RITF :: Volume #15

#1475: fool gets rid

Every night, sprinkles the gas cloud in the entire sea? The toxicity of this gas cloud is extremely heavy, Don't said the common person, even if Dream Origin Stage cultivator touching must be poisoned, Dao Origin Stage cultivator can also maintain the short time no worries, what this end is the great writer!” “每天晚上,在整个大海上洒下毒雾?其这毒雾的毒性极重,莫说寻常人,就算是梦元境修者触之也要中毒,道元境修者也不过能维持短时间无虞,这端的是大手笔!” Jun Yinglian sucks the tongue saying: Seriously is the great writer...... So long as thinks how much gas clouds this year and year out does get down to need to consume? Will the opposite party use such style Shi Du? For conservative secret, be continuous ten thousand years of continual spread gas clouds? Although Great Dream Mountain occupies a land area enormously, so long as under an integer ten years of physical strength manages, enough surrounding area in several thousand li (0.5km) is infertile, did the human and animals vanish? Why method of use such exaggeration!” 君应怜咂舌说道:“当真是大手笔……只要想想,这经年累月下来需要消耗多少毒雾?对方怎么会采用这样的方式施毒?就只是为了保守秘密,绵延万年的连续播撒毒雾?虽然大梦山占地极大,但只要下个数十年气力经营,也足够方圆数千里之内寸草不生,人畜绝迹了吧?何必使用这么夸张的手段!” Um, or was we thinks to exaggerate, this not necessarily was intentionally the gas cloud of spread.” Ye Xiao has identified carefully, said: This perhaps is...... A Demon Soul Way people cultivates some poisonous merit \; After turnover world spiritual energy, transforms into the gas cloud spiritual energy, sprinkles...... In these deadly poison mist, I can feel that has one evil strength implication, this evil prestige can no doubt have the feeling to be very low, but actually really exists.” “嗯,或者是咱们想得太夸张了,这未必是故意播撒的毒雾。”叶笑仔细辨认了一下,道:“这也许是……魔魂道中人修炼某种毒功\;在吞吐天地灵气之后,将灵力转化成为毒雾,播洒出来……这些剧毒雾气之中,我能够感觉有一种至极的邪恶的力量蕴含其中,这股邪恶威能固然存在感很低,但却是真实存在的。” Moon Palace Shuang and Han also nods: What Big Brother said that generally the gas cloud will bring at best only the death and destruction, may the present gas cloud, as if have crazily with losing strength, unusual......” 月宫霜寒也是点点头:“大哥说的是,一般毒雾充其量只会带来死亡和毁灭,可眼前的这种毒雾,却似乎还带着疯狂与迷失的力量,绝非寻常……” That right.” “那就没错了。” Ye Xiao nods, looks at the sea deep place: Once both sides make war, cannot have any under the hand/subordinate to be forgiving, must stamp out the source of trouble the opposite party, gets it over and done!” 叶笑点点头,看着大海深处:“一旦双方开战,不许有任何的手下留情,务必要将对方斩草除根,一劳永逸!” In that night after midnight, other manpower also as scheduled one after another arrive. 在这一夜的下半夜,其他的人手亦如期陆续到来。 Everybody is goes all out completely general hurrying along, rushes here from the Heaven Realm School alliance hurries along few also needs 56 days of distances, this meeting considering everything altogether is less than two days, all arrived! 大家全部都是拼命一般的赶路,从天域宗门联盟那边赶到这边赶路最少也是需要56天的路程,这会满打满算一共不到两天,就全部到位了! Even though the group completely are Dao Origin Stage above cultivator, in hurrying along, some much was almost still tired collapses. 纵使一行人全部都是道元境以上的修者,在赶路的时候,仍旧还是有不少累得几乎虚脱了。 Great Dream Mountain, is confirmed that in position the base in all directions, distance farthest, is environment most complex one. 大梦山,乃是已经确认位置的四处基地之中,距离最远的、也是环境最复杂的一个。 Ye Xiao initially chose here, without doubt the most arduous duty, shouldered on oneself shoulder. 叶笑当初挑选这里,无疑是将最艰巨的任务,扛在了自己肩膀上。 Has a look at oneself manpower, generally has more than 2000 people. 看看自己身边的人手,大抵有2000多人。 But, besides Dao Origin Stage level 7 above cultivator, other manpower in the condition, weary cannot be popular obviously. 但,除了道元境七品以上的修者之外,其他的人手显然都不在状态,疲不能兴。 Ye Xiao announced immediately that rests for night, regains the condition, conserves strength. 叶笑当即宣布,休息一夜,恢复状态,养精蓄锐。 According to words that the agreement time calculates, what Ye Xiao this leading troops come here is first day, this can be next day, but early morning of third day, was the time of agreement. 按照约定时间算的话,叶笑这先头部队到达这里的乃是第一天,这会是第二天,而第三天的凌晨,便是约定的时间了。 Has night of relaxation time, on the people current condition, is obviously insufficient, 只得一夜的休息时间,就众人当前的状态而言,显然是不够的, Taking this into consideration, Ye Xiao early prepared a number of Medicine Pill \; Everyone has sent. 有鉴于此,叶笑早早备下了一批丹药\;每人一颗发了下去。 This Medicine Pill is not used to restore wearily, but launches after before dawn the attack movement starts, once in the fight felt that exhausted, or cannot support, then gets down this Medicine Pill clothing/taking.” “这颗丹药不是用来恢复疲劳,而是在拂晓展开攻击动作开始之后,战斗中一旦感觉到了疲累,或者支持不住的时候,便将这颗丹药服下去。” Ye Xiao urged: This can display the Medicine Pill maximal avail.” 叶笑叮嘱道:“这样才可以发挥丹药的最大效用。” In the people grasp begin Medicine Pill, is looking at that dense Pill Fog, under the heart completely is a vibration. 众人抓着手里的丹药,望着那氤氲的丹雾,心下尽都是一阵震动。 This, is could it be that unexpectedly rare obviously various world time Pill Fog Divine Pill? 这,难道竟是难得显诸人间一次的丹雾神丹 This is almost the matter in legend! 这几乎就是传说中的物事! Has Sir Monarch such sent? 君主大人怎地就这么发了下来? Moreover is every, was this writing skill a little too rather big?! 而且还是人手一颗,这手笔未免有点太大了吧?! Ye Xiao mood that waits for the people to shock does not return to normal, deeply inspired, said: Under we will immediately cross the sea, destroys Huanglong, but everybody must pay attention, in crossing the process of sea, all people must the body stick to the water surface to graze, cannot make the demon discover the whereabouts, otherwise, the so-called surprise attack strategy will waste all previous efforts, this defeats to calculate that sells at a discount greatly.” 叶笑不等众人震撼的心情平复下来,深吸了一口气,道:“等下我们就将立即渡海,直捣黄龙,但大家一定要注意,在渡海的过程中,所有人都必须身体紧贴着水面飞掠,不能让魔头发现行踪,否则,所谓的突袭战略将前功尽弃,此战胜算大打折扣。” Yes!” “是!” „After stepping Great Dream Mountain, do not worry to open up an offensive, first hides own figure.” Ye Xiao said seriously: Is sent out to investigate demon to train the base by the leading troops to be, after definite goal, launches the attack again, destroys it at one fell swoop!” “踏上大梦山之后,不要着急展开攻势,第一时间隐蔽自己的身形。”叶笑郑重道:“由先头部队出动侦查魔头培训基地之所在,直到确定目标之后,再发动进攻,一举摧毁之!” profound ice in whispered at the same time subconsciously in a low voice: Where need is so troublesome? The direct people collaborate, the Great Dream Mountain entire reverse, where had the truth of not being able to find?” 玄冰在一边下意识低声嘀咕了一句:“哪里需要这么麻烦?直接众人联手,将大梦山整个的反转过来,哪里有找不到的道理?” The Ye Xiao hearing this corners of the mouth twitched, oneself this maidservant Bing'er, when also becomes so much likes the violence, this is learns from whom, oneself seemingly are not too the violence, Lian Lian? Lian Lian cannot be too violence...... Um, is Uncle Song, definitely is Uncle Song, in the Bing'er intimate person, is Uncle Song most violence, definitely is he! 叶笑闻言嘴角不禁抽搐了一下,自己这个侍女冰儿,啥时候也变得这么喜欢暴力,这是跟谁学得呢,自己貌似也不是太暴力吧,怜怜怜怜也不能算是太暴力吧……嗯,是宋叔,肯定是宋叔,冰儿亲近的人里,就属宋叔最暴力,肯定是他! Lying down spear|gun and Song Jue yelled treats unjustly: This matter has not related with me, I how on violence, my when violence! 躺枪兼久违的宋绝大叫冤枉:这事真跟我没关系啊,我怎么就暴力,我啥时候暴力了! Such place, will definitely have exceptionally tyrannical battle formation protection, the means of storm, are very difficult to be accepted.” “这样的地方,必然会有异常强横的阵势防护,强攻的办法,很难行得通。” The Ye Xiao racket the head of Bing'er, said: small girl will indulge in fantasy, strength reaches the sky in a single bound, was not equal to that any matter can be strong by the strength, but must record sincerely.” 叶笑拍拍冰儿的脑袋,道:“小丫头就会异想天开,实力一步登天,不等于什么事都能以力强破,可要谨记了。” Jun Yinglian focuses to look slantingly, on the forehead braves three heavy lines clearly. 君应怜斜着眼看着,额头上清晰地冒出来三道黑线。 Every one time sees Ye Xiao to tap the head of profound ice, ridicules such as small girl, the silly thing and stupid little girl this kind of word time, the Jun Yinglian association felt that own heart is cramping...... 每一次看到叶笑拍着玄冰的脑袋,笑骂诸如小丫头,傻丫头、蠢妞儿这类词的时候,君应怜总会感觉到自己的心都在抽筋…… This is not the vitality, absolutely is not, but is...... An unthinkable being out of sorts feeling! 这不是生气,绝对不是,而是……一种匪夷所思的违和感吧! profound ice regarding the Ye Xiao rebuttal not obstruction, shrugs the shoulders, in the heart wonders, oneself today this was, linked this 1-layer not to think unexpectedly? Such secret base, has some special battle formation protection inevitably, and intensity affirmed that is much stronger, otherwise only said that in the person exercises martial arts to compare notes anything, early will have put in order a mountain spalling. 玄冰对于叶笑的反驳并无芥蒂,耸耸肩膀,心中纳闷,自己今天这是怎么了,竟然连这一层也没有想到?这样的秘密基地,必然存在某种特异的阵势防护,且强度肯定强得惊人,否则就只说里面之人练功切磋什么的,也早已经将整座大山震塌了。 So-called looks at mountain Pao the dead horse, does not want to cross the sea unexpectedly also such as is, until crosses this sea truly time, this sea unexpectedly are much more vast, Great Dream Mountain is clearly fixed at present, this crossed has actually spent a lot of time. 所谓望山跑死马,不想渡海竟也如是,及至真正横渡这一片大海的时候,这一片大海竟然辽阔得出人意料,大梦山分明凝然眼前,这一渡却是花了不少时间。 Today's accident unexpectedly wave after wave, crossed the sea no doubt to spend a lot of time, but the expected troubles were the least bit do not have, the people pasted the spray to graze, looks like the sea gull that in the sea level flew round, the ocean waves tumble, the front surface came one after another, actually did not give to cross the sea people to have any influence, entire crossed the sea process time-consumingly besides long, completely unexpected smooth. 偏偏今天的意外竟是一波接着一波,渡海固然花了不少时间,但意料之中的周折却是半点也无,众人贴着浪花飞掠,就像是海面上飞来飞去的海鸥,海浪翻滚,迎面一波一波而来,却并非给渡海众人造成任何影响,整个渡海过程除了费时较长之外,余者尽都出乎预料的顺利。 During such night, goes forward in such ocean waves quietly, carries on seriously. 在这样的深夜之中,在这样的海浪之中悄然前进,当真进行得神不知鬼不觉。 When similar before dawn, was distant toward the mountain that fog covers, finally truly presents in the people at present! 差不多拂晓时分之际,原本遥遥在往、云雾笼罩的大山,终于真正呈现在众人眼前! Great Dream Mountain! 大梦山 This mountain altogether has two mountain tops. 这座大山共有两个山头。 Two mountain top completely rosy clouds ascend, has six respectively , if really the large character of fire back and forth tumbles unceasingly, although seems like half clear not Chu, unclear, but makes the person understand at a glance that is any character. 两个山头尽都云霞升腾,各有有六个若真若火的大字不断地来回翻滚,虽然看似半清不楚,含糊不清,但却让人一看就知道是什么字。 This special feeling marvelously. 这种特异的感觉可谓奇妙至极。 The Ye Xiao congealing eyebrow looks at present the marvelous sight, cannot bear long breathed a sigh of relief. 叶笑凝眉看着眼前奇景,忍不住长长舒了一口气。 Originally legend unexpectedly real!” “原来传说竟是真的!” Similarly sees these large characters profound ice and Jun Yinglian and the others, such as Ye Xiao generally from the bottom of the heart flood similar thought. 同样看到这几个大字的玄冰君应怜等人,亦如叶笑一般从心底泛起类似的念头。 The left mountain top, the rosy cloud fluctuates, six large characters: „A life big dream!” 左面山头,云霞变幻,六个大字:“人生一场大梦!” Right mountain top, the endless operation, six large characters back and forth fluctuate similarly: World of Mortals several degrees vicissitudes!” 右面山头,无尽运营,同样有六个大字来回变幻:“红尘几度沧桑!” Two groups of large characters that each other enhances one another's beauty, probably is a giant antithetical couplet, spans in the horizon, completely comprised of the fog, but the lasted several thousand years save but do not go, always nobody can remove these handwriting! 彼此交相辉映的两组大字,就好像是一副巨大的对联,横亘在天际,完全由云雾组成,但历时数万年存而不去,始终没有人能够将这些字迹去掉! This, only feared that is not only the immortal method, but dominates in the common immortal above dwelling place of celestial beings method of! 这,只怕已经不仅仅是仙人手段,而是凌驾于寻常仙人以上的仙家手段! „A life big dream, World of Mortals several degrees vicissitudes......” Ye Xiao deeply inspired, mutters: „In in the dream, a dream has not awaked especially, World of Mortals snaps fingers, already did not know many vast changes......” “人生一场大梦,红尘几度沧桑……”叶笑深深吸了一口气,喃喃道:“身在梦中,一梦尤未醒,红尘弹指,早已不知多少沧桑巨变……” What realm should this be?” “这该是一种什么样的境界?” could it be that is in the middle of legend Imperishable Stage powerhouse...... Only has Eternal Imperishable Expert, has the qualifications to say such brave words...... But such powerhouse, before how will arrive at this mountain, a dream for many years?” 难道是传说当中的不灭境强者么……唯有永恒不灭能者,才有资格说出这样的豪言壮语……可是这样的强者,怎么会来到这座山前,一梦经年?” When amazed, looks at the far mountain fog again, Ye Xiao feels ominous air/Qi indistinctly. 惊诧之余,再看远山云雾,叶笑隐隐约约地感觉到一股凶气。 That is a harboring evil intentions flavor. 那是一种不怀好意的味道。 This type of ominous air/Qi, even though Ye Xiao this occasion is away from far, still felt that an intermittent back feels cold. 这种凶气,纵使叶笑此际隔着好远,仍旧感觉到一阵阵的背脊发冷。 Before Great Dream Mountain, the rough sea waves curl up thousand drifting snow. 大梦山前,巨浪卷起千堆雪。 Ye Xiao and the others the place that vanishes from this human and animals, lands quietly. 叶笑等人就从这人畜绝迹的地方,悄然登陆上来。 Ye Xiao waves, all person simultaneously pasted above the ground, sought for the covert place respectively, has hidden own body. 叶笑一挥手,所有人齐齐贴在了地面之上,各自寻找隐蔽的地方,将自己的身体隐蔽了起来。 All people on the scene are worldly-wise people, regarding going into seclusion diving trace such moving place is actually ripe extremely flows, is similar to the passing clouds and flowing water general smoothness, successful. Also was sparse thick patch of grass vibrated at most, all belonged to the silencing. 在场的所有人都是老江湖,对于匿迹潜踪这样的动座却是熟极而流,如同行云流水一般的流畅,水到渠成。至多也就是稀疏的草丛抖动了一下,一切就又重新归于静寂。 Ye Xiao then satisfied nods, this was the advantage of worldly-wise person. 叶笑这才满意地点点头,这就是老江湖的好处了。 Follows in these people that Ye Xiao comes, loose cultivator was majority, but in this moment, loose cultivator is dealing with the special condition ability to reveal with nothing left, their movements even must come agilely compared with some Horizon Ice Palace high level cultivator quietly. 跟随叶笑前来的这些人里面,散修占据了大多数,而在这一刻,散修在应付特殊环境的能力表露无遗,他们的动作甚至比有些天涯冰宫高阶修者还要来得敏捷悄然。 When this is innumerable life and death to gain experience skill that exercises, non- is divorces oneself from reality to result. 这都是无数次的生死历练之余锻炼出来的身手,非是闭门造车可得。 A Ye Xiao Divine Sense round receives \; But, all people actually knew he is then going to make anything. 叶笑神念一发即收\;但,己方所有人却都已经知道了他接下来将要去做什么。 But saw the Ye Xiao entire body suddenly to change to an illusory image, integrated quietly in everywhere mist, as if changed to a body with that mist, such vanished. 但见叶笑整个身子蓦然化作了一道幻影,悄然融入在漫天雾气之中,仿佛与那雾气化作了一体,就这么消失了。 Transform Shadow Invisible!” 化影无形!” In profound ice eye in the thick patch of grass the bright dodges. 身后草丛中的玄冰眼中亮光一闪。 Wonderful method that Ye Xiao the Dao Origin Stage peak cultivator can display, the entire body, complete melting such as in current environment atmosphere, in the thick fog, is in the air. 叶笑的这一手正是道元境巅峰修者才能施展出来的神妙法门,将整个身体,完全融化如当前的环境氛围之中,无论是在浓雾中,还是在空气里。 This wonderful, even compares to Wu Fa that body black fog, but must even better. 这一手的神妙,甚至比起武法的那种身化黑雾,还要更胜一筹。 This body gasification, itself links the luster to make one look but not see, or should say is, the side has white, I am white, the side is black, I am black, integrates completely, invisible does not have the shade. 这一手将身气化,本身连色泽都会令人视而不见,或者应该说是,身边有白,我就是白,身边是黑,我就是黑,完全融入,无形无影。 No matter Wu Fa or profound ice, realm, can achieve shade presently \; Has not actually reached to invisible level. 不管是武法还是玄冰,当前境界,都能够做到“化影”\;却还没有臻至‘无形’的层次。 Has not thought including profound ice that is about several days of time, Ye Xiao unexpectedly again makes such big breakthrough! 玄冰都没有想到,前后才不过几天功夫,叶笑竟然又再做出来这么大的突破! Xiao Xiao reached hence the boundary, if proceeds again...... Was the boundary of Golden Core, that was the Separation of Immortal and Mortal last step, in other words, he was away from breaks through the difference of Heaven Realm limit to be in front of the goal a foot......” 笑笑已经臻至此境,若是再往前走一步……就是金丹之境了,那是仙凡之隔的最后一步,换言之,他距离突破天域极限之差临门一脚了……” When profound ice for Ye Xiao likes, moral nature actually inexplicably flood an anxious mood. 玄冰叶笑欢喜之余,心底却又莫名地泛起一股焦急的情绪。 I...... Must be able to follow his step...... Can accompany his side, together Smiling , Proud Wanderer, shoulder to shoulder wind and cloud.” “我……要跟得上他的步伐……才能陪着他的身边,一起笑傲江湖,并肩风云。” profound ice deeply inspired, mentions whole body cultivation level, displays Transform Shadow Secret Technique, although Transform Shadow Secret Technique is still not able to achieve invisible does not have the mark completely, is difficult several people able to ascertain, profound ice self-confident follow Ye Xiao, will not be discovered the trail, in profound ice starts the secret technique flickers unexpectedly, always doing nothing but felt that had oneself within the body, by shade, but that barrier of invisible boundary, has had a mind the barrier that surmounted actually throughout misses was unable to surmount, when did not know, vanished unexpectedly does not see. 玄冰深深吸了一口气,提起浑身修为,施展化影秘术,化影秘术虽然尚无法做到完全的无形无迹,却也难有几人能够窥破,玄冰自信自己跟随叶笑,决计不会被人发现踪迹,不意就在玄冰发动秘术的一瞬,竟自感觉到原本存在自己体内的,由化影而无形之境的那一道障碍,一直有心突破却始终差了一点未能突破的障碍,不知道什么时候,竟然已经消失不见。 Own dantian sea of qi, is not a piece of chaos shape, but has formed an vortex of sudden revolving, the vortex center, as if has any thing...... Is transforming the formation. 自身的丹田气海,再也不是一片混沌状,而是形成了一个急剧旋转的漩涡,漩涡的中心,似乎有什么东西……正在蜕变形成。 What's all this about?” profound ice is surprised, own cultivation level to any situation, oneself without doubt is clearest, oneself are usually familiar with obstruct the body by the black fog, by is quite careful to cultivation Transform Shadow Secret Technique, although what a pity reach to the shade peak limit, but regarding more further invisible, has such ridge throughout, cannot step \; This ridge, has actually puzzled oneself many years. “这是怎么回事?”玄冰大吃一惊,自己的修为到了什么地步,自己无疑是最清楚的,自己素常习惯以黑雾遮身,是以对修行化影秘术颇为上心,可惜自己虽然臻至化影的巅峰极限,但对于更进一步的无形,却始终有那么一道坎,就是迈不过去\;这道坎,却已经困扰了自己许多年。 Even though is the Cold Sun irony of fate returns, transformed to promote predecessor unprecedented realm including Rising Clouds Ice Jade Divine Art, but this Transform Shadow Secret Technique only made the breakthrough throughout is at the bottleneck condition, it may be said that took to heart. 纵使是寒阳奇缘归来,连凌霄冰玉神功都蜕变提升到了前人未有的境界,但这化影秘术始终唯有突破还是处在瓶颈状态,可谓是耿耿于怀。 But this occasion what's the matter, how on bewildered breakthrough?! For these days seemingly had not exercised martial arts, the breakthrough must have a reason, a little source!? 可此际是怎么回事,怎么就莫名其妙的突破了?!这几天貌似也没怎么练功啊,突破总得有个理由,有点源头吧!? Under the profound ice heart is puzzling, when the intuition is unthinkable, is inconceivable, thought flood on heart that actually very much cannot amount to something, elegant face of profound ice immediately one red, muttered: How to think that matter went, breakthrough how accidental, should not have the relations with that matter......” 玄冰心下百思不得其解,直觉匪夷所思,不可思议之际,却有一个很上不得台面的念头泛上心头,玄冰的俏脸顿时一红,喃喃道:“怎么就想到那事去了,突破就算如何意外,也不该跟那事扯上关系的……” She has not continued, has not said that matter in the end is any matter, but on the face is actually more and more red, explained too many are too many. 她没有继续说下去,也没有说出那事到底是啥事,但脸上却是越来越红,却已经说明了太多太多。 This moment profound ice, the tender and beautiful desire drops, does not result in the local products sweetly and prettily. 这一刻的玄冰,娇艳欲滴,娇美得不可方物。 At the same time looks in Jun Yinglian somewhat is in a daze, is I sees unexpectedly still pities. 在一边的君应怜都看得有些发呆,竟是我见犹怜。 profound ice a moment ago thought impulse, before was actually thought that in Cold Sun Continent...... Ye Xiao after have had the closest relations, Merit Tribulation of oneself within the body seemingly vanishes...... 玄冰刚才念头瞬动,却是想起来之前自己在寒阳大陆……正是叶笑与自己产生了最亲密的关系之后,自己体内的功劫貌似就消失了…… Moreover, own cultivation level also had large scale striving. 而且,自己的修为也有了大幅度的精进。 In addition, seemingly again does not have other to be able with Merit Body to have the relations the spell of good or bad fortune! 除此之外,貌似就再也没有其他能够跟功体扯上关系的际遇! But these period of time, oneself daily with him in same place, that anything that anything that anything...... 这段时间里,自己天天与他在一起,那啥那啥那啥…… Perhaps this do not know striving of reason, is...... Because of this...... 没准这一次自己不知道缘由的精进,也是……因为这个…… Thinks that the complexion was red passed, in mouth low scolded one: This does not have right occupation enemy......” 想着想着,脸色就红得透了,口中低低的骂了一句:“这个没正行的冤家……” Ye Xiao this meeting went to the summit. 叶笑这会已经去到了山顶。 Seriously looks like the wind that silent invisible does not have. 当真就像是一阵无声无息无形无相的风。 Ye Xiao ascending a height to get a broad view summit, he had discovered from bottom to top in consternation a matter, entire mountain, entire Great Dream Mountain, unexpectedly full banned completely! 叶笑由下而上登临山顶,他愕然地发现了一件事,整座山,整个大梦山,竟然满满的全部都是禁制! The great writer of Demon Soul Way end, is the gas cloud locks the sea first, comes one to ban the mountain! 魔魂道端的大手笔,先是毒雾锁海,又来一个禁制遍山! Establishes at periphery's these bans, not only complicated, but also is difficult to feel that Ye Xiao can confirm, so long as is casual one is triggered, will immediately initiate the warning! 设置在外围的那些禁制,不但繁复,还难感觉出来,叶笑可以确认,只要是随便一个被触发,立即就会引发警报! Once initiates the warning...... This matter on big strip. 而一旦引发警报……这事情就大条了。 Everybody concealment good figure is a matter, but if some people have a mind to investigate, is very easy to discover the clues, after all has alerted the enemy, after all was traceable, wants to complete this surprise attack, must by silent style, solve these bans, some qualifications discussed following! 大伙隐匿好身形是一回事,但若是有人有心调查,还是很容易发现蛛丝马迹的,毕竟已经打草惊蛇,毕竟已经有迹可循,想要完成这次的突袭,就一定要以无声无息的方式,解决这些禁制,才有资格谈后续! He arrived on the summit, still maintained at the condition of concealment in mist, young viewing carefully regarded this is being Great Dream Mountain of ban \; The brow tight wrinkle, worried meaning reveals with nothing left. 他一路到了山顶上,仍旧保持在隐匿于雾气中的状态,仔细观视着这座全是禁制的大梦山\;眉头紧皱,苦恼意味表露无遗。 How many years this mountain Luo does not know in these demon hands, how many were added to ban by 1-layer 1-layer regarding this mountain in the end? 这座山落在这些魔头手中不知多少岁月,对于这座山到底一重一重地加了多少禁制? Outcome that really cannot think. 那真是想不出来的究竟。 Wants in does not alarm in the situation of enemy completely, eradicates the ban, enters inside, discovered that the genuine position of this base is easier said than done! 想要在完全不惊动敌人的情况下,破除禁制,进入里面,发现这个基地的真正位置谈何容易! Ye Xiao hazy knits the brows to rack one's brains in one piece. 叶笑在一片迷蒙中皱眉苦思。 Entire Great Dream Mountain is high and low, any sound does not have, like a stretch of deathtrap. 整个大梦山上下静悄悄的,什么声音也没有,就像一片死地。 But Ye Xiao actually knows that this is the ban becomes effective, prevented inside sound to pass on comprehensively. 叶笑却知道,这是禁制生效,全面阻止了里面的声音传出来。 Once if abolished the ban, sound voice that in the secret base forms, proper deafening. 若是一旦撤销了禁制,秘密基地内中所形成的声音声浪,妥妥的震耳欲聋。 Ye Xiao has pondered the moment, suddenly at present one bright. 叶笑沉思了片刻,突然间眼前一亮。 ...... …… A moment later, the small white shade, has crashed in the mist together frankly and uprightly flagrantly, running that frisks and scampers all over. 片刻之后,一道小小的白影,光明正大明目张胆地冲进了雾气之中,漫山遍野撒着欢的跑。 Meow......” “喵……” Er Huo (fool) enters the stage officially. 二货正式出场。 Regarding Ye Xiao, the ban that everywhere completely cannot move, is regarding Er Huo (fool), is actually the no restriction of any kind. 对于叶笑来说,满目尽都是万万不能触碰的禁制,可是对于二货而言,却是百无禁忌。 A small kitty touches ban by mistake, what is worthwhile, who will care seriously? 一只小猫咪误触禁制而已,值当什么,又有谁会当真在意? Er Huo (fool) accelerates to run all over the place in the mountain valley, the 1-layer heavy ban, almost does not have is hit exceptionally by it, the claw rips quietly, has torn immediately then an opening, then during crashed in has banned in addition together, tore again, broke in again...... 二货在山谷之中加速乱跑,一重重的禁制,几乎全无例外地悉数被它撞到,悄悄爪子一撕,登时便撕裂了一道口子,进而冲进了另一道禁制之中,再撕裂,再冲入…… In Great Dream Mountain mountain massif, in extremely secret mountain valley, suddenly alarm bell writings! 大梦山山体之内,极为秘密的山谷之中,突然间警铃大作! Various all kinds of warnings, incisive resounding continuously. 各式各样各种警报,此起彼伏的尖锐响起。 Even, the incense burner of middle position, sends the yellow smog. 甚至,正中间位置的一个香炉,也发出来黄色的烟雾。 Um?! Some could it be that large quantities of enemies invade unexpectedly on a large scale!” “嗯?!难道竟有大批敌人大举入侵!” person in black suddenly long body that in a dead room, sat in meditation, both eyes are similar to the thunder bang lightning flash: Goes to have a look!” 一间静室之中,一个正在打坐的黑衣人猛然长身而起,双目如同雷轰电闪:“出去看看!” Outside. 外面。 In this meeting each room several person in black flying, circle in airborne one from the direction of respective dwelling place, soars to the heavens to go. 这会每个房间中都有数名黑衣人飞身而出,从各自居处的方向在空中一个盘旋,冲天而去。 Similar to suddenly flies innumerable goshawks. 就如同突然飞起来无数苍鹰。 In addition, many person in black comes out after the respective room, has not pursued, but in doing to determine that the work of enemy position, in instant, has prepared fight basically, even, but also the cloth got down to be used to block the trap ambush of enemy much. 此外,还有不少的黑衣人从各自房间出来之后,并没有追出去,而是在做确定敌人方位的工作,基本都在瞬时之间,就已经做好了战斗的准备,甚至,还布下了不少用来阻击来敌的陷阱埋伏。
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