RITF :: Volume #15

#1482: Fathers and sons?

Suddenly, Demon Revered mood all of a sudden wild, black fog Demon Qi is dense, exclaiming of violent anger: Hateful!” 突然间,魔尊的情绪一下子狂暴了起来,一阵黑雾魔气氤氲,暴怒的吼道:“可恶!” Ye Xiao, I not only wants your person, your body, your spiritual energy, your Divine Soul, I must lock your Yuan Spirit 1 million years sleepily, every day must by bound­less Demon Fire, suffer you, devastates you, your this scoundrel bastard, daring bad this majesty good deed......” 叶笑,我不但要你的人,你的身体,你的灵力,你的神魂,我要困锁你的元灵1000000年,每天都要以无边魔火,折磨你,蹂躏你,你这个混账王八蛋,竟敢坏本座的好事……” Bang, tornado suddenly the flat land curls up, suddenly flushed. “轰”的一声,一阵旋风蓦然平地卷起,“忽”的一声冲了出去。 Outside, does not know that in far ground, in the sky the sudden wind and cloud surges, blustery. 外面,不知道多远的地面上,天空中突然风云激荡,风起云涌。 Person who all hears this calling out, no matter the cultivation level height, all startled without exception hits to tremble spirit. 所有听到这一声暴吼的人,不管修为高低,无一例外悉数激灵灵地打了个寒颤。 This flickers, seemed late at night has passed through the wilderness grave simply, had been assailed that feeling of body by cold winds suddenly. 这一瞬,简直就好似深夜走过了荒郊坟地,突地被一片阴风吹袭过身体的那种感觉。 The black clothed Venerable gloomy pupil , is taking a look, 63 people who maintains the altar operation that cannot be perceived continually. 黑衣尊者阴森森的眸子,在不可觉察的打量着,正在持续维持祭坛运作的63个人。 Long time after long time, the eyelid closes finally, said to oneself gently: So, should be...... Has sufficed......” 良久良久之后,眼皮终于阖上,轻轻地对自己说道:“如此,应该是……够了……” The black robe is floating, walks outward gradually. 黑袍飘飘,往外缓步走去。 Black clothed Venerable goes outward, in addition together purple robe person's shadow, actually since outside walking into a hurry, stands in his front. 黑衣尊者向外而去,另一道紫袍人影,却自从外面匆匆的走入,站在他的面前。 Black robe Demon Revered stands firm, the gaze of vision any expression has not been coming the person: Has the matter?” 黑袍魔尊站定,目光没有任何表情的注视着来人:“有事?” Father, according to the latest news, Monarch Xiao had the person to destroy Eastern Temple, this occasion from turning toward Western Temple comes.” “父亲,根据最新消息,笑君主已经带人摧毁了东殿,此际正自向着西殿这边过来。” Comes to the person Western Temple palace to advocate Zong Xingyu. 来人正是西殿殿主宗星宇 Also black robe Demon Revered Zong Yuankai only biological son. 也正是黑袍魔尊宗元凯唯一的亲生儿子。 At this moment, the color of complaint the anxiety of his whole face, among the looks, one share could not have said. 此刻,他满脸的焦急,神色间,还有一股子说不出的埋怨之色。 Um, knew.” Black clothed Demon Revered unemotionally to nod, replied unguardedly, at once again takes a step to walk outward. “嗯,知道了。”黑衣魔尊面无表情点点头,信口回答道,旋即又再举步往外走去。 Father!” Zong Xingyu has blocked him, anxious saying: I am not clear, why do we want to look on the Eastern Temple destruction? Why can't serve with the aid? Eastern Temple Western Temple, the brothers, interdependence of two neighboring states!” “父亲!”宗星宇拦住了他,焦急的说道:“我不明白,为什么我们要坐视着东殿覆灭?为什么就不能施以援手?东殿西殿,同气连枝,唇亡齿寒啊!” Black clothed Demon Revered snort|hum, said: Eastern Temple is Eastern Temple, how with Western Temple brothers! So long as you govern your Western Temple are, pays attention to other senselessly.” 黑衣魔尊哼了一声,道:“东殿东殿,怎么就跟西殿同气连枝了!你只要掌管你的西殿就是,无谓理会其他。” Zong Xingyu said anxiously: But Eastern Temple is also our painstaking care, is the state power that the father Sir you fights to win personally, tens of thousands years, such shortly have been destroyed in a moment...... I, I really......” 宗星宇焦急地说道:“可东殿也是我们的心血,更加是父亲大人您亲手打下来的江山,几万年了,就这么眼看着毁于一旦……我,我实在……” Black clothed Demon Revered cold Bing Bing looked at his one eyes, did not say a word. 黑衣魔尊冰冰的看了他一眼,一言不发。 Child wants to know the reason.” Zong Xingyu persists in pursuing asks. “孩儿想要知道理由。”宗星宇坚持追问道。 Reason? What reason?” Black clothed Demon Revered both eyes open and close dim light twinkle: Your could it be that is first day the profession rivers and lakes, actually asked that such naive issue, the rivers and lakes always do not need the reason, only needs the strength.” “理由?什么理由?”黑衣魔尊双目开阖之间幽光闪烁:“你难道是第一天行道江湖,竟然问出这样幼稚的问题,江湖从来都不需要理由,只需要拥有实力。” But we are obviously competent.” Zong Xingyu is somewhat excited: Even though surrounding strength completely goes, the strength that but we have was still enough! Even if cannot preserve Eastern Temple completely, but if aids to retreat the Eastern Temple high level, the least bit issue does not have!” “可是我们明明有实力。”宗星宇有些激动:“纵使外围实力尽去,但我们所拥有的实力仍旧足够!纵然不能将东殿完全保全,但若是将东殿高层接应撤退出来,还是半点问题都没有!” Even, if we leave to try, expert completely leaves, not necessarily cannot at a Eastern Temple war, completely execute Ye Xiao and the others!” “甚至于,若是咱们出尽全力,高手尽出,未必不能就在东殿一战,将叶笑等人全部格杀!” We can achieve obviously!” “我们明明能做到的!” But father Sir you actually rather helplessly looks that Eastern Temple was slaughtered up and down!” “但是父亲大人你却宁可眼睁睁地看着东殿上下被屠戮一空!” Child is extremely puzzled, hopes that the father Sir does dispel doubt?” On the Zong Xingyu face unexpectedly is the color of pain: Eastern Temple is also the painstaking care under father ten thousand years of difficult establishment, where to go so far as to abandons such as the worn-out slippers......” “孩儿对此万分不解,期盼父亲大人解惑?”宗星宇脸上竟是痛苦之色:“东殿亦是父亲万年艰辛创立下的心血,何至于弃如敝屣……” The black clothed Demon Revered look was similar to two ice-cold advantage arrows has shot, closely was staring at the face of Zong Xingyu: You also said that is I ten thousand years of painstaking care, is my painstaking care! Right?” 黑衣魔尊眼神如同两道冰冷的利箭射了过来,紧紧地盯着宗星宇的脸:“你也说是我万年的心血,是我的心血!是吗?” Zong Xingyu learns suddenly this not to pass actually passes, resembles the principle non- principle the words, gains ground in consternation, is looking at own father that ice-cold, moreover unfeeling face, suddenly mind absent-minded, hissing sound track: Yes, Eastern Temple is your painstaking care! How therefore you want to destroy how destroy, right?” 宗星宇乍闻这一句不通却通,似理非理的话语,愕然抬头,望着自己的父亲那冰冷而且绝情的脸,突然间心神一阵恍惚,嘶声道:“是,东殿是您的心血!所以您想怎么毁灭就怎么毁灭,是吗?” In the sound of Zong Xingyu this occasion, already the flavors of some hysterias. 宗星宇此际的声音里,已经有些歇斯底里的味道。 Yes!” “是!” Black clothed Demon Revered look constant ice-cold, seems the ice layer cracks for the first time boils up this character generally, the whole person looks like the ice-cold sculpture that a millennium ten thousand years of snowy mountain does not go against, is gorgeously motionless, the infinite woods are cold. 黑衣魔尊眼神恒定的冰冷,好似冰层乍裂一般地迸出这个字,整个人更像千年万年不化雪山顶上的冰冷雕塑,巍然不动,无限森寒。 The Zong Xingyu body shakes suddenly, sudden is incapable of feeling that multiplies spontaneously. 宗星宇身躯陡然一震,突然一股无力感觉油然滋生。 This flash, he does not even know one must say anything, should say anything, only then felt vacant that the indescribable weariness, as well as is absentminded. 这一瞬间,他甚至已经不知道自己要说点什么,该说点什么,就只有感觉到难以言喻的疲倦,以及失魂落魄的茫然。 Nearly does not have the look of focal distance to look to own father, the sound moves fast: This service...... Also died in battle including Wu Fa, dies in the Ye Xiao hand......” 近乎没有焦距的眼神看向自己父亲这边,声音飘忽:“这一役……连武法也战死了,死在叶笑手中……” The black clothed Demon Revered look is similar to two bottomless deep deep pools, visits him to speak, actually does not respond. 黑衣魔尊眼神如同两口无底深潭,看着他说话,却并不搭言。 Entire Eastern Temple...... All manpower, regardless of the expert ordinary disciple does not have a life, was all killed, Eastern Temple became the historical term......” Zong Xingyu continues again. “整个东殿……所有人手,无论高手还是普通弟子无一活命,悉数丧命,东殿已经成为了历史名词……”宗星宇继续再说。 Black clothed Demon Revered had still not spoken, whole body lonesome however, as if in this moment, whole person changed to the nihility, integrates void. 黑衣魔尊仍旧没有说话,满身寂然,似乎在这一刻,整个人都化作了虚无,融入虚空。 Now, the enemy from building up expert, comes toward Western Temple, being ruthless intention obvious......” Zong Xingyu was saying at a loss. “现在,敌人正自集结高手,向着西殿这边而来,赶尽杀绝的意图昭然若揭……”宗星宇茫然的说着。 The black clothed Demon Revered look changed finally, this is only until now a change. 黑衣魔尊的眼神终于变化了一下,这是迄今为止仅有的一丝变化。 Zong Xingyu actually very much keenly catches this change, was suddenly excited, said loudly: You also planned...... Wants your another painstaking care, Western Temple, sacrificed like Eastern Temple?!” 宗星宇却是很敏锐地捕捉到了这一丝变化,情绪突然激动起来,大声说道:“您是不是还打算……想要将您的另一份心血,西殿,也像东殿那样牺牲掉?!” While saying these words, the Zong Xingyu complexion rises suddenly red, agitated indignation. 在说出这一句话的同时,宗星宇的脸色突然涨得通红,情绪激动愤慨至极。 But black clothed Demon Revered still had not spoken, even again does not have the least bit to fluctuate including the look. 可是黑衣魔尊仍旧没有说话,甚至连眼神都再无半点波动。 Zong Xingyu is staring at own father eyeful angrily: Your base industry is hits by your foot, in any event chooses, we do not have the complaint!” 宗星宇满眼愤怒地盯着自己的父亲:“您的基业都是由您一手一脚打下来的,无论如何抉择,我们毫无怨言!” Black clothed Demon Revered had the movement for the first time, turns around, is leaning the head, is crooked the head, is looking at own son with a very interesting look. 黑衣魔尊首度有了动作,转身,侧着头,歪着脑袋,用一种很有趣的眼神望着自己的儿子。 However in look, actually not slight tender feeling. 然而眼神中,却并没有丝毫的温情。 Zong Xingyu can definitely feel that indifferently, feel alienated. 宗星宇完全能够感觉到那份漠然、疏离。 His father, is looking at his look, probably looks at an irrelevant stranger simply! 自己的父亲,望着自己的眼神,简直就好像看着一个毫不相关的陌生人! Simply does not have among the fathers and sons to have that emotion that feeling. 根本没有父子之间应该有的那种情感,那种感觉。 The feeling of this kinship unusual feel alienated, in these years, after basic each contact, will feel that this feeling was more obvious a point. 这种亲情异常疏离的感觉,在这些年里面,基本每一次接触之后,都会感觉这种感觉更加明显了一分。 As if his father, the so-called sentiment, forgetting bit by bit, peeling bit by bit, casting behind bit by bit, no longer duplicate has gradually. 似乎自己的父亲,渐渐将所谓感情,一点一点的忘记,一点一点的剥离,一点一点的抛诸脑后,不再复拥有。 He...... As if...... Lost an achievement gradually person should have the emotion! 他……似乎……已经渐渐丧失了一个作为‘人’的该拥有情感! Um, is all emotions! 嗯,是所有情感! A moral nature heartfelt stabbing pain feeling of Zong Xingyu multiplies, saying that muttered spontaneously: We do not have the complaint, we do not have the qualifications to have the complaint...... However the father, does not know that you do have to think, Western Temple here, but there are your son, daughter-in-law, grandson, great-grandson...... Western Temple, has your many family members and family members...... Do you still remember this matter?” 宗星宇的心底一份由衷的刺痛感觉油然滋生,喃喃的说道:“我们毫无怨言,我们没有资格有怨言……但是父亲,不知道您有没有想过,西殿这里,可是有您的儿子,儿媳,孙子,重孙……西殿,有您许多的亲人、家人……您还记得这件事吗?” Black clothed Demon Revered indifferent nod, said lightly: I remember that Western Temple, is not Eastern Temple, in Western Temple has my son, the grandson, all my family members, I remember.” 黑衣魔尊漠然的点点头,淡淡道:“我记得的,西殿,不是东殿,西殿里有我的儿子,孙子,我所有的亲人,我有记得。” He said is such being perfunctory, like this careless. 他说得是这样的敷衍,这样的漫不经心。 When spoke these words, in heart of black clothed Demon Revered, even lives a taunt, impulsion that as well as wants to smile very much. 在说这句话的时候,黑衣魔尊的心中,甚至生出来一种嘲讽,以及很想笑的冲动。 Family member? 亲人? Ha! 哈! Family member?! 亲人?! Is meaningful to the demon chart great undertaking, helpful? 对魔图大业有意义么,有帮助么? If answer negative, was also worth speaking thoughtlessly, why must to care! 如果答案是否定的,那么也就值得随口说说,何须更多在意! A heart icy coldness of Zong Xingyu. 宗星宇的心头一片冰凉。 In front of Zong Yuankai he is a son, but after abandoning this status, he also similarly is one has the innumerable story experience wisdom old person, naturally knows that what is the sincerity, what Wei to be perfunctory, what Wei to ignore, what Wei...... Disregard! 宗元凯面前他是一个儿子,但抛开这层身份之后,他也同样是一个有无数阅历经验智慧的老人,自然知道何为真心,何为敷衍,何为漠视,何为……无视! He has turned the head, the vision looks out in this gloomy place, that nine gloomy altar, that different color flame...... 他转过头,目光遥望在这一片阴森森的地方,那九个阴森森的祭坛,那不同颜色的火焰…… In the eye flashes through color of the intense hatred. 眼中闪过一丝强烈至极的憎恨之色。 His vision sweeps these not to respond and only with single-hearted devotion output Essence Yuan to own arrival to figure of altar, in the eye reveals a moved pain. 他的目光扫过那些个对自己的到来毫无反应、只专心输出精元给祭坛的身形,眼中露出一种至极的伤感痛楚。 His vision stays for a very long time drearily, actually dedicated. 他的目光久久停留、惨淡却专注。 Has many people, in own childhood time, once smiled the elder who hugs to play...... In process that oneself grow, many of them once spare no effort protected in their side...... 这其中有很多人,都是在自己幼年时候,曾经满脸笑容抱着自己玩耍的长辈……在自己成长的过程中,他们许多人都曾经不遗余力地保护在自己的身旁…… Meticulous looks after itself, even if goes all out the dying war \; They will not allow anybody to injure to themselves, even if a fine hair! 无微不至的照看自己,纵然拼命死战\;他们也不会允许任何人伤害到自己哪怕一根汗毛! One, are the treasure in their hearts most treasuring! 自己,就是他们心中最珍视的宝贝! These people, completely are father's youngest brothers, his uncle, the uncles, oneself respects them, respects and loves them \; Has them, oneself will again then not dread any matter in this world, any dangers and difficulties! 这些人,全部都是父亲的老兄弟,自己的叔叔,伯伯们,自己尊敬他们,敬爱他们\;有他们在,自己便不会再畏惧这世上的任何物事,任何艰难险阻! But, does not know when from starts, they changed, becomes uncommunicative, becomes does not like taking a walk, becomes the appearance withered, changes beyond all recognition, becomes...... One could not find them unexpectedly again in the past the shadow. 但,不知道从什么时候开始,他们都变了,变得沉默寡言,变得不喜欢走动,变得容颜枯槁、面目全非,变得……自己竟再也找不到他们往昔影子。 The intimate elder, no longer was once familiar, was strange, was completely strange, meets just likes does not see, then, their vanished from the outside, from scolded the zha world present age powerhouse, reduced into to sit here the motionless statue. 曾经至为亲密的长辈、不再熟悉,进而陌生,完全陌生,见面恍如不见,然后,他们一个个的从外界消失,从原本叱咤天下的当世强者,沦落成为一个坐在这里一动不动的雕像。 Before everyone enters here, oneself will hold a grand funeral outside. 每一个人进入这里之前,自己都会在外面举行一个盛大的葬礼。 Own bright clearly knows they have not died, but, this funeral must manage, from the beginning, oneself also very much conflict \; Living can the person, why hold the funeral? 自己明明知道他们没有死,但,这葬礼还是要办,一开始,自己还很抵触\;活着的人,为什么要办葬礼? But...... Also was afterward used to it gradually, or is because has understood, understood clearly. 但……后来渐渐也就习惯了,或者是因为了解了,了然了。 So long as entered here person...... So long as entered this gloomy place, they had been equal to a deceased person. 只要进入了这里的人……只要进入了这个阴森森的地方,他们本质上就已经等同于一个死人。 No longer spoke. 不再说话。 No longer drinks water. 不再喝水。 No longer eats meal. 不再吃饭。 Even, no longer rotates including their eyeballs \; Every day, such sitting constantly, with their lives, soul, with Elementary Force, provides for these gloomy altars! 甚至于,连他们的眼珠子都不再转动\;每一天,就只是这么一味的坐着,用他们的生命,灵魂,和元力,来供养这几个阴森森的祭坛! God knows, Zong Xingyu in the end is what kind hatred these altars, hates this gloomy place. 天知道,宗星宇到底是何等的憎恨这几个祭坛,憎恨这个阴森森的地方。 This altar, it has won himself all tender feelings in this world! 正是这个祭坛,它夺走了自己在这世界上的一切温情! Zong Xingyu has been full of the hope and tender feeling look looks at 63 people who the corpse same is sitting \; The sound is also getting more and more loud, seems quarrels general, by his cultivation level, spoke desirably loudly the time says a few words simply is similar to rumbling the thunder clap, several hundred li (0.5km) road can hear. 宗星宇充满了希望与温情的眼神望着僵尸一样坐着的63个人\;声音也越来越大,似乎是吵架一般,以他的修为,刻意大声说话的时候说出一句话简直如同轰轰雷震,几百里路都能听得到。 Quarrelled, it would be better if said that he was holding plan accidentally, hopes that these executed the language of heart to awaken these to step the elders of road of no return! 与其说是吵架,莫如说他抱着万一的打算,希望这些诛心之语可以惊醒这些踏上不归路的长辈们! But, that 63 people always turn a deaf ear, not only figure is motionless, has not rotated including the eyeball. 但,那63个人始终充耳不闻,非但身形一动不动,连眼珠都没有转动一下。 Black clothed Demon Revered calmly thinks so that the son is going crazy, how he does not know the plan of own son, innumerable has repressed wanted take action execution the impulsion, in the heart still unceasingly reminds itself: This is my son, this is my son, my son, the son...... 黑衣魔尊就这么静静地看着儿子在发疯,他如何不知道自己儿子的打算,更已经无数次按耐下了要出手格杀之的冲动,心中兀自不断提醒自己:这是我儿子,这是我儿子,我儿子,儿子…… The son, cannot kill! 儿子,不能杀! But from the tyrannical mood of soul, is actually more and more intense, is getting more and more unquenchable. 但源自灵魂的暴虐情绪,却是越来越强烈,越来越难以抑制。 Yes, is not the conscience, from the repugnance of soul, this mood causes him exceptionally this tiny humanity such loudly to speak in front of oneself repugnantly at present unexpectedly, four fearless provoke the authoritative motion...... 是的,就是非为本心,源自灵魂的反感,这种情绪令到他异常讨厌眼前这个渺小人类居然在自己面前这么大声说话,肆无忌惮地挑衅自己权威的行动…… If not from conscience twittering, prompts at present the person over and over in own relational origin, or black clothed Demon Revered had already executed the eye predecessor, this is the seesaw battle between Demonized souls and a conscience kinship! 如果不是源自本心的呢喃,再三提示眼前人于自己的关系渊源,或者黑衣魔尊早就将眼前人格杀了,这是魔化灵魂与本心亲情之间的一场拉锯战! You did not need to shout again.” Black clothed Demon Revered coldly opens the mouth finally: Their anything cannot hear, wastes the plans senselessly, makes a futile effort.” “你不用再喊了。”黑衣魔尊终于冷冷地开口:“他们什么都听不到,无谓白费心机,徒劳无功。” But they are living obviously, is living hopefully!” Zong Xingyu enraged blurting out. “但他们明明还活着,活着就有希望!”宗星宇气冲冲的脱口而出道。 Living... We hope that...” Black clothed Demon Revered shakes the head, suddenly mute laughs in spite of trying not to: He He he he......” “活着…希望…”黑衣魔尊摇头,突然哑然失笑:“呵呵呵呵……” Hears such laughter, Zong Xingyu feels absolutely terrifiedly, an unprecedented sense of fear multiplies spontaneously. 听到这样的笑声,宗星宇顿感毛骨悚然,一股前所未有的恐惧感油然滋生。 „Is your true knowledge Daus living?” In the black clothed Demon Revered eye jack-o '- lantern is sparkling spookily, sees own son: „The condition like you, competently said that is living.” “你真知道什么是活着吗?”黑衣魔尊眼中幽幽地鬼火闪耀着,看着自己的儿子:“像你这样的状态,才够资格说一句活着。” Zong Xingyu deeply inspired, only felt that the heartbeat does not have the origin more to jump is quicker, asking of unexpected happening: That...... Is the father, you, living now?” 宗星宇深深地吸了一口气,只感觉心跳没由来越跳越快,鬼使神差的问道:“那……父亲,您,现在还活着吗?” The black clothed Demon Revered cold An look, instant changed is similar to cuts to divide the vault of heaven the swift and fierce sharp sword, turns the head suddenly, is staring at son's pupil stubbornly, bunch of rich Black Qi, brave from his eye, each group of Demon Qi brave, automatic changed to a black lotus flower before him, raises slowly. 黑衣魔尊原本冷安的眼神,瞬时化作如同斩劈天穹的凌厉利剑,霍然转头,死死地盯着自己儿子的眸子,一团团的浓郁黑气,从他的眼睛里冒出来,每一团魔气冒出来,就自动的在他面前化作了一朵黑色的莲花,冉冉升起。 That spookily, static, ice-cold, indifferently...... Look. 那幽幽地,静静的,冰冷的,漠然的……眼神。 Why Zong Xingyu does not know, under this look gaze, withdrew unexpectedly panic-stricken one step, eyeful completely is the fear. 宗星宇不知道为何,在这眼神注视之下,竟然惊慌失措的退后了一步,满眼尽是恐惧。 You hope that I do die?” Black clothed Demon Revered was still fixing the eyes on Zong Xingyu. “你希望我死吗?”黑衣魔尊仍旧紧盯着宗星宇 Zong Xingyu shakes the head again and again, losing sound track of flurried non- handling: Not...... Child does not have this meaning, how can......” 宗星宇连连摇头,慌乱无措的失声道:“不不不……孩儿没有这个意思,怎么会呢……” Both eyes of black clothed Demon Revered, are gazing at Zong Xingyu for a long time, flickers. 黑衣魔尊的双眼,长久的注视着宗星宇,一瞬不瞬。 Zong Xingyu falls into the panic-stricken condition thoroughly, is hard to extricate oneself. 宗星宇彻底陷入心慌意乱的状态之中,难以自拔。 Long time after long time, black clothed Demon Revered closes the eye, but that terrifying gloominess, closes one's eyes in it flickers, does not save in light of this. 良久良久之后,黑衣魔尊闭上眼睛,而那种恐怖的阴森,亦在其闭眼一瞬,就此不存。 Until at this moment, Zong Xingyu gradually restores to shock, the fright decides slightly 直至此刻,宗星宇才渐渐恢复震惊,惊魂稍定 Father, I knows...... I know that the father you are achieving great accomplishment, the important matter of glistening century later generation......” muttering of Zong Xingyu whole face pain said: These years, I with every effort have also been coordinating...... But, does not know when from starts, I could not see the father in memory again, only had the dream to return at midnight, the father in memory, will reappear, since recollection I was young time, I was mischievous, you spanked my......” “父亲,我知道……我知道父亲您在做大事,辉耀千秋后世的大事……”宗星宇满脸痛苦的喃喃说道:“这些年来,我也一直在尽力配合……但,不知道从什么时候开始,我再也见不到记忆中的父亲了,唯有午夜梦回,记忆中的父亲,才会再现,回忆起我小的时候,我调皮,您打我屁股……” I have been injured, you dress the wound for me...... When my travelling rivers and lakes, was bullied, your face angry expression and gets angry the tone that I do not struggle......” “我受伤了,您为我包扎伤口……我游历江湖之时,被人所欺负,您那一脸愤怒的表情和怒我不争的口气……” „When, I go out, you cross the hands behind the back to stand in the mountain top, gaze after the form that I go far away......” “还有,我出门时,您在山头负手而立,目送我远去的身影……” Zong Xingyu more said that more feels sad: I still remember that you last time called my name, called me Xingyu...... Before 7327, that is the last time......” 宗星宇越说越是心酸:“我还记得的,您最后一次叫我的名字,叫我星宇……是在7327年前,那是最后一次……” What reason in the end is, makes you turn into the appearance of present unexpectedly?” Zong Xingyu grief and indignation, depressing asked. 到底是什么原因,竟然让您变成了现在的这个样子?”宗星宇悲愤的,压抑的质问道。 I am your son! Biological son!” “我可是您的儿子啊!亲儿子!” The Zong Xingyu tears drop. 宗星宇眼泪滴落下来。 Black clothed Demon Revered still such as statue general is standing, the look flashed heterochrosis \; At once said lightly: Now is faced with an archenemy, how is the appropriate time that concerns deep love between man and woman, he establishes a capital city toward the general situation, explained things innately.” 黑衣魔尊仍如雕像一般的站立着,眼神闪动了一点异色\;旋即淡淡道:“现在大敌当前,如何是论及儿女情长的适当时候,他朝大局定鼎,自有分说。” Still was perfunctory, refused as before, throughout was inexplicable, said that did not scavenge unclearly! 仍旧是敷衍,依旧是推搪,始终是不明不白,说不清道不明! In the Zong Xingyu eye only hope flame is put out rapidly, does not exist. 宗星宇眼中仅有的一丝希冀火焰迅速熄灭下来,不复存在。 He deeply inspired, was returned to normal by own mood, said in a soft voice: Truly is faced with an archenemy, the circumstance is hard to be optimistic, this occasion Monarch Xiao and the others, lead large quantities of peak expert, in catching up with Western Temple on the way, finally the war will be ready to be set off. The father, how we may I ask us to deal?” 他深深吸了一口气,让自己的情绪恢复平静,轻声道:“确实是大敌当前,情势难以乐观,此际笑君主等人,率领大批的巅峰高手,已经在赶来西殿的途中,不日将至,最终大战一触即发。父亲,我们敢问咱们应该如何应对?” These words that Zong Xingyu spoke, most start, but also somewhat excited mood, but spoke of afterward, returned to completely normal, was the tone that one type was conscientious in discharging official duties and writes in a straightforward manner. 宗星宇所说的这句话,最开始的时候,还有些激动的情绪,但说到后来,已经恢复到了完全的平静,就是一种公事公办、平铺直叙的口吻。 Black clothed Demon Revered said lightly: This war is inevitable, puts them to come in!” 黑衣魔尊淡淡道:“此战不可避免,放他们进来!” Puts them to come in?” Zong Xingyu gains ground, the packed hole cannot believe is gazing at own father, could not bear has duplicated one: Does not make any resistance seriously, whatever they do push directly into?” “放他们进来?”宗星宇抬头,满眼不可置信地注视着自己的父亲,忍不住又重复了一句:“当真就不做任何抵抗,任由他们长驱直入?” Good.” Black clothed Demon Revered takes a step easely, said lightly: In Western Temple, at one fell swoop quells the entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory revolt influence, henceforth, the mighty waves are outmoded!” “不错。”黑衣魔尊悠然举步,淡淡道:“就在西殿之内,将整个青云天域的反抗势力一举荡平,从此,波澜不兴!” These words said extremely have imposing manner, resembling is sporty. 这句话说得可谓极有气势,似是底气十足。 But Zong Xingyu still somewhat was actually hard to accept: In this that the enemy attacks all the way, whatever even if it pushes directly into and does not make the resistance, only feared along the way must have several thousand disciples to lose the life!” 宗星宇却仍旧有些难以接受:“可是在对方来袭的这一路上,纵然任由其长驱直入、不做抵抗,沿途只怕也要有数万弟子失去性命!” Black clothed Demon Revered leaned slightly profile, said in a soft voice: Superior win and inferior wash out, the law of the jungle, this is the rivers and lakes iron fule, your first day wander the martial world?!” 黑衣魔尊微微地侧了侧脸,轻声道:“优胜劣汰,弱肉强食,这本是江湖铁则,你第一天闯荡江湖吗?!” Zong Xingyu clenches teeth, arouses answering of courage: This...... Please child should not be able to obey orders!” 宗星宇一咬牙,鼓足勇气的回话道:“这个……请恕孩儿无法从命!” The body of black clothed Demon Revered was similar to dark clouds fluttered, sound indifferently tasteless transmitting: That also by you.” 黑衣魔尊的身子如同一片黑云飘了出去,声音漠然无味的传来:“那也由得你。” Ice-cold, does not have least bit sentiment meaning as always as always. 一如既往地冰冷、一如既往地全无半点感情意味。 The black clothed Demon Revered form, such disappeared, disappears again. 黑衣魔尊的身影,就这么消失了,再不见踪影。
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