RITF :: Volume #15

#1481: The demon Senior the anger 【Four unite】

Eastern Temple can the fine jade be bright with Western Temple for a while, the high-end strength that has can be imagined, profound ice Jun Yinglian and other people consumed the Elementary Force annihilation ambush a moment ago greatly Demon Source Black Qi, the strength sold at a discount unavoidably, is hard to form the most direct destruction attack to the opposite party high-end strength, to attack the Eastern Temple personnel much facing opposite party crazy backlash , the situation is unsatisfactory, even is in imminent danger, suddenly cannot obtain the aid to assist, since the situation was several times except the demon campaign, most critical one time. 东殿能够与西殿一时瑜亮,所拥有的高端战力可想而知,玄冰君应怜等五人刚才大耗元力湮灭潜伏的魔源黑气,战力不免打了折扣,便难以对对方高端战力形成最直接的毁灭打击,是以不少进攻东殿的己方人员面对对方疯狂反噬之下,形势不佳,甚至是岌岌可危,一时间却得不到援手相助,态势可谓是数次除魔战役以来,最危急的一次。 But, after Ye Xiao such one slaughters, immediately is actually out of danger, even is in the upper hand greatly! 但,在叶笑这么一圈屠戮之后,却即时转危为安,甚至是大占上风! The Ye Xiao rapid flight enters randomly, reverses war, returns rapidly, sends such as rainbow sword light again, covers to kill toward Wu Fa and Qi Fenglie. 叶笑疾飞乱入,逆转战局,迅速转回,再发如虹剑光,向着武法齐峰烈掩杀过去。 This goes, the Eastern Temple aspect at least more than 700 people were killed dead under the Ye Xiao sword . Moreover, these 700 people of overwhelming majorities are strength extraordinary high level cultivator, is the Eastern Temple respective elite strength! 就这一来一去,东殿方面至少700多人丧命死在了叶笑剑下,而且,这700人绝大多数都是实力非凡的高阶修者,亦是东殿所属的精英战力! This flash's accident, Wu Fa and Qi Fenglie look at corner of the eye to crack, what a pity they withstood full killing of Ye Xiao, the body is also at the fallback state of not being able to control, even though has a mind, is incapable eventually the take action intervention, until stabilizing figure time, Ye Xiao came back. 这一瞬间的变故,武法齐峰烈看得睚眦欲裂,可惜他们承受了叶笑的全力袭杀,身体还处在控制不住的后退状态,纵使有心,终究无力出手干预,及至稳定身形的时候,叶笑已经又回来了。 Vast sword light twinkle, chopping right in the face! 浩瀚剑光闪烁,劈头盖脸的剁将下来! Facing two super expert, Ye Xiao sword style does not have the methodicalness unexpectedly, probably is chopping the spareribs to be ordinary simply. 面对两位超级高手,叶笑的出剑方式竟是全无章法,简直就好像是是在剁排骨一般。 This is despising, or disregards! 这是一种至极的蔑视,又或者说是无视! In the Wu Fa look flashes before dismal of dead end. 武法眼神中闪现出一股穷途末路的悲凉。 Not long, oneself face Ye Xiao, only needs to wave to make his dying innumerable. 曾几何时,自己面对叶笑,只需要一挥手就能让他死无数次。 And even previous cherish hatred to suffer defeat, both sides' real relative strength, still had the superiority, but suffered setbacks in Ye Xiao mystical Merit Body, antiwar crime that as well as the weird weapon and equipment maintenance, compelled certainly. 乃至上一次自己饮恨败北,双方的真实实力对比,仍是占据优势,只不过是受挫于叶笑神异功体,以及邪门兵器、护具,绝逼的非战之罪。 But three degrees with the war, discovered in consternation that now when Ye Xiao cultivation level with recently battled compares, has sentenced, if Yun Ni! 但三度与战,愕然发现,现在叶笑修为与前次交战之时相比,已经是判若云泥! Intrepid being hard imagination, how possibly formidable to this share in?! 强悍的难以想象,怎么可能强大到这个份上呢?! Own this once universally acknowledged first expert, if with present Ye Xiao one-to-one single Tiao, perhaps...... Cannot meet including ten moves! 自己这个曾经举世公认的第一高手,若是跟现在的叶笑一对一单挑,或许……连十招都接不下来! Cutting off termination that own before declared, radically was a through joke, if such legend can be terminated, that was a legend! 自己之前宣称的斩断终止,根本就是个彻头彻尾的笑话,这样的传奇若是能够被终止,那才是一个传奇呢! The sword light illness dodges, instant arrived at the front. 剑光疾闪,瞬时已到面前。 Wu Fa does not dare to meet the Stars Sword incomparable point hardly, is sideways to dodge, the long sword seems the poisonous snake leaves the hole to puncture, here just punctured unexpectedly, actually in consternation discovered own long sword succeeded in giving up two sections unexpectedly. 武法不敢硬接星辰剑的无匹锋芒,侧身一闪,长剑跟着好似毒蛇出穴般的刺出,不意这边才刚刚刺出,却愕然发现自己长剑竟然已经断成了两截。 the next moment, the half in hand also changed into ashes. 下一刻,连带手中的半截也已经化为齑粉 Also incessantly is the saber, felt until this moment the fierce pain on transmitting, the lowering the head view poetic ability discovered that own arm had been hewn by Ye Xiao unexpectedly bone. 还不止是佩剑,还有直到这一刻才感觉到手上传来的剧烈痛楚,低头观视才发现,自己的手臂竟然已经被叶笑削成了一块白骨 The flesh and blood least bit does not save. 血肉半点不存。 Ascertains the current condition Wu Fa, had not felt regarding the fierce ache of arm completely, he now only feeling only then from the bottom of the heart flood vacant, he stands in airborne, has neglected quite the same as, his front from left big hole, the blood like the bubbling spring. 查知自己当前状况的武法,对于手臂的剧烈疼痛完全没有感觉,他现在唯一的感觉就只有从心底泛起来的一股茫然,他愣愣的站在空中,浑然忽略了,他胸前已自多出了一个大洞,血如涌泉。 The five main internal organs (entrails), completely has crushed under Ye Xiao Sword Qi, but he just likes has not thought that but stares looks at Ye Xiao, in the eye has been full of the admiration unexpectedly a moment ago. 五脏六腑,都已经在叶笑剑气之下彻底粉碎,但他恍如未觉,只是直勾勾地看着叶笑,眼中竟然充满了钦羡的刚才。 The Wu Fa hoarse sound resounds: Ye Xiao, you already...... Achievement Golden Core?” 武法嘶哑的声音响起:“叶笑,你已经……成就金丹?” On the Ye Xiao face shows an ice-cold smile: Was the First Under Heaven expert in the end experience was once good, was looked actually by you. Good, one day ago, this Ye took that key one step!” 叶笑脸上露出一个冰冷的微笑:“曾经是天下第一高手到底见识不俗,倒是被你看出来了。不错,就在一天之前,叶某迈出了那关键一步!” Obtains Wu Fa of answer to lower the head, suddenly sends out a heavy sigh, on the face presents a very strangely very strange expression. 得到答案的武法低下头,突然发出一声沉沉叹息,脸上呈现出来一个很奇怪很古怪的表情。 As if relaxes, seems desperate, actually seems meaning of some hysterias. 似乎是放松,似乎是绝望,却又似乎是有些歇斯底里的意味。 Suddenly face upwards to bellow: Golden Core realm! My this lives hopeless Heaven Realm to high realm, Ha Ha Ha...... My Wu Fa can die in pill success expert under the hand/subordinate, is......” 突然仰天大吼一声:“金丹境界!我此生无望的天域至高境界,哈哈哈……我武法能死在成丹高手手下,也算是……” He spoke of here, was incompetent to continue. 他就说到这里,却已经无能在继续说下去了。 The remaining unfinished languages, belong to a sigh gently all. 剩下的未竟之语,尽数归于一声轻轻的叹息。 Because of his body, does not have indication to be split up \; The head and four limbs, have been separated from the torso at the same time \; Is following close on his four limbs and head torso, splits again, changed to the flesh and blood powder of everywhere float...... 因为他的身体,全无征兆地四分五裂\;脑袋和四肢,同一时间脱离了躯干\;紧跟着他的四肢和脑袋躯干,又再一次分裂,化作了漫天漂浮的血肉粉末…… However the flesh and blood powder continually is splitting unexpectedly still, has continued, till vanishes thoroughly does not see. 然而血肉粉末竟还在持续分裂,一直持续到,彻底消失不见为止。 First Under Heaven person of Heaven Realm recognition, certainly generation of powerhouse Wu Fa, fallen 天域公认的天下第一人,绝代强者武法,陨落 Perishes in the hand of Monarch Xiao Ye Xiao, three moves of defeats!! 殒命于笑君主叶笑之手,三招败!! That the sigh aftertaste that is full to admire, for his marked one to be resigned to actually not the willingly rests his entire life. 那一声充满欣羡的叹息余韵,为他的一生画上了一个甘心却又不甘心的休止符。 Survival Qi Fenglie is shivering from top to bottom. 幸存的齐峰烈浑身上下都在颤抖。 His eye incredible is looking void, in any event cannot think that is First Under Heaven expert Wu Fa, in Monarch Xiao Ye Xiao under the hand/subordinate, unexpectedly is such collapsing at the first blow. 他的眼睛不可置信的望着虚空,无论如何都想不到,身为天下第一高手武法,在笑君主叶笑手下,竟然是如此的不堪一击。 Three moves?! 三招?! Has three moves! 只得三招! Three moves suffer a defeat and flee! 三招败亡! Even these three moves of leeway must establish under premise that in collaborates with oneself! 甚至这三招的余地还要建立在跟自己联手的前提下! His lip is trembling, in eye is desperate. 他的嘴唇哆嗦着,眼中全都是绝望。 In the Ye Xiao hand Stars Sword sword tip is pointing at him distantly, on sword tip a drop of blood tumbles slowly, indifferent saying: Qi Fenglie, does running dog for the demon, does not know that you also did do are weary? Today, makes me extricate for you!” 叶笑手中星辰剑剑尖遥遥指着他,剑尖上一滴鲜血徐徐滚落,冷漠的说道:“齐峰烈,为魔头做走狗,不知道你是否也做得厌倦了?今天,就让我为你解脱!” Qi Fenglie mirthless smile, shook the head, mutters said: Ye Xiao, you will certainly regret! Demon Revered will not let off you!” 齐峰烈惨笑一声,摇了摇头,喃喃说道:“叶笑,你一定会后悔的!魔尊不会放过你!” Ye Xiao ice-cold smiled: Demon Revered?! I have not paid attention to him.” 叶笑冰冷笑了笑:“魔尊?!我还真没将他放在眼里。” Qi Fenglie shakes the head once again, seemed wants to say anything, eventually has not actually said. 齐峰烈再度摇头,似乎是想要说点什么,却终究没说出口。 Qi Fenglie, is you of Lord of Eastern Temple, itself cultivation level is weak stems from my expectation.” Ye Xiao looks at the Lord of this Eastern Temple, somewhat is surprised the different way very much: „Is this seriously your complete strength?” 齐峰烈,身为东殿之主的你,本身修为弱得出乎我的预料。”叶笑看着这位东殿之主,很有些诧异道:“这当真是你的全部实力?” Qi Fenglie hēi hēi smiles: My strength naturally is not limited to this, but...... I already my spiritual energy, my soul, my life \; In which half offered sacrifices to give the demon altar|jar! Ye Xiao, you have killed me today, does not have any significance!” 齐峰烈嘿嘿一笑:“我的实力自然不止于此,只不过……我早已将我的灵力,我的灵魂,我的生命\;其中的半数献祭给了魔坛!叶笑,你今天就算是杀了我,也没有任何意义!” I will also come back to look your! Certain meeting!” “我还会回来找你的!一定会的!” In the Qi Fenglie eye flashes before the strange color, does not dodge does not evade, has hit toward Ye Xiao: Ye Xiao, begins to kill me! I will make you witness the Imperishable miracle, tomorrow I will reactivate!” 齐峰烈眼中闪现出奇怪的色彩,不闪不避,向着叶笑撞了过来:“叶笑,动手杀我啊!我会让你见证不灭的奇迹,明天我就会复活!” Ye Xiao does not see slightly hesitant, a sword like the meteor, pricked the heart of Qi Fenglie accurately, said in a soft voice: I anticipate to witness the so-called Imperishable miracle, what you do not know is...... Now surrounding area three thousand li(500 km), perform in the Revolve Heaven Sealing Array blockade range! Under this premise, so-called Imperishable miracle, will occur whether also!” 叶笑不见丝毫犹豫,一剑如流星,准确地刺入了齐峰烈的心脏,轻声道:“我期待见证所谓不灭的奇迹,但你不知道的是……现在方圆三千里,尽都在周天封锁阵的封锁范围之内!在这个前提之下,所谓的不灭奇迹,是否还会发生呢!” Under Qi Fenglie hearing this, the eye roused fiercely, stubbornly was staring at Ye Xiao: You!......” 齐峰烈闻言之下,眼睛猛地鼓了出来,死死的盯着叶笑:“你!……” Ye Xiao abundantly spiritual energy changes to murderous aura to launch the thoroughest wreaking havoc destruction in the Qi Fenglie body, said lightly: „Our time unites the goal of war of demon, except for must guarantee that does not make your Eastern Temple leave behind beside any living witness, but also attempts to let your soul, spiritual energy and vitality, without any wisp of transformation is the Demon Revered altar strength!” 叶笑沛然灵力化作杀气齐峰烈身躯之内展开最彻底的肆虐破坏,淡淡道:“我们此次戮魔之战的目标,除了要确保不让你们东殿留下任何一个活口之外,还尝试着让你们的灵魂、灵力、生命力,没有任何一丝一缕转化为魔尊祭坛力量!” Believes that will not have the so-called Imperishable miracle, Qi Fenglie, starting off!” “相信,不会有所谓的不灭奇迹,齐峰烈,上路吧!” The Ye Xiao long sword across the sky, , already cut to fall Qi Fenglie head: Finished!” 叶笑长剑横空,“噗”地一声,已然将齐峰烈人头斩落:“结束了!” Along with bang a bang. 随着“轰”的一声巨响。 The entire Eastern Temple main shrine spot, suddenly drops, is actually profound ice greatly sends the invincible might, thoroughly destroys destiny Great Formation that the Eastern Temple foundation is at directly, under dragon vein Spirit Arteries mountain, destroys together! 整个东殿的主殿部位,蓦然下降,却是玄冰大发神威,直接将东殿根基所在的气运大阵彻底摧毁,连带着将山下龙脉灵脉,也一起毁灭! A destiny Great Formation broken, innumerable [say / way] colorful rainbow same gloss, from underground departs, dispersing in all directions. 气运大阵一破,无数道五颜六色的彩虹一样光泽,从地下飞出,飞散四面八方。 Kills!” “杀!” Ye Xiao looks over a wide area to look in all directions, the view regards war, at once body and sword unite, changes to a rainbow, has crashed in the crowd: Eastern Temple is respective, destroys completely! Stamps out the source of trouble, destroys the demon altar|jar!” 叶笑游目四顾,观视战局,旋即身剑合一,化作一道长虹,冲进了人群:“东殿所属,寸草不留!斩草除根,毁灭魔坛!” A series of pitiful yell sounds get up, Ye Xiao and the others from outward, launch rug pusher type covering to kill, attacks Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor Lei Dadi and the others who from outside, from each direction, concentrates to come toward the middle. 一连串的惨叫声响起,叶笑等人从里往外,展开地毯推进式的掩杀过去,从外面攻击的琼华月皇雷大地等人,则从各个方向,向着中间集中过来。 Two sides joins forces successfully, along the way, all has been the corpse. 两边胜利会师,沿途所过,全是尸体。 This war, the general situation has decided! 此战,大局已定! Since then in society, does not have no Eastern Temple again!” “从此世间,再也没有什么东殿!” A Ye Xiao long and loud cry, in heart silently prayed to discuss: Yue Sovereign, Fellow Apprentice Yue...... Your hero soul is not far, can see? All these, all are your merit!” 叶笑一声长啸,心中默默的祷念道:“岳掌门,岳师兄……你英灵不远,可有看到么?这一切,全都是你的功劳!” His at present, as if appears Yue Changtian finally that moment description. 他的眼前,似乎又浮现出岳长天最后那一刻的形容。 He is carrying one cup of tea, in the eye completely is the infinite attachment, tosses down. 他端着一杯茶,眼中尽是无限的眷恋,一饮而尽。 The final look, especially since is having one inexplicably gratified. 最后的眼神,尤自带着一丝莫名欣慰。 Looked like saw the Demon Soul Way final destruction. 就像是已经看到了魔魂道的最终覆灭。 ...... …… This war, shocking world! 这一战,震惊天下! When Ye Xiao and the others leave from Eastern Temple, the Eastern Temple former site all around surrounding area thousand li(500 km) region, seriously is continually living the mouse, did not have one. Once dominated Blue Clouds Heaven Territory and with Western Temple and said two summits Eastern Temple, in light of this became the historical term. 叶笑等人从东殿离开的时候,东殿旧址周遭方圆千里地域,当真是连活着的老鼠,都没有一只了。曾经称霸青云天域、与西殿并称“二巅”的东殿,就此成为历史名词。 However that Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, Ye Xiao immediately has not actually abolished. 然而那周天封锁阵,叶笑却没有即时撤销。 The Demon Source Black Qi of ambush under Eastern Temple, makes Ye Xiao have the scruples throughout. 潜伏于东殿之下的魔源黑气,始终让叶笑心存顾忌。 That Black Qi prestige energy, must profound ice and other people collaborate, can suppress comprehensively, how with slightly may, this occasion, although has thoroughly destroyed, but, Ye Xiao was still worried, if on cancellation Great Formation, can have the accident to occur now...... 那股黑气的威能,须得玄冰等五人联手,方能全面压制,岂同小可,此际虽说已经彻底摧毁,但,叶笑还在担心,若是现在就撤销大阵的话,会不会还会有意外发生…… After all, Soul Power of person now Eastern Temple these died, but also floods by the space of Revolve Heaven Sealing Array blockade. 毕竟,现在东殿那些死去的人的灵魂力量,还充斥在被周天封锁阵封锁的空间之中。 In a short time, is still unable to annihilate completely. 在短时间内,尚无法完全湮灭。 Facts showed that the choice of Ye Xiao this occasion, is very correct. 事实证明,叶笑此际的选择,无比正确。 ...... …… Western Temple. 西殿 On peak. 高峰上。 person in black is similar to a stone is ordinary, stiff is standing. 一个黑衣人如同一块石头一般,僵硬的站立着。 Long time after long time, this person arose suddenly a long and loud cry, in the laughter has been full of being furious meaning! 良久良久之后,此人突发一声长啸,笑声中充满了至极的震怒意味! Good Ye Xiao, good Monarch Xiao, the old man and you are unable to co-exist!” “好一个叶笑,好一个笑君主,老夫与你势不两立!” But that short and stout person person in black before his body, the whole body trembles, body shakes chaff. 而在他身前的那个矮胖子黑衣人,浑身哆嗦,体似筛糠。 How because he is the beginning to end reason that the clearest person in black leader is furious is a matter. 因为他是最清楚黑衣人首领震怒的始末缘由是怎么一回事的。 The Soul Power gap that the demon altar|jar construction needs is too big, to let Ye Xiao and the others killed people are more convenient \; person in black started the altar ban, Soul Power of Eastern Temple all personnel, has screened out half forcefully. 魔坛构建所需的灵魂力量缺口太大,也为了让叶笑等人杀人更为方便\;黑衣人发动了祭坛禁制,将东殿所有人员的灵魂力量,强行抽走了一半。 The goal simple and crude, Eastern Temple can also sacrifice, made Ye Xiao they kill simply. 目的简单粗暴,东殿也是可以牺牲的,索性就让叶笑他们杀好了。 In process that after all slaughters, regarding a Ye Xiao side, is a suitable loss, their people will also die. So 22 overlay, even if Eastern Temple were doomed to wither away, throughout can unable to bring in Eastern Temple itself least 50% Soul Power. 毕竟杀戮的过程中,对于叶笑一方而言,也是一种相当的损耗,他们的人也会死。如此22叠加,纵然东殿注定了要消亡,始终能带来不下于东殿本身最少一半的灵魂力量 Like this calculates that may quite in having -and-a-half Eastern Temple Soul Power, the enrichment enters the altar \; Such huge level, at least can complete the fifth altar! 这样算下来,那可就相当于有一个半东殿灵魂力量,充实进入祭坛\;这样庞大的级数,起码可以完成第五座祭坛! The wishful thinking of Demon Soul leader hits very much loud, what a pity Ye Xiao this time strain actually greatly stems from his is unexpected. 魔魂首领的如意算盘打得很响,可惜叶笑这次的应变却大大出乎他的预料之外。 Under the Ye Xiao arrangement specifically aims under Divine Soul spiritual energy Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, to arrived, the dead soul, spiritual energy and that the vitality the demon altar|jar needs, the least bit has not received unexpectedly! 叶笑布置下专门针对神魂灵力周天封锁阵之下,到了到了,魔坛所需要的亡者灵魂、灵力、生命力,竟然半点也没有收到! The so-called exposition and sacrifice, have done completely not studiously, is not only through doing business at a loss! 所谓的暴露、牺牲,全部做了无用功,不但是彻头彻尾的赔本! Moreover, oneself lead the biggest accomplice of this farce. 而且,自己还是主导这一场闹剧的最大帮凶。 How could this does not make this Sir Demon Revered become angry out of shame and be in an uncontrollable rage. 这又岂能不让这位魔尊大人恼羞成怒、怒不可遏。 Revolve Heaven Sealing Array! Unexpectedly is Revolve Heaven Sealing Array? The big writing skill of end! This child thoughts are treacherous, expect enemy slightly in end, previous time bears patiently repeatedly does not send, kept this bureau has been next to beside the Western Temple main body above strongest Eastern Temple...... Good, Eastern Temple attacks the Western Temple final barrier, can borrow the strength the last place, Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, if executes in the Western Temple significance is not big, executes in Eastern Temple is the maximum benefit, the good thoughts, to be good to make a decision, I have belittled this unexpectedly!” 周天封锁阵!竟然是周天封锁阵?端的好大手笔!此子心思诡谲,料敌于丝毫之末,前番多次隐忍不发,将此局留到了仅次于西殿本体之外最强的东殿之上……不错,东殿是攻打西殿的最后屏障,亦是可以借力的最后一个地点,周天封锁阵若是施于西殿意义不大,施于东殿才是利益最大化,好心思,好决断,我竟是小觑了此子!” person in black wild with rage long and loud cry: Revolve Heaven Sealing Array...... At the present the person killed off, not the oversight, how has not abolished...... could it be that these Heaven and Earth Treasure, this group of bastards are resigned not to recycle unexpectedly, does not want in light of this!?” 黑衣人狂怒的长啸一声:“周天封锁阵……而今人都已经杀光了,并无疏漏了,怎地还不撤销……难道那些天材地宝,这帮混蛋居然甘心不回收,就此不要了么!?” The short and stout people lower the head, kneel on the ground, did not say a word. 矮胖子低着头,跪在地上,一言不发。 In heart actually in unstated criticism: Boss Demonity is increasingly serious, thought even more has thought oneself infallible, how could the humans affair performs like your opinion, you conceive all very perfectly, expected that Ye Xiao clearly knows one's own side has exposed the trace intentionally, provokes killing intent, clearly knows many hidden influence expositions, does not send for aiding, slaughters willfully, even does not hesitate to damage the strength under the premise , to continue to destroy strength strongest Eastern Temple with other side strength. 心中却是在腹诽:主上魔性日益严重,思维愈发的自以为是了,世事岂能尽如你意,您将一切都设想得很完美,也预料到了叶笑明知道己方是故意暴露痕迹,招惹杀机,明知道许多暗藏势力暴露,也不派人援手,任意屠戮,甚至不惜自损实力的前提下,继续借彼方力量摧毁己方实力最强的东殿 But you cannot think that Ye Xiao will use Revolve Heaven Sealing Array this violent strategy, but under the Heaven Realm School alliance that side all School influences outside set exiting thing two palace, pool brains and brawn, what strategy cannot construct, why can not abolish the strategy regarding Ye Xiao? 但你怎么就想不到叶笑会使用周天封锁阵这种极端阵法呢,天域宗门联盟那边可是集合出去东西两殿之外的所有宗门势力,群策群力之下,什么阵法构建不出来,至于说叶笑为什么会不撤销阵法? Possibly how to abolish? 怎么可能撤销? Now to the final stage of war of person demon, has taken back the lineup resources could it be that to have a bigger significance, instead retains the strategy, can guarantee the eventuality, Ye Xiao, since has gotten down the most appropriate tactical rules in the most appropriate opportunity cloth, how to add something superfluous and ruin the effect, to making the entire layout has the loophole in the final moment, falls short?! 现在已至人魔之战的最后阶段,收回布阵的资源难道会有更大的意义,反而是保留阵法,才能确保万一,叶笑既然在最合适的时机布下了最合适的战法,岂会画蛇添足,在最后关头致令整个布局出现漏洞,功亏一篑呢?! Initially has buried eye of the Demon Soul under Eastern Temple, wanted to gather player and enemy all dead Origin Energy, but the opposite party rather lost magnanimous Heaven and Earth Treasure, did not abolish the strategy, this action not only made the eye of this Demon Soul lose the function, permanent will seal up in Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, the circulatory cycle star light intravenous drip obliterated, even if the eye of quality of material Demon Soul were special, was hard to shoulder infinite tempering of ancient star splendor! 当初在东殿之下埋了一个魔魂之眼,想要收取敌我双方所有的亡者元能,但对方宁可损失海量的天材地宝,也不撤销阵法,这个举动非但令这魔魂之眼失去了作用,更将之永久地封闭在了周天封锁阵之中,周天星光点滴磨灭,就算魔魂之眼质地特异,也难以负荷亘古星辉的无穷磨砺! Uses up all the tricks too intelligently, calculates that spatial, this so-called perfect planning, degenerated into a joke finally! 机关算尽太聪明,算来算去一场空,这个所谓的完美算计,最终沦为了一个笑话! A huge joke! 一个天大的笑话! Lifts the stone, not only has pounded own foot, but also has pounded own head and painful penetrating heart! 搬起石头,不仅砸了自己的脚,还砸了自己的头、痛彻心扉! Why bother so didn't count the sacrifice of price actually to come? 这般不计代价的牺牲却又是何苦来哉? Instantly sets out Demon Soul Temple top Assassin, intercepts Ye Xiao fully!” person in black bristles with anger. “即刻出动魔魂殿顶级杀手,全力截杀叶笑!”黑衣人怒发冲冠。 This...... Will without this.” The short and stout people shivered, said: Boss, according to the latest information, Ye Xiao and the others after the destruction Eastern Temple, had not sought repairs and maintains, but turned toward us to come immediately.” “这个……没有这个必要了。”矮胖子颤抖了一下,道:“主上,根据最新情报,叶笑等人在覆灭了东殿之后,并没有觅地修整,而是即时向着咱们这边过来了。” person in black hearing this silent has commented the class, in the eye lightens dense murderous aura, maliciously nod: Such being the case, has saved my time actually...... Since Ye Xiao chose to deliver on own initiative, was the underground spring does not return, the demon day blessed, expected that in three days, helped me to complete nine big altars, Devil Path was prosperous!” 黑衣人闻言沉默了评课,眼中闪出森然的杀气,狠狠点头:“既然如此,倒是省了我的功夫……叶笑既然选择主动送上门来了,便是黄泉不返,魔天庇佑,期望在三天内,助我完成九大祭坛,魔道昌隆!” Ha Ha Ha......” he raises day crazy laughing. 哈哈哈……”他扬天一阵疯狂的大笑。 Boss, indicated according to current all sorts of signs...... Ye Xiao likely reached to the boundary of pill success!” The short and stout people reminded one. 主上,根据当前种种迹象表明……叶笑很可能已经臻至成丹之境!”矮胖子提醒了一句。 Still was only the ants!” “仍旧只是蝼蚁而已!” In the person in black eye projects the stern countenance: Seriously how even if pill success can? Only can for altar that I fill, increases an energy! Ha Ha Ha...... If Ye Xiao seriously pill success, instead is the greatest good deed, a pill success expert soul, the qualitative change is much higher than the quantitative change, can definitely make up for the loss of Eastern Temple, meets a need of altar directly, the best sacrificial offerings of nine big demon altars|jars, the book is nine pill success cultivator complete Divine Soul Spirit Origin, is only in Heaven Realm this and other preliminary Plane, pill success cultivator is difficult to ask, has no other choice but to draw back to ask next, replaces the quality at the quantity! Ha Ha Ha...... Ye Xiao, you no doubt extinguished my strength of altar, but is made up by your, calculates you to atone for one's mistakes by meritorious service, was utterly loyal for the demon!” 黑衣人眼中射出厉色:“纵然当真成丹又能如何?只能为我填充的祭坛,增加一份能量罢了!哈哈哈……若是叶笑当真成丹,反而是莫大的好事,一个成丹高手的灵魂,质变远远高于量变,完全可以弥补东殿的损失,直接满足一个祭坛的需求,九大魔坛的最佳祭品,本就是九位成丹修者的全部神魂灵元,只是在天域这等低级位面,成丹修者难求,才不得已退而求其次,以数量代替质量!哈哈哈……叶笑,你固然灭了我的一个祭坛的力量,但由你本人补上,也可是算你将功折罪,为魔尽忠了!” Short and stout person hearing this is the whole body trembles, in the heart is the infinite shock: Boss including pill success expert, does not place in the eye, then, Boss was cultivation level, what situation in? Also, best sacrificial offering that although originally the demon altar|jar needs, unexpectedly is pill success cultivator, moreover needs to total nine pill success cultivator, then, how could it not be the prestige of so-called demon altar|jar can also probably go far beyond the pill success cultivator level, will in the end be terrorist to the what kind degree? This...... This...... 矮胖子闻言又是浑身一颤,心中更是无限的震惊:主上成丹高手,都不放在眼中,那么,主上修为,已经到了什么地步?还有,原来魔坛虽需要的最佳祭品,竟然是成丹修者,而且还需要合共九位成丹修者,那么,所谓魔坛的威能岂不还要远远超过成丹修者的层次,到底将恐怖到何等程度呢?这……这…… The short and stout people suppress the thought that oneself continue to get down forcefully, he cannot want to get down really again, his cognition that at present all sorts, impressively surpassed, in the meantime, made him say to the so-called Devil Path level road that has had the confused feeling, the body and mind all was the chaos...... 矮胖子强行抑制住自己继续想下去的念头,他真的不敢再想下去了,眼前种种,赫然已经超出的他的认知,同时,更令他对所谓魔道坦途之说,产生了迷茫的感觉,身心俱是混沌…… ...... …… Ye Xiao is to ask to fight a battle to force a quick decision, Bi Gong in a service, leads some high level strength people as the leading troops, turns toward Western Temple to set out. 叶笑为求速战速决,毕功于一役,率领部分高阶战力人作为先头部队,一路向着西殿进发。 All the way, many Spirit Pill wonderful medicine as if do not ask for money general scatters, condition entire, the condition is not completely safe, all injured parties, injure the healing, all people, restore in day of time to the optimum condition in any case. 一路上,许多灵丹妙药仿佛不要钱一般的撒下去,状态不全者,状态万全,所有受伤者,伤痊愈,反正所有人,都在一天时间里恢复至最佳状态。 This time attacks Eastern Temple, one's own side, although prepares fully, furthermore had Ye Xiao such non- world expert to strike to kill opposite party many expert, to quick that making the war finished, however Eastern Temple throughout is one of the present age strongest School, even if strength by weak half, even if fell into the dead end, under its respective expert counter-attacked strongly, still had caused the greatest losses of allied armies, at least fallen of 30,000 people in this campaign, these people at the scene died, leeway that simply has not treated and cured. 此次进攻东殿,己方虽然准备充分,更兼有叶笑这样的不世高手击杀了对方许多高手,致令战局结束的很快,然而东殿始终是当世最强宗门之一,纵然战力被虚弱了一半,纵然身陷死局之中,其所属高手竭力反扑之下,仍旧造成了联军的莫大损失,至少有30000人在这场战役中陨落,这些人都是当场就死亡的,根本没有救治的余地。 But the most essential issue actually is also not this, the Revolve Heaven Sealing Array blockade battle formation covers all energies within range, but does not divide the enemy and ourselves, the Eastern Temple expert soul fragment no doubt cannot exit, allied armies cannot exit similarly, these dead residual energies, continue to encounter the Revolve Heaven Sealing Array star splendor to whet, finally only then annihilates, a thorough body dies and Dao disappears way thoroughly. 而最关键的问题却还不在于此,周天封锁阵封锁阵势笼罩范围之内的所有能量,可是不分敌我的,东殿高手魂魄碎片固然出不去,联军的也同样出不去,这些亡者残余能量,持续遭到周天封锁阵的星辉磨砺,最终只有彻底湮灭、彻底的身死道消一途。 Regarding this point, Ye Xiao takes to heart throughout. 对于这一点,叶笑始终耿耿于怀。 World originally not entire, humans affair not pleasantness most likely, on this occasion the autumn of life or death, perhaps even though how distress, temporarily puts down, only has to deal with this time Heaven Realm catastrophe, has to cherish the memory of the leisure of dead.” Regarding the Ye Xiao concern, people also only then elucidates like this. “天地本不全,世事不如意者十之八九,值此存亡之秋,纵使如何的痛心,也许暂时放下,唯有应付罢此番天域浩劫,才有缅怀亡者的余暇。”对于叶笑的心事,众人也只有这样开解。 This does not have the matter of means. 这是没办法的事情。 Relieves Revolve Heaven Sealing Array regarding Ye Xiao, perhaps only needs to begin, even said that some words naturally people will also begin, the consequence that but such makes, remaining Divine Soul Spirit Origin of all deads throw toward the demon altar|jar that side, by the demon altar|jar absorption, by doing so, what was at variance with supports the enemy, by doing so, did could it be that do right by sacrifice allied armies cultivator?! 解除周天封锁阵对于叶笑而言,也许只需要动动手,甚至说句话也自然会有人动手,可是这么做的后果呢,所有亡者的残余神魂灵元投往魔坛那边,被魔坛吸收,这样做,何异于资敌,这样做,难道就对得起牺牲的联军修者了么?! Defends traditional moral principles for the slaughter demon, even though body dead entirely to extinguish, everybody is willing, since arrived here, consciousness that already one died.” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor temperate looks at Ye Xiao: Our generation reunion here, the only wish extinguishes the Qingyun catastrophe, does not make Heaven Realm fall into the evil clutches, even if in the present body dies and Dao disappears, so long as the later generation after generation can not be controlled by Demon, that...... No matter what the cause of death, is worth. You do not need to care.” “为了屠魔卫道,纵使身死俱灭,大家都是心甘情愿,既然来到了这里,早就有一死的觉悟。”琼华月皇温和的看着叶笑:“我辈聚首在此,唯一心愿就是消弭青云浩劫,不使天域沦入魔掌,今朝纵然身死道消,只要之后子子孙孙能够不被魔物控制,那么……不管怎样死法,都是值得的。你不必太放在心上。” Ye Xiao nods, smiles bitterly: This truth I understand...... The war follows the sacrifice inevitably, what this battle makes me not think, other side Demon Revered opened the door for us obviously, even it already in pre-war already the strengths and Divine Soul energies of these people, screened out half, the strength in Eastern Temple aspect fell to the unprecedented bottom, had such superiority obviously, finally had such serious loss.” 叶笑点点头,苦笑一声:“这个道理我何尝不懂……战争必然伴随着牺牲,此役让我没有想到的是,彼方魔尊明明已经为我们打开了方便之门,甚至其早已在战前就已经将这些人的实力、神魂能量,抽走了一半,东殿方面的战力已经滑落到前所未有的最低点,明明有如此优势,最终却还是有这么惨重的损失。” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor Wen speech/words said: Monarchy word is actually the big erroneous, Eastern Temple throughout is one of the present age strongest School, from top to bottom has several hundred thousand disciples, we can at tens of thousands people of prices annihilating, be the extremely magnificent victories, really does not need more guilty. Nobody can do again well compared with you!” 琼华月皇温言说道:“君主此言却是大谬,东殿始终是当世最强宗门之一,自上至下坐拥几十万弟子,我们能够以几万人的代价将之歼灭,已经是极之辉煌的战果了,实在不必更多愧疚。再没有人能够比你做得更加好了!” Many thanks Yue Emperor enlightening.” Ye Xiao long breathed a sigh of relief, said: „After this war, must commemorate many hero's souls of sacrifice well, doubles comforts and aids a bereaved family his descendant descendants, making them be able to enjoy the glory that the heroic family should enjoy.” “多谢月皇开导。”叶笑长舒了一口气,道:“此战之后,务必要好好纪念牺牲的诸多英魂,加倍抚恤其后人子孙,让他们能够享受到英雄家族应该享受到的荣耀。” This is inevitable.” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor looks at look appreciation of Ye Xiao even more. “这是必然的。”琼华月皇看着叶笑的眼神越发的欣赏。 Ye Xiao has thought now comforting and aiding a bereaved family of deaths, the family life, the descendant fostered, the cultivation matured these aspects, showed sufficiently, Ye Xiao conscience pure and good-hearted. 叶笑现在已经想到了死亡人员的抚恤,家庭生活,后代抚养,培育成才这些方面,足以证明,叶笑的本心纯良。 This, clearly stipulates in major School, but, can truly land on feet finally, is actually few. 这一条,在各大宗门之中都有明文规定,但,最终能够真正落到实处的,却是寥寥无几。 The people die such as the lamp to extinguish, you living time, has a favour, but died, is only a deceased person, where will also care are more, this truth words coarse principle is not coarse, regarding cultivator especially such as is, if Ye Xiao can land on feet the word of today, actually may endure for the example that the later generation imitates fully! 人死如灯灭,你活着的时候,自有一份人情,可是死了,就只是一个死人,哪里还会关心更多,这个道理话糙理不糙,对于修者尤其如是,若是叶笑能够将今日之言落到实处,却可足堪为后世效法的榜样! I reached to Core Completion now ‚’ the boundary, soon Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven.” The Ye Xiao vision is deep: After my Ascend, all that stays behind...... All wealth, will be used to carry on this matter.” “我如今已臻至‘丹成’之境,即将飞升红尘天外天。”叶笑目光深沉:“在我飞升之后,所留下的所有……所有一切财富,都将用来进行这件事情。” Not is only I, Li Wuliang, Han Bingxue, Jun Yinglian...... Etc. All resources that we leave behind.” Ye Xiao said with a smile: Hopes that Yue Emperor with my three masters, can send for supervising at that time to complete this matter.” “不光是我,还有厉无量,寒冰雪,君应怜……等。我们留下的所有资源。”叶笑微笑道:“希望月皇与我的三位师父,彼时能够派人监督完成这件事,。” „Do not brave to use, can not embezzle \; Any for the hero who Blue Clouds Heaven Territory died in battle, the family, cannot have any person to be disappointed. If let the hero soul of sacrifice, after bleed white, but must shed distressed tears, but was blaspheming these hero who was resigned to offer!” “不得冒用,不得贪污\;凡是为了青云天域战死的英雄,家眷,不能有任何人为之寒心。若是让牺牲的英灵,在流尽鲜血之后,还要流下痛心的眼泪,只是在亵渎这些甘心奉献的英雄!” Ye Xiao categorical saying. 叶笑斩钉截铁的说道。 this majesty in this solemn promise, certain! Certainly completes this matter!” 本座在此郑重承诺,一定!一定完成此事!” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor serious commitment. 琼华月皇严肃的承诺。 Um, always has to raise, young has to depend on \; The weakness has the reliability.” Ye Xiao proceeds, while spoke thoughtlessly to exhort, obviously, these ideas in his heart, early already thoroughly cooked in the heart: Has given favored treatment no doubt must, but cannot tolerate. Believes Yue Emperor your majesty, can understand that my meaning, grasps a mesoscale.” “嗯,老有能养,幼有所依\;弱有可靠。”叶笑一边往前走,一边随口嘱咐着,显然,这些想法在他心中,早已经烂熟于心:“有所优待固然必须,但也不能过于纵容。相信月皇陛下,能够明白我的意思,把握个中尺度。” „The descendant members of the same family who we must kindly treat the hero, actually must supervise descendant of hero unable to bring disgrace on the reputation of hero.” “我们要善待英雄的后人亲族,却也要监督英雄的后人不能辱没英雄的名声。” Yes!” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor somewhat admired. “明白!”琼华月皇都有些佩服了起来。 Ye Xiao, really thinks is profound . Moreover, also indeed is practical and feasible. 叶笑,想得实在是深远,而且,也的确是切实可行。 More thinks that Yue Emperor more has impulsive: Immediately rushes to Divine Decree Territory, found Ye Nantian and Yue Gongxue, facilitates, this will soon cut off...... Friendship. 越是这么想,月皇就越是有一股冲动:立即冲到神谕区域,找到叶南天月宫雪,来促成,这一段即将断绝的……情义。 ...... …… „The fourth altar......” black clothed Demon Revered crossing the hands behind the back stands in front of a small altar, this altar, is very small and exquisite, the considering everything has one zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area size. “第四个祭坛……”黑衣魔尊负手站在一座小小的祭坛前面,这个祭坛,很是小巧玲珑,满打满算只得一丈方圆大小。 In the altars, is ascending the green flame, in unceasing turnover caper. 祭坛中间,升腾着绿色的火焰,在不断的吞吐跳跃。 The entire altar, for the first time seems like is muddy, if Tiancheng. However carefully looks that can actually see, entire altar unexpectedly completely by the head construction, but, these head skeletons, each generally also has the peanut grain of rice size, is the five senses seems to be, the white tooth is dense. 整个祭坛,乍看似是浑若天成。然而仔细看去,却能看出,整个祭坛竟然全部由人头构建而成,只不过,这些人头骷髅,每一个大抵也就只得花生米粒大小,却是五官宛然,白齿森森。 Very obviously, the dead heads of these construction altars, are by the person in the mystique, concentrated such small situation extremely. 很显然,那些构建祭坛的亡者头颅,乃是被人以秘法,极度浓缩到了这么微小的地步。 Looks at this altar, everywhere completely is the dense and numerous concentration heads, does not know that is comprised of many human lives. 只是看这一个祭坛,满目尽是密密麻麻的浓缩头颅,不知道是由多少条人命组成。 Actually does not know that does not dare to know, does not want to know, does not endure to know! 却不知是不敢知道,不想知道,还是不忍知道! In this altar all around, seven person motionless sitting cross-legged of sit, the condition of everyone completely neat such as one, all closes one's eyes, extends, stretches out that palm of the hand position, outputs the cream Essence Yuan strength unceasingly, unceasingly in injection altar. 在这个祭坛的周遭,有七个人一动不动的盘膝而坐,每个人的状况尽都整齐如一,全都闭着眼睛,一手伸出来,伸出那手的手心位置,不断输出乳白色的精元力量,不断将之注入祭坛之中。 Black clothed Demon Revered does not care about the head altar, did not care that seven have been outputting Elementary Force continually, supplies cultivator of altar, cares only, only then that group of green flame of altar core position, but in his vision, is also glittering similar spooky jack-o '- lantern. 黑衣魔尊不关心人头祭坛,也不关心那七名一直在持续输出元力,供给祭坛的修者,唯一在意的,就只有祭坛核心位置的那团绿色火焰,而他自己的目光之中,也在闪烁着类似的幽幽鬼火。 The look of black clothed Demon Revered this occasion, there are excitedly impulsive, actually is also accompanied by the anxiety. 黑衣魔尊此际的神色,既有兴奋冲动,却也伴有忧虑。 The position outside great distance probably hundred zhang (333m), another altar, the flame color in this altar central location, is actually the black, is jumping \; Looks toward the distant place again, two altars, flame is the white, the second flame is the red. 相隔大概百丈之外的位置,还有另一座祭坛,这座祭坛中央位置的火焰颜色,却是黑色的,在跳跃\;再往远方看,还有两座祭坛,其中一座火焰是白色,第二座的火焰则是红色。 This place nine altars, have completed four now, fifth during the forming, continuously Black Qi, from all directions are emerging gradually unceasingly, at once pours into the fifth altar, the fifth altar middle position had the black smoke to ascend slowly. 此地共得九个祭坛,现在已经完成了四个,第五个正在渐次成形之中,不断地有一缕缕黑气,从四面八方涌入,旋即注入第五座祭坛之中,第五座祭坛中间位置已经有黑烟在缓缓升腾。 Regards it by this condition view, the distance ignition altar, sends out the flame, was not generally far. 以这个状态观视之,距离点燃祭坛,发出火焰,大抵也已经不远了。 But in these nine altar each altars all around, seven big expert surround, day and night uninterruptedly the pure Yuan air/Qi that the life junction cultivates, every little bit injection altar \; But Black Qi in altar, in unceasing counter-resonance these seven people, making it by clear and muddy, is transferred the demon by the person...... 而在这九座祭坛每一座祭坛的周遭,都有七大高手环绕,日夜不间断地将自己性命交修出来的纯元之气,一点一滴的注入祭坛\;而祭坛中的黑气,则在不断的反哺这七个人,使之由清而浑,由人转魔…… Heaven Realm high level cultivator, was involved in this war basically.” 天域高阶修者,基本都已经卷入此战。” But here, still only had completed four altars now.” “但现在我这里,仍只完成了四座祭坛。” Five altars, need to complete in one vigorous effort, the head number that but now, needs is obviously insufficient......” “还有五个祭坛,需要一鼓作气完成,但现在,所需要的人头数明显不足……” He frowns, with hardship thinking. 他皱着眉头,苦苦思索。 Eastern Temple that side accident really comes towering...... Move of errors, being equal to Eastern Temple that side energy, wasted completely...... Yeah. This matter, is unexpected seriously......” 东殿那边的变故实在来得突兀……一招错漏,等同是将东殿那边的能量,完全浪费了……哎。这件事,当真是始料未及……” But, according to present circumstance...... Ye Xiao determined that Golden Core has become, so long as a Ye Xiao person, sufficiently piles up with the fifth altar, has more than enough to spare......” “不过,按照现在的情势……叶笑确定金丹已成,只要叶笑一个人,就足以堆满第五个祭坛,绰绰有余……” However side Ye Xiao, all Dao Origin Stage expert prestige can superimpose, is a extremely considerable digit...... It is said Li Wuliang and so on strengths of 56 people, although was still inferior to Ye Xiao, nearly will actually reach to Core Completion realm, if the rumor is true, that sufficiently sufficiently collects completes the complete energy that the altar needs...... Even if the rumor is groundless, spirit Soul Force of 56 people add, can pile up with two altars......” “而在叶笑身边,所有道元境高手的威能叠加,亦是一笔极之可观的数字……据说厉无量等等56个人的实力虽然尚不及叶笑,却也将近臻至丹成境界,如果传言属实,那就足以凑够完成祭坛所需的全部能量……就算传言不实,56个人的灵魂力加起来,怎么也能堆满两个祭坛吧……” In other words, even if the worst case scenario, Ye Xiao with his partners, at least can make the altar comprehensively complete seven.” “换言之,就算最坏的情况,叶笑跟他的伙伴们,至少可以令祭坛全面完成七座。” Abandons Ye Xiao not to raise with his partner, their only so-called allied armies, enough hundreds of thousands of high level cultivator, completely massacre or only massacre half, enough piles up with the eighth altar.” “抛开叶笑跟他的伙伴不提,还有他们那只所谓的联军,足足数十万高阶修者,全部杀掉或者只杀掉一半,足够堆满第八座祭坛。” „The final ninth altar......” “最后的第九座祭坛……” Demon Revered gloomy eye of color break-up, hesitating: „The ninth altar, important, the power supply must be full has, cannot have is slightly insufficient...... If really incorrect words...... Swallows the Demon Soul Way manpower......” 魔尊阴森森的目光闪了一下,沉吟着:“第九个祭坛,至关重要,能量供给一定要充盈有余,不能有丝毫不足……若是实在不行的话……就将魔魂道的人手吞噬进去……” But...... The first eight altars, the Core Completion cultivator complete Divine Soul Origin strength prestige can fill up sufficiently, the ninth altar actually needs a Core Completion big Perfect cultivator complete prestige energy, common Core Completion cultivator and Core Completion big Perfect cultivator, the prestige can at least differ over two times, the soul quantity of needs is too big...... It is not necessarily able depending on these people......” “但是……前八座祭坛,有一名丹成修者的全部神魂元力威能足以填满,第九个祭坛却需要一名丹成圆满修者的全部威能,寻常丹成修者丹成圆满修者,威能至少相差两倍以上,所需要的灵魂量实在太大……光凭这些人未必能够……” He sinks slow is walking slowly and aimlessly step, the brow tight wrinkle, long time long time, maliciously sighed: thing! That side Eastern Temple temporarily stopped strength! That side Eastern Temple temporarily stopped strength!!” 他沉缓的踱着步子,眉头紧皱,良久良久,狠狠地叹了一口气:“混账东西!东殿那边被截留的力量!东殿那边被截留的力量啊!!” Such wasted unexpectedly!” “竟然就这么的浪费了啊!” Irritated me to irritate me!” “气死我了气死我了!”
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