RITF :: Volume #15

#1466: Wu Huitian 【Two-in-one】

Also incessantly is Ye Xiao, is almost the heel foot, profound ice Jun Yinglian also along with it arriving 还不止是叶笑自己,几乎是脚跟脚,玄冰君应怜亦随之来到 Three big expert come in waves, will immediately fall into the deadlock condition the situation, reverses to be favorable for we. 三大高手联袂而至,即时将原本陷入僵持状态的的局势,扭转为对本方有利。 Moment, startled sees such as mountain blade light to dodge to shake the world broadly. 须臾,惊见恢弘如山的刀光一闪撼世。 Broad blade light, is similar to a mountain is seriously ordinary, suddenly will pound from the highest heaven cloud. 恢弘刀光,当真就如同一座大山一般,突然从九霄云里生生砸将下来。 It goes without saying, was Li Wuliang to! 不言而喻,是厉无量到了! Demon is stealthy, eats my One Blade!” “邪魔鬼祟,吃我一刀!” Li Wuliang present One Blade, makes opposite party 17-18 individuals also cry for the first time immediately: Shameless!” 厉无量乍现的这一刀,登时让对方十七八个人同时大叫一声:“无耻!” Rivers and lakes convention, many determination big on martial artist, to show own frankness, association before leaving move, gives a loud shout anything, this act no doubt can receive to frighten the merit of enemy, often will make also the match have the vigilance, overall is the advantages half-and-half, the shortcoming outweighs the advantage, the wise battlefield does not take, but ordinary Li Wuliang also follows this convention, therefore has horizontal day One Blade, frank and upright reputation! 江湖惯例,许多自觉自己高大上的武者,为了彰显自身的光明磊落,总会在出招之前,大喝一声什么什么的,此举固然能收震慑敌人之功,却也往往会令对手产生警觉,总体而言是利弊参半,弊大于利的,智者战阵不取,而平常的厉无量也正是遵循这一惯例,所以才有横天一刀,光明正大的美誉! But today, Horizontal Sky Blade Monarch the One Blade, actually with usually contradicts, sends unexpectedly before the shout, until the opposite party people hear his bellowing time, that One Blade early from the top of the head has been dividing the crotch one with Dao Origin Stage peak expert that profound ice opposed the enemy! 可是今天,横天刀君的这一刀,却与平常相悖,竟然是在喊声之前所发出去的,及至对方众人听到他的大吼的时候,那一刀早已经将一位正在与玄冰对敌的道元境巅峰高手从头顶一直劈到了胯下! This person of cultivation level book is weak in profound ice, the experience was inferior that realm is worse two 3-layer, facing profound ice, early the laborious whole body has sweated, the whole body is incapable, dislikes especially insufficient, supports to barely survive \; Naturally already completely the attention, will perform strongly on this fearful not well-known young woman, actually where wants to obtain famous town Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, to be usually big on Weiguang Horizontal Sky Blade Monarch One Blade to sneak attack unexpectedly from oneself? 这人的修为本就是弱于玄冰,经验更加不如,境界更加差着两三层,面对玄冰,早已经辛苦的浑身冒汗,全身无力,尤嫌不足,支持维艰\;自然早已将全部注意力,尽都集中在这个可怕的不知名女人身上,却又哪里想得到名镇青云天域、素来高大上伟光正的横天刀君居然会从自己背后一刀偷袭过来? Is the successive calls out pitifully does not have one, cleft in two by Li Wuliang directly, One Blade is overwhelmed, Divine Soul entirely to extinguish, the intravenous drip not saves. 却是连惨叫也没有一声,直接被厉无量劈成了两半,一刀断魂,神魂俱灭,点滴无存。 This is also Ye Xiao warns the main point of people, if there are to strike to kill the opportunity of enemy, while system enemy doom, must extinguish it as far as possible kills to soul flies away and spirit dispersed, the situation that the least bit does not save, this can exterminate the dead's especially since reverse benefit secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator effectively after dying! 这亦是叶笑告诫众人的要点,若是有击杀敌人的机会,在制敌死命的同时,尽可能要将其灭杀至魂飞魄散,半点不存的地步,这样才能最为有效的灭绝死者在死后尤自反向裨益幕后黑手! Turned head to say Li Wuliang that again One Blade killed the enemy, that thunderclap bellowed a moment ago, the end resulted in the invincible might to be cold, although enemy completely in obloquying shameless, actually did not stay, entered to fight the circle with the blade powerful randomly! 回头再说一刀毙敌的厉无量,刚才那一身霹雳大吼,端得神威凛凛,虽然敌人尽都在大骂“无耻”,却是毫不停留,连人带刀强势乱入战圈! Um, randomly enters, non- intrudes! 嗯,就是乱入,非是闯入! Li Wuliang does not have the methodicalness not to have One Blade One Blade of repertoire One Blade, the blade blade is nearly mindless hard spells to fiercely attack, attacks to approach...... The different enemies, randomly do not enter! 厉无量毫无章法毫无套路的一刀一刀一刀,刀刀都是近乎不讲理的硬拼猛攻,攻向……不同的敌人,可不就是乱入么! But follows not to speak the rivers and lakes custom in his behind Xue Danru, Li Wuliang One Blade gets down, contains the No Blade Miss Minute Subtlety characteristics that he was in sole possession, causes hardly is only put together the attack by the person of blade with him. 而跟在他身后的雪丹如更加不讲江湖规矩,厉无量一刀下去,包含了他独有的无刀不中入微特性,令到受刀之人只跟他硬拼对攻。 But facing on Li Wuliang inborn supernatural power, the Horizontal Sky Blade terrifying weight, no matter who is joining, even if deals with comes, the whole person always unavoidably staggers, lie slanting anything. 可是正面对上厉无量的天生神力,还有横天刀的恐怖重量,不管是谁接上,就算应付得来,整个人总免不了一个踉跄、趔斜什么的。 expert contests, difference of the flickering, is the difference of life and death highest good, obtained the most perfect annotation in this! 高手过招,一瞬之差,就是生死之别的至理,在此得到了最完满的诠释! Follows in Li Wuliang behind Xue Danru, that is the what kind eyesight experience, has extinguishes the enemy good opportunity like this, how also to let off, in the hand the treasured sword pulls out like the poisonous snake generally hails the sneak attack. 跟随在厉无量身后的雪丹如,那是何等的眼力见识,有这样灭敌良机,又怎么放过,手中宝剑有如毒蛇一般抽冷子偷袭。 Opposite party cultivation level is not similar to arranged in order the Heaven Realm certainly summit Expert rank Xue Danru, but must be sneak attacked, was found the flaw, how can undying?! 对方修为本就不如同列天域绝巅大能等级的雪丹如,还要被偷袭,被找到破绽,怎能不死?! This husband and wife combines the powerful to enter the war randomly, does not have toward seriously is disadvantageous! 这对夫妻组合强势乱入战局,当真是无往而不利! Believes that initially was at the peak condition Wu Fa, does not have the lower limit combination the bitter experience to such husband and wife hand in hand, that is also ready must suffer a loss, let alone these are person in black well below Wu Fa? 相信就算是当初处于巅峰状态的武法,遭遇到这样的夫妻联袂无下限组合,那也是妥妥地要吃亏的,更何况这些黑衣人远远不如武法 As this enters to chaotic of not good couple, the effect seemingly must feel better Ye Xiao and other big expert helps hand in hand, the entire war in evolved the one-sided situation extremely in a short time. 随着这对无良夫妇的乱入,效果貌似还要好过叶笑等三大高手的联袂来援,整个战局在极短时间里演变成了一边倒的形势。 Naturally, did not say Mr. and Mrs. Li Wuliang entered to ensure the victory randomly, they shifted to an earlier time the victory countdown, truly what because ensured the victory was Ye Xiao! 当然,不是说厉无量夫妇的乱入奠定了胜局,他们只是将胜局的倒计时提早许多而已,因为真正奠定胜局的乃是叶笑 The Ye Xiao Stars Sword potential violent force sinks, destroys the hardest defenses, in the star light sparkle, the blood luminous spot point departs, one group of dense Purple Qi, linger above his Stars Sword sword body throughout, even if in howling in bone-chilling cold astral wind, throughout the condensation is not loose. 叶笑星辰剑势猛力沉,无坚不摧,星光闪耀中,血光点点飞出,更有一团氤氲紫气,始终萦绕在他的星辰剑剑身之上,纵然在呼啸凛冽的罡风中,始终凝聚不散。 Very obviously, Ye Xiao during this fights, has used fully! 很显然,叶笑在这一战之中,已经动用了全力! Besides cherished Ning Biluo and the others safety, have a mind to fight a battle to force a quick decision, he knows that now these people facing on, generally is the nucleus of that mysterious organization, even if not the complete strength, inevitably is a large part! 除了心切宁碧落等人的安危,有心想要速战速决之外,他更加知道,现在面对上的这些人,大抵就是那个神秘组织的中坚力量,纵然不是全部战力,也必然是其中的很大一部分! If can destroy it, regarding the forthcoming war, definitely has the greatest benefit. 若是能够将之一举歼灭,对于即将到来的大战,绝对有莫大的裨益。 Therefore Ye Xiao this time completely has not kept the hand seriously, almost every strikes, does utmost. 所以叶笑这次当真是全然没有留手,几乎每一击,都是竭尽全力。 The innumerable weapons of other side, change into ashes under the powerful attack of Stars Sword all! 彼方的无数兵器,尽数在星辰剑的强势攻击下化为齑粉 Under Blue Clouds Heaven Territory this sky, does not have what weapon to offend the Stars Sword incomparable point seriously! 青云天域这片天空下,当真就没有什么兵器能够直撄星辰剑无匹锋芒! The so astonishing strength, thoroughly destroyed has organized a side the fighting spirit to fight the heart mystically, let alone also had profound ice Jun Yinglian these two female evil stars to assist in side, war situation locking, is won the potential by the superiority rapidly only in shortly, as for Mr. and Mrs. Li Wuliang entering war, although seemed like the scene is irritable, the momentum seized the person, more was actually because numerous person in black already by the Ye Xiao three people frightened tyrannicalally, mental state was low, is hard to display own strength, naturally fell into the standard of lopsided slaughter! 如此惊人战力,彻底摧毁了神秘组织一方的斗志斗心,更别说还有玄冰君应怜这两个女煞星在旁辅助,迅速将战局局势锁定,由优势而胜势只在顷刻,至于厉无量夫妇的入战,虽然看似场面火爆,声势夺人,更多却是因为众多黑衣人已经被叶笑三人的强横所震慑,心境低迷,难以发挥自身实力,自然陷入一面倒的屠杀之格! However in this battle obtains benefits many on the contrary is Zhao Pingtian and Ning Biluo Liu Changjun and other people, personal experience this kind of war, they true personal feel the so-called Dao Origin Stage peak cultivator prestige energy. No matter own own fight, watches the fight of other powerhouse, the sensibility of that life and death, is such obvious, such tentacle may and...... 不过此役中获益最多的反倒是赵平天宁碧落柳长君等三人,亲身经历这样一场大战,他们才真正切身感受到所谓道元境巅峰修者的威能。不管是自己的亲身战斗,还是观看别的强者的战斗,那种生死的感悟,都是那样的明显,那样的触手可及…… Completely is peak expert, no matter sees anyone, where also or sees, even if flashes by, the glance, felt that as if has made up for an own short board...... 四下里尽都是巅峰高手,不管看到谁,又或者是看到哪里,纵然只是白驹过隙,惊鸿一瞥,都感觉似乎是弥补了自己的一项短板…… Although three people of strengths are hard to obtain too many substantive promotion in a short time, but in his heart, regarding the sensibility of Martial Dao, actually in that night, profits a great deal. 三人的战力虽然在短时间内难以得到太多实质性的提升,但其心中,对于武道的感悟,却是在这一夜之间,受益良多。 Before the war, placed certainly the place of danger, was surrounded by perils, at times the underground spring crossroad they who went to and returns , the basic each people were the whole body dripping with blood and cut and bruised, the injury are heavy, but this occasion was actually the eye does not hate to wink. 之前大战,身处绝险之地,险象环生,时时黄泉路口去又返的他们,基本每个人都是浑身鲜血淋漓、遍体鳞伤,伤势不轻,但此际却是连眼睛也不舍得眨一下。 Perhaps this, is derives the Martial Dao essence to visit, unprecedented heaven-sent opportunity! 这,或许是自己汲取武道精诣,前所未有的天赐良机! Misses today's chance, perhaps is very difficult again like this general, one's own side overwhelmed with numerical strength completely on own initiative has the superiority to be driving, is for oneself so recklessly observing and emulating the opportunity...... 错过今日的机缘,恐怕很难再有这样一般,己方人多势众全然主动占据优势主动,供自己如此肆意观摩的机会了…… Withdraw!” “撤!” And person in black yelled fierce. 其中一个黑衣人厉声大叫,。 While yelling, has blocked a Ye Xiao sword as well as Li Wuliang One Blade. 却在大叫的同时,生生挡住了叶笑的一剑以及厉无量一刀 A blood, immediately „” has spurted, in hand long sword, turned into ashes suddenly. 一口鲜血,登时“哇”的喷了出来,手中长剑,也突然间变成了齑粉 This person can keep off sword One Blade that Ye Xiao and Li Wuliang act fully, the wound has not died, tyrannical of its strength, can be inferred! 此人能够挡下叶笑厉无量全力施为的一剑一刀,伤而未死,其实力之强横,可见一斑! „To walk? Why worries, stays behind chats again!” Ye Xiao cried loud and long, jumped, in the airborne special tumbling, suddenly, the moonlight between world as if in an instant was losing all brilliance to be ordinary. “想走?何必那么着急,还是留下再聊聊吧!”叶笑长啸一声,纵身而起,在空中一个特异翻滚,蓦然间,天地间的月色仿佛在刹那间失去了所有光彩一般。 One group of Sun also resemble flamings the bright ray, appears in the sky! 一团太阳也似的炽亮光芒,出现在当空! The group star no doubt is hard to vie with the bright moon, but radiant brilliant sunlight, actually yes! 群星固然难以与皓月争辉,但璀璨绚烂的日光,却是可以的! This flash, floods in trim world dazzling magnificent, is similar to rises to apex high noon Sun impressively! 这一瞬间,充斥于整片天地之间的耀眼辉煌,赫然便如同一颗攀升至顶点的正午太阳! Moreover, this ray 10.000 zhang (33,300m) hot essence, is away from the earth is such near, like this dry fierce. 而且,这颗光芒万丈的火精,距离大地是那样的近,这样的燥烈。 This fierce positive, naturally is Ye Xiao sword light! 这颗烈阳,自然就是叶笑剑光所化! Bang a bang, innumerable blazing Sword Qi maneuver among groups , the profound ice silver tooth bites, washes one's hands, one group of yin cold mist from her hand silent sends. “轰”的一声巨响,无数的炽烈剑气纵横捭阖地冲将下来,玄冰银牙一咬,一抖手,一团阴寒的雾气从她手中无声无息的发出去。 Yin Cold mist traceless such as hidden sneaks underground, at once splits up many extremely cold air currents, the extremely fast sneaks to the goal person in black under foot, at once detonates, the cold air fluidization makes the cold ice chains extremely, deadlocks goal person in black unexpectedly firmly is in-situ! 阴寒雾气无痕如隐的潜入地下,旋即分化成多股极寒气流,极速潜行至目标黑衣人脚下,旋即引爆,极寒气流化作寒冰锁链,竟是将目标黑衣人牢牢锁死在原地! profound ice, near enemy fight wisdom showing, the Ye Xiao offensive without doubt is with nothing left sharp, is the wide scope pointedness attack, but since goal person in black can resist stubbornly, can it be that simply can tidy up the role, profound ice releases the cold fog, to lead the cold current, melts the frozen, a series of movement forms a coherent whole, asks non- to annihilate the enemy, but must imprison the enemy thoroughly, and so long as imprisons an instance, however this instance, has established a capital city sufficiently too many matters! 玄冰的这一手,临敌战斗智慧彰显无遗,叶笑的攻势无疑犀利,更是大范围针对性攻击,可是目标黑衣人能够负隅顽抗至今,岂是简单可以收拾得了的角色,玄冰释寒雾、导寒流,化冰封,一连串的动作一气呵成,所求非是歼敌,而是要将敌人彻底禁锢,且就只要禁锢一个瞬间,然而这个一个瞬间,已经足以定鼎太多事情了! Even though the profound ice strength is exceedingly high, but the current goal is numerous, and does not have one is easy with it generation, for a long time imprisons at all actual, but the imprisonment of flash, is, after all, the fixed-point attack is always easiest to form the attack effect! 纵使玄冰实力通天,但当前的目标为数众多,且没有一个是易与之辈,长时间禁锢根本不起实际,但一瞬间的禁锢,还是可以的,毕竟,定点打击总是最容易形成攻击效果的! Almost at the same time, Li Wuliang, Xue Danru, Jun Yinglian, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor...... Ye Xiao all entering the war expert, almost simultaneously launched the attack of itself most limit! 几乎在同一时间里,厉无量,雪丹如,君应怜,琼华月皇……叶笑这边所有的参战高手,几乎是同时发动了本身最极限的攻击! Do the enemies want to walk?! This how! 敌人要走?!这怎么可以! Gave to direct them with great difficulty. 好不容易才将他们给引了出来。 Suddenly comes, goes ahead, where has that cheap matter!? 说来就来,说走就走,哪有那么便宜的事情!? Since came, completely remains!” “既然来了,就全部都留下来吧!” Yue Shuang Yue Han figure, has become in the rally tornado of one group of exceedingly high penetrating places! 月霜月寒身形,在空中集合成了一团通天彻地的龙卷风! Snatches unexpectedly before the ruinous attack of Ye Xiao arrives, first one step launches to attack! 竟是抢在叶笑的毁灭性攻击降临之前,先一步展开突击! Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Sound that a series of strength junctions strike, nearly absolutely does not have any interrupted resounding one after another. 一连串的劲气交击的声音,近乎完全没有任何间断的接连响起。 puff...... 噗噗噗…… This campaign, enemy total 18 person in black enter the war, but along with after Ye Xiao and the others arrived, almost falls in the situation of comprehensive passively coming under attack instantaneously, can only strive the support, in Mr. and Mrs. Li Wuliang flickering of entering, was destroyed five people randomly in a minute. 此次战役,敌方共计有18名黑衣人参战,但随着在叶笑等人到来之后,几乎瞬间就落到了全面被动挨打的局势之中,仅能勉力支持,更在厉无量夫妇乱入之瞬,片刻间就被毁灭了五人之多。 Is person in black of head issued an order in that audiences person in black cares for the intention that flees to escape to be obvious, the accident has actually encountered the surprise attack from under foot, 13 people have nothing the exception, performed simultaneously slowly such one to flicker, therefore that 13 people, besides four people, actually nine people because of this difference of flickering, from top to bottom do not know that many have recorded the powerful attack, strove to shake off the fetter, just leapt the body of midair, the fireworks generally from the sky exploded to disperse. 原本在那为首的黑衣人一声令下,一众黑衣人意欲遁走逃生的意图明显,却意外遭到了来自脚下的突袭,13人无有例外,尽都齐齐慢了那么一瞬,于是那13个人,除了四人之外,竟然有九个人因为这一瞬之差,浑身上下不知道中了多少记强势打击,勉力挣脱束缚,才刚刚腾起半空的身子,就那么烟花一般在空中爆散开来。 The flesh and blood sprinkles the earth, Divine Soul entirely to extinguish, beyond redemption! 血肉洒满大地,神魂俱灭,万劫不复! These each sufficiently in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory earthshaking peak expert, time at the point of death even links a pitiful yell, without enough time sends out! 这些每一个都足以在青云天域叱咤风云的巅峰高手,临死的时候甚至连一声惨叫,都来不及发出! The unusual person knows, such significant victory, the biggest hero is profound ice, by Extreme Cold Qi the god who if not profound ice Shi Ji, diverts the enemy comes the pen, had decided that is unable to take the lives of opposite party these many people at one fell swoop! 只是少有人知,这么重大的胜果,最大的功臣乃是玄冰,若非玄冰临阵施机,以极寒之气牵制敌人的神来之笔,决计无法一举拿下对方这么多人的性命! The other four people, or are the strength far ultra associates, first then broke through the cold ice imprisonment of profound ice, either is the chance coincidence, very lucky does not have people offensive locking, performs scatters in all directions to flee 余下的四人,或者是实力远超同侪,第一时间便突破了玄冰的寒冰禁锢,或者是机缘巧合,很幸运的没有众人攻势锁定,尽都四散奔逃 But the temporary luck, eventually is hard to be long-time, but moment , two were killed successively, Han Bingxue movement technique Minute Subtlety, finest excels at the short distance chase entanglement, at this moment reveals the might with nothing left, so long as were entangled the last moment by him, back the aid , the person of goal what can escape by luck, but Han Bingxue after handling them, lock-on target on the third person of body! 可是一时的幸运,终究难以长久,不过片刻,又有两人先后被杀,寒冰雪身法入微,最为精擅短程追逐纠缠,此刻更是将威力显露无遗,只要被他缠上片刻,后边援手即至,目标之人何能幸免,而寒冰雪在搞定两人之后,又将目标锁定在第三人的身上! But four last person in fish slip through, before is, by person of strength of hard anti- under Ye Xiao Li Wuliang One Blade sword the, his strength is second to none in the people, what is also this line is the person of head, this person sentences the matter the resourceful far supernormal person, is feeling the profound ice cold ice imprisonment surprise attack to flicker, make a prompt decision overdraws the life potential, the breakthrough cold ice imprisonment, speeds away forcefully the daytime, cares to run away assigns. 而四个漏网之鱼之中的最后一人,正是之前以一己之力硬抗下叶笑厉无量一刀一剑之人,他的实力在众人之中首屈一指,亦是此行的为首之人,此人判事之机敏远超常人,在感受到玄冰寒冰禁锢突袭一瞬,当机立断透支生命潜力,强行突破寒冰禁锢,疾驰长天,意欲逃得一命。 But he is also person in black on the scene most receives the person of Ye Xiao looking, side Yang Shazhao who Ye Xiao displays, at least over 30% prestige can centralized on him, this occasion goes all out to break through, nature inevitable facing on Ye Xiao side positive move! 可是他也是在场黑衣人中最受叶笑关照之人,叶笑所施展的极阳杀招,至少有三成以上的威能都集中在他身上,此际拼命突围,自然无可避免的正面对上了叶笑的极阳之招! The strength of this person has taken seriously, before withstood a Ye Xiao sword and Blade Monarch One Blade successively, as well as the profound ice surprise attack, this will again withstand the Ye Xiao side positive move, still had not been extinguished unexpectedly kills, when the body blows out everywhere blood light, sways to fly the upper air, keeps, changed to a rainbow without consulting anybody, speedily flees, this was actually urges to send the life potential maintaining life mystique. 此人的实力当真了得,之前先后承受叶笑一剑、刀君一刀,以及玄冰突袭,这会又再承受叶笑的极阳之招,竟然仍旧不曾被灭杀,身体爆出漫天血光之余,摇摇晃晃飞上高空,一刻也不停,径自化作了一道长虹,疾速遁走,这却是催发了生命潜力保命秘法。 Yue Shuang Yue Han scolds one tenderly, the double heart successive, each other borrows the strength again, figure such as the electricity pursues. 月霜月寒娇叱一声,双心再连,彼此借力,身形如电追击上去。 Was locked that person of geographical position to be most advantageous by Han Bingxue finally, he is person in black on the scene is also damaged the lightest person, it may be said that is in all people the escaping probability highest person, when what a pity he rushed to the edge position, his luck has used up, because his Han Bingxue overtakes! 寒冰雪最后锁定那人的地理位置本来最为有利,他亦是在场黑衣人中受创最轻的人,可谓是所有人中逃生几率最高的人,可惜当他已经冲到了边缘位置的时候,他的运气用光了,因为他寒冰雪追上! All person in black handle except for this at present completely, before Han Bingxue no longer such as, generally is primarily the dogfight and waiting to aid, under the pain Assassin, the long sword such as the frost like the snow, the snowflake falls without consulting anybody riotous generally. 所有的黑衣人除了眼前这位全部搞定,寒冰雪不再如之前一般以缠斗、等待援手为主,径自痛下杀手,长剑如霜如雪,雪花缤纷一般落下。 Discussed by that person of current condition, if spelled is selected the wound, kept off slightly, fled with the strength, displayed to take the vitality as the escaping secret technique of price again, not necessarily certainly did not have the opportunity to withdraw to go, but also somehow, met for first time him who the Han Bingxue powerful raided, roared suddenly, was the notch tries to overrun toward Han Bingxue unexpectedly directly! 以那人当前的状态而论,若是拼着受点伤,稍稍一挡,借力遁走,再施展出以生命力为代价的逃生秘术,未必就一定没有机会脱身而去,但也不知何故,乍见寒冰雪强势袭来的他,突然间一声怒吼,竟是豁尽全力向着寒冰雪正面冲了过去! That ferocious midsummer madness, just liked saw the absolutely irreconcilable big personal enemy. 那份穷凶极恶般的极度疯狂,恍如见到了不共戴天的大仇人。 Not only does not treasure own life, no longer pays attention, so long as delays slightly, the enemy encircles, oneself certainly could not get away reality, but spells with the Han Bingxue male servant constantly in the same place. 非但是不顾惜自己的生命,更加不再理会只要稍微一耽搁,敌人合围过来,自己就一定走不了了的现实,只是一味地与寒冰雪厮拼在一起。 Incurs the move to seize the life, incurs move to fight tooth and nail, incurs the move completely to assign! 招招夺命,招招搏命,招招尽命! Performs own life, wrestles each other life, seizes at present the life of person! 尽自己的命,搏彼此的命,夺眼前人的命! Han Bingxue wins snow ice front sword fast strange Ji, already carried over the multi- blade bright bright blood splash on him, however that person as if absolutely does not have any feeling to be ordinary, constantly crazy is howling, was cursing virulently, was launching the going all out offensive of various acting boldly regardless of one's safety! 寒冰雪胜雪冰锋剑速奇疾,早已在他身上带出多刀鲜艳灿烂的血花,然而那人却似乎完全没有任何感觉一般,一味疯狂的呼啸着,恶毒地咒骂着,施展着各种奋不顾身的拼命攻势! Passes the moment again, this war comes to the end officially, originally to the utmost noisy battlefield, only remaining the local action of Han Bingxue and this black clothed masked man. 再过片刻,这场战局正式告一段落,原本极尽嘈杂的战场,就只剩下了寒冰雪与这个黑衣蒙面人的这一处局部战斗。 Ye Xiao and the others surrounded, totals more than 30 Dao Origin Stage peak expert, the cloth has become a giant encirclement ring, person in black locking. 叶笑等人围拢过来,合共30多位道元境巅峰高手,布成了一个巨大的包围圈,将黑衣人锁定在内中。 Under such situation, even if this person in black is Wu Fa , was unable to break through to escape from such surrounding absolutely! 在这样的形势之下,就算这个黑衣人乃是武法,也是绝对无法从这样的包围之中突围逃生了! But this black clothed masked man as if completely does not have the least bit to feel regarding this present situation that still shouts loudly the fierce battle, the struggle was restless. 但这个黑衣蒙面人似乎对于这个现状全然没有半点感觉,仍旧是高呼酣战,奋斗不息。 By instead is Han Bingxue that this occasion is at a disadvantage, his cultivation level obviously be higher than compared with this person in black plans, but this fighting methods not awfully was actually compelled to fall into by the enemy leeward, if not the movement technique Minute Subtlety instinct hastens out of the way, only feared already injured in the opposite party not awfully under offensive. 是以此际处于下风的反而是寒冰雪,他的修为明显要比这个黑衣人高出一筹,但却被对方这等不要命的打法逼得陷入下风,若非身法入微的本能趋避,只怕早已伤损于对方的不要命攻势之下。 When fights to the proper limit, Han Bingxue sword flying frost, Bingxue cold day \; Opposite party that person actually beyond expectation strange dodges, when in Jian does not allow to send evades this move, along with, even if sees together seems in the sky the hot sun common sword glow, suddenly to launch! 战至分际之时,寒冰雪一剑飞霜,冰雪寒天\;对方那人却是出人意料地诡异一闪,于间不容发之际避过此招,随即便见一道好似当空烈日一般的剑芒,暴射而出! This move of prestige many a little similar Ye Xiao side positive move, but the might high under misses really far, does not have the commeasurability, but the list on the attribute, entire is Han Bingxue nemesis, fierce Yang Zhaxian, the deglaciation snow melts, just happens to be Han Bingxue one move spatially, carving of empty gate big dew, both sides the potential of fit and unfit quality becomes obvious. 这一招之威多少有点类似叶笑的极阳之招,只是威力高下差得甚远,不具备可比性,但单就属性而言,正整是寒冰雪克星,烈阳乍现,冰消雪融,又适逢寒冰雪一招走空,空门大露之刻,双方的优劣之势更趋明显。 Fortunately Han Bingxue movement technique Minute Subtlety reappears effect, body to the utmost twists stands up from failure greatly, turned with a somersault, however makes the people more astonished was actually in the Han Bingxue mouth surprisedly goes to extreme one to yell. 所幸寒冰雪身法入微再现奇效,身体一个极尽扭曲大翻身,跟着一个跟头翻了出去,然而让众人更为惊异的却是寒冰雪口中惊讶去到了极点的一声大叫。 Wu Huitian! Are you Wu Huitian?!” 乌回天!你是乌回天?!”
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