RITF :: Volume #15

#1471: The demon soul said 【Two-in-one】

Another three big bases, are under the charge to the Demon Soul Temple specialist, construct the Devil Path altar, takes entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory as to slaughter the battlefield, hunts and kills the soul to go in unceasingly!” “另三大基地,由魔魂殿专人负责,建造魔道祭坛,以整个青云天域为屠戮战场,不断地猎杀灵魂进去!” At present, the nine big altars under innumerable years accumulation, had the embryonic form completely \; Do not belittle the scale of so-called embryonic form, each altar, needs no less than over 30 million Dream Origin Stage cultivator head flesh and blood souls, can have the embryonic form foundation, the end terror.” “目前,无数岁月积累下的九大祭坛,全部都已经有了雏形\;千万不要小觑了所谓雏形的规模,每一个祭坛,都需要有不少于30000000以上梦元境修者的脑袋血肉灵魂,才能够具备雏形基础,端的恐怖。” As for speaking of a altar is completely successful, needs or high-grade flesh and blood soul performs the further packing with the same rank, is completes truly.” “至于说到一个祭坛完全成功,更需要用同等级或者更高等级的血肉灵魂加以进一步的填充,才算真正完成。” At present, but also only then the first altar comprehensive completion is completed \; In is constructing second comprehensively, this second altar, has generally completed about 70%......” “目前,还就只有第一处祭坛全面竣工完成\;正在全面构建第二个,这第二处祭坛,大抵已经完成了七成左右……” The Ye Xiao corners of the mouth twitched fiercely. 叶笑嘴角猛地抽搐了一下。 At least three Dream Origin Stage above cultivator complete flesh and blood soul, can construct a altar embryonic form surely! Also must add on three surely cultivation level strength higher 1-layer cultivator flesh and blood souls again, can finish thoroughly a altar! 至少三千万梦元境以上修者的全部血肉灵魂,才能建造出一个祭坛雏形!还要再加上三千万修为实力更高一层修者血肉灵魂,才能彻底完工一处祭坛! Also saying that most little must totaling six Dream Origin Stage above cultivation level, massacres surely completely, can construct a altar. 也岂不是说,最少要将合共六千万梦元境以上修为,全部杀掉,才能建造完毕一个祭坛。 But such altar, has nine unexpectedly fully! 而这样的祭坛,居然整整有九个之多! Now, the embryonic form of altar has been completed. 现在,祭坛的雏形已经全部竣工。 The first altar has been carrying out thoroughly, second has completed 70%. 连带着第一个祭坛彻底完成了,第二个完成了七成。 Like this calculates that least least, at least 320 million cultivator lives have filled. 这样算下来,最少最少,至少已经有320000000的修者性命填了进去。 Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, altogether how many cultivator? 青云天域,一共才多少修者 No, even if regardless of cultivator, the pure head number, this kind of head number, was not pure terror two characters has then been able to describe! 不,即便不论修者,单纯的人头数,这样一笔人头数,便已经不是单纯的“恐怖”两字可以形容了! However, wants to finish nine altars thoroughly, are least must need two hundred million cultivator lives! 然而,想要将九个祭坛彻底完工,却最少还要需要两个多亿的修者性命! More than 200 million lives! 200000000多条性命! So-called, Heavenly Dao is unkind, takes the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing, now looks like, Devil Path is more rampant, regards all living things is the ants, slaughters recklessly, conquers by killing Qingyun, sorrowful great wild goose Heaven Realm! 所谓,天道不仁,以万物为刍狗,如今看来,魔道更为猖獗,视众生为蝼蚁,肆意屠戮,血洗青云,哀鸿天域! This...... 这…… Ye Xiao also greatly thinking slightly, then felt that the scalp was tingling with numbness. 叶笑还只是大略的想一想,便已经感觉到头皮在发麻了。 This organization, actually from Zong Yuankai beginning initially forms Western Temple time, starts to arrange all these...... Has continued now.” Yue Changtian said: Lasted, 20,000 years.” “这个组织,其实自宗元凯初初组建西殿的时候,就开始筹备这一切……一直持续到现在。”岳长天道:“历时,20000年。” 20,000 years!? 20000年!? This time that Ye Xiao bright clearly knows Yue Changtian said is the real situation, non- is the exaggeration, still felt that the calf is cramping, 20,000 years, this is long years. 叶笑明知道岳长天所说的这个时间是真实状况,非是夸张,却仍旧感到腿肚子在抽筋,20000年,这是一个何等悠长的岁月。 Is only, I always do not want to understand, Zong Yuankai, reached the sky in a single bound in the past, except for the becoming famous world, is Wei ice world, it may be said that is the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory first universally acknowledged Heaven Realm first person, his status already honour hence, but Western Temple that he sets the record , is also present age strongest School, does not have the anti- hand certainly , is not only life peak?! His why cultivation weird Demonic Art, line of this ghost legendary creature tricks, even if he line prevails, the entire world name Venerable, the world takes responsibility, generally also such as is, instead must ruin the first clear name, in the outcome, is puzzling!” Yue Changtian said with a sigh. “只是,我始终也没有想明白,宗元凯,当年一步登天,除了成名天下,更是威凌天下,可谓是青云天域首个举世公认的天域第一人,他的身份地位已经尊荣至此,而他创下的西殿,亦是当世最强宗门,绝无抗手,又岂止是人生巅峰?!他又何必修行邪门魔功,行此鬼蜮伎俩,纵然他所行得逞,寰宇称尊,天下做主,大抵也就不过如是,反而还要葬送一世清名,个中究竟,百思不得其解!”岳长天叹息道。 Ye Xiao does not respond, however the question of Yue Changtian, Ye Xiao can actually reply that because Zong Yuankai generally is also a puppet, at most is also the High level puppets of some jurisdictions! 叶笑并非搭言,然而岳长天的这个疑问,叶笑却是可以回答的,因为宗元凯大抵也就是个傀儡,至多也就是个有些权限的高级傀儡而已! Zong Yuankai life achievement, a cultivation level source all from Yin Yang Saint Fruit, Yin Yang Saint Fruit that but he takes is Demon World strange fruit, no doubt really has to make one reach the sky in a single bound, goes straight up the Dao Origin Stage peak realm wonderful effectiveness, will actually forward as an enclosure most source the strength of Demon Source, while the user obtains the powerful strength, gradually the transformation will be Pure Demon Body. 宗元凯一生成就,一身修为的源头皆是来自于阴阳圣果,可他服用的阴阳圣果乃是魔界异果,固然确有令人一步登天,直升道元境巅峰境界的神效,却也会附送最本源的魔源之力,在服用者获得强大实力的同时,也会渐渐转化为纯魔之身 Has the transaction with the Devil Path matter, naturally must pay the high price, because of Devil Path strange fruit Zong Yuankai that but cultivation level increases suddenly, mental state whets originally by far insufficient, easily is Demonized, since Demonized, then by the Demon Heart conduct, what Zuwei?! 魔道物事产生交易,自然要付出至为高昂的代价,因魔道异果修为骤增的宗元凯,心境磨砺本就远远不足,轻易便为魔化,既然魔化,便以魔心行事,何足为奇?! But these words actually have no way to state clearly with Yue Changtian, one does not have the significance, two...... Two, only will generally make Yue Changtian many more regrettable and helpless before dying, facing coming from higher Plane background and threat, Blue Clouds Heaven Territory can escape this catastrophe really?! 可是这些话却又没法跟岳长天明说,一来没有意义,二来……二来,大抵只会令岳长天在死前更多遗憾与无奈,面对源自更高位面底蕴与威胁,青云天域真的可以逃过这场浩劫吗?! We hope that uncertain! 希望渺茫! „The matter of Zong Yuankai, the source is extremely really remote, presently pursues the uselessness, takes the current situation as first, according to my investigation as well as synthesis intelligence information on hand obtained, in 20,000 years, at least in the beginning, Zong Yuankai and even Western Temple complete generally is only the preliminary foundation construction, unfolds the preliminary structure in entire Heaven Realm \; Not more substantial progress...... But, has such gang of person, unknown, does not know that from where comes, never to become famous in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, in brief the status origin background all becomes a fan, is the strength of this gang of person, is much higher, its tyrannical degree, must look askance including our generation, grumbles such as! Therefore if another day makes war with Demon Revered, must be careful, these people I just mentioned, without one were easy with it generation, several people, were Wu Fa that level super powerhouse, even still have it!” 宗元凯之事,源头实在太过久远,当前追之无益,还是以当前态势为先,据我调查以及综合手头的情报信息所得,20000年中,至少在最初的一段时间里,宗元凯乃至西殿所完成的大抵就只是初步基础建造,在整个天域铺开初步的构架\;并没有更多实质性进展……而在其中,另有那么一股人,名不见经传,不知道从何而来,也从未在青云天域扬名,总之身份来历背景全都成迷,可是这股人的实力,却是高得出奇,其强横程度,连我辈也要为之侧目,自叹弗如!所以他日若是与魔尊开战,一定要小心谨慎,我刚才提到的那些人,没有一个是易与之辈,更有数人,就是武法那个级数的超级强者,甚至犹有过之!” Ye Xiao hearing this nods, these status origin background to become Mi people who Yue Changtian said that generally is House of the Chaotic Storm these people. 叶笑闻言点点头,岳长天所说的这些身份来历背景成迷的人,大抵就是翻云覆雨楼的那些人。 On the same day the strengths of these people naturally are much more tyrannical, has met horizon Mo Hong then have can be inferred, oneself overestimate the opposite party also without enough time, where will treat it lightly! 这些人的实力自然是强横得可怕,当日会过的天边一抹红便已可见一斑,自己高估对方还来不及,哪里会掉以轻心呢! However still a little left undecided, that is if so defers to traces, has to not on place that completely Yue Changtian said. 不过仍有一点存疑,那就是若然完全按照岳长天所说的进行追溯,却又有对不上的地方。 Because, if so traces for 20,000 years ago, then, Young Master Bai paid back at that time greatly has not started to act...... 因为,若然追溯到20000年之前的话,那么,那个时候白公子大抵还没有开始动作…… The basis of this matter, is not the Young Master Bai person is making do \; Such calculates the words that another issue came...... What person that also in the end has, can order Young Master Bai House of the Chaotic Storm? 这件事情的根本,并不是白公子的人在乱搞\;这么算来的话,另一个问题又来了……那又到底有什么人,能够命令白公子翻云覆雨楼呢? Or...... And also has to surpass itself to estimate that guess the fishy matter does exist? 或者说……其中还有超出自己预计猜测的蹊跷事情存在呢? As for final three bases, the function is to train special secret Assassin...... The line was initially that assassination deal of Xiao Mufei bitter experience, cultivates same that Assassin with the family member good friend of goal character desirably, by the unexpected dark Assassin section, the murder seizes the soul, this kind of Assassin, the itself strength much is not necessarily high, but the assassination success ratio is actually astonishing high!” “至于最后的三处基地,作用则是培训一种特殊的秘密杀手……所行就是当初肖暮非遭遇的那种刺杀勾当,刻意栽培出与目标人物的亲人好友长得一样的那种杀手,以出其不意的暗杀手段,杀人夺魂,这类杀手,本身实力未必多高,但刺杀成功率却是惊人的高!” According to the common sense, cultivates such pointed Assassin, how high regardless of success ratio, the cost and income is always hard to match, gain does not equal the loss, after all such pointed assassin, always succeeds also can only play a role, but Demon Soul Way instead endures gladly.” “依照常理而言,栽培出这样的针对性杀手,无论成功率如何的高,成本与收益总是难以匹配、得不偿失,毕竟这样的针对性刺客,总是成功也就仅能发挥一次作用而已,但魔魂道对此反而甘之如饴。” I go through many places to know, primary purpose that they assassinate, lies by assassination is assassinated the moment unexpectedly from the heaven to the hell, by the warm and desperate endless negative emotion, such emotional outburst, has very remarkable exciting effect to Demon Energy Demon Source, or so-called Demon Energy, the book is the inexhaustible innumerable negative matter stack, so long as can detonate this negative mood, is worth! Demon Heart wants to think to ask, with our generation Human Race, is seriously different!” “我辗转而知,他们刺杀的根本目的,竟是在于被刺杀者在被刺杀一刻由天堂到地狱,由温馨而绝望的无尽负面情感,那样的情感爆发,对魔能魔源具有非常显著的刺激效果,又或者说所谓的魔能,本就是无穷无尽无数的负面物事堆积而成,只要能够引爆出这种负面情绪,就是值得的!魔心所想所思所求,与我辈人族,当真迥异!” In the Yue Changtian vision full is anxious: But, this mysterious organization scale huge, strength tyrannical...... Really is really shocking. Right, the altar that another legend, that finished thoroughly, burns ten thousand years of restless Demon Fire, but must maintain Demon Fire permanent, needs a substantial number of high level cultivator, according to Demon Soul arrangement position, motionless is treating there, seems like protects the altar, the regulations are actually spiritual energy that the lifetime cultivates to hold, pours into the altar in a steady stream, until coming to the life end, the side lives the end for this reason, if the rumor is true, that Imperishable Demon Fire only feared that is weird......” 岳长天目光中满是忧虑:“但是,这个神秘组织规模之庞大、实力之强横……真真骇人听闻。对了,另有一个传说,那座已经彻底完工的祭坛,燃有万年不息的魔火,而要维系魔火恒久不息,需要为数不少的高阶修者,依照魔魂布置的方位,一动不动的在那里待着,看似是守护祭坛,实则却是在将毕生修持的灵力,源源注入祭坛,直到走到生命尽头,方为此生尽头若传言属实,那不灭魔火只怕更是邪门……” Grievance that I and others was filled with, angry, hate, initially beginning when harbors intentions, so long as there is a crevice, then death will settle everything, no longer before being insulted person, but, to finally, instead could look on the bright side of thing. If can exterminate such a formidable organization, but completely a pygmy effort, for this sky completely hearts, this is dies a worthy death, appropriate.” “我等本来满心的委屈,愤怒,怨恨,初初之时更是心心念念,只要有一空隙,便一死了之,不再受辱人前,但,到了最后,反而想得开了。若是能够为剿灭这么一个强大的组织而尽一点绵薄之力,为这片天空尽一份心,这才算是死得其所,恰如其分。” Smiling of Yue Changtian self-ridicules: If so our generation martial artist, goes to the life final, is actually unfair to the sky that we survive, this earth, is true idly spending lifetime, Ha Ha.” 岳长天自嘲的笑了笑:“若然我辈武者,去到性命最终,却对不起我们生存的这片天空,这块大地,才是真正的虚度一生,哈哈。” Ye Xiao pours tea low-spirited, raises glass to respect. 叶笑黯然斟茶,举杯相敬。 The world is used to the fresh myriad things to raise person, the person often does not have one friendly by the report world, Yue Changtian of this occasion, that 12 people that sacrificed, as well as wear a mask continually have not worn a mask, such as Tian Laojiu wait / etc. many fall guys, how could it not be are using their lives to repay this stretch of world! 天地惯生万物以养人,人常无一善以报天地,此际的岳长天,还有已经牺牲的那12人,以及连蒙面也未曾蒙面,诸如田老九等等的许多牺牲者,岂不正是在用他们的生命回报这片天地! This organization, can fighting, more than several million audiences......” in the Yue Changtian vision fill anxiously looks at Ye Xiao: Heaven Realm life or death, less optimistic, 20,000 years of vigorous background, with the extremely bloody brutal method, the expert quantity of training, is not Heaven Realm any super Sect can compare......” “这个组织,能战者,不下数百万之众……”岳长天目光中充满了忧虑的看着叶笑:“天域存亡,不容乐观,20000年浑厚底蕴,用极其血腥残酷的方法,训练出来的高手数量,也绝不是天域任何一家超级门派能够比拟……” Even, Heaven Realm most Peak Two Great Sects, on the contrary is their backing. Or advanced post......” “甚至于,天域顶峰两大宗门,反倒是他们的后盾。或者说,前哨……” Yue Changtian face upwards the deep sigh: I quite hate! Good to hate!” 岳长天仰天长叹:“我好恨!好恨!” Nine altars, have completed one -and-a-half at present, when the old man knows this matter, regarding this also felt the surprise \; If can complete nine altars completely secretly, points out now Heaven Realm outwardly above, to be possible to fight unapproachable?” “九个祭坛,目前算是完成了一个半,而当老夫知道这件事情的时候,对此也感诧异\;如果能够将九个祭坛全部偷偷做完的时候,一举出现在天域明面之上,岂不是更加无可争锋、无可匹敌?” But arrived afterward, I according to the information that the experiences as well as many colleagues compiled, reached a conclusion...... That is the embryonic forms of nine altars, no doubt can construct slowly, completes gradually, even though dilatory again long, has not related, if there is a altar finishes the formation, several other, then also need within the shortest time limit, to be completed!” “但到后来,我根据所见所闻以及许多同仁汇总起来的信息,得到一个结论……那就是九个祭坛的雏形,固然可以慢慢的构建,渐次完成,纵使拖沓再久,也没关系,但一旦有其中一处祭坛正是完工成型,那么,其他的几个,便也需要在最短的时间限制之内,完成!” According to my estimation, these nine altars, have the energy of revolution backflow reciprocation...... Stimulates some strategy Great Formation by this \; But this battle formation, is this organization finally marks to be at as far as the eye can see.” “据我推测,这九处祭坛,拥有运转回流往复之能……以此激发某种阵法大阵\;而这个阵势,才是这个组织的最终极目标所在。” If so this battle formation once has interrupted, definitely will waste all previous efforts, believes that this is this organization in current, obviously opportunity not yet mature, at least is not the best opportunity immediately the basic reason of impatient appearance in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory rivers and lakes is at......” “若然这个阵势一旦有所中断,那么,必然会前功尽弃,相信这便是这个组织于当前,明明时机尚未成熟,至少不是最好时机的当下却迫不及待的出现在青云天域江湖之中的根本原因所在吧……” However you then must do, then must destroy the formations of these altars.” “而你们接下来要做的,其中一项,便是一定要破坏这几个祭坛的成型。” Being situated places specifically about nine big bases, we inquire in every way, actually also strove to know four positions...... Separately at......” “关于九大基地的具体坐落地点,我们多方打探,却也精进知道了其中四个的方位……分别处在……” The Yue Changtian sound sinks to congeal: this battle does not fight, once begins, must by as powerful as a thunderbolt thorough destruction enemy! Cannot absolutely to the opposite party any respite opportunity...... Do not hold any pity.” 岳长天声音沉凝:“此役不战则罢,一旦动手,就必须要以雷霆万钧彻底覆灭敌人!绝对不能给对方任何喘息的机会……更加不要抱有任何的怜悯之心。” In his eye, there is fear and a hatred: Must remember surely, they are not the person, but is the demon!” 他的眼中,有恐惧和憎恨:“千万要记得一点,他们不是人,而是魔!” Demon Soul Way high and low, completely is through Demon, one crowd is going to destroy the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory tool!” 魔魂道上下,全部都已经是彻头彻尾的魔物,一群将要毁灭青云天域的工具!” Yue Changtian confessed character by character the places of four bases grasped, Ye Xiao similarly attentive character by character wrote down. 岳长天一个字一个字地交代完了所掌握的四个基地的地点,叶笑同样用心的一个字一个字记了下来。 The [say / way] most important intelligence information Yue Changtian calmly to sit in front of the stone table, drinking tea slowly, combing train of thought slowly \; Information that will have, was crossing at heart, careful. 道罢最重要情报信息的岳长天静静地坐在石桌前面,慢慢的喝着茶,慢慢的梳理思绪\;将自己掌握的情报,又在心里过了一遍,仔仔细细的过了一遍。 He must confirm that he truly did not omit, confessed all information. 他要确认,自己确实已经毫无遗漏的,将一切情报都交代完了。 Can feel relieved! 才能放心! Can starting off of non- worrying! 才能了无牵挂的上路! The tea curls fragrant the ascension. 茶香袅袅升腾。 Yue Changtian was still pondering. 岳长天仍在沉思。 Ye Xiao was waiting for that is waiting for silently. 叶笑则在等待,默默的等待着。 Finally what I wanted saying that major School captured expert, as long as was some moral courage, today has mediated. From now on, you do not need any scruples again, if you to, only need to kill them with the quickest speed, is the merit Wuliang magnanimous act!” “我最后想要说的是,各大宗门的被俘高手,但凡是有些气节的,今天都已经自我了断了。今后,你们不必再有任何顾忌,你们若是对上,只需要用最快的速度杀死他们,便是功德无量的义举!” Yue Changtian said. 岳长天道。 Yes!” Ye Xiao makes noise finally, said: I was a little still puzzled......” “明白!”叶笑终于出声,道:“我尚有一点不解……” Yue Changtian said: You asked.” 岳长天道:“你问。” Wu Huitian Yun Xiran their strengths, no doubt there is its attainments, did not have absolutely such as current so.” Ye Xiao sinking sound track: If they had such strength, then the day star two ranks only feared that also already went a step further.” 乌回天云兮然他们的实力,固然有其造诣,却断断没有如当前这般了得。”叶笑沉声道:“若是他们原本就有这样的实力,那么日星两宗的排名只怕也早就更进一步了。” Yue Changtian said lightly: Manner is the demon, read the choice, once were resigned to attach the demon, after the Demon Soul baptism, own cultivation level instantaneously will be increasing suddenly 40%, with demon transaction, no doubt will perish Devil Path, actually also obtained benefits enormously.” 岳长天淡淡道:“为人为魔,一念抉择,一旦甘心附魔,经过魔魂洗礼,自身修为就会在瞬间骤增四成,与魔交易,固然会沉沦魔道,却也获益极大。” Ye Xiao silent, said: So that's how it is.” 叶笑沉默了一下,道:“原来如此。” Yue Changtian no longer spoke. 岳长天不再说话。 During is lost in thought once again. 再度陷入沉思之中。 Long time after long time, Yue Changtian said finally in a soft voice: Generally was these.” 良久良久之后,岳长天终于轻声说道:“大抵就是这些了吧。” He, said: I can tell you, told you, what you also had to ask?!” 他顿了顿,道:“我能够告诉你的,都告诉你了,你还有什么要问的么?!” Ye Xiao concentrates the eye to visit him, said: I did not have more issues, I only want to know that you also did have to tell me! Do you have other to confess!” 叶笑凝目看着他,道:“我没有更多的问题了,我只想知道你还有没有告诉我的!你还有没有其他要交代的!” Yue Changtian closes the eye, in the surface reappears a painful expression, at once the sinking sound said: Did not have. Believes that you know how then should do!” 岳长天闭上眼睛,面上再现一丝痛苦表情,旋即沉声说道:“没有了。相信你知道接下来应该怎么做!” Not must let the Cold Moon Sky Pavilion 120,000 disciples, because I am shamed!” “莫要让寒月天阁120000弟子,因我一人蒙羞!” He has stood, sinking sound track: Ye Xiao, Ye Chongxiao, please must remember, you today, have not seen me.” 他站了起来,沉声道:“叶笑,叶冲霄,请你一定要记住,你今天,没有见过我。” Ye Xiao sinking sound track: „The Demon Soul mark, is not nobody can solve.” 叶笑沉声道:“魔魂印记,并非无人能解。” Yue Changtian hēi hēi smiles, actually did not wait for Ye Xiao saying that said lightly: „Before soon, my 12 brothers, the notch with all one's heart life has constructed Life Prisoner's Cage here, before today, still have many colleagues, for the meeting of today, same using life......” 岳长天嘿嘿一笑,竟然不等叶笑说下去,淡淡道:“不久之前,我12个兄弟,在这里豁尽性命构建了生命囚笼,今日之前,犹有许多同仁,为了今日之会,同样的倾尽性命……” Underground spring is alone, they think that is waiting for me, altogether walks the dwelling place of the dead together.” Yue Changtian turns around slowly, the sound is faint: „Since Ye Xiao, this date and time all sorts, have been our crowd of person this live the greatest shame, actually is also our big glory.” “黄泉孤寂,他们想必正在等着我,一道共走九泉。”岳长天缓缓转身,声音淡漠:“叶笑,这段时日以来的种种,是我们这群人此生莫大的耻辱,却也是我们的偌大荣耀。” You understood!” “你懂得!” Not must block me, do not let me hate you.” “莫要阻我,别让我恨你。” Ye Xiao is at a loss for words looks at the Yue Changtian increasingly estranged back, only felt that in the heart a piece is sore bitterly and astringently. 叶笑张口结舌的看着岳长天渐行渐远的背影,只感觉心中一片苦涩酸痛。 ...... …… ............ ………… <\; today is very bad luck, the wife is doing laundry, making me help to dry in the sun the clothes, I dried in the sun the first batch, went back the second batch, was holding the second batch, was not careful that bumped upside-down the first batch of racks...... Washed the good clothes to fall on the ground. <\;今天别提多倒霉,媳妇在洗衣服,让我帮忙晾衣服,我晾好了第一批,回去等第二批,抱着第二批回来的时候,不小心把第一批的架子碰倒了……洗好的衣服掉在了地上。 I receive quietly, does not dare to say \; Dried in the sun the second batch, but hugged the third trough was coming back, actually the second batch of racks makes upside-down...... 我悄悄地收起来,没敢说\;将第二批晾上了,但抱着第三盆回来的时候,却又将第二批的架子弄倒了…… This scolded...... I was quick insanely...... Hum...... >\; 这顿骂啊……我都快疯了……呜呜呜……>\;
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