RITF :: Volume #15

#1477: Drives straight ahead to enter!

Even though Headstrong Ancient Elephant body defensive power how, always had its limit, withstood the biggest strength the belly position almost to clamp to explode, called out pitifully unceasingly, when unceasing struggling, was actually the onset and retreat can not, escaped incompetently. 莽古象皮肉防御力纵使如何的了得,总有其极限,承受最大力量的肚子位置更是几乎要了夹爆,不断地惨叫,不断的挣扎之余,却是进退不得,无能逃脱。 Closes the battle formation of gateway, once starts, space then slowly closed, the process is in any event slow, certainly will not actually stop, Headstrong Ancient Elephant makes an effort in any event, actually cannot struggle, can only even more pitiful \; However, by the gateway slit that Headstrong Ancient Elephant supports, still had many neutrals, the innumerable beast of prey, the tide from its body upper body, has crashed below canyon Secret Place generally. 关闭门户的阵势一旦发动,空间便会缓缓闭合,过程无论如何缓慢,却一定不会停止,莽古象无论如何用力,却也挣扎不开,只能越发的凄惨\;但是呢,被莽古象撑住的门户缝隙,仍自有许多空挡,无数的猛兽,潮水一般从它身上身下,冲进了下方的峡谷秘地 Bang bang...... 轰隆轰隆隆…… This... This how entire!” “这…这咋整!” Was the black clothed masked man of head sees that on the hemp the claw, sword light dodges all of a sudden suddenly, obviously was the strategic place comes up to dismember this Headstrong Ancient Elephant, although Headstrong Ancient Elephant the body was tenacious, still had the limit, so long as the Dao Origin Stage Peak strength, supplemented with Divine Weapon it to cut, however this occasion actually heard one stirring buzz called the sound from far to near, the gadfly army of blotting out the sky, the noisy crowd was also seriously red the eye to clash. 为首的黑衣蒙面人见状一下子就麻了爪子,剑光骤一闪,显然是要冲上去将这头莽古象分尸,莽古象虽然皮肉坚韧,仍有极限,只要道元境顶峰实力,辅以神兵还是可以将之切割的,然而此际却听到一阵震撼人心的嗡鸣声音由远而近,紧接着,铺天盖地的马蜂大军,当真一窝蜂也似地红着眼睛冲了进来。 The entire space entrance, in the flash, was submerged by Hornet Swarm thoroughly! 整个空间入口,在一刹那,彻底被马蜂群淹没! Although must in a minute time, the giant crack that but that Headstrong Ancient Elephant opens, still flushed more than several million giant gadflies! 虽然只得片刻的时间里,但那莽古象撑开的巨大裂缝,仍旧冲进来不下数百万只巨型马蜂! All person in black right now the scalp thoroughly tingles with numbness. 所有黑衣人这下子头皮彻底发麻。 At this moment, actually completely does not know how should handle. 这一刻,竟然完全不知道该怎么办好了。 At this moment, thorough sword light calls out with one together, flies high! 就在这时,一道绵密剑光随着一声暴吼,凌空而来! Is black clothed expert that in the mountain valley guards is actually startled to see the accident, the branch anger catches up. 却是山谷之中驻守的黑衣高手惊见变故,岔怒赶来。 One crowd of waste!” “一群废物!” The person in black this occasion of catching up with already flew into a rage and was in an uncontrollable rage. 赶来的黑衣人此际已然是暴跳如雷、怒不可遏。 Actually wanted some people a moment ago courageously before, dismembers to cut broken that Headstrong Ancient Elephant \; The following all matters will not occur, at least will not make the matter evolve to this way the bad situation! 其实刚才要有人奋勇冲前,将那头莽古象分尸斩碎\;后续的一切事情就都不会发生,至少不会让事情演变到如斯恶劣的态势! At that moment, a people on the scene was the collective tarries unexpectedly. 偏偏那一刻,在场中人竟是集体呆住了。 In all fairness, the giant gadfly is low level Spirit Beast is, has had the superiority of quantity, if the drum goes forward bravely, so long as there is Dao Origin Stage cultivation level in the body, wraps the whole body by vigorous spiritual energy, in a short time giant gadfly basic on breakthrough spiritual energy barrier, so long as the gateway shuts down safely, even if the part of gadflies break , is also the tree without roots, cannot form the too tremendous influence! 平心而论,巨型马蜂不过是低阶灵兽之属,也就占了个数量的优势,若是鼓勇上前,只要有道元境修为在身,以浑厚灵力包裹全身,短时间内巨型马蜂根本就突破不了灵力屏障,只要门户安然关闭,就算有一部分马蜂冲入,也不过是无本之木,并不能形成太大的影响! What a pity audiences person in black is startled to see the innumerable gadflies to emerge, the moral nature has given birth to Hornet Swarm that is hard to resist to swarm to enter subconsciously, is hard to make itself to have the resistance gadfly tide strength sufficiently radically actually, at least in a short time may guarantee the no worries. 可惜一众黑衣人惊见无数马蜂涌入,心底下意识的生出了难以对抗蜂拥而入的马蜂群,根本就难以做出自己其实拥有足以对抗马蜂潮的实力,至少在短时间内可保无虞。 This generally is humanity responded regarding the instinct that the magnanimous biological attack has that is also lacking of mental state, nothing to wonder at! 这大抵是人类对于海量生物袭击所生出的本能反应,亦是心境之缺,不足为怪! Here, has actually highlighted the mental state to gain experience importance, is returned to 40-50 person in black that by the outside, as long as such as Ning Biluo, Zhao Pingtian and Liu Changjun class character, no, even if Cold Sun Continent first-class Assassin, will make the movement that the correct judgment as well as should make immediately, will not have the dull response, regarding Assassin, looking at dumbly of that flash, perhaps was this world and nether world different road! 这里,却是凸显了心境历练的重要性,由外界返回的四五十名黑衣人中但凡有一个如宁碧落赵平天柳长君之流的人物,不,即便是寒阳大陆一个一流杀手,都会在第一时间做出正确的判断以及应该做的动作,绝不会有呆愣的反应,对于一个杀手而言,那一瞬间的呆立,也许就是幽明异路了! But no matter, first rushing, actually must die without doubt. 但不管是谁,第一个冲上去,却也是必死无疑。 But because of this mental state difference, and nobody stands immediately, the opportunity is fleeting. 但就是因为这点心境差异,并没有人在第一时间站出来,时机自是稍纵即逝。 The Hornet Swarm leading troops flushed . Moreover, following also has continuously has one after another. 马蜂群的先头部队已经冲了进来,而且,后续还有源源不断的陆续有来。 The person in black leader who waits to remain behind the mountain valley discovered the time of catching up with, the condition arrived at a quite bad condition. 等留守山谷的黑衣人首领发现赶过来的时候,状况已经到了一个相当恶劣的状态。 Nearly in beyond redemption. 近乎于不可收拾。 That black clothed leader is on the point of death is not chaotic, deals appropriately, but sees it to launch the technique of body and sword unite, the powerful crashes in Hornet Swarm, the side bound­less demon atmosphere stirs, astral wind abundantly \; Although breaks in the Secret Place gadfly quantity to be extremely numerous at present, so long as can seal up the gateway, can still in return to normal the condition in a short time, he has confidence completely, by the own Dao Origin Stage level 9 tyrannical strength, can suppress the crazy hibernation of insects of gadfly to nip comprehensively, supports to dismember that Headstrong Ancient Elephant, closes the gateway, then eases this disturbance. 那黑衣首领却是临危不乱,应对得体,但见其展开身剑合一之术,强势冲进马蜂群,身边无边魔氛鼓荡,罡风沛然\;尽管目前冲入秘地的马蜂数量已经极多,但只要能够封闭门户,仍旧可以将状况于短时间内平复,他完全有把握,以自己道元境九品的强横实力,可以全面抑制住马蜂的疯狂蛰咬,支持到将那头莽古象分尸,关闭门户,进而平息这场风波。 What a pity sends out that flash of this sword in it, in the midair suddenly transmits a long and loud cry. 可惜就在其发出这一剑的那一刹那,半空中蓦然传来一声长啸。 Here!” “在这里!” This seems clear sky thunderclap general shouting, follows close on loudly is then seeing great sword light that Xing Chen / stars also resembles together, chops to fall outrageously from the upper air! 这一声好似晴空霹雳一般的断喝,轰然而起,紧跟着便见一道星辰也似的宏大剑光,从高空之中悍然劈落下来! When! 当! The person in black leader displays the move of body and sword unite, was divided the direct collapse to disintegrate by this sword unexpectedly outrageously, the might all disappears. 黑衣人首领施展身剑合一之招,竟然被这悍然一剑劈得直接崩溃瓦解,威力全消。 The place of that space crack, the white clothing form, the long body is together handsome! 那空间裂缝之处,一道白衣身影,长身玉立! The whole body is lingering just like illusion general abundantly Purple Qi. 周身萦绕着宛如梦幻一般的沛然紫气 Requests others to wear the black clothed, oneself actually the most show package of white clothing, are worth one person 要求别人皆穿黑衣,自己却着最骚包白衣,值得一人 Ye Xiao! 叶笑 Traveling speed extremely slow Headstrong Ancient Elephant can appear in the nearby by coincidence, then the just right card there, naturally is not the coincidence, but is the tricks that Ye Xiao gets up. 移动速度极为缓慢的莽古象能够无巧不巧地出现在附近,进而正好卡在那里,自然更加不是巧合,而是叶笑做的手脚。 A Er Huo (fool) pain, the movement repeatedly, makes the Secret Place entrance for the first time presently, this and other rare good opportunities, will Monarch Xiao miss? Naturally must make use, taking the opportunity does, 二货一番辛劳,动作频频,方令秘地入口乍现,这等难得良机,笑君主怎么会错过?自然要趁势而起,借机而做, The long and loud cry resounds, the sound has not fallen especially, that side profound ice and the others have been catching up rapidly, but Ye Xiao I suddenly execute outrageously a sword, although is only prestige of the sword, has actually divided Sword Qi to be defeated and dispersed that black clothed leader, protects oneself spiritual energy is the escape completely. 长啸响起,声尤未落,那边的玄冰等人已经在飞速赶来,而叶笑本人则是骤施悍然一剑,虽只是一剑之威,却已经将那黑衣首领劈得剑气溃散,护身灵力更是逸散殆尽。 That person in black called out pitifully, in mouth spouted a blood, face upwarded but actually, this but actually, by coincidence, happen to but actually fell into that dense and numerous Hornet Swarm truly. 黑衣人惨叫一声,口中喷出一口鲜血,仰天就倒,这一倒,真正无巧不巧,正好倒落入那密密麻麻的马蜂群中。 Immediately, a shocking loud pitiful yell, by extreme stimulation will of the people resounding of style terror. 随即,一阵震天响的惨叫,以极端刺激人心的方式恐怖的响起。 expert contests, the victory and defeat stands sentences, a moment ago that sword to spelling, his guard spiritual energy had been all shaken the powder by Ye Xiao, by but actually Luochen Egypt he, straight such as light bare fat \; But the position of this meeting is to the gadfly tide, on flash that he falls but actually, is the bearing the brunt gadfly tide, immediately several thousand gadflies wickedly have put his body! 高手过招,胜负立判,刚才那一剑对拼,他的护身灵力已经被叶笑悉数震散,是以倒落尘埃的他,直如光裸裸的一块肥肉\;而他这会的位置又是正对马蜂潮水,在他倒落下去的一瞬间,正是首当其冲马蜂潮水,登时就有几千只马蜂恶狠狠地扑在了他的身上! The instant pain adds the body, but this pain, is hard to describe in the spoken language seriously, in brief is a life is hard to shoulder heavy...... 瞬时痛苦加身,而这份痛楚,当真难以用言语描述,总之就是一种生命难以负荷的沉重…… But sees with one's own eyes this does person in black, has nothing the exception, is the whole body sends coolly, seems like even/including Little the calf is cramping. 而亲眼看到这一幕的一干黑衣人,无有例外,全都是浑身发凉,貌似连小腿肚子都在转筋。 Really was too terrifying. 实在是太恐怖了。 Ye Xiao one person one sword, this occasion stands erect before that space crack gateway. 叶笑一人一剑,此际就屹立在那道空间裂缝门户之前。 The innumerable gadflies passed over gently and swiftly from his side, actually completely looks but not see him, has crashed in the canyon without consulting anybody. 偏偏无数的马蜂从他身边掠过,却对他完全视而不见,径自的冲进了峡谷。 In this reason actually simply understands, the Transform Shadow Invisible secret technique, can make the most suitable change according to the current condition, Ye Xiao at this moment, is actually just like together the human form rock, silent, does not have the life not to live, Hornet Swarm how wild, actually will not launch to besiege to a rock, naturally will only look but not see, brushes! 这个中原因却是简单明了,化影无形秘术,可以根据当前状况做出最适宜的变化,此刻的叶笑,却俨如一块人形岩石,无声无息,无命无活,马蜂群再如何的狂暴,却也不会对一块岩石展开围攻,当然只会视而不见,擦身而过! Ye Xiao had not been attacked by Hornet Swarm, is in the mountain valley, after actually seeing shortly, changed to an end world picture. 叶笑不曾受到马蜂群攻击,可是山谷之中,却见顷刻之后化作了一片末世景象。 In Secret Place innumerable person in black, meets for first time the gadfly attack, suddenly does not know how should deal, immediately falls into the condition of being panic-stricken...... 秘地之中无数黑衣人,乍见马蜂来袭,一时间不知该如何应对,登时陷入惊慌失措的状态之中…… Although also some black clothed expert, calmly deal, the Sword Qi fist wind palm vigor pointed weapons point completely unfolds, cuts to fall the innumerable gadflies, is the Hornet Swarm quantity are too really many are too many, tens of millions gadflies that initially initially clashes have killed basically were endless, behind also has the innumerable gadfly armies unexpectedly, not birth control refusing stubbornly idea price clashes, only to revenge! 虽然也有部分黑衣高手,冷静应对,剑气拳风掌劲兵刃锋芒尽展,斩落无数马蜂,可是马蜂群的数量实在太多太多,初初冲进来的数千万马蜂基本便已经杀之不尽了,后面竟还有无数的马蜂大军,不计生死不计代价的冲进来,只为报仇! After our queen bee bees, all was given to kill by you...... 我们的蜂王蜂后,全都被你们给弄死了…… This enmity this hates, absolutely irreconcilable, undying continuous! 此仇此恨,不共戴天,不死不休! Either is we all extinguishes, either is you are complete, this battle can only play by a side is finally! 要么是我们全灭,要么是你们全完,此役只能以一方玩完才算终了! The gadfly was obviously insane, because of hating to be crazy. 马蜂显然是已经疯了,因为仇恨而疯狂。 Facing takes place of the fallen the crazy offensive that and birth control does not die like this, person in black was also insane, was compelled insanely, frightens insanely! 面对这样前仆后继、不计生死的疯狂攻势,黑衣人也疯了,被逼疯的,吓疯的! Besides these two sides, the beast of prey were also insane, they were also compelled insanely, frightens insanely, because seeks livehood gets sucked into certainly the place desperate crazy roadless...... 除了这两方之外,还有猛兽们也疯了,它们也是被逼疯的,吓疯的,还有,还有因为求生无路深陷绝地的绝望疯癫…… In brief, is only in the short time, this piece of tranquil secret mountain valley, turned into everywhere the bloody human purgatory impressively. 总之,只是短短的时间里,这一片原本宁静的隐秘山谷,赫然变成了满目血腥的人间炼狱。 These are trained cultivator, hears the outside noisy sound, naturally also in abundance runs to find out, the front surface sees this and other bloody, their mental state is more insufficient than the person in black still have that in front of it comes out, is the whole body tingles with numbness directly, the hands and feet is icy cold! 那些正在接受培训的修者们,听到外间嘈杂声响,自然也纷纷跑出来一看究竟,迎面就看到这等血腥一幕,他们的心境比之前面出来的黑衣人犹有不足,直接就是浑身发麻,手脚冰凉! This...... What's all this about? 这……这是咋回事? In this piece of Secret Place should not be the absolute safety, definitely will not have the foreign enemy to attack, this is any situation, how to have the beast tide to be near for the first time, the colony chaotic dance, is everywhere scarlet, the scarlet blood dyes the day! 在这片秘地不该是绝对安全,绝对不会有外敌来袭么,这是什么情况,怎地就有兽潮乍临,蜂群乱舞,满目猩红,赤血染天呢! The distant place reappears angry long howl, 78 person in black shades are catching up from the anxious illness. 远方再现愤怒至极的长啸声,78条黑衣人影正自急疾赶过来。 Nine big Dao Origin Stage peak expert that these person Demon Soul Way high-level arrangements here assume! 这些人正是魔魂道高层安排在这里坐镇的九大道元境巅峰高手 Truly speaking, earliest possible time that the sound in mountain valley had a moment ago suddenly, they induced, has not actually been serious. 说实在的,刚才山谷中的动静骤起的第一时间,他们就已经感应到了,却并没有当回事。 Here was so long, has not had any important matter, by does not have to feel relieved regarding this time sound on, even also once thought that or can treat as time to gain experience this accident, where actually knows, this time to gain experience following really shocks, the variation will come out unexpectedly all of a sudden such big careless mistake! 在这里这么久了,从来就没发生过什么大事,是以对于这次的动静也没有太放心上,甚至还一度觉得,或者可以将这次变故当做一次历练,却又哪里知道,这一次“历练”的后续实在太震撼,竟然会一下子变异出来这么大的纰漏! Presently the situation, several have been possible to tilt the place of entire secret valley! 当前态势,几已可倾覆整座秘谷之地! How could it not be to make these people of assuming personal command startled and anger! 岂不令这些坐镇之人又惊又怒! These person come, the circumstance changes immediately, but a charge, on the potential of according to wavelength division surge, in high Hornet Swarm clashes a road, overruns toward Ye Xiao of other end. 这几个人普一过来,情势顿时一改,不过一个冲锋,就以波分浪涌之势,从从马蜂群中生生冲出来一条路,向着彼端的叶笑冲过去。 „Who you are, dares to stir up trouble in this!?” “你是什么人,竟敢在此兴风作浪!?” When person in black is first mad almost must spit blood. 当先黑衣人气得几乎要吐血。 Here relates the Demon Revered important matter the place of foundation, now, presented such bewildered accident unexpectedly. 此处可是关系魔尊大计的根基之地,如今,居然出现了这样莫名其妙的事故。 Gadfly? 马蜂? Cat? 猫? Black bear? 黑熊? Beast tide? 兽潮? Rebellion? 暴动? Hears these not to know that so-called excuse, nine person in black were mad the heart that spat blood to have. 听到这些不知所谓的说词,九个黑衣人气得吐血的心都有了。 What ghost is this? 这都是什么鬼? Ye Xiao eye mystical often callous looks at these nine person in black, coldly was saying: Who am I? I person who wants you to assign!” 叶笑神异常冷酷的望着这九个黑衣人,冷冷道:“我是谁?我是要你们命的人!” These nine assume personal command to remain behind person in black, not only cultivation level transcends the mortal world, the mental state accomplishment is not the commonplace may compare, each other word does not gather, apparent does not have the swivel leeway, immediately nine sword light blade vigor, synchronously near body. 这九个坐镇留守黑衣人非但修为超凡入圣,心境素养也非等闲可比,彼此一言不合,便知更无转圜余地,登时九道剑光刀劲,同步临身。 This occasion stands is in Ye Xiao that Headstrong Ancient Elephant carries on the back, when sneers, Stars Sword sways at fingertips, the body also transferred the half-turn, ten thousand point cold stars have actually spread to sprinkle the world. 此际立身在莽古象背上的叶笑,一声冷笑之余,星辰剑信手挥洒,身子还只是转了半圈,却已万点寒星遍洒天地。 Selects the point is arrogant! 点点皆是孤傲! Nine Smile of Monarch!” And a person in black vision dodges, suddenly calls out in alarm one: You are Monarch Xiao, Ye Xiao!?” 君主九笑!”其中一个黑衣人目光一闪,突然惊呼一声:“你就是笑君主,叶笑!?” Nine Smile of Monarch. 君主九笑 This is a Monarch Xiao move of brand name incurs! 这是笑君主的招牌名招! Ye Xiao reappears the world, the first war that is heavy then defeats Wu Fa, in this occasion early is not the secret \; This can see his Stars Sword, the Monarch Sword method, these person in black naturally immediately recognized came out its status origin. 叶笑再现尘寰,重出的第一战便是击败武法,在此际早已经不是什么秘密\;这会一见到他的星辰剑,还有君主剑法,这几个黑衣人自然即时就认了出来其身份来历。 This points out frankly, made in several other individual hearts is one cold. 只是这一声道破,却令其他几个人心中都是一凛。 mental state is calm or is not a matter, but frightens regarding the enemy prestige or not is actually a different matter, since Ye Xiao has reappeared, defeats the powerful enemy one after another, executes Wu Tian, to defeat Wu Fa, to frustrate horizon Mo Hong, so the success already spread the biography in Demon Soul Way! 心境沉稳与否是一回事,但对于敌人威名震慑与否却又是另一回事,叶笑重现以来,接连挫败强敌,诛武天、败武法、挫败天边一抹红,如此战绩于魔魂道早已遍传! First Under Heaven expert of new promote, Monarch Xiao did Ye Xiao come by oneself? 新晋的天下第一高手,笑君主叶笑亲身前来? Such powerful enemy, did not say mental state to be calm, can the immunity frighten! 这样的强敌,可不是说心境沉稳,就能免疫震慑的! At this moment, sees its Purple Qi to cover the body, the sword light twinkle, the white clothing is floating, the innumerable gadflies have flown from his side...... 此时此刻,更见其紫气罩身,剑光闪烁,白衣飘飘,无数的马蜂从他身边飞过…… This gives the impulse of person is incomparably huge. 这一幕给人的冲击力可谓是无比巨大。 This refuses to acknowledge family and sees the person on the hibernation of insects gadfly, why doesn't attack him? 这六亲不认、见人就蛰的马蜂,为什么就偏偏不攻击他呢? At once clearly shouted resounds \; In addition the slender white shade, the electricity from the space slit shoots to come together, was profound ice to! 旋即又有一声清啸响起\;另一道窈窕的白影,从空间缝隙中电射而来,正是玄冰到了! profound ice is also a white clothing dresses up, this does not have the means that profound ice this Senior regularly a black clothed, Bing'er for with its difference, avoided giving oneself away, does not hesitate to act like a spoiled brat to hit to depend must wear the white clothing, Ye Xiao in the end had overflowed the beautiful woman pass/test, must permit! 玄冰也是一身白衣打扮,这个没办法,玄冰本尊惯常一袭黑衣,冰儿为了与其区别,避免露出马脚,不惜撒娇打赖也要穿白衣,叶笑到底没过了美人关,只得允了! Permitted one to have two, Jun Yinglian had not planned to wear the white clothing, but profound ice strove for the privilege, after she naturally is not willing to be glad to the person, has made the white clothing appearance, was only beside the white clothing, in addition a black robe, is burying head in the sand in turn. 允了一个就有两个,君应怜原本没打算穿白衣,可是玄冰争取到了特权,她自然是不肯甘于人后的,也做了白衣打扮,只是在白衣之外,加了一件黑袍,算是反过来的掩耳盗铃。 profound ice has Transform Shadow Secret Technique, even if wears white clothing also unexpectedly to be discovered that Jun Yinglian in this aspect actually, had a mind unwillingly actually also only to be able so to choose! 玄冰化影秘术,纵然身着白衣也不虞被发现,君应怜在这方面却是有所不及,有心不甘却也只能这般选择! A profound ice ice is cold, long hair is floating \; The graceful physique one plunders from the Ye Xiao side, does not have the stay, has not paid attention to facing nine person in black, have crashed in the mountain valley without consulting anybody. 玄冰一身冰寒,长发飘飘\;曼妙身姿从叶笑身边一掠而过,全无停留,根本就没有理会面对的九个黑衣人,径自冲进了山谷内中。 Defends the mountain valley entry position no doubt has a Ye Xiao person, but a person was enough. 守住山谷入口位置的固然只得叶笑一个人,但一个人就已经足够。 Presently instead hurries to with emphasis, confirmed that this place also does have other imports and exports, if some words must block it as soon as possible, must unable to bleed off one person, is for the current important matter. 当前的重点反而是赶紧冲进去,确认一下此地还有没有其他进出口,若是有的话一定要尽早封锁之,务必不能放走一人,乃为当前要务。 Blocks her!” “拦住她!” person in black only with enough time shouted a few words, that side profound ice already „” vanished from them. 一个黑衣人就只来得及喊一句话而已,玄冰那边已然“咻”的一声从他们面前消失了。 The profound ice movement technique traveling speed only feared that must above Ye Xiao, can actually it be that they can intercept! 玄冰身法移动速度只怕还要在叶笑之上,却又岂是他们能够拦截下来的! Audiences person in black also not with enough time amazed in the strength that profound ice shows, has pleasantly surprised one after another, a brigade white clothing beautiful figure along with it, but presently, actually except covering the body black robe, restores to make the white clothing appearance Jun Yinglian, Horizon Ice Palace expert that as well as audiences follow the example, the wind passed over gently and swiftly generally, naturally, is the wind, rather is white clouds, rapid leisurely far. 一众黑衣人还未来得及惊诧于玄冰所展现出来的实力,惊喜陆续有来,一大队白衣倩影随之而现,却是除去罩身黑袍,恢复做白衣打扮的君应怜,以及一众有样学样的天涯冰宫高手,风一般掠过,当然,与其说是风,倒不如说是一片白云,迅速逸远。 The daughter family|home is likes to look good, who can wear the white clothing to be able the black clothed, had oneself palace Lord to set the example, numerous Horizon Ice Palace females cultivated, all copied the Jun Yinglian procedure, the black robe covers the white clothing, this occasion had not continued the need of concealment trail, wore the black clothed also along with it losing significance, died to like the pretty girl naturally being probable to return the white clothing appearance! 女儿家都是爱美的,能穿白衣谁会着黑衣,有了自家宫主做榜样,众多天涯冰宫女修,全都照搬君应怜做法,黑袍罩白衣,此际已经没有继续隐匿踪迹的需要,是否身着黑衣也随之失去意义,死爱漂亮的女孩子自然要转回白衣打扮! Opposite nine are the first person in black this occasion already by Ye Xiao murderous aura locking, suddenly completely does not dare to act rashly, can only look helplessly profound ice and the others flushed \; Their this met simultaneously to have a clear(ly) to become aware: If at this moment motionless, confronts fully, not necessarily then drops the wind. 对面的九个为首黑衣人此际已经被叶笑杀气锁定,一时间完全不敢妄动,只能眼睁睁地看着玄冰等人冲了进去\;他们这会齐齐生出一份明悟:若是此刻不动,全力对峙,未必便落下风。 But, if acts reluctantly, does not pay attention to front Monarch Xiao murderous aura, transfers to intercept other people, only feared that does not wait to attack others, oneself because of the flaw position that acting rashly to reveal, definitely will present a transparent blood hole. 但,若是勉强动作,不理会面前笑君主杀气,转为去拦截其他人,那么,只怕不等自己攻击到别人,自己因为妄动而露出的破绽位置,必然会出现一个透明的血窟窿。 In front of Monarch Xiao, nobody can be negligent. 笑君主面前,没人可以大意。 The negligence that flickers, any little slight flaw, will evolve the key that suffers a defeat and flees! 一瞬的疏忽,任何一点点细微的破绽,都会演变成败亡的关键! Completely does not have the accident, mountain valley at this moment, turned into the confusion that pot thin rice gruel has also resembled. 全然不出意外,此刻的山谷之内,已经变成了一锅稀粥也似的混乱。 The innumerable gadflies are pursuing all lives in mountain valley, many wild animals were stung by the gadfly went crazy, could not cope with the gadfly, then crazily attacked the humanity in mountain valley, crazy wild animal where will have scruples the present humanity radically is level that were hard to be a worthy opponent, but the gadfly has not let off the humanity in these mountain valleys similarly, reason that will attack the first wild animal, but is the current wild animal quantity are more! 无数的马蜂追逐着山谷内的所有生命,许多野兽被马蜂蜇得发狂了,对付不了马蜂,就转而疯狂地攻击山谷中的人类,疯狂的野兽哪里还会顾忌眼前的人类根本就是自己难以匹敌的级数,而马蜂同样不曾放过这些山谷之中的人类,之所以会优先攻击野兽,不过是目前的野兽数量更多而已! person in black, these cultivation level are high, pays back greatly can be calmer, these people have the vigorous spiritual energy guard, naturally temporarily may guarantee calmly and steadily, but these cultivation level low manpower, have almost lain down in very short time place, all by the person who the gadfly hibernation of insects crosses, unexpectedly is the whole body swelling, is ordinary just like a human form rubber ball. 黑衣人这边,那些修为较高的,大抵还能从容一些,这些人有浑厚灵力护身,自然暂时可保安稳,可那些修为较低的人手,几乎是在很短暂的时间里就躺了一地,所有被马蜂蛰过的人,一个个竟都是浑身肿胀,宛如一只人形皮球一般。 Moreover, the skin of everyone flood seems the green leaf general color. 而且,每个人的皮肤都泛起好似绿叶一般的颜色。 This let just see that this profound ice was surprised: Unexpectedly is Heavenly Poisonous Bee!” 这让刚一看到这一幕的玄冰不禁大吃一惊:“竟是天毒蜂!” profound ice may be is next to the Ye Xiao person to battlefield condition understanding, although a moment ago a difference gadfly hugeness, did not have to care slightly! 玄冰可算是对战场状况了解度仅次于叶笑的人,刚才虽然也略略差异马蜂个头巨大,却也没有太在意! However what profound ice does not know, Great Dream Mountain really has existence of Heavenly Poisonous Bee. 然而玄冰不知道的是,大梦山竟然有天毒蜂的存在。 Heavenly Poisonous Bee, even if after transforming the queen bee bee that sends also level 6 Spirit Beast rank, is actually in the Spirit Beast category that in Heaven Realm most may not provoke, was top three, the hard to deal with place of this gadfly altogether three \; first, its bee venom toxicity was special, if only by hibernation of insects 12, so long as there is cultivation level of Spirit Origin Stage level, can circulate cultivation drive out, how did not calculate violently, but this toxin actually had both the characteristics of infinite accumulation, was the toxicity can along with by the accumulation of hibernation of insects number of times but grew, if were over hundred times by the hibernation of insects, congratulated you, you were Dao Origin Stage cultivator. Wants a narrow escape, if were been more by the hibernation of insects number of times, for example was swarmed by the innumerable gadflies, even if Dao Origin Stage Peak cultivator, there is a very big opportunity to fall from the sky! 天毒蜂,纵然蜕变至极致的蜂王蜂后也不过六品灵兽等级,却是天域中最最不可招惹的灵兽类别中,稳居前三甲之列,这种马蜂的难缠之处共得三项,其一是其蜂毒毒性特异,若是只被蛰12处,只要有灵元境层次的修为,就可以运功驱除,不算如何猛烈,可是此毒却兼具无限累积之特性,也就是毒力可以随着被蛰次数的累积而增长,若是被蛰超过百次,那么恭喜你,就算您是道元境修者,也。要九死一生,而若是被蛰次数更多,例如被无数马蜂蜂拥的话,就算是道元境顶峰修者,也有很大机会会陨灭! Second, this Heavenly Poisonous Bee multiplication ability is greatly strengthened, initially beginning dozens 110 scales, so long as to its time, at most hundred years of years, multiplies several million several billions, even more scales non- are the difficult matters! 第二,这种天毒蜂的繁衍能力极强,初初数十只110只的规模,只要给其时间,至多百年岁月,繁衍出几千万只数亿只,甚至更多的规模非是难事! Third, Heavenly Poisonous Bee field-related strange is strong, especially bears a grudge, in their eye, so long as has the enemy to invade one's territory, what enemy no matter you are, powerful Expert is also good, does not harm according to the hibernation of insects, before this is also , Er Huo (fool) pulverized the honey-comb, the opposite party has felt the Er Huo (fool) high scale, was still the basic reason of chasing after and never giving up was. 第三,天毒蜂的领域性奇强,尤其记仇,在它们眼中,只要是有敌人来犯,不管你是什么样的敌人,再强悍的大能也好,照蛰不误,这也是之前二货弄碎了蜂巢,对方已经感受到了二货的高档次,却仍是穷追不舍的根本原因所在。 If not Heavenly Poisonous Bee happy static is unhappy moves, been dormant strong, it is estimated that entire Heaven Realm can be swarmed by this insect class! 如果不是天毒蜂喜静不喜动,蛰伏性超强的话,估计整个天域都能被这种虫类蜂拥! The Demon Soul Way aspect is not does not know regarding existence of Heavenly Poisonous Bee, when discovered at that time, Heavenly Poisonous Bee quantity already extremely astonishing, the influence has become, extinguishing is not easy, but so long as one's own side does not provoke it on own initiative, instead can live in peace with each other, two, actually also many want to form the Great Dream Mountain in addition together Spirit Beast barrier with the aid of Heavenly Poisonous Bee mentally. But this occasion, Heavenly Poisonous Bee, because must pursue Er Huo (fool), the bee moist powerful sweeps across Demon Soul Secret Place, unexpectedly becomes the standard of a scheme that boomerangs! 魔魂道方面对于天毒蜂的存在也不是不知,但彼时发现之时,天毒蜂的数量已经极之惊人,势力已成,灭之不易,而己方只要不主动招惹之,反而可以相安无事,二来,却也不乏想要借助天毒蜂形成大梦山另一道灵兽屏障的心理。可是此际,天毒蜂因为要追击二货,蜂潮强势席卷魔魂秘地,竟成作法自毙之格! The profound ice surprise discovery giant gadfly unexpectedly is Heavenly Poisonous Bee, hurried injunction: Everybody pay attention surely, should not be stung by the gadfly, even if do not counter-attack by the hibernation of insects immediately, avoid as much as possible and gadfly form the dead enmity!” 玄冰诧异发现巨型马蜂竟然是天毒蜂,急忙嘱咐:“大伙千万注意,不要被马蜂蜇到,就算被蛰也不要即时反扑,尽可能避免与马蜂形成死仇!” People arrived saw the sad scene of this place, the person under the will of the people have been keeping beating a drum, this occasion the profound ice prompt, naturally cannot provoke the gadfly that these went crazy on own initiative. 众人普一来到就已经看到了这一地的惨像,人人心下都在不停打鼓,此际又得玄冰提示,自然不会主动去招惹那些发狂的马蜂。 However after such a long time fight, gadfly army, even if how sharp, actually also already sharp decline to few degrees \; After all, in this mountain valley hundreds of thousands of expert , is also not a vegetarian. 不过在经过这么长时间的战斗之后,马蜂大军纵然如何的犀利,却也已经锐减到了很少的程度\;毕竟,这山谷之中数十万高手在,也不是吃素的。 Regarding Demon Soul Way, your Heavenly Poisonous Bee is truly difficult to extinguish, actually non- cannot extinguish, made war truly, extinguishes did not have! 对于魔魂道而言,你天毒蜂确实难灭,却非是不能灭,真正开战,灭了也就没了! This regarding each other does not have under the powerful fierce battle of preparation, the gadfly army casualties of taking place of the fallen are serious \; Now difficult not to have been able to constitute the effective lethality basically again, is makes profound ice and other successors profit. 这番对于彼此都是全无准备的强势激烈战斗之下,前仆后继的马蜂大军伤亡惨重\;现在已经基本再难不能构成有效的杀伤力,却是让玄冰等后来者占足了便宜。 This occasion meow sound especially since is resounding unceasingly. 此际喵呜的声音尤自在不绝响起。 Actually is Er Huo (fool) the beast of prey that instigates to hide unceasingly: „Do you do? Hurries, you give on me actually...... Had not seen that these many people stand you, you on actually...... Even if you do not dare to take the blade to move the sword in view of these, does not have these tumbling that falls to the ground to keep, did that tiger what, talk cannot? Unexpectedly the Knocked out kingfisher, you will not say that you do not lose face!......” 却是二货在不断地怂恿躲进来的猛兽们:“你们都干什么呢?赶紧上啊,你们倒是给我上啊……没看到有这么多人是站在你们这边的么,你们倒是上啊……就算你们不敢针对那些拿刀动剑的,不还有那些倒地不停的翻滚的么,那个老虎什么的,动动嘴不会么?居然连打落水狗都不会,你说你们丢人不!……” Instigates the belt to prod continually, Er Huo (fool) said that to call a jubilation. 连怂恿带激将,二货说得那叫一个兴高采烈。 All beast of prey look at the look of this small kitty full completely is speechless. 所有猛兽看着这只小猫咪的眼神满满的尽是无语。 When experiencing the life and death has hung at a round of crisis, Er Huo (fool) to the superior pressure that they form, what basic had not remained, even if pressure how tyrannical, to the end also dies, now we are the danger have died, the beast that even this occasion must momentarily face the death condition, thinks really we also do care about your this small kitty?! 在经历了生死悬于一发的危机之余,二货给它们形成的上位者威压,基本已经没剩什么了,就算威压再如何的强横,到头也不过就是一死,现在咱们都已经是险险死过一回,甚至此际还要随时面对一命呜呼状况的兽,真以为咱们还在乎你这只小猫咪么?! Looks at the welldoing of this fellow, is one watches the fun really really does not dislike the matter big appearance completely. 看这家伙的德行,真真就是一副看热闹完全不嫌事儿大的样子。 Turns head to think again, this matter completely is your doing good, almost collectively kills us, now unexpectedly any matter does not have your, even to present this grade of situation, still has been instigating unexpectedly to prod to stop at nothing...... 再回头想想,这事儿完全就是你丫的搞出来的好不好,差点将我们集体害死,现在居然啥事儿也没你的,甚至到了现在这等地步了,居然还在怂恿激将无所不用其极…… Has not seen this really...... 真没见过这样的…… Did your doing matter do to become addicted not?! 你丫的搞事搞上瘾了是不?! Do you dare a meaner mean point!? 你敢不敢更卑鄙下作一点了!? Sword Qi beyond example howls, profound ice, Jun Yinglian and the others, performed immediately to offer a sacrifice to their most killed to incur, swept away. 剑气空前呼啸,玄冰,君应怜等人,尽都是在第一时间就祭出了自己的最强杀招,一路横扫过去。 Before space crack gateway. 空间裂缝门户之前。 In the Ye Xiao hand Stars Sword dodges outrageously, bang an explosive, diligently was closing still up the closed space battle formation, explodes in light of this accordingly broken. 叶笑手中星辰剑悍然一闪,轰隆一声爆响,原本仍在努力合拢闭合的空间阵势,就此应声爆碎。
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