RITF :: Volume #15

#1470: Final tea bureau

In person in black sound at this moment, no longer the calm, becomes is full of meaning of entreaty before again, lingers pain completely to be whether there is miserable. 黑衣人此刻的声音中,再不复之前的淡定,变得充满哀求的意味,更萦绕有无尽的痛苦凄凉。 As if Yue Sovereign these three characters, take to the heavy burden that he life is unable to withstand! 似乎‘岳掌门’这三个字,带给他生命都无法承受的重担! In the Ye Xiao vision also reveals the color of pain. 叶笑目光中亦露出痛苦之色。 He layer on layer nods: I knew, I understood, I remembered!” 他重重的点头:“我知道了,我明白了,我记住了!” Opposite person in black happily sighed greatly, as if has put down the greatest concern: Good, good, good!” 对面黑衣人大是欣慰地叹了口气,似乎是放下了莫大的心事:“好,好,好!” He turns around silently, walks toward one side \; Where, once fell person in black. 他默然转身,向着一侧走过去\;哪里,曾经落下来一个黑衣人 He walks gradually, looks a black clothed that in the thick patch of grass is lying down, in the eye reveals a wisp of strange look, sorrowful, relaxes, relax, desperate, feels sad...... 他一步一步走过去,望着草丛中倒卧的一袭黑衣,眼中露出来一缕奇怪的神色,悲哀,放松,放心,绝望,心酸…… There only then a black clothed. 那里就只有一袭黑衣。 The flesh and blood skeleton that in the black clothed, wrapped already changed at this moment has nothing. 黑衣之中,原本包裹的血肉骨骼此刻都已然化作无有。 The body of whole person, as if in landing flickered melts all. 整个人的身体,都似乎在落地的一瞬尽数融化了。 Under the Ye Xiao heart shakes suddenly \; He also at this moment knows that this Life Prisoner's Cage unexpectedly so overbearing, after litigant Shi Zhao ends, is the beginning of own soul comprehensive end, own flesh and blood blood, the soul life, all matters, changed to the world in brief all, to essence to pure energy. 叶笑心下陡然一震\;他也是此刻才知道,这“生命囚笼”竟是如此的霸道,当事人施招终结之后,便是自身身心魂全面终结之始,将自身的骨肉鲜血,灵魂生命,总之一切一切的物事,尽数都化作了天地之间,至精至纯的能量。 As for itself, is actually hair not remaining! 至于本身,却是连一根头发都不会剩下! Really worthily is in the legend taboo, a legendary move! 果然不愧为传说中至极禁忌,传奇名招! Black clothed masked man still from silent, under foot keeps, rustle the sand will walk will pass, Ye Xiao will be following after blindly, saw one by one 12 will lie down the black clothed softly in thick patch of grass. 黑衣蒙面人仍自静默,脚下不停,一路沙沙沙地走将过去,叶笑在后亦步亦趋地跟随着,逐一看到了12件软软倒卧在草丛之中的黑衣。 Only then 12 choroids, do not have any stranger aura again! 就只有12件黑衣,再无任何一点生人气息! Ha Ha......” black clothed masked man has exuded a sad and shrill laughter suddenly. “哈哈……”黑衣蒙面人突然发出了一声凄厉至极的笑声。 Ye Xiao long sighed. 叶笑不禁长长地叹了一口气。 Yue Changtian in Ye Xiao eye was a bearing was usually graceful, mild-mannered and cultivated, lodged the sovereign image of impressive and dignified manner in auspicious, has not seen Yue Changtian seriously hence, has felt to regret for this Fellow Apprentice Yue rude, determination as well as to the School regard that also a sincerer feeling this occasion has actually been duty-bound not to turn back! 叶笑眼中的岳长天素来就是一位气度雍容,温文尔雅,寓威仪于祥和之中的宗主形象,当真就没有见过岳长天失态至此,却不禁为这位岳师兄感到惋惜,却也更深切的感受到了他此际义无反顾的决心以及对宗门的心意! the next moment, black clothed masked man lifts hand, the front presented two chairs immediately, a table \; Is familiar with that person of intonation to say by Ye Xiao: Now, is the time your my they discussed well.” 下一刻,黑衣蒙面人一抬手,面前登时出现了两把椅子,一张桌子\;以叶笑至为熟悉那人的语调说道:“现在,是时候你我两人好好的谈一谈了。” Em, did not discuss that \; But is...... You listened to me to say.” “恩,不是谈一谈\;而是……你听我说。” The black clothed masked man said in a soft voice: You listened to me to say well, when I said that not must interrupt surely.” 黑衣蒙面人轻声道:“你听我说就好,在我说的时候,千万莫要插嘴。” In the Ye Xiao look shows the exceptionally complex look. 叶笑眼神中露出异常复杂的神色。 Sits.” The black clothed masked man bearing at this moment is calm, one is pointing at the opposite chair, oneself one step sat first slowly, puts out one set of teapot teacup, starts unflustered making tea. “坐吧。”黑衣蒙面人此刻的气度从容写意,一指着对面的椅子,自己先一步徐徐坐了下来,更拿出一套茶壶茶杯,开始从容不迫的泡茶。 Seriously is unflustered, the making tea movement of this meeting is similar to the passing clouds and flowing water is common, meticulous, is full of the graceful feeling slowly. 当真就是从容不迫,他这会的泡茶动作如同行云流水一般,一丝不苟,缓慢而充满优雅的感觉。 This time tea gathers, will be in my life last time will make tea, last time will drink tea.” The black clothed masked man said in a soft voice. “这一次的茶聚,将是我一生中最后一次泡茶,最后一次喝茶。”黑衣蒙面人轻声道。 Life, such as a tea bureau.” “人生,就如一场茶局。” Since is the bureau, when has to disperse.” “既然是局,就有散时。” My bureau, should disperse.” “我的局,该散了。” yesterday, even in a moment ago, me also felt that has many regrets unable Perfect, but at this moment immediately, all naturally occurred \; Perhaps you do not know, or unbelievable, in brief my mood at this moment, unexpectedly is very tranquil, unprecedented tranquility.” “在昨日,甚至在刚才,我还感觉有许多遗憾未能圆满,但此时此刻的当下,所有的一切都是自然而然的发生了\;或许你并不知道,又或者难以置信,总之我此刻的心情,竟是很平静的,前所未有的平静。” Ye Xiao calmly sits in opposite, calmly listens respectfully to dough figurine's speech. 叶笑静静地坐在对面,静静地聆听对面人的讲话。 He has not started talking, not completely because of the request of opposite party, but is...... He is not really cruel enough to break. 他没有开口说话,并不全然是因为对方的要求,而是……他实在不忍心打断。 This generally was Yue Changtian this lives last time to speak. 这大抵就是岳长天此生最后一次说话了。 He can understand the feeling of Yue Changtian, therefore, he listens, calmly listens respectfully. 他可以了解岳长天的感觉,所以,他只是听,静静聆听。 At your eyesight, believes that can look, that 12 person in black, not only Cold Moon Sky Pavilion disciple disciple.” The black clothed masked man is also Yue Changtian gently opens the mouth saying: On the same day our fall into trap, went to discuss that by the Western Temple invitation so-called copes with the important matter of mysterious organization......” “以你的眼力,相信可以看出来,刚才的那12个黑衣人,并不只是寒月天阁的门人弟子。”黑衣蒙面人也就是岳长天轻轻地开口说道:“当日我们中计,被西殿邀请前去商议所谓对付神秘组织的大事……” „After which knew, actually by bewildered control...... When until awakening, is involuntary, wants difficultly \; Got sucked into clear(ly) of shackles to become aware, only then, Western Temple, Blue Clouds Heaven Territory first School, was actually the supreme headquarters of that mysterious organization is.” “哪知道去了之后,却被莫名其妙的控制起来……及至醒悟之时,已经是身不由己,欲罢难能\;深陷桎梏的明悟只有,西殿,青云天域第一宗门,竟然就是那个神秘组织的大本营所在。” However so-called Boss, Demon Revered of mysterious organization, generally is also the Western Temple person, guessed according to the old man that this Demon Revered, very big opportunity is the Western Temple beginning generation of palace hosts, at that time once First Under Heaven expert, Zong Yuankai!” “而所谓的主上,神秘组织的魔尊,大抵也是西殿的人,根据老夫猜测,这位魔尊,很大机会就是西殿的初代殿主,彼时曾经的天下第一高手,宗元凯!” But at that time, all became the foregone conclusions, is too late to regret, wants to stop but cannot.” “但那个时候,一切都已经成为定局,悔之晚矣,欲罢不能。” Our then conditions...... Not is only the body, region that even the intelligence fell into control \; Our these status was lofty in the past, superior of keeping aloof, a dynasty clouds over, reduces for the through Demon running dog unexpectedly!” “我们当时的状况……不光是身体,甚至神智都陷入了被人控制的境地\;我们那些往昔身份崇高,高高在上的上位者,一朝变天,竟然沦落为彻头彻尾的魔物走狗!” As each School superior, we also has own bottom line, in us most people, had thought that hurries to commit suicide, in order to avoid presents Smile Entire World, presents bashful School \; But under the control of Demon Revered, all completely involuntary, even if the successive commits suicide, cannot achieve unexpectedly...... In such a case, or under situation, either seriously is the conscience mourning in sleepily, finally many people, never would rather to surrender completely, degenerates into the Demon Revered tool thoroughly, becomes evil Demon.” “作为各个宗门的上位者,我们也有自己的底线,我们之中的绝大多数人,都曾经想过,是不是赶紧自杀,以免贻笑天下,贻羞宗门\;可是处在魔尊的控制之下,一切尽都身不由己,纵然是连自杀,竟也是做不到的……就是在这样的情况下,或者是迫于形势,或者当真是良心丧于困地,最终有许多人,从不情愿到完全归降,彻底沦为魔尊的工具,成为邪恶的魔物。” Even is we, extreme from the beginning does not coordinate, to passive coordination, and even finally, incomparable coordination. The reason only lies, we must seek the opposite party to trust as soon as possible, as soon as possible duty, striving as soon as possible to a leeway...... Tilts the entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory sad news this, transmits.” “甚至是我们这些人,也从一开始的极端不配合,到被动的配合,乃至最后,无比的配合。原因只在于,我们要尽快的博取对方信任,尽快的出任务,尽快的争取到一点余地……将这个倾覆整个青云天域的噩耗消息,传递出去。” Therefore our anything does, the disgusting matter, how violates the conscience cruel matter...... Even, requesting these is crueler , but also is evil, performs all possibly seeks the opposite party the new person...... Bitter experience, did not say.” “所以我们什么都做,无论是再恶心的事情,如何违背本心残忍的事情……甚至,比要求那些还要残忍,还要邪恶,尽一切的可能博取对方的新人……这其中的遭遇,不说也罢。” Yue Changtian shakes the head, in the look reveals indescribable painful, recalling of finding it unbearable to recall. 岳长天摇摇头,眼神中流露出难以言喻的至极痛苦,不堪回首的追思。 Our efforts have not been in vain finally, this time, we also participated in this motion.” “总算我们这些人的努力没有白费,这一次,我们也参与了这次行动。” Even if until now, the opposite party still non- completely trusted us. They make us come out, besides the create alarm, deeper 1-layer meaning, makes our someone expose the original status many...... This then can cause turbulence and suspicions among the major Sect...... And even each other suspicion between entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory opposition forces, does not trust......” “即便是时至今日,对方仍旧非是完全信任了我们。他们让我们出来,除了制造恐慌之外,更深一层的含义,不乏让我们其中的某一个人暴露出本来的身份……这样便可以引起各大门派间的动荡、猜忌……乃至整个青云天域反对势力之间的彼此猜疑、不信任……” Then they then can draw support from this suspicion the panic, the cotton cloth deceptive battle array, then wantonly slaughters the rivers and lakes, constructs the Demon Revered altar, the blood dyes Heaven Realm, to overturn Qingyun!” “然后他们便可以借助这股猜疑的恐慌,四下里大布疑阵,进而大肆屠戮江湖,建造魔尊祭坛,血染天域、翻覆青云!” Our that time altogether went in close 300 people by the pit, some brothers are unyielding, is not willing to submit to the despotic power , the shame in so-called being accommodating, served with various brutal penalties to suffer by the opposite party lethal, enough 70-80 people.” “我们那一次一共被坑进去接近300人,其中,有一些兄弟铁骨铮铮,不肯屈服于淫威,也耻于所谓的变通,被对方施以各种残酷刑罚折磨致死,足足又七八十人。” Another part held heart not to be positive, early by completely Demonized, bought to enter Demon Soul Temple. Becoming through Demon.” “另有一部分本就持心不正,早早被完全魔化,被吸纳进入了魔魂殿。成为彻头彻尾的魔物。” „The other more than 50 people, part was sent regional to collect head \; Another part, then all came to here.” “余下的50多人,一部分被派出去各地收集人头\;另一部分,则全都来了这里。” Arrives here person, altogether 36 people.” “来到这里的人,共得36人。” These black robes that you see now, is the final 12 people of survival.” “你现在看到的这些黑袍,便是幸存的最后12人。” The Yue Changtian vision filled had resented: „Our group of people, said that is endures humiliation also well, said that understands to be accommodating, then said that dreads at these painful penalties is also good, in brief our these 13 people, before struck to kill to flee Yun Xiran and for Tian Laojiu that I go, totals 14 people \; They are accompanying me, is taken prisoner together, was suffered together, together empty with winding, does intentionally together evilly, degenerates...... Brother!” 岳长天目光充满了愤恨:“我们这群人,说是忍辱负重也好,说是懂得变通也罢,便说是畏惧于那些痛苦刑罚也行,总之我们这13个人,连带之前击杀遁走云兮然、代我赴死的田老九,合共14个人\;他们是陪着我,一起被掳,一起被折磨,一起虚与委蛇,一起故作邪恶,堕落……的,兄弟!” We barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, struggle to ask to save until now only wish, with own life, changes to an absolute safety the domain, making my this final survivor have the opportunity to discuss with you calmly one time, gives you information information that we have, to protect Heaven Realm leaves behind a hope.” “我们这些人苟延残喘,挣扎求存至今的唯一心愿,就是用自己的生命,化作一个绝对安全的领域,让我这个最后的幸存者有机会与你从容的谈一次,将我们掌握到的信息情报交给你们,为守护天域多留下一点希望。” Yue Changtian said in a soft voice: Believes that today discussed that even if we became ashes and helplessness, but, finally...... Also can have that little value.” 岳长天轻声道:“相信有了今天一谈,我们纵然灰飞烟灭、万劫不复,但,总算……还能有那么一点点价值。” Perhaps, this is our lives, for last contribution that this sky can make!” “也许,这是我们此生,为这片天空所能做的最后一点贡献!” Does not disappoint the person character casts aside presses down firmly!” “不辜负人字的一撇一捺!” Yue Changtian bitter and astringent smiling of: Perhaps, this is our life, has been able to live the present...... The significance is.” 岳长天苦涩的笑了笑:“又或许,这就是我们这一生,一直能够活到现在的……意义之所在。” Ye Xiao silent long time. 叶笑沉默半晌。 He at this moment, only felt that in own heart has been full of the heartfelt respect. 此刻的他,就只感觉自己的心中充满了由衷的敬意。 Although Ye Xiao does not know that had anything in these person of in the end, but is actually conceivably results. 叶笑虽然不知道在这些人身上到底发生了什么,但却是可以想象得出来的。 in the end must pay what kind of price, withstands the what kind humiliation, can in groups live in that devil place, how compromising for the general interest must, be able to seek the little trust of devil, thus arrives at this place! 到底要付出怎样的代价,承受何等的屈辱,才能在那恶魔成群的地方活下来,又要如何的委曲求全,才能博取恶魔的一点点信任,从而来到此地! These, he can guess to obtain \; But actually does not want to guess. 这些,他能猜得到\;但却不想猜。 Because...... Dies regarding these men who does not fear, absolutely is the nightmare of finding it unbearable to recall, shame that is not willing to recall. 因为……对于这些连死都不怕的汉子们来说,绝对是不堪回首的梦魇,不愿忆起的耻辱。 They endured these many, has undertaken these many, all goals, the only goal, to come out, then dies here, hope to repose to give itself. 他们忍受了这么多,承担了这么多,所有的目的,唯一的目的,就只是为了出来,然后死在这里,将希望寄托给自己。 This is they only base and low desires, but actually must pay for this reason all strives! 这已经是他们仅余的卑微愿望,但却要为此而付出一切来争取! Now, their finally desire achieves, death that finally achieved wishes here. 如今,他们终于愿望达成,终于如愿以偿的死在了这里。 These many peak expert lives, to give such a message! 这么多巅峰高手的性命,就为了传递这么一个消息! Ye Xiao only felt that in own heart, seems like pressing a huge mountain. 叶笑只感觉自己的心中,就像是压着一座庞然大山。 Heavy being hard load, has almost not gasped for breath \; This occasion looks out in that side gloomy thick patch of grass again, that black clothing, the heart innumerable feelings explain, actually can only sum up during a sigh. 沉重的难以负荷,几乎喘不过气来\;此际再遥望那边阴暗的草丛里,那一袭袭黑色衣衫,心头无数感慨言喻,却仅能归结于一声叹息之中。 Because has existences of these people, the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory Martial Dao rivers and lakes, is a little correct path are just \; Depending on the inheritance, is this overwhelming character, indomitable. 正因为有这些人的存在,青云天域武道江湖,才算是还有一点正道正义\;赖以传承的,便是这份浩然风骨,不屈不挠。 Then I must tell your information, was I and others had spent the huge effort, pays price that all can pay, reorganized bit by bit, certainly can help your thing.” “接下来我要告诉你的信息,乃是我等花费了巨大的努力,付出了所有能够付出的代价,一点一滴整理出来的,一定可以帮到你的东西。” After Yue Changtian mask, look that focuses, brilliant has the light to gaze at Ye Xiao: Even if some, you now know, before or me, has to disclose, but I must say again completely one time, this after is our lives, thing that reorganizes, in converging in together, cannot omit bit by bit.” 岳长天面罩之后重新聚焦的眼神,灼灼有光的注视着叶笑:“纵然其中一些,你们如今已经知道,或者我之前有透露过的,但我还要再完整的说一次,这毕竟是我们所有人的命,整理出来的东西,在汇合在一起的时候,一点一滴不能遗漏。” For these information, many person of same belief people had sacrificed, these times, often to inquire a secret is, thinks of every means to cause itself to make mistakes, goes to receive punishment, brings inside real thing.” “为了这些情报,很多同道中人都牺牲了,那些时候,往往为了打探一个秘密所在,费尽心思令到自己犯错,进去受刑,带出来里面的真东西。” A Yue Changtian character character said: Ye Xiao, you listened.” 岳长天一字字道:“叶笑,你听好了。” The Ye Xiao peak however changed countenance, has straightened up the back, said seriously: You could rest assured that I know this information precious degree, a character will not omit!” 叶笑耸然动容,挺直了背脊,严肃道:“您放心,我知道这份情报的珍贵程度,一个字也是不会遗漏的!” Yue Changtian silent, resembles in pouring out the character thinks the sentence, after the moment, said: First, the name of this mysterious organization is called Demon Soul Way. But their Boss, Demon Revered situated in all demon numerous peaks, very big opportunity are the Western Temple first palace Lord, once Blue Clouds Heaven Territory first expert Zong Yuankai! Also is that Blue Clouds Heaven Territory in history is universally recognized as first expert invincible powerhouse...... Um, although this was unable the full cauldron card, to believe that is near perfect.” 岳长天沉默了一下,似在斟字酌句,片刻后才道:“首先,这个神秘组织的名字叫做魔魂道。而他们的主上,位于所有魔众顶端的魔尊,很大机会就是西殿第一任殿主,曾经的青云天域第一高手宗元凯!也就是那位青云天域有史以来被公认为第一高手的无敌强者……嗯,这点虽然还未能十足鼎证,相信已经是八九不离十。” Ye Xiao deeply inspired. 叶笑深深吸了一口气。 Western Temple, can determine that is the Demon Soul Way supreme headquarters is at \; In addition, can only with Eastern Temple that Western Temple shares the honor, in the bone radically is the Western Temple branch influence, the profoundness of Western Temple layout, seriously is surprising fearsome, unthinkable.” 西殿,可以确定为魔魂道的大本营之所在\;此外,唯一能够与西殿齐名的东殿,骨子里根本就是西殿的分支势力,西殿布局之深远,当真是可惊可怖,匪夷所思。” The Ye Xiao whole body shakes, stared in a big way the eye with amazement. 叶笑浑身一震,骇然瞪大了眼睛。 „The Western Temple aspect, besides has exposed official strength outside, many strengths hidden in underground, in the underground of Western Temple supreme headquarters, is hiding a be continuous not under thousand li(500 km) underground palace \; All around has the tyrannical battle formation protection, this battle formation can buy in world Sun and Moon spiritual energy to supply the kinetic energy of operation independently, natural strange Zhen who is almost equal to the natural achievement, the impersonal force may break, rushes to this hardly, ten die not fresh.” 西殿方面,除了已经暴露在外的官方实力之外,更多的战力隐于地下,在西殿大本营的地下,隐藏着一处绵延不下千里的地下宫殿\;周遭有强横阵势保护,该阵势能够自主吸纳天地日月灵气以供运作之动能,几乎等同自然成就的天然奇阵,非人力可破,硬闯此阵,十死无生。” The Yue Changtian speech expression is getting more and more serious: In addition, Demon Soul Way is equipped with nine big bases in addition \; Three, are for expert training, all potential Devil Path expert of Demon Soul Way subordinates, will all concentrate in these three carries on the training, the places of these three trainings, are called...... Separated Path Death Training!” 岳长天的说话语气越来越严肃:“除此之外,魔魂道另设有九大基地\;其中之三,乃为高手培训之用,魔魂道麾下的所有潜力魔道高手,全都会集中在这三处进行集训,这三处集训之地,被称作……分道死训!” Once enters demon disciple cultivator of this death training base, either has Dao Origin Stage level 7 above cultivation level, regarded as has completed training, can go out to carry on the task \; Dies in inside, the life dies, certainly without exception!” “一旦进入这个死训基地的魔徒修者,要么是拥有道元境七品以上的修为,视为完成了培训,可以出外进行任务\;或者,就是死在里面,一生一死,绝无例外!” These three big bases, the specific number is unclear. But, one group of mysterious teachers, are responsible for this matter. These teachers, everyone non- is the generation of commonplace, at least is also Dao Origin Stage level 9 above cultivator, is divided into the A , B , C , D four ranks \; But even if the most preliminary Class D teacher, there is Dao Origin Stage level 9 level cultivation level \; Does not know its concrete quantity...... And A-grade teacher ten, super teacher three, these three super teacher one of them, are First Under Heaven expert, Wu Fa!” “这三大基地,具体人数不详。但,有一批神秘的教习,在负责这件事。这些教习,每个人都非是等闲之辈,至少也是道元境九品以上的修者,共分为甲乙丙丁四个等级\;但纵然是最低级的丁级教习,也有道元境九品层次修为\;不知道其具体数量……其中甲级教习十名,超级教习三位,这三名超级教习其中之一,就是天下第一高手,武法!” Also hears here, Ye Xiao felt that the scalp started to send to explode. 还只是听到这里,叶笑已经感觉到头皮开始发炸了。 Wu Fa, that although was defeated by oneself, but real cultivation level only feared that must in own above Wu Fa, unexpectedly is only one in three big super teacher? 武法,那个虽然被自己打败,但真实修为只怕还要在自己的之上的武法,居然才只是三大超级教习之中的一个?
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