RITF :: Volume #15

#1480: The war of East Palace Hall!

During Ye Xiao this occasion entered has sat in meditation. 叶笑此际已经进入了入定之中。 Along with the high-speed operation of Ye Xiao revolution East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art, spiritual energy between world, has rapidly formed an vortex, comes toward the position that he exercises martial arts, at once entered his body, exceeded the body limit unable to hold, changed over to Endless Space again...... 随着叶笑运转紫气东来神功的高速运转,天地之间的灵气,迅速形成了一个漩涡,向着他练功的位置汹涌而至,旋即进入了他的身体,超过身体极限容纳不了的,再转入无尽空间之中…… Ye Xiao does not know when own East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art can enter again first-order, but the exercising martial arts advancement, actually quickly must make him feel that since these days was somewhat surprised. 叶笑不知道自己的紫气东来神功什么时候才能再进一阶,但是这段时间以来的练功进境,却是快捷得让他自己都感到有些惊讶了。 Every one time exercises martial arts, revolution East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art time, will feel that clearly own body as if suddenly turned into a giant vortex center. 每一次练功,运转紫气东来神功的时候,都会清晰感觉到自己的身体仿佛突然间变成了一个巨大的漩涡中心。 Regarding spiritual energy of entire in society, ten thousand flow and converge the sea, swallows up the sea to attract, moreover how forever maintains one type to attract insufficiently, does not have the condition of lower limit. Since the previous time thorough comprehended the boundary of Prisoner's Cage, the body turned into a bottomless pit. 对于整个世间的灵气,万流汇海,鲸吞海吸,而且还永远保持一种怎么吸不够、没有底限的状态。自从自己上一次彻底领悟了囚笼之境后,身体就变成了一个无底洞。 No matter bought in many spiritual energy to submit to is unable to fill up. 不管是吸纳了多少灵气来归都无法填满。 But has condition so to be possible, not only a Ye Xiao person, after following closely Ye Xiao, reaches to this grade of realm is body side Bing'er, wants to come in Ye Xiao, the person of oneself side comprehends this 1-layer time first, possibly is Li Wuliang, possibly is Han Bingxue, or is Jun Yinglian, should not be Bing'er, even once suspected that this girl will be in all people will possibly reach to this level latest that but has not actually thought that Bing'er will follow close on unexpectedly in own footsteps, almost after foot proleg, had so the condition. 而拥有这般状况可非止叶笑一人,紧随叶笑之后臻至这等境界便是身侧的冰儿,在叶笑想来,自己身边之人最先领悟这一层次,可能是厉无量,可能是寒冰雪,又或者是君应怜,却怎么也不该是冰儿,甚至曾猜想这丫头可能会是所有人中臻至这个层次最晚的那一个,但却万万没想到,冰儿居然紧跟在自己脚步,几乎脚前脚后出现了这般状况。 Ye Xiao itself before the situation of the war of Great Dream Mountain having \; But profound ice after Great Dream Mountain \; Also starts first month of summer this swallowing up condition. 叶笑本身是在大梦山之战之前出现的这种情况\;而玄冰则是在大梦山之后\;也开始初夏这种鲸吞状况。 Again after is Li Wuliang as well as Han Bingxue, they have also been this level. 再之后的则是厉无量以及寒冰雪,他们俩也都达到了这个层次。 After January, Jun Yinglian also after exterminating the battle of three big aristocratic family, reaches hence the boundary, this result causes strives to solve Xue Danru of three big aristocratic families together, admires...... 一月之后,君应怜亦在剿灭三大世家之役后,臻至此境,这个结果令到一道出力解决三大世家的雪丹如,欣羡不已…… Actually far more than Xue Danru admires, the basic each time, others saw their several people exercise martial arts, in the eye has been full of the color of colorful Mu. 其实又何止雪丹如欣羡,基本每一次,别人看到他们几个人练功的时候,眼中都是充满了艳慕之色。 In secret, Lei Dadi greatly is gratified said to two Junior brothers: Xiao Xiao reached to the Heaven Realm cultivator side peak at present, has Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven background...... After this condition is broke Prisoner's Cage realm, soon Core Completion accumulation stage......” 私底下,雷大地大是欣慰的对两个师弟说:“笑笑目前已经臻至天域修者的极峰,拥有飞升红尘天外天底蕴……这个状态乃是打破了囚笼境界之后,即将丹成的积累阶段……” Looks at several person at this most important important pass, is not Ye Xiao young beauty, is the Ye Xiao brothers, the Lei Dadi three old present only feelings is even if and the others now, that was also with a smile the dwelling place of the dead, this lives not regrets. 看着好几个处在这个最重要的关口的人,不是叶笑红颜,就是叶笑的兄弟,雷大地三老现在唯一的感觉就是哪怕自己等人现在就了,那也是含笑九泉、此生无憾了。 So long as thinks that Ye Xiao is Heaven Realm cultivator history high and low Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven and legendary character of achievement Blue Clouds Heaven Territory brand-new legend, three old have a dream simply can smile to awake \; Thinks again Ye Xiao not only can achieve this point, but can also bring secondary roles together Ascend, three old thought directly was somewhat dizzy. 只要一想到叶笑将是天域修者历史上下一个飞升红尘天外天、成就青云天域崭新传说的传奇人物,三老简直做梦都能笑醒\;再想想叶笑不仅自己能够做到这一点,而且还能够带着自己班底一起飞升,三老直接就觉得有些晕眩了。 Like this unrestricted pleasantly surprised, is really not the degree that humanity can withstand! 这样的超限惊喜,委实不是人类能承受的程度! This, is Cold Moon Sky Pavilion most Ootsuki brilliance flash in history, is the cornerstone that Cold Moon Sky Pavilion throughout the ages Eternal does not fade from now is at! 这,将是寒月天阁有史以来的最大荣光辉耀,也是寒月天阁从此以后千秋万代永恒不衰的基石之所在! ...... …… That night. 这一夜。 Ye Xiao sits cross-legged to sit, calmly feels that [say / way] turbulent vortex that within the body spiritual energy is forming. 叶笑盘膝而坐,静静地感受着体内灵气所形成的那道汹涌漩涡。 All affluxes submit to abundantly spiritual energy to dantian, along with vortex circulation, but revolves suddenly, but such revolving trend, is getting more and more anxious \; Under such extreme twist function, Ye Xiao body surface, particularly his top of the head position, in wide under narrow giant funnel just like one, but rapid rotation that this giant funnel, is making continuing, by likely is together the unequalled tornado, goes nonstop to does not know the high upper air. 所有汇流来归至丹田之中的沛然灵气,随着漩涡流转而急剧旋转,而这样的旋转趋势,越来越急\;在这样急速旋转作用之下,叶笑的体表,尤其是他的头顶位置,宛如一个上宽下窄的巨大漏斗,而这个巨大漏斗,做着持续的快速旋转,是以又像是一道硕大无朋的龙卷风,直通到不知道多高的高空。 The upper extreme along with revolving of cyclone, is getting more and more huge, more and more is widespread. 上端随着气旋的旋转,越来越巨大,越来越是广泛。 All contacts this cyclone spiritual energy, looked like contacts giant tornado, without any exception was curled to pull, the afflux entered the Ye Xiao dantian! 所有接触到这个气旋的灵气,就像是接触到了一个巨大的龙卷风,无一例外的被卷扯进来,汇流进入叶笑的丹田! Although under seems like uneventful, the regulations in do not know above the lofty upper air, already self-formed giant storm! 下方虽然看似风平浪静,实则在不知道多高远的高空之上,已自形成了一个巨大的风暴! The upper air, commonplace cultivator especially since is in this way difficult to be near, however actually does not apply as the goshawk of sky spoiled child, several goshawks have flown at the right moment, the hawk strikes the expansive sky, inspires the wing highest heaven this for and other other people's business, however is contacting this vortex the instance, suddenly sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, was involved in the vortex, the next moment, actually instantly changed to one group of ashes common flesh and blood, scatters in all directions to fling. 如斯高空,等闲修者尤自难近,然而作为天空骄子的苍鹰却不在此限,几头苍鹰适时飞过,鹰击长空,振翼九霄本为等闲事,然而在接触到这个漩涡的瞬间,突然发出一声凄厉的惨叫,被卷进了漩涡,下一刻,却是即刻化作了一团齑粉一般的血肉,四散甩出。 Runs cultivation technique Ye Xiao with concentration, felt clearly own dantian, as if has any thing to form gradually. 潜心运行功法叶笑,清晰感觉到自己的丹田,似乎有什么东西正在渐次形成。 This feeling, is exceptionally real, is very intense, has actually been full of the subtle flavor. 这种感觉,异常真实,十分强烈,却又充满了微妙的味道。 That night. 这一夜。 Above expansive sky similar vortex tornado, has five! 长空之上类似的漩涡龙卷风,足足有五个之多! Ye Xiao, profound ice, Li Wuliang, Jun Yinglian, Han Bingxue. 叶笑,玄冰,厉无量,君应怜,寒冰雪 Another quite silent covert place, another group of small tornados, seriously have not actually taken shape...... That is Wenren Chuchu pursues strongly. 另一处较为寂静隐蔽的地方,另有一团小小的旋风,却还未曾当真成型……那是闻人楚楚竭力追赶。 Also has Liu Changjun as for Zhao Pingtian and Ning Biluo, actually must be bad 1-layer, their nowadays realm also not thorough stable, cannot handle skillfully including Dao Origin Stage peak cultivation level seriously, but by their mental state accomplishment, foundation background, so long as the period of time whets again, naturally can success when conditions are ripe. 至于赵平天宁碧落还有柳长君,却还要再差了一层,他们三人现如今的境界还未彻底稳固,连道元境巅峰修为都未能当真运用自如,不过以他们的心境素养,根基底蕴,只要再有一段时日磨砺,自然可以水到渠成。 Five tornado, exceedingly high penetrating place, shocks infinitely. 五道龙卷风,通天彻地,无限震撼。 This showed disdain for the vault of heaven, the vast power and influence in tyrant certainly world, causes all witnesses this person to keep silent. 这等傲视天穹,霸绝天地的浩瀚威势,令到所有见证这一幕的人都是噤若寒蝉。 One side. 一侧。 Xue Danru raises head, the packed hole envies is looking at horizon that five groups of super spiritual energy tornados, as Ice Sky Heavenly Palace Sovereign, is Ice Sky Heavenly Palace first expert, top three Expert of Blue Clouds Heaven Territory recognition, she understands compared with anyone obviously that this tornado is representing anything, means anything. 雪丹如仰着头,满眼羡慕地望着天际那五团超级灵气旋风,作为冰霄天宫掌门,也是冰霄天宫的第一高手,青云天域公认的三甲大能,她显然比谁都明白,这股旋风代表着什么,又意味着什么。 Reason that Prisoner's Cage is Prisoner's Cage, not only displays in the aspect of opposing the enemy, to practitioner, can form the Prisoner's Cage effect similarly! 囚笼之所以是囚笼,不仅是表现在对敌的方面,对修炼者自己本身,也同样可以形成囚笼效应! No doubt can fetter the enemy outward, internal, can break limiting of world, constructs one to have enormous help special Prisoner's Cage to oneself! 对外固然可以束缚敌人,对内,也可以打破天地之限,构建出一座对自己有极大助益的特殊囚笼 One such as Ye Xiao, profound ice and other people of nowadays conditions! 一如叶笑玄冰等五人现如今的状态! So long as walks this step, was equal to step the true Great Way beginning. 而只要走出来这一步,就等同踏上了真正的大道起点。 It is well known, in all cultivator dantians, will exist to have matter of life and death True essence's Qi \; But kills the enemy key that wins, because of this True essence's Qi! 众所周知,所有的修者丹田之中,都会存在有性命攸关的真元之气\;而杀敌致胜的关键,亦是因为这真元之气 But, after having broken through the Prisoner's Cage boundary, in the dantian, no longer is illusory True essence's Qi that exists \; But is one exists, can have within the body, may the shape, be able to see entity Golden Core that can feel outside! 但,冲破了囚笼界限之后,在丹田之中,存在的就不再是虚无缥缈的真元之气\;而是一颗真实存在,可以存在体内,也可形于外、看得到摸得着的实体金丹 cultivator all energies, all centralized in this Golden Core! 修者本身的所有能量,全都集中在这颗金丹之内! From invisible to the visibility, this is a leap stride in the true sense! 从无形到有形,这才是真正意义上的飞跃一大步! Also is the average person so-called Separation of Immortal and Mortal! 亦是普通人所谓的“仙凡之隔”! Only has to reach to this realm, had the stepping-stone to World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven! 唯有臻至这个境界,才拥有了通往红尘天外天的敲门砖! In other words, if no this to represent the symbol, absolutely does not have qualifications Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven! 换言之,若是没有这份代表标志,根本就没有资格飞升红尘天外天 But has achievement powerhouse so, in the past Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, during ten thousand years was also not necessarily have one \; But nowadays, in front of oneself, before oneself this Heaven Realm recognizes most hopeful Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven Heaven Realm certainly summit powerhouse, presented five! 而拥有这般成就的强者,在以往的青云天域,万年间也未必能有一个\;可是现如今,在自己面前,在自己这个天域公认最有希望飞升红尘天外天天域绝巅强者之前,一口气出现了五个! Entire five! 整整五个啊! Xue Danru envied the envy to be proud the eyeball to be red. 雪丹如羡慕嫉妒骄傲得眼珠子都红了。 Because in these five people, has own husband. 因为这五个人之中,就有自己的丈夫在其中。 Looked that what profound ice that fellow will also take to compare with me from now on?! 玄冰那家伙今后还拿啥跟我比?! Although I still missed one step, has not been yet arrived this realm, husband but who I choose to this level! 虽然我仍差一步,未臻此境界,可是我挑选的老公到这个层次了! Most essential also has, your profound ice is not the ability, but haven't you arrived at this level? 最最关键的还有,你玄冰不是能耐么,可是你不还是没有到这个层次么? Among your me had the contest, been led one by me finally?! 你我之间的较量,终于被我领先了一把吧?! Xue Danru is envying, when the envy, the joyful, proud, self-satisfied many mood are diverse and confused, has the disturbance, confused, anxious wait / etc. many negative mood interweave! 雪丹如在羡慕,嫉妒,欣喜,骄傲,得意诸多情绪纷杂之际,却还有忐忑,迷茫,焦急等等许多负面情绪交织! Presently also pending issue, Li Wuliang, if rose World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, what to do I can? 当前还有一个急待解决的问题,厉无量若是升上了红尘天外天,那我可怎么办呢? Why even if knows perfectly well the road ahead direction, but the issue is actually...... My accumulation are too few, wants to arrive this step, radically is dream of a fool, had decided that is unable to realize. 纵然明知前路方向为何,可问题却在于……我的积累太少,想要走到这一步,根本就是痴人说梦,决计无法实现。 To obtain enough accumulation, the common Heaven and Earth Treasure significance is not big, the mystical spirit fruit that only if reaches one's goal instantly like Yin Yang Saint Fruit generally, has the possibility to offset own insufficiency comprehensively, otherwise, a middle vacancy is extremely difficult to make up. 想要取得足够的积累,寻常的天材地宝意义不大,除非有如阴阳圣果一般一步到位的神异灵果,才有可能全面弥补自己的不足,否则,中间的一段空缺是极难弥补的。 How can I be able to overtake him? 我要如何才能追得上他? If his came up, what to do I should? 要是他真个上去了,我又该怎么办呢? Xue Danru is utterly confused, suddenly won streak profound ice that joyfully to cast behind! 雪丹如心乱如麻,一时间连胜过玄冰的那份喜悦都抛诸脑后了! Ye Xiao receives the merit slowly, puts out foul air gently, along with, even if sees one seems the long dragon common prolonged haze, the direct impact exits without consulting anybody, does not know that ran out far, has a sound of dragon roar tiger's roar faintly along with it resounding. 叶笑徐徐收功,轻轻吐出一口浊气,随即便见一股好似长龙一般的绵长烟气,径自直冲出去,不知道冲出了多远,隐隐有一股龙吟虎啸的声音随之响起。 Young Master, you reached soon the pill success level now, generally...... Generally again likes so same late two evenings, then can break through the limit.” The profound ice whole face completely is excited, soon the merit will become regarding Ye Xiao, will actually resemble to have the progress also to be more delighted. “公子,你如今已臻即将成丹的层次,大抵……大抵再有如这般一样的一晚两晚,便能突破极限了。”玄冰满脸尽是兴奋,对于叶笑即将功成,却似比自己有进步还要更欢喜。 You?” Ye Xiao asked. “那你呢?”叶笑问道。 I naturally must miss on many...... profound ice to sigh compared with the young master: At least also takes over one month.” “我比公子自然要差上许多……”玄冰叹了口气:“至少还需要一个月以上的时间。” Do not think that profound ice this is boasting from to praise, profound ice this one breath really sighs the vicissitudes. 千万别以为玄冰这是在自夸自赞,玄冰这一口气叹得真的很沧桑。 Wants initially I to return to Blue Clouds Heaven Territory time, young master’s cultivation level also Spirit Origin Stage \; I was higher than to have day and the place compared with the young master fully add that far disparity. 想当初我回到青云天域的时候,公子的修为还不到灵元境\;我比公子高出了足有天和地加起来那么远的差距。 The so-called difference day altogether, did not say, but may now booing...... I was surpassed unexpectedly instead. 所谓差天共地,绝非只是说说,但现在可倒好……我竟然被反超了。 If no help of that Reincarnation Fruit, how could it not be must miss, yeah...... 若是没有那一枚轮回果的助益,岂非要差得更远,哎…… profound ice very has mixed feelings. 玄冰心情很复杂。 Bang. 砰。 Ye Xiao has patted on profound ice, ridicules saying: How your this small girl, depends on is not content...... Looks at your this to sigh, you may know that your this cultivation level already does not know Xian Sha many people, sighed anything to sigh......, This sighed actually...... Before seeming like you, compared with my cultivation level tall Si.” 叶笑玄冰头上拍了一下,笑骂道:“你这小丫头,怎地凭的不知足……瞧你这一声叹的,你可知道你这一身修为早已不知道羡煞了多少人,叹什么叹啊……,这一声叹气倒是……貌似你之前比我修为高似的。” ...... Ha Ha Ha Ha......” just Jun Yinglian that from sitting in meditation woke up just in time saw this splendid one, until hearing these words, could not bear laugh immediately. “噗……哈哈哈哈哈……”刚刚从入定之中醒来的君应怜正巧看到这精彩一幕,及至听到这句话,登时忍不住哈哈大笑起来。 Saw each time Ye Xiao said like this does this, is in the bureau to be completely ignorant does not know, always one type similar will sprout the contrast feeling of dull sprouting dull. 每次看到叶笑这样说这样做,身在局中完全懵懂不知,总是会有一种类似呆萌呆萌的反差感觉。 Really was too fun. 实在是太可乐了。 Ye Xiao naturally completely cannot trace the brains regarding laughing of Jun Yinglian this occasion, wonders to stare to ask: Lian Lian, what do you smile? This...... Which words that I spoke a moment ago were funny? Obviously is the correct principles!” 叶笑对于君应怜此际的大笑自然是完全摸不到头脑的,纳闷得瞪眼问道:“怜怜,你笑什么?这……我刚才说的哪句话好笑了?明明都是正理啊!” A saying was so unimportant, not only Jun Yinglian even more intense, smiled grins with ear to ear, profound ice was also being laughed. 这么一说不要紧,不仅君应怜愈发的变本加厉,笑得合不拢嘴,连带着玄冰也是“噗”的一声大笑起来。 Two females smile the flowering branch to shiver all over. 两女笑得花枝乱颤。 Ye Xiao feels the scalp, muttered: I have not spoken any joke, Lian Lian you smile, you said that you miss Li Wuliang Han Bingxue to plan, but also calculates that feels emotion to be possible original, but you were also inferior by Bing'er now, you said you to be ashamed, but also smiles......” 叶笑摸着头皮,喃喃道:“我也没讲什么笑话呀,怜怜你就笑吧,你说你差厉无量寒冰雪一筹,还算有情可原,但你现在还被冰儿比了下去,你说你惭不惭愧,还笑……” Two female hearing this stare immediately, when profound ice one, whole face pile of happy, laughed again elatedly, Jun Yinglian did not think disobediently, the smiling face unexpectedly was, 两女闻言登时一愣,玄冰一愣之余,又再满脸堆欢,愈发笑得欢畅了,君应怜也是不以为忤,笑容竟是更甚, It looks like in Jun Yinglian, oneself only then have same realm cultivation level compared with the profound ice Elder backwardness in January, naturally does not need to be ashamed, but where Ye Xiao actually knows, still an ignorant ratio of face! 君应怜看来,自己仅比玄冰长老落后一月便有相同境界修为,自然不需要惭愧,可是叶笑却哪里知道,兀自一脸的懵比! At this time, Bang, the gate was shoved by chance then open by somebody. 恰巧便在这时,“砰”地一声,门被某人推开了。 Actually saw that Li Wuliang one step stepped: Brother, I had a matter to forget.” 却见到厉无量一步迈了进来:“兄弟,我有件事忘了。” Immediately sees in the room a person of dull dull mold eye, another two young woman are actually smiles exceptionally elatedly, cannot help but also is greatly is the surprise, immediately touches the head subconsciously, muttered: How this was, any matter was so fun...... Was could it be that I comes fortunately not?” 随即看到房中一人呆愣呆愣的愣模楞眼,另外两个女人却是笑得异常欢畅,不由得也是大为诧异,登时下意识地摸摸脑袋,喃喃道:“这是咋地了,啥事这么可乐……难道是我来得不凑巧了?” Ha Ha...... Is all right... Is all right really... Ha Ha......” Jun Yinglian holds on him hurriedly, actually cannot bear the happy expression. “哈哈……没事没事…真没事…哈哈……”君应怜急忙拉住他,却还是忍不住笑意。 Ye Xiao greatly is depressed looked at two female one. 叶笑大是郁闷的看了两女一眼。 Does not know really these two young woman in the end have violated any nerve, how probably to hear in this world to be funniest the funniest joke to smile not to end generally. Also is your also a little cultivation level, if has changed the average person, at this time estimated that already smiled the belly to hurt...... 真不知道这俩女人到底是犯了什么神经,怎地就好像是听到了这个世界上最好笑最好笑的笑话一般笑起来没个完。也就是你们还有点修为,要是换了普通人,这时候估计早就笑得肚子疼了…… This was cultivation level high another welfare?! 这算是修为高了的另一项福利么?! You said a moment ago what matter forgot?” Ye Xiao looks at Li Wuliang depressed, booth lets go helpless saying: These two young woman were insane...... Our two brothers exited to say.” “你刚才说啥事儿忘了?”叶笑郁闷地看着厉无量,摊摊手无奈的说道:“这俩女人疯了……咱兄弟俩出去说。” Draws Li Wuliang to walk outward while asked: in the end what matter?” 一边拉着厉无量往外走一边问:“到底啥事儿啊?” Behind still transmits two young woman to be crazier, four fearless laughter, straight such as the demon sound is grating. 后面兀自传来两个女人更加疯狂、更加肆无忌惮的笑声,直如魔音刺耳。 A Ye Xiao heavy line, several to feeling helpless. 叶笑一头黑线,几至不知所措。 I want to say...... I broke through, broke through in a big way.” Li Wuliang said. “我就是想说……我又突破了,突破大了。”厉无量道。 Broke through in a big way is the good deed, how was your face anxious? What hidden danger difficult to be inadequate has to be inadequate?” Ye Xiao doubt looks at this Li Wuliang: Said that goes crazy will also infect, were you also insane?” “突破大了是好事,怎地你一脸焦急?难不成是有什么隐患不成?”叶笑狐疑的看这厉无量:“还是说发疯也会传染,你也跟着疯了?” Li Wuliang gets angry: What insanity is insane, were you insane? Do I have the proper matter to worry? This saw that World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven before my foot, lifted the foot also to come up, but I ‚’ came up all of a sudden, my wife what to do?” 厉无量怒道:“疯什么疯,你才疯了呢?我可是有正经事才着急的?这眼看着红尘天外天就在我的脚前,抬抬脚也就上去了,可是我‘唰’的一下子上去了,我老婆咋办呢?” The Ye Xiao askew head, visits him: What what to do? Cold food in sauce? could it be that does your also wish make Xue Danru come up together?” 叶笑歪歪头,看着他:“啥咋办?凉拌呗?难道你还想要让雪丹如一起跟着上去?” Cold anything! How cold food in sauce?” Li Wuliang gets angry: You told me, my wife I, if didn't bring in the side cold food in sauce? If runs into a handsome boy, you do not know that now the handsome boy is marketable, um, you are having a look to understand to the mirror nearly perfect......” “凉拌啥!咋凉拌?”厉无量怒道:“你告诉我,我老婆我要是不带在身边咋凉拌?万一遇到个小白脸,你可不知道现在小白脸多抢手,嗯,你对着镜子看看就能明白个八九不离十……” A Ye Xiao face heavy line, groaned a sound track: Handsome boy? Xue Danru must look for the words of handsome boy, do these many years also turn to obtain you? You are the love blindly ponder over!” 叶笑一脸黑线,呻吟一声道:“小白脸咋的了?雪丹如要找小白脸的话,这么多年还轮得到你?你就是爱瞎琢磨!” Li Wuliang is persistently unreasonable: I ponder over? I must bring in any case.” 厉无量蛮不讲理:“我琢磨咋的了?反正我就是要带着。” The Ye Xiao booth lets go: I am thinking you come up first, after waiting for a little foundation, then said that takes the sister-in-law to come up together...... After all we just came up, mostly is several ants, it would be better if......” 叶笑摊摊手:“我本来想着你先上去,等有点基础之后,再说接弟妹一起上去……毕竟我们刚上去,多半就是几只蝼蚁,莫如……” Li Wuliang is impatient: Your being short rubbish with me, you said that fruit, is returns does not give.” 厉无量不耐烦:“你丫的少跟我废话,你就说那果子,是给还是不给吧。” Looks at this fellow livid robber countenance, Ye Xiao but immediately adds speechless, wants to say anything, but looked appearance who this fellow do not give the affirmation answer to open the dry welldoing immediately, clenches teeth one to say cruel-heartedly: „!” 看着这家伙急赤白脸的强盗嘴脸,叶笑登时无奈加无语,本来还想说点啥,但看这家伙的样子自己不给肯定答复就要立即开干的德行,一咬牙一狠心道:“给!” That rubbish!” Li Wuliang turns the head to call: Wife, comes out, he complied to give us.” “那就别废话了!”厉无量转头叫:“老婆,出来吧,他答应给咱了。” Xue Danru blushes to flutter from the shadow place, twisted the ear of Li Wuliang wickedly: You said that you have the means that you said that you have the great idea, but your means idea i.e. old lady looks for the handsome boy...... I such treated you, you actually such treated me,...... Your this does not have the conscience, you said that you do not have the conscience, you said...... Your you......” 雪丹如红着脸从暗影处飘出来,恶狠狠地一把拧住了厉无量的耳朵:“你说你有办法,你说你有好主意,可你的办法主意就是说老娘找小白脸……我都这么对待你了,你却这么对待我,……你这没良心的,你说你是不是没良心,你自己说……你你你……” A Li Wuliang face compensates to smile submissive submissive in a kindly manner: My this did not fear that he not to you, how to be naturally ruthless how saying that how poked vital point to say...... Therefore said...... Actually I do not have this meaning, said again...... So is good to touch like the Ye Xiao that boy common handsome boy of......” 厉无量一脸赔笑低眉顺眼低声下气好声好气:“我这不是怕他不给你么,自然怎么狠怎么说,怎么戳要害怎么说……所以才说……其实我真没这意思,再说了……像叶笑那小子一般的小白脸是那么好碰的么……” Xue Danru had not been angry, but in a few words by Li Wuliang roaring softly, is the words to the final thread of conversation sudden change, makes him fly into a rage: What meter? What meter did you say? Were you refer to the old lady cling to the goods of handsome boy? You think that who the old lady is? You give the old lady to talk clearly the words...... It is not good, today this saying must result in talks clearly, if you could not say 1234, today this matter does not calculate...... You stare any eye, has skill you to hit me......” 雪丹如原本没真生气,不过三言两语就被厉无量给哄软乎了,可是话到最后的话锋突变,却让其大发雷霆:“啥米?你说啥米?你是指老娘是贪恋小白脸的货色了?你以为老娘是什么人?你给老娘把话说清楚……不行,今天这话必须得说清楚,你要是说不出来个1234的话,今天这事不算完……你瞪啥眼,有本事你打我啊……” Ye Xiao really does not endure to look straight ahead leaning excessive, layer on layer sighed, has a mind to want the condition that shipped out one to look but not see to turn a deaf ear to know to feign ignorance, continued to watch the good play, the moral nature flood a conscience has been finally restless, criticizes is in itself not the thing, unexpectedly moved sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, looked at one is not good treacherous thoughts. 叶笑实在不忍直视的偏过头,重重叹气,有心想要装出一副视而不见听而不闻知而故作不知的状态,继续观赏好戏,心底终于泛过一丝良心不安,暗骂自己不是东西,居然动了坐山观虎斗,看了一出是一出的无良诡谲心思。 In own room two do not know the gloomy female lunatic who what's the matter smiles, comes out and sees this extraordinary husband and wife. Today opened that several visions, similar, always own establishes above others' pain joyfully, considers as finished...... 自己房内两个不知道咋回事笑的天昏地暗的女疯子,出来又看到这一对奇葩夫妻。今天已经开了那几次眼界了,差不多的了,总把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上,还是算了吧…… Represses laughter forcefully, throws Yin Yang Fruit, shouted to clear the way: Good, fruit gave your couple, hurried to promote the strength to go......” 强行忍着笑,扔出来一枚阴阳果,喝道:“好了好了,果子给你们两口子了,赶紧提升实力去吧……” The words have not said that in hand, did not have their shadow at present. 话还没说完,手上一空,眼前已经没有了两人的影子。 Was Xue Danru has actually taken to get down, looks for place refining. 却是雪丹如已经服下去,找地方炼化去了。 As for Li Wuliang, the fruit has succeeded in obtaining, the nature followed the wife. 至于厉无量,果子都到手了,自然跟着媳妇走了。 „! Unexpectedly even/including Ju expressed gratitude had not said that......” Ye Xiao stared dumbfounded. “靠!居然连句道谢也没说……”叶笑瞠目结舌。 Hears one to yell from afar: „Does suffice?” 远远传来一声大叫:“一个够么?” Ye Xiao turns around to return to the room directly. 叶笑直接转身回房。 Does suffice? Does could it be that also want to eat two? Did not fear that supports your wife...... 一个够么?难道还想吃吃俩?不怕撑死你媳妇么…… Criticizes the solid conscience to be good, although a mountain does not accommodate two tigers, but now these two tigers is a Duke mother, is very round friendly harmony! 暗骂自己实在良心太好,虽说一山不容二虎,但现在这两虎是一公一母,还是很圆融和谐的! ...... …… five days later. 五天后 Ye Xiao from airborne falls slowly \; Looks that last ice palace lotus seed infiltrates underground, under a revolution, a boundless vigorous prestige can instant start conveniently, direct impact horizon, before sky Sun suddenly surface-to-air blazing, ten thousand golden light dodge to pass. 叶笑从空中徐徐落下\;看着最后一颗冰宫莲子打入地下,随手一转之下,一股磅礴雄浑的威能瞬时发动,直冲天际,天空中太阳突地空前炽烈,万道金光一闪而逝。 This is actually Ye Xiao by this assigns Soul Force, activated Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, the battle formation has constructed. 这却是叶笑以本命神魂之力,激活了周天封锁阵,阵势构建完毕。 Had such foundation, when then lets this Great Formation true display might, completely was said considering as finished by Ye Xiao. 有了这样的基础,那么什么时候让这个大阵真正发挥威力,就全部由叶笑说了算了。 But this battle destination Eastern Temple, beyond hundred li (0.5km), toward it obviously. 此役的目的地东殿,就在百里之外,往之可见。 this battle, to strive for absolutely safe, all around the surrounding area three thousand li(500 km) boundary, this occasion completely had been covered by Ye Xiao enter the Revolve Heaven Sealing Array battle formation to cover in the range. 此役,为求万无一失,周遭方圆三千里地界,此际已经全部被叶笑笼罩进入了周天封锁阵的阵势笼罩范围之内。 „After war detonation, must immediately starts Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, this can guarantee absolutely safe!” “战局引爆之后,须得立即发动周天封锁阵,这样才能确保万无一失!” Jun Yinglian reminded Ye Xiao in a low voice. 君应怜低声提醒叶笑 Em.” Ye Xiao heavy nod. “恩。”叶笑沉沉点头。 Even if Jun Yinglian did not say that he also such planned, under this low-quality cloth Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, but worked hard, regardless of human and material resource many aspects, even if pools brains and brawn, the people of one mind, actually also moved the initial capital, this battle must also again make the careless mistake, but was really unfair to this mental effort! 就算君应怜不说,他也是这么打算的,这次布下周天封锁阵,可是下了大力气,无论人力物力资源许多方面,纵然是群策群力,众人齐心,却也是动了血本,此役要还再出纰漏,可就真的对不起这份心力了! the next moment, Ye Xiao wields, several thousand expert of Heaven Realm School alliance from all directions each direction, simultaneously in the direction that Eastern Temple is, sneaks to go. 下一刻,叶笑手一挥,天域宗门联盟的数万高手从四面八方各个方向,齐齐向着东殿所在的方向,潜行而去。 Only has Ye Xiao, profound ice, Jun Yinglian, Li Wuliang, Han Bingxue, the Xue Danru six people have not actually moved, strength strongest they have the important missions. 唯有叶笑,玄冰,君应怜,厉无量,寒冰雪,雪丹如六个人却是没动,实力最强的他们另有重要任务。 Shang Que a person, had an oversight.” The Ye Xiao knitting the brows head , the eye looked at Moon Palace Shuang and Han unintentionally. “尚缺一个人,不免有所疏漏。”叶笑皱了皱眉头,眼睛有意无意的看了一下月宫霜寒 „Couldn't both of us have calculated one? Li Wuliang should not be ended oppressively by our sisters?!” Yue Shuang Yue Han has collected, two female small nose wrinkles, neglect oneself sisters to be not quite satisfactory to Ye Xiao obviously. “我们俩还算不了一个么?厉无量还不是要被我们姐妹完虐?!”月霜月寒凑了上来,两女小鼻子一皱,显然对叶笑忽视自己姐妹不大满意。 Ye Xiao laughs, said: Good.” 叶笑哈哈一笑,道:“好。” Yue Shuang Yue Han has also taken Reincarnation Fruit, cultivation level also reached to peak at present, their sisters double hearts unite the sword are more unapproachable, Don't said is Li Wuliang, even though is Ye Xiao personally take action, not necessarily dares saying that can hold the confidence in victory, but also because of this, their two sisters, when breaks through Prisoner's Cage to limit, needs two people simultaneously to break through is of great success. 月霜月寒也有服用过轮回果,一身修为目前也已经臻至巅峰,她们姐妹双心联剑更是无可匹敌,莫说是厉无量,纵使是叶笑亲自出手,也未必就敢说能操胜券,但也正因为如此,她们姐妹俩在突破囚笼限制的时候,也需要两个人同时突破才算大功告成。 At present the two sisters are stranded above this important pass, cannot break through, saw that Ye Xiao Li Wuliang and the others have considered the breakthrough, always unwillingly falls two females after person to be burning with impatience, wishes one could to punch one...... 目前姐妹二人就困在这一关口之上,迟迟不能突破,眼看着叶笑厉无量等人都已告突破,向来不甘落于人后的两女可谓心急如焚,恨不得将自己揍一顿…… Now looks that Ye Xiao and the others must develop to move, the two sisters live one type ashamed, we have not met requirements that feeling, do not look on the mouth to hardly hard, the moral nature regulations actually aroused the courage, with. 现在看着叶笑等人要开展行动,姐妹二人不禁生有一种“惭愧,我们没达到要求”的那种感觉,别看嘴上要多硬有多硬,心底实则却是鼓足了勇气,才跟上来的。 Ye Xiao hēi hēi smiles, said: You collaborate definitely compared with Li Wuliang that goods! But the present key is actually, do you dare to begin.” 叶笑嘿嘿一笑,道:“你俩联手肯定比厉无量那货强!但现在的关键却是,你俩敢不敢上手。” The Yue Shuang Yue Han facial expression shook, has pondered, the solemn promise did not have the issue. 月霜月寒神情一震,沉思了一下,郑重承诺没问题。 „The Seven Stars array, Beidou glistens!” Ye Xiao light instruction, immediately, eight people raise from the ground like eight meteors generally, is only the time of flash, simultaneously went to sky over Eastern Temple. 七星列阵,北斗辉耀!”叶笑淡淡的吩咐一句,随即,八个人有如八道流星一般从地上升起,只是一瞬间的功夫,就已经齐齐去到了东殿上空。 Strikes the eye the institute, below is the continuous more than several hundred li (0.5km) palace, broad in scale, the hills unexpectedly is a silence, as if not any protection. 触目所及,下面乃是连绵不下数百里的宫殿,规模宏大之极,群山四下里竟是一片寂静,似乎并没有任何防备。 However Ye Xiao actually keen observation. In the Eastern Temple central place, the wisp of vague Black Qi where ascension fermentation stirs. 然而叶笑却敏锐的观察到。在东殿的中心位置,有一缕若有若无的黑气在哪里升腾酝酿鼓荡。 The eight people in sky take the stations \; Ye Xiao occupies Megrez to the position of wanting, comes between a management bureau, other seven people, Moon Palace Shuang and Han they concentric only calculate that a person, occupied the benetnasch star aspect \; Another five people of everyone star aspects, are placed Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Alioth and Mizar, the people completely are familiar with the Seven Stars position, is only in in the wink of an eye, the Seven Stars battle formation has distributed to be completed. 天空中的八个人各就各位\;叶笑占据天权冲要之位,居中主持阵局,其他的七个人,月宫霜寒两人同心只算一个人,占据了摇光星位\;另外五人每人一个星位,分列天枢天璇天玑玉衡开阳,众人尽都熟悉七星方位,只是在瞬息之间,七星阵势就已经排布完成。 Seven Stars gathering strength, the yellow and black overturns!” Ye Xiao drinks coldly, in hand Stars Sword leaves, stellar scintillation at the same time, other seven person together take action! 七星聚力,玄黄翻覆!”叶笑一声冷喝,手上星辰剑出,星光闪烁的同时,其他的七个人一起出手 At this moment, eight big expert gather the prestige energy that executes hand in hand, from seven position afflux inductions in one, gathers into a destroying the hardest defenses tyrannical strength, takes in the upper air the Seven Stars battle formation for the beginning, clashes fallen toward under rapidly crazily! 这一刻,八大高手联袂合施的威能,从七个方位汇流归纳在一处,汇聚成为一股无坚不摧的强横力量,以高空中七星阵势为起点,迅速向着下方狂冲陨落 In the midair, innumerable thunder and lightnings suddenly flash before, with overpowering momentum incomparable, vast incomparable! 半空中,无数的霹雳闪电蓦然闪现,气势磅礴无比,浩瀚无匹! Sky over entire Eastern Temple, shortly changed will have made the thunder sea. 整个东殿上空,顷刻之间变作了雷霆的海洋。 Below Eastern Temple aspect makes strain immediately, sky over the station raises suddenly a cream ray, has covered the entire Eastern Temple sky, ripples like the wave generally! 下方的东殿方面即时做出应变,驻地上空骤然升起一阵乳白色的光芒,笼罩了整个东殿的上空,有如水波一般荡漾! However horizon Ye Xiao and the others snatch unexpectedly, in Seven Stars before incurring the power and influence arrives, first one step will flush! 然而天际的叶笑等人竟抢在七星合招威势降临之前,先一步冲将下来! Ye Xiao first of pushing to the front launches an attack, the Stars Sword speedily dance, calls out one: Opens!” 一马当先的叶笑头一个发难,星辰剑疾速狂舞,暴喝一声:“开!” Great sword light, by potential at top speed, the powerful shells that cream guard shield together, endures the earthshaking explosion bellow to resound along with a foot suddenly, the cream guard shield slightly has supported the moment, entire blasts out in light of this. 一道宏大剑光,以流星赶月之势,强势轰击那乳白色护罩,随着一声足堪惊天动地的爆炸轰鸣声骤然响起,乳白色护罩只是略略支持了片刻,就此整个炸开。 Almost after is the foot proleg, Seven Stars gathering strength about incurring the huge strength, was rumbled the earliest possible time in the cream guard shield exploding, does not have to hinder, blossomless false has crashed in the Eastern Temple center! 几乎就是脚前脚后,七星聚力合招的庞然力量,在乳白色护罩被轰爆的第一时间,全无阻滞,毫无花假的冲进了东殿中心! Bang rumble...... 轰隆隆隆隆…… A series of explosives are continuous, Eastern Temple station Qian mountain Wan He all around, fiercely trembles along with this wave of impact, nearby dozens mountain peaks, simultaneously have landslide Yue Yun, the innumerable giant stones soar, straight such as the rainstorm falls generally! 一连串爆响络绎不绝,东殿驻地周遭的千山万壑,亦随着这一波冲击而剧烈震颤起来,附近数十座山峰,同时发生山崩岳陨,无数的巨石腾空而起,直如暴雨一般落下来! Mountain peaks, such are swaying, the avalanche, collapsing, is arriving just like the judgment day towering! 一座座山峰,就这么摇晃着,崩塌,崩坏着,宛如世界末日突兀降临! Entire Eastern Temple, all constructions in station, are also withstanding the most positive attack in this moment, has nothing the exception, all collapsing. Some innumerable blood light shoot up to the sky! 整个东殿,驻地内的所有建筑,亦在这一刻承受着最正面的攻击,无有例外,悉数坍塌。更有无数血光冲天而起! Kills!” Ye Xiao sees with own eyes the tactical benefit, not neglects, flushed insistently, slaughters! “杀!”叶笑眼见战术得益,更无怠慢,一马当先地冲了进去,大开杀戒! Other seven person that meeting to ignore Ye Xiao people brave hardships and dangers, naturally closely follows in his, organized a group to crash in the Eastern Temple station. 余下七个人那会放任叶笑一人涉险,自然是紧紧跟在他的身后,组团冲进了东殿驻地。 Kills!” “杀啊!” The complementary waves that the earth vibration thunders have not completely, from the war cry also shocking writings, all around Heaven Realm School even/including Men several thousand expert, in abundance from all directions rushes ahead in all directions \; The Eastern Temple station constructs after withstanding so fiercely explodes, has been destroyed in a moment thoroughly, in the person of survival most still shaken, makes the strain radically without enough time, in all directions had crashed in the center by tide of people! 大地震动轰鸣的余波有余未尽,来自四面八方喊杀声也震天般大作,周遭天域宗门连门的数万高手,纷纷从四面八方冲杀而来\;东殿驻地建筑在承受如此剧烈爆炸之后,已经彻底毁于一旦,内中幸存之人绝大多数惊魂未定,根本来不及做出应变,就被四面八方的人潮冲进了腹地! At this time, several called out resounds. 这时,几声暴喝响起。 Several forms soar, welcomed toward Ye Xiao and the others. 十几道身影腾空而起,向着叶笑等人迎了过来。 Is a person of square face and big ears appearance is dignified, a startled anger of face occurred simultaneously: Is you! Why can under this violent treachery to my Eastern Temple?” 为首一人方面大耳面貌威严,一脸的惊怒交加:“是你们!为何要对我东殿下此毒手?” This person of Eastern Temple palace Lord Qi Fenglie \; Obviously, this Eastern Temple palace main violent anger, went extreme. 这人正是东殿殿主齐峰烈\;显然,这位东殿殿主的暴怒,已经去到了极处。 He knew these people who invades one's territory, basic each is not strange. 他认识来犯的这些人,基本每一个都不陌生。 Facing the interrogation of Qi Fenglie, Ye Xiao had not replied that instead raises the hand, but sees the electric light to shoot up to the sky together, at once then changes to the yurt general aperture to fall, raises eyes to see completely is the star light sparkles, the bound­less star splendor instant has covered the entire thousand li(500 km) surrounding area region! 面对齐峰烈的质问,叶笑并未回答,反而将手一扬,但见一道电光冲天而起,旋即便化作了穹庐一般的光圈落下,举目所见尽是星光闪闪,无边星辉瞬时笼罩了整个千里方圆地域! Formidable energy field of difficult word, spontaneously landing. 一股难言的强大气场,油然降落。 Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, starts! 周天封锁阵,发动! Answer that Palace Master Qi, I give can you satisfy?” In the Ye Xiao eye is dodging ice-cold killing intent: What last words also has to confess?” 齐殿主,我给出的答案你可满意吗?”叶笑眼中闪着冰冷的杀机:“还有什么遗言要交代么?” This occasion completely is the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, is continuously continuous, has the innumerable blood light, billowing, but shortly, the innumerable human lives will dissipate in light of this. 此际四下里尽都是凄厉的惨叫声,此起彼伏络绎不绝,更有无数的血光,滚滚而起,不过顷刻之间,无数人命就此消逝,。 Qi Fenglie is angry saying: What do I satisfy? Monarch Xiao, under Assassin to my Eastern Temple pain can not stop, wants me to confess to regret that your so perverse actions, don't fear by Heavens Punishment?” 齐峰烈大怒道:“我满意什么?笑君主,你对我东殿痛下杀手不得止,更要我交代遗憾,你这般倒行逆施,不怕遭天谴么?” Ye Xiao sneers a sound track: Originally Palace Master Qi dreads the person of Heavens Punishment unexpectedly? Makes this majesty accidental really really!” 叶笑冷笑一声道:“原来齐殿主竟是畏惧天谴之人?真真让本座意外!” In the Qi Fenglie eye flashes through a flurry, is angry saying: „Did you so at a promiscuous manner, with no reason at all attack my Eastern Temple, could it be that also make sense inadequately? Heavens Punishment this completely executes and others!” 齐峰烈眼中闪过一丝慌乱,大怒道:“你们如此不分青红皂白,无缘无故进攻我东殿,难道还有道理了不成?天谴正该尽诛尔等!” Ye Xiao said lightly: Spoke the idle talk senselessly again, and looked that the divine intervention who is, kills!” 叶笑淡淡道:“无谓再说废话,且看天意谁属吧,杀!” In that to grid flurried also made Ye Xiao lose makes the interest that any argument pocket entangled again, since Qi Fenglie did not acknowledge that killed him to acknowledge, or grasped to say the truth again! 对方眼中的那一丝慌乱也令叶笑失去再做任何口舌兜缠的兴趣,既然齐峰烈不承认,那就杀到他承认,或者说,将真相抓出来再说! Black and white was already distinct, the right and wrong strength decides, the argument fights is senseless! 黑白早已分明,是非实力定夺,口舌争锋最是无谓! sword light dodges again, a Ye Xiao long and loud cry, the electric light twinkle, the thunderclap along, clashes to go toward Qi Fenglie crazily. 剑光再闪,叶笑一声长啸,身后电光闪烁,霹雳随身,向着齐峰烈狂冲而去。 When! 当! A shadow clashes from the slanting thorn, a sword across the sky, unexpectedly swings a Ye Xiao fully sword, the person's shadow appears in front of Ye Xiao together, corner of the eye wants the crack, to shout angrily: Ye Xiao, your legend will terminate today! Come, this majesty accompanies you to fight one again!” 一道黑影从斜刺里冲来,一剑横空,竟然将叶笑全力一剑荡开,一道人影出现在叶笑面前,睚眦欲裂、怒喝一声:“叶笑,你的传奇将终止于今日!来,本座陪你再战一场!” Ye Xiao sees the person, sneers, final will be already indefinite, thorough annihilation. 叶笑见到来人,一声冷笑,早已将最后的一丝不确定,彻底湮灭。 Because comes suddenly, receives a person of Ye Xiao sword, is beforehand First Under Heaven expert, Wu Fa! 因为乍然现身,接下叶笑一剑的这个人,正是之前的天下第一高手,武法 Terminates my legendary sequel? Did the First Under Heaven person who your this has not always been worthy of the reputation, some qualifications speak this words? Do you also allot me to fight one again?!” “终止我的传奇续编?你这个从来都不曾名副其实的天下第一人,有资格说这个话么?你也配与我再战一场?!” Long sword, already they simultaneously was involved in Qi Fenglie and Wu Fa oneself abundantly sword light, bellowed: Li Wuliang!” 长剑一圈,早已将齐峰烈武法两人同时卷入自己沛然剑光之中,大吼一声:“厉无量!” Li Wuliang this occasion is wearing Eastern Temple to symbolize that with three high level cultivator battle of purple clothes, hearing this bellows: I in!” 厉无量此际正在与三个身着东殿标志紫衣的高阶修者交战,闻言大吼一声:“我在!” Breaks Demon Source! Destroys Demon Qi!” “断魔源!毁魔气!” Ye Xiao bellows. 叶笑大吼一声。 Li Wuliang a long howl crack expansive sky, in the hand Horizontal Sky Blade glitters immediately suddenly eye-catching extreme brilliance, three enemies who when ding-dong three blades, oppose the enemy with it one after another all spurt the blood to back up without exception, Li Wuliang aims at a round of crevice, runs out with the blade powerful, dodged the hundred zhang (333m) space, the ghosts and demons has submerged in the Eastern Temple main shrine generally. 厉无量随即一声长啸声裂长空,手中横天刀乍然闪烁出夺目的极度光华,当当当接连三刀,与之对敌的三名敌人无一例外悉数喷血倒退,厉无量瞄准一发空隙,连人带刀强势冲出,一闪百丈空间,鬼魅一般的潜入了东殿主殿之中。 Enters, is outrageously the One Blade overhead chops to fall, only heard bang, the prestige of abundantly One Blade, all around will count directly the hundred zhang (333m) land for building the ruins of above avalanche to raise. 普一进入,便是悍然一刀当头劈落,只闻“轰”的一声,沛然一刀之威,直接将周遭数百丈地皮连带着上方崩塌的废墟悉数掀了起来。 The place of ground overturning, one group of Black Qi rumbling leap unexpectedly, if there is a life general has to walks. 地面翻覆之处,竟有一团黑气轰轰腾起,如有生命一般的有向而走。 Li Wuliang does not neglect, when is a long and loud cry, Horizontal Sky Blade blade potential broad like mountain, the quick over lightning, the time of a blink, consecutively 999 vigorous blade qi chop to fall on the position that Black Qi leaps. 厉无量更不怠慢,又是一声长啸之余,横天刀刀势恢弘如山,快逾闪电,不过一眨眼的功夫,连续999记浑厚刀气劈落在那黑气腾起的位置。 This occasion said goodbye the white shade to dodge, was the Shuang and Han sisters also appears in the side of Black Qi ascension, Shi Shuangjian was intimate friends suddenly the move of combining and complementing one another, the power and influence still above the Li Wuliang broad blade potential, just like the moon/month Watson cold aura of infinitude, will be divided the disorderly Black Qi total freeze that dispersed by Li Wuliang, not least bit oversight. 此际再见白影一闪,却是霜寒姐妹亦出现在黑气升腾之侧,骤施双剑连心合璧之招,威势犹在厉无量恢弘刀势之上,宛如无限量的月华森寒气息,将被厉无量劈散的凌乱黑气全数冻结,并无半点疏漏。 Also two clear shouting out sounds get up, is actually profound ice and Jun Yinglian one on the left and other on the right, the anxious illness helps, place visited straight such as wavelength division wave volume, even though many Eastern Temple expert detain along the way, even if the opposite party is Dao Origin Stage level 9 cultivator, is not two female move of enemies, the blood splash end, two females arrived at Li Wuliang behind, gathers the potential to wait! 又有两声清脆的呼喝声响起,却是玄冰君应怜一左一右,急疾来援,所过之处直如波分浪卷,纵使有许多东殿高手沿途拦阻,但即便对方是道元境九品修者,也不是两女一招之敌,鲜血飞溅之末,两女已经到了厉无量身后,蓄势以待! This moment Li Wuliang is also maintaining initial blade posture, does not have the limit of limit to output Essence Qi, the wildest style powerful suppression suffers the heavy pressure, the Demon Qi prestige energy of limit rebound. 此刻厉无量还在保持着最初的出刀姿势,全无限制的极限输出元气,最最狂暴的方式强势压制遭受重压,极限反弹的魔气威能。 If were not Shuang and Han sisters' moon/month Huawei can help Li Wuliang share more than half pressures, an only Li Wuliang person of strength, only feared was unable to suppress the Demon Qi prestige to be able really counter-attack! 如果不是霜寒姐妹的月华威能已经帮厉无量分担了半数以上的压力,单凭厉无量一人之力,只怕还真无法压制魔气威能的反扑! However can involve along with the profound ice Jun Yinglian two female prestige, Demon Qi was suppressed thoroughly, does not have the energy of contending again, but sees profound ice to raise hand, white hands direction space position, a spoken parts color break-up place, air suddenly motley, along with, even if has flashed before several space cracks. 然而随着玄冰君应怜两女的威能介入,魔气被彻底抑制,再无抗衡之能,但见玄冰一扬手,玉手指向空间位置,一道白光闪处,空气突然间斑驳了一下,随即便闪现了几道空间裂缝。 Jun Yinglian wields with the white hands, the Prisoner's Cage space that five people build with joint forces the present gap, was oppressed the extreme the Demon Qi prestige to be able from be possible for the first time to walk seamless, at this moment for the first time the present gap, naturally seeks pretext to enter, but they actually do not know that the other end of this gap, is the space crack. 君应怜跟着玉手一挥,五人合力营造出来的囚笼空间乍现一个缺口,被压迫到极点的魔气威能正自无隙可走,此刻乍现一处缺口,自然寻隙而入,可是它们却不知道,这个缺口的彼端,正是空间裂缝。 Then, innumerable Demon Qi, voluntarily entered the space crack at nearly the eruption -type speed. 就这样,无数的魔气,以近乎喷发式的速度自行进入了空间裂缝。 Although the space crack only presented the moment, but returns to normal until the space \; Black Qi that was collaborated to block by five people actually lost most likely, only part again hard to bring about climates. 尽管空间裂缝就只出现了片刻,但及至空间恢复正常\;被五人联手封锁的黑气却已经损失了十之八九,仅余的部分再难成气候。 Ye Xiao one person one sword, maneuvers among groups, by the incomparable power and influence, presses Wu Fa and Qi Fenglie two present age top expert has not gasped for breath, vision ice-cold looks at Qi Fenglie, said lightly: Palace Master Qi, now, are you still hoping for the arrival of Heavens Punishment now? Your desire to become true, did Heavens Punishment, how could it not be arrive?!” 叶笑一人一剑,纵横捭阖,以无匹威势,压得武法齐峰烈两位当世顶尖高手喘不过气来,目光冰冷的看着齐峰烈,淡淡道:“齐殿主,现在,你现在还在期盼天谴的到来吗?你的愿望已经成真,天谴,岂不已经到来了?!” Qi Fenglie reddens all over the face, immediately transfers palely, the body emits rich Black Qi steaming, the [say / way] of clenching jaws: Ye Xiao, how do you know?” 齐峰烈满脸通红,随即又转为苍白,身上腾腾地冒出浓郁黑气,咬牙切齿的道:“叶笑,你是如何知道的?” Ye Xiao hēi hēi sneers: If wants the person not to know, only if oneself Mo Wei! Qi Fenglie, you asked to me asked again that I also want to ask your one...... Who your is in the end?” 叶笑嘿嘿一阵冷笑:“要想人不知,除非己莫为!齐峰烈,你对我一问再问,我也想问你一句……你到底是谁?” The Qi Fenglie complexion is even more pale, clenches teeth saying: You never know that who I am...... You died after my sword next, I will make you know that who I am!” 齐峰烈的脸色越发的苍白起来,咬牙道:“你永远都不会知道我是谁……或者等你死在我的剑下之后,我会让你知道,我是谁!” Ye Xiao Bang a palm, repels Wu Fa, sword light mobile dodges, immediately brings to drip blood the light in the Qi Fenglie front, said indifferently: Your status origin said or did not say, in me and infinite big distinction. Only what I am interested is only your in the end is Young Master Bai under the hand/subordinate, that is all.” 叶笑“砰”的一掌,将武法击退,剑光矫若游龙的一闪,登时在齐峰烈胸前带起一溜血光,冷漠道:“你的身份来历说或不说,于我并无多大分别。我唯一感兴趣的只是你到底是不是白公子手下,仅此而已。” This answer regarding me , less significances, no matter how because your answer, replied that or not, I must kill you, today your dead calamity runs away!” “不过这个答案对于我来说,也没有更多意义,因为不管你的答案如何,回答与否,我都要杀你,今日你死厄难逃!” Qi Fenglie snort|hum, has kept silent to go all out to counter-attack, Black Qi overflows, the power and influence is unprecedented. 齐峰烈哼了一声,闷声不响拼命反扑,黑气四溢,威势空前。 His offensive, completely is what a pity useless in front of Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao is swaying lingering dense Purple Qi Stars Sword at fingertips, two swords, divide to attack them one after another \; Wu Fa and Qi Fenglie they simultaneously take action resists, performs felt that the whole body is similar to by the thunder and lightning is hit general, Black Qi that not only arm intermittent numb and aching, the whole body overflows also sharply extinguishes, immediately withdraws from dozens zhang (3.33 m) subconsciously, however swaying of body the automatic stoppage did not get down. 可惜他的攻势,在叶笑面前全然无用,叶笑信手挥洒着萦绕氤氲紫气星辰剑,接连两剑,分攻两人\;武法齐峰烈两人同时出手招架,尽都感觉浑身如同被雷电击中一般,非但手臂一阵阵的酸麻,周身流溢的黑气亦随之锐灭,登时下意识地退出数十丈,然而身子的摇晃仍自停不下来。 The fit and unfit quality of both sides condition, high under distinct! 双方状况之优劣,高下分明! After the Ye Xiao two swords defeat the enemy, the body changes to together flowing light, pours to shoot, but in a flash, actually regarding counting the location of hundred zhang (333m) surrounding area flew. 叶笑两剑挫敌之后,身子跟着化作一道流光,倒射而出,不过弹指之间,却已围绕数百丈方圆的场地飞了一圈。 These is not the pure rapid flight, the Ye Xiao place visited, the sword light sparkle, is similar to meteors, flight that from the sky maneuvers among groups. 这一圈可不是单纯的疾飞,叶笑所过之处,剑光闪耀,如同一道道流星,在空中纵横捭阖的飞行。 Innumerable head flew turning round. 无数人头滴溜溜飞了起来。 ............ <\; this chapter close 10,000 characters >\; …………<\;本章接近10000字哦>\;
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