RITF :: Volume #15

#1472: The thunder wants 【Wan Zigeng】

Until Ye Xiao leaves, in the heart still from being full of that type has been hard to speak the grief and indignation that. 及至叶笑动身回去的时候,心中仍自充满了那种难以言说的悲愤。 When Yue Changtian that black clothed form, changes to the riotous ray before him that flickers, the Ye Xiao only thought that actually only wants to kill Demon Soul Way immediately, kills Heaven and Earth turning upside down. 岳长天那道黑衣身影,在他面前化作缤纷光芒的那一瞬,叶笑唯一的念头,竟然就只想要立即杀进去魔魂道,杀一个天翻地覆 That is the sorrow that one type opens mouth is actually not able to pant for breath and is unable constrain, as well as an pinnacle of thorough marrow soul is angry! 那是一种张着嘴却无法喘息、无从压抑的悲痛,以及一股深入骨髓灵魂的极致愤怒! He does not stay, flying on. 他更不停留、飞身而上。 Still on the cliff waited for was meeting for first time Ye Xiao to return in profound ice that and the others, was about to open the mouth to question the beforehand accident, actually immediately felt Ye Xiao that ice-cold murderous aura, manic violent anger. 仍在在悬崖上面等候的玄冰等人乍见叶笑归来,才待要开口问话之前变故,却在第一时间就感觉到了叶笑那一身冰冷的杀气,还有狂躁至极的暴怒。 Cannot help but is shocked. 一个个不由得愣住。 Was this? 这是怎么了? Did could it be that bitter experience ambush under the cliff, suffer a loss?! That not like, even though Ye Xiao this occasion whole body murderous aura, both hands have not actually seen the congealing air/Qi, is not the appearance that has begun, but, so astonishing murderous aura, by what comes?! 难道是在悬崖下遭遇埋伏,吃了大亏?!那也不像啊,纵使叶笑此际满身杀气,双手却未见凝气,并不是动过手的样子,但,如此惊人杀气,又是由何而来呢?! the next moment, saying of Ye Xiao suddenly coldly: All people go back. Here has been all right.” 下一刻,叶笑突然冷冷的说道:“所有人都回去。这里已经没事了。” Sound ice cold biting cold, does not have the least bit sentiment quite the same as. 声音冰寒彻骨,浑然没有半点感情。 Under people hearing this simultaneously is startled, does not know what completely had, usually in Ye Xiao, no doubt is the leader who the people approve, but school of sunlight handsome delicate facial features, the genial happy expression often hangs near the lip, is the sign target warm male image, was this meeting this? This...... Too was seemingly unusual? 众人闻言之下齐齐一怔,完全不知道发生了什么,平日里的叶笑,固然是众人认可的首领,但一派阳光俊朗的秀气面容,和煦的笑意更是常挂唇边,最是标标的暖男形象,这会这是怎么了呢?这……貌似太反常了吧? But people while being moved, feels in the Ye Xiao this occasion words clearly that type not ice-cold that allows to defy. 但众人又在动念的同时,清晰地感受到叶笑此际话语中那种不容违拗的冰冷。 Almost is unknowingly, obeys his meaning to turn around to go subconsciously. 几乎就是不知不觉之中,下意识地顺从他的意思转身而去。 After the people walk to be good to be far together,...... 众人一道走出去好远之后…… Suddenly behind hears to transmit a sad and shrill long and loud cry, has torn the entire world \; The people all are completely terrified one startled, turns head following the sound to look. Sees the incomparable brilliance wind to shoot together for nine days! 突然听见后面传来一声凄厉长啸,撕裂了整个天地\;众人尽皆悚然一惊,回头循声看去。更见一道无匹光华飙射九天! This is people this life unforgetable shocks one finally! 这是众人终此一生都难以忘怀的震撼一幕! Sees only the Ye Xiao figure anxious illness such as Bai Hongjing the day, in the hand the noble bearing glitters, is similar to is ordinary the ray total focus in world universe, spans the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) region, plunders by the electric light potential of flint and flashing by! 只见叶笑身形急疾如白虹经天,手中神锋闪烁,如同将天地乾坤之内的光芒全数聚焦一般,横亘方圆千里地域,以电光火石、白驹过隙之势一掠而过! But sees, two 10.000 zhang (33,300m) mountains that the Ye Xiao figure mistake passes through, were broken unexpectedly! 但见,叶笑身形过处所经过的两座万丈高山,竟然被生生断裂! The mountain peak that reached to the sky, fell slowly. 原本高耸入云的山峰,缓缓倾倒了下来。 Reverses to that cliff that Ye Xiao just flew! 倒向叶笑刚刚飞上来的那处断崖! That side the cliff, this occasion still had the Life Prisoner's Cage protection, by, no doubt not hinders, external force that but comes by outside not only indestructibly, even being hard replenishment above \; But the Ye Xiao this end will result actually in the great writer, that two mountain peaks fall outrageously, discussed by the mountain massifs of two mountains only, how also to want high cliff several 1.000 zhang (3330m)! 断崖那边,此际尚有生命囚笼守护,由内而出,固然并无阻滞,但由外而来的外力非但无法破坏,甚至难以加注于其上\;但叶笑这会却端得大手笔,那两座山峰悍然落下,单以两山的山体而论,怎地也要高过断崖几千丈 Two mountain peaks, fall loudly! 两座山峰,轰然落下! The entire earth, violently shakes because of it, on the flat land in surrounding area thousand li(500 km), had one after several other zhang (3.33 m) deep crack...... 整个大地,都因之猛烈地震荡起来,方圆千里之内的平地上,亦随之出现了一道一道数丈深的裂缝…… This is unprecedented the strength of pinnacle destruction! 这是一股前所未见的极致破坏之力! This together cliff, in light of this without a trace and does not have again once any had the trace! 这一道断崖,就此无影无踪、再无曾经任何存在痕迹! Above the original address, has a new broken rocky mountain! 原址之上,就只有一座新的碎石山! No matter many traces, are secret, under this Johor Bahru, deep burying! 不管是多少痕迹,还是秘密,都在这座新山之下,深深的埋葬! When a Ye Xiao sword able to move unhindered, sends out a long and loud cry again, the sad and shrill sound penetrates the nighttime sky, is similar to the thunder crack, only shakes the trim earth, rustle shivers \; Inundates the spatial dark cloud, nothing left. 叶笑一剑纵横之余,再发出一声长啸,凄厉至极的声音穿入夜空,如同雷霆炸响,只震得整片大地,簌簌颤抖\;漫空乌云,荡然无存。 All witnesses this person feels scalp intermittent tingling with numbness. 所有见证这一幕的人都是感觉头皮一阵阵的发麻。 Monarch Xiao, was this? As for putting in order such big scene? 笑君主,这是怎么了?至于整出这么大的场面吗? Everyone can hear, around Monarch Xiao during two long and loud cries completely contained that type to reach sends and go to the end grief and indignation as well as the bloody deep-seated hatred! 每个人都能听得出来,笑君主前后两声长啸之中尽都包含了那种臻至极致、去到尽头的悲愤以及血淋淋的刻骨仇恨! Then, a moment ago under this cliff, in the end what happened? 那么,刚才在这断崖之下,到底发生了什么事情? Made in the past Monarch Xiao unexpectedly, present Ye Xiao, rude hence!? 竟令往昔的笑君主,如今的叶笑,失态至此!? The Lei Dadi three people stand before the tent, raises the head to look at the sky unusual form. 雷大地三人站在帐篷前,仰首望着天空异状。 Along with Ye Xiao around two long and loud cries crack midair time, three old exceptionally feel the sound China-foreign people not to realize in -depth grief and indignation of sensitively, three old simultaneously the body shakes, the complexion changes, although immediately returned to normal, but seems like in the tranquil face actually shows vague low-spirited. 随着叶笑前后两声长啸炸响半空的时候,三老异常敏感地感受到声音中外人察觉不到的深层悲愤,三老同时身躯一震,脸色为之一变,虽然又马上就恢复了平静,但看似平静的面孔上却透出一股若有若无的黯然。 A Ye Xiao sword moves to Shuangshan, instant covers secret Ya, is bringing murderous aura, the return military camp, first, then convenes all high level as well as high level cultivator meets to discuss official business. 叶笑一剑移双山,瞬时掩秘崖,带着一身的杀气,回归营寨,第一时间,便即召集所有高层以及高阶修者开会议事。 Lei Dadi and other people come early, three old men's complexions are the green, Lei Dadi seizes Ye Xiao to ask right in the face: „? What kind of?” 雷大地等三人来得更早,三老头儿的脸色都是青色的,雷大地一把揪住叶笑劈头就问道:“是不是?怎么样?” Ye Xiao silent, heavy [say / way]: Not much, is not.” 叶笑沉默了一下,沉沉道:“不怎么样,不是。” Usually the calm look at this moment unexpectedly deliberately was avoiding and dodged. 素来沉稳的眼神此刻竟在刻意回避、闪躲。 Lei Dadi what kind story, that asked that also has held prospect accidentally, anything is not so clear, tears that suppresses several forcefully flow copiously, actually was still the whole body shivered, weak nod: Yes, is not! He is also living, we cannot forget to seek.” 雷大地何等阅历,刚才的那一问也不过是抱了万一的指望,如此什么还不明白,强行抑制几已夺眶而出的泪水,却仍是浑身颤抖,无力的点头:“是的,不是!他还活着,我们不能忘记寻找。” Ye Xiao has closed the eye low-spirited, the sinking sound track: „When yes, the Cold Moon Sky Pavilion disciple will go on a journey from now on, the first important matter is to seek for Sovereign, each must devote to seeking for Sovereign, anybody can not neglect!” 叶笑黯然地闭上了眼睛,沉声道:“是的,今后寒月天阁弟子出行之时,第一要务就是找寻掌门,每一个都要致力于寻找掌门,任何人不得怠慢!” The Lei Dadi three people of hearing this eyes are also one red, wickedly said: Chongxiao, the war of this slaughter demon, our youngest brother three, must vanguard!” 雷大地三人闻言眼睛又是一红,恶狠狠地说道:“冲霄,这一次屠魔之战,我们老兄弟三个,是一定要打前锋的!” Ye Xiao silent, deeply inspired: This......” 叶笑沉默了一下,深深吸了一口气:“这个……” Not any this that! This matter such decided!” Lei Dadi Bai Fa is dreary, vision like electricity: This time accident, is the entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory shame, is our imperative matters...... We must revenge, must revenge personally!” “没什么这个那个!这个事就这么定了!”雷大地白发萧然,目光如电:“这次的变故,乃是整个青云天域的耻辱,更是我们势在必行的事情……我们要报仇,要亲手报仇!” Revenge! 报仇! Ye Xiao said slowly: Three teachers are hale and hearty, wanting vanguard naturally not to have the issue \; Just, you must accept my condition, that did not have the issue.” 叶笑慢慢道:“三位师尊老当益壮,想要打前锋自然没问题的\;只不过呢,你们须得答应我一个条件,那就更没问题了。” That thing, we do not eat!” “那东西,我们不吃!” The Lei Dadi three people simply rejected very much. 雷大地三人很干脆的拒绝了。 They know that the Ye Xiao so-called condition refers, when three are old beginning, Ye Xiao once put out Reincarnation Fruit, making three always take to grow cultivation level, if can the breakthrough itself bottleneck, go to the past and Wu Fa war later inveterate disease solvable, upper building \; But the Lei Dadi three people actually beyond expectation rejected. 他们知道叶笑所谓的条件所指,早在三老初来的时候,叶笑就曾经拿出轮回果,让三老服下去增长修为,若是能够借此突破本身瓶颈,更可解去当年与武法大战之后的宿疾,更上层楼\;但雷大地三人却出人意料地拒绝了。 Our these three old fogy know from the family work, our remnant body function aging is serious, in the past fought injures the source, even if occupied the light of apprentice to make up before came back some, but the beforehand loss is really big, even if has used this, making the inveterate disease convalesce, even goes a step further, eventually is hopeless Great Way!” “我们这三个老家伙自家知道自家事,我们的这副残躯机能老化严重,往昔大战又伤了本源,就算之前占了徒弟的光补了回来些许,但之前的损耗实在大大,就算是使用了这个,使得宿疾痊愈,甚至更进一步,终究是无望大道!” These spirit fruits, you are remaining, waits the true being predestined friends person.” “这些灵果,你还是自己留着,留待真正的有缘人。” We have eaten, waste!” “我们吃了,浪费!” Ye Xiao regarding this but. 叶笑对此可谓无奈至极。 Don't said that after is Er Huo (fool) purifies, does not have hidden danger Reincarnation Fruit, even if only Yin Yang Saint Fruit, casual that initiates mountain cry out and sea howl Divine Rank strange fruit in entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, oneself scurry to deliver to three old front, others do not eat unexpectedly! 莫说是二货纯化之后、全无隐患的轮回果,就算只是阴阳圣果,随便一枚那都是在整个青云天域引发山呼海啸神品异果,自己上赶着送到三老面前,人家居然不吃! Three teachers, you , if not eat this thing, how disciple felt relieved that makes you break through enemy lines?” Ye Xiao frowned worriedly: We now demon to, not only method sinister ruthless severe, expert is numerous, many one point of strength is many extension meetings, how to speak of wastes two characters......” “三位师尊,你们要是不吃这东西,徒儿如何放心让你们去冲锋陷阵?”叶笑苦恼地皱起眉头:“咱们现在对上的魔头,非但手段毒辣狠厉,高手更是众多,多一分实力就是多一分机会,如何说到浪费两字……” The Ye Xiao words have not said that was broken by Yun Piaoliu: Ha Ha...... Your this boy is not thinks that several of us old fogy does not eat your this fruit, don't we have the strength of killing the enemy? disciple, you rather underestimate our brother three.” 叶笑的一席话还没说完,就被云漂流打断:“哈哈……你这小子不会是以为我们几个老家伙不吃你这个果子,我们就没有杀敌之力?徒儿,你未免太小看我们老哥三个。” Ye Xiao knits the brows: Teacher, powerful is the top priority......” 叶笑皱眉道:“师尊,实力强大才是硬道理……” Powerful definitely is top priority, this no one can deny, however......” Lei Dadi has patted the shoulder of Ye Xiao, said: First, our old bones can finally the Ascend opportunity minimal...... Second, even if were can Ascend our brother three not want to walk seriously, after all Cold Moon Sky Pavilion needed some people to assume personal command. After this service, the backbone disciple who this pavilion can live, is not necessarily have several...... We were Ascend, did not feel relieved.” “实力强大肯定是硬道理,这点谁也否认不了,但是呢……”雷大地拍了拍叶笑的肩膀,道:“第一,我们这幅老骨头最终能够飞升的机会微乎其微……第二,就算是当真能飞升我们哥仨也不想走了,毕竟寒月天阁还是需要有人坐镇。这一役之后,本阁能够活下来的中坚弟子,未必能有几个……我们就算是飞升了,也不放心。” Big School, must have several roles of brace gathering places...... Also or we in this fought died in battle, always can also preserve Sect other strengths...... Do you understand?” “一个大宗门,总要有几个撑场子的角色……又或者说,我们就算是在这一战中战死了,总还能保存一下门派的其他力量……你懂么?” Chongxiao, your road ahead cannot anticipate that this war the date, only had feared finally when is you leave this world, you are doomed not to belong to this stretch of world. Understands that this, we no doubt counted on that you promote the Sect fame, actually also that is all \; Sect the responsibility of protection, definitely cannot make you do, that will only form the shackles to your achievement.” 冲霄,你的前路未可预期,此战终了之日,只怕就是你就离开这个世界之时吧,你注定是不属于这片天地的。正是明白到这点,我们固然指望你提升一下门派的名气,却也仅此而已\;门派的守护之责,肯定是不能让你来做,那只会对你的成就形成桎梏。” Therefore we cannot eat that strange fruit. You leave Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, throughout is ascends a height to get a broad view High level Plane by preliminary Plane, unavoidably is weak.” “所以我们就不能吃那异果了。你离开青云天域,飞升红尘天外天,始终是由低级位面登临高级位面,难免势单力孤。” Lei Dadi is sincere: Child, you just should use these things now, more cultivates some completely own troops, the team...... Is worth paying and trusting these, is bringing coming up completely \; Otherwise, you did not feel relieved to us, we to your did not feel relieved.” 雷大地语重心长:“孩子,你现在正该用这些东西,更多地栽培一些完全属于自己的人马,团队……将那些值得付出、信任的,全部都带着上去\;要不然,你对我们不放心,我们对你更加的不放心。” We, so long as has lived this battle, believes that under Blue Clouds Heaven Territory this sky, is the top layer character, others want to kill us...... Almost is impossible.” Lei Dadi gentle looks at Ye Xiao: But you come up World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, at least in extraordinary, in these powerhouse eyes, is a dregs, is inferior to the sediment in eye completely...... You did not plan for your future that our these are the master, actually must consider for you.” “我们只要活过此役,相信在青云天域这片天空下,就是顶层人物,别人想要杀我们……几乎不可能了。”雷大地慈祥的看着叶笑:“但你上去红尘天外天,至少在出奇,在那些强者眼中,就是个渣,完全不如眼中的渣滓……你不为自己未来打算,我们这些个做师傅的,却仍须为你考虑到。” In Ye Xiao heart a heat: These are something to be talked about later, presently everybody lose in war......” 叶笑心中一热:“那些都是后话,当前兵凶战危……” Was needless to say again.” Lei Dadi beckoned with the hand, said: Not is only we, your Fellow Apprentice Zhan they...... We did not oppose that you promote cultivation level Medicine Pill to them \; Divine Rank strange fruit that but this reached the sky in a single bound, do not give.” “不用再说了。”雷大地摆了摆手,道:“不光是我们,还有你展师兄他们……我们不反对你给他们提升修为丹药\;但这等一步登天的神品异果,还是不要给。” Ye Xiao does not understand: Why?” 叶笑不明白:“为什么?” Has the good fortune of person personally, they not like you and Li Wuliang...... Although you loose cultivator family background, but in you cultivate in the way, how many life and death experiences to whet?” “个人有个人的造化,他们不像你和厉无量……你们虽然散修出身,但在你们修途之中,经历过多少生死磨砺?” Lei Dadi is smiling bitterly: Your mental, may call rock-solid...... However they, to gain experience is insufficient...... In them who Cold Moon Sky Pavilion grows up, although has also experienced rivers and lakes road reign of terror, but generally speaking extremely goes smoothly...... mental state can also at best with their current Merit Body cultivation level quite \; If makes them reach the sky in a single bound seriously, and even promoted the Ascend situation...... I worried that this chance instead will cause them to be killed under Ascend Heavenly Tribulation.” 雷大地苦笑着:“你们的心智,可称坚如磐石……然而他们呢,历练远远不足……在寒月天阁长大的他们,虽然也经历过江湖路腥风血雨,但总体来说还是太过顺遂……心境充其量也就能跟他们当前的功体修为相当\;若是当真让他们一步登天,乃至晋升到了飞升的地步……我担心这份机缘反而会令到他们丧命在飞升天劫之下。” Ye Xiao hearing this shakes from top to bottom suddenly. 叶笑闻言浑身上下陡然一震。 This but actually is really an issue. 这倒真是一个问题。 Not allow to neglect, earnestly what needs to face is the topic! 一个不容忽视,需要认真面对的为题! When yes, Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, certainly must pass through the Heavenly Tribulation baptism. 是的,飞升红尘天外天之时,肯定是要经过天劫洗礼的。 If so own mental state to gain experience is insufficient, accumulation is insufficient, certainly causes own cultivation level realm to be hard Perfect \; Faces Heavenly Tribulation by such condition, is incapable of seeking livehood seriously, takes to be correct. 若然自身心境历练不够、积累不足,必然导致自身修为境界难以圆满\;以这样的状态面对天劫,当真是无力求生,取死有道。 The Blue Clouds Heaven Territory many for ten thousand years, reach to the Heaven Realm cultivator extremely peak, try Ascend higher Plane powerhouse there are numerous similar cases, but, most cultivator, fall from the sky all under Heavenly Tribulation. 青云天域多少万年来,臻至天域修者极峰,尝试着飞升更高位面强者不知凡几,但,绝大多数的修者,尽数都陨灭在天劫之下。 Lei Dadi Bai Fa is dreary, heavy said: Experience treats crosses powerhouse of tribulation, the probability of fallen, over 95%...... Until now, only then few cultivator success Ascend enters World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, this knows, only seven people.” 雷大地白发萧然,沉沉说道:“历待渡劫的强者,陨落者的几率,超过九成半……迄今为止,就只有极少数的修者成功飞升进入红尘天外天的,本门所知的,仅得七人而已。” Seven people!” Ye Xiao hearing this again vibrated, this digit obviously before him the news that knows no longer, Ye Xiao knows, but has three people. “七个人!”叶笑闻言不禁又再震动了一下,这个数字显然与他之前所知道的消息不复,叶笑所知的,不过只得三人。 It seems like the records of these super Sect, are more comprehensive without doubt. 看来这些超级门派的记载,无疑要全面许多。 Yes, altogether seven person success Ascend World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, powerhouse that but in these seven people, super Sect comes out, has three, but another four people, then completely is the loose cultivator family background.” Lei Dadi sighed gently, said: You may know, why is this reason?” “是的,共得七个人成功飞升红尘天外天,但这七个人之中,超级门派出来的强者,只有三个,而另外四人,则全部是散修出身。”雷大地轻轻叹了一口气,道:“你可知,这是为什么缘故?” Ye Xiao bows to salute, asked with the sound: Asked the master to direct the wrong way.” 叶笑躬身施礼,和声问道:“请师傅指点迷津。” Environment.” The Lei Dadi bird hangs down, said: Really is the environment \; The loose cultivator survival atmosphere was too bad...... Takes a broad view in the entire rivers and lakes, loose cultivator is always overwhelming majorities \; Each loose cultivator because of own condition, will try hard to look for the opportunity, seeks opportunity, they regarding so-called Great Way the heart of anticipation, are firmer more and resolute than School cultivator.” “环境。”雷大地白眉低垂,道:“真的就是环境\;散修的生存氛围实在太恶劣了……放眼整个江湖中,散修总是占据绝大多数\;每一个散修因为自身状况,都会努力地去寻找机会,去寻找机遇,他们对于所谓大道的期待之心,远比宗门修者更加坚毅。” Regarding loose cultivator, they contrasts in the School cultivator biggest difference, or the flaw is the difference of own cultivation cultivation technique.” “对于散修而言,他们对比于宗门修者的最大差异,或者说缺陷就是自身修行功法的区别。” loose cultivator lacks core method, particularly lacks suits own core method, the School disciple, particularly the super School disciple, School disciple crosses the threshold, will have the special distinction test, screens its foundation foundation, which category judges its cultivation cultivation technique core method, this is the superiority, but from another aspect, actually also from the beginning gave this disciple to set limiting, your this lived many can also arrive at you cultivation core method upper limit, possibly has not surpassed absolutely the limit of your cultivation cultivation technique original man! Under such premise, what discussed Great Way!” 散修缺少心法,尤其是缺少适合自己的心法,宗门弟子,尤其是超级宗门弟子,宗门弟子普一入门,就会有专门的鉴别测试,甄别其基础根基,判断其修行哪个类别的功法心法,这点本是优势,但从另一个方面而言,却也从一开始就给这个弟子设了限,你此生最多也就能够到达你所修行心法的上限而已,断断没有可能超越你修行功法原创者的极限!在这样的前提下,何谈大道!” However audiences loose cultivator, itself not many core method inheritance, once takes some profound core method, regards all, if the most precious object, chews the comprehension repeatedly, although cultivates the way detention difficult line, core method cultivation is the full cloth thorn, performing is the setback, so long as, will then overstate carelessly, middle course die young, but regarding loose cultivator, the road of Great Way not measured in any event hard and dangerously, marching forward courageously that so long as the hopeful vanguard, to be duty-bound not to turn back, by cultivation technique to the loose cultivator hand, often will be comprehended by them, initially wrote this cultivation technique that original man, brand-new realm that also has not comprehended.” “而一众散修,本身并无很多心法传承,一旦将某部高深心法弄到手,无不视若至宝,一遍遍咀嚼领悟,虽然修途滞涩难行,心法修行更是满布荆棘,尽是挫折,只要一个不慎,便会走火入魔,中道夭折,但对于散修而言,大道之路无论如何艰险莫测,只要有望前行,就会义无反顾的勇往直前,是以一部功法到了散修手中,往往会被他们领悟出,当初撰写出这本功法的那位原创者,也未曾领悟到的全新境界。” „The loose cultivator cultivating way, was really too difficult, because their choices were too few, or did not have directly. But major School disciples, so long as were cultivation level has achieved some realm, naturally can have appropriate cultivation technique, waited for them to choose. Even, even if initially beginning select error, cultivates the branch, still had to correct, the leeway of revision, this road walks does not pass, but can also take another road.” 散修的修途,实在是太艰难了,因为他们的选择实在太少,又或者直接就是没有。而各大宗门的弟子,只要是修为达到了某个境界,自然会有合适的功法,等着他们自己去选择。甚至,即便初初选择错误、修炼出岔,仍有改正、修订的余地,这一条路走不通,还可以走另外一条路。” However loose cultivator is very difficult to have the correction wrong opportunity, more often, clearly knows own building roads presented the deviation, must hold the idea of man will conquer nature and everything depends on human effort, persists in getting down. Is just like some own physique fire attribute loose cultivator, after obtaining water attribute excellent cultivation technique, clearly knows this cultivation technique does not gather with own physique, but will they choose to give up? Cannot! They will only do everything possible to match with this cultivation technique.” “而散修则很难拥有改正错误的机会,更多的时候,明知道自己的修路出现了偏差,仍要抱着人定胜天、事在人为的想法,坚持走下去。好比有些自身体质偏火属性散修,得到了一部水属性的上乘功法之后,明知道这部功法与自己的体质不合,可是他们会选择放弃吗?不会!他们只会想方设法与这门功法相匹配。” They or use exceptionally brutal style method suffers itself, tries to find the solution in all directions, robs various Heaven and Earth Treasure, changes own physique with the aid of the external force nonego, with the cultivation technique conjunction, or insists in the barrel Xiushui law, even if the advancement is slow, is hard to start, even momentarily overstated, was fed up the untold hardships, still the first thought did not move.” “他们或者采用异常残酷方式方法的折磨自己,四处想办法,抢夺各种天材地宝,借助外力外物改变自己的体质,与功法契合,或者坚持以火身修水法,纵然进境缓慢,举步维艰,甚至随时走火入魔,吃尽千辛万苦,仍旧初心不移。” Under such spell of good or bad fortune, most loose cultivator because unavoidably Merit Body causes the cultivation road ahead interrupt far different, is difficult big accomplishment, but these final upper dogs, they not only meets the Merit Body foundation to enter greatly, their toughness and wills, disposition, realm, therefore big accomplishment, even can say, even if inadequate, loose cultivator in mental state will still with the big School disciple, had the difference of heaven and earth. School disciple and loose cultivator, in the beginning not commeasurability of cultivation technique aspect, but in treating cultivation studies diligently in the cultivation technique manner, similarly does not have the commeasurability!” “在这样的际遇之下,绝大多数的散修不免因为功体的殊异而导致修行前路中断,难有更大成就,但那些最终成功者,他们不但会功体根基大进,他们的韧性和毅力,心性,境界,都会因而大成,甚至可以说,就算不成,散修心境毅力方面仍旧与大宗门的弟子,有天壤之别。宗门弟子与散修,于功法方面的起点并无可比性,但在对待所修行钻研功法的态度上,同样没有可比性!” At this time, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor and profound ice, Xue Danru Jun Yinglian and the others also in abundance arrive. 此时,琼华月皇玄冰,雪丹如君应怜等人也纷纷到来。 Hears Lei Dadi to analyze cultivator cultivation to cultivate the way, everybody is calmly is listening. 听到雷大地在剖析修者修行修途,大家都是在静静地听着。 Lei Dadi this occasion turned on a record player, although saw that these many people came, actually continued. 雷大地此际打开了话匣子,虽然看到这么多人都来了,却还是继续说了下去。 „The second reason is the mentality...... All can Bai Ruda the Sect disciple, mostly be the talent outstanding generations. Even if these childhoods is exhausted, the poor occurring simultaneously chance does obeisance into School these disciples, but, they can surface during these super School strict selections, itself explained the basic issue, that is, their talents are most outstanding.” “第二个原因则是心态……举凡能够拜入大门派的弟子,大多都是天赋出类拔萃之辈。就算是那些幼年困顿,贫苦交加机缘拜入宗门的那些弟子,但,他们能够在这些超级宗门严格的选拔之中脱颖而出,本身就说明了根本问题,那就是,他们的天赋乃是最优秀的。” No matter occurred simultaneously at that time poorly the how hardships, receives many to suffer the pain, but, was being selected to enter super School this moment, many distresses in the past defending a city changed to a self-confidence all, as well as smug...... But these things , are very easy to transform as the arrogance.” “不管彼时是多么贫苦交加多么艰难困苦,受过多少折磨痛苦,但,在被选拔进入超级宗门的这一刻,往昔守城的许多苦楚尽数都化作了一份自信,以及踌躇满志……而这些东西,却也很容易转化为傲气。” However walks on the rivers and lakes, has regarding loose cultivator is the huge troublesome matter, the big School disciple only needs to send out own Sect name, can be easily solved, has gotten the big School label, that superior is unable to write off seriously.” “而在江湖上行走,有许多对于散修来说是天大麻烦的事情,大宗门的弟子只需要报出自己的门派名字,就可以迎刃而解,打上了大宗门的标签,那份优越当真就是无从抹杀的。” Bases on this, the fight that martial artist and loose cultivator that arrogant School exits experience at first sight seems similar...... The mentality between regulations both has essential the difference \; The big Sect disciple has the energy to have the backer, loose cultivator actually anytime and anywhere felt one are in imminent danger, cautious. Said depending on the conscience that loose cultivator pays in hidden place, must be much higher than the big School disciple seriously.” “正是基于此,自大宗门出去的武者散修经历的战斗乍看似乎是差不多……实则两者间的心态存在着本质的不同\;大门派的弟子有底气有靠山,散修却随时随地都感觉自己岌岌可危,如履薄冰。凭良心说,散修在暗处付出的,当真要远远高于大宗门的弟子。” Such as is gradually, so long as long as in loose cultivator some people can emerge, definitely meets achievement shocking below powerhouse extremely. Perhaps although the appearance probability insufficient eventuality of this person, several hundred years in several billions people can leave one, but, the kind of cultivator that all presents, inevitably is Xuan world, shakes the rivers and lakes the meaningful talent.” “如是久而久之,散修之中但凡只要有人能脱颖而出,必然会成就名震天下的绝顶强者。虽然这种人的出现几率不足万一,也许数百年数十亿人之中才能出一个,但,举凡出现的这类修者,必然是煊赫天下,震荡江湖的隽永之才。” Lei Dadi light saying: Far did not say, Blue Clouds Heaven Territory first expert Wu Fa, once first expert Zong Yuankai \; Now world...... Horizontal Sky Blade Monarch, Li Wuliang, Monarch Xiao, Ye Xiao......” 雷大地淡淡的说道:“远的不说,青云天域第一高手武法,曾经的第一高手宗元凯\;还有当今天下……横天刀君,厉无量,笑君主,叶笑……” Wu Fa in the past was also loose cultivator, did not belong to any Sect \; But Zong Yuankai before founding Western Temple, is only a small Sect disciple, Sect was extinguished, degenerates into loose cultivator......” 武法当年也是一个散修,不属于任何门派\;而宗元凯在创建西殿之前,也就只是一个小门派弟子,门派被灭,沦为散修……” Wu Fa and Zong Yuankai, Ye Xiao, these three people are Blue Clouds Heaven Territory first expert, at least once was, however this so-called first expert hasn't the reputation, actually fallen above major School some disciples?” 武法宗元凯,叶笑,这三人是青云天域的第一高手,至少曾经是,然而这个所谓‘第一高手’的名头,却从来没有落在各大宗门的某个弟子头上?” This just scratches the surface the general question gently, actually seems is the stuffy thunder generally strokes on the major School high-level hearts. 这一声蜻蜓点水一般的轻轻问话,却好似是闷雷一般击打在各大宗门高层的心上。 profound ice, Xue Danru, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor, asked itself in the heart: Yes, School disciple were clearly more than loose cultivator that many superiority, has dodged many risk crises, even if not the vast stretch of flat land is also similar, but, hadn't the first expert reputation, been occupied by the big School person?” 玄冰,雪丹如,琼华月皇,都在心中问自己:“是啊,宗门弟子分明比散修多了那么多优势,更规避了许多的风险危机,纵然不是一马平川也差不多,但,第一高手的名头,却从来没有被大宗门的人占据过?” This occasion only has Ye Xiao quite somewhat to blush with shame, own disposition, will, toughness and mental state are truly good, dominates above any contemporary School disciple sufficiently, this without a doubt, outstanding strength that but, oneself current have, main constituent, generally unsurpassed core method East-Rising Purple Qi Divine Art as well as Er Huo (fool) product finally Best Quality archery target Reincarnation Fruit, as well as a series of chances, reason that even Zong Yuankai and Wu Fa these two, they can ascend a height to get a broad view the Heaven Realm first person of throne, very big degree also because of the help of Yin Yang Saint Fruit! 此际唯有叶笑颇有几分汗颜,自己的心性、毅力、韧性、心境确实不俗,足以凌驾于任何当代宗门弟子之上,这点毋庸置疑,不过,自己当前所拥有的超卓实力,最主要的组成部分,大抵还是无上心法紫气东来神功以及二货出品终极品质的轮回果,以及一连串的机缘,甚至宗元凯武法这两位,他们之所以能够登临天域第一人的宝座,很大程度也是因为阴阳圣果的助益! If have the Wu Fa Zong Yuankai most superior people, actually Heaven Destiny, although Heaven Destiny is also the strength most important constituent, but own master such praised himself, always many a little blushed! 如果说自己还有武法宗元凯最为优胜众人的,却还是天缘,虽然天缘也是实力最重要的组成部分,但自己的师傅这么夸奖自己,总还是多少有点脸红! But is a little affirmed these that Lei Dadi said that is also truth indeed. 但有一点是肯定的,雷大地所说的这些,也是的的确确的真理。 Even if Heaven Destiny, but Heaven Destiny is equal regarding anybody. 纵然是天缘,但天缘对于任何人都是平等的。 Even, the big School disciple also has the superiority. 甚至,大宗门弟子还占据优势。 loose cultivator goes all out to obtain, that is the loose cultivator skill. 散修拼命能得到,那就是散修的本事。 Lei Dadi sighed gently, said: In recent years major School expert emerged one after another incessantly, but, in cultivation level highest, generally also on such as the Misty Cloud Palace profound ice Grand Elder like that level...... From first, although only misses one step, but has not actually bridged over that step.” 雷大地轻轻叹息一声,道:“近年来各大宗门高手层出不穷,但,个中修为的最高,大抵也就不过如缥缈云宫玄冰大长老那般层次……距离第一,虽然只差一步,但却从来都没有跨过那一步。” This has no alternative but to make us ponder and engage in introspection. „ “这不能不让我们沉思、反省。“ Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor knits the brows to ask: According to Thunder the meaning, could it be that said unexpectedly...... Our these super School, might as well loose cultivator? Or...... Our School regarding the resources assistance that the disciple provided, instead was a mistake?” 琼华月皇皱眉问道:“依雷老的意思,难道竟是说……我们这些超级宗门,还不如散修?或者说……我们宗门对于弟子提供的资源辅助多了,反而是一种错?” This is not the interrogation, but is the sincere discussion. 这并不是质问,而是真诚的探讨。 This point, by the Lei Dadi city palace story, naturally can hear, he thinks that considered to express, this continued saying: If so said certainly that is a mistake, that generally some...... Should say that is a self- limit. However, is a little affirmed that is the Sect road, has gone astray seriously such several steps.” 这一点,以雷大地的城府阅历,自然是听得出来,他想了想,斟酌了一下措辞,这才继续说道:“若然一定说是一种错的话,那大抵就有些过了……或者应该说是一种自我局限。但是,有一点是肯定的,就是门派的路,当真是走错了那么几步。” Hope hear Qixiang.” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor modest saying. “愿闻其详。”琼华月皇虚心的说道。 Makes the old man say an outcome seriously, old man this occasion could not say any specific reason, Yue Emperor do not think that old man in artificial, the old man was takes seriously this feelings, suddenly was actually hard to indicate that including can only get an idea unable to explain not saying that can only be an indistinct subtle feeling.” “当真让老夫说出个究竟,老夫此际却也说不出来什么具体原因,月皇不要以为老夫是在矫情,老夫是当真有这种感觉,却又一时间难以表述,连只能意会不能言传都说不上,只能算是一种隐隐约约的微妙感觉。” Lei Dadi smiles bitterly: If I can think, can look for this flaw, then, I instead not so had a frank and sincere talk, if given time, Cold Moon Sky Pavilion where can also be today's Cold Moon Sky Pavilion? At that time to unify the whole world, was far from a wild talk.” 雷大地苦笑一声:“若是我能想得出来,找得出来这个缺陷,那么,我反而不会这般的开诚布公了,假以时日,寒月天阁哪里还会是今天的寒月天阁么?彼时一统天下,绝非妄言啊。” People simultaneously smiles. 众人不由齐齐莞尔一笑。 Lei Dadi said extreme is reasonable, and is sincere. 雷大地说的极为有道理,且至为真诚。 If said that attainment sensibility, I thought that Sect cultivates oneself disciple vigorously, no doubt the share is this however, but Sect itself entrusts with that natural protection of disciple, instead is another 1-layer shackles, this protection, is an expert becomes an itinerant wushu performer the effectiveness obviously...... Everybody will show due respect for the feelings. This has also caused the disciple, when profession rivers and lakes, has lacked loose cultivator that type step by step alarmed, at times plans, possibly brings ruin and shame upon oneself anytime and anywhere, must exterminate facing family anytime and anywhere...... That crisis.” “若说心得感悟的话,我只是觉得,门派极力栽培自家弟子,固然份属该然,但门派本身赋予弟子的那种天然保护,反而是另一层的桎梏,这种保护,在行走江湖的时候效用显而易见……大家都会给面子。这亦导致了弟子在行道江湖的时候,缺少了散修那种步步惊心,时时算计,随时随地都可能身败名裂,随时随地都要面对全家灭绝的……那种危机。” Regardless of naturally, this is matter, only had our grade of level, altitude and status School elder, will think of these, if the long-term idea, that step by step alarmed atmosphere, were martial artist, a rivers and lakes person, should undergo, clearest rivers and lakes flavor.” “当然无论,这是事情,唯有到了我们这等层次、高度、地位的宗门长者,才会想到这些,若是长远计,那份步步惊心的氛围,才正是一个武者,一个江湖人,所应该尝受到的,最真切的江湖味道。” Also is...... peak martial artist, must experience the suffering pain of withstanding.” “同时也是……巅峰武者,所必须要经历承受的折磨苦痛。” Without obstinate iron of polish exercise, regardless of ferroguinous how, initially beginning throws into a big furnace passively time, all absolutely does not have any right to independence, can only be quenchinged the polish passively, if supports a series of exercise baptism, can turn into the startled day sharp sword \; Similarly, martial artist without any dependence, can in the rivers and lakes that in everywhere the oppressor watches for walks unobstructive, Wei ice world, can transform is peerless expert!” “未经打磨锻炼的顽铁,无论铁质如何,初初被动地扔进一个大熔炉之中的时候,全都是完全没有任何的自主权,就只能被动地被淬炼打磨,若是撑得过一连串的锻炼洗礼,才能变成惊天利剑\;同样的,一个武者在没有任何依靠的情况,能够在遍地虎狼窥伺的江湖中行走无碍,威凌天下,才能蜕变为一名绝世高手!” Lei Dadi said: This generally is my feeling, for these years, most peak character always does not have one of the big School disciple reasons \; Also is in these many years, altogether Ascend succeeds seven people, a big School people, only occupied three, other four people, are the loose cultivator basic reason are all.”, 雷大地道:“这大抵就是我的感觉,这么多年来,最巅峰的人物始终没有大宗门弟子的原因之一\;也是这么多年里,一共飞升成功七个人,大宗门中人,就只占据了其中三个,其他的四个人,全都是散修的根本原因所在。”、 Xue Danru delicate eyebrows micro pressed: could it be that said that Sect shouldn't exist? Major School create to send the effort of founder as well as predecessor, is actually is doing not studiously!” 雪丹如秀眉微蹙:“难道说,门派就不应该存在?各大宗门创派祖师以及前人的努力,其实都是在做无用功!” No, the snow palace main view was to actually go to another extreme, Sect naturally had the existence necessity, but...... Teaches the concrete style method of disciple...... Similarly has the improvement necessity......” “不,雪宫主的说法却是去到了另一个极端,门派自然有存在的必要,但是……教授弟子的具体方式方法……同样有改进的必要……” Lei Dadi said: This is the School disciple the basic reason of profit was.” 雷大地道:“这才是宗门弟子有所进益的根本原因之所在。” The people on the scene are the sensible people, naturally has understood what is heard in the Lei Dadi words the true meaning, but actually frowned. 在场众人都是明白人,自然都听明白了雷大地的话中真意,但却又纷纷都是皱起了眉头。 This issue, seems like is quite reasonable, but spoke of implements seriously, was not good, said that Yi Hangnan cannot say, was almost equal to the non-solution. 这个问题,看似颇有道理,但说到当真实行,根本不行,说说易行难都说不上,几乎等同无解。 Sect was big, even if not give the disciple to provide to shelter anything, but, that invisible fame, was already ingrained, being equal to is the invisible charm amulet of disciple, this invisible strength, is often more deterrent, can enlarge infinitely. 门派大了,就算是不给弟子提供庇护什么的,但,那种无形的名气,早已根深蒂固,等同是弟子的无形护身符,这种无形的力量,往往更具威慑力,可以无限放大。 Issue has discovered that always has solution, attempts it slowly, always has to solve one day.” Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor opens the mouth to say. “问题发现了,总有解决的办法,徐徐图之,总有解决一日。”琼华月皇开口道。 What Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor said is the correct principle, exercises the issues that whets regarding the School disciple, in one single day cannot solve, but presently the catastrophe is imminent, carving of everybody lose in war , to continue the pocket to entangle in this issue, actually puts the cart before the horse. 琼华月皇所说的乃是正理,对于宗门弟子锻炼磨砺的相关问题,绝非一朝一夕能够解决,而当前浩劫临头,正是兵凶战危之刻,在这个问题上持续兜缠,却是本末倒置。 Ye Xiao somewhat helpless has rubbed the forehead \; These many people here, oneself definitely possibly have not made three always eat any Reincarnation Fruit...... Sinking sound track: „The general orientation about School disciple has decided that we first said the proper business.” 叶笑有些无奈的揉了揉额头\;这么多人在这里,自己肯定是没可能令三老吃什么轮回果了……沉声道:“关于宗门弟子的大方向已定,咱们还是先说正事。” What proper business?” The people asked. “什么正事?”众人纷纷问道。 Since Ye Xiao said is the proper business, that definitely is the important matter proper matter, naturally does not have the free time to continue the issue that discusses Lei Dadi to ask. This main do not obtain from it everybody clearly. 叶笑既然说是正事,那肯定是大事正经事,自然就没工夫继续探讨雷大地提出来的这个问题。这点主从之别大家还是分得清楚的。 But this did not represent everybody really to forget the subject, but must place at heart, went back to find the person to study, what to do has a look at in the end, has to say matter that Lei Dadi says today, indeed was impeding of major School \; Simultaneously is a shame. 但这并不代表大家就真的忘记了刚才的议题,而是将之要放在心里,回去找人研究,看看到底怎么办,不得不说雷大地今天说的事情,的确是各大宗门的掣肘\;同时更是一份耻辱。 After all, many talent talent disciple disciples, the big resources ration, all-around training, the famous teacher taught, according to individual aptitude, choice most appropriate cultivation technique...... Such high and low packing three-dimensional builds, but, the final outcome was actually inferior that these anything resources also no loose cultivator walks far...... 毕竟,许多天赋天才门人弟子,偌大资源配给,全方位培养,名师教导,按照个人资质,挑选最合适的功法……这样子上下包装立体打造,但,最终结果却不如那些什么资源也没有的散修走得远…… But is actually the fact. 但却偏偏是事实。 Lei Dadi has handed over a meaningful look to Ye Xiao, in the concealment has the thick expectation, cared. 雷大地叶笑递了一个意味深长的眼神,内中隐含有浓浓的期望,还有关心。 Ye Xiao knows this look very much the meaning. 叶笑很知道这个眼神的意思。 Can promote cultivation level Yin Yang Saint Fruit these, is used to cultivate your secondary roles, carries off these happiness...... Takes away World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven!” “将那些能够提升修为阴阳圣果,用来栽培你自己的班底,将那些幸福带走……带去红尘天外天!” This is we happy to see, most hopes that you can make!” “这是我们所乐见的,最希望你能够做成的!” These words, they have not said that but in the look was very explicit, truly to display. 这句话,他们没有说出来,但眼神中已经很明确、确确实实地表现了出来。 Ye Xiao heart immediately a heat. 叶笑心头登时一热。 Deeply inspired, making the surging heart tranquil. 深深地吸了一口气,让激荡的心胸平静了下来。 Today invites to come, has the serious matter to need to discuss.” Ye Xiao sinking sound track: „The Sect issue, naturally is the important matter, but these we can solve after this wave of catastrophe greatly in the past, attempts it slowly, but we current imminent and urgently needed facing solution, is actually the life and death important matter.” “今天请诸位过来,却是有重大事情需要商量。”叶笑沉声道:“门派的问题,自然是大事,不过这些我们大可以在这一波浩劫过去之后去解决,徐徐图之,而我们当前迫在眉睫、急需面对解决的,却是生死存亡的大事。” People's vision focus to Ye Xiao. 众人的目光聚焦向叶笑 The Ye Xiao look narrows the eyes, shows exceptionally cold severe the look, said lightly: Because before the dark child layout, I have inquired clearly details background of mysterious organization now, this time makes everybody come, must share with everybody the information, then takes the action.” 叶笑眼神一眯,露出异常冷厉的神色,淡淡道:“因为之前的暗子布局,我如今已经打探清楚了神秘组织的底细底蕴,这次让大家前来,就是要将情报与大家共享,进而展开行动。” People look simultaneously shakes, eyeful completely is incredible is looking at Ye Xiao: „Does this word take seriously?” 众人神色齐齐一震,满眼尽是不可置信的的望着叶笑:“此言当真?” Does not arrive at the people not to be surprised, the people on the scene almost included the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory top to surpass over 80% top influences, but these influences in the beforehand several months time, pooled brains and brawn collect the mysterious organization information information that exhausted ability, obtained was quite limited, even if obtained also flowed in the surface, regarding background details of mysterious organization still superficial, the people completely understand that the information the importance, the nature regarding the secret headache of mysterious organization, had no alternative, powerful difficult, this occasion to hear Ye Xiao to detonate the so explosive good news suddenly, how can not pleasantly surprised inexplicable! 不到众人不惊讶,在场众人几乎包括了青云天域顶级超过八成以上的顶级势力,而这些势力在之前的数月时间里,群策群力竭尽所能的搜罗神秘组织信息情报,所得却极为有限,即便所得也是流于表面,对于神秘组织的底蕴底细仍旧至为浅薄,众人尽都明白情报的重要性,自然对于神秘组织的机密头疼不已,却又无可奈何,有力难施,此际突然听到叶笑引爆了如此劲爆的好消息,怎能不惊喜莫名! This matter is absolutely true!” Ye Xiao waves, two people walked. “此事千真万确!”叶笑一挥手,两个人走了进来。 Comes person Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian they. 来人正是宁碧落赵平天两人。 „, This they are my two brothers, many years ago arranges them to enter the mysterious organization undercover, once lost the contact, but we finally met now, it is funny that they come our here reasons, is the mysterious organization sends to be the undercover them unexpectedly!” “诸位,这俩人是我的两个兄弟,多年前安排他们进入神秘组织卧底,一度失去了联系,但是现在我们终于又见面了,说来有趣,他们俩来我们这边的原因,竟是神秘组织将他们派过来做卧底的!” Ye Xiao Ha Ha Ha Ha sneers: In the past I never believed will of heaven always protects the good man and so on, is this time, undercover who the mysterious organization sends, was actually I sends in the past my brother of undercover, after one met, I have to acknowledge finally, during was dark truly has the divine intervention to exist! This service, the divine intervention decides our sides!” 叶笑哈哈哈哈的一阵冷笑:“往昔我从来不信天意常佑善人云云,可是这次,神秘组织派过来的卧底,却是我派过去卧底的我的兄弟,一番相见之后,我终于不得不承认,冥冥之中确确实实是自有天意存在的!这一役,天意属意我们这方!” The people also laugh. 众人也是哈哈一笑。 Immediately, all people anxiously the vision will focus in Zhao Pingtian and Ning Biluo. 随即,所有人都将急切地目光聚焦于赵平天宁碧落 Ning Biluo narrated slowly, the experience, did not omit to say completely \; Will go into hiding existence of Rou'er, changed the time, nearly one year ago enters, revises into to enter several years ago’. 宁碧落缓缓叙述,将自己所见所闻,全部都毫无遗漏的说了出来\;只是将隐匿了柔儿的存在,又将时间修改了一下,从将近一年前进入,修改成为‘在几年之前’进入。 These revisions actually have to change, the information that after all they obtain were too many. That part that except that they know, Ye Xiao the news that obtains from the Yue Changtian mouth, said from the Ning Biluo mouth entirely. 这些修改却是不得不改的,毕竟他们得到的情报实在太多了。除了他们三人知道的那部分,还有叶笑岳长天口中得到的消息,也统统从宁碧落的口中说了出来。 Yue Changtian their rather body dies and Dao disappears, forges Life Prisoner's Cage to come the conservative secret with the life soul flesh and blood, is not willing to expose the true self, will Ye Xiao violate the final last wish of senior? 岳长天他们宁可身死道消,用生命灵魂血肉锻造生命囚笼来保守秘密,也不愿意暴露本来面目,叶笑又怎么会违背前辈的最后遗愿? Actually is the information content that the main force obtains the secret was precious on Rou'er, if said that Ning Biluo they inquired in a short time these many news, instead is incredible, some people are left over this them mostly are really undercover idea! 其实就柔儿为主力得到的信息量就已经隐秘至极弥足珍贵,若说宁碧落两人在短期内就打听到这么多的消息,反而不足采信,多半有人存下这俩人真是“卧底”的想法! Ning Biluo regarding this merit is to resist from the beginning, the sincerity is not willing to receive fraudulently this taking credit for accomplishments of others, but, Ye Xiao after said the Yue Changtian matter, finally only spoke two words: Old Ning, did your being cruel enough make Yue Sovereign sacrifice the later especially since clear name to be smeared? If you really do not want, I will not force your!” 宁碧落对于这份功劳一开始是抗拒的,真心不愿意冒领这份贪天之功,但是,叶笑在将岳长天的事情说了一遍之后,最后就只多说了两句话:“老宁,你忍心让岳掌门牺牲之后尤自清名受污么?如果你实在不愿意,我不会勉强你的!” Is these two words, making Ning Biluo change the mind immediately. 就是这两句话,让宁碧落即时改变了主意。 So the hero, cannot ten thousand th leave a good name to posterity is the greatest regret, how Rong Qingming damages!” “如此英雄,不能万世流芳已经是莫大遗憾,岂容清名更损!” Along with narration of Ning Biluo, the complexions of all people, are more and more obviously heavy, ugly already extremely. 随着宁碧落的讲述,所有人的脸色,都是越来越显沉重,难看已极。 Before then, everybody has overestimated the terrifying degree of this mysterious organization as far as possible! 在此之前,大家都已经尽可能地高估了这个神秘组织的恐怖程度! But has not actually thought that the evil terrifying and formidable altitude of this organization, went to the so shocking situation unexpectedly! 但却还是没有想到,这个组织的邪恶恐怖和强大高度,竟然已经去到了如此骇人听闻的地步! Not only organizes the main body formidable, but also relates complicated with Western Temple Eastern Temple these two Heaven Realm most super big Sect. 不仅组织本体强大至极,而且与西殿东殿这两个天域最超级的大门派关系千丝万缕。 That nine entensive training bases, were make the person listen to the back to tingle with numbness. 还有那九大训练基地,更是让人听了背脊发麻。 Huge altar, mysterious control, cruel slaughtering, all sorts of inhuman achievement...... 庞大的祭坛,神秘的控制,残忍的杀戮,种种灭绝人性的作为…… First Under Heaven expert Wu Fa, unexpectedly is the person of this organization, moreover outside places the most conspicuous board game piece. 天下第一高手武法,竟然就是这个组织的人,而且不过就是放在外面最显眼的一枚棋子。 That is all. 仅此而已。 The single is this information information, has made all people suck in an cold air/Qi. 单只是这一件信息情报,就已经让所有人都倒抽了一口冷气。 Information that at present, both of us collect, generally only then these many...... But the specific address of that several training bases, I always cannot inquire the specific address...... Plan that we also some continued to ambush, but after passing through the beforehand that time elimination traitor within accident, being doomed was impossible to go back again.” “目前,我们两人搜罗到的情报,大抵就只有这么多……而那几个培训基地的具体地址,我始终也没能打探出来具体地址……原本我们还有继续潜伏的打算,但经过了之前那段时间的清除内奸变故之后,注定是不可能再回去了。” Ning Biluo said that the complexion full is the color of anxiety is looking at the people: On the scene is the people on one's own side, no longer spoke the pleasantries of these discard head Palestine brains, although us said the manpower to be numerous, but compared with opposite party, real strength...... The disparity is big.” 宁碧落说完,脸色满是忧虑之色地望着众人:“在场的都是自己人,不再说那些虚头巴脑的客套话,我们这边虽然说人手众多,但与对方相比,真实实力……差距还是蛮大的。” „The top layer expert quantity, each other generally is similar, but the middle-level cultivator strength disparity, is actually the different, absolutely does not have the commeasurability.” “就算顶层高手数量,彼此大抵差不多,但中层修者的实力差距,却是天差地远,完全没有可比性。” When silent long time, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor gains ground fiercely, vision to the utmost sharp gaze Ning Biluo: Mr. Ning and others had brought the so exhaustive information for me, I and others should be filled with gratitude, but there is a few words this Palace Master actually still to ask in face to face, according to the view of mister, you initially also once received the mystique control of Demon Soul Way \; Why you can......” 沉默半晌之余,琼华月皇猛地抬头,目光极尽锋利的注视着宁碧落:“宁先生为我等带来了如此详尽的情报,我等本该铭感五内,可是有一句话本宫却仍需问在当面,依照先生的说法,你当初也曾受到了魔魂道的秘法控制\;那你为何能够……” Her words have not said that but the people understand the meaning beyond her words. 她话没说完,但众人都明白她话外的意思。 You also said some unyielding heroes, after entering, will lose the natural disposition, turns tool that the demon has slaughtered, why you can be exceptional? 你也说了有许多铁骨铮铮的豪杰,在进入其中之后,都会迷失了本性,变成了魔头杀戮的工具,那么你们两人又为什么能例外? These words, were actually the [say / way] completely the aspiration of people, this occasion everybody lose in war, did not allow to allow the negligence to neglect slightly, even if Ning Biluo Zhao Pingtian has brought many secret intelligence, the important information, this question must ask that asked why! 这句话,却是道尽了众人的心声,此际兵凶战危,不容允许有丝毫疏忽怠慢,就算宁碧落赵平天带来了许多机密情报,重要信息,这点疑问还是要问,问个究竟! Even if this act can hurt the will of the people, actually still has to ask that must ask! 纵然此举会伤人心,却仍是不得不问,不能不问! Ning Biluo looked at Zhao Pingtian one apologetically, spoke of here, can only choose to expose Rou'er. 宁碧落歉然地看了赵平天一眼,说到这里,就只能选择暴露柔儿 Before Ye Xiao and Ning Biluo Zhao Pingtian had the research, if can not expose existence of Rou'er, naturally as far as possible did not expose, by in the beforehand narration, deliberately has avoided existence of Rou'er, has held plan accidentally, but this occasion Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor inquired about this matter, pointed out frankly the aspiration of people, that prospect accidentally, did not save in light of this! 之前叶笑宁碧落赵平天有过研究,若是能不暴露柔儿的存在,自然就尽可能的不暴露,是以在之前的叙述中,一直刻意回避柔儿的存在,抱了万一的打算,但此际琼华月皇问及此事,亦道破众人的心声,那点万一的指望,就此不存! Must result in exposes existence of Rou'er, otherwise, is not enough to win others'trust in these many people. 必须得曝光柔儿的存在,否则,不足以取信于这么多人。 The choice that this having no other choice, has to do, has no alternative but under! 这个不得已的选择,不得不做,不能不下! Zhao Pingtian inspired, light saying: Reason that we had not been controlled , because of my wife.” 赵平天吸了一口气,淡淡的说道:“我们之所以不曾被控制,乃是因为我的老婆。” Your wife?” People subconscious simultaneously of closely examines. “你的老婆?”众人下意识的齐齐追问。 Although the people are the worldly-wise people, how not to know before them, is not willing to mention another litigant, has the difficulties inevitably, but another litigant only feared that not by the whole show of Demon Soul Way mystique control, in the meantime, or also means has the mystique to counterattack the Demon Soul Way control mystique, the people most harbor intentions regarding this matter, how can not ask! 虽然众人都是老江湖,如何不知道两人之前不愿提及另一个当事人,必然有苦衷,但另一个当事人只怕才是不受魔魂道秘法控制的主要人物,同时,或者还意味着有秘法可以反制魔魂道控制秘法,众人对于这件事最是心心念念,怎能不问! Even if knows perfectly well to force someone to do something against his will, must ask! 纵然明知强人所难,仍旧要问! Zhao Pingtian has not started talking immediately, has pondered, immediately called out: Rou'er, you come out.” 赵平天没有马上开口说话,沉思了一下,随即叫道:“柔儿,你出来吧。” But sees in the air, as if the dense fluctuations flash through, a gentle sound said: I, had not left.” 但见空气之中,似乎有一阵氤氲波动闪过,一个温柔的声音道:“我一直都在,没有离开过呀。” People simultaneously is surprised, following the sound looks that actually sees in oneself and the others in front , the person's shadow appears together slowly. Gradually appearance that changes a female. 众人齐齐大吃一惊,循声看去,却见就在自己等人面前,一道人影徐徐浮现。渐次变化成一个女子的面貌。 Although before Rou'er this occasion comes to the person, the facial features seem to be, stature beautiful fascinating'winsome \; But entire has figure, actually still presented the smog condition, visible did not have the nature, illusory groundless. 柔儿此际虽然现身人前,眉眼宛然,身材婀娜\;但整具身形,却仍旧呈现出烟雾状态,有形无质,虚幻不实。 In the face of Zhao Pingtian reveals to wipe the deep pain, astringent sound track: This is my wife Rou'er, she because of an accident, the mortal body falls from the sky, no longer the flesh and blood, a special chance makes its revolutions cultivate Soul Cultivation again together, is her existence, making us shake off the Demon Soul control successfully, reason that we can gain these many information, the greater part was also because had Rou'er to help......” 赵平天的面孔上流露出一抹深沉的痛楚,涩声道:“这是我的妻子柔儿,她因为一场变故,肉身陨灭,再不复血肉之躯,一番特异机缘使其转修魂修一道,正是她的存在,令我们成功摆脱魔魂控制,我们之所以能够获取到这么多的情报,泰半也是因为有柔儿之助……” He has turned the head, looks out his wife, Rou'er affectionately is also visiting him, Zhao Pingtian sound obviously hoarse, said: This is my entire life regrettable matter......” 他转过头,遥望着自己的妻子,柔儿也深情地看着他,赵平天声音更显嘶哑,道:“这是我生平憾事……” The people are completely silent. 众人尽都为之默然。 The people on the scene are Heaven Realm top cultivator, everyone is expert in expert, the superhuman who the eyesight story experience compels certainly several, said regarding Soul Cultivation, even though has not seen, all hearing, but came from this female, oneself had not clearly felt that fluctuation of least bit spiritual energy, this may a little not be normal. 在场众人都是天域顶尖修者,每个人都是高手之中的高手,眼力阅历见识绝逼的超人好几等,对于魂修之说,纵使不曾亲见,也所有耳闻,但从这女子现身的时候,自己分明就没有感觉到半点灵力的波动,这可就有点不正常了。 Also, but this female a moment ago some said that she continuously here, but has not come, but oneself and the others do not have the least bit to realize obstinately that these very much can explain the issue. 还有,这个女子刚才可是有说,她一直就在这里,只是不曾现身出来而已,而自己等人却愣是没有半点察觉,这些就已经很能够说明问题。 Soul cultivator in legend, is really out of the ordinary, has his mysterious in body! 传说中的魂修者,果然非同凡响,有其玄奥于身! Sorry.” In the Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor eye reveals the heartfelt apologetic color. “抱歉。”琼华月皇眼中流露出由衷的歉然之色。 Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor status how lofty, she is always young woman, but this lives finally becomes the feeling emotion person of family member most admires, but Zhao Pingtian Rou'er, although defends actually incompetently gathers, but their hearts do not have the moment to separate, this is Yue Emperor, no, should be the condition that all females envy. 琼华月皇就算身份地位再如何的崇高,她始终还是一个女人,而她此生最为欣羡的就是终成眷属的有情人,而赵平天柔儿,虽然相守却无能相聚,但两人的心却是没有一刻分开过,这可谓是月皇,不,应该是所有女性至为羡慕的状况。 Thinks again one have to force this to the feeling emotion person, points out frankly this disappointment the sincere feeling, the guilty conscience arises spontaneously! 再想到自己有份逼迫这对有情人,道破这份缺憾的至情,负罪感不禁油然而生! Actually has Yue Emperor far more, such as Xue Danru and Moon Palace Shuang and Han and three palace maid nature Elder, the eye socket blushes all, has feeling in the heart! 其实有何止月皇,诸如雪丹如月宫霜寒、三宫女性长老,无不眼眶发红,有感于心 Zhao Pingtian said lightly: I understand that such big matter, concerns Heaven Realm in the future, cannot only depend on us two to open mouth absolutely saying that everybody rally togethers to attack to the thing two palaces...... We did not have such big component this to count by trillion idea human lives important matters after all. We understood.” 赵平天淡淡道:“我明白的,这么大的事情,关乎天域未来,断断不能仅凭我们两张嘴说说,大家就对东西两殿群起而攻之……我们还没这么大的分量这毕竟是数以亿万计人命的大事。我们理解。” Everybody nods silently. 大家默默点头。 In this moment that Rou'er presents, before all questions, were all easily solved. 柔儿出现的这一刻,之前所有的疑问,全迎刃而解。 Indeed, has high level Soul Cultivation cultivator in legend except for this unthinkably and only, seemingly will not have other any possibilities again, can round trip free, eavesdrop on the information in Demon Soul Temple that place! 的确,除了这等匪夷所思、仅存在于传说中的高阶魂修修者,貌似也不会再有什么其他的可能,能够在魔魂殿那种地方来去自如、探听情报! Since authentic of news information has been verified, then following, only the lap is then right! 既然消息情报的真确性得到印证,那么接下来的,便只余面对! Eastern Temple! Western Temple!” 东殿西殿!” Demon Soul Way!” 魔魂道!” Nine big bases!” “九大基地!” Nine big altars!” “九大祭坛!” peak expert, innumerable, the intermediate-level strength, more than 1 million have!” 巅峰高手,数不胜数,中层力量,1000000有余!” Each news, each material, is similar to is the bolt from the blue, is hard to shoulder! 每一个消息,每一份资料,都如同是晴天霹雳,难以负荷! ............ ………… <\; is wrong about the chapter, the beginning has given me recovery, all subscribed that two Zhang brothers, the beginning coin has been able to return. Everybody felt relieved. <\;关于章节错误,起点已经给我回复,所有订阅了那两章的兄弟,起点币都会退还。大家放心。 This chapter 11,000 characters, asked a monthly ticket >\; 本章11000字,求一次月票>\;
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