RITF :: Volume #15

#1476: Beast tide

Demon Soul Way respective under the hand/subordinate regarding dealing that the foreign enemy attacks, is not it may be said that chaotic, well-trained, is linked together, deals in the right way, the end has resulted in! 魔魂道所属手下对于外敌来袭的应对,可谓丝毫不乱,训练有素,环环相扣,应对有方,端得了得! Running that Er Huo (fool) this in the comfortable wooded mountains will frisk still and scamper, flying heartily vertical, plays the delight, roundly. 二货这会仍自在山林间撒欢的跑,尽情的飞纵,玩得不亦乐乎,痛快淋漓。 The opportunity of this going crazy recklessly, are not many, generally, the master will not give...... The rarity had this opportunity, Er Huo (fool) goes crazy completely. 这样肆意的发疯的机会,可不多,一般情况下,主人是不会给的……难得有这次机会,二货完全的发疯了。 In some forests the wild animal was startled by its towering movement, when howls, scatters in all directions to dash. 有些林中野兽被它的突兀动作惊起,一声呼啸之余,四散飞奔。 Er Huo (fool) Bang, hits in one crowd of Headstrong Ancient Elephant groups, ping...... Each elephant had been hit a fist by it, hits on the nose \; Headstrong Ancient Elephant frailest is nostril \; Once were hit, will be wild. 二货砰地一声,撞到一群莽古象群里,砰砰砰……每一头大象都被它打了一拳,打在鼻子上\;莽古象最脆弱的就是鼻孔\;一旦被打,就会狂暴。 Immediately the entire colony sends out, earth-shaking power. 顿时整个集群出动,山摇地动。 Er Huo (fool) moves sideways to walk, the meteor hit another group of Gold Black Leopard sphere of influence generally, the next moment, two level 9 Spirit Beast leopards on head dripping with blood roared to pursue \; Actually was top the melon skin to be torn up a bulk by Er Huo (fool) directly. 二货闪身而走,流星一般撞进了另一伙金玄豹的势力范围,下一刻,两头九品灵兽的豹子就头上鲜血淋漓的咆哮着追了出来\;却是顶瓜皮被二货直接撕掉了一大块。 Then is...... Bursting Flame Lion, One Horned Tiger...... 然后是……爆炎狮子,独角虎…… In an instant, entire Great Dream Mountain has become pot gruel. 刹那间,整个大梦山成了一锅粥。 But some step position slightly low Spirit Beast, are early crazily has been able choose the exact way because of flurry runs away. 而一些阶位稍低的灵兽,都是早已经疯狂慌不择路的逃窜起来。 Regarding these, Er Huo (fool), so long as passed over gently and swiftly from their sky, the panic that creates was enough. 对于这些,二货只要从他们上空掠过,造成的恐慌就足够了。 Animal regarding sensitive detection by far humanity of high level superior, although they do not know that flies vertical white shade in the end is any fearful gadget, actually certainly is terroristly the sharpest gadget, bitter experience type of abnormal gadget, avoids by far absolutely is the best plan! 动物对于高阶上位者的敏感察觉远胜人类,虽然它们不知道那飞纵的白影到底是什么可怕玩意,却一定是最为恐怖最为犀利的玩意,遭遇这种变态玩意,远远避开绝对是上上之策! Great Dream Mountain, several million Spirit Beast gallop. 大梦山,数百万灵兽奔腾起来。 The innumerable bans, under such beast tide, were torn. 无数的禁制,在这样的兽潮之下,被生生撕裂。 In the upper air, the Ye Xiao vision dodges, is actually looks place unexpectedly present thick fog ascends, has different from the audiences. 高空中,叶笑目光一闪,却是看着其中一处地方竟现浓雾升腾,与众有异。 There, at first sight is together the solid giant rock, does not have the unusual form. 那里,乍看起来就是一块结结实实的巨大岩石,全无异状。 But this meeting, that large great rock is very towering by one type, very strange situation in the tumbling disassimilation, the careful identification discovered that giant rock radically completely is comprised of the thick fog, usually by one false appearance that the solid shape presents. 但这会,那块硕巨岩石却在以一种很突兀,很诡异的态势在翻滚异化,仔细辨认才发现,那块巨大岩石根本就完全是由浓雾组成,平时以固状呈现的一种假象。 Has not solid mist rock, everywhere is really lifelike. 只是,有型无实的雾气岩石,却比比真的还要逼真。 At this moment disperses suddenly, after the rock, is impressively spatial...... Anything does not have, a moment later, from this position, there are about 40-50 person in black to graze shoulder to shoulder! 此刻乍然散开,岩石之后赫然是空的……什么都没有,片刻之后,从这个位置之中,有大约四五十位黑衣人并肩飞掠出来! Shoulder to shoulder! 并肩! Non- is grazes unexpectedly one after another?! 竟然非是“相继”飞掠出来?! The Ye Xiao vision is greatly bright! 叶笑目光大亮! Where should be a big space region!? 哪里该是多大的一处空间地域呢!? 40-50 people, first assume the covering of fan dispersion to separate shoulder to shoulder, various line of its matters go. 四五十人并肩而出,第一时间就呈扇面分散分开,各行其事而去。 However a moment later, person in black had discovered is frisking and scampering to fly vertical Er Huo (fool) in the mountain: What thing is that?” 不过片刻之后,已有一名黑衣人发现了正在山中撒欢飞纵的二货:“那是什么东西?” This person of thoughts are also but actually meticulous, has not seen at present directly qualitative, but will plunder to pass rapidly, determination current condition. 此人心思倒也算缜密,并没有将眼前所见直接定性,而是飞速地掠将过去,确定当前状况。 How this person of thoughts again are but meticulous also well, he sees was still only a cat, enlivened completely not like the cat, actually was really the small kitty of cat, white was very very lovable 可是此人心思再怎么缜密也好,他所看到的仍旧只是一只猫,一只活跃得完全不像猫,却又真是猫的小猫咪,很白很可爱 Er Huo (fool) scurries about, plays is the delight, forgets oneself, from time to time in east, in west, throws the butterfly from time to time from time to time, from time to time catches the mouse, from time to time clashes the pack of wolves, from time to time pursues fierce tiger...... 二货上蹿下跳,玩得可谓是不亦乐乎,忘乎所以,时而在东,时而在西,时而扑蝴蝶,时而抓老鼠,时而冲狼群,时而追猛虎…… You said that your small kitty, throws a butterfly to grasp mouse anything, the share is this however, but pursues the tiger...... Good, everybody is the Felidae biology, the cat sufficient tiger son, although reluctantly, always can also be passable, what ghost but do you clash the pack of wolves are?! 你说你一只小猫咪,扑个蝴蝶抓个老鼠什么的,份属该然,但是追老虎……好吧,大家都是猫科生物,小猫充个虎崽,虽然勉强,总还可以说得过去,可是你冲狼群是什么鬼?! Does not have the method, the speed of this goods was too fast, will draw near is beyond description, whiz one will be one back and forth, let alone to the pack of wolves, can clash to any group, moreover this speed, but also has concealed its most terrorist place perfectly, will compel the superior pressure certainly, will look like by the beast group of highvelocity impact, the regulations have often not felt the impact, was some meow the speed was too quick, let the beast group confusion truly, was the Er Huo (fool) super pressure! 没法子,这货的速度实在太快了,快到了难以形容,“嗖”的一声就是一个来回,别说冲个狼群,冲啥群也能冲啊,而且这速度,还完美地掩饰了其最最恐怖的地方,绝逼上位者威压,看起来被高速冲击的兽群,实则往往根本就没有感受到冲击,实在是是某喵的速度太快了,真正让兽群混乱的,乃是二货的超级威压! Is only Er Huo (fool) own pressure, is having a mind to operate, does the entire Great Dream Mountain worldwide chaos to be ordinary directly. 就只是二货自己一个人的威压,在有心运作,直接搞得整个大梦山天下大乱一般。 Can want to see, here fierce tiger frightened, felt some beast that the region that sincerely one are at arrives at the super terror, how dare fights, rushed to the region of other beast of prey naturally, is another insanely wells up, that side lion ran up to the pack of wolves, starts to pursue all over...... 可以想见,这边的猛虎受惊之下,深切地感到自己所在的区域来到超级恐怖的某兽,何敢争锋,自然而然地冲到了别的猛兽的区域,跟着就是另一阵疯涌而出,那边的狮子跑到了狼群里,漫山遍野就开始追逐…… Saw that the effect is so tangible, Er Huo (fool) especially since is discontented, continues to launch the movement 见到效果如此明显,二货尤自不满,又持续展开动作 A over three meters high black bear had been caught up with by Er Huo (fool), drives away to a honeycomb side, this honeycomb was really too big, had 70 zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area to be so big. 一头超过三米高的狗熊被二货赶了出来,驱赶至一处蜂窝之旁,这个蜂窝实在是太大了,足足有70丈方圆那么大。 The surroundings are dense and numerous, is the head that big gadfly...... 周围密密麻麻的,全是人头那么大的马蜂…… Busy. 忙忙碌碌。 The black bear stemming from the consideration of life threat, does not dare to collect the honey that this lives most loves on own initiative, Er Huo (fool) a meteor has overrun first generally, without hesitation, before all horse Peak cannot reflect, maliciously a claw...... Destroyed the honeycomb...... 狗熊出于性命威胁的考量,都没敢主动采集此生最爱的蜂蜜,二货已经先一步流星一般冲过去,毫不犹豫,在所有马峰都反映不过来之前,狠狠地一爪子……就将蜂窝打碎了…… Then turns around to run! 然后转身就跑! Runs up to front of the black bear, whiz arrived at the black bear behind, the black bear is staring the big eye, looks that front dense including suffocation Hornet Swarm that the air extrudes, thorough was silly. 跑到黑熊面前,嗖的一声就到了黑熊身后,黑熊瞪着大眼睛,看着前方黑压压连空气都挤压的窒息的马蜂群,彻底的傻了。 My Cao...... My mother...... This is not I does really...... 我曹……我的妈妈……这真不是我干的…… I was too injust...... 我太冤了…… The result does not have the accident, ten million counts the gadfly definitely unable to overtake the Er Huo (fool) extremely fast, naturally can only pursue the black bear to launch revenges crazily. 结果不出意外,数以千万计地马蜂肯定是追不上二货的极速,自然只能追着狗熊展开疯狂报仇。 Has after death been hiding that cat to this bear, is really this bear instigates secretly. 那只猫到了这头熊身后躲着了,果然是这头熊是幕后主使。 Cannot let off it! 不能放过它! The gadfly comes surely. 千万马蜂呼啸而来。 the next moment, black bear urgent matter half turn around, looks for Er Huo (fool) to do accounts radically without enough time, bellows the expression that yelled to treat unjustly, while cancould choose the exact way because of flurry clashes, in this period does not know passed through the territories of many wild animals chaotically called out, entirely soul flies away and spirit dispersed ran away with the black bear...... 下一刻,狗熊火烧屁股一半转身,根本来不及找二货算账,一边大吼大叫的表示冤枉,一边慌不择路一路嚎叫的乱冲,其间不知道经过了多少野兽的领地,统统魂飞魄散的跟着狗熊一路逃窜…… Behind dense dark cloud common gadfly...... Each has almost the head size! 后面黑压压乌云一般的马蜂……每一只都几乎有人头大小! Really is not the ordinary gadfly, proper giant gadfly! 真不是普通的马蜂,妥妥的巨型马蜂! This truly is the unexpected misfortune in legend...... 这真正是传说中的无妄之灾啊…… That black bear that all beast of prey front will run hated in the bone: When we do not know that is this goods likes stealing the honey, but also gives the euphemistic name of any this to live most loves! You like nobody managing, but do you dare not to implicate us to meet with a disaster together, how do you dare to provoke such wild gadfly?! 所有猛兽都将前面跑的那头黑熊恨到了骨头里:当我们不知道呢,就是这货爱偷蜂蜜,还美其名曰什么此生最爱!你个人爱好没人管,可是你敢不敢别带累我们一道遭殃呢,你咋就敢招惹这么狂暴的马蜂呢?! The black bear runs in front, at heart actually in suffering from injustice crying: You were really think highly of me, where such cut-throat hornet's nest did I dare? This time by a big monster action of driving away in the past, the intuition was told me radically, which direction if I in walk, at most a narrow escape, but or walks, that is ten dies not fresh, when I discover, the honeycomb of hill size has thrown down and broken before me...... 黑熊在前面跑,心里却在委屈的哭:你们真是太看得起我了,这么凶狠的马蜂窝我哪里敢?这次根本就是被一个大怪物驱赶过去的,直觉告诉我,我要是往哪个方向走,顶多九死一生,但要不走,那就是十死无生,等我发现的时候,小山大小的蜂窝已经在我面前摔碎了…… Pitiful place is fragrant and sweet I not to eat one with enough time, was pursued by the gadfly...... 可怜一地的甜香我还没有来得及吃一口,就被马蜂追来了…… Now is not only pursued by the gadfly, but must bear a grudge by you, really was really a narrow escape, entire has fulfilled my beforehand idea! 现在不光被被马蜂追,还要被你们记仇,真真是九死一生了,正整应验了我之前的想法! My my I...... Was not still foolish the regret, to gadfly, to you, I am only a narrow escape, but if to that big monster, ten will die inevitably not fresh, only regret only then...... Even if makes me eat that fragrant honey, I really died with no regrets...... 我我我……仍旧痴心不悔,对上马蜂,对上你们,我只是九死一生,但要是对上那个大怪物,势必十死无生,唯一的遗憾就只有……哪怕让我吃上一口那香甜的蜂蜜,我就真的死而无怨了…… The black bear has tears streaming down the face, regret to have mind filled with continues to dash. 黑熊泪流满面、遗憾满腹的持续飞奔。 Huang Yun of blotting out the sky, dark clouds, dark cloud. 身后,铺天盖地的黄云,黑云,乌云。 Assorted Hornet Swarm, coming in swarms in the true sense. 正是各色的马蜂群,真正意义上的蜂拥而至。 Actually although these gadflies the build is huge, but the itself strength is not very high, the attacking mode is sole, finished up \; If there is one two, presents most beast of prey to look radically will not look at one. 其实那些个马蜂虽然体型巨大,但本身实力并不是很高,攻击模式更是单一,一针就完事\;若只得一只两只的,在场绝大多数的猛兽根本连看都不会多看一眼。 However now...... 但是现在…… Mother onamot! 妈妈咪呀! Tens of millions gadflies, send out collectively, rising in swarms Yun Yong, rallies together to swarm it, half mountain has become the world of gadfly! 数千万的马蜂,集体出动,蜂起云涌、群起而蜂拥之,半座山都成了马蜂的世界! Even if the step position high beast of prey, simultaneously faces such scary lineup, has the share that soul flies away and spirit dispersed flees runs away. 哪怕是阶位再高的猛兽,同时面对这样吓死人的阵容,也只得魂飞魄散亡命逃窜的份儿。 Was stung by a gadfly, clenches teeth also to go against, is ten, 350, 100-200, more...... Thinks to think that the chrysanthemum feeling uncomfortable whole body cold sweat, does not dare to attempt, does not dare to presumptuously think. 被一只马蜂蜇一下,咬咬牙还能顶过去,可是十只呢,350只呢,一两百只呢,更多只呢……哦,想一想就不禁觉得菊花发紧浑身冷汗,不敢尝试,不敢妄想啊。 Even though is several person in black in midair looks at this, completely the facial features twitch, sur- calf cramp. 纵使是半空中的几个黑衣人看着这一幕,也尽都眉眼抽搐,外加腿肚子抽筋。 This...... 这…… This nest hornet's nest existed here for several thousand years, it may be said that is the king of queen bee, in the king the king, entire Great Dream Mountain absolutely does not have any living thing to dare to provoke them, today was this? Takes a look at this scale, unexpectedly is the unprecedented collective general mobilization?! 这窝马蜂窝在这里已经存在了数千年,可谓是蜂王之王,王中之王,整个大梦山绝对没有任何生物敢去招惹它们,今天这是咋了?瞅这规模,竟是前所未有的集体总动员?! The condition of that only gadfly, the eye was red...... 还有那一只只的马蜂的状态,眼睛都红了啊…… Because of that bear? 就是因为那只熊么? Um, no, that bear is not a instigator, the genuine instigator is that is only small the white cat , because that cat has angered the gadfly, to making condition great change in this way! 嗯,不,那只熊不是始作俑者,真正的始作俑者是那只小白猫,就是因为那只猫惹怒了马蜂,致令状况巨变如斯! Then another issue came...... Is that only small the kitty is really a cat? 那么另一个问题来了……那只小猫咪真的是一只猫吗? What he is any cat! 那他么的是一只什么猫啊! What cat really has such courage? Such big ability? 什么样的猫竟然有这样的胆子?这么大的能力 Sees that cat to be able until the people unexpectedly when long-drawn-out flees, but can also walks while rectifies the direction that the black bear runs, the colony also along with it adjustment direction, thereupon, innumerable beast of prey also adjustment direction...... 及至众人眼看着那只猫竟然可以在悠哉遁走之余,还能边走边矫正黑熊奔跑的方向,蜂群也随之调整方向,于是乎,无数猛兽也跟着调整方向…… Adjusts the later direction...... Um, unexpectedly toward the place that person in black stand, flushed just like the tide generally. 调整之后的方向……嗯,竟然是向着黑衣人们站立的地方,宛如潮水一般冲了过来。 Um, should say that is beast tide?! 嗯,应该说是兽潮?! Sweeps across but to! 席卷而至! My Cao!” “我曹!” A person in black vision straightens, cannot bear blurt is scolds: This anything situation, how he...... Flushed us to come?!” 一个黑衣人目光发直,忍不住脱口就是一声骂:“这什么情况,怎么他么的……就冲咱们来了?!” Walks quickly!” “快走!” Is person in black one of the head howls: Any important matter,...... This cat generally is Spirit Beast, some intelligence, the traveling speed is also fast, but has provoked the hornet's nest, must die without doubt, only waits for it, as soon as dies, the gadfly also stopped...... Um, we first draw back, became the above battle formation restoration...... The gadfly cannot come in that side us, makes them make simply heartily outside, confirmed that did not have the outsider to be good.” 为首的黑衣人一声呼啸:“啥大事,……这只猫大抵是头灵兽,有些灵性,移动速度也快,但是招惹了马蜂窝,必死无疑,只等它一死,马蜂也就消停了……嗯,咱们还是先退回去,将上面的阵势复原就成了……马蜂也进不来咱们那边,索性让它们在外面尽情闹去,确认没有外来人就好了。” The other 40-50 person in black complexion pale simultaneously nods, the anxious hasty in the future will run at once \; white shadow speedily flashes through unexpectedly, that cat meow meow unexpectedly ran up to before them...... 余下的四五十个黑衣人脸色青白的齐齐点头,旋即急忙忙就往后跑\;不意一道白影疾速闪过,那只猫一路喵呜喵呜的居然跑到了他们前头…… As if has been able choose the exact way because of flurry, hits in the space of big stone that thick fog had formed by coincidence, you said that you went in fortunately go, it was also unexpectedly calm and composed even in press of work stands up from failure, meow. 似乎是慌不择路了,无巧不巧地一头就撞进了那原本浓雾形成的大石头的空间之中,你说你“凑巧”进去就进去了呗,它居然还好整以暇地翻个身,喵了一声。 Immediately whiz vanishes all of a sudden does not see. 随即才“嗖”的一下子消失不见。 The cry of cat, humanity naturally is unable to understand, but, the black bear and beast of prey can actually understand. 猫的叫声,人类自然是听不懂的,但是,黑熊和猛兽们却是可以听懂啊。 Especially in this grade of crucial moment, who could not understand is stupid. 尤其还是在这等生死关头,谁听不懂就是傻逼了。 The Er Huo (fool) last few words, each beast of prey hears perfectly clear. 二货的最后一句话,每一头猛兽都是听得清清楚楚 Meow! Here has big hole, can avoid the gadfly!” “喵!这里有个大洞,可以躲避马蜂!” This, is such as hears the sounds of nature simply! 这一句,简直就是如闻天籁哪! Thinks behind became crazy not sane Hornet Swarm, ten million...... In are getting more and more! 想想身后都已经变得疯狂没有理智的马蜂群,数以千万啊……还在越来越多啊! Including such as white cat strong beast like that can't run away quick enough, idle talk I and other small beasts, but single on this mountain, which direction regardless of really could not run away toward and that boundary...... 连如白猫那般的超强兽都避之唯恐不及,更遑论我等小兽,但单只在这山上,委实无论往哪个方向、那个地界都跑不掉了啊…… Um...... That institute that white super beast jumps was, jumps unable to see, definitely was very secret place that...... Should perhaps want to come to be very safe probably...... 嗯……那只白色超级兽跳进去的那个所在,跳进去就看不到了,肯定是很秘密的地方那个啊……应该或许大概想来很安全吧…… Thereupon all beast of prey completely are go crazy turn toward here to run over generally. 于是乎所有猛兽尽都是发疯一般向着这边跑了过来。 Also unceasingly resounds the beast of prey along the way by the thrashing sound that the gadfly overtakes, the pitiful yell sound \; But these resound the continuous sad and shrill pitiful yell sound one after another, is urging front beast of prey only one leader speeding up speeds of exhausting ability, rushes toward the only vitality to be. 沿途还不断地响起猛兽被马蜂追上的厮打声,惨叫声\;而那些接连响起络绎不绝的凄厉惨叫声,更加促使着前面的猛兽们一只只一头头一匹匹竭尽所能的加快速度,奔赴唯一生机所在。 person in black eye in vain startled sees the white shade for the first time presently, the white shade meow the sound, the white shade dodges, that cat leapt up the base, immediately gawked has gawked, immediately heard , that black bear dutifully has also hit! 黑衣人们眼白白的惊见白影乍现,白影喵声,白影一闪,那只猫已经蹿进基地内部,登时楞了一楞,随即又闻“噗”的一声,那头黑熊也义无反顾地撞了进去! „, Has had an accident, quick!” “靠,出事了,快!” The person in black leader does not know for sure well, pushed to the front, changes to flowing light to enter this mountain valley mystical place together. 黑衣人首领情知不好,一马当先,化作一道流光进入了这个山谷秘境。 Other person in black also launch the quickest speed, flushed \; This occasion all will of the people bottoms are making a determined effort: After going, I must first find that cat, pinches it, he...... Irritated me! 其他的黑衣人也纷纷展开最快速度,冲了进去\;此际所有人心底都在发狠:进去之后我第一时间就要找到那一只猫,一把捏死它,他么的……气死我了! All person any people have not thought that a cat, a small kitty...... A small kitty can cause such big destruction unexpectedly! 所有人没有任何一人有想到过,一只猫,一只小猫咪……一只小猫咪居然能够造成这么大的破坏! The paternal grandmother drops...... Today may really open mind...... 奶奶滴……今天可真是开了眼界了…… In all person hearts is thinking. 所有人心中都在这么想。 Them clashes, the nature first closes the battle formation, but the closure battle formation is also requires the time is not, closes the battle formation in the process, at least had the thousands beast of prey to clash, puff...... A series of sounds, probably are simply common below stuffed dumpling 他们这边冲进去,自然第一时间就去关闭阵势,可是关闭阵势也是需要时间的不是,关闭阵势的过程中,至少有数以万计的猛兽冲了过来,噗噗噗……一连串的响动,简直就好像是在下饺子一般 However blinks is at least several hundred clashes in the gateway. 不过眨眨眼就是至少数百只冲进去门户之中。 the next moment, the battle formation starts, the space starts slowly closed...... 下一刻,阵势发动,空间开始缓缓闭合…… „......” “嗷……” A pitiful yell! 一声惨叫! Turns head following the sound to look situated in final person in black that cannot help but one fled. 位于最后的一个黑衣人回头循声一看,不由得一身冷汗一下窜了出来。 But sees Headstrong Ancient Elephant to call out pitifully from the long sound, the hooves of four water jar sizes from the sky struggle to wave, this person is actually because during build extremely in Shuoda was being closed the battle formation to grip. 但见一头莽古象正自长声惨叫,四个水缸大小的蹄子在空中挣扎舞动,此君却是因为体型太过于硕大被正在闭合之中的阵势夹住了。 Headstrong Ancient Elephant, Pi Curou is thick, brings defensive power, nearly does not have the thing to break, depends did not fear that hits did not fear falls even the Divine Weapon sharp weapon unable to break its defense characteristics, is always the no restrictions of any kind. 莽古象,皮粗肉厚,所带来防御力,近乎无物可破,仗着不怕打不怕摔甚至神兵利器也破不开它的防御特性,向来都是百无禁忌。 Even if high level Spirit Beast to, must around walking finally! 就算高阶灵兽对上,最终也要绕着走! But Headstrong Ancient Elephant has the flaw of aspect \; first, its traveling speed is extremely slow, its two were its hard place no doubt is hard to the extreme, shortcoming actually also obvious, after such as the nose and ear, had,... That anything, any life nine are the positions that is hard to camouflage, frail, is difficult to receive the damage, for example the gadfly is one of the nemesis, once the bitter experience gadfly, were drilled into the nose ear by the gadfly, can the lethal injury. 莽古象有方面的缺陷,其一是其移动速度极慢,其二却是其身上硬的地方固然硬到了极点,缺点却也显而易见,诸如鼻子、耳朵、还有后…那啥,凡是生灵九孔之属难以遮蔽的位置,脆弱至极,难承损伤,例如马蜂就是其克星之一,一旦遭遇马蜂,被马蜂钻入鼻子耳朵之中,就能致死伤害。 But a Headstrong Ancient Elephant component at least has ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) high and low, the volume is extremely huge. 而一头莽古象的分量至少有万斤上下,体积可谓极之庞大。 The space that this occasion Headstrong Ancient Elephant by coincidence card in battle formation, actually closed, supported stiffly. 此际这头莽古象无巧不巧地卡在阵势上,却是将正在闭合的空间,硬生生的撑住了。
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