RITF :: Volume #15

#1464: Speculation of Bing'er

Under their vision gaze, profound ice bites the lip, said: I am the orphan...... Since childhood, nobody managed me, nobody was take pity on I...... Growing up that staggers along, walks, knows bitterly......” 在两人目光注视之下,玄冰咬咬嘴唇,道:“我是孤儿……自幼,没人管我,也没人怜惜我……就那么跌跌撞撞的长大,一路走来,辛酸自知……” Each time, saw that other child bends down happily in the parents arms acts like a spoiled brat, wants this, wants that does not give cries and be noisy, everywhere sways back and forth anything...... I infinitely envy......” “每一次,看到别的孩子甜蜜地伏在爹娘怀里撒娇,要这个,要那个,不给就哭、就闹,满地打滚什么的……我就无限羡慕……” Sometimes even wants to punch them...... Because, you had parents, had the so precious kinship, actually also wants to expect that are more? Has the concern of parents, how could it not be is in the world happiest matter?” “甚至有时候都想要冲出去揍他们……因为,你们都已经有爹娘了,拥有了如此宝贵的亲情,竟然还想要奢望更多?有爹娘的关爱,岂不就已经是天底下最最幸福的事情?” Also must act like a spoiled brat, but must make a tearful scene, but also wants......” “还要撒娇,还要哭闹,还要……” „Wasn't this too excessive?” “这不是太过分了么?” But my anything has not done eventually, sums up in the end, I am only an outsider, can only envy looks, looks at the helplessness and affections of these parents whole faces, goes shopping to own child...... Finally coaxes the child to beam with joy, oneself also happily smile...... Careless, own purse was also spatial, later livelihood or more difficult one point......” “但我终究什么都没有做,归根到底,我就只是一个局外人,就只能羡慕地看着,看着那些爹娘们满脸的无奈和慈爱,给自己的孩子去买东西……终于哄得孩子眉花眼笑,自己也高兴的笑……丝毫不在乎,自己的荷包又空了许多,之后的生计或者更艰难一分……” Since childhood, nobody has given me......” “自幼,就没有人给过我……” Kinship, this with the emotion that I miss, I envied seriously many years...... Until runs into the young master in Cold Sun Continent, young master’s father regarding young master that type spoiling of not having the bottom line, unexpectedly is the matter that my this lives most admires.” “亲情,这份与我无缘的情感,我当真羡慕了许多年……及至在寒阳大陆遇到公子,公子的父亲对于公子那种全无底线的溺爱,竟是我此生最为欣羡的事情。” But I until now know that the young master and I am same, is a poor man \; Originally...... Young master’s status origin, has profound and abstruse principles.” “但我直到现在才知道,公子与我一样,也是一个可怜人\;原来……公子的身份来历,另有玄机。” The profound ice view hangs down, said in a soft voice: Perhaps the young master in Ye Family, where in master madame, was wronged injured...... I understand that type the injury, but duplicate losing, is what kind remembering with eternal gratitude. But, I still very much envied.” 玄冰眼帘低垂,轻声说道:“或许公子在叶家,在老爷夫人哪里,是受了委屈受了伤的……我明白那种得而复失的伤害,是何等的刻骨铭心。但,我仍旧很羡慕。” Young Master this occasion, even if already injures, and painstakingly, is filled with distress nowhere to divulge, obtained throughout, has......” “公子此际纵然既伤且苦,满心苦楚无处宣泄,却始终曾经得到过,拥有过……” But I link this type the spell of good or bad fortune, but duplicate losing, does not have......” “可是我连这种得而复失的际遇,也是没有过……” In the Ye Xiao pupil flashes through an extraordinary splendor, the person fears the comparison seriously, in oneself this period of time, always harboring intentions divine intervention life to oneself unfair, oneself have consumed the innumerable mental efforts and innumerable times for that matter status, has paid that many, finally must by the striking back primary form, but duplicate loses, does not have a thing in the world, but compares the Bing'er bitter experience, how could it not be oneself also want to be luckier! 叶笑眸子中闪过一丝异彩,人当真是怕比较的,自己这段时日里,总是心心念念天意人生对自己不公,自己为了那层身份耗费了无数心力、无数功夫,付出了那么多,最终仍要被打回原形,得而复失,一无所有,可是相比较冰儿的遭遇,自己岂非还要幸运许多! One obtain throughout, has, has enjoyed, the kinship taste, is precious, thinks of it to taste it, is timeless, oneself actually repent, seriously was extremely! 自己始终得到过,拥有过,享受过,亲情的滋味,弥足珍贵,思之回味之,历久弥新,自己却总是自怨自艾,当真是太过了! profound ice said in a soft voice \; Perhaps young master does not know that young master makes me most envy, is another matter. That is......” she deeply inspired, said: Young Master this occasion, but duplicate loses, experiences personally the sentiment wound, for a very long time recovers difficultly...... However, the young master as if had actually forgotten in the past you more than once had said another matter......” 玄冰轻声说道\;“公子或许不知,公子让我最最羡慕的,还是另一件事。那就是……”她深吸了一口气,道:“公子此际得而复失,身受情伤,久久难愈……但是,公子却似乎忘记了往昔你曾经不止一次说过的另一件事……” That is...... Young master’s genuine birth parents.” “那就是……公子的真正生身父母。” Young Master once several times mentioned, you can feel that they have not died, but also exists in this Human World somewhere.” “公子曾经数次提及,你能感觉得到,他们还没有死,还存在于这个人世间的某处。” The profound ice eye socket blushes, said: Young Master whether knows, solely is this feeling, what happiness is?” 玄冰眼圈发红,道:“那公子又是否知道,单单是这份感觉,就已经是一种什么样的幸福吗?” Young Master inborn spirit sense is excellent, felt that naturally will not have the mistake, but I actually never have this feeling...... Mostly is my parents, perhaps when I was born, already forever did not have......” “公子天生灵觉过人,感觉自然是不会有错的,可是我却从来没有这种感觉……多半是我的父母,或许在我出生的时候,就已经永远的没有了……” However some young master this feelings, have the feeling to mean also hopefully.” “而公子却有这种感觉,有感觉就意味着还有希望。” Life is alive, so long as is hopeful, hopeful to become true possible, how could it not be can this come preciously compared with anything?!” “人生在世,只要还有希望,就有希望成真的可能,这岂不比任何事情都要来得珍贵?!” Even if...... Hated, hating them to abandon you, but, you always also had the person who can hate. In the future day, if found, can be frank and upright, very suffering from injustice asking: In the past, why did you abandon me?!” “哪怕是……恨,恨他们抛弃了你,但,你总还有个可以恨的人。将来有一天若是找到,也能光明正大的,很委屈的问上一句:当年,你们为什么抛弃我?!” However I, actually linked such opportunity not to have.” “而我,却连这样的机会都没有了。” I also wanted to find my parents to ask one: Did you in the past, why abandon me?” “我也想要找到我的父母问一句:你们当年,为什么抛弃我?” In pretty facial features that the profound ice White Jade also resembles, intravenous drip wandering about destitute connected teardrops, but she lowers the head lowly, is hanging down the view, motionless, said quietly: If possible, I also want to know, in the past, what difficulties their in the end did have? Isn't willing to want the girl? Encountered the personal enemy not to be not so? Also or is the life compels exhaustedly can only abandon the wilderness me? What other reason has? In brief, I want an answer, regardless of which answer, which truth how? I hope to have!” 玄冰白玉也似的娇俏面容上,点滴流落连串泪珠,但她低垂着头,低垂着眼帘,一动不动,悄然说道:“若有可能,我也想知道,当年,他们到底有什么苦衷?是不愿意要女孩子?还是遭遇了仇家不得不然?又或者是生活困顿所迫只能将我弃之荒野?还是有什么别的原因?总之,我想要一个答案,无论哪个答案,哪个真相如何?我希望拥有!” But my this life, is finally impossible to know.” “但终我这一生,却也是不可能知道的了。” But the young master also hopes to know, but also asks hopefully, but also found them hopefully, knows that their past difficulties, understood whether they have the regret afterward...... Has to track down the parent-child the whereabouts......” “但公子还希望能够知道,还有希望去问一问,还有希望找到他们,知道他们当年的苦衷,了解他们事后是否有后悔……有没有追寻亲子的下落……” Parents worry in of children...... How could it not be the children, most greatly is most greatly biggest...... Happy!” “父母于子女的那份着急……岂不正是做儿女的,最大最大最大的……幸福!” Compared with this, the present injury distress is bitter, generally is only the young master on own initiative pays were too many...... The feeling is not at heart balanced, that is all, yes?!” “与此相比,现在的伤害苦楚酸涩,大抵就只是公子自觉付出的太多了……心里感觉不平衡,仅此而已,是么?!” profound ice gains ground finally, looks at Ye Xiao: Actually wants me...... On present such situation, or is best and most ideal aspect.” 玄冰终于抬起头,看着叶笑:“其实要我来说……就现在这样的情况而言,或者才是最好、最理想的局面。” Ye Xiao looks at profound ice, muttered: Best and most ideal aspect?” 叶笑楞楞的看着玄冰,喃喃道:“最好、最理想的局面?” Obviously Ye Xiao to profound ice this sudden judgment, has filled puzzled, has been full of the question. 显然叶笑玄冰这句突如其来的论断,充满了不解,充满了疑问。 Yes, should better seriously the most ideal aspect.” profound ice nods, said: „...... If Ye husband and wife allow you recognize ancestor to return to the birth family, has been their sons really...... Then, you ran into your genuine birth parents when at that time, how actually should from the place?” “是的,当真就是最好最理想的局面。”玄冰点点头,道:“试问……若是叶氏夫妻许你认祖归宗,真的做了他们的儿子……那么,彼时你遇到你真正的生身父母之时,却又该如何自处呢?” To that time, definitely will fall really into one to be in a dilemma and not have by from the atmosphere of place.” “真到了那个时候,势必将陷入一个更加两难、更加无以自处的氛围之中。” This side, no doubt is unable to give, another side, similarly is......” “这一边,固然无法割舍,另一边,同样是……” However now, you entrust with the energy that Ye Family rose, the road comprehensive upholstery that even rose Ye Family is good, only treats a Ye descendant dynasty, is diligently aloof in the world of then reaching the sky in a single bound.” “而现在,你赋予了叶家崛起的底气,甚至已经将叶家崛起的路全面铺垫好,只待叶氏后人一朝努力,便一步登天的超然于世。” Ye Family all previous dynasties wish, in the past innumerable enmities, completely in your hands solves to extinguish.” 叶家历代的心愿,往昔无数的仇怨,也尽都在你手中解决消弭。” „The Ye Family whole families, as a result of helping of your Spirit Pill, their many people, perform achieve Martial Arts realm that their its life was unable to achieve finally.” 叶家满门,由于你的灵丹之助,他们的许多人,尽都达到了他们原本终其一生都无法达到的武学境界。” Your determination most is unfair to Mr. and Mrs. Ye Nantian who and is unable face, you are unfair to them really...... Because of your reason, caused Ye Nantian own cultivation level to regain in the past the condition, even strove a great deal, similarly because of your reason, the assist that Moon Palace Shuang and Han spared no effort, urging their husbands and wives to have a reunion, you gave them Spirit Pill, caused their youth not to be old, in soon after will once again have a child.” “还有你自觉最对不起、无法面对的叶南天夫妇,你真的对不起他们么……正是因为你的缘故,令到叶南天自身修为恢复往昔状态,甚至精进良多,同样是因为你的缘故,月宫霜寒不遗余力的襄助,促使他们夫妻重逢,你给予他们灵丹,令到他们青春不老,更将在不久之后再度拥有一个孩子。” Life all flaws, can make up irreparable, all made up by you.” “人生所有的缺陷,无论是能弥补不能弥补的,全都被你补足了。” However all these, if no you, even if their again diligently thousands of years, is unable to achieve absolutely.” “而这一切,若是没有你,就算他们再努力千万年,也绝对无法做到。” You achieve the pinnacle that you have been able to achieve.” “你做到了你能做到的极致。” Therefore, regarding Ye Family, regarding Mr. and Mrs. Ye Nantian, you have a clear conscience.” “所以,对于叶家,对于叶南天夫妇,你问心无愧。” „The same day chance coincidence, occupied their child's mortal bodies, may say that has a clear conscience!” “就算你当日机缘巧合,占据了他们孩子的肉身,也可道一句问心无愧!” Since has no qualms, then this regretless.” “既然无愧,便该无悔。” Memory can be pale, sentiment wound can, the scar, pass eventually.” “记忆能淡,情伤能过,伤痕,终究会过去。” Actually, I felt on the contrary that perhaps the present scar, instead is......” profound ice looks at Ye Xiao, said in a soft voice: Is because...... The future happiness, is waiting for you, Young Master.” “其实,我反倒感觉,现在的伤痕,或许反而是……”玄冰看着叶笑,轻声道:“是因为……未来的幸福,正在等着你,公子。” „The present scar, will be the future happiness is waiting for me......” Ye Xiao to chew these words, in the eye has been sending out the light slowly. “现在的伤痕,乃是未来的幸福正在等我……”叶笑咀嚼着这句话,眼中慢慢的发出了光。 Ye Xiao at this moment completely has not noted, in oneself behind Jun Yinglian, toward profound ice high has raised up a thumb: You really were really too fierce! 此刻的叶笑全然没有注意到,在自己身后的君应怜,向着玄冰高高的竖起了一个大拇指:你真真是太厉害了! profound ice bitter and astringent smiling. 玄冰苦涩的笑了笑。 Can say these words, was not I was too fierce, but felt for others...... All these, perform my true idea. 能够说出这番话,并不是我太厉害了,而是将心比心而已……这一切,尽都我的真实想法。 Ye Xiao has thought for quite a while, finally still from belonging to dejected [say / way]: How had found birth parents? The appearance of my present, was already many in the past appearance difference, the so-called bloodlines are close, between I and my birth parents, where also has the bloodlines blood relationship......” 叶笑想了半天,最终仍自归于颓然道:“就算是找到了亲生父母又如何?我现在的这个样子,早已于往昔的容颜差异多多,所谓血脉至亲,我跟我的亲生父母之间,哪里还有血脉亲缘……” These many years, how they know that what appearance you should be?” Jun Yinglian rushes saying: Said again, you can always induce regarding existence of your parents, is the cause relation between genuine bloodlines kinship, they can so be exactly long, decide however non- are the generations of commonplace, naturally has the means to recognize you, to recognize you.” “这么多年了,他们怎么知道你应该是什么样子?”君应怜抢着说道:“再说了,你始终能够对于你父母的存在有所感应,才是真正血脉亲情之间的因缘联系,他们能活这么久,定然非是等闲之辈,自然有办法认得你、认回你。” Ye Xiao feels the chin, in the eye shines, long time also said: Is only, how you determined...... My birth parents, in World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, but not in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory?” 叶笑摸着下巴,眼中发光,半晌又道:“只是,你们俩又如何确定……我的亲生父母,是在红尘天外天,而不是在青云天域?” This......” two females is at a loss for words immediately. “这个……”两女顿时一阵语塞。 Leeway that this has not said that all completely unknown, how to explain things?! 这却是没有说道的余地,一切尽都未知,如何分说?! profound ice transferred in an instant the bead, a face definitely said: Their two certainly in World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, this point, are without a doubt!” 玄冰转了转眼珠子,一脸的肯定说道:“他们二位一定就是在红尘天外天的,这一点,最是毋庸置疑!” In the Ye Xiao eye is dodging the profound brilliance: Makes one think so?” 叶笑眼中闪着幽深的光彩:“何以见得?” Because...... Because......” profound ice goes all out to rotate the eyeball, pondering, is considering the excuse, thinks quickly in emergencies suddenly, the anxious illness said: First, you said that your some feelings, knows that they had not died. If this point, that then have been really worth a clue that discussed considers.” “因为……因为……”玄冰拼命地转动眼珠,思考着,斟酌着说词,忽而急中生智,急疾道:“第一,你说你有感觉,知道他们没有身亡。若是此点为真,那便已经是非常值得商榷斟酌的一点线索。” This without a doubt, my feeling, will not have the mistake.” Ye Xiao affirmative nod. “这点毋庸置疑,我的感觉,绝不会有错。”叶笑肯定的点头。 If this to, be counted your previous life Monarch Xiao several hundred years of life path, since they these many years had not died, it has to have profound cultivation level inevitably in the body, may enjoy the prolonged age...... This point, right?” profound ice felt own mentality was getting more and more clear. “若是这点为真,算上你前世笑君主的数百年人生轨迹,他们既然这么多年了都没有死,那么,其必然拥有有高深修为在身,才可享绵长寿数……这一点,没错吧?”玄冰感觉自己思路越来越清晰了。 This point is naturally good.” Ye Xiao acknowledged. “这一点自然是不错的。”叶笑承认。 You excel in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory from the xiaosheng, based on this point, your parents should also be mostly Heaven Realm indigenous, but if they seriously are the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory people, then, these many years later, similarly as profound cultivation each other, even if were you had not found them, they also early should look for you...... Even if they had not found you, you already had also discovered them.” “你自小生长于青云天域,本来基于此点,你的父母亲多半也该是天域土著,但如果他们当真是青云天域的人,那么,这么多年下来,同样作为高深修行者的彼此,就算是你没有找到他们,他们也早该找上了你……就算他们没有找到你,你也早就发现了他们。” Is they initially abandoned child not to want, heart that but a child longs for inquiring into, was anxious and irresistible...... You have certainly sought, but does not have the result......” “就算是他们当初抛弃孩子是真的不想要了,但一个孩子渴望寻根的心,是急切而不可阻挡的……你一定寻找过,只是没有结果而已……” Therefore, I make a deduction, that is they have very big probability, is not the person of Blue Clouds Heaven Territory native place, in the past abandoned you, was because certain special reasons, even under the desperation, has delivered to unknown Plane you radically, afterward had a mind to search, however the entire world was broad, actually wanted to seek unable.” profound ice affirmative saying. “所以,我做出一点推论,那就是他们有很大几率,并不是青云天域本土之人,当年将你遗弃,是因为某些特殊缘故,甚至根本就是在情急之下,将你送到了未知的位面,事后就算有心想要寻觅,然寰宇广阔,却又欲寻无从。”玄冰肯定的说道。 Um, this point...... Also could convince.” Ye Xiao nods: Slightly is forced......” “嗯,这一点……也说得通。”叶笑点头:“略显牵强……” profound ice said: If my deduces real, then only then a conclusion, they are in higher Plane.” 玄冰道:“若是我的这个推论成真,那么就只有一个结论,他们处于更高的位面。” World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven.” 红尘天外天。” Said that this deduction, profound ice also almost cheered for oneself. 说完这段推论,玄冰也几乎为自己喝彩。 Initially beginning forcing somebody to do something he incapable, finally unexpectedly can weave the thought prudently and meticulously to this grade of situation view, seriously unthinkable...... 初初的赶鸭子上架,最终居然能够编织出思维慎密到这等地步的论调,当真匪夷所思…… Um...... You said that indeed really has certain truth......” Ye Xiao to ponder, said: „But if they in World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven, then, how I appear in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory seriously?” “嗯……你说的确实有一定道理……”叶笑沉思着,说道:“但若是他们当真在红尘天外天的话,那么,我又是如何出现在青云天域的呢?” I so was at that time young...... It is not will run? Age that if I can run to myself, was insufficient to forget what? I initially recorded events time, on the 4 or 5-year-old appearance, could it be that I unexpectedly is at that time is generally delivered by them to higher Plane?” “我当时那么小……不会是自己跑下来的吧?我若是到了自己能够跑下来的年龄,也不至于将什么都忘记了吧?我当初记事的时候,大抵也就四五岁的样子,难道我竟是在那个时候被他们送离更高位面的吗?” Bing'er, your no doubt cultivation level increases suddenly, but the story was still shallow, naturally does not know that passes through the space the difficulty, if only the unmarried person passes through the space, the person of our generation Dao Origin Stage Peak, in the consumption massive Essence Qi situations, no doubt can achieve, but if carries another person, person who absolutely does not have the strength, passes through the space, the prestige energy that needs to consume, almost must by dozens times of computations.” 冰儿,你固然修为骤增,但阅历尚浅,自然不知道穿越空间的艰难,若只单身一人穿越空间,我辈道元境顶峰之人,在耗费大量元气的情况下,固然是可以做得到的,但要是携带另外一人,一个完全没有实力的人,穿越空间,所需要消耗的威能,几乎是要以数十倍的计算。” Regarding non- is near body protects, a person, is one does not have the cultivation level young child to deliver to low level Plane directly especially, what strength needs, being hard imagination, knows by me, generally also only then in the past I and Yue'er met with the dead tribulation, from World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven can achieve at one big cultivator one person. „ 至于说,非是近身相护,直接将一个人,尤其还是一个全无修为的稚子送到下级位面,需要什么样的实力,更加的难以想象,以我所知,大抵也就只有当年我与月儿遭逢死劫,适逢一位来自红尘天外天的大修者一人能够做到而已。“ That female cultivator strength...... I thinking think in any case until now especially inconceivable, but that called to have a dream, if the senior of minister, even if really World of Mortals Heaven Beyond the Heaven only feared that was reached peak super Expert, if my parents had this strength, actually also needs to deliver the child Lower Realm, in the reason, rather too has exaggerated a point!” “那位女修者的实力……反正我至今思之尤觉不可思议,可是那位叫做梦若卿的前辈,即使实在红尘天外天只怕都是已臻巅峰的超级大能,若是我父母有此实力,却还需要送子下界,个中因由,未免就太夸张了一点!” profound ice obstructs immediately, by her cultivation level attainments, above Ye Xiao, this occasion actually discovered that in own deduction, presented one again the huge flaw that is hard to justify oneself, long time is speechless, passes the long time again, the pretty tip of the nose braves a sweat, saying that puffs and blows: This...... Perhaps must wait to see they can know in reason, all have the possibility......” 玄冰登时窒住,以她的修为造诣,更远在叶笑之上,此际却发现自己的推论中,出现了一个再难以自圆其说的巨大破绽,半晌无语,再过半晌,俏丽的鼻尖都冒出来点点汗水,吭哧吭哧的说道:“这个……或许要等见到了他们才能知道个中因由,一切皆有可能……” Ha Ha Ha......” Ye Xiao and Jun Yinglian laugh together. 哈哈哈……”叶笑君应怜一起大笑。 Jun Yinglian said with a smile: Entire world endless, the capable person pours forth, knows your birth parents non- is certainly summit big cultivator, you, 90% have clearly believed that actually must compel this appearance Bing'er...... Really excessive. You cannot, because others are wait on concubine's status such to bully others, the image collapses, the moral integrity is completely broken, speechless......” 君应怜笑道:“寰宇无尽,能人辈出,怎知你的亲生父母非是绝巅大修者,你这人,分明都已经九成相信了,却还要将冰儿逼成这个样子……真是过分。你不能因为人家是侍妾的身份就这么欺负人家,形象坍塌,节操尽碎,无语了……” On the profound ice face twitched, is biting the lip, stared at Jun Yinglian maliciously. 玄冰脸上抽搐了一下,咬着嘴唇,狠狠地盯了一眼君应怜 Your this girl, a day does not take is waiting on concubine these two characters to attack my several times your whole bodies not to be uncomfortable...... 你这丫头,一天不拿着侍妾这俩字打击我十几次你就浑身不舒服是不是……
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