RITF :: Volume #15

#1467: He is, he is not!

Is surprised to know these words, Ye Xiao and the others simultaneously has a big shock! 惊闻这一句话,叶笑等人齐齐大惊失色! This is similar to crazy general person in black, is missing unexpectedly the long time Shining Sun Heavenly School Sovereign person, Wu Huitian? 这个如同疯狂一般的黑衣人,竟然是失踪多日的照日天宗掌门人,乌回天 This... This possibility? 这…这可能吗? Ye Xiao make a prompt decision, makes noise to shout to clear the way: Matter has the fishy, take action takes him with joint forces! Grasps lives!”, 叶笑当机立断,出声喝道:“事有蹊跷,合力出手拿下他!抓活的!”、 Such remarks, all people simultaneously acted immediately. 此言一出,所有人登时齐齐动作了起来。 Issues an order, Ye Xiao pushed to the front, rushed to the forefront. 一声令下,叶笑一马当先,冲到了最前面。 Reappearance of Wu Huitian, appears dawn for current situation 乌回天的再现,为当前局势现出一丝曙光 So long as seizing has gotten down Wu Huitian, the whereabouts of major School missing these people, have the opportunity to retrieve completely. 只要擒下了乌回天,那么,各大宗门失踪的那些人的下落,就有机会可以全部找回。 At least will have the clues to seek, perhaps, all riddles may reveal the truth. 至少将有蛛丝马迹可寻,也许,一切的谜团都可藉此真相大白。 Ye Xiao can pay no attention to others, but Cold Moon Sky Pavilion Sovereign Yue Changtian, with missing, Ye Xiao is having no alternative but to manage, let alone also has other major School personnel...... 叶笑可以不理别人,但寒月天阁掌门岳长天,同在失踪之列,叶笑不能不管,更别说还有其他各大宗门的人员…… And what is more, if can be more definite matter, can other day and that matter of Jun Yinglian Bing'er faint determination, moves to the floor, this without doubt is an extremely good breakthrough point! 更有甚者,若是可以确定一些事,就可以将日前自己与君应怜冰儿隐隐判定的那件事,搬到台面上来说,这无疑是一个极好的切入点! That person in black saw that the people clash together, the attitude obviously crazy, hoarse sound especially rampant has smiled, at once bellows: Han Bingxue, many gratitude and grudges, settled in the present in the past simply!” 黑衣人看到众人一起冲上来,意态更显疯狂,嘶哑的声音格外猖獗地笑了起来,旋即大吼一声:“寒冰雪,往昔许多恩怨,索性就在今朝了结了吧!” Han Bingxue sneers saying: You degenerated into Demon now, what gratitude and grudges I and do you have? If Wu Huitian, the qualifications of mediation, you, have not matched!” 寒冰雪冷笑道:“你如今已经沦为了魔物,我和你还有什么恩怨?若是乌回天,还有了断的资格,你,不配!” person in black sad and shrill is laughing: Your Han Bingxue is any good thing, gangs up with wife's mean goods!” 黑衣人凄厉的大笑着:“你寒冰雪又是什么好东西,勾搭人妻的下作货色!” Then, is similar to a headstrong cow is unexpectedly ordinary, overran. 说罢,竟然如同一头莽牛一般,直直地冲了过去。 In a Han Bingxue sword the palace advances, the point of descent points to opposite party atrium vital point, that person in black a little has not fended unexpectedly unexpectedly, the chest welcomed sword edge to clash, their this occasion fully caused to be, speed seriously quick such as fast, within did not allow to send. 寒冰雪一剑中宫突进,落点直指对方心房要害,不意那黑衣人竟然不曾有点闪避,胸膛迎着剑锋冲了上来,两人此际都是全力使为,速度当真快如电光石火,间不容发。 Compared with blinking also quick instance, both sides have hit in the same place. 比眨眼还快的瞬间,双方已经撞在一起。 The Han Bingxue sword, by potential with irresistible force, did not have pricked the chest of person in black sluggishly, sharp Sword Qi, exploded in that person in black chest position, in an instant flesh and blood flying in all directions, 寒冰雪的剑,以势如破竹之势,全无迟滞地刺入了黑衣人的胸膛,锋锐的剑气,更在那黑衣人的胸口位置爆开,刹那间血肉横飞、 However the person in black sword, actually also arrived at the Han Bingxue nape of the neck position. 然而黑衣人的剑,却也到了寒冰雪脖颈位置。 Obviously, person in black this strikes, intends to fights tooth and nail, is actually is not in the defeat the standard of striving for victory, but has decided on first a Han Bingxue sword, making the opposite party present the stop of flash, then in this subtle moment, but also Han Bingxue kills a sword certainly, discussed this to reach the goal only, did not hesitate dead the harbinger that has covered Han Bingxue unexpectedly! 显而易见,黑衣人这一击,意在搏命,却已非是败中求胜之格,而是打定了先中寒冰雪一剑,使得对方出现一瞬间的停顿,然后于这个微妙关头,还寒冰雪绝杀一剑,单论这为达目的,不惜一死的先声,竟是盖过寒冰雪的! What a pity, each other strength has a disparity, Han Bingxue movement technique Minute Subtlety most excels at dodging in the details hastens out of the way, evades killing intent slightly in end, but lowers the head, the shoulder lifts, already certainly must kill under sword body of sword to slide averagely, has not received the least bit test: Going all out fighting method that a life fights tooth and nail wants to perish together with me, Wu Huitian, you are unqualified!” 可惜,彼此的实力有所差距,寒冰雪身法入微最擅于细微处闪躲趋避,避杀机于丝毫之末,不过一个低头,肩膀一抬,早已就自必杀之剑的剑身下平平滑过,未收半点考验:“一命搏命的拼命打法就想要跟我同归于尽,乌回天,你还不够资格!” Two eye cruelties of Wu Huitian dew slowly outside mask, crazy, desperate, laughing wildly: You know quickly! Am I qualified!” 乌回天露在面罩外面的两只眼睛慢慢的残忍,疯狂,绝望,狂笑着:“你很快就会知道!我够不够格!” He as if again sent greetings said anything, the next moment, his body inflated suddenly fiercely at a naked eye obvious speed. 他似乎又再传音说了一句什么,下一刻,他的身体突然间以一种肉眼可见的速度猛地膨胀起来。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Ye Xiao quick such as the lightning flash inserts among them generally, suddenly a palm hit to fly Han Bingxue. 叶笑快如电闪一般插入两人之间,蓦然一掌将寒冰雪打飞了出去。 Ye Xiao has to but so is, Han Bingxue movement technique Minute Subtlety how wonderful also good, always needs the leeway of hastening out of the way to act, but in this occasion hand the sword pricks person in black within the body, was limited imperceptibly, but person in black is going to carry on is final fighting tooth and nail kills to incur, Han Bingxue certainly not lucky leeway! 叶笑不得不如此而为,寒冰雪身法入微再如何的神妙也好,总需要有趋避的余地才能施为,而此际手中剑刺入黑衣人体内,无形中受到限制,而黑衣人将要进行的才是最后的搏命杀招,寒冰雪绝无侥幸的余地! One such as judgment of Ye Xiao, almost while Han Bingxue was patted flies, bang a bang for the first time presently, body of this person in black, under the people surround explode the broken, tyrannical direct air wave suddenly, like moving mountains the common, turbulent volume, toward flies to shoot in all directions. 一如叶笑的判断,几乎就在寒冰雪被拍飞的同时,“轰”的一声巨响乍现,这个黑衣人的身体,就在众人包围之下猛然爆碎,强横直接的气浪,有如排山倒海一般,汹涌的卷出,向着四面八方飞射。 This Shining Sun Heavenly School Sovereign, at the final moment, chooses own body unexpectedly, has treated as the final weapon. 这位照日天宗掌门,竟然在最后时刻,选择将自己的身体,当做了最后的武器。 Final revenging sharp weapon! 最后的报仇利器! But this final from exploding, the effect is tangible, becomes Ye Xiao of whipping boy bears the brunt, a wild air wave, comes \; 而这最后的自爆,效果明显,成为替罪羔羊的叶笑首当其冲,一股狂暴的气浪,迎面而来\; This terrifying prestige energy that contains Wu Huitian to hope finally, is quite considerable, even if better than Ye Xiao, if withstands seriously directly, even if undying, only feared that must pay the heavy losses the result, however Ye Xiao strain wonderful quick, anxious illness both hands, explodes drinks a sound track: Prisoner's Cage!” 这股包含了乌回天最后寄望的恐怖威能,极为可观,即便强如叶笑,若是当真正面承受,就算不死,只怕也得付出重创的结局,然而叶笑应变奇速,急疾双手一圈,爆喝一声道:“囚笼!” The entire space, the position congeals suddenly! 整个空间,突然位置凝结! Wu Huitian from certainly the prestige energy that exploding to form, just erupted unexpectedly instantaneously by the Ye Xiao forcefully trapped|sleepy lock in a relatively narrow and small space. Other person also worldly-wise people, according to the circumstances also early, perform launch the most rapid movement technique anxious illness to withdraw. 乌回天自爆所形成的强绝威能,竟然刚刚爆发出来的瞬间被叶笑强行困锁在一个相对狭小的空间之中。其他人亦都老江湖,见机也早,尽都展开最迅速的身法急疾撤出。 What a pity the people castrate get up, that gang of tyrannical tyrant explodes the prestige energy certainly, has broken through Ye Xiao Prisoner's Cage, the terrifying lethality, two degrees scatter in all directions loudly. 可惜众人去势才起,那股强横霸绝的爆炸威能,已经将叶笑囚笼冲破,恐怖杀伤力,二度轰然四散。 Fortunately were many putting of flickering, the people finally have the leisure to haunch energy field to resist this terrifying lethality. 所幸多了一瞬之搁,众人总算有余暇撑起气场抵抗这股恐怖杀伤力。 Only has the move of Prisoner's Cage to be broken withstands backlash Ye Xiao stuffily snort|hum, the whole person pushed out by this air wave fiercely. 唯有囚笼之招被破承受反噬叶笑闷哼一声,整个人被这股气浪猛地推了出去。 The corners of the mouth overflow the faint trace blood, the obvious injury is heavy. 嘴角更溢出丝丝鲜血,显见伤势不轻。 If powerhouse of Ye Xiao so level, the commonplace does not injure, once is damaged, is not inevitably light, blocked that a moment ago forcefully terroristly from exploding the prestige energy, the move of Prisoner's Cage almost flickers broken, move broken backlash, withstands the most direct explosive force, how in diplomacy of dual lethality fry with slightly may, even if cannot withstand by the Ye Xiao foundation. 叶笑这般层次的强者,等闲不伤,一旦受创,必然非轻,刚才强行封锁那股至为恐怖的自爆威能,囚笼之招几乎瞬破,招法被破的反噬,还有承受最直接的爆炸力,双重杀伤力的内外交煎岂同小可,纵然以叶笑的根基也告承受不起。 The profound ice eyesight always said that the move of her Prisoner's Cage also immediate and presently, covers on Ye Xiao, has blocked the impact complementary waves. 玄冰的眼力何等老道,她的囚笼之招也即时而现,笼罩在叶笑身上,挡住了冲击余波。 But the remaining prestige of blast still continued to assume an awe-inspiring pose, pushes Ye Xiao. 但爆炸气浪的余威仍旧持续发威,将叶笑推送出去。 Although Wu Huitian itself cultivation level has Dao Origin Stage peak cultivation level, even has not comprehended the boundary of Minute Subtlety, but has not comprehended the boundary of Minute Subtlety is a matter, his cultivation level actually was still Dao Origin Stage peak, and pure exceptionally, how otherwise the Shining Sun Heavenly School Sovereign person was one's turn him to do, but such as he so was duty-bound not to turn back, destroys valley own complete vitality the limit, from exploding to display the itself over ten times strong great power energy total fusions in struck \; Before the trouble starting near at hand, Ye Xiao strength two points, a strength sent off Han Bingxue, forced the move of Prisoner's Cage to block from again temporarily exploding the prestige energy, even if were Ye Xiao this grade of cultivation level, facing a ten times of Dao Origin Stage peak tyrannical prestige energy, unavoidable weak! 乌回天本身修为虽然只得道元境巅峰修为,甚至没有领悟入微之境,但没有领悟入微之境是一回事,他的修为却仍旧是实打实的道元境巅峰,且精纯异常,否则照日天宗掌门人又如何轮到他做,而如他这般义无反顾,摧谷自身全部生命力的极限自爆更能发挥出本身十倍以上的强大威能全数融合在一击之间\;之前变生肘腋,叶笑一力两分,一股力道送走寒冰雪,再强使囚笼之招暂时封锁自爆威能,纵然是叶笑这等修为,面对一股十倍道元境巅峰的强横威能,也难免不支! Passes the moment again, from exploding complementary waves stops rests, actually sees person in black from exploding the middle of position, presented a big hole impressively. 再过片刻,自爆余波止歇,却见黑衣人自爆位置的中间,赫然出现了一个大坑。 Has the hundred zhang (333m) deep big hole. 一个足足有百丈深的大坑。 This black clothed masked man, is until death has not revealed the true self unexpectedly, as the matter stands then doesn't have the substantial evidence to identify this person is Wu Huitian? 这个黑衣蒙面人,竟是至死也没有露出来本来面目,这样一来便无实据指证此人就是乌回天 Although in the people heart very much affirmed, but actually nobody says. 虽然众人心中都很肯定,但却没有人说出口来。 The deads are over, the right and wrong merits and faults no doubt wait descendant to comment on, but people casual one person on the scene is also the status uncommon generation, was really not willing in behind to say the person at this moment, unavoidably he denounced toward the manner! 亡者已矣,是非功罪固然留待后人评说,但在场众人随便一人也都是身份不凡之辈,实在不愿在此刻背后说人,难免他朝为人诟病! Is Wu Huitian? Possibly is the determination he?” Ye Xiao looks at Han Bingxue. “是不是乌回天?可能确定是他么?”叶笑看着寒冰雪 Ye Xiao this occasion is to actually need cauldron card person is Wu Huitian, with the aim of later acting, naturally asked first litigant Han Bingxue, but was one's turn the people on the scene most to understand Wu Huitian, without doubt was Han Bingxue! 叶笑此际却是需要鼎证此人就是乌回天,以便之后动作,自然动问第一当事人寒冰雪,而轮到在场众人中最了解乌回天的,无疑就是寒冰雪 Han Bingxue obviously was hesitant, this answered: Like, but...... It is not able to determine.” 寒冰雪显然是犹豫了一下,这才回话道:“像,但……无法确定。” The Ye Xiao facial color is startled slightly, deeply looked at Han Bingxue one, nods, has not closely examined again. 叶笑面色微微一怔,深深地看了寒冰雪一眼,点点头,没有再追问。 On the face of Han Bingxue, the long wounds, the White Jade common handsome face, had such wound, is equal to disfiguring one's face. Although Han Bingxue can convalesce quickly, but, least for these days, will be unattractive. 寒冰雪的脸上,有一道长长的伤口,白玉一般的俊脸,出现了这样的伤口,等于毁容。虽然寒冰雪可以很快痊愈,但,最少这几天,是不会那么好看了。 But, always dies to love on the attractive Han Bingxue this occasion face actually rare is not angry. 但,向来死爱漂亮的寒冰雪此际脸上却罕有的并无愤怒。 Has a very strange look. 只有一种很奇怪的神色。 As if regrets, loses, is somewhat vacant, somewhat is relaxed. 似乎是惋惜,失落,又有些茫然,却也还有些轻松。 Ye Xiao completely looks at all these in the eye, anything had not said. 叶笑将这一切尽都看在眼中,却什么都没有说。 Answering of Han Bingxue stems from the Ye Xiao accident obviously, but Han Bingxue has own choice, is the brothers, demands senselessly! 寒冰雪的回话显然出乎叶笑意外,但寒冰雪自有自己的选择,都是自家兄弟,无谓强求! The war, the people examined victory finally, basic everybody could not bear attract an cold air/Qi \; In the take action twenty people, on the larger part received injuring of varying degrees \; Although these person in black of opposite party almost died completely, only ran away a leader \; Although own this person of side had not died, these injuries of but, withstands, still let in the people heart one cold. 大战终了,众人检验战果,基本人人都忍不住吸了一口冷气\;出手的二十几人之中,一大半身上都是受了不同程度的伤损\;对方的这些黑衣人虽然几乎死亡殆尽,就只逃走了一个首领\;自己这方的人虽然没有死亡的,但,所承受的这些伤势,却仍旧让众人心中一凛。 The people have not known at this moment, if not the move of Ye Xiao suddenly Shi Jiyang, directed the attention of enemy all people at one fell swoop, then has facilitated the effectiveness of profound ice cold ice blockade, the merit that and even further people big move hand in hand attacked became, this war finally can win, was actually not necessarily able such as current so to win total victories, nobody fallen! 众人此刻还不知道,如果不是叶笑骤施极阳之招,一举引走了敌方所有人的注意力,进而促成了玄冰寒冰封锁的奏效,乃至更进一步众人大招联袂出击的功成,此战就算最终能胜,却也未必能如当前这般大获全胜,己方无人陨落 This time, us has almost concentrated Blue Clouds Heaven Territory current all super expert, collaborates a pair of person in black influence, the victory still so was finally frigid.” Ye Xiao said lightly: If in the future to the nucleus of this evil organization, intruded on seriously on a large scale, how actually should? The tactical situation has not permitted truly optimistically!” “这一次,咱们这边差不多集中了青云天域当前所有的超级高手,联手一对黑衣人势力,最终战果却仍旧如此惨烈。”叶笑淡淡道:“日后若是当真对上了这个邪恶组织的中坚力量,大举进犯的时候,却又该如何?战况实实未许乐观!” The people are the worldly-wise people, naturally understands in the weight, not because temporary profits to be impetuous, under careful consideration, how non- heart startled, by some people and others, mood completely obviously heavy, worried. 众人都是老江湖,自然明白个中轻重,并不会因为一时的得利而浮躁,仔细思量之下,怎不心惊,是以一干人等,心情尽显沉重,心事重重。 Does not have more reinforcements to arrive from these person in black to judge, these people arrive are only the leading troops . Moreover, their has the goal to be used to harass. 从这些黑衣人没有更多援兵到来就可以判断出来,这些人大抵只是先头部队,而且,他们的存在目的就只是用来骚扰的。 Small crack troops, are not the enemy main force absolutely, at least is not the elite strength. 只是一小股精锐部队,绝对算不上敌方主力,至少不是精锐战力。 But, is such a small strength, actually tossed about so earthshakingly! 但,就是这么一小股战力,却已经折腾得这般惊天动地! If the enemy does invade one's territory seriously on a large scale? How finally can? 若是敌人当真大举来犯?结果又会如何? Really has not permitted optimistically! 委实是未许乐观! ...... …… He finally some told me that I cannot live.” “他最后有跟我说,我不能活了。” Han Bingxue alone stands in front of Ye Xiao, the sound appears has not seen the heaviness. 寒冰雪独自站在叶笑前面,声音显得未见之沉重。 He said that he cannot throw this person.” “他说,他丢不起这个人。” He hopes that I do not expose his status.” “他希望,我不要暴露他的身份。” Therefore he, looks for me in final moment actually intentionally, is intentional from exploding, intention very obviously, if you do not come, I instead can wield a sword to send to the sky him, making all people hasten out of the way this time explosion complementary waves......” “所以他,在最后关头其实是故意找上我,也是故意的自爆,意图十分的明显,如果你不过来的话,我反而可以挥剑将他送上天空,令所有人都趋避这次的爆炸余波……” Han Bingxue long deep sigh one breath: I with this person, gratitude and grudges entanglement life, but until at this moment, actually instead has had finally the meaning of point admiring to him.” 寒冰雪悠悠长叹一口气:“我与这个人,恩怨纠缠一生,但直到最后这一刻,却反而对他生出了一点佩服之意。” How mean and shameless lower reaches regardless of his handling matters manner is mean.” “无论他的处事为人如何的卑鄙无耻下流下作下贱。” But, said on...... Han Bingxue finally gently: Always also dies likely a man.” “但,就最后而言……”寒冰雪轻轻地说道:“总还死得像个男人。” Ye Xiao silent, did not know to say anything, long sighed. 叶笑沉默了一下,不知道说什么,长长叹了口气。 He is also the Martial Dao big expert, naturally knows Han Bingxue said is not the lies, if in handling against situation, launches facing the rival from exploding the offensive, can achieve the whole body to draw back is the enormous fate, but if has guarded, even earlier one step understands clearly the plan of enemy, instead can take advantage of somebody's authority to do. 他亦是武道大行家,自然知道寒冰雪所说的非属虚言,若是在措不及防的情况下,面对敌手展开自爆攻势,能够做到全身而退便已经是极大的运道,但若是有所提防,甚至更早一步洞悉敌人的打算,反而可以借势而作。 If that service, Wu Huitian obeyed an order to wrestle the machine a moment ago, locks the sword by the body, seems like enters the deathtrap Han Bingxue sleepily, but if Han Bingxue already understood clearly its intention, many articles can do, only needs the vigor to divide 3-layer, the 1-layer strength punctures the sword to enter the enemy body, the second strength breaks through the opposite party protecting oneself defense line, starts the 3-layer strength again, then can in the final moment that Wu Huitian explodes, his whole person flings the upper air, causes this to explode again the non- threat. 如刚才那一役,乌回天应命搏机,以身锁剑,看似将寒冰雪困入死地,但若寒冰雪早已洞悉其用意,便有许多文章可作,只需劲分三重,第一重力道刺剑入敌身,第二道劲力突破对方护身防线,再发动第三重劲力,便可以在乌回天爆炸的最后关头,其整个人甩上高空,令到这一爆再无威胁可言。 This helps the Wu Huitian procedure, if Han Bingxue does not want to help, wants to take to capture alive it, the method is simpler, only needed to snatch the body until now, in even/including Poqi the dantian, sea of qi and wing celtis three holes, then can eradicate Wu Huitian Merit Body, released it from exploding the skill, fast of Han Bingxue movement technique, is present age unique, saw through the machine first, had the absolute assurance to complete this tactic. 这还是成全乌回天的做法,若是寒冰雪不想成全,想要将其拿下活捉的话,方法更简单,只需要抢身迄今,连破其丹田、气海、檀中三穴,便可以破除乌回天功体,泄走其自爆功力,寒冰雪身法之速,当世独步,又洞烛机先,有绝对的把握可以完成这个战术。 But Han Bingxue to help the last wish of old personal enemy, was actually resigned to let off a latter most appropriate method, then used the previous technique, but Ye Xiao guarded chaotic of brothers to enter, instead caused situation danger out-of-control, in the reason, was actually hard to be distinct! 寒冰雪为了成全老仇人的遗愿,却是甘心放过了后一种最恰当的手段,转而使用前一个手法,可是叶笑卫护兄弟的乱入,反而令到局势险险失控,个中情由,却又难以分明了! Long time long time, Ye Xiao opens the mouth to say finally: This person is not Wu Huitian!” 良久良久,叶笑终于开口说道:“这人不是乌回天!” Han Bingxue has gawked staring, at once then understands his meaning, makes an effort to nod, said: Yes, this person truly is not Wu Huitian.” 寒冰雪愣了愣,旋即便明白他的意思,用力点了点头,道:“是的,这个人确实不是乌回天。” Wu Huitian, has been missing......” Ye Xiao saying: He was really missing for a long time, the short time only feared that was hard to look. From now on, can seeking for his duty sets aside, Shining Sun Heavenly School the destruction, were many he to be short of him, not many distinguishes.” 乌回天,已经失踪了……”叶笑道:“他实在失踪得太久了,短时间只怕难以找回来了。今后,可以将寻找他的任务暂搁,照日天宗已覆灭,多他一人少他一人,并无多少分别。” Yes!” Han Bingxue eye bright illumination. “是!”寒冰雪眼睛熠熠发光。 ...... …… In one remote and in the level area of secret. 在一处遥远且隐秘的山坳之中。 That ran away in the birth day black clothed first neckband to spit blood by luck, two looked at sitting several person in black red, corner of the eye is wanting asking of crack: Why? Why does not support! If were many your support, at least 50% people can escape!” 那侥幸逃出生天的黑衣首领口中吐着血,两眼通红地望着席地而坐的十几个黑衣人,睚眦欲裂的问道:“为什么?为什么不去支援!若是多了你们的支援,至少有一半人能够逃脱!” In the mountain valley shadow, 12 person in black of clothing appearance from calmly are sitting similarly. 山谷阴影中,同样着装打扮的12个黑衣人正自静静地坐着。 Here everyone seems is the spirit is more ordinary. 只是这里的每个人都更好似是幽灵一般。 At this moment, saw appearance that this person in black spits blood unceasingly, 12 person manner such as one, just likes does not see. 此刻,看到这黑衣人不断吐血的样子,12个人态度如一,恍如不见。 Why?” The person in black leader also once again angry low roar accountability said. “为什么?”黑衣人首领又再度愤怒的低吼问责道。 And person in black gains ground slightly, the chilly vision is gazing at the person in black leader, said lightly: Rescue? Why do we want to rescue you?” 其中一个黑衣人微微抬头,清冷的目光注视着黑衣人首领,淡淡道:“救援?我们为什么要去救援你们?” That person in black leader hearing this immediately for it illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy. 黑衣人首领闻言登时为之气结。
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