RITF :: Volume #15

#1478: The demon Senior!

That Headstrong Ancient Elephant by a pitiful yell of card in midair, was actually the liberation, straight crashed, has smashed a pit the ground, unexpectedly that Headstrong Ancient Elephant swayed back and forth on the ground, was clamps the tail that had a lingering fear to walk greatly speedily. 那头莽古象被卡在半空中的一声惨叫,却是得了解放,直直的坠落下去,生生将地面砸了个坑,不意那莽古象“噗”的一声在地上打了个滚,大是心有余悸的夹着尾巴一溜烟走了。 Has condition that the ample force runs away regarding Headstrong Ancient Elephant, understands that in the person of mystery completely praised to the heavens, Headstrong Ancient Elephant received the battle formation great strength extrusion, received the suitable damage, a Ye Xiao abundantly sword has no doubt destroyed the battle formation, liberated Headstrong Ancient Elephant, but in that process, the Sword Qi mistake, will have inevitably also to affect Headstrong Ancient Elephant, Headstrong Ancient Elephant twice was damaged successively, unexpectedly can still escape voluntarily, this defensive power really praised to the heavens. 对于莽古象有余力逃走的状况,明白个中玄虚的人尽都叹为观止,莽古象受到阵势巨力挤压,已经受了相当的损伤,叶笑沛然一剑固然摧毁了阵势,解放了莽古象,但在那个过程中,剑气过处,势必也有波及莽古象,莽古象先后两度受创,居然仍能自行逃逸,这份防御力委实是叹为观止。 No matter human how praising to the heavens, ran away birth day Headstrong Ancient Elephant to have a thought 不管人类如何的叹为观止,逃出生天的莽古象就只得一个念头 Scared to death likely the baby, was really too fearful. 吓死象宝宝了,实在是太可怕了。 These completely were the humanity of black paint jet too was from head to foot terrorist, their vision looked on me, was full of one type to want meaning that I cut to pieces thoroughly, thinks that I couldn't look? Really was too savage...... Had been lucky that dashing white clothing Big Brother, the sword has protected me immediately...... Really is really the good person, I wish him to kill you...... 这些个从头到脚尽是乌漆墨黑的人类实在太恐怖了,他们目光看在我身上,充满了一种想要把我彻底切碎的意味,以为我看不出来么?真真太凶残了……多亏了那位英俊潇洒的白衣大哥,即时出剑保护了我……真真是好人,我祝愿他能打死你们…… Curse you were killed also by him...... 同时也诅咒你们被他打死…… The good people want the longevity, the disaster to fall from the sky the present! 好人一定要长命,祸害陨灭今朝! The body of Ye Xiao from the sky floats, on the face unexpectedly is a constant faintness, crazy murderous aura, constantly is accumulating. 叶笑的身子在空中漂浮,脸上竟是一片恒定的淡漠,疯狂的杀气,在不断地累积。 Being on the verge of death pitiful yell that below, unceasingly is still resounding. 下面,兀自在不断响起的濒死惨叫。 On the faces of opposite Demon Soul Way nine big expert completely reveals the cruel crazy fierce look, bellows suddenly, nine people simultaneously explode rich Black Qi from top to bottom. 对面的魔魂道九大高手的脸上尽都露出来残忍疯狂至极的狰狞神色,突地大吼一声,九个人浑身上下同时爆出来浓郁至极的黑气 Evil meaning, all around spreads in light of this. 一股邪恶至极的意味,就此四外扩散。 Demon Qi!? 魔气!? In Demon Qi for the first time presently, and rapidly proliferation at the same time, the imposing manners of nine people successively are also increasing, this moment unceasing promotion, actually as if no end to be ordinary. 魔气乍现,且急速扩散的同时,九个人的气势也在节节攀升,这一刻的不断提升,竟然仿佛没有尽头一般。 Facing the Ye Xiao powerful, they knew that depending on itself real cultivation level absolutely is not the rival, even if nine people collaborate to be also same \; But, the Demonic Art limit of if hiding erupts, not necessarily does not have the odds of success. 面对叶笑的强势,他们自知凭本身真实修为断断不是敌手,就算九人联手亦一样\;但,若是将隐藏的魔功极限爆发出来,却又未必没有胜算。 Demon Source even/including Zhen who their nine people of collaborations, to kill the prestige to discuss only, at least must exceed horizon Mo Hong or Wu Fa! 他们九人联手的魔源连阵,单以杀伤威能而论,至少要胜过天边一抹红或者武法 Even though Ye Xiao has defeated Wu Fa as well as a horizon Mo Hong success, was still actually not necessarily able when nine people of Demon Source strike hand in hand! 叶笑纵使有战胜过武法以及天边一抹红的战绩,却仍旧未必能当九人魔源联袂一击! Wins or defeats, performs is striking! 或胜或败,尽在一击! Ye Xiao both eyes bloom the woods cold vision to gaze at the imposing manner that the opposite nine people continually were still promoting, in the hand the sword light magnificent twinkle, but does not have immediate take action, obviously, he. 叶笑双眼绽放出森寒的目光注视着对面九个人仍自不断提升的气势,手中剑光华闪烁,但却没有即时出手,显而易见,他在等。 After must peep the opposite party nine people detonate own Demon Source strikes hand in hand, the prestige can in the end be able big to any level! 就是要一窥对方九人引爆自身魔源之后的联袂一击,威能到底能够大到什么级数 At present these nine people, is two person cultivation level of head reached Dao Origin Stage level 9 peak, remaining is ordinary level 9 cultivation level, such nine people, even though jointly attacks hand in hand, is hard to pose the threat to Ye Xiao \; However at this moment, opposite party, once detonates Demonic Art, amplification Merit Body, actually links Ye Xiao also to feel that the pressure instant increased, increases to gradually must feel the degree of crisis., 眼前这九个人,其中为首的两个人修为已臻道元境九品巅峰,剩下的则全都是普通九品修为,这样的九个人,纵使联袂合击,也难以对叶笑造成威胁\;然而此刻,对方一旦引爆魔功,增幅功体,却连叶笑也感觉到了压力瞬时增大,渐次增大到一个自己也要感到危机的程度。、 But Ye Xiao still decided to look, after opposite party Demonic Art promoted the pinnacle, compared real cultivation level disparity in the end under normal condition big! 叶笑仍旧决定要看一看,对方的魔功提升到了极致之后,相比较于正常状况下的真实修为差距到底有多大! Takes this point as the reference foundation, regarding is without doubt significant in the later opposing the enemy significance! 以这一点为参考基础,对于在之后的对敌无疑意义重大! Passes the moment again, the opposite nine people stopped the promotion of imposing manner \; However these people not only own imposing manner rises suddenly, the weapon in each individual hand, just like putting on a black sheath was common, ascends unceasingly the black mist...... 再过片刻,对面的九个人已经停止了气势的提升\;然而这几人非但自身气势暴涨,连带每个人手中的兵器,都宛如戴上了一只黑色的套子一般,不断升腾起黑色雾气…… With it simultaneously, evil has raided spontaneously to the bitterly disappointing frightened feeling. 与其同时,一股邪恶到了让人心寒的惊悚感觉油然袭来。 The Ye Xiao front nine people, cannot bear shortly sigh gently, shook the head. 叶笑眼看面前的九个人,忍不住轻轻叹息一声,摇了摇头。 These nine person limits detonate Demon Source, strength no doubt suddenly to increase, but the main body actually also already fell into completely in the Demonized condition, even including the tooth, protruded the corners of the mouth, this, was this person? 这九个人极限引爆魔源,实力固然暴增,但本体却也已然陷入完全魔化的状态之中,甚至连牙齿,都凸出来了嘴角,这,这还是人嘛? Nine person own prestige can already stimulate to own limit, when next howls, take action, the goal points to Ye Xiao hand in hand. 九个人自身威能已然激发至自身极限,当下一声呼啸,联袂出手,目标直指叶笑 Full attack that facing opposite party nine people of coming in waves, even if Ye Xiao is confident, actually when does not dare to have neglects slightly, cried loud and long, the figure flying high show moves, did not dodge does not evade, straight was coming to nine person hedges! 面对对方九人联袂而来的全力袭击,叶笑纵然成竹在胸,却也不敢有丝毫怠慢,长啸一声之余,身形凌空展动,不闪不避,直直的对着九个人对冲过来! Since must comprehensively understand Demon Source prestige energy, but also there is any style to be able compared with the positive internecine strife to come appropriately! 既然要全面了解魔源威能,还有什么方式能比正面火拼来得更贴切呢! Stars Sword that the Ye Xiao itself prestige can the similar limit detonation, sway at fingertips carries over in the body side wipes the meteor also to resemble brilliant colorful. 叶笑本身威能同样的极限引爆,信手挥洒的星辰剑在身侧带出一抹流星也似的绚烂华彩。 Kills!” Ye Xiao calls out. “杀!”叶笑一声暴吼。 This century open fight between factions, all people are perfectly clear that looks. 这一记世纪火并,所有人都是看的清清楚楚 With these nine people jointly ambushes that moment of powerful contact in Xing Chen / stars sword light that Monarch Xiao sends out, originally bound­less haze and dark cloud all over the sky dark night, instant transformation for clear sky ten thousand li (5.000 km), fierce positive in the sky! 就在笑君主发出的星辰剑光与这九个人联合狙击强势接触的那一刻,原本无边阴霾、乌云满天的黑夜,瞬时转变为了晴空万里,烈阳当空! Nine people jointly attacking of hand in hand, that rich pure demon Black Qi, in the flash, was evaporated unexpectedly cleanly, intravenous drip completely. 九个人的联袂合击,那浓郁至极的纯魔黑气,竟在一瞬间,被蒸发得干干净净,点滴无余。 The people think such and such century open fights between factions that can present, unexpectedly only then a start, has not continued, without the high tide, without the limit, must shocking in a flash,...... Finished?! 众人以为会出现的某某世纪火并,居然就只有一个开始,没有持续,没有高潮,没有极限,就只得一瞬间的惊艳,就……结束了?! Sword abundantly, flickers to frustrate Ye Xiao of nine enemies even not to turn head, falls gently without consulting anybody on the ground, shouted at a sound track: Destruction motion detonation, the Demon Soul Way high and low person and others killed off entirely, kill without mercy!” 一剑沛然,瞬挫九敌的叶笑甚至都没有再不回头,径自飘落在地上,断喝一声道:“毁灭行动引爆,魔魂道上下人等统统杀光,杀无赦!” As this issues an order, the enemy of Secret Place mountain valley is not a match, at this moment totals military defeat, the leeway that resists stubbornly continually has not saved, only remains the lopsided slaughter! 随着这一声令下,秘地山谷的敌人本来就不是对手,此刻更加是兵败如山倒,连负隅顽抗的余地都已不存,只剩一面倒的屠杀! As a series of continuous pitiful yell sounds have at the same time, detonates own limit, with Ye Xiao internecine strife move of that nine big expert, this occasion still carved the wood to model general from the dead drunk, in body that airborne calmly stands and waits for a long time, does not have the indication to start to start to disintegrate, changes sprinkles place the flesh and blood fragment. 随着一连串绵绵不绝的惨叫声响起的同时,引爆自身极限,与叶笑火拼一招的那九大高手,此际仍自如泥雕木塑一般,在空中静静伫立的身体,全无征兆地开始地开始分崩离析,化作洒落一地的血肉碎块。 Entire process, even had cared continually other end war profound ice and Jun Yinglian, had not discovered how unexpectedly Ye Xiao in the end is take action, how also to go well, how this will spell so with irresistible force, went smoothly somewhat inconceivable! 整个过程,甚至连一直关心彼端战局的玄冰君应怜,竟都没有发现叶笑到底是怎么出手,又是怎么得手,这一拼又怎会如此的势如破竹,顺遂得有些不可思议了吧! Ye Xiao crossed the hands behind the back to stand, looks to restore a piece of clear and bright horizon, in the heart was somewhat sigh with emotion. 叶笑负手而立,看着恢复了一片清明的天际,心中有些感慨。 Not long, such level 9 peak expert always only face one, actually also takes one to struggle hard, a narrow escape can win, or mutually wounded, but now, oneself by one pair nine, after opposite party Demonic Art promotes, can strike to kill especially! 曾几何时,这样的九品巅峰高手自己总是只面对一个,却也要一番苦战,九死一生才能取胜,或者两败俱伤,但是现在,自己以一对九,还是在对方魔功提升之后,尤能一击而杀! This is not the enemy is too weak, but was too strong! 这不是敌人太弱,而是自己太强了! Hence, Ye Xiao has the direct-viewing cognition to the tyrannical strength that oneself have finally. 至此,叶笑终于对自己所拥有的强横实力有直观的认知。 profound ice walks, surprised looks at Ye Xiao: So illusion victory, how do you achieve?” 玄冰走过来,一脸惊讶的看着叶笑:“如此梦幻战果,你是怎么做到的?” Ye Xiao looks at corpse everywhere, said in a soft voice: cultivation technique that I cultivate has the greatest restraint effect regarding Devil Path cultivation technique, but this nine people of itself skill cultivation level under me, even though detonates Demon Source, amplification own Merit Body, does not help matters, only by thorough that I will restrain, this then had is the innate difference, naturally, if will only stop in this, I will no doubt have victory in the hand, will actually be not necessarily able to win so easily, after all their nine people hand in hand with joint forces synthesizes the prestige to be able also to above horizon Mo Hong or Wu Fa, but their cultivation level will be far inferior I, then for my Minute Subtlety Prisoner's Cage comprehensive balance, I first will lock with Minute Subtlety, then. Controls with Prisoner's Cage, then launches attack, the flowing light glimpse, broken Demon Source, destroys the demon body, a sword extinguishes the Slaughter God soul, this war finally!” 叶笑看着满地的尸体,轻声道:“我所修的功法对于魔道功法有莫大的克制效果,而此九人的本身功力修为都远在我下,纵使引爆魔源,增幅自身功体,也无济于事,只会被我克制的更加彻底,这便已有是先天的差异,当然,若仅止于此,我固然胜券在握,却也未必能胜得如此轻易,毕竟他们九人联袂合力的综合威能还要在天边一抹红或者武法之上,但他们本身修为远不及我,便为我的入微囚笼全面制衡,我先用入微锁定,再。用囚笼控制,然后发动攻击,流光掠影,破魔源,毁魔身,一剑灭杀神魂,此战终了!” profound ice nod looking pensive, said: Their Merit Body is inferior, for your Minute Subtlety Prisoner's Cage balance, this I can understand, but you said that you did have a moment ago simultaneously use Minute Subtlety and Prisoner's Cage?” 玄冰若有所思的点头,道:“他们本身功体不及,为你入微囚笼制衡,这点我可以理解,但你说你刚才有同时使用入微囚笼?” Yes.” “是。” Ye Xiao said: I felt that the same fortune causes these two big methods, pours is not awkward, particularly displays, in cultivation level is inferior to my match is handy, only has when facing stronger expert, the opportunity as well as the point of descent that the choice displays must discipline much, can achieve to have at one's command, the level of having one's wish, generally speaking, still had the progressive space and that's the end.” 叶笑道:“我感觉,同时运使这两大法门,倒也不怎么为难,尤其是施展在修为不及我的对手身上更是得心应手,唯有在面对更强高手之时,选择施展的时机以及落点仍需多多磨练,方能达到如臂使指,随心所欲的层次,总体来说,仍有进步的空间就是了。” profound ice nods, in the pupil completely is a joy. 玄冰点点头,眸子中尽是一片欣喜。 The Ye Xiao present progress, has surmounted itself faintly, but in profound ice heart, only then happy delighted. 叶笑现在的进步,已经隐隐超越了自己,但玄冰心中,就只有高兴欢欣。 Young Master was fiercest!” “公子最厉害了!” This praise is filling the full joy, the sound is tender, Ye Xiao laughs, has twisted on the profound ice face, all kinds [say / way]: That naturally, young master nature fierce very much, a fiercer style, waits to make you open mind in the evening again!” 这一声赞誉充满着满满的喜悦,声音柔嫩悦耳,叶笑哈哈大笑,在玄冰脸上拧了一把,色色的道:“那当然,公子自然厉害的很,还有更厉害的招式,等晚上就让你再开眼界!” Until teasing, has gawked. 及至调笑完了,才楞了一下。 Um?! The young master was fiercest...... These words...... Seemingly wasn't front Bing'er says? 嗯?!公子最厉害了……这句话……貌似不是面前的冰儿说的? Following the sound turns the head, was seeing a Jun Yinglian face is meaningful. 循声一转头,正看到君应怜一脸的意味深长。 Actually at a moment ago, the sound of these words just presented the time, including profound ice thinks that was said unguardedly, but turned the head to look that saw the look that Jun Yinglian teased looks at itself, immediately could not bear the elegant face one red, maliciously white somebody eyes. 其实在刚才,这句话的声音刚刚出现的时候,连玄冰都以为是自己信口说的,但转头看去,看到君应怜戏谑的眼神看着自己,登时忍不住俏脸一红,狠狠地白了某人一眼。 Coughs......” Ye Xiao to cough several, awe-inspiring instruction: Everybody tries harder again, destroys this base thoroughly, then the whole staff withdraws, I bomb and sink in this mountain entering the sea!” “咳咳咳……”叶笑咳嗽几声,正气凛然的吩咐起来:“大家再多加把劲,将这个基地彻底毁灭,然后全员撤出,我将这座山轰沉入海里!” Told, has turned the head, asking Jun Yinglian that sympathizes: Lian Lian, tired?” 吩咐了一番之后,才转过头,体贴的问君应怜:“怜怜,累了吧?” Jun Yinglian showed the whites of the eyes, said: I am tired and useful, nobody is take pity on I, I will not have acted like a spoiled brat, has to receive, the day pities obviously......” 君应怜翻了个白眼,道:“我就算是再累又有啥用啊,也没人怜惜我,我还不会撒娇,只好自己受着喽,天可见怜……” Ye Xiao two, the color narrows the eyes said: Where has a need for the day pitying obviously, my now evening goes to be take pity on you?” 叶笑咳咳两声,色眯眯道:“哪里用得着天可见怜,我今晚上就去怜惜你?” Goes your! You with single-hearted devotion are take pity on your waiting on concubine!” On Jun Yinglian face one red, flying goes. “去你的!你还是专心怜惜你的侍妾吧!”君应怜脸上一红,飞身而去。 ...... …… one day later, Ye Xiao last from Great Dream Mountain. 一天后,叶笑最后一个从大梦山上下来。 Has boarded on the steamship of homing. 登上了归航的大船上。 When this homing steamship is far away from the seacoast gradually, all people on ship completely with own eyes witness to astonishing one, that still covered Great Dream Mountain in fog, after shivers, at an extremely slow speed, toward sea, slowly ground submergence...... 当这艘归航大船渐次远离海岸之时,船上的所有人尽都亲眼见证到惊人的一幕,那仍旧笼罩在云雾之中的大梦山,在一阵颤抖之后,以一种极其缓慢的速度,向着大海之中,慢慢地沉了下去…… The sea water submerged the mountainside gradually, again upward, unceasing spread upward...... 海水渐次地淹没了山腰,再往上,再往上的不断蔓延…… Until after the entire mountain all fell into the sea water, an exceptionally huge undercurrent is gradually turbulent in the sea, almost this occasion the form left the steamship dozens li (0.5km) away , threw off. 直到整座山全部陷入了海水中之后,一股异常巨大的暗流在大海中渐次汹涌起来,几乎此际已经形式出数十里之外的大船,也掀翻了。 Henceforth, in the world does not have Great Dream Mountain again.” “从此,世上再也没有大梦山。” Ye Xiao stands in the bow, the abundantly spiritual energy output, controls the ships to be steady, the rapid flight goes outward. 叶笑站在船头,沛然灵力输出,控制着船只平稳,往外疾飞而去。 His vision still from the giant vortex that gazing in the distant place sea water was presenting, said lightly: „The dream of immortal, even though how magnificence, throughout is not our dreams.” 他的目光仍自注视着远方海水中呈现出的巨大漩涡,淡淡道:“仙人的梦,纵使如何的瑰丽,始终不是我们的梦。” These words, as if are intent have referred. 这句话,似乎是意有所指。 The person who all hears these words, performs flood a feeling looking pensive. 所有听到这句话的人,尽都泛起一种若有所思的感慨。 But in Ye Xiao palm of the hand, another matter, is an animal skin. 叶笑手心里,另有一件物事,乃是一张兽皮。 Writes on that clearly, the position of another base. 在那上面清晰地写着,另一个基地的位置。 This sweeps the biggest harvest of this base. 这是扫荡这个基地的最大收获。 Hoists the sails to south, we went also to carry another base directly! These leave a legacy of trouble the infinite boundary, few one is one, the elimination avoids to exert a baneful influence as soon as possible as soon as possible the infinite hidden danger!” “扬帆向南,我们直接去将另外一个基地也端了!这些遗祸无穷的地界,少一个是一个,尽早消灭尽早免除流毒无穷的隐患!” Ye Xiao chuckle, turns the head to enter the cabin. 叶笑轻笑一声,转头进入船舱。 The corners of the mouth are holding the happy expression, in the eye also has the inexplicable appearance, thinking aloud that muttered, the sound lowered all people to exhaust is unable to listen to the clear situation fully. 嘴角噙着笑意,眼中也有莫名的神采,喃喃的自言自语,声音低到了所有人用尽全力都无法听清楚的地步。 Yes, the dream of immortal, is not my dream.” “是的,仙人的梦,不是我的梦。” Because, I can never, one dream millenniums.” “因为,我永远不会,一梦千年。” Such dream, does not match to have the dream of immortal!” “这样的梦,不配做仙人的梦!” My dream, is higher than this!” “我的梦,比这个更高!” Is higher.” “高很多。” Almost in one night, sweeps across the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory extinguishing demon campaign to fire suddenly, springs up everywhere. 几乎就在一夕之间,席卷青云天域的灭魔战役突然打响,遍地开花。 Especially Ye Xiao with a remaining prestige of destruction Great Dream Mountain service , after three day, ruins another Demon Soul Way base. 尤其是叶笑携覆灭大梦山一役的余威之下,三日后,将另一处魔魂道基地毁掉。 This has not calculated, but negative news one after another meeting elbow to...... 这还不算完,负面消息接二连三的接肘而至…… Western Temple. 西殿 Above rear not well-known peak. 后方不知名高峰之上。 That person in black, as if here has stood millennium for ten thousand years. 黑衣人,似乎已经在这里站立了千年万年。 Boss, represents the nine lights of nine big bases, four lamps extinguished.” On the short and stout man face is the cold sweat runs to report. 主上,代表九大基地的九盏灯火,已经有四盏灯灭了。”有一个矮胖汉子脸上全是冷汗的跑上来禀报 Em, had the confirmation destruction in all directions......” the person in black complexion to be motionless. “恩,已经有四处确认覆灭了么……”黑衣人脸色不动。 Yes, the opposite party generally had our accurate information, otherwise not possibly in such a short time, the case not empty sent certainly, sent , then must......” short and stout person in black somewhat disturbed looks at person in black. “是的,对方大抵是已经掌握了我们的确切情报,否则绝无可能在这么短的时间内,例不虚发,发则必中……”矮胖黑衣人有些忐忑的看着黑衣人 In the head person in black eye as if spookily burns one group of jack-o '- lanterns, immediately has not actually started talking. 首脑黑衣人眼中似乎幽幽地燃烧起一团鬼火,却没有马上开口说话。 Boss, or we should take the action immediately.” An anger of short and stout person face: Such do not move to come under attack again, perhaps our these cultivation bases, will not fall was all eradicated by the opposite party, total destruction.” 主上,或者我们该即时展开行动。”矮胖子一脸的愤怒:“再这么别动挨打下去,恐怕我们的那些个栽培基地,就会一个不落的被对方悉数连根拔起,全数覆灭。” person in black looked at his one eyes lightly, still had not spoken, has turned the head, looks at the far-off skies the white clouds. 黑衣人淡淡的看了他一眼,仍旧没有说话,转过头去,看着远天的白云。 Boss bright mirror!” The short and stout person loud [say / way], almost must weep with loud noise: „Under this was we spends several thousand years of painstaking care to establish the base industry......” 主上明鉴!”矮胖子大声道,几乎要声泪俱下:“这可是我们花费了数万年心血才建立下的基业啊……” In the person in black eye the jack-o '- lantern has as if highlit the eye socket, in front of two eyes whistling the combustion, said lightly: „Did our second altar, how many complete?” 黑衣人眼中鬼火似乎突出了眼眶,两个眼睛前面呼呼燃烧,淡淡道:“我们的第二个祭坛,完成多少了?” The short and stout people deeply inspired, in the eye reveals a fear: Will soon have completed.” 矮胖子深深吸了一口气,眼中露出一丝恐惧:“已经即将完成。” I remember that some time ago you told me, but also needs certain date and time to complete, why will the progress speed up these many these days?” person in black gloomy asking. “我记得不久前你才跟我说,还需要一定时日才能完成,为什么这段时间进度会加快这么多?”黑衣人阴森森的问道。 Because only......” short and stout person somewhat is at a loss for words immediately. “只因为……”矮胖子登时有些语塞。 Reason is obvious, is only because base personnel after death, Demon Soul tows, all went to the altar, the progress sped up naturally.” person in black said lightly: Nine big bases, if exterminates completely...... Except that can complete the second altar, pays back greatly can light the third altar, will advance...... middle stage, even is the terminal, this?” “原因显而易见,就只是因为基地人员在死亡之后,魔魂牵引,全都去到了祭坛之中,进度自然而然的加快了。”黑衣人淡淡道:“九大基地,若是全部灭绝……除了可以完成第二个祭坛,大抵还能够点燃第三个祭坛,将之推到……中段,甚至末端,是这样么?” The frightened flavor in short and stout person eyes sees more and more strongly, the whole body always doing nothing but cannot bear shivers. 矮胖子眼中的恐惧味道越来越见浓烈,浑身竟自忍不住的颤抖起来。 Since the slaughtering movement of opposite party can complete the altar progress quickly, several other bases that then does not know the opposite party, finds the way to expose.” The person in black black long sleeve strokes, face upwards the deep sigh: Blue Clouds Heaven Territory this stretch of world, throughout was too small! The people were also short! expert, was short! Accumulated for several thousand years, air/Qi erupts, actually also can only be so the degree...... Really is makes one hate full chest, tasteless!” “既然对方的屠戮动作可以更快地完成祭坛进度,那么就将对方不知道的另外几处基地,也想办法暴露出去。”黑衣人黑色长袖一拂,仰天长叹:“青云天域这片天地,始终还是太小了!人也少了!高手,更加的少了!积累了数万年,一气爆发,却也只能达到这般程度……实在是令人恨满胸膛,乏味至极!” The short and stout people lowered the head, do not dare to say again. 矮胖子低下了头,竟不敢再接话。 Since decided that must use enemy's hand, borrows thorough simply, before several other base destruction, these of peripheral organization, delivers.” “既然决定要借敌人之手,索性就借个彻底,另外几个基地覆灭之前,将外围组织的那些,也都送出去。” The person in black cloudy sound, looks like urges the soul simply the death knell, during these words, at least must bury ten several thousand cultivator! 黑衣人阴沉沉的声音,简直就像是催魂的丧钟,就这几句话之间,至少要埋葬十数万的修者 Altar, once starts to construct officially, again is unable to interrupt, if has interrupted, the investment that most starts must be destroyed in a moment. If not so, I never want such to make......” the face upwarding deep sigh of person in black unusual grief: After all, everybody is follows I many years of youngest brother......” “祭坛一旦开始正式构建,就再也无法中断,若是中断了,就连最开始的投入也要毁于一旦。若非如此,我何尝想这么做……”黑衣人异常伤痛的仰天长叹:“毕竟,大家都是跟随我多年的老兄弟呀……” Saw that the brothers fly to annihilate on such soul, in my heart does not endure, actually cannot take action, my pain, who knows? Acts according to the special circumstances, selects the least of two evils, truth everybody will say that is at the last moment, even though doing has gotten down the decision, that guilty painful could it be that of heart will be short?” “眼看着兄弟们就这么魂飞湮灭,我心中不忍,却又不能出手,我的痛苦,又有谁知道?事急从权,两害相权取其轻,道理人人会说,可是事到临头,纵使做下了决定,心头的那份愧疚痛苦难道就会少了么?” person in black heaved a deep sigh, sound obviously dismal, just like already great pain and grief. 黑衣人长叹一声,声音更显悲凉,宛如已经肝肠寸断。 The short and stout person whole body shivered. 矮胖子浑身颤抖了一下。 At this moment, he even feels that his tooth must strike in the junction up and down. 这一刻,他甚至感觉到,自己的牙齿都要在上下交击。 Truth everybody will say that the heart guilty pain are many?! Said is too attractive! 道理人人会说,心头愧疚痛苦不少?!说的太漂亮! Even though but you said again pompously, is too attractive, is useful?! 可纵使你说得再冠冕堂皇,太漂亮,又有什么用?! You also know that is your youngest brother \; You also know that they followed loyally and devotedly your many years \; Your anything knows, but you were also not one pushed up the road of death them. 你也知道,那都是你的老兄弟\;你也知道,他们忠心耿耿跟了你这么多年\;你什么都知道,但你还不是一手将他们推上了死亡的路。 Moreover helplessly, indifferently looks that they die \; The considering everything, is only sigh such one: Yeah, I am very uncomfortable! 而且还是眼睁睁的,冷漠地看着他们去死\;满打满算,就只是叹息这么一句:哎,我很难受! Your uncomfortable your mother ratio! 你难受尼玛比! My alpaca your family! 我羊驼你全家! I was reasonable to your family! 我跟你全家讲道理! I for your family guilty pain, infinite guilty! 我替你全家愧疚痛苦,无限内疚! The short and stout people want to open mouth to scold one very much. 矮胖子很想要张嘴骂上一句。 But does not dare. 但不敢。 The sincerity does not dare! 真心不敢! In the heart surges again a fear, not with the beforehand fear 心中再涌起一股恐惧,非同之前的恐惧 If so the surrounding died completely, but the altar has not actually completed, the next batch were thrown, can turn into oneself these people? 若然外围全部都死光了,而祭坛却还没有完成,下一批被投进去的,是不是就要变成了自己这些人了? Present person, Boss that followed in the past? Why one felt that present person, no longer is the person, but is an demon, through Demon! 眼前之人,还是自己往昔跟随的主上么?自己为什么感到眼前之人,已经不再是人,而是一头魔,一头彻头彻尾的魔物 When does not know, the person in black cold spooky pupil transferred, is gazing at the fat face of short and stout person, is gazing at his eyes. 不知何时,黑衣人冷幽幽的眸子转了过来,注视着矮胖子的胖脸,注视着他的眼。 person in black two just like two bottomless deep deep pools, buries anybody sufficiently in inside deep deep pool. 黑衣人的两眼犹如两眼的无底深潭,足以将任何人埋葬在里面的深潭。 „Are you afraid?” person in black asked in a soft voice. “你在害怕?”黑衣人轻声问道。 Yes.” The short and stout person whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, kneels down, lowers the head saying: Subordinate truly is afraid, subordinate has a natural awe to Boss.” “是。”矮胖子浑身一个激灵,噗的一声跪下,低头道:“属下确实在害怕,属下对主上有一种天然的敬畏。” Em, awe.” person in black light and has duplicated one time: Em, awe.” “恩,敬畏。”黑衣人淡淡的又重复了一次:“恩,敬畏。” Then gains ground, looks at the distant place, said lightly: Goes, me confessed the matter that you handle handles.” 然后就抬起头,看着远方,淡淡道:“去吧,把我交代你办的事情都办好。” ...... ……
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