RITF :: Volume #15

#1468: Being duty-bound not to turn back 【Three-in-one】

Obviously, Yun Xiran has not thought that when the opposite party can leave the language of this rhetorical question unexpectedly, the vitality tuck dive cannot bear crazily spouts several blood, hurries to fish out greatly Medicine Pill, swallows down in gulps, calms the mind to control one's breathing , after for a long time, this pants for breath decides slightly, hoarse saying: You know that what you were saying? Who no matter in the past you were, I was, now is online...... Shameful grasshopper! could it be that, don't you care......?” 显然,,云兮然怎么也没想到,对方竟会出此反问之语,气血翻腾之余忍不住又狂喷出几口鲜血,赶紧摸出大把的丹药,大口大口地吞下去,静心调息,又过了许久之后,这才喘息稍定,嘶哑的说道:“你知道你在说什么么?不管以往你是谁,我是谁,现在都是一根线上……见不得人的蚂蚱!难道,你就那么不在乎……?” person in black that said a moment ago calmly sits, still from light saying: You care or are not your matter, do I care, is actually my matter, what I will not manage you to make, why do you butt in I to make what?!” 刚才开口说的黑衣人静静地坐着,仍自淡淡的说道:“你在乎与否是你的事,我在乎不在乎,却是我的事,我不会管你做什么,你又凭什么置喙我做什么?!” person in black even more angry roared lowly: Now was in this grade of situation, you must cling to tenaciously that pitiful face, the person are living some qualifications to discuss the future, once is variable, said anything empty.” 黑衣人愈发愤怒的低低咆哮:“现在都已经到了这等地步,你还要死守着那点可怜的面子,人活着才有资格谈未来,一旦无常,说什么都虚的。” person in black as if low smiling of shadow, said lightly: You also said that person lives some qualifications to discuss the future, present your I, but can also pose as the person? No, I have this qualifications, my body no doubt was controlled, but my intelligence, had not actually been controlled! The qualifications spoke these words, is at least more entitled than you!” 暗影中的黑衣人似乎低低的笑了笑,淡淡道:“你也说了,人活着才有资格谈未来,现在的你我,还能够以人自居吗?不,我还有这个资格,我的身体固然被控制,但我的神智,却还没有被控制!还有资格说这句话,至少比你有资格!” He gains ground finally, chilly vision, is similar to the advantage arrow passes through the space generally, on person in black leader who gazes at spit blood in that sound even more chilly light: Yun Xiran, I only asked that your, whether you must ask me now, why doesn't rescue you?” 他终于抬起头,清冷的目光,如同利箭一般穿过空间,注视在那个正在吐血的黑衣人首领身上,声音愈发地清冷平淡:“云兮然,我只问你一句,你现在是否还要问我,为什么不去救援你呢?” This person in black leader, unexpectedly is Stars Cloud Gate Sovereign Yun Xiran!? 这名黑衣人首领,竟然便是星辰云门掌门云兮然!? The Yun Xiran body shakes suddenly, vision straight looking sits cross-legged person in black that to that sits, said in a low voice: Originally, you early have recognized me!” 云兮然身躯陡然一震,目光直直的望向那盘膝而坐的黑衣人,低声道:“原来,你早已经认出了我!” That person in black ice-cold saying: Who recognizes you are, matter that is not worth showing off.” 黑衣人冰冷的说道:“认出来你是谁,并不是多么值得夸耀的事情。” Yun Xiran said wickedly in a low voice: You can recognize me, truly is not the matter that is worth showing off. Yue Changtian, could it be that you think that I haven't then recognized you to come?” 云兮然恶狠狠地低声道:“你能够认出来我,确实不是什么值得夸耀的事情。岳长天,难道你以为,我便没有认出你来?” The person in black body also shakes, in the pupil the look of dew coming out pain, returns for the first time at once indifferently, said in a soft voice: How even if recognizes that?” 黑衣人身躯亦是一震,眸子中首度露出来痛苦的神色,旋即重归淡然,轻声道:“纵然认出那又如何?” How recognizes? Everybody and you too, the condition is identical, you think that you are Cold Moon Sky Pavilion Sovereign?” Yun Xiran gloomy saying: Yue Changtian, the present condition such as is, pitiful creature who your I controlled, a base and low lowly slave.” “认出又如何?大家不过彼此彼此,状况雷同,你以为你还是寒月天阁掌门吗?”云兮然阴森森的说道:“岳长天,现在的状况如是,你我都就只是被人控制的可怜虫,一个卑微卑贱的奴隶而已。” In the Yue Changtian eye shows the extremely painful look once again, strives to suppress the heart anger, coldly was saying: Good, the least bit that you said is also good, just...... My this slave, actually does not want to rescue your this slave, has the issue?!” 岳长天眼中再度露出极度痛苦的神色,勉力抑制着心头的火气,冷冷道:“不错,你说的半点也不错,只不过呢……我这个奴隶,却偏偏不想去救援你这个奴隶,有问题吗?!” I like visiting you and your under the hand/subordinate, completely where is buried!” In Yue Changtian sound, were impressively many several points of virulence: Yun Xiran, your date star two, these years bullied our Cold Moon Sky Pavilion , were very how could it not be long-term. It is not does not report the time not to arrive, time to immediately on report, now, time to!” “我就偏偏喜欢看着你和你的手下,全部都葬身在哪里!”岳长天的声音中,也赫然多了几分恶毒:“云兮然,你们日星两宗,这些年来欺压我们寒月天阁,岂不也已经很长远了。不是不报时候未到,时候到了立时就报,现在,时候到了!” Yun Xiran roared in a low voice: Now said that these are meaningful? Shining Sun Heavenly School and Stars Cloud Gate destruction how? When now is? Even if Boss gives back to you to be free, could it be that you think that you can also return to Cold Moon Sky Pavilion to continue to take on Sovereign?” 云兮然低声咆哮:“现在说这些还有意义吗?照日天宗星辰云门覆灭了又如何?现在已经是什么时候?就算主上还给你自由,难道你以为你还能够回到寒月天阁继续担当掌门吗?” Yue Changtian static [say / way]: Reality that cannot, this already not struggle!” 岳长天静静道:“不能,这早已是不争的现实!” That, is Cold Moon Sky Pavilion, your? Is Stars Cloud Gate, my?” Saying of Yun Xiran hysteria: Since everybody has arrived this step, who compared with whom lowlier mean, why not degenerates!” “那么,寒月天阁,还是你的吗?星辰云门,还是我的吗?”云兮然歇斯底里的说道:“既然大家都已经走到这一步,谁比谁更卑贱下作一点,又何妨更堕落一些!” In the Yue Changtian eye reveals one to pity, said lightly: You have made a mistake the most basic point, how Cold Moon Sky Pavilion can is ordinary with Stars Cloud Gate and Shining Sun Heavenly School, day star two no doubt already not, but Cold Moon Sky Pavilion is actually doomed to be continuous!” 岳长天眼中露出一丝怜悯,淡淡道:“你搞错了最根本的一点,寒月天阁岂会与星辰云门照日天宗一般,日星两宗固然已经不在了,可是寒月天阁却注定将绵绵不息!” Yun Xiran cannot bear finally wildly with rage: Yue Changtian, do you such deceive yourself interestingly?!” 云兮然终于忍不住狂怒:“岳长天,你这么自己糊弄自己有意思么?!” In the Yue Changtian look has sharp calmness, said in a soft voice: Deceives itself? The present reality is, Shining Sun Heavenly School did not have, Stars Cloud Gate did not have...... But our Cold Moon Sky Pavilion, is actually expanding, is doomed to glisten eternally......” 岳长天眼神中有锐利的冷静,轻声道:“糊弄自己?现在的现实是,照日天宗没了,星辰云门没了……而我们寒月天阁,却正在壮大,注定辉耀万古……” Yun Xiran, you look, perhaps the elimination of this rivers and lakes catastrophe, will be completed by my Cold Moon Sky Pavilion!” 云兮然,你看着吧,或许这一场江湖浩劫的消灭,将由我寒月天阁来完成!” I, even if reduces for the shameful stain, but, Yue Changtian this name, actually Cold Moon Sky Pavilion Sovereign!” When Yue Changtian sighed feels sad, still proud said: How could my does Yue Changtian for own life and death honor or disgrace, make that to cheat one's own conscience the deal of reckless action and perverse actions?” “我本人纵然沦落为见不得人的污点,但,岳长天这个名字,却还是寒月天阁掌门!”岳长天感叹自我心酸之余,却仍是骄傲地说道:“我岳长天岂能为了自己的生死荣辱,就做出那等欺心妄行、倒行逆施的勾当?” Yun Xiran gets angry: Still is deceiving oneself and others, your could it be that does not know that your Cold Moon Sky Pavilion that so-called talent disciple Ye Chongxiao real status, radically is Monarch Xiao Ye Xiao! Our big personal enemies! Sun, Moon, Star three overall big personal enemies! Each other had already been doomed the standpoint status of being unable to co-exist! Your such shortly entire does Cold Moon Sky Pavilion fall into his hand?? Powerful does not execute, looks on constantly?!” 云兮然怒道:“还在自欺欺人,你难道不知道,你们寒月天阁的那个所谓天才弟子叶冲霄的真实身份,根本就是笑君主叶笑!我们的大仇人!日月星三宗整体的大仇人啊!彼此早就注定了势不两立的立场身份!你就这么眼看着整个寒月天阁落入他的手中??有力不施,一味坐视?!” How looks on?” Yue Changtian is self-possessed: „Is Ye Chongxiao Monarch Xiao Ye Xiao is also what kind of? Who no matter in his bone is, this life this life, Ye Chongxiao is my Cold Moon Sky Pavilion disciple!” “坐视又如何?”岳长天泰然自如:“叶冲霄笑君主叶笑又怎样?不管他骨子里是谁,今生今世,叶冲霄就是我寒月天阁的弟子!” Does not fall into his hand, we are Cold Moon Sky Pavilion \; Falls into his hand, Cold Moon Sky Pavilion was still Cold Moon Sky Pavilion!” “不落入他的手中,我们是寒月天阁\;落入他的手中,寒月天阁仍旧是寒月天阁!” If Cold Moon Sky Pavilion can carry forward in his hands, goes down in history, leaves a good name to posterity Wan Shi, my rather both hands give to him!” In the Yue Changtian vision is somewhat blazing: Whose hand, there is what relations? Even though is the personal enemy, how?” “若是寒月天阁能够在他手中发扬光大,名垂青史,流芳万世,那么,我宁愿双手送给他!”岳长天目光中有些炽热:“在谁的手中,有什么关系?纵使是仇人,那又如何?” I had said a moment ago, we now are only one crowd of Demon, is one group of lowly slaves. Then, so-called personal enemy...... This and other noble names, we have not matched have again.” “我刚才已经说过了,我们现在就只是一群魔物,更是一群卑贱的奴隶。那么,所谓仇人……这等高尚的称呼,我们也已经不配再拥有。” Yun Xiran coldly snorted, gloomy saying: Yue Changtian, calculates that you plant! You just wait, this time go back, I decide however all Bing bright Boss...... I must have a look but actually, your character, your insistence, your moral courage, in front of Boss, when can also insist.” 云兮然冷哼一声,阴森森的说道:“岳长天,算你有种!你等着吧,此番回去,我定然将一切都秉明主上……我倒要看看,你的风骨,你的坚持,你的气节,在主上面前,又能够坚持到什么时候。” Yue Changtian gains ground slightly, in the vision reveals a heartfelt mock satire, said lightly: Originally you think unexpectedly that this time we can also go back?” 岳长天微微抬头,目光中露出一丝由衷的讥诮讽刺,淡淡道:“原来你竟以为,这一次我们还能回去?” Yun Xiran shakes suddenly, loses sound track: Your this saying what meaning?” 云兮然陡然一震,失声道:“你这话什么意思?” Yue Changtian has smiled lightly, laughter is very strange, said: Wu Huitian has not come back...... Your person has not come back. Only came back you, that in other words...... Did other people die?” 岳长天淡淡的笑了,笑声很怪异,道:“乌回天没有回来……你的人也没有回来。就只回来了你自己,那也就是说……其他人都已经死了吧?” Yun Xiran anger snort|hum: What do you want to say?” 云兮然怒哼一声:“你想说什么?” What do I want to say? I will only say that they die well, died too well!” In the Yue Changtian vision reveals a chill in the air, said in a soft voice: Your under the hand/subordinate person died, Yun Xiran, you as their leaders, did not fear that their some people underground springs are alone, desolate difficult line?!” “我想说什么?我只会说,他们死得好,死得太好了!”岳长天目光中露出一丝寒意,轻声道:“你的手下人都已经死了,云兮然,你作为他们的首领,不怕他们一干人黄泉孤寂,落寞难行吗?!” Yun Xiran withdraws several steps, vigilant drinks to ask: Yue Changtian, what do you want to make? I urged you do not act rashly, if you acted rashly, not to mention in the future investigation of Boss, you think you how me? Even if I am seriously injured, independent combat, you still bore me not what!” 云兮然退后几步,警惕的喝问道:“岳长天,你想做什么?我劝你不要妄动,你若是妄动,且不说日后主上的追究,你以为你奈何得了我么?纵然我身受重伤,单打独斗,你仍旧耐我不何!” Yue Changtian smiled gently: In the present will pay no attention to the Ming Dynasty matter, how that side Boss in the future, I have not cared truly, could not take you regarding my strength...... Perhaps, but is your knowledge I? And you turn head to have a look.” 岳长天轻轻地笑了笑:“今朝不理明朝事,主上那边日后会如何,我还真正不曾放在心上,至于说我一人之力拿不下你……或许吧,但你又怎知是我一人呢?你且回头看看。” Yun Xiran is sideways to lighten five steps, this turns around to turn head to look. 云兮然侧身闪出五步,这才转身回头看去。 Sees only in him behind zhang (3.33 m) positions, another three black clothed masked men \; Arranges the end product glyph to stand, died of suffocation he to retrocede firmly the path. When turns the head suddenly, another side other 89 black clothed masked men, silently have also stood, walks step by step to oneself. 只见在他身后丈余位置,另有三个黑衣蒙面人\;排成品字形站立,牢牢地堵死了他后退道路。霍然转头之际,另一边的其他89个黑衣蒙面人,亦都默默地站了起来,一步步向自己这边走来。 Even if does person in black to move silent, killing intent that but all streams of people overflow is actually dense, if blade edge! 纵然一干黑衣人动而无声,但所有人流溢出来的杀机却是森然若刃! Yun Xiran sees that cannot help but has a big shock: You...... Yue Changtian, you...... What do you want to make?” 云兮然见状不由得大惊失色:“你们……岳长天,你……你要做什么?” Yue Changtian sits cross-legged motionless, said lightly: At this moment do you also want to ask the so stupid question unexpectedly? Sun, Moon, Star three several thousand years ago, are one \; Nowadays the matter to so the situation, already had been doomed unable to recall, then, to avoid three founders is shamed, today by me on behalf of the past founder, here, cleans up the gateway.” 岳长天盘坐不动,淡淡道:“事到如今你竟还要问这般愚蠢的问题?日月星三宗在数万年前,本是一家\;现如今事情到了这般地步,已然注定无法挽回,那么,为了避免三宗祖师蒙羞,今日就由我就代表当年的祖师爷,就在这里,清理门户。” Wu Huitian died, by your friendship, this occasion should still accompany the colleague in road superior you, altogether walks the dwelling place of the dead.” Yue Changtian said in a soft voice: Yun Xiran, good friend, should not make him wait seriously, starting off!” 乌回天已经死了,以你们两人的交情,他此际应该还在路上等你结伴同行,共走九泉。”岳长天轻声道:“云兮然,挚友一场,当真不该让他就等,上路吧!” Yun Xiran draws back continually three steps, gets angry: Yue Changtian, you think that you are Cold Moon Sky Pavilion Sovereign...... Your could it be that does not know, if unexpectedly dares to start to the person of same combination, will have Divine Soul backlash, boils the blood to burn the penalty of brain?!” 云兮然连退三步,怒道:“岳长天,你以为你还是寒月天阁掌门么……你难道不知道,竟如果胆敢对着同一个组合的人下手,将会有神魂反噬,沸血烧脑的惩罚?!” Yue Changtian light smiling of: Knows that I know certainly this taboo, early knew! Then you go ahead and guess, do I fear these backlash and penalties?” 岳长天淡淡的笑了笑:“知道,我当然知道这层禁忌,老早就知道了!那么你猜猜看,我怕不怕这些反噬、惩罚呢?” You...... You do not dare!” Yun Xiran outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted saying. “你……你不敢!”云兮然色厉内荏的说道。 Yun Xiran look blue at this moment, oneself most know from the family work, oneself this occasion is seriously injured, vitality mass consumptions, absolutely does not have many qualifications with Yue Changtian to. 此刻的云兮然脸色发青,自家最知自家事,自己此际身受重伤,生命力更大量消耗,根本就没有多少本钱跟岳长天对上。 If Yue Changtian wants to kill itself seriously, even if has him, could not take many efforts, let alone periphery also some that many Yue Changtian people! 若是岳长天当真想干掉自己,就算只得他自己,也费不了多少力气,更别说周围还有那么多岳长天的人! Yun Xiran has a dream cannot think that Yue Changtian will choose unexpectedly at this time copes with itself. 云兮然做梦也想不到,岳长天竟然会选择在这个时候对付自己。 But what is more unexpected, in one group of people who Yue Changtian leads now, at least 34, are Stars Cloud Gate and Shining Sun Heavenly School disciple. Person who Yue Changtian really had the skill also to turn these people his! 而更出乎意料的是,岳长天现在所率领的一群人之中,至少有34个,乃是星辰云门照日天宗的门人。岳长天竟然有本事将这些人也全都变成了他的人! Yun Xiran! You lost completely the face of Stars Cloud Gate!” Authentic successor who and a black clothed masked man, the body stellar scintillation, Stars Cloud Gate lineage/vein is in direct line, sees only in this person of sound full completely is the sentiment of grief and indignation: You may still remember Stars Cloud Gate Dao Lineage, inherits? That is the Sect high-level mass suicide, Divine Soul entirely to extinguish, Dao Lineage that retains, if your status were confirmed that in society will not have Stars Cloud Gate again......” 云兮然!你丢尽了星辰云门的脸!”其中一个黑衣蒙面人,身上星光闪烁,正是星辰云门一脉嫡传的正宗传人,只见此人声音中满满的尽是悲愤之情:“你可还记得星辰云门道统,是怎么传承下来的吗?那是门派高层集体自杀,神魂俱灭,才保留下来的一点道统,若是你之身份被确认,世间将再无星辰云门……” Before your was controlled, the conscience then, pours difficultly, but looking back now, clearly is you from the beginning never revolts, instead endures gladly, acts servilely, impatient gives the demon to work as the lackey...... You, what cheek you have saying that is Stars Cloud Gate Sovereign?” “之前你被人控制,本心难遂,倒也罢了,但现在看来,分明是你从一开始就从未加以反抗,反而甘之若饴,卑躬屈膝,迫不及待的去给魔头当奴才……你,你有什么面皮自称是星辰云门掌门?” Yun Xiran said loudly: You think that I do want to act servilely? The situation compared with person, the matter to that step, has only been able to see the walk step, facing the irresistible tyrannical strength, can only compromise for the general interest, what means does could it be that have to think? You, do not think that the present can also turn head unexpectedly?!” 云兮然大声道:“你以为我想那么卑躬屈膝么?形势比人强,事情到了那一步,只能见步行步,面对无可抗拒的强横力量,就只能委曲求全,难道还有什么办法可想么?你们这些人,不会以为到现在竟还可以回头么?!” Turns head!? I and others naturally cannot hold the expectation again!” This Stars Cloud Gate expert is extremely painful, is actually saying of character character: But, we have another choice, we can also choose dead!” “回头!?我等自然不会再抱奢望!”这位星辰云门高手沉痛的,却是一字字的说道:“但是,我们还有另一个选择,我们还可以选择死!” We can also choose dead! 我们还可以选择死! These eight characters, it may be said that are loud and clear. 这八个字,可谓是掷地有声。 Several other people, in pupil completely send out similar blazing god light. 其他的十几个人,眸子中尽都发出类似的炽热神光。 We, since Heaven Fishing Platform falls into a trap continuously to the present, in looking for such an opportunity......” in Yue Changtian simple and elegant sound, is mixing with infinitely firm: That is... Is leading you, is bringing Wu Huitian, initially our Sect all people, together died, gets rid of this shackles together!” “我们这些人自从天钓台落入陷阱一直到现在,一直都在寻找这么一个机会……”岳长天清雅的声音中,夹杂着无限坚决:“那就是…带着你,带着乌回天,还有当初我们门派的所有人,一起去死,一起摆脱这层桎梏!” Therefore before us, has been compromising for the general interest, very much has coordinated, has been obedient very much, the only goal, is waits till one day, temporarily gets rid of the surveillance! Everybody comes out together, dies together!” “所以我们之前一直都在委曲求全,一直都很配合,一直很听话,唯一的目的,就是等到有一天,暂时摆脱监视!大家一起出来,一起死!” Also living, loses completely we only cheek!” “不要让还活着的人,把我们仅余的一点面皮都丢光!” We can also live indeterminable have the dignity.” The Yue Changtian ornamental cloth hung over a doorway approaches the day, long saying: But we can choose, dying has a little self-respect slightly.” “我们无法决定还能活得有尊严。”岳长天仰脸向天,悠悠的说道:“但我们可以选择,死的稍稍有那么一点自尊。” Day pities obviously, this opportunity was waited till by us.” Yue Changtian static [say / way]: „, I am very at this moment gratified, no, should be our these is very gratified.” “天可见怜,这个机会被我们等到了。”岳长天静静道:“此时此刻,我很欣慰,不,应该是我们这些全都很欣慰。” Yun Xiran hearing this such as was struck by lightning, is dumb as a wooden chicken. 云兮然闻言如遭雷击,呆若木鸡。 Wu Huitian definitely has not run away.” Yue Changtian said lightly: He will certainly look for Han Bingxue, ended the life in the hand of this entire life Nemesis \; Therefore I was assured he not to come back.” 乌回天肯定没有逃走。”岳长天淡淡道:“他一定会找上寒冰雪,将生命结束在这个生平宿敌的手中\;所以我笃定他不会回来了。” Wu Huitian dies well.” 乌回天死得好。” Wu Huitian conduct manner always to the utmost sinister deceitful strong point, which perspective regardless of being not from is a good person, but...... This time, his death, dies has the strength of spirit, has the popularity, my Yue Changtian must say one, admire!” 乌回天的行事为人向来极尽阴险狡诈之能事,无论从哪方面来说都算不上是一个好人,但……这一次,他的死,死得有骨气,有人气,我岳长天要说一声,佩服!” However you, Yun Xiran.” “然而你,云兮然。” Yue Changtian vision like arrow: Begins!” 岳长天目光如箭:“动手!” Holds on a minute!” The Yun Xiran eyeball rumble the rotation, Ha Ha said with a smile suddenly: Actually we are thoughts, I also think that we have......” “且慢!”云兮然眼珠咕噜噜转动,忽而哈哈笑道:“其实我们大家都是一个心思,我也是这么想的,我们还有……” The Yue Changtian firm and resolute vision remains unmoved slightly, said lightly: You are, must die. Because of us, had decided that must die together, not some people of exceptions!” 岳长天坚毅的目光丝毫不为所动,淡淡道:“就算你是,仍旧要死。因为我们,已经决定要一起死了,不会有人例外!” Issues an order, several black clothed expert begin together. 一声令下,十几位黑衣高手一起动手。 Yun Xiran surface like dying embers, moving aside with every effort from attack in all directions \; But he at this moment is seriously injured, a life has almost removed the most strip, how can also simultaneously deal with these many expert advancing on hand in hand? 云兮然面如死灰,尽力的躲闪来自四面八方的攻击\;但此刻的他身受重伤,一条命几乎去掉了大半条,如何还能同时应付这么多高手的联袂进击? However blinking scene, is the whole body scar, deep obvious bone, blood Biao Fei \; Must be incapable of supporting shortly, feeble breathing treats. 不过眨眼光景,便已经是满身伤痕,深可见骨,鲜血标飞\;眼看着就要无力支持,奄奄待死。 Yue Changtian figure dodges, arrived at side Yun Xiran, a hand raises fiercely, is mixing with one like nine days of bright moon common Qing splendors, falls outrageously! 岳长天身形一闪,已经到了云兮然身边,一只手猛地扬起,夹杂着一股有如九天皓月一般的清辉,悍然落下! Strikes kills certainly! 一击绝杀! However at this moment, thin form flushed together suddenly fiercely, inserts between Yue Changtian and Yun Xiran forcefully. 然而就在这时,一道瘦削的身影突然猛地冲了上来,强行插入岳长天云兮然之间。 Yue Changtian gawks immediately, the Assassin trend is also one slow, that form actually already the hand drew out the palm to fall, strikes abundantly, already the Yun Xiran excellent head platoon was ashes. 岳长天登时一楞,杀手走势也即一缓,那身影却已然手起掌落,一击沛然,早已将云兮然的大好头颅生生排为齑粉 Along with bang a light sound, including its Divine Soul, all was patted the powder, beyond redemption. 随着“轰”的一声轻响,连其神魂,都被悉数拍散,万劫不复。 This struck finally, reaches an agreement I to come.” On the Yue Changtian face reveals a pain: Tian Laojiu, why bother is your this?” “这最后一击,说好了我来。”岳长天脸上露出一丝痛苦:“田老九,你这又是何苦?” This Tian Laojiu mirthless smile, said: Yue Sovereign, Yun Xiran throughout is our Stars Cloud Gate Sovereign person, cleans up the matter of gateway should by us to complete personally is the correct principle...... Is, you have not been able dead now, you must lead the brothers, before does us, that matter that reaches an agreement!” 田老九惨笑一声,道:“岳掌门,云兮然始终是我们星辰云门掌门人,清理门户的事情还是该由咱们亲手完成才是正理……还有就是,您现在还不能死,您还要带着兄弟们,去做咱们之前商量好的那件事呢!” At least on current, you are living, is living usefully compared with me!” “至少就当前而言,您活着,比我活着有用!” At this time, on the Tian Laojiu face suddenly appeared a convulsion, in the eye was overflows just like the crazy collapse look: Brothers, not must forget our agreements surely \; The brothers I walked one first step, no longer withstood this type to be painful!” 这时,田老九脸上突然显出一阵痉挛,眼中更是流溢出宛如疯狂的崩溃神色:“兄弟们,千万莫要忘记我们的约定\;兄弟我先走一步了,不再承受这种痛苦了!” Said that stuffy snort|hum gets up suddenly, in the mouth and nose suddenly spouts the massive black blood, this blood, is similar to has boiled the hot water is unexpectedly common. 说罢一声闷哼骤起,口鼻中蓦然喷出大量黑血,这血液,竟然如同烧开了的热水一般。 Sends out the steaming steam. 散发出腾腾热气。 Tian Laojiu is in deep sorrow staggers, is putting together a final sobriety, a palm patted maliciously on oneself, in the meantime, the dantian position transmitted bang rupturing resounded. 田老九痛不欲生的踉跄一下,拼着最后的一线清醒,一掌狠狠拍在了自己头上,同时,丹田位置传来“轰”的一声爆裂鸣响。 The flesh and blood flutters about. 血肉纷飞。 The Tian Laojiu corpse Bang falls down. 田老九的尸体“砰”地一声摔倒在地。 Obviously the person died, is Divine Soul entirely to extinguish, the soul flies away and spirit dispersed cause of death. 显然人已经死了,还是神魂俱灭,魂飞魄散的死法。 But, the body still unceasing twitching, unceasingly is actually vibrating, this died obviously passed the body, is bearing unexpectedly still that indescribable pinnacle pain! 可是,身体却还在不断的抽搐,不断地抖动,这具明明已经死得透了的躯体,竟还在承受着那种难以言喻的极致痛苦! In the people eyes completely has the tears twinkle. 众人眼中尽都有泪光闪烁。 Yue Changtian cried loud and long, a palm hit the body of Tian Laojiu maliciously crushes, muttered with tears: Brother, the road ahead is alone, for the time being loses headway \; I and others instantly comes!” 岳长天长啸一声,狠狠一掌将田老九的身体打得粉碎,含泪喃喃道:“兄弟,前路孤寂,姑且慢行\;我等即刻就来!” The method of this mysterious control of organization person, seriously was virulent to the extreme. 这个神秘组织控制人的手段,当真是恶毒到了极点。 The members in organization do not forbid each other to compare notes, but under actually refuses the extreme methods, in other words, if among them puts right, hits, so long as you do not kill the match well, such cruel stipulation, can arouse individual activity effectively, will not create reduction of organization strength! 组织内的成员不禁止彼此切磋,但却严禁下死手,换言之,如果两人之间放对,怎么打都可以,只要你不把对手打死就好,这样残苛的规定,既可以有效地调动个人间的能动性,同时也不会造成组织战力的削减! Compares notes to beating often follows lets slip, but in mysterious organization, so-called comparing notes will certainly not let slip, because to fighting both sides certainly careful evasion this, if because you dare to kill the person in organization, then, the dead died the overflowing energy of overflowing to stimulate the same type energy of slayer within the body, two energies in the event of clashes, the hideaway ban in brains will immediately manifest suddenly. 切磋对殴往往会伴随着失手,但在神秘组织中,所谓的“切磋”一定不会失手,因为对战双方一定会至为小心的回避这点,因为若是你敢杀死组织内的人,那么,死者死亡流溢出来的流溢能量会激发出杀人者体内的同类型能量,两股能量一旦发生相冲的时候,头脑中的隐藏禁制就会立即发作。 Boils the blood to burn the brain! 沸血烧脑! So-called boiling blood burns the brain, refers to the whole body the blood, the function that because of banning but counter breaks in the brain. Similar to has boiled the hot water, crazy steam boiling in brain \; Will not make the person die immediately, that pinnacle pain, it may be said that is inexhaustible. 所谓的沸血烧脑,乃是指浑身的鲜血,会因为禁制的作用而逆冲入脑。就如同烧开了的热水,在大脑里面疯狂的蒸煮\;却又不会让人即时死去,那种极致的痛苦,可谓是无穷无尽。 Even is even if you cannot endure the pain, committed suicide dead, the remains will still continue to bear such pain, to...... The human body is completely rotten! 甚至是即便你抵受不住痛苦,自尽死了,遗体仍旧会继续承受这样的痛苦,一直到……肉体完全腐烂! Completely no longer human form. 完全不复人形。 The function of ban will vanish. 禁制的作用才会消失。 In other words, once bans starts, no matter your present is to live dies, no matter you are the person is a ghost, must continue to withstand. 换言之,一旦禁制发动,不管你当前是生是死,不管你是人是鬼,都要持续承受下去。 Until your body, heart and soul three all do not save in Shi! 直到你的身、心、魂三者全都不存于世! Therefore, Yue Changtian can hold the Tian Laojiu corpse destroys. 所以,岳长天才会一掌将田老九的尸体打碎。 Tian Laojiu replaces a Yue Changtian palm to strike to kill the Yun Xiran action, in name is the Stars Cloud Gate reason gateway, the regulations are to actually go to strike, or is replaces bringing death of Yue Changtian to strike! 田老九代替岳长天一掌击杀云兮然的举动,名义上是星辰云门情理门户,实则却是赴死一击,又或者说是代替岳长天的送死一击! But which palm of Yue Changtian , the meanings of many exchange of gifts between friends, after all Tian Laojiu at this moment still had organizes the status of member, a Yue Changtian palm to destroy the corpse mystically, has not had the risk, after all no one knows whether the effect of that ban applies in the corpse! 岳长天的哪一掌,却也不乏投桃报李之意,毕竟田老九此刻仍有神秘组织成员的身份,岳长天一掌毁尸,未尝没有风险,毕竟谁也不知道那禁制的效果是否应用于尸身! Then the loyalty son, has the behavior to refrain from doing things, has to be, Tian Laojiu has the magnanimous act that generation of Yue Changtian go, how Yue Changtian not eliminates the acting that the Tian Laojiu corpse is insulted! 然则义气男儿,有所为有所不为,亦有所必为,田老九有代岳长天赴死的义举,岳长天又岂无消去田老九尸身受辱的担当! Perhaps, in this evil organization, only then we......” the Yue Changtian vision is somewhat mournful, some proudly looks at all around person in black, said: „...... Then little......” “或许,在这个邪恶的组织里面,就只有我们这些人……”岳长天目光有些凄然,也有些傲然的看着四周黑衣人,道:“还有……那么一点点……” He has not said. 他没有说下去。 In several people of eyes, has sent out the light. 十几人的眼睛里,都发出了光。 Obviously, everybody knows Yue Changtian not language completely, the person, the human nature, the will of the people, or person taste? 显然,大家知道岳长天未尽之语,人,人性,人心,亦或是人味呢? Which type however is, regarding current everybody, is always worth! 不过是哪一种,对于当前大家伙而言,总是值得了! All people prepare, now in the evening attacks the Ye Xiao big camp with me!” Yue Changtian deeply inspired: Tonight, to us, this and this Blue Clouds Heaven Territory...... Said says goodbye.” “所有人准备,今晚上跟我进攻叶笑的大营!”岳长天深深吸了一口气:“今夜,到了我们,该和这个青云天域……说再见的时候了。” His ornamental cloth hung over a doorway to day, eye obviously profound, has been full of the infinite attachment, is looking up to the Heavens starry sky, on that day side the bright moonlight, was motionless for a very long time. 他仰脸向天,眼睛更显深邃,充满了无限眷恋,仰望着天上星空,那天边明月,久久不动。 All people completely belong to silently, gains ground to look up to the horizon. 所有人尽都归于静默,抬头仰望天际。 To at this moment, everybody knows, among this people, unexpectedly so adorable, even if the grass of under foot, in eye, has filled with the full of vitality. 到了此时此刻,大家才知道,这个人间,竟是这般的可爱,哪怕是脚下的一株小草,在眼中,也充满了勃勃生机。 Even if only the present that grass, causes the people to feel to envy sufficiently. 即便只是眼前的那一棵小草,也足以令到众人感到羡慕。 Because, this grass still...... The health lives comfortably in this world, but oneself, passed tonight, again did not exist. 因为,这株小草仍旧可以……健康自在地活在这个人世上,而自己,过了今夜,就再也不复存在了。 ...... ……
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