RITF :: Volume #15

#1479: Preparation general attack

The following several months, entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory turned into pot gruel directly! 接下来的几个月,整个青云天域直接就变成了一锅粥! First is Demon Soul Way one exposes on the background origin comprehensively, then the Heaven Realm School alliance initiates the war of slaughter demon \; In following some time comprehensive cleaning up, the Demon Soul Way nine big bases, were completely crushed. 先是魔魂道的一应背景来历全面曝光,然后天域宗门联盟发起屠魔之战\;在接下来的一段时间全面清理,魔魂道九大基地,被彻底粉碎。 But in exterminating the processes of nine big bases, had discovered three in present age nine big super aristocratic family, is provides the commodity financial resource channel for Demon Soul Way, thereupon, Gao Family, Li Family, Wang Family, these three aristocratic family that is the super aristocratic family ranks the top three, immediately during fell into was precarious. 而在剿灭九大基地的过程中,又发现了当世九大超级世家之中的三个,乃是为魔魂道提供物资财力资源渠道,于是乎,高家,李家,王家,这三家位列超级世家排名前三甲的世家,即时陷入了风雨飘摇之中。 After Jun Yinglian and Xue Danru these two thoughts most prudent most and meticulous, young woman of experience old [say / way] personally goes to confirm, three big aristocratic families, in the several days, remove from Blue Clouds Heaven Territory! 君应怜雪丹如这两个心思最为慎密、经验至为老道的女人亲自前去证实之后,三大世家,于数日之间,从青云天域除名! Does not know whether is draws out the radish to carry over the putty, several influences were discovered and Demon Soul Way commit fornication, this time, is actually Misty Cloud Palace acts, hits the Luochen Egypt these influences. 不知是否是拔出萝卜带出泥,又有几个势力被发现与魔魂道有染,这一次,却是缥缈云宫出面,将这几个势力打落尘埃。 The entire demon calamity Heaven Realm event, erupts from the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory center for the first time, then launches the war in the center, then makes war in all directions in all directions, finally actually gradually draws in toward the central location. 整个魔祸天域事件,从青云天域中央首度爆发,然后在中央展开大战,进而四面八方四处开战,最终却又渐次往中央位置收拢。 The entire process, looks like a big net, bit by bit completes the draw in a net the movement. 整个过程,就像是一张大网,一点一点地完成收网的动作。 Nowadays, arrived at the chart poor dagger to see. 现如今,已经到了图穷匕见的时候。 Because of the known Demon Soul Way strength, or only strengths, only remaining Eastern Temple Western Temple these two! 因为已知的魔魂道实力,或者说仅余的实力,就只剩下了东殿西殿这两处了! Is too smooth! Really was too smooth? This should not! Where certainly has not to suit, does not have so is possibly smooth!” This is Ye Xiao third time sends out sighs with emotion like this! “太顺利!实在是太顺利了?这不应该啊!一定有哪里不对劲,没可能这么顺利!”这已经是叶笑第三次发出这样的感慨了! When raises nine big bases continuously, Ye Xiao faintly felt suiting, has the question for the first time, nine big bases, are almost the attitude of life of Demon Soul Way influence, the foundation are, by such extermination with irresistible force, in the process of extermination, the Heaven Realm School alliance, the loss to be been how minimal, the personnel casualty is lowers sends to refer, goes far beyond the initial expectation, is really smooth was excessive! 早在连续掀出九大基地的时候,叶笑就隐隐感到了对劲,首度生出质疑,九大基地,几乎就是魔魂道势力的立身之本,根基所在,怎么会被这么势如破竹的剿灭,在剿灭的过程中,天域宗门联盟这边,损失微乎其微,人员伤亡更是低得发指,远远超过最初的预想,实在是顺利的过分了! But had discovered high, Li, king three big super aristocratic families, doubting is Demon Soul Way provides resource support the clue of surrounding influence, this is the significant clue, naturally must process, Jun Yinglian and Xue Danru two females go hand in hand, investigate this matter, the several days, cauldron card this matter is authentic, erases three big aristocratic families thoroughly! 但紧接着就发现了高、李、王三大超级世家,疑为魔魂道提供资源协助的外围势力的线索,这可是重大线索,自然得优先处理,君应怜雪丹如两女联袂而去,调查此事,前后不过数日,鼎证此事真确,更将三大世家彻底抹除! Erased has helped one another Demon Soul Way three big super aristocratic families, without doubt was a great victory, but Ye Xiao has voiced similar feeling once again, what a pity the sound of feeling has not fallen, there are with the influence that Demon Soul Way committed fornication surfaces...... 抹除了相助魔魂道的三大超级世家,无疑又是一次大胜利,但叶笑再度发出了类似的感慨,可惜感慨之声未落,又有与魔魂道有染的势力浮出水面…… After this time once again smoothly eradicates the enemy force, Ye Xiao basically can determine, inside this has certainly the issue, presently...... Condition that should not have. 及至这次又再度顺利铲除敌对力量之后,叶笑基本可以确定了,这里边一定有问题,当前……根本就是不应该出现的状况。 Doesn't the matter have absolutely so will be smooth? 事情绝对没可能会这么顺利? Being dormant innumerable years, the influence huge super demon organization hence, facing consulting of hostile forces, has not formed any nice resistivity unexpectedly completely, by that being divided and demoralized with irresistible force to this grade of situation. Demon Soul Way current eliminated surrounding strength, has recovered several million people of numbers, if said that in front of nine big bases how many, sudden, catches off guard, but also is passable, is behind? The several other big bases, three big super aristocratic families, and even have many influences of implication with Demon Soul Way, in exterminated process, but has not obtained any reenforcement. 蛰伏无数岁月,势力庞大至此的超级邪魔组织,面对敌对势力的请教,竟然完全没有形成任何像样的抵抗力,就被那么势如破竹的分化瓦解到了这等地步。魔魂道当前被消灭的外围力量,已愈数百万人之数,若说九大基地前面几处,事发突然,攻其不备,还说得过去,可是后面的呢?无论是余下的几大基地,三大超级世家,乃至跟魔魂道有牵连的多个势力,在被清剿的过程中,可是没有得到过任何增援的。 Big Brother Ye said in the principle, I have similar strange feeling......” Xue Danru to wrinkle the delicate eyebrows, said: This probably is...... Somebody has spent the endless mental effort, in the long-time years, cultivated a super huge empire devotedly, but, was actually waiting, waited for that a specific opportunity, was annexed and even eliminated!” 叶大哥说得在理,我也有类似的奇怪感觉……”雪丹如皱着秀眉,道:“这就好像是……某个人费了无尽的心力,在长久的岁月里,悉心栽培出来了一个超级庞大的帝国,但,却就只是等着,等待一个特定的时机,被人吞并乃至消灭!” Even said that was annexed is eliminated, is the existence significance of this empire.” “甚至于说,被吞并被消灭,才是这个帝国的存在意义。” Only has so, can explain that went into hiding the Demon Soul Way surrounding influences of innumerable years, unexpectedly in a short time, gradually exposure, in encircled process, besides the main family strength, never obtains any aid, they radically given up abandoned child. Presently condition, radically is Demon Soul Way high-level desired, or is their ultimate objectives.” “唯有如此,才能解释隐匿了无数岁月的魔魂道外围势力,竟然会于短期之内,渐次曝光,被围剿的过程中,除了本家战力之外,从未得到任何援助,他们根本就是被放弃的弃子。当前的状况,根本就是魔魂道高层希望看到的,或者说就是他们的最终目标。” Xue Danru wrinkled the brow: But, did this also is too rather unthinkable?!” 雪丹如皱紧了眉头:“但是,这样做未免也太匪夷所思了吧?!” Listens to Xue Danru these words, all people present have the same feeling, in abundance nod. 听罢雪丹如这番话,在座的所有人都是有同感,纷纷点头。 The people of presenting is a worldly-wise person, at the beginning of this movement, already did to be hard to go well and prepare the plan of dozen of long-term campaigns for a while, even is not suitable for and encounters the demon person including the war to counter-attack, suffers heavy casualties, the mentally constructions of massive personnel losses early do, has not thought wins the forethought defeat prepares early to arrange, this occasion goes well smoothly no doubt joyfully infinite, actually many thinks deeply, this time movement smooth back, if there is plot, sacrifice in opposite party my humble home so great writer, attempts can it be that easily, on the current situation, this matter, indeed is strange in the extreme. 在座之人都是老江湖,此次动作之初,早已做下一时难以得手、准备打长期战役的打算,甚至连战事不顺、遭到魔人反扑,损兵折将,大量减员的心理建设都早早做下,未思胜先虑败的准备早早备好,此际顺利得手固然欣喜无限,却都不乏深思,此番动作顺利的背后,若是藏有阴谋,在对方舍下这般大手笔的牺牲,所图岂是轻易,就当前态势而言,这件事情,的确是奇怪的无以复加了。 This war, even if hits three years five years ten years eight years, everybody will not feel strange \; But, is only the progress is so quick, a half year, unexpectedly had not advanced this grade of situation, lets the people regarding the decision of Demon Soul Way, complete does not understand. 这一战,就算是打个三年五年十年八年,大家都不会奇怪\;但,唯独是进度这么快,前后不过半年,居然已经推进到了这等地步,却让众人对于魔魂道的决定,完全的不理解了。 If not care about these base industry, then initially why established? Why such mysterious hideaway its several thousand years? So the management of pains attainments, for by a person dynasty destruction it!? 如果根本不在乎这些基业,那么当初又何必建立?何必这么神秘兮兮的隐藏其数万年?如此苦心造诣的经营,就只是为了被人一朝覆灭之!? Where this is from, discussed a matter that did not pass. 这是从什么地方来看,都是讲不通的一件事。 If the matter unusual is the monster, now the situation unusual hence, is only, monster where? Monster goal where? 事若反常即为妖,现在事态反常至此,只是,“妖”在何处呢?“妖”的目的又在哪里呢? Regarding this issue, everybody looked, but investigated its source, everybody was still confused, idle talk in view of processing! 对于这个问题,大家都看出来了,但究其源头,大家仍是一头雾水,更遑论针对处理! Generally when this grade of conference, profound ice only calmly sits in Ye Xiao behind, does not make noise. After all her official capacity is the Ye Xiao waiting on concubine, spoke in this situation, was actually in Li does not gather, even if there is Young Master Bai and Wan and Xue two female instances before, profound ice still did not hope over, making everybody give birth the repugnance to Ye Xiao! 一般在这等会议的时候,玄冰只会静坐坐在叶笑身后,并不出声。毕竟她的官方身份乃是叶笑的侍妾,在这个场合说话,却是于理不合的,就算有白公子婉秀两女的事例在前,玄冰仍旧不希望强出头,让大家生出对叶笑的反感! After all on the scene, not only some major Sect Sovereign, Elder, Li Wuliang Han Bingxue this shocking below loose cultivator, once has the obstruction, regardless of Ye Xiao whether minds well, profound ice first cannot pass oneself this pass/test. 毕竟在场的,不仅有各大门派掌门,长老,还有厉无量寒冰雪这等名震天下的散修,一旦生出芥蒂,无论叶笑是否介意都好,玄冰首先过不了自己这关。 Naturally, another more significant key, that is...... Present, Misty Cloud Palace Sovereign and Elder. 当然,还有另一个更为重大的关键,那就是……在座的,还有缥缈云宫掌门长老们。 profound ice such is hiding as maidservant, others no one can think of anything, cannot have the association, but, once jumps the speech, then, by the possibility that Misty Cloud Palace Elder recognize, but was too big! 玄冰就这么以侍女的身份隐藏着,别人谁也想不到什么,更加生不出联想,但,一旦跳出来说话的话,那么,被缥缈云宫长老们认出来的可能性,可就太大了! profound ice does not want to expose itself, from beginning to end does not think. 玄冰并不想暴露自己,从头到尾都不想。 Just like she said that I want to make Bing'er...... Under my man shields with one's own body happy small young woman. 正如她所说,我只是想要做冰儿……在我自己的男人翼护之下的一个幸福的小女人 This has nothing to do with the status standpoint. 这与身份立场无关。 Has nothing to do with the reputation glory. 与声名荣耀无关。 I want to enjoy my this achievement young woman happiness. 我只是想要享受我这一份作为女人的幸福。 Was enough. 就已经足够。 But profound ice is actually the Misty Cloud Palace advertisement, the symbol, cannot exist as some man waiting on concubine, this does not have the swivel space certainly, resembles, something only then Bing'er can do, profound ice absolutely is undoable! 玄冰却是飘渺云宫的招牌,象征,绝不能以某个男人的侍妾身份存在,这个绝没有转圜空间,就好像,有些事情只有冰儿可以做,玄冰则绝对不能做! But now, looks that the people ponder diligently, profound ice cannot bear finally, hides in Ye Xiao behind, said in a low voice: Synthesizes the beforehand information to compile, can they want the deceased person? The more better that dying? Regardless of these are the enemies, is...... People on one's own side!” 但现在,看着众人都是冥思苦想,玄冰终于忍不住,躲在叶笑身后,低声说道:“综合之前的情报汇总,会不会他们就是想要死人?死的越多越好?无论这些是敌人,还是……自己人!” Under the Ye Xiao heart jumps suddenly. 叶笑心下陡然一跳。 Suddenly thinks a few words that day Yue Changtian spoke. 突然想起来那天岳长天说的一句话。 Each altar, needs no less than over 30 million Dream Origin Stage cultivator head flesh and blood souls, can have the embryonic form foundation, the end terror.” “每一个祭坛,都需要有不少于30000000以上梦元境修者的脑袋血肉灵魂,才能够具备雏形基础,端的恐怖。” As for speaking of a altar is completely successful, needs or high-grade flesh and blood soul performs the further packing with the same rank, is completes truly.” “至于说到一个祭坛完全成功,更需要用同等级或者更高等级的血肉灵魂加以进一步的填充,才算真正完成。” At present, but also only then the first altar comprehensive completion is completed \; In is constructing second comprehensively, this second altar, has generally completed about 70%......” “目前,还就只有第一处祭坛全面竣工完成\;正在全面构建第二个,这第二处祭坛,大抵已经完成了七成左右……” At least three Dream Origin Stage above cultivator complete flesh and blood soul, can construct a altar embryonic form surely! Also must add on three surely cultivation level strength higher 1-layer cultivator flesh and blood souls again, can finish thoroughly a altar! 至少三千万梦元境以上修者的全部血肉灵魂,才能建造出一个祭坛雏形!还要再加上三千万修为实力更高一层修者血肉灵魂,才能彻底完工一处祭坛! Also saying that most little must totaling six Dream Origin Stage above cultivation level, massacres surely completely, can construct a altar. 也岂不是说,最少要将合共六千万梦元境以上修为,全部杀掉,才能建造完毕一个祭坛。 „...... The embryonic forms of nine altars, no doubt can construct slowly, completes gradually, even though dilatory again long, has not related, if there is a altar finishes officially the formation, several other, then also need within the shortest time limit, to be completed!” “……九个祭坛的雏形,固然可以慢慢的构建,渐次完成,纵使拖沓再久,也没关系,但一旦有其中一处祭坛正式完工成型,那么,其他的几个,便也需要在最短的时间限制之内,完成!” Once among has, inevitably the influence will be very then big......” “一旦中间有断,那么,势必影响很大……” This is also they such anxious reason......” “这也是他们这么急的原因……” ...... …… In the Ye Xiao eye spilled over a clear(ly) to become aware, clapped, said: I knew!” 叶笑眼中泛出一丝明悟,一拍手,道:“我知道了!” The vision of all people looked. 所有人的目光都看了过来。 This matter, did everybody still from being puzzling, Monarch Xiao actually because of a few words of maidservant, completely think through? 这件事,大家仍自百思不得其解,笑君主却因为自己侍女的一句话,就完全想通了? This maidservant whether too high pole?! 这侍女是否太高杆了一些呢?! Um, this is not the present key point, hurries to study the present stage the key point 嗯,这个不是现在的重点,还是赶紧研究现阶段的重点吧 As far as I know, altar of Demon Revered construction altogether has nine \; The foundation construction of altar, can attempt it slowly, immediately is slower has not related, but, comprehensively completes to start from the first altar, then, the following construction cannot have any stop again, must in a short time, be completed the other nine altars completely, so can play the role that these altars can play.” “据我所知,魔尊构建的祭坛共有九个\;祭坛的基础建造,可以徐徐图之,即时再慢一些也没关系,但,从第一个祭坛全面完成开始,那么,后面的建造不能再有任何的停顿,必须要在极短的时间里,将余下九个祭坛完全竣工,如此才能发挥这些祭坛所能发挥的作用。” However the function that since Demon Soul Way this organization, their ultimate objectives, after actually have been nine altars construct , to display completely, before this major premise, anybody thing must allow to pass through, therefore...... Has the current condition, no doubt counteracts the common sense, but was still traceable.” “而魔魂道这个组织,一直以来,他们的终极目标,其实就是九个祭坛全部建造完之后所能发挥出来的的作用,在这个大前提之前,任何人事物都要让路,所以……出现当前的状况,固然有悖常理,但仍旧有迹可循。” However completes this altar, the essential condition is needs the human life, the soul, filled toward inside until continually saturated is finished up.” “而完成这个祭坛,必要条件乃是需要人命,灵魂,往里面持续填充直到饱和才算完事。” Now, depending on their foreign murder efficiencies, by far could not suffice the progress, has to try another method, starts to one of us, accumulation that after all the innumerable years to fall, cultivator number that they have, the quality, is extremely considerable, but after is the person on one's own side, is started always to have the resistance by oneself, therefore draws support from our these bystanders to complete. Since has clarified completely, that...... Their people, once we have killed, because of the Demon Soul Way control method foundation, will guide the dead soul direct return altar.” “现在,光凭他们自己的对外杀人效率,已经远远够不上进度,就只好另辟蹊径,向自家人下手,毕竟无数岁月以降的积累,他们所拥有的修者数目,质量,都是极之可观的,但毕竟是自己人,由自己下手总有抵触情绪,所以就借助我们这些外人来完成。既然已经全部明朗化,那么……他们的人,一旦我们杀了,因为魔魂道的控制手段基础,会导引亡者灵魂直接回归祭坛。” Synthesis current present situation, can confirm that now regarding the Demon Soul Way high level, or that Demon Revered, already no longer is the rivers and lakes hegemony that he asks, but is comprehensive completion of altar. Therefore, they will not care about our in the end to kill their many people truly.” “综合当前现状,可以确认,现在对于魔魂道高层,或者那个魔尊而言,他所求的早已不再是江湖霸业,而是祭坛的全面完成。所以,他们真正不会在乎我们到底杀了他们多少人。” Even, they instead hope the person who we kill the more better. Thus , helping them completing the progress of altar.” “甚至于,他们反而更希望我们杀的人越多越好。这样,更有利于他们完成祭坛的进度。” Sweeps in any case now, is the surrounding troops, is not their core strengths, the war casualty does not have the wound!” “反正现在扫荡的,都是外围人马,根本不是他们的核心实力,殇之无伤!” Therefore, presented this has looked like the unthinkable, inconceivable situation......” “所以,就出现了这等看起来匪夷所思,不可思议的情况……” Then, their very big opportunity initiative provides the information clue for us, making us kill.” “接下来,他们很大机会主动的为我们提供情报线索,让我们去杀。” This was I have been also strange couple days ago, why these information must come was so easy, moreover prompt, did not have the errors. Because this is Demon Soul Way intentionally disclosed radically to us, is makes us kill, if made a mistake unable to achieve the effect......” “这也是前几天我一直奇怪,为什么那些情报得来的这么容易、而且还那么的及时、全无错漏。因为这根本就是魔魂道故意透露给我们的,就是让我们去杀的,要是错了岂不是达不到效果……” Even if we killed off the person, does not have anything...... So long as, so long as Demon Revered can complete these nine altars, then, the victor, is he!” “哪怕我们将人都杀光了,也没什么……只要,只要魔尊能完成这九个祭坛,那么,胜利者,就是他!” Ye Xiao complexion time obviously gloomy, finally results in such conclusion. 叶笑脸色倍显阴沉,最终得出来这样的结论。 This was a choice of being in a dilemma, opposite party these people degenerated into Demon throughout, we must kill inevitably.” “这是一个两难的选择,对方那些人始终已经沦为了魔物,我们势必要杀。” Xue Danru is wrinkling the delicate eyebrows, said: „If not kill, will produce inevitably also such thing, if has killed, actually has become the Demon Revered accomplice, achievement that nine altars...... This matter, how regardless to choose is wrong, how broken bureau in the end should?” 雪丹如皱着秀眉,说道:“若是不杀,必然还会产生这样的东西,若是杀了,却又成了魔尊的帮凶,成就那九处祭坛……这事情,无论怎么选择都是错的,到底该怎么破局?” People also simultaneously deep sigh one breath. 众人也齐齐长叹一口气。 Doesn't this in society, will have unexpectedly also this grade of matter, kills is not good, kill is not good? 这世间,居然还会发生这等事情,杀也不行,不杀也不行? Standard dilemma. 标准的进退两难。 Now again is more, not necessarily has more significances, by the current situation judgment, the surrounding influence of opposite party we have swept was similar, did then to do, the senseless regret, as for the remaining these, was doomed unable to turn any rough seas.” Ye Xiao deeply inspired, said: Since the situation has developed to arrive at this, comes one to destroy Huanglong simply!” “现在再想更多,未必有更多意义,以当前态势判断,对方的外围势力我们已经扫荡了差不多了,做下了便做下了,无谓追悔,至于剩下的那些,注定翻不起什么大浪了。”叶笑深深吸了一口气,道:“既然事态已经发展至斯,索性就来一个直捣黄龙!” Destroys Huanglong? Attacks Western Temple directly? First aims at Eastern Temple?” Lei Dadi must flutter white. “直捣黄龙?是直接进攻西殿?还是先针对东殿?”雷大地白须飘扬。 First attacks Eastern Temple.” Ye Xiao said: If so they still insisted that so strategy, only feared links Eastern Temple to give to us as the spoils of war, pays no attention to the Eastern Temple big influence to ignore with it like this, creates the hidden danger, might as well while this opportunity elimination, at least be able to make us because of the loss of war personnel losses, reduces to most greatly, can by perfectly the most tyrannical battle efficiency facing Demon Soul Way upper level, and even Demon Revered!” “还是先进攻东殿。”叶笑道:“若然他们仍旧坚持这般策略的话,那么,只怕连东殿都会送给我们作为战利品,与其将东殿这样的大势力放任不理,造成隐患,不如趁这个时机将之剪除,至少可以令咱们因为战事减员的损失,降低到最大,能够以最完善最强横的战斗力面对魔魂道上层,乃至魔尊!” Naturally, we can then its remnant oneself wish, actually unable , whatever looks to prevail wildly, so long as we, when eradicates Eastern Temple, beforehand ahead of time under cloth Revolve Heaven Sealing Array method. Blocks the spirit within Eastern Temple range to fluctuate by the battle formation, when annihilating the Eastern Temple influence, entire crushes directly Eastern Temple, believes that by the Heavenly Dao prestige energy of Revolve Heaven Sealing Array method, can complete this body dies and Dao disappears and Divine Soul Origin soul surely also along with the move of heirless person it annihilates \; I do not believe that in the Heavenly Dao prestige can under the function...... The Demon Revered altar can still receive newly the falling from the sky energy aftertaste of this wave of dead......” “当然,我们可以遂其残己心愿,却不能任由野望得逞,只要我们在铲除东殿的时候,事先提前布下周天封锁阵法。以阵势封锁东殿范围之内的灵能波动,在歼灭东殿势力之余,直接将东殿整个粉碎掉,相信以周天封锁阵法的天道威能,必定可以完成这个身死道消神魂元魄也会随之湮灭的绝户之招\;我就不信,在天道威能作用下……魔尊祭坛仍能够接收到新这波亡者的陨灭能量余韵……” „After is only a Eastern Temple service, we need to face the enemy strength strongest foothold, is Western Temple! According to my estimation, Western Temple this war, is I with this life, most frigid has fought, we to Eastern Temple the move of heirless person, will definitely create the vigilance of opposite party, the strategy of bringing death will not have, even...... Opposite party but therefore the walk extreme, counter-attacks strongly, because of us, can be the nutrient of Demon Soul altar similarly, by...... To Western Temple that service, is the war of unprecedented extreme, everybody must be ready, in people in Ji in Heaven Realm in this world, has to fight, reason that has to win!” “只是东殿一役之后,我们就需要面对敌方战力最强据点,就是西殿!据我估计,西殿这一战,将是我和诸位这一生之中,最惨烈的一战了,我们对东殿的绝户之招,必然会造成对方的警觉,送死的策略再不会有,甚至于……对方会因此而行走极端,竭力反扑,因为我们这些人,同样可以作为魔魂祭坛的养分,是以……对上西殿的那一役,将是前所未有的极端之战,大家一定要做好准备,于人于己于天域于此世,都有不得不战,不得不胜的理由!” Ye Xiao sound, becomes somewhat gloomy. 叶笑声音,也变得有些阴沉。 Revolve Heaven Sealing Array......” 周天封锁阵……” All people have sucked in an cold air/Qi. 所有人都是倒抽了一口冷气。 This is the people knows, does not have the extinction strategy of leeway most extremely sinisterly \; The antiquity spread, once Revolve Heaven Sealing Array battle formation formation, any living thing of battle formation Naejung-ri surface, including any fluctuation of energy, will be blocked in the battle formation! 这是众人所知,最极端最毒辣全无余地的一个绝灭阵法\;上古流传,一旦周天封锁阵阵势形成,阵势内中里面的任何生物,包括任何的能量波动,都将被封锁在阵势之内! This in the name of circulatory cycle, actually uses the battle formation, moves 365 Xing Chen / stars vast prestige energies forcefully, under the Heavenly Dao strength direction, falls in torrents in a region. Blocks this region completely. 此阵以周天为名,却是利用阵势,强行移动365颗星辰的浩瀚威能,在天道力量指引之下,倾泻于一个区域。将这个区域完全封锁。 Under Heavenly Dao Heaven's Might can cover extremely, absolutely does not have any life to transgress the battle formation in any form! 天道天威能笼罩之下,绝对没有任何生命能够以任何形式逸出阵势! Also straightforward, was the chicken dog does not remain, including flowers and plants trees, the opportunity of also again not having survived! 再说得直白一点,就是鸡犬不留,连花草树木,也再也没有生存的机会! Complete and thorough turns into a dead territory! 完完全全、彻彻底底的变成一片死域! This is the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory most virulent cruel strategy. 这是青云天域最恶毒的阴损阵法。 Not one. 没有之一。 This set of strategy too wound day, to fall through ancient times is also rare, naturally, has the wound day and view was quite big on a point, another bioelement of this set of strategy, made its appearance opportunity quite uncertain 这套阵法实在太伤天和,亘古以降也难得一见,当然,有伤天和的说法比较高大上了一点,这套阵法的另一个必要元素,也使得它的出现机会极为渺茫 To arrange the strategy successfully, is actually need least 36 Dao Origin Stage level 9 expert concentrates the complete prestige energy, but must add on some in society rare Heaven and Earth Treasure again, arranges according to the goal terrain. 想要成功布置阵法,却是需要最少36位道元境九品高手集中全部威能,还要再加上一些世间罕见的天材地宝,根据目标地形布置出来。 It can be said that did not need to be killed besides lineup, arranged this battle formation the difficult difficulty still above Life Prisoner's Cage, overbearing of end! 可以说,除了布阵者不用丧命以外,布置此阵势的艰辛难度犹在生命囚笼之上,端的霸道! If after Revolve Heaven Sealing Array, then, that region of this Eastern Temple station, millennium ten thousand years later, is unable to multiply the least bit vitality, whether has this necessity...... Lei Dadi Bai Xu to shiver seriously, muttered asks. “若是经过周天封锁阵,那么,这东殿驻地的那片区域,千年万年以后,都无法在滋生半点生机,是否当真有这个必要呢……”雷大地白须颤动,喃喃问道。 Acts according to the special circumstances, if we not the good this extreme, perhaps entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, after this, the millenniums ten thousand years and even the year, again is unable to multiply the least bit vitality absolutely, we can take risk?!” Ye Xiao asked calmly. “事急从权,我们若是不行此极端,或许整个青云天域,从此之后,千年万年乃至万万年,都再无法滋生半点生机,我们能冒这个险么?!”叶笑平静地反问道。 The people are feel the vest one coolly. 众人都是感觉背心一凉。 But thinks that the Ye Xiao words also are quite rational. 但想想叶笑的话却又颇为有理。 If Demon Soul Way altar Perfect, that...... Perhaps entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, really wanted the life to exterminate. 万一魔魂道祭坛圆满,那么……整个青云天域,恐怕真的是要生灵灭绝了。 The Demon Soul altar before the construction is perfect, needs the so much life to fill to lack, the price is so astonishing, completes seriously, the prestige can be inevitably unapproachable, Blue Clouds Heaven Territory must therefore degenerate into the place of Devil Path, selects the least of two evils, this movement really necessary! 魔魂祭坛在构建完满之前,需要偌多生灵填缺,代价如此惊人,当真完成,威能必然无可匹敌,青云天域必因此沦为魔道之地,两害相权取其轻,今次的动作果然是有必要的! The people understand in fierce, during performs belongs to one piece to be silent. 众人明了个中厉害,尽都归于一片沉默之中。 This matter discussed in light of this!” “此事就此论定了!” Ye Xiao did neatly had decided: Everybody early morning, the centralized strength, various materials and spirit crystals that arranges the lineup to need, this occasion everybody lose in war, do not have the heart of hiding contraband again, I do not hope to see any careless mistake, Beautiful Flower Moon Palace special product Stainless Lotus Seed, needs ten \; Sinks Ke Jade Lotus, um, here can provide 100 \; Various types......” 叶笑干净利落的做了决定:“大伙凌晨出发,集中己方战力,筹备布阵所需的各种材料、灵晶,此际兵凶战危,不要再有藏私之心,我不希望看到任何的纰漏,琼华月宫的特产无垢莲子,需要十颗\;还有沉珂玉莲,嗯,我这里可以提供100朵\;还有各种……” The Heaven and Earth Treasure good instruction that Ye Xiao will need, to hear mentioned by name people completely one intermittent toothache. 叶笑将所需要的天材地宝好一通吩咐,听得被点名的众人尽都一阵阵的牙疼。 Within three days, before the whole staff must rush to the Eastern Temple mountain, before five darkness, will want the cloth to become Revolve Heaven Sealing Array in the future \; When to the daybreak daybreak of sixth day, opens up the comprehensive offensive!” “三天之内,全员都务必要赶到东殿山前,在五日后天黑之前,一定要布成周天封锁阵\;到了第六天的黎明破晓之际,展开全面攻势!” The Ye Xiao complexion has filled blood and iron the air/Qi of murdering: this battle, breaks a Demon Soul Way demon arm again!” 叶笑脸色充满了一种铁血的杀伐之气:“此役,再断魔魂道邪魔一臂!” If this battle one such as the budget is ordinary, the still have ample force, damages not in a big way, then after the war of Eastern Temple, instantly leaves to rush to Western Temple, fires the final decisive battle!” “若是此役一如预算一般,犹有余力,损伤不大,那么就在东殿之战之后,立即动身赶往西殿,打响最后的决战!” Discusses the theory to decide in light of this. Ye Xiao no longer spoke, closed the eye, controlling one's breathing within the body spiritual energy, conserved strength with concentration, prepared with single-hearted devotion. 计议就此论定。叶笑不再说话,闭上眼睛,潜心调息体内灵气,养精蓄锐,专心备战。 But the presenting attending people leave in abundance, go to prepare many valuable thing resources that arranges Revolve Heaven Sealing Array to need. 而在座与会众人纷纷动身,前去准备布置周天封锁阵所需要的许多珍品资源。 Misty Cloud Palace Elder, before setting out, eyeful completely was erratically looks at Ye Xiao behind profound ice one surprisedly, the profound ice low eyebrow collected the eye, pretended not to see that was gorgeously motionless, maintains total silence. 缥缈云宫的一位长老,在起身之前,满眼尽是惊疑不定地瞄了叶笑身后的玄冰一眼,玄冰低眉敛目,装作没有看到,巍然不动,一语不发。 This Elder also finally goes out to go. 这位长老也终于出门而去。 ............ …………
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