RITF :: Volume #15

#1474: In heroic valley, before big dream mountain,

An order hands down, is as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, not does not have seriously, since, all people are going into action aggressively. 一声命令传下,当真是言出法随,莫有不从,所有人都是紧锣密鼓的行动起来。 Ye Xiao is the earliest possible time leads large military forces to leave. 叶笑更是第一时间率领大队人马动身出发。 Hundred people of one group, separately motion!” “百人一组,分头行动!” Two days later, the people gather before Great Dream Mountain Weeping Soul Cliff! Falling behind, withdraws from this motion automatically \; By killing, vanished automatically this motion! The one breath, kills the demon!” “两天之后,众人于大梦山泣魂崖前集合!掉队者,自动退出此次行动\;被狙杀者,自动消失此次行动!还有一口气,就去杀魔!” All people, in the time limit of this motion, do not allow to use the Dao Origin Stage powerhouse imperial wind and thunder electric work to march forward \; Must the concealment whereabouts!” “所有人,在此次行动的时限里,不允许使用道元境强者御风雷电功能行进\;必须隐匿行踪!” This war, is the first battle that concerns the Heaven Realm life or death, wishing military to transport prosperously, takes care!” “此战,乃是关乎天域存亡的首战,愿诸位武运昌隆,一路保重!” Entire piece of mountain valley, along with a Ye Xiao word, falls into the beyond example silent atmosphere. 片山谷,随着叶笑一言,陷入空前寂静的氛围。 Teams of straightforward men, have arranged the formation, each other staring long time, this seriously cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: Brother, takes care!” 一队队粗豪汉子们,排列了队形,彼此凝视半晌,这才郑重拱手道:“兄弟,保重!” Said that turns around to go in light of this, does not review unexpectedly. 说罢就此掉头而去,竟不回顾。 No one knows, after good brothers wars under these new friends, several can live \; No one can guarantee, after this war, can oneself also live. 谁也不知道,这些新交下的好兄弟此战之后,还有几个能够活着\;谁也不敢保证,此战之后,自己还能不能活着。 But, this war, is actually inevitable must fight the war, soon will fire! 但,这一战,却是无可避免的必战之战,即将打响! The innumerable squads, are similar to are innumerable only benefit the arrow, penetrates the curtain of night, fires into the boundless hills direction, vanishes before the dawn arrives in darkest darkness. 无数支小队,就如同是无数只利箭,穿透夜幕,冲向茫茫群山方向,消失在曙光到来前的最黑暗的黑暗之中。 Three masters.” Ye Xiao just walked to go forward, thinks that important highway treasures carefully, wants to deliver Reincarnation Fruit \; Regarding three old, he always some greatly did not feel relieved. “三位师父。”叶笑刚刚走上前,想要道一声小心珍重,更想要将轮回果送出去\;对于三老,他总有些不大放心。 The Lei Dadi three people actually do not need Ye Xiao to approach, first flying, with the heroic big laughter, vanishes in the boundless curtain of night. 雷大地三人却不待叶笑走近,先一步飞身而起,伴随着豪迈的大笑声,消失在茫茫夜幕之中。 Xiao Xiao, not must fall short of our brother three commissions surely!” 笑笑,千万莫要辜负了我们老哥仨的嘱托!” The voice has not fallen, three forms dodge to pass, vanishes in light of this does not see, does not give the opportunity that oneself this apprentice spoke unexpectedly completely. 话音未落,三道身影一闪而逝,就此消失不见,竟然完全不给自己这个徒弟说话的机会。 One were old, date and time infinite. 自己已经老了,时日无多。 Even though took Yin Yang Saint Fruit, promoted the cultivation level strength, was the waste \; The apprentices can actually use this, establishes the solid secondary roles, takes World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven! 纵使服下了阴阳圣果,提升修为实力,也是浪费\;徒弟却能用这个,建立出至为坚实的班底,带上红尘天外天 Who is light which is most important? 谁轻孰重? In three old person hearts has a clear account \; Therefore they rather do not eat. 三个老人心中有一本明白的账\;所以他们宁可自己不吃。 I have!” Ye Xiao pursued two steps, desperate crying. “我还有很多!”叶笑追了两步,情急的大叫一声。 In the midair, three on shameless simultaneously appear the gratified look, laughs: That is also remaining!” 半空中,三老脸上同时现出来欣慰的神色,哈哈大笑:“那也留着!” Immediately the form disappeared. 随即身影就消失了。 Ye Xiao looks out three always to shoot up to the sky, is above mundane thoughts the trace of going, in the eye flashes before color of the child Mu. 叶笑遥望着三老冲天而起,绝尘而去的踪影,眼中闪现出一丝久违的孺慕之色。 The sentiment of this child Mu, Ye Xiao also had Song Jue to Ye Nantian, at the present circumstances changes with the time, the thing is the person not, perhaps...... In this world, only then these three masters, are the sincerity to the good elder \; Has any good thing, rather do not use, must remain to oneself. 这份孺慕之情,叶笑曾经对叶南天还有宋绝有过,而今时过境迁,物是人非,或许……在这个世上,只有自己这三位师父,是真心对自己好的长辈\;有什么好东西,宁可自己不用,也要给自己留着。 Does not care about them whether has need. 根本不顾及他们自己是否有需要。 Their clearly knows have many strange fruit, but, was still one did not give up the waste. 他们明知道自己还有很多异果,但,仍旧还是一枚也舍不得浪费。 previous life personal enemy, this life family member. 前世的仇家,今生的亲人。 Often said that the divine intervention makes the person, but the divine intervention of this lane person, was actually causes itself to feel the warmth, thinks genialness that was difficult to obtain, this was on the warm feeling that including Jun Yinglian and Bing'er could not feel, was the Ye Xiao most long-awaited emotion! 常道天意弄人,但今次弄人的天意,却是令到自己感到了久违的温馨,以为再难得到的和煦,这是在包括君应怜冰儿身上都感受不到的暖意,亦是叶笑最为梦寐以求的情感! At this moment, the Ye Xiao moral nature flood with the tips that the Cold Moon Sky Pavilion people are together, in the past the miniature rotated one after another, has Yue Changtian for own racking one's brains, for plot against by Wu Huitian and Yun Xiran, entire Sect, is separated from three schools of alliances angrily. 此刻,叶笑心底泛起与寒月天阁众人相处的点点滴滴,往昔缩影一幕一幕轮转,有岳长天为了自己的殚精竭虑,为了自己被乌回天云兮然暗算,愤然将整个门派,脱离出三派联盟。 Also three always, devotedly taught \; Does not hesitate to consume selfless payout of Longevity Essence greatly \; 也有三老为了自己,悉心教导\;不惜大耗寿元的无私付出\; Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian on the same day for fight vigorously at risk of life, knew perfectly well that way out, actually resolutely forward fights bravely...... 还有展云飞朱九天当日为了自己拼死力战,明知生路在后,却毅然向前的奋战…… Rivers and lakes road, gratitude and grudges rival in love...... The people excite the emotions, winding peaks and paths......” “江湖路,恩怨情仇……人生情,峰回路转……” The look of Ye Xiao this meeting, long time long time, gently Shu leaves the one breath complex, the sleeves strokes lightly, the whole person rises straight from the ground towering, a long and loud cry, goes toward outside anxious rapid flight. 叶笑这会的眼神复杂至极,良久良久,轻轻舒出一口气,衣袖轻拂,整个人突兀地拔地而起,一声长啸,向着外面急疾飞去。 Jun Yinglian and profound ice Moon Palace Shuang and Han and the others the show move figure in abundance, follows the Ye Xiao illness to plunder \; Suddenly, lost the trace collectively. 君应怜玄冰月宫霜寒等人纷纷展动身形,跟随着叶笑疾掠而出\;眨眼间,集体失去了踪影。 Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor sensitive detecting, Ye Xiao is near that moment of leaving, was very once secret looked at oneself one very much vaguely. 琼华月皇敏感的发觉,叶笑在临动身的那一刻,曾经很隐秘很隐晦地看了自己一眼。 She has been regarding beforehand one in side view silently. 她一直在旁边默默地观视着之前一幕。 By her innumerable year of long years story, how unable to see Ye Xiao to three old sentiments, similarly could see three always for Ye Xiao that type nearly in sacrifice payout of generously, suddenly only thought that the moral nature was full of the feeling of very much envying envies very much. 以她的无数年漫长岁月阅历,如何看不出叶笑对三老的感情,同样看得到三老为了叶笑那种近乎于牺牲的慨然付出,一时间只觉得心底充满很羡慕很嫉妒的感慨。 This, should be own grandchild. 这,本应该是自己的外孙啊。 Blood is thicker than water, family member of coming down in a continuous line. 血浓于水,一脉相传的亲人啊。 How actually unexpectedly to reach so situation. 怎地却竟然走到这般地步。 Is the divine intervention makes the person? 是天意弄人么? Yes? 是么? Not? 不是么? Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor stood and waited for a long time silently long time, heaves a deep sigh finally, having the Moon Palace manpower to start off. 琼华月皇默然伫立良久,终于长叹一声,带着月宫的人手上路了。 In Yue Emperor heart silently has gotten down a decision, after waiting for this war finally, if still, then must go to time Divine Decree Territory, asks Yue Gongxue, asks Ye Nantian, this son, your did in the end want? 只是,月皇心中默默的下了一个决定,等此战终了之后,若自己尚在的话,那么一定要去一次神谕区域,问一问月宫雪,问一问叶南天,这个儿子,你们到底要不要了? Your does in the end think? 你们到底是怎么想的? ...... This relations, but also there is a moderate leeway? 或者……这层关系,还有没有缓和的余地? Understood after these days observation that Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor can affirm, Ye Xiao is in itself person of the heavy affectionate righteousness \; To the brothers, the absolute sincerity waits \; To the sisters, loves \; To the companion, falls in love sincerely, to the friend, the loyalty is locked in a stalemate. 经过这段时间的观察了解,琼华月皇可以肯定,叶笑本身乃是一个重情重义之人\;对兄弟,赤诚以待\;对姐妹,宠爱有加\;对伴侣,倾心相爱,对朋友,忠义相持。 Even is to own waiting on concubine, the subordinate, Ye Xiao has not exhibited to keep aloof, the conceited rack \; He looks like a big family's big guardian, puts one's heart and soul to cherish each member in this big family. 甚至就算是对自己的侍妾,属下,叶笑也没有摆出高高在上、唯我独尊的架子\;他就像是一个大家庭的大家长,尽心竭力地爱护着这个大家庭之中的每一个成员。 This without doubt is a responsible man. 这无疑是一个负责任的男人。 Is a good man. 更加是一个好男人。 This is a good child.” In heart that Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor goes far away, sigh that finally cannot bear. “这是一个好孩子。”琼华月皇远去的心中,终于忍不住的叹息一声。 Really is the divine intervention makes the person.” “真是天意弄人啊。” ...... …… That piece of wooded mountain that the Heaven Realm School alliance is , the base still exists, the tent still towers, the daily sun set dusk, has the smoke from kitchen chimneys to curl to raise, as if still also has countless people to pitch camp and gather here to rest. 天域宗门联盟所在的那一片山林,基地依然存在,帐篷依然耸立,每一天的日暮黄昏,都有炊烟在袅袅升起,似乎依然还有无数的人在这里安营扎寨、集聚休憩。 Occasionally, one such as in the past shouted five to drink six drinking sounds to resound. 偶尔,还有一如往昔的吆五喝六喝酒声音响起。 As if still lively noise as always. 似乎仍旧一如既往的热闹喧嚣。 But high level cultivator here, actually walked cleanly. 但在这里的高阶修者,却已经走得一干二净。 Manpower that also leaves behind, generally is cultivation level in the Dream Origin Stage level 5 following rivers and lakes man. 还留下的人手,大抵都是修为梦元境五品以下的江湖汉子。 These people in aiming at Demon Soul Way make war in directly the fight of this grade of level, basic on the display not first half point function, makes the qualifications of cannon fodder not to have continually, can only disband. 这些人在针对魔魂道正面开战这等层次的战斗中,根本就发挥不上半点作用,连做炮灰的资格都没有,就只能遣散。 Ye Xiao once the serious injunction, everybody's regard apparently, how the strength insufficient is the mechanical damage, on reluctantly the battlefield is only exhausting tired oneself, even if everybody do not fear death, does not fear tired oneself, actually fears exhausting, under implicates ally who just became friends with! 叶笑曾郑重嘱咐,大家的心意昭然,奈何实力不足是硬伤,勉强上战场只是累人累己,就算大伙不怕死,不怕累己,却怕不怕累人呢,连累刚刚结交下的战友呢! To the loyalty grave rivers and lakes person, the life and death is the minor matter, only has the friendship unable to be deceived, own strength insufficient is the mechanical damage, insists to go to battle, oneself died also died, but if implicated the similar loyalty grave ally, that was hundred dies not big crime. 对义气深重的江湖人而言,生死都是小事,唯有情义不容亵渎,自己的实力不足乃是硬伤,硬要赴战,自己死了也就死了,但若是真的连累到同样义气深重的战友,那才是百死莫恕的大罪。 Therefore everybody defers to the instruction of Ye Xiao, falls out, searches the place of secret respectively, avoids this rivers and lakes catastrophe, waited for that he is even toward the rivers and lakes wave, the date of innate meeting again! 所以大家都依照叶笑的吩咐,原地解散,各自寻觅隐秘之地,躲避这场江湖浩劫,等待他朝江湖波平,自有再会之日! However what stems from Ye Xiao as well as does the upper-level leader to be unexpected, after disbanding, a person contacted another person quietly, another person contacted another person, then...... In any case these people of disbanding, after Ye Xiao and the others walked, they all came back unexpectedly. 然而出乎叶笑以及一干上层为首者意料之外的是,在遣散之后,一个人悄悄地联络了另一个人,另一个人又联络了另一个人,然后……反正遣散的那些人,在叶笑等人都走了之后,他们竟然全部又回来了。 No. over ten thousand person gathers in camp here. 上万号人重新聚集回营地这里。 General drinking, chatted as always, ate the meat. 一如往常一般的喝酒,谈笑,吃肉。 Merry bound­less. 快活无边 Our cultivation level is mean, regarding this going to battle, the truly incompetent help kills the enemy, naturally is also far from the slaughter demon.” “我们修为低微,对于这次出战,确实无能帮助杀敌,自然也就更谈不上屠魔。” But, do we such stay out?” “但是,我们就这么置身事外吗?” I have thought that before Sir Monarch they surrounded and captured the spy who ambushes wantonly, no doubt attains greatly successfully, but also explained another matter, that is the matter that we build up here, was known by that mysterious organization, in other words, our bases already exposed actually on outwardly, this occasion Sir Monarch they have fought, this place is void, no, if we also evacuated, that is an open area, if the demon comes to watch for the actual situation, discovered that here emptied, how could it not be can guess correctly that immediately these don't suit?” “我想过了,之前君主大人他们大肆的围捕潜伏进来的奸细,固然大获成功,但却也说明了另一件事,那就是咱们在这里集结的事情,已经被那个神秘组织知道了,换言之,咱们这个基地其实早已曝光到了明面上,此际君主大人他们都去战斗了,此地空虚,不,若是咱们也都撤离了,那就是一个空地,万一魔头前来窥伺虚实,发现这里已经空了,岂不立即就能猜到这其中不对劲了么?” Enemy powerful astonishment, if not so, Sir Monarch will not let our these strength insufficient dismissals, searches the concealment hiding place!” “敌人实力强大的惊人,若非如此,君主大人也不会让我们这些实力不足的就地解散,寻觅隐匿的藏身之处!” Sir Monarch considers for us hence, is his loyalty, but our could it be that does not have the loyalty two characters, even if we go forth to battle to kill the enemy incompetently, but acts as deploying troops to decoy the enemy here, generally has more than enough to spare.” 君主大人为我们考量至此,是他的义气,但我们难道就没有义气二字,我们纵然无能上阵杀敌,但在这里充当个疑兵,大抵还是绰绰有余的。” This place nowadays inevitably is Demon Soul Way the place of key monitoring \; Perhaps will have anytime and anywhere the demon to come to watch , the bad risk degree here, not necessarily going to fight to be smaller, so long as there is an enemy to invade one's territory, we must die without doubt.” “此地现如今必然是魔魂道的重点监控之地\;或许随时随地都会有魔头前来窥伺,在这里的凶险程度,未必就比前去战斗要小,只要有敌人来犯,我们是必死无疑的。” But we treat here for day, can win day of concealing time for the large unit.” “但我们在这里多待一天,就能够为大部队争取到了一天的掩饰时间。” Perhaps is cushion of this day, can cause Sir Monarch their side to decide the victory bottom!” “也许就是这一天的缓冲,可以令到君主大人他们那边将胜局底定!” Brothers, having the worry can depart voluntarily, some people will not laugh at you, staying behind that the sincerity does not fear death, we here drink, as always!” “兄弟们,有顾虑可以自行离去,不会有人笑话你,真心不怕死的才留下,咱们就在这里喝酒,一如往常!” Is, went back there also to have the brothers in the side, life and death and other other people's business, would rather poly with the brothers heterogeneity a meeting.” “就是,回去了那里还有兄弟在侧,生死等闲事,倒不如与兄弟们更多相聚一会。” This Slaughter Demon Battle, our beyond one's reach, being hard enters the war directly, but, stays here, was completely our dessert strength! At that time when with the descendant gathered, there is a capital of boasting!” “这次屠魔之役,我们这些人力有未逮,难以正面参战,但,留在这里,也算是尽了我们一点心力!彼时与儿孙相聚时,也有吹牛的资本!” „Is......” “就是就是……” Ha Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈哈……” ...... …… Under such special summons, besides the person who these have not received this invitation, actually more than 10,000 people remained. 在这样特异的号召之下,除了那些没有接到这个邀请的人之外,竟然有10000多人留了下来。 Spoke the sentence truth, keeps here these people, the mentally pressure that they must bear, by far following Ye Xiao they fights to also probably be much more. 说句老实话,留在这里的这些人,他们所要承受的心理压力,远远要比跟随叶笑他们去战斗要还要多得多。 But these men have insisted in every day of going. 但这些个汉子们在接下去的每一天都坚持了下来。 Every day drinks is dead drunk. 只是,每一天都喝得烂醉如泥。 One of us know from the family work, here cultivation level is highest, has Dream Origin Stage level 5. 自家人知道自家事,这里修为最高的,也就只得梦元境五品而已。 Believes that Demon Soul Way comes a demon casually, can sweep away here, easy \; 相信魔魂道随便来一个魔头,都能将这里横扫一遍,轻而易举\; Taking this into consideration, maintains sober is dead drunk, is the same results, a that Tathagata life happily cannot have a good time but actually...... 正是有鉴于此,保持清醒还是烂醉如泥,都是一样的结果,那倒不如来个人生得意需尽欢呢…… ...... …… Ye Xiao and the others are speeding away in wooded mountains in this occasion. 叶笑等人在此际正在山林间一路疾驰。 Then is similar to innumerably says flowing light, flashes past from the wooded mountain. 便如同无数道流光,从山林之中一闪而过。 Everybody is a color Mongolian face black clothed appearance, the appearance for a part and Demon Soul Way going out movement person is different. 大家都是一色的蒙脸黑衣打扮,扮相与魔魂道出外动作的人没什么两样。 Even if certain has not worn a mask, had the process the disguise disguise, was similar to stabs in the back, shot at Great Dream Mountain. 纵然是某些没有蒙面的,却也有经过了易容乔装,如同一道道的暗箭,射向大梦山 Ye Xiao left Jun Yinglian, right profound ice, what position later is Moon Palace Shuang and Han they, again, is the Horizon Ice Palace 70-80 individuals \; But other manpower, breaks up the whole into parts, the respective squad organization, conceals the line of diving traces, actually at the maximum speed goes Great Dream Mountain. 叶笑左面君应怜,右面玄冰,位置稍后的乃是月宫霜寒两人,再之后,就是天涯冰宫的七八十个人\;而另外的人手,也都化整为零,各自的小队组织,匿行潜踪,却又以最快速度前去大梦山 Great Dream Mountain. 大梦山 If this place mountain, covers for the fog all year long, places its boundary, is similar to an illusion wisdom if really imaginary. 此地山如其名,终年为云雾笼罩,身处其境,便如同梦幻一般若真若幻。 This mountain is situated in Divine Meteor Territory \; Four Wednesday surface surrounded by water, must connect the day dark green forest at the same time. 此山坐落在神陨区域\;四周三面环水,只得一面连通着天苍森林。 Moreover this daytime weather is exceptionally burning hot, the water vapor transpiration on, everywhere completely is dense, to the midair, endless dense will change to the drizzle, fine drizzle, all year long unceasingly, thick fog, lingering hills. 而且这一块白天天气异常炎热,水汽蒸腾而上,满目尽是氤氲,到了半空,无尽氤氲就会化作雨雾,蒙蒙细雨,终年不断,浓浓雾霭,萦绕群山。 When hands down is antique, there is an immortal travelling world, after this place, meets for first time this place beautiful scenery, forgets to return, when this settles down to enjoy the scenery, is the beautiful scene is drunk, very comfortable falling asleep. 相传太古之时,有仙人游历人间,经过此地,乍见此地风景秀丽,流连忘返,在此驻足赏风景的时候,为美景所醉,很舒适的睡着了。 Result sleep wakes up, is actually the millenniums later. 结果一觉醒来,却已经是千年之后。 The immortals explode not without reason, write a few words of appreciation: „A life big dream, beyond the dream thousand degrees autumn is cool \; When the trapped|sleepy nursery stock is green, waking up direct impact Heavens \; In dream World of Mortals as before, in society several degrees vicissitudes \; If the prosperity often, here is a heaven!” 仙人有感而发,题词一首:“人生一场大梦,梦外千度秋凉\;困时苗木葱郁,醒来直冲天上\;梦里红尘依旧,世间几度沧桑\;若是好景常在,此处就是天堂!” So long as is a little literary accomplishment, naturally can look in this legend deity the literary talent not, very much somewhat does not do right by the immortal big on name. 只要是有点文学素养的,自然可以看出来这位传说中的‘神仙’的文采也并不咋地,很有些对不住仙人这个高大上的称谓。 But, this one dream millenniums the legend, in light of this has actually spread \; To afterward, the common people simply has named as Great Dream Mountain this mountain. 但,这‘一梦千年’的传说,却就此流传了下来\;到了后来,世人干脆将此山命名为大梦山 Here was one has filled the rich in poetic and artistic flavor leisurely and carefree destination, the beautiful scenery, hillside surrounded by water, too beautiful to behold! 这里本是一个充满了诗情画意的悠闲去处,风景秀丽,依山环水,美不胜收! However until now, this place actually reduced the secret foothold that the devil has occupied. 然而时至今日,此地却已经沦落成了恶魔盘踞的隐秘据点。 Moreover devil cultivation wreaking havoc world Demon place! 而且还是恶魔栽培肆虐人间魔物的场所! Entire day night of speeding away. 整整一天一夜的疾驰。 Ye Xiao and the others have stood in the boundless sea, raises eyes to look that sees only the smoke wave to be vast, one shortly side. 叶笑等人已经站在了茫茫大海的边上,举目看去,只见烟波浩渺,一眼看不到边。 In the sky, performing is misty mist, even though cultivation level is better than Ye Xiao, the line of sight cannot unexpectedly and far. 天空中,尽是蒙蒙雾气,纵使修为强如叶笑者,视线竟也不能及远。 In the sea the mighty waves continuously, the shore is actually links a boat not to have. 大海中波涛此起彼伏,岸边却是连一艘小船都没有。 Ye Xiao launched Divine Sense to search carefully, smiled bitterly: In a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) region, simply does not have the least bit habitation......” 叶笑展开神念仔细搜索了一遍,不由苦笑一声:“方圆数百里地域之内,根本没有半点人烟……” Jun Yinglian snort|hum, said: This was expected that the matter, how Demon Soul Way these people will keep some average people to leak their secret the opportunity? Believes that here ten thousand years ago, already turned into a stretch of deathtrap here!” 君应怜哼了一声,道:“这本就是预料之中的事情,魔魂道那些人岂会留着一些普通人泄露他们秘密的机会?相信这里早在万年之前,就早已将这里变成了一片死地!” Everybody present rests here, waited for that the following troops come. After the manpower has arrived in full, immediately crosses the sea combat!” “大伙现在在这里休息一下,等待后续的人马前来。待人手到齐了之后,立即渡海作战!” Ye Xiao deeply inspired, in the eye sends out sharp killing intent, said: Great Dream Mountain occupies a land area vastly...... We know at present, in a Demon Soul Way base is located in Great Dream Mountain, but, makes concrete in Great Dream Mountain that region, only feared also after must pass, careful inquiry.” 叶笑深深吸了一口气,眼中发出锋锐的杀机,道:“大梦山占地辽阔……咱们目前就只是知道在魔魂道其中一处基地位于大梦山中,但,具体在大梦山的那一处地域,只怕还要过去之后,再仔细的打探一下。” Surely the attention do not alert the enemy, in order to avoid regeneration variable.” “千万注意不要打草惊蛇,以免再生变数。” This is natural.” “这是自然。” That night, Ye Xiao and the others sat in meditation controlled one's breathing, the accident discovered from marine unceasing fluttered the faint trace continuously strange mist, when careful resolution, fainted from fear in this type of mist, actually contained deadly poison! 当天晚上,叶笑等人打坐调息的时候,意外发现从海上不断的飘过来丝丝缕缕奇怪雾气,仔细分辨之余,惊觉这种雾气之中,竟然蕴含了剧毒
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