RITF :: Volume #15

#1465: Night fighting

Obviously some ice completely has not cared teasing of some young master, instead in the enmity has helped her who she defends against injustice, although she not necessarily does not have the meaning of teasing! 显然某冰全然没把某公子的调侃放在心上,反而怨怼上了帮她打抱不平的她,虽然她未必没有调侃之意! Ye Xiao saw that to laugh, has pinched profound ice nose, said: Lovable small girl, I suddenly discovered until today that you understand these many unexpectedly, moreover such glib, simply is the intelligent girl in legend......” 叶笑见状哈哈大笑,捏了玄冰鼻子一下,道:“可爱的小丫头,我竟然直到今天才发现,你居然懂得这么多,而且还这么的能说会道,简直就是传说中的聪明女孩……” profound ice and Jun Yinglian simultaneously a face heavy line. 玄冰君应怜同时一脸黑线。 Lovable small girl! 可爱的小丫头 Lovable small girl! 可爱的小丫头 Intelligent girl?! 聪明女孩?! Intelligent girl!! 聪明女孩!! Jun Yinglian immediately once more is thunderstruck. 君应怜登时再次被雷翻 profound ice was turned similarly again embarrassed! 玄冰同样再次被囧翻! profound ice...... The sincerity cannot describe with adorable small girl and intelligent girl these two words, good! 玄冰……真心不能够用可爱的小丫头、聪明女孩这两个词来形容,好么! What even if not the wily old fox, always plans deeply, generally also described with the wisdom, before the comparison, if minute?! 就算不是老奸巨猾、老谋算深什么的,大抵也得用睿智来形容,才比较前如其分吧?! Jun Yinglian thorough not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 君应怜彻底的哭笑不得了。 Full heavy line looks at Ye Xiao, the heart said that does not know when truly this fellow in the end can discover, own waits on the concubine...... Is such Jane isn't unexpectedly pure! 满头黑线的看着叶笑,心道,真正不知道这家伙到底什么时候才能发现,自己的这个侍妾……竟然是如此的不简单不单纯! However, saw that Ye Xiao mood at this moment has elucidated finally, two females are also merit Perfect, can feel relieved. 不过,看到叶笑此刻的心情终于开解了很多,两女也算是功德圆满,可以放下心来。 That invisible depressing atmosphere that most at least, these days later, continually feel, now are nothing left. 最起码的,这几天下来,持续感受到的那种无形的压抑气氛,现在是荡然无存了。 All cultivator, particularly profound cultivator, once the heart has the hindrance, that is mental state lacks, even if the malpractice does not reveal for a while, throughout is the hidden danger concealed worry, can early the moment extinguish, must early the moment extinguish! 举凡修者,尤其是高深修者,一旦心有挂碍,那就是心境有缺,即便弊端一时不显,始终是隐患隐忧,能早一刻消弭,就要早一刻消弭! The Ye Xiao type looks at this occasion Bing'er and Jun Yinglian happy complexion and gratified look, under the heart also reminded oneself. 叶笑样看着此际冰儿君应怜的欢喜脸色、欣慰眼神,心下也自提醒了自己一下。 No matter own moral nature is uncomfortable, but...... One do not need to make their young woman also with uncomfortable. 不管自己的心底有多么难受,但是……自己都没有必要让自己的女人也跟着自己难受吧。 Again uncomfortable, can be what kind of? 再难受,又能怎样? You have sufficed uncomfortably, but must draw others with oneself together uncomfortably, this uncomfortable feeling not only cannot reduce the slightest, instead is makes own young woman is unhappy. 你自己难受已经够了,还要拉着别人跟自己一起难受,这份难受的感觉不但不能减轻分毫,反而是让自己的女人更加的不幸福。 Therefore Ye Xiao really that grief in heart, forcefully has also pressed. 所以叶笑也真的将自己心中的那份伤痛,强行压了下去。 Put down? 放下了吗? Perhaps, put down. 或许,是放下了。 Can't put down? 放不下吗? Naturally cannot put down. 当然是放不下。 Even if the sentiment wound can, memory be able to be pale, the emotion that but that remembering with eternal gratitude is hard to put aside, was still detained in the hearts, often at midnight the dream returns, a dream is disappointed! 纵然情伤能过,记忆能淡,可是那份刻骨铭心难以放下的情感,仍是滞留在心间,每每午夜梦回,一梦怅然! But what undeniable is, the profound ice words, were still made Ye Xiao raise a hope. 但无可否认的是,玄冰的话,仍是让叶笑重新升起了一股希冀。 Perhaps, will the present scar, be the future happiness is waiting for itself seriously? 或许,现在的伤痕,当真是未来的幸福在等着自己吧? If so Ye Nantian and Yue Gongxue acknowledged themselves, regarding them is unfair \; Regarding the genuine birth parents, is unfair! 若然叶南天月宫雪承认了自己,对于他们是不公平的\;对于自己真正的亲生父母,也是不公平的! Thinks that under the Ye Xiao heart has felt really relaxed. 这么一想,叶笑心下真的就释然了许多。 Turns the head to think that again profound ice and Jun Yinglian elucidate own experience, under Ye Xiao heart more is actually ashamed. 再转头想想玄冰君应怜开解自己的经历,叶笑心下更多的却是惭愧。 Cannot bear sigh, said in a soft voice: Existence of man, the book keeps out the wind to obstruct the rain for own young woman, can be happily joyful by own young woman, this is the responsibility of man is , is also the true meaning of family, cannot think that my Ye Xiao actually must depend on own young woman to comfort enlightening...... True ashamed.” 忍不住叹息一声,轻声说道:“男人的存在,本就是为自己女人挡风遮雨,让自己的女人能够开心快乐起来,这才是男人的责任之所在,也是家庭的真谛,想不到,我叶笑却要靠自己的女人来安慰开导……真正惭愧。” profound ice and Jun Yinglian two females completely are the body shake, look in the Ye Xiao look, the extraordinary splendor dodges continually. 玄冰君应怜两女尽都是身躯一震,看着叶笑的眼神之中,异彩连闪。 Blue Clouds Heaven Territory many for ten thousand years, continuously treatment of women as inferiors \; Regarding having the right to have potential powerful person, young woman is always their dependencies and toys, vented the desire tool...... 青云天域多少万年来,一直男尊女卑\;对于有权有势有力的人来说,女人一向不过就是他们的附庸、玩物,发泄欲望的工具而已…… Never had the person to say seriously, the responsibility of man, the true meaning of family \; Is the man to own young woman good this view. 当真就从来没有人说过,男人的责任,家庭的真谛\;乃是男人对自己的女人好这种说法。 Now, said from the Ye Xiao mouth suddenly, however these words, actually obviously were the true idea of Ye Xiao. 如今,乍然从叶笑的口中说出,然而这句话,却显而易见是叶笑的真实想法。 Under two female hearts is one cannot help but is moved. Under Blue Clouds Heaven Territory the sky, there is a such thought that can treat as own responsibility own young woman truly, such man, was really too few. 两女心下都是不由自主的一阵感动。在青云天域的这片天空下,有这样的思想,能够真正将自己的女人当做自己的责任,这样的男子,实在是太少了。 The rare biology of certainly compelling! 绝逼的罕有生物! The Jun Yinglian broad and handsome forehead depends gently on his shoulder, illusion general talks during sleep to say in a low voice: We prefer this life, makes your responsibility...... But you, similarly is our responsibility...... His man is unhappy, we also if naturally wants to manage to try, making him cheer up, is happy, responsibility mutual, we are your, you are also our.” 君应怜螓首轻轻靠在他肩上,梦幻一般的低声呓语道:“我们情愿这一生,都做你的责任……但你,也同样是我们的责任……自己的男人不开心了,我们也当然要想办设法,让他高兴起来,开心起来,责任是相互的,我们是你的,你也是我们的。” Ye Xiao nods, hēi hēi said with a smile: You also said that your is my, but you did not make me touch, this makes me very unhappy...... Was inferior that you here make me happy now.” 叶笑点点头,嘿嘿笑道:“你也说你的是我的,可是你一直不让我碰,这点就让我非常不开心……不如,你现在就在这里让我开心开心吧。” The elegant face of Jun Yinglian turned into a big scarlet cloth immediately, reddens all over the face to run away quite far, is angry saying: Does not arrive at that day that bows to Heaven and Earth to get married, does not allow to touch me absolutely! You are uncomfortable, you are happy, you do not have Bing'er...... No matter what anytime and anywhere you act in a self-serving manner, could it be that is insufficient? Quests for Sichuan after conquering Gansu, attempted that improper ambition, has thought mistakenly your Young Master Xiao evil thought!” 君应怜的俏脸登时就变成了一块大红布,满脸通红地逃出去好远,嗔道:“不到拜堂成亲的那一天,绝对不允许碰我!你难受,你想开心,你不是有冰儿么……随时随地任你为所欲为,难道还不够么?得陇望蜀,希图非分之想,想错了你笑公子的邪心!” Took pleasure in others'misfortunes, sits looks at profound ice of good play performance, does not think how this unexpected misfortune involved itself, when blushes came to one's ear, is ashamed and resentful difficult to bear, only wanted to hold Jun Yinglian to beat savagely. 原本幸灾乐祸,坐看好戏上演的玄冰,不想这无妄之灾怎地就牵扯到了自己,面红过耳之余,更是羞愤难当,只想要抓住君应怜暴打一顿。 This fellow holds the delicate moment that my this can only suffer loss without redress, making the vigor such tease me, bullies me! 这家伙就抓住我这会只能吃哑巴亏的微妙时刻,使劲儿这么调侃我,欺负我! He wants you to quest for Sichuan after conquering Gansu, was improper ambition? To me is logical, naturally?! 他想要你就是得陇望蜀,就是非分之想了?对我就是顺理成章,理所当然了?! The good Lian Lian younger sister, the elder sister I to remember you! 好个怜怜妹子,姐姐我记住你了! You are waiting for me! 你等着我的! Three people recklessly merriment, distant is, transmits bang without consulting anybody an explosive. 三人正在肆意笑闹,远远的所在,径自传来“轰”的一声爆响。 Immediately, the thundering sound that a series of thunder thunderclap also resemble, resounds uninterruptedly \; As if during the flash, the heaven sudden violent anger, the god of thunder goddess of lightning simultaneously starts to act! 随即,一连串雷霆霹雳也似的轰鸣声音,不间断地响起\;似乎是在一瞬间之中,苍天突然暴怒,雷公电母同时开始动作! The bound­less thunderclap thunder and thunder, were only in an instant, have covered the entire thousand li(500 km) surrounding area! 无边的霹雳雷霆、电闪雷鸣,只是刹那间,就笼罩了整个千里方圆! Wreaks havoc heartily! 尽情肆虐! Where has large-scale Dao Origin Stage expert to fight!” “哪里有大规模的道元境高手在战斗!” The Ye Xiao complexion slightly changes, has stood fiercely. 叶笑脸色微微一变,猛地站了起来。 The people clash. Had the fight at this time. Decided however is the enemy begins. 众人一冲而出。在这个时候发生了战斗。定然就是敌人动手了。 Regarding accident at this moment, Ye Xiao without doubt is somewhat strange. 对于此刻的变故,叶笑无疑是有些奇怪的。 A while ago tempted, they can suppress not take action, but constantly was withdrawing, how today actually suddenly to begin? 前段时间那么引诱,他们都能强忍住不曾出手,只是一味的龟缩着,怎地今天却突然就动手了呢? What accident has, but also was only all ambush traitor within annihilated matters has caused their this retaliatory actions?! 是另有什么变故,还就只是所有潜伏内奸被歼灭的事情导致了他们这次的报复行动?! Three people not neglect, the anxious illness rushes to the spot, during is running quickly, the Ye Xiao intention moves suddenly, makes noise to ask: Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian Liu Changjun three people?” 三人并无怠慢,急疾赶往事发地点,正在奔驰之中,叶笑突地心念一动,出声问道:“宁碧落赵平天柳长君三人呢?” Ye Xiao present Divine Sense was vast, is moved to search for all regions of military camp, did not have any discovery. 叶笑如今的神念何等浩大,动念间就已经搜遍了营寨方面的所有区域,却没有任何发现。 At once then the thought suddenly raises, the Ye Xiao complexion was white instantly. 旋即便有一个念头陡然升起,叶笑的脸色霎时白了。 From one small clue one can see what is coming, where can also not know that at this moment that three fellows did run to exit to fight unexpectedly? 见微知著,此刻哪里还能不知道那三个家伙竟是跑了出去战斗去了? Others or cannot direct, but Zhao Pingtian and Ning Biluo these two clear rebels are actually certainly! 别人或者引不出来,但赵平天宁碧落这两个旗帜鲜明的叛徒却是一定可以的! These two people hit are making the idea of undercover, finally was patted to be the undercover, to making the opposite party 10,000 undercovers dies a violent death in the several days all \; This grade of bitter hatred, destroyed the opposite party full important matter \; His they exit, the enemy sees them, the eyeball on entire was red, never has truth that cannot direct? 这两个人打着去做卧底的主意,最终又被拍回来做卧底,致令对方10000卧底在数日之间尽数死于非命\;这等深仇大恨,更是破坏了对方的全盘大计\;他俩人出去,敌人一看到他俩,眼珠子就全红了,万万没有引不出来的道理? Good, did they cause that now the enemy is not the key point, the present key is, the support of one's own side wants is slightly later, perhaps these three fellows, not only the life does not guarantee, when meets a cruel death, dies not entire corpse, only fears also to by the pouching belly of opposite party entirely head in! 好吧,现在他们引不引得出敌人已经不是重点,现在的关键是,己方的支援只要去的稍微晚一些,恐怕这三个家伙,不光性命不保,粉身碎骨,死无全尸之余,只怕还得被对方连皮带骨头的吞进肚子里去! Ye Xiao cried loud and long: Ye Xiao in this! Who dares to fight!” 叶笑长啸一声:“叶笑在此!谁敢一战!” The eating delicacies acoustic shock is spatial, passed on by far. 啸声震空,远远传了出去。 The person position , the sound toward, intends to first obviously forestalls opponent by a show of strength, what as far as possible is three people strives for the vitality, the leeway that even if many one minute one. flickers is also good! 人位至,声先往,显然意在先声夺人,尽可能的为三人争取生机,哪怕多一分一秒一瞬的余地也好! The voice has not fallen, the Ye Xiao whole person also in the long howl, changed to flowing light, speeds away to go. 话音未落,叶笑的整个人也在长啸声中,化作了一道流光,疾驰而去。 Other people also closely follow after behind, full speed toward going. 其他人亦紧紧跟在身后,全速往赴。 ...... …… Zhao Pingtian and Ning Biluo these two big Assassin King, promote, comes out, the only feeling only then have been full of the strength from top to bottom, as if entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, completely in own under foot such feeling, Liu Changjun is the stealth in the hidden place, is tagging along after them. 赵平天宁碧落这两大杀手王者,提升完毕,普一出来,唯一感觉就只有自己浑身上下充满了力量,似乎整个青云天域,全部在自己脚下那样的感觉,柳长君则是隐身在暗处,尾随着他们。 Three people at this moment, the king and Assassin Supreme Assassin, the life and death that tags along after kills, three person moral nature flood quickly comes out several Dao Origin Stage peak expert to make me hit such doing dead mentally. 只是此刻的三人,无论是杀手之王、杀手至尊,还是尾随的生死一杀,三个人心底都泛起一股“快出来几个道元境巅峰高手让我打打”这样的作死心理 Is embracing, but asked three people who fought, took dozens li (0.5km) road, did not have the sound. Zhao Pingtian first somewhat could not repress, simply disperses Divine Sense , to continue to lead the way \; His Divine Sense, although had been stripped controlled Divine Soul by Rou'er, but Divine Sense mark still such as beginning \; Naturally can be organized a people to identify mystically very much easily. 抱持着但求一战的三个人,一路走出去几十里路,楞是全无动静。赵平天就首先有些按耐不住了,干脆散开神识,持续前行\;他的神识,虽然已经被柔儿剥离了被控制的神魂,但神识印记仍旧如初\;自然可以被神秘组织中人很容易的辨认出来。 Just scattered the Divine Sense moment, faintly felt, in remote other end, exceptionally formidable had the backward hold oneself. 才不过刚刚撒出神识片刻,就隐隐感觉,在遥远的彼端,有一个异常强大的存在反向锁定了自己。 The Zhao Pingtian three people not only have not avoided, instead in high spirits overran toward that side. 赵平天三人非但没有躲避,反而兴冲冲的向着那边冲了过去。 Comes just right. 来得正好。 Our may the hand itchy very! 我们一个个的可都手痒非常呢! But the opposite party looked that is his they come to make an appearance unexpectedly seriously, one such as Ye Xiao expects general, was immediately insane! 而对方一看竟当真是他俩人现身露面,一如叶笑预料一般,即时就疯了! Did not say a word directly, hit take action greatly! 直接就是一言不发,大打出手 This take action, the king or Assassin Supreme Assassin, they clear feeling, own cultivation level, although reaches the sky in a single bound the present age peak level, but had this cultivation level, agreed with this cultivation level, transporting causes this cultivation level, control this cultivation level that as well as had one's wish, unexpectedly was complete two matters! 这一出手,无论是杀手之王还是杀手至尊,两人都真切的感觉到,自己的修为虽然一步登天到了当世巅峰层次,可是拥有这份修为,契合这份修为,运使这份修为,以及随心所欲的驾驭这份修为,竟是完完全全的两回事! In the past always heard the so-called child to dance hundred jin (0.5 kg) great hammer, hammered the law to be exquisiter is easier to destroy own head, always thought that this view was not reasonable, since can wave the great hammer, will be destroyed the head by the hammer? 以往总听闻所谓小孩舞百斤巨锤,锤法越精妙越容易砸破自己的脑袋,总觉得这说法不靠谱,既然能够舞动得了巨锤,又怎么会被锤子砸破头呢? But the current condition how could it not be so, the martial artist attack, is fastidious is the heart comes into sight, Zhao Pingtian Ning Biluo cultivation level suddenly to increase, the heart is also brightly lit, the eye is also sharp, but the hand always has actually missed such one point of half minute, own cultivation level that transporting causes, only such as scratches an itch in the boot, is unable to display! 而自己当前的状况岂不正是如此,武者攻击,讲究的就是心到眼到手到,赵平天宁碧落修为暴增,心也通明,眼也犀利,可是手却是总是差了那么一分半分,运使的自身修为,更是只如隔靴搔痒,根本无从发挥! However facing true peak expert, even if only the little disparity slightly, is the difference of life and death! The idle talk is such as their current conditions so! 然而面对真正的巅峰高手,纵然只是一点点一微微的差距,就已经是生死之别!更遑论是如他们当前的这般状况! Almost came up completely to be suppressed by others. 几乎一上来就被人家完全压制住了。 If not current cultivation level is truly pure, as well as Assassin responded when the instinct that facing the life and death flickers that was already killed to be many. 若非当前修为确实精纯,以及杀手在面临生死一瞬的本能反应,早已丧命多时。 But current so meets the danger to incur on them repeatedly, the condition of being surrounded by perils, still momentarily possibly passed away! 但就两人当前这般屡逢险招,险象环生的状况,仍旧随时可能一命呜呼! Under along with continuing of fight, the life and death crisis urges to send, they actually are also rub regarding the sensibility of own condition upward rushes. 只是随着战斗的持续,生死危机催发之下,两人对于自身状态的感悟却也是蹭蹭的往上奔。 Regarding the transporting potential of own cultivation level is also gradually handy, at least might as well most start that meeting is unable to display! 对于自身修为的运势亦是渐渐得心应手,至少不如最开始那会的无从发挥了! Liu Changjun mysteriously appears and disappears, harasses the enemy in shadow, dodges, dodges to pass. 还有柳长君神出鬼没,在暗影中骚扰敌人,一闪而出,一闪而逝。 Three people collaborate about attacking, only deals with opposite party one person, actually still fell in comprehensive leeward. 三人联手合攻,就只对付对方一人,却仍旧是落在全面的下风之中。 But, is in the comprehensive leeward Ning Biluo three people instead to shout loudly the fierce battle, is half does not draw back and dies unexpectedly to fight continuous! 但,处于全面下风的宁碧落三人反而高呼酣战,竟是半步不退、死战不休! Until afterward, launched successively with the perishing together tactic that the enemy altogether perished, finally has drawn a declining tendency slightly, caused the situation no longer such as at first general leaning toward one side. 及至后来,更是先后展开与敌共亡的同归于尽战术,终于稍稍扳回了一点颓势,令到局势不再如最初一般的一面倒了。 However this time, the enemy that side reinforcements of very much fortunately were not rushing. 然而就在这个时候,敌人那边的援兵很不凑巧的赶到了。 In hundred adds the jin (0.5 kg), three people of situations are in imminent danger, almost momentarily must facing instant fall from the sky, bad condition that the soul disappears instant. 百上加斤,三人的处境更加岌岌可危,几乎随时都要面对瞬时陨灭,刹那魂消的恶劣状况。 Even if three people how is high-spirited, increasing suddenly cultivation level is unable with own fusion to be an always mechanical damage, powerful difficult, at enemy three times, still had the maneuver leeway, this occasion enemy helps on a large scale, condition that under the population does not get the advantage, naturally is being surrounded by perils even more, is hard to start. 就算三人如何的斗志高昂,骤增的修为无法与自身融合为一总是硬伤,有力难施,以一敌三的时候,尚有回旋余地,此际敌人大举来援,连人数都不占优势的状况下,自然是愈发的险象环生,举步维艰。 Fortunately in three people are the time of dead end, Moon Palace Shuang and Han suddenly across the sky appears, the powerful entered the regiment! 所幸就在三人已经是穷途末路的时刻,月宫霜寒突然横空出现,强势杀入了战团! This two sisters because of the other day accident, wanted to make up for the error wholeheartedly, since has had always been making efforts to at these days all around You Ye, searches the enemy trace, or is the Ning Biluo three human lives should not certainly, catch up with Shuang and Han two female at the right moment aiding in any case. 这姐妹两人因为日前的变故,一心想要弥补过失,是以这几天以来一直致力于四周游曳,寻觅敌踪,或者也是宁碧落三人命不该绝,反正是赶上了霜寒两女的适时援手。 Moon Palace Shuang and Han sisters concentric, how joint sword about the prestige of incurring with slightly may, this prestige be able at least to be equal to six and even eight Dao Origin Stage peak expert prestige can the sum total, this joins the regiment, although cannot turn around the situation thoroughly, actually greatly slowed down Ning Biluo and other people of pressures. 月宫霜寒姐妹同心,联剑合招之威岂同小可,这份威能至少相当于六位乃至八位道元境巅峰高手的威能总和,这一加入战团,虽然未能彻底扭转战局,却大大减缓了宁碧落等三人的压力。 However expert of enemy side, because of the towering eruption of war, catches up from each direction, joins the regiment. 然而敌方的高手,也因为战事的突兀爆发,纷纷从各个方向赶过来,加入战团。 This tangled warfare, that muddleheaded broke out, the scale also evolves more and more greatly. 这一场混战,就那么稀里糊涂的爆发了,规模还演变得越来越大。 After Moon Palace Shuang and Han helps, only the great distance moment time, Lei Dadi and other old also rush, a involvement war, then makes the tactical situation even more like a raging fire \; Crosses again after a little while, Horizon Ice Palace two Elder flying come, Fine Jade Flowery Moon Emperor enters the war, Beautiful Flower Moon Palace Elder expert also one after another arrives...... 月宫霜寒来援之后,只相隔片刻功夫,雷大地等三老也跟着赶到,普一介入战局,便使得战况越发的如火如荼\;再过少顷,天涯冰宫的两位长老飞身而来,琼华月皇参战,琼华月宫长老高手也接连到来…… All these all processes, the entire journey only occur in the hemiprism fragrant time. 这一切一切的过程,全程就只发生在不到半柱香的时间里。 This occasion, this stretch of fierce combat location, evolved the places of more than 20-30 Dao Origin Stage peak expert battles unexpectedly! 此际,这一片激战场地,竟然已经演变成了不下二三十位道元境巅峰高手交战的场所! The thunderclap thunder rumbling shakes randomly, the thunder roars intermittently, just like is a picture of school of judgment day. 霹雳雷霆轰轰乱震,电闪雷鸣阵阵怒吼,宛如是一派世界末日的景象。 This war, unexpectedly is the bright war of unprecedented! 这一战,竟是前所未见的灿烂之战! The entire mountain top that only hits breaks, the quarry stone puts on to empty. 只打的整个山头都破碎,乱石穿空而起。 But at this time, Ye Xiao shakes the spatial long and loud cry to transmit from afar, although the person has not arrived, but, that shakes air/Qi to become Gang the astonishing prestige energy, actually already first one step flew high, but to! 而就在这个时候,叶笑的震空长啸远远传来,人虽然还没到,但,那份震气成钢的惊人威能,却已然先一步凌空而至! Immediately, abundantly sword light, lingers together the endless vast Xing Chen / stars ray, just like passing through the day rainbow flies to release to fall generally! 随即,一道沛然剑光,萦绕无尽浩瀚的星辰光芒,宛如经天长虹一般飞泄而落! Ye Xiao of white clothing, rapid such as flashes by arrives in the battlefield generally, without demur, joins the war without consulting anybody! 一袭白衣的叶笑,迅如白驹过隙一般抵达战场,二话不说,径自加入战局!
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