RITF :: Volume #15

#1469: Life prisoner's cage

Before experiencing, that brutal war \; Ye Xiao returns to the military camp time, always felt that somewhat restlesses. 经历了之前那一场残酷至极的大战\;叶笑回到营寨的时候,总感到有些心神不宁。 He is thinking, these person in black, its back organization. 他在想,这些黑衣人,还有其背后的组织。 Thinks Wu Huitian that falls from the sky, thinks Yun Xiran that runs away, naturally, has remembered a old friend 想到陨灭的乌回天,想到逃走的云兮然,自然而然的,也想起了一位故人 Yue Changtian! 岳长天 Since, day star two Sovereign both successively appeared, then, Yue Changtian? 既然,日星两宗的掌门都先后出现了,那么,岳长天呢? Remembers that dignity actually not to lose generous Cold Moon Sky Pavilion Sovereign, now, was missing. 想起那个威严却不失宽厚的寒月天阁掌门,现在,也失踪了。 He of this occasion...... How? 此际的他……怎么样了呢? Thinks that Ye Xiao does not have the origin, is sighs very much towering. 想着想着,叶笑没由来、很是突兀地叹了口气。 Late at night. 深夜。 Stellar scintillation. 星光闪烁。 In soon daybreak will return, actually is also the world darkest moment. 就在即将黎明回归,却也是天地最为黑暗的一刻。 Presently seems earth-shattering general thunders suddenly for the first time. 突然间乍现好似天崩地裂一般的一声轰鸣。 A mountain near correct path alliance, actually did not have the indication to collapse towering. Suddenly, the windblown dust is filling the heavens, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers. 正道联盟附近的一座大山,竟然全无征兆地突兀塌了下来。一时间,尘烟弥天,伸手不见五指。 Ye Xiao and the others are startled. 叶笑等人一惊而出。 Places in the endless darkness, in the ear can only hear the quarry stone trundle and toppling sound to resound unceasingly. 身处无尽黑暗中,耳中仅能听到乱石滚动、倾颓的声音不断响起。 Ye Xiao brow big wrinkle. 叶笑不禁眉头大皱。 This occasion decided however is this organizes the person of subordinate to come mystically, but...... Why after this fellows came, can choose has overthrown a mountain first? If launches the sneak attack directly, one's own side will be inevitably serious the casualties? 此际定然是这个神秘组织所属之人又来了,但……为什么这帮家伙来了之后要选择先推倒了一座山呢?若是直接展开偷袭的话,己方势必将伤亡惨重? If so overthrows a mountain, does not have the significance, moreover must alert the enemy in addition \; Had the protection by own this side. 如这般推倒一座山,根本全无意义,而且还要加上打草惊蛇\;让自己这一边有了防备。 Why is this? 这是为什么? So-called obstructs the view, frightens the will of the people and so on, is purely nonsensical talk, adds something superfluous and ruins the effect, opposite party the person of leading will not lose the wisdom so! 所谓遮蔽视线,震慑人心云云,纯属无稽之谈,画蛇添足,对方的领军之人不会失智如此吧! Ye Xiao knits the brows to look at the ascension, but the filling the heavens smog, suddenly obviously is unable to understand in the mystery. 叶笑皱眉看着升腾而起的弥天烟雾,一时间显然无法理解个中玄虚。 In the darkness, remote other end suddenly transmits a hoarse long and loud cry: Ye Xiao! But dares to come to fight with me?!” 黑暗中,遥远的彼端蓦然传来一声嘶哑的长啸:“叶笑!可敢来与我一战?!” Immediately, in the darkness presently sword light dodges for the first time, a black clothed masked man launches the technique of body and sword unite to non-stop fly the midair, does not have the black clothed that two send with beforehand person in black, but, all people in this moment, actually completely had not felt that gloomy terror the atmosphere, instead felt the person whole body is lingering the solemn and stirring and natural bearing. 随即,黑暗中乍现剑光一闪,一个黑衣蒙面人展开身剑合一之术直飞半空,一身与之前黑衣人全无二致的黑衣,但不知怎地,所有人在这一刻,却完全没有感觉到那种阴森恐怖的氛围,反而感觉来人周身萦绕着悲壮且潇洒的气度。 All people then denied this thought immediately, the opposite party is evilly the demon who organizes the subordinates, how possibly to have bearing in this way, the misconception, certainly is the misconception! 只是所有人即时便否定了这个念头,对方乃是邪恶组织麾下的魔头,怎可能有如斯气度,错觉,一定是错觉! The Li Wuliang vigorous sound spreads torrentially: Copes with you, my Li Wuliang person of foot! Why must does Ye Xiao go into action?” 厉无量雄浑的声音滔滔传出:“对付你,我厉无量一人足矣!何须叶笑出马?” Actually sees it to tow the broadsword, the big mark time comes out, the vision like the electricity, must plunder, meets the person. 却见其拖着大刀,大踏步走出来,目光如电,就要一掠而起,迎战来人。 In the Ye Xiao pupil the different light dodges, gives a loud shout saying: I come!” 叶笑眸子中异光一闪,大喝一声道:“我来!” At once the body moves, changed to horizon flowing light, the direct impact upper air. 旋即身子一动,化作了天际流光,直冲高空。 That person in black laughs: Monarch Xiao is really Monarch Xiao! Comes with me!” 黑衣人一声大笑:“笑君主果然是笑君主!跟我来!” The voice has not fallen, body steep revolutions, speeds away to go in southwest direction. Ye Xiao changes has no scruples, the one close behind the other sharply pursues. Black white two forms one after the other, suddenly disappeared the trace. 话音未落,身子陡转,向着西南方向疾驰而去。叶笑对此变化毫无顾忌,衔尾急追。一黑一白两道身影一前一后,眨眼间就消失了踪影。 profound ice and the others saw that under the heart the restless, anxious illness pursued. 玄冰等人见状不禁心下不安,急疾追了上去。 But at this moment, the mountain toppling vibration had still not subsided before, imitates such as shows the indication that the disturbing trillion will be near...... 而此刻,之前大山倾颓的震动仍旧没有平息下来,仿如彰显着噩兆将临的预示…… Lei Dadi must be floating white, watches from afar person in black had been standing a moment ago the upper air in crowd, in the look, performing is the thinking and dignity. 雷大地白须飘飘,在人群中抬头遥望着刚才黑衣人站立过的高空,眼神中,尽是一片思索与凝重。 Yun Piaoliu comes quietly side him, in the eye also has one piece unprecedented dignified, passes message to inquire: What kind of? Is he?” 云漂流悄然来在他身边,眼中也只得一片的空前凝重,传音询问道:“怎么样?是他么?” Possibly...... Yes!” Lei Dadi this occasion sound as if somewhat hoarse, is incapable low-spirited. “可能……是!”雷大地此际声音似乎有些嘶哑,黯然无力。 Three old so calmly are standing, such as the assimilation made three putties to carve the wood to model, performing was dejected. 三老就这般静静地站着,如同化做了三尊泥雕木塑,尽是颓然。 Long time long time, three old also turn around, leaves the battlefield, walks toward the tent that in oneself and other people sleep, the back rickets, Bai Fa is dreary, all of a sudden was unexpectedly older. 良久良久,三老同时转身,离开战场,向着自己等三人共眠的帐篷内走去,背影佝偻,白发萧然,竟然一下子苍老了许多。 Ye Xiao, since went, plenary powers has been processed by him, wants to come not to have any issue, he can inevitably the complete incident.” 叶笑既然去了,就由他全权处理了,想来不会有什么问题,他必然可以周全事端。” Yes.” “是的。” This matter...... They do not want to make us know obviously, we , can only treat as does not know.” “这件事……他们显然不想让我们知道,那我们,也就只能当做不知。” Yeah.” “哎。” Actually also to have any following situation, waited for Ye Xiao to come back to say again. At the last moment, fears to be useless, only then faces!” “究竟还有什么后续情况,等叶笑回来再说吧。事到临头,怕没有用,只有面对!” Also can only so.” “也只能如此。” Three people send greetings in each other secret, but, even if is sending greetings, regarding that sensitive name, throughout does not dare to raise,...... Does not endure, says. 三人在彼此秘密传音,但,就算是在传音中,对于那一个至为敏感的名字,始终也不敢提出来,更加……不忍,说出来。 Ye Xiao movement technique like the wind, is pursuing the front shadow just like the white meteor generally \; The regulations actually throughout are maintaining with the former certain distance. 叶笑身法如风,宛如白色流星一般追逐着前面的黑影\;实则却始终与前者保持着一定距离。 He has not launched limit movement technique, does not have the excessive pulling closer distance, because of his moral nature at this moment, one after another is also seething. 他并没有展开极限身法,也没有过分的拉近距离,因为他此刻的心底,也在接连翻腾着。 Two person's shadows, like at top speed general, but shortly will rush quite far. 两道人影,有如流星赶月一般,不过顷刻之间就已经奔出了好远。 Ye Xiao discovered impressively \; In the both sides position, another two teams of black clothed masked men quietly is following. 叶笑赫然发现\;就在两侧位置,还有另外两队黑衣蒙面人在悄悄跟随。 Similar to two giant wings. 如同两个巨大的翅膀。 Silent, is actually systematic. 沉默,却是井然有序。 If before these two teams of people are, under cloth is killing, such lineup, kills present age any powerhouse seriously sufficiently, contains Ye Xiao, has Ye Xiao of unmarried alone sword, had decided that is unable simultaneously to deal with such lineup! 如果这两队人是之前布下的杀着,这样的阵容,当真足以杀死当世任何强者,其中,也包含叶笑,只得单身独剑的叶笑,决计无法同时应付这样的阵容! But, Ye Xiao completely no worries in this, because of this group of person not slight murderous aura. 但,叶笑全然无虞于此,因为这帮人身上并没有丝毫的杀气 Does not have murderous aura, to kill intent and killing intent formidable strength, even if this strength is terrorist, does not need to dread! 没有杀气、杀意、杀机的强大战力,即便这股实力再恐怖,也不需要畏惧! Ye Xiao is following constantly silent. 叶笑一味沉默地跟随着。 Also crosses a mountain peak again, front suddenly presents together the straight cliff. 又再越过一处山峰,前面蓦然出现一道笔直的断崖。 The shadow crashes in the cliff place suddenly, Ye Xiao sees that followed without hesitation under. 黑影突然于断崖处坠落,叶笑见状毫不犹豫的跟随而下。 Followed not to have in both sides 12 person in black to jump from the both sides position similarly hesitant, along with the form crashed, a riotous color suddenly raises, has blocked from this piece of cliff thoroughly. 一路相随在两侧的12名黑衣人同样全无犹豫地从两侧位置跳了下去,随着身影坠落之余,一片缤纷的颜色蓦然升起,彻底遮住了这片断崖。 profound ice and the others almost the heel foot rush, simultaneously launches figure to drop, but is actually astonished however discovered that riotous color after the flash, changed to the tyrannical prestige energy unexpectedly, even if better than the profound ice average person, is unable to break through unexpectedly, the idle talk enters to the cliff under! 玄冰等人几乎脚跟脚赶到,齐齐展开身形下降,但却讶然发现,那片缤纷的颜色竟然在一瞬间之后,化作了强横至极的威能,就算强如玄冰一般人,竟也无法突破,更遑论进入到断崖之下! Life Prisoner's Cage!” 生命囚笼!” After experience vastest profound ice identifies that barrier carefully is surprised, loses one's voice to call out in alarm said. 见识最为广博的玄冰仔细辨认那屏障之后大吃一惊,失声惊呼道。 Jun Yinglian and the others under hearing this are also simultaneously one startled, look at each other in dismay. 君应怜等人闻言之下也是齐齐一惊,面面相觑 So-called Life Prisoner's Cage, as the name suggests, is by the life of person, changes to a similar Prisoner's Cage barrier, protects a quick specific region not to be encroached. 所谓生命囚笼,顾名思义,乃是以人的生命,化作一座类似囚笼的屏障,保护一快特定地域不被侵犯。 But wants to construct such Prisoner's Cage, most bottom request lower limit also needs at least nine Dao Origin Stage peak powerhouse lives, can complete the construction! 可是想要构建出这样的一个囚笼,最底要求下限也需要至少九名道元境巅峰强者的生命,才能完成构建! Once this Life Prisoner's Cage formation, then, in six months, this stretch of boundary, even if the god, is unable to enter forcefully! 而一旦这种生命囚笼形成,那么,在半年之内,这片地界,就算是神,也无法强行进入! Totals nine Dao Origin Stage peak powerhouse vitalities to be comprehensive, could be equal to the strength of Heavenly Dao life! 合共九位道元境巅峰强者的生命力综合,已经可以等同于天道生命之力! Is far from the manpower can explain to eradicate! 绝非人力所能破解破除! But from ancient to present, this request harsh and brutal legend ban only appears in the legend seriously, no person has seen, nobody attempts to construct. 但自古至今,这种要求苛刻且残酷的传说禁制当真就只出现在传说之中,从来没有人见过,更加没有人尝试构建过。 After all, pays life cultivation level one time is at the peak condition nine Dao Origin Stage level 9 peak powerhouse lives, but to construct a barrier, but the result is also only the short-term protects a place...... 毕竟,一次性付出生命修为都处在巅峰状态的九位道元境九品巅峰强者性命,只是为了构建出一道屏障,而结果还只是短期守护一个地方…… Not only extremely brutal, but also such price too is also big, calculates that cannot delimit. 不但太过残酷,而且这样的代价也实在太大,怎么算都划不来。 Does not have any School absolutely, will give up with this style preserves or protects some region. 断断没有任何一个宗门,会舍得用这种方式来保存或者保护某一块区域。 With living expert protects, how could it not be to exceed like this brutal means by far? Let alone living expert can protect this place to be innumerable, but so-called Life Prisoner's Cage, even if how insurance, after all the time limit is extremely short, is hard to be lasting! 用活着的高手去守护,岂不远远胜过这样的残酷办法?更何况活着的高手可以保护这个地方无数次,而所谓的生命囚笼,就算再如何的保险,毕竟时限太过短暂,难以持久! Everybody is not silly, how to adopt such violent, and style of gain does not equal the loss? 大家又不傻,怎么会采取这么极端且得不偿失的方式 However today, here, at this moment this place, this type only has Life Prisoner's Cage in the middle of legend, appeared. 然而今天,就在这里,此时此刻此地,这种只存在于传说当中的生命囚笼,却出现了。 Appears in the people livingly at present! 活生生地出现在众人眼前! In order to protect this looks like the meaningless cliff \; Moreover jumps the later cliff in these person in black and Ye Xiao! 为了保护这个看起来毫无意义的断崖\;而且是在那些黑衣人叶笑跳下去之后的断崖! Why is this? 这是为什么呢? Xiao Xiao this time how so rash?” Jun Yinglian is anxious and angry: Links all around the environment not to observe unexpectedly clearly, directly jumped, too took a rash step!” 笑笑这次怎地这般莽撞?”君应怜又急又气:“竟然连周遭环境都没有观察清楚,就直接跳了下去,太失策了!” The vision of profound ice this occasion instead is full sinking concentrates, said in a low voice: First not must worry...... Hands down ancient, this Life Prisoner's Cage, no doubt the impersonal force may break, but is actually for the purpose of guarding against the foreign enemy, regarding inside manpower, not any influence \; Even if Xiao Xiao is involved, but , he if wants, will not actually receive Life Prisoner's Cage hinders......” 玄冰此际的目光反而是满满的沉凝,低声道:“先莫要着急……古老相传,这生命囚笼,固然非人力可破,但却旨在防备外敌,对于里面人手,并没有任何的影响\;笑笑纵然深陷其中,但,他若是想要出来,却并不会受到生命囚笼的阻滞……” This Life Prisoner's Cage existence goal, generally makes our these successor people unable to go.” “这道生命囚笼的存在目的,大抵只是让我们这些后来者人进不去而已。” Is only...... This batch of person in black, who is also?” “只是……这批黑衣人,又是谁呢?” In the profound ice vision besides having calm, thinks deeply. 玄冰的目光中除了有沉稳,还有深思。 She was pondering why obviously Ye Xiao will consider not to consider continually, that directly without hesitation with, this and other condition, if not has any special reason, could not convince decidedly...... The whole body shakes suddenly, as if has thought of anything, or has thought through anything, but she actually closely shut up, does not say a word, transfers indifferent Wubo including the complexion, the mighty waves are outmoded. 她显然是在思考叶笑为何会连斟酌一下都不曾斟酌,就那么直接毫不犹豫地跟着下去了,这等的状况若非有什么特别的理由,断然是说不通的……突然间浑身一震,似乎是想到了什么,又或者是想通了什么,但她却紧紧地闭上了嘴,不发一言,连脸色都转为淡然无波,波澜不兴。 Only has the pupil deep place, reveals an appearance of wisp of heartfelt respect. 唯有眸子深处,流露出一缕由衷尊敬的神采。 ...... …… Ye Xiao just like wipes flowing light general dropping down in the bottom of cliff, stands firm quietly \; In this moment that he just stood firm, feels clearly that a special strength of unprecedented suddenly appears. 叶笑宛如一抹流光一般的直落在悬崖之底,悄然站定\;就在他刚刚站定的这一刻,清晰地感觉到,一股前所未见的特异力量突然出现。 That was one has been full of the strength of reverent life. 那是一股充满了虔诚的生命之力。 Also should say that has at least several expert in this moment, has offered own complete vitality by being outspoken style! 又或者应该说是有至少数位的高手在这一刻,以毫无保留的方式献出了自己的全部生命力! Solely for a goal, had sacrificed itself by most violent style. 单单只是为了一个目标,以最极端的方式牺牲了自己。 That is one completely selfless strength deduction! 那是一种完全无私的力量演绎! Under the Ye Xiao heart shakes suddenly, looks up, was seeing 12 that the sky shows suddenly overflow the riotous color prestige energy, covers the entire sky of cliff completely, thorough camouflage. 叶笑心下陡然一震,抬头望去,正看到上空突然展现出来的12道流溢缤纷色彩的威能,将断崖的整个上空完全笼罩,彻底遮蔽。 the next moment, that 12 person's shadows falls gently gently, is similar to 12 fallen leaves, hides to each different position. 下一刻,那12道人影轻轻飘落,如同12片落叶,隐藏至各个不同的位置。 As they hide that moment arrival thoroughly, their vitalities, vanishes to disappear in light of this. 随着他们彻底隐藏起来那一刻的到来,他们的生命力,也就此消失不见了。 Should say that they in the falling later that moment, again did not have the life. 或者应该说,他们在落下之后的那一刻,就已经再没有生命了。 Changed to subtilis leaf same thing, thorough decayed. 化作了枯草树叶一样的东西,彻底的腐朽。 With world consubstantiality, with a world breath \; But, does not have the trace that they had only! 与天地同体,与世界一息\;但,唯独没有了他们自己存在的痕迹! Life Prisoner's Cage!” 生命囚笼!” Ye Xiao could also not bear lose one's voice to call. 叶笑亦忍不住失声叫了出来。 As Monarch Xiao of worldly-wise person, recognizes profound strange in this legend similarly, was absolutely impossible to appear in the legend of reality! 作为老江湖的笑君主,同样认出来这传说中的玄奇,本来绝无可能出现在现实的传奇! At this moment, the Ye Xiao moral nature was full of by the bitter feeling suddenly! 这一刻,叶笑的心底突然被酸涩的感觉所充满! Because Ye Xiao knows why will have the emergence of this legend, the emergence of this legend, has been able to show too many matters! 因为叶笑知道为什么会有这个传奇的出现,这个传奇的出现,已经可以说明太多事情了! Good, is Life Prisoner's Cage!” Formerly, followed closely chase person in black calmly to stand by him, in the eye shot the strange look, looks that in the sky soared to the heavens the riotous color that went, sighed to sigh gently. “不错,就是生命囚笼!”先前,被他盯梢追逐的黑衣人静静地站着,眼中射出来奇怪的神色,看着天空中冲天而去的缤纷色彩,轻轻地一声喟叹。 This sigh, contained too many too many complex emotions seriously \; As if this lifetime seven emotions and six desires, collects completely during this sigh, expressed altogether. 这一声叹息,当真是包含了太多太多的复杂情感\;似乎是将这一生的七情六欲,全部都收聚在这一声叹息之中,一股脑地抒发了出去。 Why?” Ye Xiao has turned around, is gazing at this mysterious black clothed masked man. “为什么?”叶笑转过身,注视着这位神秘的黑衣蒙面人。 The black clothed masked man calmly is standing, had not answered immediately. 黑衣蒙面人静静地站着,并没有即时回话。 Why line of this extremes, so long as eliminated this mysterious organization, how could it not be everybody can come back!” The Ye Xiao somewhat excited loudness asked: So long as eliminated the biggest demon, the source of that control, all shackles along with it disappearance, why can with the method that this extreme, most renounces?” “何必行此极端,只要消灭了这个神秘组织,大家岂非都可以回来!”叶笑有些激动的大声问道:“只要是消灭了最大的魔头,那个控制的源头,一切桎梏都将随之消失,为什么非要用这种最极端、最决绝的手段?” The black clothed masked man said lightly: You said right, all can from the beginning come \; However, we already irretraceable.” 黑衣蒙面人淡淡地说道:“你说得对,一切都可以从头来过\;但是,我们已经不能回头。” That demon died, but since, our honors, the Sect honor, ten thousand years dignity inheritance, eventually have not actually come back.” The black clothed masked man said lightly: We, so long as is also living, this shame has existed!” “就算那个魔头死了,但,我们的脸面,门派的脸面,万年以来的尊严传承,却终究是回不来了。”黑衣蒙面人淡淡道:“我们只要还活着,这份耻辱就会一直存在!” If we still had the mission not completely, we can go on living, even if the shame is living, but after today, we last existence value will burn through, we then again had to continue to save the world the reason! Has trained us, has raised us, we have struggled lifetime Sect, the family member, the disciple...... Cannot the shame!” “若是我们尚有使命未尽,我们可以活下去,纵然是耻辱的活着,但今日之后,我们将最后一点存在价值燃尽,我们便再有继续存世的理由了!培养了我们,养育了我们,我们为之奋斗了一生的门派,家人,弟子……不能耻辱!” So long as we died \; We experience all that and withstands, will not exist in this world.” “只要我们死掉了\;我们经历、承受的所有一切,都将在这世上不复存在。” This is we can achieve only, can be a dessert strength that School makes only.” “这是我们唯一能做到的,唯一能够为宗门做的一点心力。” The black clothed masked man is having the strong sorrowful tone, is actually such writing in a straightforward manner, seems was relating that with the matter that oneself has nothing to do with completely: Staggers at this moment, so long as both sides make war officially, we cannot even achieve including the betrayal demons, if so that Demon Revered arrives, then, we intelligence will lose immediately, throughly degenerates into his slaughtering tool \; To that time, any status origin, was unable to hide really again.” 黑衣蒙面人带着浓重的悲哀口气,却是如此的平铺直叙,似乎是在诉说一件与己完全无关的事情:“错开此刻,只要双方正式开战,我们甚至连背叛魔头都做不到,若然那魔尊到来,那么,我们立即就会神智迷失,彻头彻尾地沦为他的杀戮工具\;真到了那个时候,什么身份来历,再也无法隐藏。” With its such, presents Smile Entire World, making School be shamed, might as well here, use own life, own all, thorough annihilation.” “与其那样,贻笑天下,令宗门蒙羞,不如就在这里,用自己的生命,将自己的一切,彻底湮灭。” Reason that we will choose the use so violent procedure, another reason is to provide an absolute secure environment, making me be able with you, said in the life calmly final a few words.” “我们之所以会选择使用如此极端的做法,另一个原因就是营造出一个绝对安全的环境,让我能够和你,从容的说完人生中最后一段话。” Such procedure, can make us to extinguish an demon important matter completely mental effort, will not make our losing exuviae degenerate into the devil preinstall soul nutrient like that.” “这样的做法,可以令我们为灭魔大事尽一份心力,同时也不会让我们的遗蜕沦为恶魔预设那般的灵魂养分。” Dies a worthy death!” “正是死得其所!” The Ye Xiao body shakes, somewhat excitedly called out: Yue Sovereign!......” 叶笑身躯一震,有些激动地叫道:“岳掌门!……” His words have not said that the opposite person body shivered, fast has interrupted his words: Your admitting mistakes person, I was not that person who you thought! I am only one, the poor man who the conscience has not vanished! Ye Chongxiao, please remember my words!” 他话还没有说完,对面的人身躯颤抖了一下,飞快的打断了他的话:“你认错人了,我不是你想的那个人!我只是一个,良心未泯的可怜人!叶冲霄,请你记住我的话!”
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