RITF :: Volume #15

#1473: Before dawn assassinates

Presents the complexions of all people, including Xue Danru, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor these people, the complexion completely appears ugly. 在场所有人的脸色,包括就连雪丹如,琼华月皇等这些人,脸色全部显得难看至极。 With such formidable strength resistance, the life and death engages in fierce battle, even if Yue Emperor and Xue Danru profound ice such level Expert, does not dare saying that after this one fights, can oneself also guarantee that lives! 与这样强大的力量对抗,生死鏖战,就算是月皇雪丹如玄冰这样级数大能,也不敢说,此一战之后,自己还能不能保证活下来! Situation, bad!” “局势,恶劣至极!” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor deeply sighed: „Since the universally acknowledged Heaven Realm first School Western Temple this many years, have been concealing one's abilities and biding one's time, Eastern Temple also stands majestically, did not ask the humans affair \; In these many years, this majesty once had also questioned, Two Great Divine Palace Halls that this keeps aloof, why will display so indifferently, seems seriously the aloof extra mundane, does not harass for the power and influence...... But actually absolutely cannot think that the so-called indifference, unexpectedly is the false appearance, is the camouflage.” 琼华月皇深深叹了口气:“举世公认的天域第一宗门西殿这许多年以来,一直都在韬光养晦,还有东殿也是巍然耸立,不问世事\;这么多年里,本座也曾经有所质疑,这高高在上的两大神殿,为何会表现得如此淡然,好似当真超然世外,不为权势所扰……但却万万想不到,所谓的淡然,竟然全是假象,全是伪装。” Now what to do that should we?” “那现在我们应该怎么办?” These words, expressed the aspiration of people without doubt. 这句话,无疑是道出了众人的心声。 The vision of all people, focused on Ye Xiao completely. 所有人的目光,全部都聚焦到了叶笑身上。 Ye Xiao, the Heaven Realm first person of new promote, was the pillar of people this occasion! 叶笑,新晋的天域第一人,亦是众人此际的主心骨! The Ye Xiao complexion is similarly serious, hesitates long time said: Everybody do not need to be extremely pessimistic, we obtained the massive precious information now, knew enemy concrete is, is the huge favorable turn, our next, naturally destroys in view of various influences of opposite party!” 叶笑的脸色同样沉重,沉吟半晌道:“大伙也不必太过悲观,咱们如今获得了大量珍贵情报,知道了敌人的具体所在,正是天大的转机,咱们的下一步,自然就是针对对方的各处势力加以摧毁!” However must want to begin in view of the so huge organization, the least bit cannot seriously be careless, must is engaged in carefully, either is motionless, either strikes to, cannot have any careless mistake.” “而要想要针对如此庞大的组织动手,当真半点马虎不得,须得小心从事,要么不动,要么就是一击必中,不能有任何纰漏。” Therefore, we following, should......” “所以,我们接下来,应该……” Ye Xiao has hesitated, said: „ Our first step, should organizes the superior strength \; In view of that confirmed that place base gives the ruinous attack in all directions. And in view of the movement of base, cannot carry on one by one, must acts at the same time together, is only...... 叶笑沉吟了一下,道:“我们的第一步,应是组织优势战力\;针对那已经确认地点四处基地予以毁灭性打击。且针对基地的动作,不能逐一进行,须得在同一时间一起动作,只是…… Strength that this movement needs, the most conservative estimate, only feared that also needs...... Ten thousand Dao Origin Stage above cultivator, therefore, various Great Divine Palace, probably need the whole staff to send out, whole-heartedly...... ” 这次动作所需要的战力,最保守估计,只怕也需要……万名道元境以上修者,所以,各大神宫,可能需要全员出动,全力以赴……” Ye Xiao fell Xue Danru the vision, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor, Wenren Chuchu these three people of bodies. 叶笑将目光落到了雪丹如,琼华月皇,还有闻人楚楚这三人的身上。 Has no way, now profound ice law trace is uncertain \; Misty Cloud Palace aspect, only then a Wenren Chuchu person keeps up appearances here. 没法,现在玄冰‘法踪不定’\;缥缈云宫方面,就只有闻人楚楚一个人在这里撑场面。 Xue Danru and Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor do not have hesitant, opens the mouth together: This does not have the issue.” 雪丹如琼华月皇全无犹豫,一起开口:“这个没问题。” Wenren Chuchu also said: I will report immediately to the Cloud Palace headquarters, asking this Palace Master Elder to decide this matter.” 闻人楚楚亦道:“我会立即汇报给云宫总部,请本宫长老定夺此事。” These words comes out, immediately annoys Xue Danru and Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor two big supercilious looks. 这句话普一出来,登时惹来雪丹如琼华月皇两个大大的白眼。 This saying said that how our scales seemed lowered several scales compared with profound ice immediately general...... 这话说得,怎地我们俩的档次好似即时比玄冰低了十几个档次一般…… In addition, the original plan makes the partial readjustment. The manpower that now gathers, has ability to participate in this motion, follows the brigade to move, but the manpower under Dao Origin Stage, hides temporarily.” Ye Xiao somewhat helpless forced smile: „The battle between high level cultivator, cultivator under Dao Origin Stage...... Perhaps absolutely does not have leeway of participation, has the danger including the onlooking.” “此外,原定计划做出局部调整。现在聚集起来的人手,有能力参与此次行动的,跟随大队行动,而道元境之下的人手,暂时隐蔽起来吧。”叶笑有些无奈的苦笑一下:“高阶修者之间的争斗,道元境之下的修者……恐怕根本就没有参与的余地,连旁观都有危险。” What this saying said is. Sacrificed senselessly in vain.” Lei Dadi immediately expressed the response. “这话说的是。无谓白白牺牲。”雷大地立即表示响应。 Major School aspects, must reassign expert to come.” Ye Xiao said: „Our first motion, must by potential of as powerful as a thunderbolt, confirm that these four training bases in place, wipes out thoroughly \; In addition, another goal, has a look whether taking advantage of this time movement, another five, to search.” “各大宗门方面,也要抽调高手过来。”叶笑道:“我们的第一步行动,必须要以雷霆万钧之势,将已经确认地点的这四个培训基地,彻底打掉\;此外,还有另一个目的,就是看看能否借着这次的动作,将另外五处,搜出来。” Does this to alert the enemy?” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor asked: How regardless of we do hide, once the movement, will be Eastern Temple Western Temple will learn about afterward throughout, can trigger the reactions of two palaces, immediately worldwide chaos?” “这样做会不会打草惊蛇?”琼华月皇问道:“无论我们做得如何隐蔽,一旦动作,事后始终会为东殿西殿知悉,会不会引起两殿的反弹,即时天下大乱呢?” If can be chaotic, instead is my happy to see condition.” Ye Xiao deeply inspired: Because...... Now we have was still only the statement of only one of the parties, we can determine that throughout needed their responses, just needed them first to move, to deal the entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory long mouth.” “若是真能乱起来,反而是我乐见的状况。”叶笑深深吸了一口气:“因为……现在我们所拥有的仍旧只是一面之词,我们就算是能够确定,始终还是需要他们的反应,正需要他们首先动起来来,以应对整个青云天域悠悠之口。” Yue Emperor sighed, to this reason, only then approved. 月皇叹了口气,对这个理由,只有认同。 That base, I lead loose cultivator in all directions, Li Wuliang, Han Bingxue, Jun Yinglian , etc., the Horizon Ice Palace manpower, is responsible for one group.” Ye Xiao said: Asked Sir Yue Emperor to lead the team, was responsible for one with Cold Moon Sky Pavilion with joint forces. Ice Sky Heavenly Palace Sir Xue Danru, then unites another Sect, is responsible for one group \; As for last, invited the Misty Cloud Palace that side......” “那四处基地,我带领散修,厉无量,寒冰雪,君应怜等,还有天涯冰宫的人手,负责一组。”叶笑说道:“请月皇大人率队,与寒月天阁合力负责一处。冰霄天宫雪丹如大人,则联合另一个门派,负责一组\;至于最后一处,请缥缈云宫那边……” Ye Xiao looked at Wenren Chuchu, knit the brows subconsciously, has not said immediately. 叶笑看了看闻人楚楚,下意识地皱了皱眉,没有马上说下去。 One side profound ice sees that somewhat worries \; But this occasion actually cannot say anything, can only lower the head, to damp the heart to be impulsive. 一侧的玄冰见状不禁有些着急\;但此际却又不能说什么,只能低下头去、强抑心头冲动。 Provides against contingencies, Li Wuliang, you and Liu Changjun, Ning Biluo, Zhao Pingtian go to that side Misty Cloud Palace \; Assists them......” “为防万一,厉无量,你和柳长君宁碧落赵平天三人去缥缈云宫那边\;协助她们……” Li Wuliang is surprised the different way: How could it not be like this arranged to cause your here strength to be extremely weak?” 厉无量诧异道:“这样安排岂不令到你这边的力量太过薄弱了吗?” Ye Xiao said lightly: Is insufficient extremely weakly. Your could it be that does not know that I have the method of emerging one after another incessantly.” 叶笑淡淡道:“不至于太过薄弱。你难道不知,我可是有层出不穷的手段。” Li Wuliang laughs, non- superfluous word. 厉无量哈哈一笑,更不赘言。 Yue Emperor said: Sir Monarch also said providing against contingencies, Moon Palace here had Cold Moon Sky Pavilion to collaborate, all -round strength enough dealt with the accident. That makes Shuang and Han two Elder help one another Sir Monarch this line.” 月皇说道:“君主大人也说了为防万一,月宫这边有寒月天阁联手,综合实力足够应对变故。那就让霜寒两位长老相助君主大人此行吧。” Yue Emperor had to see that side Ye Xiao just to tell a moment ago that the small mouth of Shuang and Han early has dug. 月皇刚才可是有看到了叶笑那边刚刚吩咐完毕,霜寒的小嘴早已经撅了起来。 Obviously regarding cannot go to the Ye Xiao under the hand/subordinate combat, is very discontented. 显然对于不能去到叶笑手下作战,很是不满。 Yue Emperor regarding this is also the sincerity does not have the means that since had found Big Brother, these two Elder, probably were has been separated from Beautiful Flower Moon Palace to be ordinary simply, sometimes including own order, did not pay attention. 月皇对此也是真心的没办法,自从找到了大哥,这两位长老,简直就好像是已经脱离了琼华月宫一般,有时候连自己的命令,都不予理会。 Forces itself their with it, the non- sentiment does not hope, does not try, would rather simply lets them with their Big Brother, may compensate for Ye Xiao one line of strength weak disappointment. 与其勉强她们跟着自己,不情不愿,不尽全力,倒不如干脆让她俩跟着她们大哥,亦可弥补叶笑一行人实力薄弱的缺憾。 Yue Shuang Yue Han hearing this cheers immediately, rushed without demur without consulting anybody: Big Brother, Yue Emperor your majesty proposition good, we can in the same place.” 月霜月寒闻言登时一声欢呼,二话不说径自奔了过来:“大哥,月皇陛下的提议甚好,我们又可以在一起了。” A Ye Xiao heavy line, has no alternative. 叶笑一头黑线,却又无可奈何。 Everybody, this time calls the troops, must most secret style take the action. Before various group of troops arrive, I select expert to come out first here, join the motion, once the personnel are assigned, immediately starts to take action!” “各位,此番召集人马,务必要最秘密的方式展开行动。在各路人马到来之前,我先在这里选拔高手出来,参加行动,一旦人员到位,立即开始行动!” The Ye Xiao sound is very heavy: This war, cannot defeat!” 叶笑声音很是沉重:“此战,不许败!” He turns the head, looks at Wenren Chuchu: „A Misty Cloud Palace side......” 他转头,看着闻人楚楚:“缥缈云宫一方……” Wenren Chuchu sip purses the lips, said: This matter affects Heaven Realm in the future, we do certainly everything possible, our Misty Cloud Palace high and low, regarding this matter, is always competitive! Moreover the Grand Elder Xuan former also once here came, does not know that is why the reason leaves temporarily, but she regarding the Sir Monarch decision-making is to express support for!” 闻人楚楚抿抿嘴,道:“此事攸关天域未来,我方一定尽力而为,我们缥缈云宫上下,对于这种事情,一向都是不落人后的!而且玄大长老前者也曾经在这里现身,不知是因何缘故暂离,但她对于君主大人的决策是表示支持的!” Ye Xiao nods. 叶笑点点头。 That night, Ye Xiao started aggressively selected this line of expert. 当天晚上,叶笑开始紧锣密鼓的甄选此行高手 Those who stem from the Ye Xiao expectation is, most rivers and lakes men, said is not willing to depart. 出乎叶笑预料的是,绝大多数江湖汉子,都表示不愿离去。 Although our cultivation level is not high, does not have cultivation level of Dao Origin Stage level, but...... We wave the flag and shout for everybody, can always achieve.” “虽然我们这些人修为不高,没有道元境层次的修为,但是……我们为大家摇旗呐喊,总还是做得到的。” This movement is the ruinous campaign, is difficult to be inadequate a successive pain Knocked out kingfisher the opportunity also? We have no way, in the front processes, waits to tidy up the fish slip through outside always.” “此次动作乃是毁灭性的战役,难不成连一个痛打落水狗的机会也没有?我们没法在前方处理,在外面等着收拾漏网之鱼总可以吧。” „It is not really good, we can ship grain and fodder commodity anything for everybody, does a heavy work......” “实在不行,我们可以为大家运送粮草物资什么,干点儿力气活……” This war, if defeats, we must die eventually \; If this war the victory, we also want to moisten a happy expression, later was old, can boast with the descendants, father in the past, although has the fine powder trick, once had actually attended the war of slaughter demon!” “此战若败,我们终究也要没命\;此战若胜,我们也想要沾点喜气,以后老了,也可以跟子孙吹嘘,老子当年,虽然只得微末伎俩,却也是曾参加过屠魔之战的!” The public sentiment is turbulent, sees this, Ye Xiao only feels the heart to give off heat, the warm-blooded heroic feelings of these rivers and lakes people, in this moment, display incisively. 群情汹涌,看到这一幕,叶笑只感觉心头发热,这些江湖人的热血豪情,在这一刻,表现得淋漓尽致。 Life and death is regretless!” “生死无悔!” Victory or defeat has no qualms!” “胜败无愧!” Such being the case, everybody then standing by.” “既然如此,大家便准备战斗吧。” Ye Xiao combatants will have formed three echelons, the first echelon, cultivation level at least must meet the Dao Origin Stage level 5 above standard, the main force of this war \; The second echelon, the strength in Dao Origin Stage level 1 above, as the reserve forces strength, has the need on completely again \; The third echelon, is under Dao Origin Stage, the main division waves the flag and shouts, did not suggest to enter the war on own initiative. 叶笑将参战人员编成了三个梯队,第一梯队,修为至少也要达到道元境五品以上的水准,此战的主力\;第二梯队,实力全部都在道元境一品以上的,作为预备队战力,有需要再上\;第三梯队,则是道元境之下,主司摇旗呐喊,不建议主动参战。 Is dressing ranks, during that the preparation embarks, the airborne white clothing is suddenly floating every day, a piece of piercing ice is cold, from far to near, more spatial, but. 就在整队完毕,准备出发的当口,突见天空中白衣飘飘,一片刺骨冰寒,由远而近,越空而至。 Ye Xiao looks up, actually sees in the midair, unexpectedly is the form of white clothing, slender beautiful figures, from airborne fly, the white clothing like the snow, overflows fragrantly. 叶笑抬头看去,却见半空之中,竟是白衣的身影,一道道窈窕倩影,从空中飞来,白衣如雪,芬芳四溢。 Everybody are the surface like Ice Jade, everybody are cold like ice frost. 人人都是面如冰玉,人人都是冷如冰霜 This group of person enough 5,000-6,000 people, have become in the spatial rock row the huge square formation, falls slowly, the bearing is solemn, then such as was ancient times Bing Shan (iceberg), suddenly arrived in society, frozen world, frozen penetrating world! 这伙人足足有五六千人之多,更在空中排成了巨大的方阵,缓缓落下,气度俨然,便如是远古的冰山,突然降临世间,冰封天地,冻彻尘寰! Misty Cloud Palace is respective, the Dao Origin Stage above disciple whole staff, comes to comply with Sir Monarch Xiao the verbal command, stricts enforcement of orders and bans, as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, Mo Gan not, since!” 缥缈云宫所属,道元境以上弟子全员,前来遵从笑君主大人号令,令行禁止,言出法随,莫敢不从!” Is the white clothing female of head goes forward one step, was very the respect good a ritual. 为首的一个白衣女子上前一步,很是尊敬地行了一礼。 The Ye Xiao corners of the mouth twitched subconsciously. 叶笑嘴角下意识地抽搐了一下。 Really cannot think really absolutely that now arrives earliest, builds up quickly, is actually in the heart thinks Misty Cloud Palace that most has not grasped! 真真是万万想不到,现在到来最早的,集结得最快的,竟然是自己心中原本以为最最没有把握的缥缈云宫 Moreover, can this lineup too grand little?! 而且,这个阵容会不会太盛大了一点点呢?! Is the 36 people of head, including Misty Cloud Palace ten big Law Protector Elder, ten big foreign affairs Elder, ten big consecrates Elder, two Sovereign Law Protector, two Supreme Elder \; Came between a moment ago the speech, is Misty Cloud Palace Sovereign person Ying Geyin, side her, is first law enforcement Elder! 为首的36个人,包括有缥缈云宫十大护法长老,十大外务长老,十大供奉长老,还有两位掌门护法,两位太上长老\;刚才居中说话的,正是缥缈云宫掌门应歌吟,在她身边的,则是第一执法长老 The lineup that Misty Cloud Palace sends out, besides leaving behind internal affairs Elder looks after the house, in Sect all high and low high levels, are the whole staff arrive unexpectedly, turn out in full strength! 缥缈云宫派出的阵容,除了留下一位内务长老看家之外,门派之中所有上下高层,竟是全员来到,倾巢而出! These people arrived here, was equal to moving to here entire Misty Cloud Palace basically! 这些人到了这里,基本就等于是将整个缥缈云宫搬到了这里! Although Ye Xiao has also thought that oneself relations with the Misty Cloud Palace is good, presently has the Heaven Realm catastrophe, generally is insufficient a person, is such reality, the Ye Xiao sincerity somewhat cannot endure, this...... Was this little too seemingly violent?! 虽然叶笑也有想过,自己跟飘渺云宫的关系还不错,当前是有天域浩劫,大抵不至于一个人也不到,可是这样的现实,叶笑真心有些吃不消,这……这貌似有点太极端了吧?! If the eventuality, ten thousand li (5.000 km) has one, that side Demon Soul Way sneak attacks Misty Cloud Palace by chance, that side Cloud Palace is equal to not having any strength of contending to be good?! 万一万一,万里有个一,魔魂道那边碰巧偷袭飘渺云宫,云宫那边就等于是全无任何抗衡之力好不好?! Also, what Cloud Palace Sovereign person did Ying Geyin say a moment ago? Said that comes to comply with Sir Monarch Xiao the verbal command, has shown due respect for the feelings very much good, behind that stricts enforcement of orders and bans, as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, what ghost Mo Gan from is not, was this wife gives the brother the face to have simply?! To shock the brother to retaliate full of admiration? 还有,云宫掌门应歌吟刚才说什么?说一句前来遵从笑君主大人号令,已经很给面子了好不好,后面那句,令行禁止,言出法随,莫敢不从是什么鬼,这简直是太太太给哥面子了有没有?!想要震撼哥回敬个五体投地吗? Actually far more than is Ye Xiao shocks, that side just handed down the order to make the Xue Danru eyeball that in Sect expert comes to assist almost rouse, she and profound ice is the sworn enemy, battle between Ice Sky Heavenly Palace and Misty Cloud Palace is also like a raging fire, most understood that your person, not necessarily is your friend family member, instead is your enemy of long standing, although looked at one, Xue Danru has actually been able to confirm that Misty Cloud Palace did not think, unexpectedly seriously was the high level cultivator whole staff movement, funds that spared no effort completely! 其实又何止是叶笑自己个震撼,那边刚刚传下命令让门派之中高手前来襄助的雪丹如眼珠子都几乎鼓了出来,她跟玄冰是死对头,冰霄天宫飘渺云宫之间的争斗也是如火如荼,最了解你的人,未必是你的朋友亲人,反而是你的夙敌,虽然只是瞄了一眼,雪丹如却已经可以确认,飘渺云宫是不想好了,竟然当真是高阶修者全员动作,完全不遗余力的款! Taking this into consideration, as Xue Danru of enemy of long standing, how to be resigned to fall after the person, without demur, Lima makes up an order: In Sect, as long as Dao Origin Stage level 2 above disciple, all entire!” 有鉴于此,作为夙敌的雪丹如,岂甘心落于人后,二话不说,利马补上一道命令:“门派之中,但凡道元境二品以上弟子,尽数全来!” In the quantity definitely was the ratio, but can one be high and low in quality. 数量上肯定是比不过了,但在质量方面还是可以一较高低的。 Cannot make Misty Cloud Palace this old match suppress the imposing manner! 总不能让缥缈云宫这个老对手压住了气势! Truly speaking, in the Xue Danru heart is also wondering regarding this present situation: What insanity profound ice this has in the end sent? How to have moved to here entire Misty Cloud Palace, as the matter stands, are the headquarters void? 说实在的,雪丹如心中对于这个现状也在纳闷:玄冰到底是发了什么疯?怎么将整个缥缈云宫搬到了这边,这样一来,岂不是总部空虚? could it be that doesn't she have scruples the native place possibly sneak attacked risk?! 难道她一点都不顾忌老家可能被偷袭的风险吗?! Comes just right.” The Ye Xiao great happiness, said: Is only, how to come such quickly?” “诸位来得正好。”叶笑大喜,道:“只是,怎么来得这么快呢?” Ying Geyin light smiling, said with deep veneration: Other day had profound ice Grand Elder to transmit orders, the slaughter demon defends traditional moral principles, our Misty Cloud Palace, bounden! The demons are rampant, if this war defeats, Cloud Palace also cannot escape by luck, therefore, only has whole-heartedly!” 应歌吟淡淡的笑了笑,肃然道:“日前有本门玄冰大长老传令,屠魔卫道,我们缥缈云宫,义不容辞!魔头猖獗,此战若败,云宫亦不能幸免,所以,唯有全力以赴!” Ye Xiao nods, said: Good that this spoke, should Sovereign be the hero, the woman's head covering is really competent!” 叶笑点点头,道:“此言说的不错,应掌门果然是女中豪杰,巾帼不让须眉!” Sir Monarch was polite, however this majesty said a moment ago non- is the pleasantries, Grand Elder Xuan has the command, making us come, one should dispatch, follows the lead by Sir Monarch Xiao, one such as she, but there is a life, not does not have, since!” The Ying Geyin eye looks at Ye Xiao, in the heart is also full strange. 君主大人客气了,然本座刚才所言却非是客套话,玄大长老有令,让我们前来,一应调度,以笑君主大人马首是瞻,一如她在,但有所命,莫有不从!”应歌吟眼睛看着叶笑,心中也是满满的奇怪。 Before seemingly had not heard Monarch Xiao and Grand Elder Xuan had any friendship...... 之前貌似没听说过笑君主玄大长老有什么交情呀…… How to come such an order suddenly . Moreover the manner also puts such lowly, above the battlefield does not need two captains, this can understand, but does not use such...... Humble!? 怎地突然来了这么一道命令呢,而且态度还放得这么低,战阵之上不需要两个指挥者,这个可以理解,但也不用这么的……谦卑!? Many thanks Grand Elder Xuan so trusts.” Ye Xiao asked: Where may I ask Grand Elder Xuan I?” “多谢玄大长老如此信任。”叶笑问道:“敢问玄大长老本人何在?” Ying Geyin said: In the Grand Elder Xuan signalling mentioned that she left before suddenly, is because obtains the information clue, at present went to that side the demon nest, nosing.” 应歌吟道:“玄大长老的传信中有提到,她之前突然离开,便是因为得到情报线索,目前已经前往魔巢那边,查探情况了。” The information content of these words really shocks, even if with the calm of Ye Xiao, had a scare. 这句话的信息量实在震撼,纵然以叶笑的沉稳,也不禁吓了一跳。 profound ice leaves without saying good-bye, actually first one step obtained the clue, moreover went to the devil's lair unexpectedly? 玄冰不辞而别,竟然是先一步得到了线索,而且竟然已经前往魔窟了? Has paid attention to the profound ice dynamic Xue Danru hear to feel immediately shamefully: One and profound ice have struggled for a lifetime, has fought for a lifetime, has a look at others this model|pattern, sees clearly the situation to continue, but also so has the courage...... Walked does not know that many times, oneself here were also waiting...... 一直关注玄冰动态的雪丹如听罢顿时感觉无地自容:自己与玄冰争了一辈子,斗了一辈子,看看人家这范,洞察先机不止,还如此有勇气……都走了不知道多少时候了,自己还在这里等着呢…… Ye Xiao behind Bing'er lowers the head, on face somewhat blushes slightly. 叶笑身后的冰儿低着头,脸上稍稍有些发红。 The Ye Xiao big table comforts nods. 叶笑大表宽慰地点点头。 „Before profound ice Grand Elder, had mentioned she understood the investigation of Demon Soul Way organization, is really under the great reputation not the person with reputation but no real merit, rarer Grand Elder Xuan is so vigorous and resolute, zealouss for public interests, is really our generation model, this war, asking Misty Cloud Palace to be responsible for destroying soul mountain valley big base up and down, should Sovereign, since you came by oneself, this war held the post of the person of management by you, all mapped out strategic plans in an army tent, performs take responsibility by should Sovereign randomly! My request only then, this war, allow Sheng cannot defeat!” 玄冰大长老之前有提到过她对于魔魂道组织的调查了解,果然是盛名之下并无虚士,更难得玄大长老这般雷厉风行,急公好义,实在是我辈楷模,此战,请缥缈云宫上下负责摧毁阴魂山谷这一大基地,应掌门,既然您亲身前来,那么,此战就由你担任主持之人,所有运筹帷幄,尽由应掌门随机做主!我的要求只有一个,此战,许胜不许败!” The Ye Xiao sinking sound said. 叶笑沉声说道。 Respectfully follows the Sir Monarch order! This war, must win!” Ying Geyin deeply inspired, in the eye is glittering the firm brilliance. “谨遵君主大人命令!此战,必胜!”应歌吟深深吸了一口气,眼中闪烁着坚定的光彩。 Good!” Ye Xiao said: Asked the Ice Sky Heavenly Palace gentlemen to be responsible for swinging day to close the aspect \; Asked Beautiful Flower Moon Palace to be responsible for Underworld valley, the Cold Moon Sky Pavilion assistance \; But on the side of me, is responsible for processing that side Great Dream Mountain!” “好!”叶笑道:“请冰霄天宫诸君负责荡天关方面\;请琼华月宫负责幽冥谷方面,寒月天阁协助\;而我自己一边,负责处理大梦山那边!” Good!” “好!” Discusses established, everybody instantly leave!” Ye Xiao make a prompt decision: „The this battle time of attack, decides in three days later, before dawn!” “计议既定,大伙即刻动身出发!”叶笑当机立断:“此役的攻击时间,定在三天后,拂晓!” This motion, is named as, Dawn Assassination!” “本次行动,定名为,拂晓刺杀!” ...... ……
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