. 乍闻这番话,琼华月皇猛然愣住。 She from these words, suddenly felt that a heart pain, has let her heart, because of it twitching. 她从这句话里面,蓦然感觉到了一阵至极的心痛,让她的心脏,都因之抽搐不已。 Looks at present this tranquil handsome face, she can feel that in heart of Ye Xiao, in separate general pain. Yue Emperor gives birth to one type to want him to hug at the impulsion of bosom well comfort. 看着眼前这张平静俊朗的面孔,她能感觉到,叶笑的心中,在割裂一般的痛。月皇不禁生出一种想要将他搂在怀里好好安慰的冲动。 ...... …… Ye Xiao one line are away from Western Temple probably also to have 700 li (0.5km) distance. 叶笑一行人距离西殿大约还有700里路程。 However under this distance, the allied armies suffered the unprecedented crazy blockade, the casualties are unprecedented. 然而在这个的距离下,联军已经遭受到了前所未有的疯狂阻击,伤亡空前。 The blockade that yes, faces presently, can only describe with crazy these two characters seriously. 是的,当前所面对的阻击,当真就只能用“疯狂”这两个字来形容。 That is one type absolutely does not have violent preying that any scruples, leave no ground completely, each fight, bloody wild. 那是一种完全没有任何顾忌、完全不留余地的极端搏杀,每一场战斗,至为血腥狂暴的。 The Western Temple side manpower of this meeting, not awfully is preying by situation a completely. 这会的西殿一方人手,以一种完全不要命的态势搏杀着。 Only discussed that but asked dead, did not hesitate the harbinger of bloody battle, as if they were the victims, they were reckless must guard their right to subsistence a side, performing was acts boldly regardless of one's safety, the grief and indignation aggrieved imposing manner. 只论那但求一死,不惜血战的先声,仿佛他们才是受害者,他们才是不顾一切也要捍卫自己的生存权利的一方,尽是奋不顾身、悲愤憋屈的气势。 What's all this about? As for such is powerful, dares dead candidly?” Ye Xiao felt the surprise. “这是咋回事?至于这么气势如虹么,磊落敢死么?”叶笑都感觉诧异了。 Demon Revered, is Zong Yuankai \; Western Temple, is the Demon Soul Way supreme headquarters, this point, is the fact without a doubt, the reality! 魔尊,是宗元凯\;西殿,是魔魂道的大本营,这一点,已经是毋庸置疑的事实,现实! Western Temple high and low, is for calamity Qingyun, the source of Heaven Realm catastrophe, this point, was more indisputable! 西殿上下,乃是为祸青云,天域浩劫的源头,这一点,更加无可辩驳! Then your this crowd of why so grief and indignation want certainly, looked like instead is we bullies you to be ordinary...... 那么你们这群干啥如此悲愤欲绝的,怎么看起来反而是是我们欺负了你们一般呢…… This, this how, regardless to say that cannot be justified! 这,这无论怎么说也说不过去吧! Clearly was your this much compels not to go on living good the entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory rivers and lakes people of same belief! 分明是你们这伙子将整个青云天域的江湖同道都逼得活不下去了好不好! Is good? 好不好? Is good?!! 好不好?!! Attack one after another, ambush of stopping at nothing, the attack, the decisive battle, mentions names face to face the challenge, and even the sneak attack and intoxication, the trap, assassinates and plots...... 一波一波的攻击,无所不用其极的埋伏,袭击,当面决战,指名道姓挑战,乃至偷袭、下毒,陷阱,刺杀、暗算…… Sometimes, the allied armies within one day, can find from the different direction different position more than several hundred raid combats! 有时候,联军一天之内在,可以找到来自不同的方向不同的方位不下数百次的袭击战斗! Such attack frequency, making Ye Xiao profound ice and the others feel that a matter, what the Western Temple high level as if received to stimulate extraordinarily, then, was insane? 这样的来袭频率,让叶笑玄冰等人感觉到一件事,西殿的高层似乎是受了什么了不得刺激,然后,疯了? May however, but, is actually what reason, making them insane? 可但是,但可是,究竟是什么原因,让他们疯了呢? You can catastrophe Heaven Realm, for calamity Qingyun, what matter but also there is you cannot shoulder withstands?! 你们都能浩劫天域,为祸青云了,还有什么事是你们所不能负荷承受的呢?! ...... …… In Western Temple in mausoleum chamber space construction roof zenith, where a Zong Xingyu person sits extremely alone, vision ice-cold, the face whiten, the corners of the mouth, are bringing an indescribable stubbornness. 西殿驻地宫宇建筑最高处“极天顶”,宗星宇一个人孤零零的坐着哪里,目光冰冷,脸色苍白,嘴角,带着一丝难以言喻的桀骜。 Since you eliminate the kinship that I earnestly hope, I from should report back!” “既然你剥夺我所渴盼的亲情,我自该有所回报!” You make me put them to come, I am bent on having to make most violent detaining!” “你让我放他们进来,我就偏要做出最极端的拦阻!” Your wish lets the Western Temple peaceful dissipation, I am bent on having to counter-attack strongly, come a bright war!” “你想要让西殿安静的消散,我偏要竭力反击,来一场灿烂之战!” Even though the body enters Devil Path, even though Western Temple is doomed to exterminate, cannot be finished vexed, must imposingly does!” “纵使身入魔道,纵使西殿注定要灭绝,也不能完蛋得窝窝囊囊的,须得轰轰烈烈的干上一场!” You , if unable to continue watching, if thought that I run counter to your wish, you hit me! Hits me!” “你若是看不下去,若是觉得我违背了你的意愿,你来打我啊!来打我啊!” Before Zong Yuankai, by palm heavy losses, the old wound had not been recovered, but, in the look is only actually burning the crazy flame. 宗元凯之前被一掌重创,旧伤未愈,但,眼神中却只燃烧着疯狂的火焰。 Perhaps links him not to understand that oneself was also the old person who the experience innumerable years, experienced, obtained the clear weight, already passed the impulsive age, why suddenly will actually have sent the small temper in this grade of time. 或许连他自己也没有想明白,自己也是经历无数岁月、老成持重、分得清轻重的老人了,早已度过了冲动的年纪,却又为什么会在这等时刻突然发了小性子。 The mood that obstinance, that disturbs intentionally, distinct more than ten thousand years had not appeared on oneself...... 那份执拗,那份故意捣乱的情绪,分明已经万年多没有在自己身上出现过了…… At this moment, actually seems the prairie fire combustion generally spreads. 此时此刻,却好似野火燃烧一般蔓延起来。 Perhaps Zong Xingyu had not realized that under his present heart is hoping actually, own father had discovered the matter that oneself handle, comes to teach oneself maliciously, presents the facts a lecture of truth to remind itself \; Actually does not hope likely now so, throughout cold Bing Bing, does not have the expression. 或许宗星宇并没有意识到,他现在心下其实在盼望,自己的父亲发现了自己所做的事情,过来狠狠教训自己一顿,摆事实讲道理点醒自己\;却绝不希望像现在这般,始终冷冰冰的、全无表情。 As if no any temperature. 仿佛没有任何温度。 I have toed the line for a long time was too too long, the camouflage has disguised as the innumerable years, this time, on the eve of the Western Temple destruction, I wants willful one time. I am want to take a look, father, after entered Devil Path, again did not have the emotion of so-called humanity! 我已经循规蹈矩了太久太久,伪装假扮了无数岁月,这一次,在西殿覆灭前夕,我要任性一次。我就是想要看看,父亲,是否入了魔道之后,就再也没有了所谓人类的情感! Including little, some, a faint trace, didn't one have slightly?! 连一点点,一些些,一丝丝,一微微都没有了吗?! Didn't have really?” Zong Xingyu stands up, face upwarding rave. “真的没有了吗?”宗星宇站起身来,仰天狂吼一声。 He only felt that now the oppression in chest, possibly explodes at any time general. 他现在只感觉胸中的憋闷,随时都可能爆炸一般。 ...... ……
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