RITF :: Volume #15

#1484: However is a wisp of demon soul

Boss, now palace main from convening Western Temple expert, by the strongest lineup, the most violent method, the most frigid tactical rules, blocks the attack of Monarch Xiao step by step! Although so the procedure has made the massive casualties, but most dead, still beyond Demon Soul recycling range......” 主上,现在殿主正自召集西殿高手,以最强阵容,最极端的手段,最惨烈的战法,步步阻击笑君主的进攻!这般做法虽然制造了大量的伤亡,但绝大多数的死者,仍在魔魂回收范围之外……” The short and stout people kneel in front of Demon Revered, sound is serious: In other words, should enter Soul Power massive disappearing of altar, is unable the afflux altar...... Asked Boss to decide.” 矮胖子跪在魔尊面前,声音沉重:“换言之,原本该进入祭坛的灵魂力量大量散失,无从汇流祭坛……请主上定夺。” Black clothed Demon Revered silent, gloomy saying: Decides? How to decide? How did you tell me to decide?” 黑衣魔尊沉默了一下,阴森森的说道:“定夺?如何定夺?你告诉我该如何定夺?” This......” short and stout person hearing this stood in amazement immediately. “这……”矮胖子闻言登时楞住了。 The heart said that this isn't the matter that you most care about? Anybody thing in front of this matter, can allow to pass through? 心道,这不是你最在乎的事情吗?任何人事物在这件事面前,也要让路么? Now how actually to give a good account of oneself bystander to be ordinary? 怎么现在却又表现得好似没事人儿一般? Black clothed Demon Revered closes the eye, spooky saying: Makes few palaces main remove person. Said is...... I said.” 黑衣魔尊闭上眼睛,幽幽的说道:“让少殿主把人撤回来。就说是……我说的。” Short and stout person hearing this has gawked, immediately responded hurriedly: Yes!” 矮胖子闻言又楞了一下,随即急忙回应道:“是!” Said that Ba Ganjin left. 说罢赶紧离开了。 The funds that your previous quarter also has no alternative, the next moment, actually immediately gave has dealt with the instruction...... This... How this felt that has one type, was speaking to two people, no, should be is having two person dialogs of different thoughts with one, was similar this not normal feeling in any case...... 你前一刻还一副无可奈何的款,下一刻,却又立即给出了应对指令……这…这怎么感觉有一种,在跟两个人说话,不,应该是在跟一个拥有两种不同思维的人对话,反正就是类似这种不正常的感觉呢…… The short and stout people are similar to a wisp of azure smoke, abhorred Western Temple anxiously. 矮胖子如同一缕青烟,急疾去到了西殿 Palace main Sir, Boss said......” “殿主大人,主上说……” What did he say?” Turning the head of Zong Xingyu coldly. “他说什么?”宗星宇冷冷的转过头。 Boss said...... Let you stop temporarily to the blockade motion of Monarch Xiao, puts them to come, then in blocks, presently blockade place is inappropriate, non- is......” 主上说……让你暂时停止对笑君主的阻击行动,放他们进来,然后在予以阻击,当前的阻击地点不合适,非是……” Stops, I want to know that what status he is using to order me?” Zong Xingyu spooky saying: Your Boss is the Lord of Demon Soul Way, however Demon Soul Way is not Western Temple, but Western Temple, has a sound, that is I! I, am the Western Temple palace Lord!” “打住,我想知道,他是在用什么身份来命令我?”宗星宇幽幽的说道:“你的主上魔魂道之主,然而魔魂道不是西殿,而西殿,就只得一个声音,那就是我!我,才是西殿的殿主!” He does not have the standpoint, does not have the qualifications to order me.” Zong Xingyu arrogant turning the head, is gazing at short and stout person in black, indifferent saying: Therefore asked you to go back, passed on to your Boss. If wanted to say anything, or was wants to serve any purpose, oneself came, when the megaphone could not serve his purpose.” “他没有立场,更加没有资格命令我。”宗星宇傲慢的转头,注视着矮胖的黑衣人,冷漠的说道:“所以请你回去,转告你的主上。如果想要说什么,或者是想要达到什么目的,就自己来,让人当传声筒达不到他的目的。” The short and stout people were shocked all of a sudden. 矮胖子一下子愣住了。 He has a dream cannot think, manner unexpectedly so strong, such leaving no ground of Zong Xingyu. 他做梦都想不到,宗星宇的态度竟然是如此的强硬,如此的不留余地。 Before he comes, has thought this guild has certain hindering, so long as spoke attractively the words, was clear the stake analysis, can always serve the purpose, but own goal non- overruled the Zong Xingyu strategy comprehensively, but made him move the position to the altar range of validity, this on current situation, no doubt will have the loss of certain extent, but was far from a difficult matter. 他来之前有想过此行会有一定阻滞,但只要自己把话说得漂亮了,把利害关系分析清楚,总能达到目的,而自己的目的非是全面否决宗星宇的战略,只是让他把阵地移动到祭坛有效范围而已,这点就当前局势而言,固然会有一定程度的损失,但绝非难事。 But, he completely has not actually thought that Zong Xingyu had not planned discussed unexpectedly completely with oneself, direct rejection, unusual strength! 可是,他却完全没有想到,宗星宇竟完全没打算跟自己谈,直接拒绝,异乎寻常的强硬! Facing so strong Zong Xingyu, short and stout person is helpless immediately, what to do did not know. 面对如此强硬的宗星宇,矮胖子登时手足无措,不知道怎么办了。 Zong Xingyu is not obedient also well, is the Boss son. 宗星宇再不听话也好,也是主上的儿子。 Among others fathers and sons, what there is to say? Can't discuss? 人家父子之间,有什么不可以说?不可以商量的? Even if hits Heaven and Earth turning upside down, but are unable to speak. 哪怕是打得天翻地覆,但自己也是无法说话的。 Saw that Zong Xingyu chilling such as iron facial features, do not have to discuss the expression of leeway. 眼看着宗星宇冷硬如铁的面容、全无商量余地的表情。 The short and stout people sighed, can only turn around. 矮胖子叹了口气,只能转身回去。 After black clothed Demon Revered hears recovery, raised the day to look at for quite a while, after long time, said lightly: Eventually is only wisp of Demon Soul!” 黑衣魔尊听到回复之后,扬天看了半天,半晌之后,淡淡道:“终究只是一缕魔魂!” The short and stout people blink, obviously does not have the understanding what is heard black clothed Demon Revered meaning. 矮胖子眨着眼睛,显然是没听明白黑衣魔尊话里话外的含义。 You mean...... What? 您是说的……什么啊? Actually saw Demon Revered already to inspire the sleeve, suddenly, instant then lost the trail. 却见魔尊已然振袖而起,忽的一声,瞬时便失去了踪迹。 ...... …… Is Zong Xingyu is cold the face, the look flickering the view to regard the war in distant place constantly. 宗星宇冷着脸,眼神恒定一瞬不瞬地观视着远方的战局。 There, should fight, moreover fights unceasingly. 那里,应该在战斗,而且是不断地战斗。 Although the eyesight, could not have seen the concrete condition, but, Divine Sense can feel the general situation of that side, battlefield other end, almost every each many spaces are trembling for a while...... 虽然目力有所不及,看不到具体状况,但,神识还是能够感觉到那边的大致情况,战场彼端,几乎每一时每一刻都有许多空间在震颤…… But his look cold Rui, the eyeground deep place, the regulations are actually anticipating anything...... 但他的眼神虽然冷锐,眼底深处,实则却是在期待着什么…… He has not paid attention to the fight the complete mind in distant place. 他并没有将全部心神都关注于远方的战斗。 Should say that he over 90% attention, place at another matter. 或者应该说,他超过九成的关注度,都放在另一件事上。 His look and movement, the body, fell into the stiff condition, unusual is unharmonious. 以至于他的眼神、动作,身体,陷入了僵硬状态,异常的不和谐。 sound of the wind soughing, one group of black fog, suddenly obviously is near extremely the zenith. 风声飒然,一团黑雾,“忽”的一声显临极天顶。 The Zong Xingyu body shivered suddenly, but still stubborn has not turned head. 宗星宇的身躯陡然颤抖了一下,但仍自倔强的没有回头。 cultivation level profound such as he, naturally knows that was own father arrives. 修为高深如他,自然知道是自己的父亲到了。 But this moment Zong Xingyu, actually looked like an obstinate child, is spiteful with own father, I know that you came, I know that you had the words to say, I know you were discontented with me, but I did not turn head to visit you. 但这一刻的宗星宇,却像极了一个执拗的孩子,在和自己的父亲赌气,我知道你来了,我知道你有话要说,我知道你对我不满,但我就是不回头看你。 Can you I be what kind of?! 你能把我怎么样吧?! The black fog congealed the human form. 黑雾凝结成了人形。 Zong Xingyu was waiting. 宗星宇在等待。 Waiting, guessing, their father for these years, first home- will oneself, what in the end be saying with oneself? 等着,猜测着,自己的父亲这么多年来,第一次主动寻上自己,到底会跟自己说点什么? He was guessing exhaustively, even guessed own heart in bitter, shivered. 他绞尽脑汁的猜测着,甚至猜得自己的心都在酸涩,颤抖。 Was feeling the eye socket, because of the bitter moistness, in full Xu the eye socket the tears, cannot control unexpectedly gradually. 感觉着自己眼眶,因为酸涩的湿润,满蓄眼眶之中眼泪,竟渐渐控制不住。 However makes Zong Xingyu have a dream has not thought that oneself actually will hear 然而让宗星宇做梦也没有想到的,自己竟然会听到 You know that what you are making?” Demon Revered sound cold Bing Bing, had still been full of that indifferent meaning. “你知道你在做什么吗?”魔尊的声音冷冰冰的,仍旧充满了那种漠然的意味。 I know certainly that I am doing.” Zong Xingyu spiteful saying. “我当然知道我在干什么。”宗星宇赌气的说道。 I have not asked you to do, I only asked you, you know that what you were making?!” The Demon Revered sound is light, ice-cold. “我没问你干什么,我只问你,你知道你在做什么吗?!”魔尊的声音平淡,冰冷。 „Do I certainly know?” Zong Xingyu wants to erupt suddenly: „Can you not know? Father, since you......” “我当然知道?”宗星宇突然想要爆发:“你怎么会不知道?父亲,自从您……” His words cannot say, because, had been broken by Demon Revered. 他的话并没有能够说下去,因为,已经被魔尊打断。 The Demon Revered ice-cold eye is staring at him: Do not call my father!” 魔尊冰冷的眼睛盯着他:“不要叫我父亲!” Zong Xingyu is shocked. 宗星宇愣住。 You should call me for Boss.” Demon Revered visits him desolately. “你应该称呼我为主上。”魔尊冷淡的看着他。 Zong Xingyu two straighten. 宗星宇两眼发直。 Demon Soul Way, what Demon Soul?” Demon Revered visits him. 魔魂道,何谓魔魂?”魔尊看着他。 Zong Xingyu only thinks that in the brains Venus dodges randomly, performing is a fuzziness, suddenly unexpectedly does not know one are thinking that anything, does do, even does not know where own this occasion is. 宗星宇只觉头脑中金星乱闪,尽是一片模糊,一时间竟不知道自己在想什么、干什么,甚至不知道自己此际身在何方。 Demon Soul Way, is innumerable Demon Soul!” 魔魂道,就是无数魔魂!” All has practiced Demonic Art, passed through the Demon Revered baptism, is Demon Soul.” The Demon Revered eye does not have the least bit emotion visits him: In other words, you are also, is no exception.” “所有修炼了魔功,经过了魔尊洗礼的,便是魔魂。”魔尊眼睛不带半点情感的看着他:“换言之,你也是,也不例外。” I am also!?” Zong Xingyu under foot staggers, pedals the step on step on to draw back continually three steps, the corners of the mouth overflows a blood, the packed hole cannot believe is looking at Demon Revered: You said that I am also?! I am also......” “我也是!?”宗星宇脚下一个踉跄,蹬蹬蹬连退三步,嘴角溢出一丝鲜血,满眼不可置信地望着魔尊:“你说我也是?!我也是……” Good, you are also.” Demon Revered said lightly: You are wisp of Demon Soul, the volume are also just like this.” “不错,你也是。”魔尊淡淡道:“你也不过就是一缕魔魂,额如此而已。” In Zong Xingyu brains a blank. 宗星宇头脑中一片空白。 „The reason of so-called fathers and sons, misses radically \; More than 10,000 years of fathers and sons? However is an empty talk of deceiving people!” Demon Revered somewhat taunt is looking at him: You think that has that heavy affectionate righteousness that you imagine really?” “所谓父子之缘,根本无缘\;10000多年的父子?不过就是一句骗人的空话罢了!”魔尊有些嘲讽的望着他:“你以为真的有你想象的那么重情重义吗?” Zong Xingyu some hissings of collapse shout: You know that what you were saying? What is fathers and sons blood relationship, misses radically, all these, what relations also has with the heavy affectionate righteousness?” 宗星宇有些崩溃的嘶声喊道:“你知道你在说什么么?什么叫父子血缘,根本无缘,还有这一切,又与重情重义有什么关系?” Because of the reason of so-called fathers and sons, you doesn't dare not to obey the verbal command?” Demon Revered indifferent [say / way]: You have to rely on to favor, but arrogant energy? Guts of acting willfully? You believe that I won't certainly handle you? Therefore you dare to disregard and violate my order!” “不就是因为所谓的父子之缘,你才敢不听从号令?”魔尊冷漠的道:“你才有恃宠而骄的底气?一意孤行的胆量?你认为,我一定不会处置你?所以你才敢无视、违背我的命令!” Sums up in the end, because nothing more than you is a my son? Or were you once my son?” The Demon Revered words, like one sharpest steel knife, deeply prick the Zong Xingyu heart. “归根到底,不外就因为你是我儿子吗?或者说,你曾经是我儿子?”魔尊的话,就像一把把最最锋锐的钢刀,深深地刺入宗星宇的心头。 Causes his heart, instant tattered and torn dripping with blood. 令到他的心头,瞬时千疮百孔鲜血淋漓。 What was called once? What was called once?!” Zong Xingyu is almost intelligent confused calling: could it be that past whole family passing, did you forget unexpectedly? Did you forget really?” “什么叫做曾经?什么叫做曾经?!”宗星宇几乎是神智错乱的叫:“难道当年的一家人过往,您竟然都忘了吗?您真的都忘了吗?” Past years was the cause of whole family is not false, but, after you accepted the Demon Revered baptism, then this cause did not exist!” “当年是一家人的因缘不假,但,当你接受魔尊洗礼之后,这份因缘便即不复存在了!” Demon Revered coldly snort|hum: Already is the demon, what also wants these human the laughable emotions to make?” 魔尊冷冷的哼了一声:“既身为魔,还要这些人类的可笑情感做什么?” I warned your one time finally, was cherishes the memory of that finally, you thought assuredly...... That laughable fathers and sons friendship.” The Demon Revered black robe form flutters: Immediately removes your person!” “我最后警告你一次,也算是缅怀那最后一点,你笃定认为的……那一点可笑的父子情分。”魔尊黑袍身影飘飞而起:“立即将你的人撤回来!” If delayed my important matter seriously, even if you, only then early a day enters the altar, becomes......” “若是当真耽误了我的大计,就算是你,也只有早一天进入祭坛,成为……” „...... That already should pay, wisp of Demon Soul!” “……那早就该付出的,一缕魔魂!” The voice has not fallen, the Demon Revered form disappeared without the trace. 话音未落,魔尊的身影已告消失无踪。 Zong Xingyu carves the wood to model general looking at dumbly just like the putty in same place, long time is long time motionless. 宗星宇宛如泥雕木塑一般的呆立在原地,良久良久一动不动。 His lip unconsciousness is trembling, the corners of the mouth flow out the blood unceasingly, the look, performing are dying embers. 他的嘴唇无意识的哆嗦着,嘴角不断流出鲜血,眼神,尽是一片死灰。 He stands in extremely the summit of zenith dull, has stood for day a night, the morning breeze rain and dew, dyed white his hair. That originally pitch-black long hair, when he moves, completely was unexpectedly grayish white. 他呆呆的站在极天顶之巅,站了一天一夜,晨风雨露,染白了他的头发。那头原本乌黑的长发,在他重新活动起来的时候,竟然完全的灰白了。 Regains the active state Zong Xingyu, the physique seemed like still such as in the past general tall and straight, actually gave people one type already the feelings of some rickets. 重新恢复活动状态的宗星宇,身姿看似仍如往昔一般的挺拔,却给人一种已经有些佝偻的感觉。 Certain things in heart, caved. 心中的某些东西,已经塌陷了。 Zong Xingyu returned to the Western Temple main shrine in big strides, immediately, by the strongest tough stance, has issued an order 宗星宇大踏步地返回了西殿主殿,随即,以最强势的强硬态度,发布了一条命令 „The Western Temple whole staff is respective, performs all sends out! All people and others, arrive in the battlefield after the transmission of order earliest possible time rapidly! The imperial enemy in the Western Temple main summit 300 inside and outside, dies extremely!” 西殿全员所属,尽皆出动!所有人等,在命令传达后的第一时间迅速抵达战场!御敌于西殿主巅300里外,不胜则死!” If prevents the Monarch Xiao army incompetently, then, Western Temple up and down on collective falling from the sky 300 miles away!” “若是无能阻挡笑君主大军,那么,西殿上下就集体陨灭于300里之外!” This order instantly carries out!” “此命令即刻执行!” Within half quarter, Western Temple does not have the collection respectively on time tying, cuts without the amnesty!” “在半刻钟之内,西殿所属没有集按时结者,斩无赦!” This order, transmits immediately, transmits to each Western Temple respective cultivator hand. 这条命令,立即传送出去,传送到每一个西殿所属的修者手中。 Outside, makes a sound immediately the shocking ding. 外面,即时响起来震天的钟声。 The innumerable forms, nearly urgently press the general speed by one type, from catches up in all directions. 无数身影,以一种近乎催命一般的速度,自四面八方赶过来。 &\;...... &\;...... &\;……&\;…… <\; wants to write that conflict diligently, has rewritten three manuscripts...... Has written about the present, these many...... >\; <\;努力想写那种冲突,重写了三稿……一直写到现在,就这么多……>\;
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